新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit3 教案

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Who would you put in seats A throught E?
Mr. Nelson
Reading A
Unit3 Business Meals
Word Study Language Points in theText After-reading Exercises Business Know-how
Unit 3 Business Meals
Unit3 Business Meals
1 Warming -up 2 Reading A 3 Reading B 4 Listening&speaking
Language Lab
5 Writing 6 Mini-Project 7 Language Lab 8 Grammar
Reading A—Language points in the text
Unit3 Business Meals
作为商务宴请的一种形式,商务聚餐被越 来越多地用于增进彼此间的信任和信心。从匆 忙的早餐到“工作午餐”,从鸡尾酒会到正式 的晚餐,西方人大量的商务活动都是在饭桌上 进行的。
Reading A—Language points in the text
Reading A
Unit3 Business Meals
Word Study
P36: Read and understand all the words
Unit3 Business Meals
Language Points in the Text and
Text Comprehension
Principles of Seating
1.Seat people who have common interests together.
2.Pair male and female guests.
3.Seat guests of honor in order. The most important person should be seated at the right hand of the host.
Warm-up Activity
Unit3 Business Meals
Task 1 Complete the following table seating arrangement.
Henry is retiring on Monday. Mr. Nelson, Chairman of your company, asks you to arrange the table seats for Henry’s farewell dinner. Here are some principles for arranging seats at a dinner table and the information about the guests.
Unit3 Business Meals
Breakfast meetings rarely last more than an hour. They imply certain urgency and are often convenient during business travels. Lunch is usually best for getting to know a guest a bit better. People do not have to talk about business, of course. Afternoon tea, or coffee, is a relaxed way to spend 45 minutes or an hour talking about business. Dinner is a more formal business event. Generally, this is not a time to talk about business, but rather a time to get to know the other person and enjoy each other’s company.
Reading A—Language points in the text
Unit3 Business Meals
早餐会晤很少超过一个小时,带有一定的 “紧迫”意味,在商务旅行中很方便安排。要 加深对客人的了解,午餐则是最好的形式。当 然,午餐中并不是非谈生意不可。花上45分钟 或者一小时喝喝下午茶或咖啡,可以轻轻松松 地谈生意。晚餐则比较正式,通常不宜谈生意, 这是个彼此了解并享受相互之间交往的时刻。
male, Sales Manager.
male, Production Manager.
He loves traveling.
female, Customer Service
Manager, a good friend of
Unit3 Business Meals
Reading A—Language points in the text
Unit3 Business Meals
Deals over Meals
As a form of business entertaining, business meals are increasingly used to build up personal trust and confidence. Westerners do an extraordinary amount of business over meals, from a quick breakfast to “working lunches” to cocktail receptions and formal dinners.
Warm-up Activity
Task 2 Talk about your arrangements and reasons with others
Guest Information
male, former HR Manager.
female, CEO. She loves