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Journal of An s han Nor m al Un iversity2007 02,9(1):22-25 江旁十五邑 与陈郢至云梦之路




摘!要:本文讨论 淮北之地十二诸侯 、 江旁十五邑 与陈郢至云梦之路等宋玉辞赋中的战国历史地理问题,通过对其在楚襄王、秦昭王时代的地理位置、归属变化的考证,为楚襄王迁都陈郢后南游云梦提供了有力的证据,从而也支持了我们对∀高唐#、∀神女#二赋写作时间的推断。


中图分类号:I207!!文献标识码:A!!文章篇号:1008 2441(2007)01 0022 04

Fifteen Y i by the R iver and the Road fro m Chen Y i ng to Yun M eng Fourth V olu m e of Research o f Geography i n Song Yu∃s Descri p tive Co mposition

LI U Gang

(D e p ar t m ent of Chinese Languages and Literat ure,A nshan N ormal Universit y,A nshan Liaoning114007,China)

Abstract:I n t h is paper,the h istorical and geog raph ical issues, the Tw elve Vassals i n N orth

H uai , F ifteen Y i by the R iver and the Road fro m Chen Y ing to Yun M eng,and so on,m en

ti o ned i n Song Yu∃s descri p ti v e co m position are discussed.By the tex t u a l research of geograph ica l location and belongings transfer during Chu X i a ng K ing and Q i n Zhao K i n g period,it provides conv i n cing ev i d ence that Chu X iang K ing v isited Yun M eng in t h e south a fter he m oved the cap ital to Chen Y i n g.And it also supports our reasoning of w riti n g ti m e to Gao Tang and Shen

N v .

Key w ords:Song Yu∃sD escri p ti v e Co m position;Research ofGeography;F ifteen Y iby the R iver;

The Road fro m Chen Y i n g to Yun M eng



23第1期刘!刚: 江旁十五邑 与陈郢至云梦之路


25第1期刘!刚: 江旁十五邑 与陈郢至云梦之路
