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CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Demonstrating additionality 证明额外性
Not all projects that reduce GHG emissions are additional projects 并非所有产生温室气体减排的项目都具有额外 性 Essentially, you need to make a compelling case that the goes BEYOND common practice in that area/sector and demonstrates additionality 最重要的是开发方应能极具说服力地证明所开 发的项目并非属于该领域/行业的普遍实践, 发的项目并非属于该领域/行业的普遍实践,因 此具备额外性.
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Step 2: Investment analysis 2: 步骤 2:投资分析
Determine whether project is economically or financially less attractive than other alternatives without CERs 确定 项目是否相比其它不产生减排量的可选方案具有较少的经 项目是否相比其它不产生减排量的可选方案具有较少的经 济和财政吸引力
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Step 0: Preliminary screening based on project start date 0: 步骤 0:基于项目启动时间进行初步检查 通过 Step 1: Identification of alternatives to project activity 1: consistent with current laws & regulations 步骤 1: 确认项目行为的可选方式方法符合当前法律法规 通过 Step 2: Investment analysis 2: 步骤 2: 投资分析
The project is beyond regulatory & policy requirements 项目不属于出相关政策法规的要求. Using Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality Project additionality is demonstrated in a number of steps… 使用证明和评估额外性的工具 项目额外性通过一系列步骤来证明
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Project Design Documents & Methodologies 项目设计文件和方法学
A Project Design Document needs to be produced for each CDM project. 针对每个CDM项目要撰写一份项目设计文件. 针对每个CDM项目要撰写一份项目设计文件. This is a 40+ page report outlining the details of the project and demonstrating that the project will reduce emissions and that the project is additional. 该文件长度超过40页 该文件长度超过40页,需给出项目详细信息,并证明项 目能够产生减排量,且具有额外性. Each project will use an existing methodology or else a new methodological approach will need to be developed 每个项目将应用一套现有方法学或针对该项目开发一 套新方法学.
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Demonstrating additionality 证明额外性
This is one of the most important parts of the Project Design Documentation (PDD) needed and it will be critically reviewed by a third party validator and therefore must be supported by verifiable evidence 做为项目设计文件中最为重要的部分,额外性 的证明需要由独立第三方进行严格的审查确认 ,因此必须由可核证的根据所支持.
步骤 0: 基于项目启动时间进行初步检查 通过 步骤 1: 确认符合当前法律法规的其它项目活动替代方案 通过 步骤 2: 投资分析 步骤 3: 障碍分析
通过 步骤 4:普遍实践分析 通过 步骤 5: CDM注册的影响 CDM注册的影响 通过 项目活动具有额外性
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Step 0 – Project start date 步骤 0 -项目启动时间
For a crediting period starting before project registration 早于项目注册开始的减排计入期
– Started construction between 1 January 2000 & date of registration of 1st CDM project 项目施工启动于2000年 项目施工启动于2000年1月1日至第一个CDM项目注 日至第一个CDM项目注 册日之间 – Submit for registration before 31 March 2007 于2007年03月31日之前提交申请注册 2007年03月31日之前提交申请注册 – Provide evidence that CDM was seriously considered in decision to proceed with project activity (official, legal and/or other corporate documentation available to a third party) 提供证据,证明已对决定在项目行为中引入CDM进 提供证据,证明已对决定在项目行为中引入CDM进 行过严肃考虑(第三方可获得的官方,法律,以及 其它实体所出具的文件) Power
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
How do you demonstrate additionality? 如何证明额外性?
This can be done a number of ways. For example: 有若干种途径来进行证明.例如: CDM helps remove barriers to implementation, including:
PASS Step 4: Common practice 4: PASS Step 5: Impact of CDM registration 5: PASS Project Activity is Additional
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
– investment, technological, regulatory, competitive disadvantage and management barriers. Eg. the introduction of a new technology to a country could be considered particularly risky and the CDM could help mitigate that risk CDM有助于消除实施上的障碍,包括投资,技术,规章制度,竞争劣势,以及管理等方面的障碍. CDM有助于消除实施上的障碍,包括投资,技术,规章制度,竞争劣势,以及管理等方面的障碍. 例如,引进一套创新技术到某个国家很可能被认为具有特别的风险性,而CDM则能够帮助降低该风 例如,引进一套创新技术到某个国家很可能被认为具有特别的风险性,而CDM则能够帮助降低该风 险性.
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Step 0: Preliminary screening based on project start date 0: PASS Step 1: Identification of alternatives to project activity 1: consistent with current laws & regulations PASS Step 2: Investment analysis 2: Step 3: Barrier analysis 3:
什么才是合格的CDMwk.baidu.com目? 什么才是合格的CDM项目? What makes a CDM project eligible? 额外性 Additionality
Rebecca Gunning IT Power
Outline 内容提要 Additionality 额外性 Additionality tool 额外性工具 Example of additionality tool 额外性工具的例子
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Step 0: Preliminary screening based on project start date 步骤 0:基于项目启动时间进行初步检查 通过 Step 1: Identification of alternatives to project activity 1: consistent with current laws & regulations 步骤 1: 确认符合当前法律法规的项目活动替代方案
– simple cost, investment comparison or benchmark analysis 简单的成本,投资比较或基准线分析 – document costs and show that project produces no economic benefits without sale of CERs 记录成本并说明在不销售减排量的情况下项目不具备经济效益 Not Additional if proposed project is financially attractive 若所提出项目具有较强经济吸引力,则其不具备额外性. 若所提出项目具有较强经济吸引力,则其不具备额外性.
CDM Training, Guiyang, November 2006
Step 1: Identification of alternatives 1: 步骤 1:确认替代备选方案
Identify realistic & credible alternatives to the project activity available to project participants/similar developers 确认项目参与 方或开发方可获得的现实且可靠的项目活动的替代方案 – provision of outputs or services with comparable quality, properties & application areas 提供具有质量,性质及应用领域上可比性的产出或服务 continuation of current situation (if applicable) 现有状态的延续 – compliance with applicable legal/regulatory requirements that are systematically enforced 符合已经系统化生效执行的法律法规要求 Not Additional if proposed project is only alternative 若所提出的 项目为唯一的可选方案,则其不具备额外性. 项目为唯一的可选方案,则其不具备额外性.