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摘要 ............................................................................................................................................................... I Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ I I

1 引言 (1)

2 不定积分的求解方法 (1)

2.1 基本公式法 (1)

2.2 分项积分法、因式分解法 (2)

2.3 “凑”微分法(第一类换元积分法) (3)

2.4第二类换元积分法 (4)

2.5分部积分法 (4)

2.6有理函数的积分 (5)

3 各种方法所对应的题型 (5)

3.1 基本公式法 (5)

3.2 分项积分法、因式分解法 (6)

3.3 “凑”微分法(第一类换元积分法) (7)

3.4第二类换元积分法 (8)

3.5分部积分法 (8)

3.6有理函数的积分 (9)

4 解决不定积分的一般步骤 (10)

致谢 (11)

参考文献 (11)



(重庆三峡学院数学与统计学院数学与应用数学专业2010级重庆万州 404000)



The method of calculating the indefinite integral

LIN Xiang-qun

(Grade 2007, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Wanzhou, Chongqing 404000 )

Abstract:The method of indefinite integral in the undergraduate stage can be classified into six categories: basic formula method, component integration method & factorization method, "collect" differential method (the first kind of change of variable in an indefinite integral), the second kind of change of variable in an indefinite integral, integration by parts method, primitives of rational functions method. When we see for indefinite integral has corresponding formula in the table, we use "formula method". But the actual problem is more complicated, so we all shall transfer the indefinite integral through other methods to make it meet the formula in the end. "component integration method & factorization method" using for the polynomial into monomial then find indefinite integral respectively, and combined with trigonometric identity, we can handle high time trigonometric function to drop power, thus easy to integrate. When the integrand is composite function, we consider changing the variable. "The first kind of change the variable" working by the given the middle variable of the composite function to solving the problem. "The second kind of change of variable in an indefinite integral" is working when the first kind of failing to solve the problem. But "the second" is less likely to see immediately because that question is truly flexible and need to accumulate many experiences. When the integrand is mixing by power function, trigonometric function, exponential function and logarithmic function of any two, we consider using the "integration by parts method "."Integration by parts method” has obvious characteristic and is very easy to use, is a kind of good method to solve problems. And "primitives of rational functions method" is similar to "the second kind of change of variable in an indefinite integral" method: there is no special characteristic, all we need is more experiences and flexible insights. So we can consider to use other methods first when we get the problem, then analysis the kind of the six types to find which type is not helpful and which is until leaves one or two possible methods for further trying. If no matter how to solve the question all was fail, we can check if the first operation is error or if we choose the wrong way. All in all, indefinite integral question although have many type, the problem solving method is not far away from these method above. As long as to master the six kinds, any indefinite integral is no longer a problem!

Keywords: Indefinite Integral; Basic Formula Method; Change the Variable; Integration by Parts;

Primitives of Rational Functions
