9 系动词和情态动词

9 系动词和情态动词
9 系动词和情态动词



1.系动词be, look, smell, get, become, turn, keep等的基本用法。

2.含情态动词can, must, need, may等的基本句型结构及其用法。



常见的系动词:be(是), look(看起来), ______(似乎), appear(显得), ______(觉得,摸起来), become(变得,成为), get(变得), sound(听起来), ______(闻起来), taste(尝起来), turn(变得), grow(渐渐变得),

keep/stay(保持), remain(保持不变)等。


Anybody can make mistakes. 任何人都可能会犯错误。

He can't be in the room.他不可能在房间里。


(2)can引导的疑问句,回答用can; could表示“过去的能力”引导的疑问句,回答用could,could也可表示现在时态,用于委婉地提出请求、建议等,回答用can。

—Could you show me the way to the hospital?


—Of course I can.当然可以。

(3)be able to表示“某人做某事的能力”,可用于任何时态。

He was able to flee to Europe before the war broke out. 战争爆发前,他成功地逃到了欧洲。2.may和might的用法


—Might I come in? 我可以进来吗?

—Yes, of course you may.当然可以。


The child may be home already.


She might win the prize.她有可能得奖。


May you be happy.祝你开心。


(1)must 意为“必须,一定,准是”,表示说话人认为必须做某事,命令、要求别人做某事以及对事情的肯定推测。

【注意】must 和have to 的区别:must 表示说话人的主观意愿;have to 表示客观需要。

I must do my homework first.


It is raining hard outside; I ________ stay at home.




—Must I go home now?我必须现在回家吗?

—Yes, you must. 是的,你必须回家。

②否定回答:No,…needn't./No,…don't/doesn't have to.

—Must I go home now? 我必须现在回家吗?

—No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you . 不,你不必。


(1)need 可作情态动词,表示“需要”,主要用于否定句或疑问句中。用need 提问时,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn't。

—Need we do some cleaning now?


—Yes, you must. 是的,你们必须。

—No, you needn't. 不,你们不必。

(2)need 还可作实义动词使用。

I need to learn more. 我需要学习更多。


shall 用于第一人称的句子中,表示提建议或请求;用于第二、三人称时,表示警告、命令、允诺等。should用于各种人称的句子中,强调义务或责任。

________ we go out for a walk?


You should study hard at school.



will可用于第二人称的疑问句,表示征求意见或提建议。would 为will 的过去式,可用于多种人称,表示意愿。

Will you have a little soup? 你要不要喝点汤?



The book must be hers. Her name is on it.


They may know the way to the library.


He might be busy now. 他现在或许很忙。


That man can't be Mr Li, because he has gone to London.那个人不可能是李先生,因为他去伦敦了。


—Can the red sweater be Tom's?


—No, it can't. He can't stand red.


【注意】在表示委婉地提出请求、想法、建议等或用于疑问句及否定句表示惊讶、不相信等时,might, could不是may, can的过去式。

专题九 情态动词

专题九情态动词 (一)中考备考指引 1.概念 情态动词是表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词,本身有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,要和其他动词原形一起构成谓语部分。常见的情态动词有:can 能/may, might能够/will, would(表意愿)/need需要/dare敢/must必须/have to不得不/shall,should应该/ought to应该(表义务)…… 2.情态动词的语法特征 (1)不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计将要发生的事情。 (2)后接动词原形。 (3)没有人称和数的变化。 (4)没有非谓语动词形式,即没有不定时、分词等形式。 【注意】 ①must, can(could), may(might),ought to只做情态动词。 ②need,dare既可作情态动词又可作实义动词。 ③shall(should), will(would)既可作情态动词又可作助动词。 ④has/ have/ had to, used to, had better也具有情态动词的特征。 (二)考点精讲解析(使用及注意事项) 考点1 情态动词 (1)can和could 表示水平、可能性、怀疑或推测(限于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中)和允许。 【注意】 could用于一般疑问句中比can语气更委婉,属于现在的情况。 如:The radio is pretty loud. Could you please turn it down a bit? (2)may 和might 表示允许、推测(用于肯定句)、请求或规劝和祝愿。 (3)must和have to

①must表示义务或责任、很有把握的推测(用于肯定句)和禁止(mustn’t)。 ②must是说话人的主观看法,而have to则强调客观需要。 must只有一般现在时,have to有多种时态形式。 ③must的否定形式:mustn’t表示“不准” ④由must构成的一般疑问句,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to(不必)。 如:—Must we hand in our exercise books now? —No, you needn’t. / No, you don’t have to. (4)should和ought to ①表示“应该”,ought to表示义务或责任,比should语气重。 ②表示劝告、建议和命令。should和ought to可通用,但在疑问句中常用should。 (5)shall和should ①表示允许或命令(常用于第二、第三人称)。 ②表示征求意见(常用于第一、第三人称的疑问句中)。 (6)will和would 表示意愿或决心、有礼貌的请求、习惯动作和预言。 (7)need 1)作情态动词时,用于否定句和疑问句中,在肯定句中用must,have to, ought to或should。 如:○1—Need I go with her? —Yes, you must./ No, you needn’t. ○2You needn’t worry about it because it’s not your fault. ○3We needn’t do it again, need we? 2)作实义动词时,后接to do,表示与主语的关系是主动的,若与主语的关系是被动的,则接doing或者to be done。 如:○1You don’t need to do it by yourself. ○2The table needs painting./ the table needs to be painted. (8)had better 表示“最好,应该”,后接动词原形,had通常缩写为’d;否定形式是:


初三英语情态动词must 的用法总结教学案例 初三英语情态动词“must”强化训练教学设计 一、教学设计 (一)学情分析(Learning situation analysis) 进入初三我所接手的班级的情况比较复,初一、初二两年频繁调换英语教师,学生的知识不够系统化,学习方法、做题思路等都不够成熟,且基础普遍较差。英语复习课是巩固和发展知识、技能的重要课型.它的作用,就是帮助学生重温已学的知识和技能,使记忆中的痕迹得到强化,并对已获得的知识加以整理、归纳、概括,使知识条理化、系统化.因此教师必须注意引导学生多动脑、多动手、多参加课堂活动。复习课如果上得不好,往往会变成旧课的重复,或者是新课的“再版”。这样不仅不能发挥复习课的作用,而且会使学生因乏味而降低学习兴趣。此教学案例的教学对象是初三学生,整体英语水平较低,且自主学习能力有限,自主学习的习惯还没有形成;大部分学生的基础不牢固,学习习惯较差,学习兴趣不大。 (二)课标与教材分析(Curriculum and teaching material analysis) 按照《国家英语课程标准》要求,现行的英语课堂教学模式应该是以学生为主体的课堂,鼓励学生以参与的方式掌握应用英语语言知识的能力。英语教学目标中是这样描述的:“基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上。”语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证,情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,而学习策略则是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的关键。因此,这五个方面共同促进综合语言使用能力的形成。 (三)教学目标与要点分析(The teaching goal and key points of analysis) 1. The teaching goal (教学目标): 1)Knowledge objectives (知识目标):To master modal verb “must”. To understand some special cases. 2)Ability to target (能力目标):To use ”can” freely and correctly. 3)Emotional attitude goal (情感态度目标):To enjoy communicating in English. 2. Teaching important points and difficult points (教学重点和难点): 1)情态动词must在情景对话中的的用法 (The usage of the modal verbs “must” in situational dialogues ) 2)表示猜测时的must ("Must" for speculation in tone) 3)怎样回答带有“must”的问句?(How to answer a question with "must" ?) (四)教学策略设计(The teaching strategy design): 本堂课的设计着力体现出素质教育思想,以学生为主体,以“五步”教学法(读、学、点、练、悟)来指导课堂行为。 (The design of class strive to embody the thought of quality education, take the studen t as the main body, in order to "five-step" teaching method, reading, learning, practice and enlightenment, point) to guide classroom behavior.) (五)、教学过程设计(The teaching process design):


情态动词表推测用法总结 (一)情态动词表推测 能用于表推测的情态动词: 英语情态动词表推测的时态构成 (1)语气部分:(以下情态动词语气由强至弱) 肯定句:must、may、might(=could) 否定句:can’t(=couldn’t)、mayn’t、mightn’t 疑问句:can、could(语气更加委婉不确定) (2)时态部分: 一般现在或一般将来时间的推测:情态动词+be;情态动词+v. 对过去时间的推测:情态动词+have done 对正在进行的时态的推测:情态动词+be doing (二)表许可、请求 1、 can, could 2、may, might 3、must 4、shall 5、will, would 1. can, could 1) 用在疑问句中,表示一般的请求。两者不同在于:用could 要比用can更加委婉,特别是没有把握得到允许时。 Can I go with you? 我能和你一起去吗?Could I ask you something? 我能问你一个问题吗? 2) 用在陈述句中,表示许可:You can leave when you finish your work. 做完事情后你才可以走。 2. may, might 1) may用在疑问句中,也表示一般的请求。同can相比,may比较正式,常常表示尊敬之意。并且,may在疑问句中常用于第一人称,很少有May you…/they…这样的句型。Might比较少用在疑问句中,它表示请求的时候常用陈述句。 May I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议? 2) 用在陈述句中,表示许可,此时与can, could相近。 You may have a rest before we set out again. 我们再次出发之前你可以先休息一下。 3. must 1) 表示说话人“不许”和“禁止”某人做某事,有很强的劝告语气。 Cars must not be parked here.此地不准停车。 2) Must的一般疑问句的回答有两种,表示肯定,用Yes, you must. 表示否定,用No, you needn’t. Must I post this letter tomorrow? 我明天必须得寄掉这封信吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你必须明天寄掉。


授课教案 学员姓名:____ 授课教师:杨老师所授科目:英语 学员年级:上课时间: ________ 年月日时分至时_______________________ 共小时


need既可用作情态动词,也可用作实义动词。用作情态动词时,用作实义动词时,可用于各种句式。 1) .用作情态动词,用于否定句和疑问句中。 a) .Need I ….? Yes , you must / No, you needn ' t . Need we finish the work today ?Yes you __? A.need B.can C. may D.must b) . need + do sth .变否定句:n eed n' t do sth 变疑问句:Need sb do sth ? 2) .用作实义动词 a) . need + to do sth . We n eed _____ (buy) some school things . 变否定句:don' t /doesn' t /didn ' t +need to do sth . 变疑问句:Do / Does /Did sb + n eed to sth ? Yes , … do/ does / diN o, sb don ' t / doesn ' t /didn ' t . You don ' t need to do it yourself. b) .当主语是物时。Sth + need + doing sth = Sth +need to be done . The table n eeds pain ti ng . =The table n eeds ________________ . 5.had better 的用法 1) . had better + 动词原形=It' s best to do sth . You had better _____ (stay )at home . = __________________ stay at home . 2) . Had better n ot + 动词原形 We had better________ (not play ) the computer games . 6.must 与have to Y es, please. / Certai nly 疑问句中must改为 主要否定句或疑问句中


九年级英语情态动词知识点(大全) 一、初中英语情态动词 1.—Could you go to the bookshop with me? I want to buy The Grass House by Cao Wenxuan. —Sorry, I _, I've promised Mum to go home right after school. A. can't B. couldn't C. needn't D. mustn't 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:一你能和我去书店吗?我想买一本曹文轩写的《草房子》。一对不起,我不能去。我答应我妈妈放学后直接回家了。在问句中的could表示委婉语气,不是过去式,所以回答时用can,t,不能:needn't不需要:mustrft一定不要,千万别。结合句意,故选A。 【点评】考查情态动词,回答could提问的时候应使用can。 2.?—Where is George? —He be here just now. His coffee is still warm. A. need B. can*t C. must D. shouldn't 【答案】c 【解析】【分析】句意:一一乔治在哪里?一一他刚才一定在这里,他的咖啡还是热的。A. need 需要:B. can't不能,不可能(表示推测);C. must必须,一定(表示推测):D. shouldn't不应该:根据His coffee is still warm.可知表示肯定推测一定在这儿:故答案为C。 【点评】考查情态动词.掌握情态动词表推测时的意义和用法。 3.—Life is becoming convenient with the Internet. -That's true! Almost everything be done online. A. must B. could C. should D. can*t 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:一一生活正随着网络变得方便。一一那是真的。几乎所有的事情可以在网上完成。A必须,B可以,C将,D不能°根据Life is becoming convenient with the Internet.生活正随着网络变得方便,可知应该是很多事情可以在网上完成,故选 【点评】考查情态动词。注意理解和掌握情态动词的不同用法。 4. A hard-working man become a great scientist, but a great scientist be a hard-working man. A. can't; can B. may not; must C. can't; must D. may not; can 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:一个勤奋的人可能不会成为一位伟大的科学家,但是一位伟大的科学家一定是一个勤奋的人。can't不可能,不会:can可能,能,会:may not可能不:must必须,一定:结合句意,可知,第一个空为“可能不”,第二个空为“一定",故答案为 B, 【点评】考查情态动词:掌握情态动词表推测时的意义和用法°


情态动词表猜测的用法 情态动词must,can,could,should,may,might 等可以用在句中表示猜测。 1.“情态动词+动词原形”表示对现在或将来情况的猜测 I don’t know where she is. She may be in Wuhan. 2.“情态动词+进行式”表示对现在或将来正在进行的情况的猜测 At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers. 3.“情态动词+完成式”表示对过去情况的猜测 You must have been caught in the rain on your way home yesterday. 4.“情态动词+完成进行式”表示对过去正在进行的情况的猜测 Your mother must have been looking for you. 5.推测的否定形式用can’t/couldn’t,may not/might not表示

Mike can’t have found his car, for he came to work by bus this morning. 6.句子中含有表示猜测的情态动词时,其反 意疑问句的构成不能再用原句中的情态动词,而应根据原句在去掉情态动词的情况下的主谓关系来确定其反问形式。 ①The man in the white clothes must be a doctor, isn’t he? ②She must have seen the film before, hasn’t she? ③He must have an uncle abroad, doesn’t he? ④You must have met Uncle Wang in the shop yesterday, didn’t you? 7.在表示“猜测”方面的区别 情态动词must,can,could,should,may,might 都可以用于表示“猜测”(注意:could, might 表示推测时不表示时态, 其推测的程度不如can, may)。实际上,“猜测”与“可能性”在逻辑上是有必然联系的。如果认为没有某种可能性,人们就不会作出某些猜测。因此,请注意六个情态动词之间的区别与它们各

Test 9 情态动词

Test 9 情态动词 1. The ground is wet. It _______ yesterday. A. could have rained B. must have rained C. might have rained D. need have rained 2. I regret telling him the secret. I _______ the secret for you. A. could have kept B. must have kept C. should have kept D. need have kept 3. You _______ say anything if you don’t want to. A. haven’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 4. Women _______ out to work, but most of them choose to stay at home and take care of the whole family. A. could have gone B. must have gone C. should have gone D. need have gone 5. He knew nothing about Shanghai; he _______ there. A. needn’t have been B. mustn’t have been C. might not have been D. couldn’t have been 6. Investigators agree that passengers on the airliner_______ at the moment of the crash. A. should have died B. must be dying C. must have died D. ought to die 7. He ought _______ have revealed the secret of the company. A. not to B. to not C. not D. never 8. He was a persistent boy and he _______ speak English fluently by constant practice. A. could B. might C. must D. was able to 9. The English of this article is so good. She can’t _______ it herself. A. have to write B. have written C. had written D. be written 10. I want it to be done quickly, but you _______ it by overtime work. A. need not to do B. do not need do C. need not do D. need do not 11. You _______ me, because I didn’t say that. A. must misunderstand B. must be understanding C. must have misunderstood D. had to misunderstand 12. He worked hard, so he _______ pass the exam this time. A. succeeded to B. might C. was able to D. could 13. You _______ so nervous; it is only a pure talk but not an interview. A. needn’t have been B. need have been C. couldn’t have been D. could have been 14. Jane’s score in the test is the highest in her class; she _______ have studied very hard. A. may B. should C. must D. ought to 15. He _______ the train, for he had started out so early. A. could not have missed B. must not have missed C. should have missed D. should miss 16. It _______ around nine o’clock when I drove back home because it was already dark. A. had to be B. was to be C. must have been D. must be 17. We _______ him the news because he knew it already. A. told B. would have told C. needn’t have told D. needed to tell 18. You _______ park your car here. A. won’t B. don’t C. are not to D. are not going to 19. _______ the window for you? A. Shall I open B. Will I open C. Shall I to open D. Open


2012-2013学年初三下学期英语复习题(第09周)姓名:______________ 成绩:_______________ ---非谓语动词考点讲解和训练 1.(成都市2012)Parents often ask their kids ______ their internet friends because the kids may be in danger. A. to meet B. not to meet C. meeting 2.(北京市2012)Let’s ____ for a walk, shall we? A. to go B. going C. go D. Gone 3.(广安市2012)---Dad, why should I stop ______ computer games? ---For your health, my boy. A.to play B.playing C .play 4.(绵阳市2012)Excuse me, would you mind _______ your voice down, please? A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept 5.(绵阳市2012)I’m not sure when the plane will __________ and when it will land. A. take off B. run off C. open up D. stay up 7.(重庆市2012)Mr. Li asks the students __________in the river, because it’s too dangerous. A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim 8.(资阳市2012)Why not join an English club to practice ______ English, Joe? A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke 10.(自贡市2012)--When are you going to have your hair ______?--This afternoon. A. cut B. to cut C. cutting 11.(自贡市2012) You should keep the window __________ because the room is too hot. A. open B. opening C. opened 12.【2012贵州贵阳】It took Janet three hours _______ reading this interesting story. A. to finish B. finished C. finishing 13.【2012广东】. It took me two weeks_______reading the novels written by Guo Jingming. A. finish B. to finish C. finishes D. Finishing 15.【2012湖北咸宁】Drivers shouldn't be allowed _______ after drinking, or they will break the law. A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. to be driven 16.【2012江苏宿迁】---Which do you prefer, Chinese food or Western food? ---I would rather ______Chinese food. Let’s have noodles. A. to have B. having C. had D. have 17.【2012 内蒙古包头】______energy, turn off the hot water after you take a shower. A. Save B. Saving C. Saved D. To save 18.【2012河南】______ out your love. The world will become a nicer place to live in. A. Speak B. To speak C. Spoke D. Speaking 19.【2012.山东菏泽】Welcome to our school, ladies and gentlemen. ______, I’d like to introduce myself. A. To be honest B. To my surprise C. To start with D. To tell you the truth 20.【2012山东聊城】________ English well, one must have a lot of practice. A. Speaks B. To speak C. Spoken D. Speak ---情态动词考点讲解和训练 1.(成都市2012)---Excuse me, whose Japanese book is this? ---It ______be Tom ' s. In our class, only he is studying Japanese. A. must B. can't C. Would


第九讲情态动词与虚拟语气 (一) 1.can/could (1)表示能力,意为“能,会”。 The smallest good habits can make a big difference. 最小的好习惯会产生很大的作用。 It was several minutes before I could take in what he was saying. 过了好几分钟,我才理解他说的是什么。 (2)表示推测,意为“可能”,用于否定或疑问句中。can比could语气强。 This can’t/couldn’t be done by him. 这事不可能是他干的。 (3)表示请求或允许。在疑问句中可以用could代替can,语气更委婉。 Could I use your phone, please? 我可以用一下你的电话吗? (4)表示理论上的可能性。 Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. 要始终相信美好事物的降临并非不可能,失误也会变成经验教训,从而获得更多发现。 (5)用于否定句和疑问句,表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度。 He can’t/couldn’t do this. 他不可能这样干。(表示不相信) Can this be done by him?

这可能是他干的吗?(表示疑惑、惊讶) (6)用于固定结构中 ①can’t ... too/enough表示“无论……也不过分;越……越好”。 You can’t be too careful while driving. 你开车时越小心越好。 ②can’t help doing sth.表示“禁不住做某事”。 Hearing this story, I couldn’t help laughing. 听到这个故事,我禁不住大笑起来。 [名师指津] can 和be able to都可以表示能力,二者有时可互换。但be able to 可以表示“终于做成某事”,有更多时态和人称的变化;还可与某些情态动词或系动词连用,如might, ought to, seem等;还可用非谓语动词形式。 If you have a good sleep, you will be able to work out this problem. 如果你睡个好觉,那么你就能做出这道题。 He seemed to be able to put complicated thought in simple words. 他似乎能把复杂的思想用简单的话语说出来。 She grasped my hand, not being able to say anything. 她抓着我的手,什么话也说不出来。 2.may/might (1)表示请求和许可。在疑问句中,might可以代替may,语气更加委婉。 May I ask if you are fond of traveling by sea? 我可以问一下你是否喜欢乘船旅行? Might I borrow your computer? 我可以借一下你的电脑吗? (2)表示可能性,可以对现在、过去或将来进行推测。通常用于肯定句和否定句。might 比may语气弱。 Parents may scold their children when they are untidy but they should also understand that their room is their own private space. 当孩子不整洁的时候,父母也许会责骂孩子。但他们也应该理解孩子们的房间是他们的私人空间。 If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house. 当你离开时如果忘记关掉它,你可能会把整个房子都烧毁的。 (3)表示祝愿,常用结构为“May+主语+动词原形!” May you succeed! 祝你成功!

九年级英语 情态动词专项练习题

九年级英语情态动词专项练习题 一、初中英语情态动词 1.—Look! The woman at the school gate ______be her headmaster. —No, it ______ be her. She is holding a meeting in the office now. A. must; can't B. must; mustn't C. can; needn't D. may; mustn't 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——看!学校门口的那个妇女一定是她的校长。——不,不可能是她。第一空,must表示“一定”;空二,根据She is holding a meeting in the office now. 她现在正在办公室开会,可知,不可能是校长,用can't,表示不可能。故选A。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析。注意不同情态动词的用法,注意理解句意。 2.——Shall we meet at the station at 7 am? ——In fact, we _______. The train _______ until 9 a. m. A. mustn't; doesn't leave B. mustn't; leaves C. needn't; won't leave D. needn't; will leave 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】need,需要,否定式是needn't;must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustn't表示禁止的含义。句意:我们上午七点在车站见面好吗?——实际上,我们不必。火车到上午九点钟才出发。结合语境可知后一空描述的是将要发生的动作,故用一般将来时态。选C。 【点评】情态动词的考查是初中英语考查的重点,平时学习中一定要熟记这些词的基本词义及用法上的不同,注意其用法及在句子中表达语气的不同。考试中结合语境选择合适答案。 3.We __________ pay to get into the concert. It's free. A. can't B. mustn't C. might not D. don't have to 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我们进入音乐会不必付钱。这是免费的。A.can"t 不可能; B. mustn"t 禁止; C.might not 可能不;D. don"t have to不必。根据It's free.可知音乐会是免费的,因此不必付钱。故选D。 4.According to the law, traffic keep to the left in England. A. may B. must C. need D. can 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:根据法律规定,在英国车辆必须靠左形式。A.may可以,表示允


补充强调:推测的句型特点(对某一次的推测句型有两部分:语气和时态) (1)语气部分:(以下情态动词语气由强至弱) 肯定句:must、may might ( =could) 否定句:can,t ( =couldn 't )、mayn t> mightn 't 疑问句:can> could (语气更加委婉不确定 (2)时态部分: have done 表示对过去的推测 be doing 表示对正在进行的推测 be表示对现在的推测 语气部分写在前时态部分写在后,组合在一起就是推测 (-)情态动词表推测的三种句_ 能用于表推测的情态动词:must, can, could, will, would, may, might, should, ought to 1. 在肯定句中一般用must (一定),may (可能),might / could (也许,或许)。 (1)He must/may/might know the answer to this question? 他一定/可能/也许知道这个问题的答案。 (2)It is cold in the room? They must have turned off the heating? 屋里很冷,他们肯定把暖气关了。 2. 否定句中用can't / couldn 't (不可能),may not/might not (可能不)。 (1)It can J t/couldn 't be the headmaster? He has gone to America.这不可能是校长,他去美国了。 (2)He may not/might not know the scientist. 他也许不认识那位科学家。 3. 疑问句中用can /could (能..?)。 (1) Could he have finished the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗? (2) Can he be at home now? 他现在能在家吗? 注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。Might, could并非的过may, can 去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。 (二)情态动词表推测的三种时丄


专题九情态动词 考点透视与解读 【目标导航】 【名师讲堂】 (1)表示“能力、技能、功能”等”,可以和be able to转换。例如: He can play the guitar very well. =He is able to play the guitar very well.他吉他弹的很好。 She could speak French well when she was in college. =She was able to speak French well when she was in college.在上大学时,她会讲法语。 【注意】 Can表示能力的时候,虽然可以和be able to转换,但can只有一般式和过去式两种时态,而be able to可以用于各种时态。 (2)表示“允许、请求、要求、建议”等。例如: You can tell him the news.你可以告诉他那个消息。 Can I open the door for you ?我可以替你开门吗? (3)用could代替can ,表示语气的婉转。例如:

Could you help me clean the room? 你能帮我打扫房间吗? Could you go to the movie with me?你可以和我一起去看电影吗? (4)表示怀疑、猜测,常用于否定句和一般疑问句中。如: He can’t be an English teacher.He knows little English.他不可能是老师,他几乎不懂英语。She is so young ,can she be your mother?她如此年轻,会是你妈妈吗? (1)作“可以”解,用来表示请求或许可.如: May I borrow your eraser? 我可以借你的橡皮吗? You may ride a bike to school .你可以骑自行车去上学。 (2)作“可能”解,用来表示猜测,但语气不如must强烈,多用于肯定句。 I don’t know the way to the train station.Jack may know.我不认识去火车站的路。杰克可能知道。 Mr Wang may be at home.王先生可能在家里。 【注意】 ①辨析maybe和may be maybe 是副词,意为“也许”,通常用于句首.may be 的实质是情态动词may后面碰巧跟上动词原形be ,意为“可能是”,用作表语,通常用于句中.请比较: Maybe his father is a policeman. =His father may be a policeman.他爸爸可能是个警察。 ②might是may的过去式,might本身也是一个情态动词,用于现在时中表示可能性比较小。如: 一Whose guitar is this? 一这个吉他是谁的? 一It might belong to Alice.She plays the guitar. 一可能是艾丽丝的,她弹吉他。


九年级英语情态动词专题练习 一、初中英语情态动词 1.Rock music ______ sound popular with the young, but it's not the favor of the aged people. A. must B. need C. should D. may 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:摇滚音乐在年轻人中听起来受欢迎,但是它不受上了年龄的人的 赞同。must, 表示猜测时,指把握比较大的肯定猜测,肯定……;need需要;should,应该;may,表示把握比较小的肯定猜测,可能,也许。结合句意,故选D。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析,注意几个常见情态动词的意思和用法。 2.According to the law, traffic keep to the left in England. A. may B. must C. need D. can 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:根据法律规定,在英国车辆必须靠左形式。A.may可以,表示允许;B.must必须,表示要求;C.need需要,表示必要性;D.can能,表示能力。根据According to the law,可知法律的要求,应是必须的,应用must,故答案为B。 【点评】考查情态动词。掌握情态动词的常用法。 3.A hard-working man ______ become a great scientist, but a great scientist _______ be a hard-working man. A. can't; can B. may not; must C. can't; must D. may not; can 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一个勤奋的人可能不会成为一位伟大的科学家,但是一位伟大的 科学家一定是一个勤奋的人。can't不可能,不会;can可能,能,会;may not 可能不;must 必须,一定;结合句意,可知,第一个空为“可能不”,第二个空为“一定”,故答案为B。 【点评】考查情态动词。掌握情态动词表推测时的意义和用法。 4.—Shall we meet at the station at 9 a.m.? —In fact we ______. The train ______until 11a.m. A. needn't; will leave B. needn't; won't leave C. mustn't; leaves D. mustn't; doesn't leave 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—我们上午9点在车站见面好吗?—事实上我们不需要。火车直 到11点才离开。needn't情态动词,不需要,没必要;mustn't情态动词,不允许,语气强烈,本题含义只是“不需要”,并没有“禁止、不许”这样强烈的语义。not...until...,意为“直到...才...”,表示将来发生的事情,所以使用一般将来时态的否定形式won't。故选:B。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析,固定搭配not...until...。一般将来时态。
