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It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you on behalf of De Beers to the “China Diamond Day” in beautiful Dalian .


We De Beers will provide you with an introduction into who we are and how we envision our role in the market.


I am confident that both De Beers, you, and we members of the DJ industry will benefit from the time we spend together over the next day and a half.



Here I’d like to thank all the gentlemen who had given speeches at the conference .


The conference will play an active role in promoting the communication, understanding and cooperation between the ports of Pacific regions, ports of shipping company, ports of other fields.

According to the UNDP Human Development Report, 1.3 billion people do mot have access to clean water and the same numbers of people live on less than one dollar a day. What we are witnessing is nothing less than the massive urbanization of poverty.


Homelessness –a severe manifestation of poverty –prevents the poor from exercising rights, which should be taken for granted, including the right to privacy and family life.


Laws and regulatory mechanisms in some countries effectively deny women ownership of property and housing.


One of the most debilitating forms of exclusion is political. Combined with lack of access to education, political exclusion prevents the poor from actively participating in decisions that affect their lives.


You here in the Northeast have taken this responsibility seriously and have demonstrated a sincere desire to cooperate in environmental cleanup.


As a heavy industry hub of China, Shenyang has already taken significant steps to protect the environment.


These steps include putting anti-pollution facilities into operation, cleaning up the Southern Canal, increasing the forest coverage, and instilling the concept of environmental protection among city residents.


Because of this long experience, we co-sponsor this symposium in the hopes that by sharing what we have learned and transferring technologies we have developed, we can realize our mural desire to leave a clear sky, clean rivers and plenty of natural resources for future generations.


These people lead insecure lives, and have little or no say in decisions that shape their lives.


As the Habit A genda tells us, these are important tools for building better lives in the city.


Countless examples show that when people are given security of tenure, they are more likely to invest in creating better homes, better neighborhoods and ultimately, better communities, and that when local governments work in genuine partnership with civil society – including the urban poor – the entire environment thrives.


The contemporary symbol of Geneva’s international role is the Palace of Nations (Palais des Nations), which houses the United Nations Office at Geneva.

