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1.Do you like the music the Moon//ght Sonata? 一Yes,it—really beautiful.;

A.feels B.1istens C.sounds D.hears

2.Pizza is ready,now,and it—nice.Would you like some?

A.smells B.feels C.sounds D.goes

3.Oh,the milk——strange.Do you think it’S OK to drink?

A.was tasted B.tasted C.is tasting D.tastes 感官/使役动词试题精选

1.Mother makes me——my homework every day before I can play video games.

A.finish B.finished C.finishing D.tO finish 2.On my way home yesterday I saw a boy A.flies a kite B.to fly a kit

C.flying a kite D.to flying a kite


1.His grandmother__in 1985.She has been—for ten years.

A.died,died B.dead,dead

C.dying,death D.died,dead

2.一How long~you—the bicycle?

——About two weeks.

A.have,had B.have,bought

C.did buy D.have,get


1.Because of 2008 Beijing Olympics,all of Chines trying to make great contributions to——our environment.

A.protect B.protected

C.protects D.protecting

2.Thousands of people took our part in——the undevelopedland.

A.opening out B.opening up C.open up D.open with


1.一Your spoken English is much better.

一Thank you.My teacher often asks US——English.

A.to speak many B.not to speak much

C.to speak much D.not to speak more

2.Mr Zhang often teaches his Japanese friends——Chinesefood.

A.cook B.cooks C.cooked D.to cook


1、The supermarket is far from Mary’s house.

So she ____ only once a week.

A. goes shopping

B. has been there

C. has gone there

2、Cotton ______ nice and soft.

A. is felt

B. is feeling

C. feels

3、The idea to eat in KFC _______wonderful.

A. is tasted

B. tastes

C. sounds

4、Here ______ the bus!

A. come

B. comes

C. coming

5、Mary is often at home on weekends and

_____ time with her grandparents.

A. spend

B. takes

C. spends

6、You may go fishing if your work _______.

A. is done

B. will be done

C. has done

7、My father told me that the earth _____ round

when I was a child.

A. is

B. was

C. be

8、When she was 22 years old, her dream to be

a teacher ______.

A. come true

B. will come true

C. came true

9、At the age of 12, she _______ a plane by


A. can drive

B. could drive

C. had driven


10、--Linda had nothing for breakfast this

morning, _____? –No, she got up too late.

A. did she

B. hadn’t she

C. didn’t she

11、I ______ to the park when I was a child.

A. often go

B. used to go

C. am used to going

12、He hardly hurt himself in the accident,

_________ ﹖

A. doesn’t he

B. didn’t he

C. did he

13、If I ______ three heads and six hands, I

would carry the huge rock by myself.

A. have

B. will have

C. had

14、Don’t talk loudly here. My little baby


A. sleeps

B. is sleeping

C. slept

15、Now it is raining, but they _______ on the


A. work

B. are work

C. are working

16、Listen! They _____ some questions in the


A. are discussing

B. will discuss

C. are discussed

17、They ________ for the sports meeting these

days. Everything will be done till tonight.

A. are prepare

B. have prepared

C. are getting ready

18、The Greens _______ London next week.

A. will leave to

B. are leaving for

C. are leaving to

19、While we _______ football in the classroom,

the teacher came in.

A. were play

B. were playing

C. are playing

20、I was watching TV when a strange man

________into my house.

A. was coming

B. came

C. is coming

21、--What were you doing at this time yesterday?

--I ______ my motorbike. A. mend B. mended C. was mending

22、At 9 a.m. yesterday, we ______ the Great


A. visited

B. will visit

C. were visiting

23、Frank _______ a film if he is free on


A. will see

B. see

C. sees

24、--When ______ you _______ her the good

news? --As soon as she comes back.

A. do, tell

B. did, bring

C. will, tell

25、We _________ have a picnic next week.

A. are going

B. are going to

C. will go to

26、His father _______ tonight.

A. return

B. returns

C. is returning

27、There __________ a talk show about buying

building on TV tomorrow evening.

A. will have

B. is going to be

C. is going to have

28、Let’s go to h elp clean up the park, _______?

A. will you

B. do we

C. shall we

29、Don’t play football on the street, _______?

A. will you

B. won’t you

C. do you

30、--What did Ling Feng say in his letter?

--He told us that he ______ in a foreign company soon.

A. will work

B. would work

C. is going to work


1、Mike always _____ my books and doesn’t

return them. What should I do?

A. keeps

B. lends

C. borrows

2、–Oh, look! It’s Jack’s math book, isn’t it?

But he has a math test today?

--Don’t wor ry, mum. I will _____ it to him.

A. bring

B. take

C. borrow

3、--Could you _______ me your bike? Mine is

