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I’m applying for several jobs , because I don’t really want to have all my eggs in one basket .
4. Far fouls have fair feathers. 远处的鸟羽毛更美丽。(外来的和尚会念经) 5.When wine sinks, words swim. 酒后说胡话 6. The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection. (Lexus Auto) 7. Shanghai is a city full of vigor and vitality.
音韵修辞格(phonological rhetorical devices)
Onomatopoeia 拟声 Alliteration 头韵 Assonance 类音/中韵 Consonance 尾韵
拟声又称为“摹声”,指模仿客观世界的各 种声音,以实现语言表达的直观性、生动 性和形象性。如:
Alliteration (双声/头韵)
在汉语中,双声是指前后紧密相连的两个字的声母相同。如 “伶俐、惆怅、玲珑、斑驳、仿佛、忐忑。
在英语中,alliteration(头韵)指重复两个或多个单词开头的音节 (主要是辅音,还包括元音、字母、辅音连缀等)。
A. She sells sea-shells on the sea shore. B. Marriage makes or mars man. C. Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks. D. Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》 E. Spare the rod, spoil the child. F. Many a man, many a mind. G. Time and tide wait for no man. H. Death pays all debts.
2. We rubbed the doors, and scrubbed the floors,
Spend a dime, save you time. ( appliance ad.) 花费点点,时间多省! Haste makes waste. 速速则不达 Creditors have better memories than debtors. 债主的记性比债户强。
We are marching backwards to the glorious age of the 16th century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind.
英语的assonance(译为“准押韵、类音”)指两个 词的元音相同,而其后的辅音不同。它指一句 话或一个诗行中间,有两个或多个的词具有相 同的元音(不同于诗行的尾韵,尾韵常常出现在 诗行的最后一个词)如:
1. Great boast, small roast. 光打雷,不下雨。
1) Jane’s uncle is an old fox,up to all kinds of evils. 简的叔叔是个老狐狸,什么坏事都干得出来。
2) After that long talk,Jim became the sun in her heart. 那次长谈之后,吉姆成了她心中的太阳。
The chicken clucks.(小鸡咯咯。) The pig grunts.(猪咕噜。) The cock crows (bellows).(公鸡喔喔。) The goose honks.(鹅咯嘎。) The horse neighs.(马嘶嘶。) The cricket chirps.(蟋蟀啾啾。) The sheep bleats.(羊咪咪。) The shake hisses(蛇嘘嘘。) The pigeon coos.(鸽子咕咕。)
词义修辞格(semantic rhetorical
Metaphor暗喻 Metonymy借代 Synecdoche提喻
Euphemism委婉语 Oxymoron矛盾修饰法 Zeugma扼式修饰法
transferred epithet移就
the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. (Churchill, .W S.) 我也看到一大批呆头呆脑、训练有素、唯命是从的、 凶暴残忍的德国大兵,像一群蠕动着的蝗虫蹒跚前 进。
Alliteration (双声/头韵)
原文拟声词进行灵活处理,或省略不译, 或增添原文没有的拟声表达。如:
1.The crowd began to hiss and boo him for his unsportsmanlike conduct, but he sat, unmoved. (London, J. The Mexican) 他的行为没有一点运动风范,观众中开始有 人发出“嘘”声和“呸”声,可他仍然一动 不动。 2.丁当的铃声响着,卖冰激凌的车子来了。 The jingle of bells announced the arrival of the ice-cream truck.
Presently there came the click of high-heeled shoes.
模仿人的情感或动作的声响: bang(砰)、jingle (丁当)、clang(当当)、clap(啪啪)、grunt (咕 噜)、 mumble(咕哝)、giggle(咯咯)、chuckle (咯咯),等等。
简单而言:比喻(汉语俗称“‘打比方”)是将 两个不同事物进行比较,以其中一个为参 照,对另一个进行描述或解释。比喻一般 可分为明喻( simile )、暗喻( metaphor )、借 代/转喻(metonymy),提喻( synecdoche ) 四大类。
Alliteration (双声/头韵)
1. His great gaunt figure filled the cabin door. 他高大枯瘦的身形塞满了木板小屋的门。 2.Peter Piper picked a peck of picking pepper. 皮特.派特咽下了一口腌菜用的胡椒粉 3. I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of
明喻中,本体、喻体、比方词都出现。汉语 的比方词有:(好)像(似)、似乎、仿佛、比(就、 正)如、如……、·一(一)样、……(一)般,等等。 英语的比方词有:like , as , as if, as... as , as though , seem,等等。如: I wandered lonely as a cloud. 我像一朵浮云独自漫游。
3. In others the monologue of a scold, the rattling of dice, a lullaby, and one crying dully; above him a banjo tinkled with spirit. 另外的屋子里传来独自的咒骂、掷般子声,催眠 曲和哭泣抽噎;楼上却有起劲的五弦琴声。 此例中,原文的拟声词rattling , tinkle在汉语译文 中均没有体现,仅用“声”来表示具体的声响。
Falstaff : I am as poor as Job , my lord , but not so patient .
福斯塔夫: 我是像约伯一样穷的, 陛下,可是却没有 他那样的好耐性。(注:约伯(Job)《圣经》中的人 物, 以忍耐贫穷而著称的圣徒。)
暗喻 (metaphor)
暗喻又称 “隐喻”, “隐比”, “暗比”,是比明喻更 进一步的比喻, 是一种凝缩性的比喻,或者说是不 露痕迹的比喻。 暗喻使本体和喻体关系更密切, 融成一体, 语言更精练, 语义更含蓄 。暗喻的 本体、喻体都出现 ,或者只出现喻体不出现本体, 但它们之间的关系是相同或相等, 相类的。 比喻 关系不用比喻词表示, 而是暗含在一般的句子结 构中, 所以叫暗喻 。它的形式是 A 是 B。
模仿动物的声响: The bird twitters (trills).(鸟儿吱吱。) The crow caws.(乌鸦呱呱。) ( The crows caw when the
moon goes down) The bee buzzes.(蜜蜂嗡嗡。) The donkey brays (驴子嘟嘟。) The bull bellows.(公牛哞哞。) The duck quacks.(鸭子嘎嘎。) The cat purrs (mews).(猫儿喵喵。)
音韵修辞格 (phonological rhetorical devices) 利用词语的语音特点创造出来的修辞手法。 语义修辞格(semantic rhetorical devices) 语义修辞格主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特
点创造出来的修辞手法。 句式修辞格(Syntactic rhetorical devices ) 句子结构上的修辞格主要是指通过句子结构的均衡
我们正在大步倒退到光荣的16世纪时代,那时候有偏 执狂的人点燃树枝去烧死任何敢于给人类带来智慧、
Everyone will tell you that during the 1980s the mood of Britain changed. Now everything is leaner and meaner, cleaner and keener. Concrete gives way to glass, sex gives way to money. (Malcolm Bradbury, The New York Times)
英语的Consonance(译为“尾韵”)指两个词的结 尾的辅音相同。如: laugh—tough, dash-fish, first and last. a. Women: don’t agonize, organize! b. Farms Not Arms c. When l lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind.
模仿自然事物的声响: 金属声音:clash ,clank, ting, tinkle, jangle,
tick-tack,等等; 液体声音:splash, buble, sizz, splish-
splosh,drip-drop等等。 在英汉转换中,可以根据具体语境情况,对
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen for him to crow.
他这人就像一只骄傲的公鸡, 以为太阳升起是为了 它的啼叫。
Tom was as sober as a judge. 他十分清醒。
He is as cunning as a dead pig. 他像狐狸一样狡猾。