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陈建锋1,高 毅2,潘明新2
[摘要] 目的 对人骨髓间充质干细胞(HM SCs)的生物学特性进行初步分析,为其临床应用奠定基础。方法 抽取4例健康人髋骨内骨髓5~20m l,密度梯度离心法分离HM SCs。体外培养扩增后流式细胞仪检测HM-SCs表面标记物;M M T法绘制生长曲线,计算细胞倍增时间;吉姆萨染色法检测细胞核型。结果 HM SCs表面标记物CD29、CD44、CD71、CD105、CD166、HL A-A BC、U EA-1阳性表达;CD34、CD45、HLA-DR阴性表达;生长曲线呈S 形,细胞倍增时间随代次增加而延长;核型分析显示第3、6代HM SCs的染色体数目未发生改变。结论 密度梯度离心法可得到纯度较高的HM SCs,表可达人类间充质干细胞的表型特征。HM SCs可在体外较长时期培养。在第7代之前细胞增殖旺盛,之后细胞增殖能力逐渐下降;在第6代之前染色体数目未发生改变。
[关键词] 人;骨髓;间充质干细胞;细胞培养
[中图分类号] R329.2+7 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1002-266X(2006)29-0001-03
Isolati o n an d cu ltivati o n of hu man bone marrow mesen chym al stem cells in vitro an d
analysis of th ei r biological characterization s
CH EN J ian-f eng,GA O Y i,PA N M ing-x in
(401H osp ital of PL A,Qingdao266071,P.R.China)
Abstract:[Objective]T o establish a sim ple and feasible method t o culture and pr olifer ate human bone marro w der ived mesenchy mal stem cells(HM SCs)in v itro and analyze t heir biological characterizations.[M ethods]HM SCs w er e isolated by combining gradient density centrifug ation w ith plastic adherence.T he g row th curves o f HM SCs w er e dr aw n by M T T assay,cell phenoty pes wer e detected by flow cyt ometry,cell doubling time was caculated,and cell kar yoty pes wer e measur ed by Giemsa staining.[Results]T he posit ive ex pr essio n of cell pheno type of HM SCs includes CD29,CD44,CD71,CD105,CD166,HL A-A BC,U EA-1,w hile the neg ative expression of cell phenoty pe in-cludes CD34,CD45,HL A-DR.T he g row th curve of HM SCs w as“S”shaped.T he cell doubling time pro longed w ith the passag es increased.T he chr omosome number of HM SCs of passage3and6were both46,same as human be-ings.[Conclusion]HM SCs of higher purity can be isolated by combining gr adient density centrifug ation with plastic adher ence,and maintain cell pheno types as human beings.T he pr olifer ation ability of HM SCs is strong before pas-sag e7,but decreases r apidly later.T he chr omosome number of HM SCs remains orig inal befo re passage6.
Key words:human;bone mar row;m esenchymal stem cell;cell culture
骨髓组织可分为造血和基质两大系统。骨髓基质细胞是来源于骨髓基质的一种间充质细胞,在空间上起支持作用,在造血方面起精细的调节作用。体外获得足够的基质细胞是进行各项研究的基础。2004~2005年,我们对人骨髓间充质干细胞(HM SCs)进行了体外培养扩增,并对其表型、生长曲线、核型等生物学特性进行了初步分析。现报告如下。
1 材料与方法1.1 HM SCs的获取及培养 采集4例无血液疾病志愿者髂骨内骨髓5~20ml。5m l骨髓标本中加入5 ml的PBS,900g离心10min2次,以PBS制成4×107细胞数的悬液,取5m l加到5ml Percoll分离液(1.073g/ml)上,900g离心30min,吸取富含有核细胞的中间细胞层。将获取的单个核细胞加2倍量的PBS,900g离心5min,弃上清,以1×106/ml的密度接种于50ml培养瓶中,加入HM SCs完全培养基10 ml。待贴壁细胞达到80%~90%融合后,以1÷3的比例传代培养。
1.2 HM SCs表型鉴定 取传至第3~6代HM SCs,