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1 The new glassy medium is not magnetic , like the hard drive in a compter , but holographic透明的介质是没有磁性的,它就像电脑里的硬件驱动,并非全系的。

2 Over the last couple of decades there’s been a tremendous explosion in museum attendence , and I see that continuing.在过去的二十年里参观博物馆的人数有一个巨大的增长,并且我目睹了整个过程。

3 A masssive sandstorm has enveloped most of Northern China , covering the capital Beijing in a shroud of dense dust and reducing visibility to less than 50 meters in some areas.一场巨大的沙尘暴已经席卷了大部分中国北部地区,并且这场沙尘暴殃及首都北京,使北京陷入了一片浓密的灰尘当中,一些地区的可见度已经降到50米以下。

4 Singing birds and flowers perchance have begun to appear here , for flowers as well as weeds follow in the step of man.鸟语花香也许已经在这里开始了,因为花和种子正跟随者人类的脚步

5 “I once heard a couple plan couple plan their entire movie wedding and honeymoon was on,”he declares.他说:“当电影放映时,我听到了一对情侣计划着他们的整个婚礼和蜜月。

6 Recourse to arms is not the best solution to a quarrel between countries.动用武力不是解决国与国之间争斗的最好方法

7 God knows what their fate will be,but I can guess.上帝知道他们的命运是什么,而卧能猜到

8 The choicest gold is to be had for the digging.优质上等的金子是很难被挖掘到的

9 The World Cup is a guarantee of fame,whether lasting or momentary,and throughout its 72-year history it has created many legends.世界杯是声望的一个保证,无论是有就还是短暂的,纵观12年的历史,它已经创造了许多传奇。

10 When I got up this morning the world was a chilled hollow of dead white and foo blue.今早当我起床时,整个世界是一个泛着微蓝的白色空洞

1 When they awoke, though the sky was still gray and the clouds hung low,it was not raining.当他们醒来时,尽管天空是灰色的并且云彩很低,但并没有下雨

2 He stirred and dug his face deeper in the damp, warm curve of the pillow. He was back at the field . The dusk of two hours earlier was graying all around him, the ceaseless rauscous roar of just two hours ago was crashing on his heedless ears.


3 There is no substance but expands when heated.物质在加热的情况下可以延伸

4 Keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute一I was all of these.我具备了热情,精明,敏锐的特点

5 One afternoon I found Petey lying on his bed with an expression of such distress on his face that I immediately diagnosed appendicitis.一天下午,我发现贝蒂沮丧的躺在床上,我立刻察觉到他得了阑尾炎

6 In a time of calm he would never as a speaker have succeeded in gaining a prominent position; but that was not a time of calm.在太平时期他不会因为身为一个演说家儿获得重要的地位,但是,那不是在太平时期。

7 Their own blends and mixtures(tea)have become celebrated, and a "cuppa" with the customary English scones and jam for afternoon tea is virtually a“must-do"for visitors to London.他们自己的混合茶很受换衣,而且带有传统英式的烤饼和酱的下午茶实际上是去英国的观光客必须品尝的。

8 There were flashes of lightning up ahead 一with the radar showing a band of rain stretching out either side of our course.天上闪电的光呈现雨在我们的一方延展。

9 It has been 4 days since Emily Sasser’s luggage showed up in Crescent City, but there is still no sign of the petite 17-year-old.艾米丽赛斯的行李在新月城已经有4天了,大人不见17岁较小女孩的身影。

10 I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not judged by the color of the skin but by the content of their character.我有一个梦想,梦想某一天我的四个孩子会居住在在一个不是凭肤色而是人格来享受待遇的国家里。

11 Just think of the difficulty.想想困难。


Amplification:It means supplying necessary words in our translation work so as to make the version correct and clear. Words thus supplied must be indispensable either syntactically or semantically.

For example, After the football match, he’s got an important meeting.在(观看)完足球比赛之后,他有一个重要会议(要参加)。
