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1.—Have a cup of tea , please. —_____.

A.No , thank you just the same

B. Yes , I have

C. No , little please

D. Sorry , I’m afraid I can’t

2.There is a party tonight in_____of our exchange teacher.

A. front

B. honor

C. charge

D. favor

3.You will have to work_______your weak points in English if you hope to pass the exam.


B. at

C. for

D. away

4.The man in charge of the expedition regretted______ the work______.

A. to leave ; undoing

B. leaving ; undoing

C. to leave ; undone

D. leaving ; undone

5.I_______to see more of Shanghai but we had no time.

A.have hoped

B. had hoped

C. have to hope

D. had to hope

6. Can you_____me_____with a room for three nights?

A.fix , up

B. put , down

C. hand , down

D. look , up

7. The wallet was returned to Mr. Hopkins without anything _______.

A. losing

B. missing

C. missed

D. disappeared

8. When and where to build the new factory_____yet

A. is not decided

B. are not decided

C. has not decided

D. have not decided

9. You______your lessons well before the exams otherwise you wouldn’t have failed in it.

A. mustn’t have prepared

B. needn’t have prepared

C. shouldn’t have prepared

D. couldn’t have prepared

10. The traffic accident resulted_________.

A. in three death

B. in three deaths

C. of three deaths

D. of three death

11. ________to 45% of the supermarkets in the city______ by foreign companies.

A. Close ; run

B. Up ; are run

C. Up ; is run

D. Next, have run

12. With many eyes______on her , she felt a bit nervous.

A. depended

B. starting

C. glaring

D. fixed

13. Will you please send me a (n)_______to your new micro-computer?

A. introduction

B. description

C. advertisement

D. information

14. His health________from overwork.

A.has been broken down

B. has broken out

C. has broken down

D. has been broken up

15. We all know the truth______the earth goes round the sun.

A. if

B. whether

C. that

D. which


When men lived on this earth a long time ago, they had no proper place to live in. In order to get 16 from the heat of the sun, to 17 themselves warm and dry, they found caves which gave them 18 kind of protection. Some of this early men built shelters up 19 the trees to escape crawling animals. They 20 difficult lives and had to 21 about from place to place 22 search of food.

Much later on their 23 began to change. They learnt how to keep animals in herds.

24 they had to move their herds of 25 from place to place in search of pasture or grasslands, they had to build sheds which 26 be easily carried about. Animals skins were 27 over pieces of wood which provided them with some form of temporary (临时) 28 .

When they finally learnt the art of ploughing, they started cleaning forests or brush lands and planting 29 which provided them with fruits, vegetables and grain. 30 this happened they had to think about building 31 .

Crude houses were built at first with wood 32 they even used grass as roofs. This 33 on for a long time. Gradually they began to improve their homes. Today houses of all 34 are built. They are strong , permanent (永久性的) and 35 last a long time.

16.A. in B. out C. away D. off

17.A. keep B. make C. get D. help

18.A. any B. some C. one D. the

19.A. on B. into C. in D. above

20.A. led B. made C. kept D. suffered

21.A. walk B. travel C. run D. move

22.A. to B. in C. for D. on

23.A. lives B. work C. ways D. food

24.A. After B. Before C. When D. As

25. A. animals B. cows C. sheep D. horses

26. A. could B. must C. needed D. should

27. A. laid B. kept C. made D. hung

28. A. cave B. shed C. shade D. bed

29. A. trees B. rice C. crops D. wheat

30. A. Before B. Until C. Once D. When

31. A. shed B. houses C. gardens D. schools

32. A. but B. and C. thought D. yet

33. A. took B. lasted C. continued D. went

34. A. kinds B. sizes C. lengths D. colors

35. A. could B. would C. must D. can



Computer users are being warned by industry experts to pay attention to secret codes which could be used to record their conversations.

E—mails, screensavers, and electronic greeting cards can carry a secret code which is able to turn on the computer’s microphone, make a recording, and forward it to someone else without the user’s knowledge.

In fact any attachments(附件) sent to a computer , whether it is a game of Space Invaders , or a moving picture , can possibly be used to spy.
