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Remedial training----mending deficient in some skills
To keep up to date with various types of changes dealing with technological advances, new laws or procedures, or a change in the organization’s strategic plan
高层次培训实践是学习型组织(learning organization)的一个特点,有助于营造一 个鼓励持续学习的工作环境。
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
•注重教授Байду номын сангаас识与技能
•利用培训实现 •知识创造与共享
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注重教授技能与知识。培训的这种角色将会一直持 续下去。关于培训的这种观点隐含着经营环境是确 定的这样一个条件,它可为公司所驾驭,而且公司 能控制并预测未来需要的知识和技能。
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Linking training and development to competitive
The cost efficiency of training and development practices
15 hours /year, 15 billion hours/year totally 30 billion on formal training, 180 billion on
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Linking training and
development to competitive
Increasing worker competence
Bringing about permanent changes in employees’s knowledge base, attitudes, and/or skills.
Developmental programs provide employees with the appropriate skills needed for higher level positions to which they may eventually be promoted
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Linking training and development to competitive
通过管理人员的指导培训可以改善管理水平 培训可以减少不必要的辞退现象出现:
提高了员工工作技能,因而可以提高工作绩效 提高了上司管理低绩效水平员工的能力 通过再教育更新了员工过时的工作技能,为组织
Increasing the competence of current workers
Remedial training Change-related training Development training
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Linking training and development to competitive
培训项目设计工具与开 发
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培训概述 战略性培训 培训项目设计工具 培训成果转化 培训评估
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培训从广义上来看应该是创造智力资本的途径 。
许多公司目前已接受了广义上的培训,即高层 次培训(high-leverage training)-与经营 战略目标有关,运用指导性设计过程确保培训 的有效性。
Increasing the competence of new workers
Technical training----special job-related Orientation training----learning about jobs, the
company, and its policies and procedures Literacy training----basic skills
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T&D general issues
Often a legally required function Ambiguity of objectives(含糊的目标) Maintenance function Strategic function Part of competitive compensation package Impacts retention Vary according actual capacity of the firm
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Factors influencing T&D
Corporate strategy Technological advances Work complexity Labor market Motivation and demand by
informal training Training expenditures increased by 38%
form 1986-1988 But the success rate of training fail to result
in benefit. Only 10% of material learned in training is actually applied to the job.
连接培训与业务需要。在大多数情况下,公司的外 部环境中是不确定的。这意味着由于不能事前预见 到可能存在的问题,培训要建立在虚拟的基础上以 帮助员工应付实际将出现的特定的经营难题。培训 实践的开发是建立在经营需要的基础上的,并与之 直接相关。
利用培训实现知识创造与共享。赢得竞争优势的关 键在于开发智力资本。培训的价值在于使员工了解 整个生产或服务过程及各部门之间的关系(系统理 解力),同时激励他们进行革新并输送高质量产品 和服务(关心为什么是)。