海洋 英文翻译知识

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shed crocodile tears (猫哭老鼠),to burn one‘s boat (破釜沉舟), to drink like a fish (牛饮),to spend money like water (挥金如土), all at sea (不知所措),
between the devil and deep sea (进退维谷)。After a storm comes a calm. (否极泰来)。All rivers run into sea. (海纳百川)
如: Time and tide wait(s) for no man.岁月不等人。 A great ship asks for deep water. 大船走深水。 It is acknowledged that camel is the ship of the desert.骆驼被公认为沙漠之舟。 To set sail .扬帆起航。 Never fry a fish till it‘s caught. 别操之过急。 The great fish eat up the small. 弱肉强食。 If you swear you will catch no fish. 发誓赌咒,与事无补。 To win the victory, we need all hands to the pumps. 我们需要全力以赴才能获胜。 It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait. 聪明人不上两回当。 Neither fish, flesh, nor fowl / neither fish, flesh nor good red herring. 非驴非马,不伦不类。 The best fish smell when they are three days old. 久住遭人嫌。 You must not make fish of one and flesh of another.切莫厚此薄彼。 All is fish that comes to his net. 来者不拒。 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 别班门弄斧。 A little leak will sink a great ship.千里之堤溃于蚁穴。 A little body often harbors a great soul. 浓缩的都是精华。 There was as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 天涯何处无芳草。
与 wind 有关
to find how the wind blows (暗察形势) to trim one‘s sail to the wind, (见风使舵) to look out for squalls (提防危险) to raise the wind (筹款),to sail before the wind (顺风行驶), to sail against the wind (逆风行驶)
sea-tent 海带
还有一些,其中文名字是从英文 名音译过来的,
Sardine [ ˈs ɑ:ˈdi:n ] 沙丁鱼 Salmon ['sæmən]三文鱼…………
Piranha食人鱼 octopus章鱼 coral珊瑚 dolphin海豚 eel海鳗 rudd石斑鱼 oyster牡蛎
Lobster龙虾 mussel蚌 shrimp虾 sponge海绵 ray魟鱼 abalone 鲍鱼
blue whale蓝鲸 sperm whale抹香鲸 humpback whale座 头鲸 killer whale虎鲸 narwal独角鲸 Orca逆戟鲸
以上海洋生物的英文名称其实是简化后的习惯用法,严谨的动物名称命名 是通过双名法的形式,即“属名(拉丁文)+种名(拉丁文)” ;
When it comes to Ocean,no well-worded language could describe the tiniest part of its magnificent beauty. With widths beyond continents, depth over Everest, it is breeding miraculous and amazing species. we should protect marine animals and do not harm to these lovely animals. They are the human’s friends and all kind of life should be respected .
西方人也常用其他生物名称作比喻并构成成语或谚语。 如:
baby flattop (护卫航空母舰),old whale (老水手),a whale of a difference ( 天壤之别 ) , the big sharks ( 垄断资本家 ) , a shark at bridge (桥牌高手),to shark up money (骗取钱财)等。
to throw a sprat to catch a whale (抛砖引玉),to go by the board (计划落空),to blow hot and cold (摇摆不定),to hang in the wind (犹豫不决),to cast pearls before swine (对牛弹琴), to get into deep water (陷于困境) to be in low water (搁浅,经济拮据) ,to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (恶有恶报),be on the rocks (触礁,处于困境), to know the rope (熟悉内幕),to cast an anchor to the windward (未雨绸缪),to sit above the table (坐上八位)
类似的还有:Ink fish乌贼 Lion fish狮子鱼 Starfish海星 Sweet fish香鱼 Trumpetfish管口鱼 Squirrel fish金鳞 鱼 Striped Eel Catfish(条纹鳗鲶鱼 ) stargazer fish观星鱼
ˈ dʒelifɪʃ
Ballon fish 刺河豚
Butterfly fish 蝶鱼
Flying fish 飞鱼
Angelfish 琵琶鱼
Sword fish 旗鱼
Clownfish 小丑鱼
以上这些海洋生物的名称不管是英文还是 中文大多基于其区别于其他生物独有的性状。所 以中英对译中几乎就是找到形容其特征的词,与 “鱼/fish”搭配构成;
a cold fish (冷漠的人),a loose fish (放荡不羁的家伙), a poor fish (愚蠢而又可怜的家伙),a queer fish (古怪的家伙), a shy fish (害羞的人) to be like a fish out of water (处于逆境),to cry stinking fish (自揭家丑), to feed the fishes (晕船),to throw a sprat to catch a whale (四两拨千斤), Venture a small fish to catch a great one. (欲取之,须予之) to fish in the air (水中捞月),to hook (land) one‘s fish (如愿以偿), to fish or cut bait (当机立断),to fish out (up) (钓光,捞出,摸索出), to catch fish with a silver hook (打肿脸充胖子)
If somebody asks, what exactly is the ocean? And what is the sea?
What would you say ?
首先,我们来看看常见常听到的海洋生物(marine organism )的中英文名称:
Jellyfish/Acaleph 水母
Laminaria japonica Aresch 一般说‘kelp’ or ‘sea-tent’, 就是“海带” ,
Idioms and expressions 与海洋 知识有关的各种英语习语常用句
Fish作为海洋生态文化中出现频率最高的词语,常通过隐喻被转为其 他语义;
Sea urchin海胆 sea anemone海葵 sea snake海蛇 sea slug海参 Seaweed海藻 sea-tent海带 sea horse海马 sea otter海獭
sea slug 海参 sea urchin /ˈɜ:tʃɪn/ 海胆 sea otter 海獭
sea anemone /əˈneməni / 海 葵