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A.is , isB.are, areC.are , is
句意:——这双鞋多少钱?——二十美元足够了。the pair of修饰名词,谓语用单数,故第一空用is。表示时间,距离,金钱时,看成一个整体,谓语用单数,故第二空用is,故选A。
C.have ; are D.has ; are
解析过程:考查主谓一致。一半的同学完成了大部分工作,余下的相当难。class同学们,表示复数含义,谓语用复数; the left余下的,the +adj.指事物时,看作单数,故选A。
19.—How much ______ the pair of shoes? —Twenty dollars _______ enough.
A.is; isB.is; areC.are; isD.are; are
句意:在我们城市志愿者的数量为2000.他们中的百分之六十是教师和学生。根据句意,结合语法知识the number of,……的数目,做主语时谓语动词使用单数形式,而percent做主语时,谓语动词的单复数需要依据of后面的单词。故答案为B.
16.— What do you think of the film?
— Fantastic. ______ the children ______ their father likes to see it.
A.Both; andB.Either; orC.Not only; but alsoD.Neither; nor
试题分析:句意为:李先生和他的孩子去了博物馆。他们将今天下午回来。have been to表示去过某地,人已经回来;have gone to表示去了某地,人未回来。此外,这里主语为Mr Li,,属于第三人称单数,with his children为介词短语,表示伴随。根据主谓一致原则,故应选D。
4.There __________ still some apple juice in the fridge. It’s not necessary for us to go to the
supermarket now.
试题分析:句意:冰箱里还有一些苹果汁。我们现在没有必要去超市。表示某处有某物常用There be句型。本句主语some apple juice属不可数名词,结合语境,所以选C。
17.The number of students who _______ the music club _______ over 30.
A.join; is B.join; are
C.take part in; are D.take part in; is
句意:参加音乐俱乐部的学生人数超过三十。Join指以平等的地位、身份成为某组织、社团的成员;take part in则指参加群众性的活动,集会等等。本句指参加音乐俱乐部,用join;定语从句里关系词做主语时,谓语的数与先行词一致。Students是复数,所以前空用原形:join;the number of…:…的数目,在句中作主语时,谓语用单数:is。故选A。
【解析】句意:中国老年人的数量在不断增加,随着中国经济的发展,他们将得到更好的照顾。the number of表示“……的数量”,跟复数名词连用作主语时,中心词是number,谓语动词要用单数形式,首先排除B,D;they与动词词组take care of之间是被动的关系,故答案为C。
10.There ________ a book sale in our school library once a year.
8.---I saw Tom's father bought lots of books yesterday.
---That's not strange. Not only Tom but also his father _______reading.
She studied history and philosophy, but she had little interest in either subject.她学过历史和哲学,但对这两门课都没有多少兴趣。
3.The number of the volunteers in our city2 ,000. And sixty percent of themteachers and students.
13.(题文)Two days _____not enough for me to finish the work I need _____day.
A.are, other B.is, a third C.are, another
9.The number of the elderly(老人)increasing in China, and with the development of Chinaeconomy,theybetter care of in the future.
A.is; will take B.are; are taken C.is; will be taken D.are; will take
点睛:the number of…:…的数目,作主语,谓语用单数;a number of …:许多……;大量……,作主语,谓语用复数。
18.Half of the class _____ done most of the work.The left _____ rather difficult.
A.have ; is B.has源自文库; is
句意:——昨天我看见汤姆的爸爸买了许多书。——那不奇怪,不仅汤姆而且他爸爸喜欢读书。根据not only..but also…不仅……而且……,连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则,根据句意说明一种情况,用一般现在时态,根据his father单三,所以谓语动词用单数形式;故选B
7.Mr Jiang isn’t as busy as before because thereno home robot to help him.
A.used to beB.may beC.used to haveD.may have
句意:江先生不如以前忙,因为过去没有家用机器人来帮助他。used to be过去是,may be可能是,used to have过去有,may have可能有。There be句型,表示存在,意为“有”。根据Mr Jiang isn’t as busy as before可知此处指的是过去,故用used to be。故选A。
5.Some of the apples are bad, but I believe the rest______ sweet.
A.tasteB.tastesC.are tastedD.is tasted
试题分析:句意:一些苹果是坏的,但是剩下的一些还是很甜的。这里the rest代指的剩下的许多苹果,是复数,故排除B、D;又因为taste是系动词,不能用被动形式,故排除C;故选A。
6.Wechat(微信)is very popular. ____ the young ____ the old are getting interested in it.
C.Not only;but alsoD.Between;and
试题分析:句意:微信很流行,不但年轻人而且老年人都对它感兴趣。A. Neither…nor…:……既不……也不;B. Either…or或者……或者……;C. Not only…but also不但……而且……;D. Between…and介于……与……之间。由“popular”(受欢迎的,流行的,大众的)可以推测出年轻人和老年人都感兴趣,故选C。
14.Therea basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow afternoon.
A.isB.hasC.will beD.will have
句意:明天下午在8班和12班之间将有一场篮球比赛。A. is是,单数;B. has有,第三人称单数;C. will be将是;D. will have将有。这里是there be句型,不能出现have/has,排除BD;根据时间状语tomorrow afternoon.可知用一般将来时,其结构是there will be+主语+介词短语。根据题意,故选C。
试题分析:句意:--你认为这部电影怎么样?--太好了,孩子和父亲都喜欢看这部电影。A. Both; and连接时这里的谓语动词应该是like;B. Either…or或者;C. Not only…but also不仅…而且;D. Neither…nor既不…也不。根据句意故选C。
A. is是,单数;B. was是,过去式;C. are是,复数;D. were是,复数,过去式。根据once a year.可知一般现在时态,排除BD;这里是there be句型,主语是a book sale,be动词用is,根据题意,故选A。
15.Neither Suzy nor Iafraid of making a speech in public now.
A.am B.are C.is D.were
试题分析:句意:现在无论是苏西还是我都害怕公开演讲。Neither … nor既不……也不,当连接并列主语时,要遵循就近原则,所以选A。
11.The teenagers like the musician ____ different kinds of music.
A.who playB.which playsC.who playsD.that play
试题分析:句意:青少年喜欢演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。The musician是先行词,后面跟的是它的定语从句。先行词musician指人,用who、that引出定语从句,B错;关系词在定语从句中作主语,定语从句的谓语与先行词保持一致。musician是单数,谓语用单数:plays。故选C。
1.Mr Li,together with his children,the museum. They will be back this afternoon.
A.have gone to B.have been to
C.has been to D.has gone to
12.______ Lily ______ Lucy likes listening to Beijing opera while their parents do.
A.Both, andB.Neither, nor
C.Either, orD.Not only, but also
试题分析:句意:莉莉和露西都不喜欢听京剧而他们的父母喜欢。Both…and两者都;Neither… nor既不……也不;Either…or或者……或者;Not only…but also不但……而且。根据语境,所以选B.