中国古典园林 英文 Classical Chinese Private Gardens

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Geyuan Garden is located in the north of Yangzhou City. The name of the garden “个" comes from the Chinese character “竹" so as to represent the various kinds of bamboos. The name also goes after the shape of the bamboo leaves. Every bamboo leaf are like “个", so does the shadow of them.

Corridors are dotted by windows of various shapes——square, round, hexagonal and even octagonal. Many of the windows are decorated with very beautiful patterns and designs. 方形 圆形 六角形八角形 扇形 “便面”

Brief introduction

Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories: imperial, private, and landscape gardens:
the Summer Palace in Beijing(颐和园) the Humble Administrator’s Garden in Suzhou(拙 政园) the West Lake in Hangzhou(西湖)
The Spring Rockery (春山) Zhuxi Pavilion (竹西亭) The Hill-Embracing Building (抱山楼) Bamboo in the Geyuan Garden The Scene in the Geyuan Garden


Most of the bridges are of stone, including straight, winding and arched ones:
The straight bridge consists of just one stone slab without any decoration. The winding bridges have low balustrades(栏杆). The arch bridges can be divided into the singlearch and the multi-arch varieties. 直桥 曲桥 拱桥(单拱桥和多拱桥)

Rocks and rockeries are special features of southern Chinese gardens. Some large stones form sceneries of their own, while smaller ones are put together to form artificial hills to add to the fantastic attractiveness of the gardens.
II. Features of Chinese private gardens
Features of Chinese private gardens

Most private gardens are found in the South China. The private gardens are composed of rockeries(假山), ponds, pavilions, bridges, trees and flowers. Surrounding the beautiful scene are corridors(游廊)or walls with latticed(装 有格子的) windows or beautifully shaped doors.
I. Brief introduction
Brief introduction

Chinese people started to build gardens more than 2000 years ago. It first appeared as early as the 11th century BC during the Zhou Dynasty in the form of a hunting preserve for emperors and nobles. Garden building had its heyday(全盛期) during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The Small Penglai of the Lingering Garden(留园小蓬莱) Cloud-Capped Peak (冠云峰) “不出城郭而获山林之趣” 太湖石 瘦、漏、透、皱

Geyuan Garden(个园)
Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province

园主借用西晋文人潘岳 《闲居赋》中“筑室种 树,逍遥自得……灌园 鬻(音:yù,<书>卖) 蔬,以供朝夕之膳…… 是亦拙者之为政也,” 之句取园名。暗喻自己 把浇园种菜作为自己 (拙者)的“政”事。

The plan of the garden(平面图) The Courtyard of Begonia Spring Dock (拙政园海 棠春坞庭院) The 18 Mandalas Flower House (十八曼陀罗花馆) The Yuanxiang Hall (远香堂) The Fragrance Island (香洲) The Humble Administrator’s Garden in Suzhou(苏 州拙政园风光)

III. Famous Chinese private gardens
Famous Chinese private gardens
the Humble Administrator’s Garden (拙政园) the Lingering Garden(留园) Geyuan Garden(个园)
the Lingering Garden (留园)
Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

The garden was first built in Wanli of Ming Dynasty by a retired official named Xu Taishi (许泰时). With a history of more than 400 years, the Lingering Garden has changed hands several times. The garden was originally called East Garden, after xu’s death, a rich person named Liu Shu(刘 恕) became the owner of the garden, Liu plated many bamboos and had many stones in the garden. The fourth owner is Sheng Kang, who named the Garden "Lingering". The word has the same pronunciation with 'Liu' in Chinese. The garden is known for the subtleties of its layout. Within limited space, ancient architects arranged a group of buildings at different levels and in a picturesque disorder.
Classical Chinese Private Gardens
Main contents
Brief introduction II. Features of Chinese private gardens III. Famous Chinese private gardens

the Humble Administrator’s Garden (拙政园) Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

It was built in the early years of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty. The Humble Administrator’s Garden was known as “Four Famous Gardens” in China together with the Beijing Summer Palace, Chengde Mountain Resort and Suzhou Lingering Garden. The garden is divided into three parts, eastern, central and west, and each has its own unique character. The East Garden is spaciousness; the Central Garden is the essence of the whole park; and the West Garden has exquisite buildings.