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陈 海 贾建平

摘 要 目的:探讨胼胝体梗死的临床特点和临床诊断应该注意的方面。方法:收集1995年至2005年住院病例中的18例胼胝体梗死患者,对其进行临床和影像(头CT 或M Rl)分析和统计学比较。结果:18例患者中,男11例,女7例,高血压11例、糖尿病7例、冠心病2例、高脂血症8例、高同型半胱氨酸血症1例、T I A2例、高血压合并糖尿病5例、吸烟5例、饮酒4例,4例既往无特殊病史。临床症状有偏瘫、语言障碍、智能障碍、情感障碍、感觉障碍、二便障碍、失用等。影像学示:梗死部位有膝部13例、体部7例、压部3例,膝部合并体部5例。T CD 示脑动脉硬化12例、颅内血管狭窄或闭塞10例,CA 示颈动脉狭窄5例、颈动脉闭塞2例。2例经DSA 证实存在动脉闭塞或狭窄。结论:胼胝体梗死多有脑血管病高危因素,临床表现以偏瘫、语言障碍、智能障碍为主,梗死部位多见膝部。病因为脑动脉硬化基础上的血流动力学改变。

关键词 胼胝体 梗死 临床症状 离断综合征 病因

中图分类号:R743 32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-351X(2006)06-0421-04

Abstract Objective:T o detect w hat is clinical cha racterist ic and w hat should be attention of infarcts of the co rpus ca-l losum.Method:W e assemble 18patients of cor pus callosum infarctio n in ho spital fro m 1995to 2005.We analy ze the clinical data,imaging (CT o r M RI o f br ain)and compar ison of statistics.Result:T her e are 11males,7fema les,11hy -pertension,7diabet es,2co ro nar y arter y disease,8hyperlipoidemia,1hig h homocy st eic acid,2T IA ,5hypertension and diabetes,5ciga rette smoking,4drinking ,4no specific histor y disease in 18patients.Clinical sy mpt oms include hemipa -r aly sis,lang uag e disorder,distur bance of intellig ence,affect ive disor der ,senso ry disability,urine and stoo l disor der ,a -prax ia.Imag ing show s:the sites of infar ct ion are 13g enu,7body,3splenium,5genu and body.T CD show 12cerebral arter ioscler osis,10cr anial vascular stenosis or o cclusion,CA show 11car otid arter y steno sis,2car otid arter y occlusio n.T he arter ies stenosis o r occlusio n is justified by DSA in two cases.Conclusion:T he pat ients who wer e the infar ct ion o f co rpus callosum often had the hig h risk fact ors.T he main clinical manifest ations ar e hemipara lysis,language diso rder,disturbance o f intellig ence.T he site o f infar ct ion is most in g enu.T he et iolog ical factor that is the infar ction of co rpus ca-l losmn is hemo dy namics chang e based on the cer ebr al ar teriosclero sis.

Key word:co rpus callosum

infarctio n

clinical sy mpto m

disco nnection syndrome

etiolo gica l factor

作者单位:100053 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科



方 法


(画图、地点定向),记忆功能,额叶功能,忽略(感觉、视觉或听觉刺激)。同时对患者进行经颅多普勒超声(transcranial do ppler sono graphy ,TCD)、颈动脉超声(caro tid artery do ppler,CA)、磁共振成像血管造影(magnetic r esonance ang io grapny,MRA)、数字减影血管造影(dig ital subtraction angiog raphy,DSA)对脑血管进行检查。血液检查凝血功能、纤维蛋白原、同型半胱氨酸、梅毒抗体、艾滋病抗体、肝炎抗体、血脂等。

同时收集患者的年龄、性别、高血压、糖尿病、血脂、吸烟、饮酒、卒中史、T IA(神经功能缺失少于24小时)史、冠心病、房颤等情况。根据Adams 等应用的标准来推测卒中的病因[5]。CA 、M RA 、DSA 证实的颈动脉狭窄50%以上的梗死为大动脉疾病。无其他病因的深穿支动脉梗死是高血压导致的微血管病变。如果伴有心律失常、瓣膜病、心衰考虑为心源性栓塞。

