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結論章節的第一個句子常是對主要研究活動或目 的的概述 當文章使用論文導向時,研究活動的概述通常使 用現在完成式
◦ This paper has presented a new model for simulating the effect of elastic scattering on angular and depth distributions of excited photo and Auger electrons.
methods of indentation on students’ comprehension of a program written in Pascal. [主要結果及結論] Although subjects given a program with moderate indentation had higher average comprehension scores than subjects given programs with no indentation or excessive indentation , the difference was not large enough for us to conclude that one indentation standard should be preferred over another. [進一步的研究題目] However, the slightly higher comprehension scores associated with moderate indentation suggest further research with large groups of professional programmers and other languages, such as Fortran and Cobol.

敘述主要結論時,常使用現在式及臆測動詞(如 appears, seems等)或語態助動詞(如may, could等)

◦ 不是在描述特定研究成果,而是指出具有普遍有效性的 結論 On the basis of these result, we cannot conclude that one indentation standard should be preferred over another. The results indicate that elastic scattering in the gold targets has a great influence on the angular and depth distributions of photo and auger electrons. The carrier recombination appears to be mainly of the SRH type in In-doped samples.

◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 作結論 描述進一步的研究方向 描述具體研究題目 描述研究可能的應用與效益

◦ 不要故意提到其它不重要或和自己研究沒有密切關聯的題 目

結論可用Conclusion (單數)或Conclusions (複數)
◦ 單數形(Conclusion) 以文章的方式來寫結論 只陳述一兩個主要結論 ◦ 複數形(Conclusions) 包括數個個別結論 可用覽表方式列出個別結論,並在每個結論前加上序號

若在結論中點出其中一些重要結果,常使用過去 式
◦ Subjects given a program with moderate indentation had higher average comprehension scores than subjects given programs with no indentation or excessive indentation.
前言 8.1 基本內容及組織 8.2 時態

以清楚、簡潔方式敘述研究中發現的主要重點 不應提及前文未指出的新事實,也不要重複前文對 實驗程序或研究動機的詳細描述 結論章節的目的在於敘述結論,而非概述論文的所 有內容(摘要才是概述論文內容的地方) 結論章節的功能在於作結論,而非重複文章的內容

◦ 簡述主要研究活動(optional) ◦ 陳述主要結論 簡略地重複最重要結果 指出結果的重要內涵 對結果提出可能說明 ◦ 建議其它研究題目或研究結果可能的應用 (optional)
[研究活動] This study investigates the effects of different

結論內容常在指出具普遍有效性之結論,一般使 用現在式、語態助動詞或臆測動詞,而不用過去 式
◦ The elastic collisions in the specimen cause the photoelectrons to originate at shallower layers. ◦ The elastic collisions in the specimen seem to cause the photoelectrons to originate at shallower layers. ◦ The elastic collisions in the specimen may cause the photoelectrons to originate at shallower layers.

當對研究結果提出說明時,若限制為只在此次特 定情形下才有效,則使用過去式
◦ The elastic collision in the specimen caused the photoelectrons to originate at shallower layers.

若說明具普遍之有效性,則用現在式 也可使用語態助動詞(may, could)或臆測動詞 (appears, seems)

Silicon substrates and MBE-grown silicon films doped with either Sb or In at various concentrations were studied by a time-resolved transient grating technique.