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Key Laboratory of Special Purpose Equipment and Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, PRC


TRIZ is an important way in analysis the evolutionary line of production and Production Improvement which can help company and designer konwing what shoud be done and how to do it. For the purpose of verifying the practicability of this design method which is raised resently, we have used it in Improving hot melt glue sealing device.we analysis the development process of hot melt glue sealing device, and find the weak point of the devece, then we use three different methods to give the Improved method, in the end , we compare these solvations. The result show that TRIZ is a better design method for design to improve the production than others. KeyWords

TRIZ; design method; evolutionary line; production improvemen


With advances in technology, production performs more superior, and update faster. How to keep the superiority in all the production become hard. It is more and more important to seek a better way to update the production and find the need that costoms will want in future. Now there are many methods to design new production, but all of these have all kinds of problems. Brainstorming as the widest methods by spreaded is too inefficient[1], bionic association method which is very popular in china is lack of innovation[2], and experience design which is loved by the experient designer is limited in one area[3]. And TRIZ is a new design method which is taken in 20th. It use existing human knowledge, face the designer itself, stand by the perspective of the whole system, and solve the problem the invention of science[4]. It has its own language, tool for design, and algorithm. It can give you many ideas of solving this problem. There are many samples about TRIZ’s use in mechanical, but all of them are used in small systems, such as design the braker used in bicycle and design a electric fan use in the computer and so on. and it is the first time to use it to a entire big system. In this paper, based on understanding the current situation of the spray device industry, we improve technology for existing products. Firstly, we analysis the design deficiencies of the existing spray device, now there are three problems in this instruction, the frequency of the gun used to spray glue is too slow or longer than

needed, lacking of a machine to design the quantity of the glue and there is no means to design different patterns quickly enough to satisfy the demand of different customs. then establish assembly diagram, and use these three methods to give update result. At last, we compare all of them. It certifies that TRIZ can do better than others in some measure.


We want to thank ms zhao who is my tutor for instruction my paper in choosing topic, writing, advice for revising and so on, mengqun xiang and jianghua yang who is the administrator of lab for giving me help of building device. .In addition, I talk with longlong leng who is my classmate and he gives me advice about how to use the TRIZ on this problem,teacher yuehua wan for giving me advice about writting English paper.


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