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英文對照 Stamping not well Deformed product(finger) The hooks deformed Welding not well Scrap iron Burr stab Missing working procedure Missing part Wrong part Assembly with gap Assembly not well The cover hard to remove Chassis assembled too tight Missing screw Wrong screw Standoff riveted not well Screw tapped not well Not tapped Screw skided Riveting not well Other
金屬件不良現象中英文對照表 不良代碼 不良現象 英文對照 不良代碼 不良現象 PR01 沖壓不良(尺寸超差) Stamping not well PW01 沖壓不良(尺寸超差) PR02 機體(彈片)變形 Deformed product(finger) PW02 機體(彈片)變形 PR03 無皮膜 Without coating PW03 卡鉤變形 PR04 無印章 Missing seal PW04 脫焊 PR05 印章模糊 The seal unclear PW05 鐵屑 PR06 印章位置錯ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu The wrong location of the seal PW06 毛刺 PR07 針孔 Painting pinholes PW07 少工程 PR08 漆裂 Painting scaled off PW08 少部件 PR09 補漆不良 Paint mend not well PW09 部件用錯 PR10 掉漆 Losing paint PW10 裝配斷差 PR11 咬花不良 Flower pattern of the painting not wellPW11 實配不良 PR12 無咬花 Without flower pattern PW12 上蓋難取 PR13 漆厚 Thick paint PW13 底座推拉過緊 PR14 漆薄 Thin paint PW14 少螺柱 PR15 烤漆顏色不均勻 Paint color not uniform PW15 螺柱用錯 PR16 桔皮 Dimples PW16 螺柱未鉚好 PR17 烤漆附著力差 Bad paint adhesion PW17 螺柱攻牙不良 PR18 烤漆色差 Chromatism PW18 漏攻牙 PR19 溢漆 Painting beyond the confine PW19 滑牙 PR20 內部噴漆 Painting inside PW20 鉚合不良 PR21 烤漆面刮傷 Painted surfaces scratches MISC 其它 PR22 烤漆面異色點 Diverse color on painting surface PR23 烤漆雜質 Inclusions PR24 絲印不良 Silk-screen not well PR25 移印不良 Printing color not well PR26 印刷色差 Printing color difference PR27 殘留油墨 Residual printing ink PR28 位置錯誤 Printing reversed PR29 贓污 Contamination PR30 殘留異物 Other thing adhere to the product PR31 黑點(材料) Macula PR32 雜質(材料) Impurity PR33 銀漆超標 Antirust paint overrun PR34 氧化 Oxidation PR35 黑斑 Macula PR36 油污 Smeary product PR37 不潔 Product unclean PR38 灰塵 Dirt PR39 水漬 Water soiled PR40 混料 Mix in other product PR41 電鍍不良 Plating not well PR42 皮膜不良 Coating not well PR43 撞傷 Bruise PR44 凸凹痕 Protruding/Sinks dents PR45 壓傷 Slug marks PR46 模具痕跡 Stamping marks PR47 刮傷 Scratches PR48 切邊生鏽 Rusty kerf PR49 打磨不良 Burnish not well PR50 色差(材料) Chromatism PR51 拉釘間隙 Gap after rivet PR52 拉釘用錯 Wrong rivet PR53 漏拉釘 Missing rivet PR54 拉釘空心 Hollow rivet PR55 凸尾 The rivet with protrude tail PR56 折邊間隙 Gap after rivet MISC 其它 Others