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郑 林,刘丽娜,李月婷,李勇军,黄 勇,王永林,兰燕宇人
试验考察,各项指标均符合质量标准要求。结论 心脉通软胶囊质量可控,稳定性好。
文章编号::006 -4931 (2019)17 -0011 -04
Quality Control and Stability of Xinmaitong Soft Capsules
心脉通软胶囊具有活血化瘀、通脉止痛的功效,临 床用于冠心病心绞痛心血瘀阻所致胸痹心痛证,症见胸
*基金项目:国家自然科学基金61360664];贵州省科技计划项目[黔科合平台人才〔2017〕5601;〔2016〕5613;〔2016〕5677];贵阳市 科研创新团队项目[筑科合同〔2017〕30 -29号;
中医药信息,2018,35(2):83 -87. [6]陈勇,陈涛,高永翔,等.风湿定胶囊对类风湿关节炎大
鼠滑膜组织JAK/STAT信号通路的影响[J].中国中医急症, 2018,07(5):1720 —1526. [J] GAAFAR AGA,MESSIHA BAS,ABDELKAFY AML,etai. Nico-
2019年9月5日 第2卷第17期 VoC 2& No. 13, September 5,2019
China Pharmaaeuticals
Dug Research df: 10. 3969// /pu 1006 -493 3 2019. 17. 003
察。结果 薄层色谱法均检出了心脉通软胶囊中的主要药材,异荭草素、荭草素的质量浓度分别在11. 05〜88. 40 Mg/mL4 = 0.999 9)
和10. 83〜86. 60wenku.baidu.comMg/mL(厂二0. 999 7)范围內与峰面积积分值线性关系良好,且3批心脉通软胶囊经6个月加速试验和24个月长期
ZHENG Lin,, LIU Lina, LI Yueting, LI Yongjun, HUANG Yong, WANG Yonglin, LAN Yanyu
、 (Guizhou Medidae University, Guizhon Proviadai Key Laborairy of Pharmaceutics, State Key Laboratory of Functions ang Applications of Medicinal Planti, Engiaeering Reseurcd Ceriro foo oOr Duiopmug and Application tn EiOnic Medicigr ang TCM <Ministry U EducaiioO, Guiyaag, Guizhon, China 550004 Abstract: Objective To estabPsh a qua/ta coctroi methob for Xinmaitova Sofi Capsules and investigate Ps stab/bp. MetOodu The PcUygoniim orientale, Crataeui Folium and Notopinseeg Radin ei Rhizoma in Xinmaitova Soft Capsules were i/entiPeP bc TLC methob, the covteni of /ogen/hn and u/icaOn in Polygonum orientair was determined bc HPLC methob, and the sta/P/a of Xinmaitova Sofi Capsuic was studied bc accelerated tesi and Iox/ 一 term test. Results The main medi/nai matehais in Xinmaitova Sofi Capsules aS covlp be detected bc TLC methob. The /oOentin and ohentin showed goob Pnear relatiovship with pea/ area in the ran/es of 11. 05 — 88. O4 Mg/mL(f 0.999 9) and 10. 83 - 86. 60 Mg/mLG^ 0.999 7). After 6 movths of accelerated Psi and 24 movths of lov/ - teun tesi p alt the indexes of three batches of Xinmaitov/ Sofi Capsules moi the re/uirements of qua/ta standardso Conclusion Xinmaitov/ Soft Capsules havv covtrolla/ic qua/ta and goob sta/P/a. Key wordt: Xinmaitov/ Soft Capsules - qua/ta coctroi: sta/iPta; TLC; HPLC
第一作者:郑林,女,博士研究生,教授,研究方向为中药质量控制及新药开发,(电话)0851 -86908468(电子信箱)ma/ofzl@126. com。 △通信作者:兰燕宇,女,大学本科,教授,研究方向为中药质量控制及新药开发,(电话)0851 -86908468(电子信箱)yadyu626@ 126. com。