江苏省赣榆县智贤中学高中英语牛津必修 nit chool life 同步练习八

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Unit 1 School life 同步练习(八)

总分 100分 时间 40 分钟 成绩评定 __________________ If you could start a school club with your schoolmates, what club would you have?

I. 根据首字母提示或中文提示补全单词:(每题2分,共20分)

1. B He returned to the room and i_____________ Peter of their decision.

2. B I began to make p_____________ for this journey.

3. A The picture showed four g_____ — great grandmother, grandmother, mother and baby.

4. A I think the wall r_________ repairing.

5. B Shall we go for an o_________ to the seaside?

6. A Mother doesn ’t ____________ (赞成) of her smoking.

7. A He has a _________ (密切的) relation with his friends.

8. A He wrote some of the best-remembered _________ (诗) in the English language.

9. B My two dogs have quite different ____________ (本性).

10. A They _______ (挑选) one of his favorite books and read to his children.

II. 完成下列句子:(共35分)

1. A I informed her mother of her safe arrival.

I informed her mother ________ she _______ ________ safely.

2. B He regretted having been careless.

He regretted _________ __________.

He regretted ________ he _______ _________ careless.

3. B The governor gave approval to the project.

The governor __________ ________ the project.

4. B The servants were cleaning the house, preparing for the return of the family.

The servants were cleaning the house ________ _______ for the return of the family.

The servants were cleaning the house, in ___________ for the return of the family.

The servants were cleaning the house, making ______ _______ the family ’s _______.

5. A I will continue to study for another year.

I will continue my _________ for another year.

I will continue _______ for another year.

III. 填空题: (每题2.5分,共25分) C 阅读下面短文,在空白处填上适当的单词,使短文语义完整。每空一词。 预习 课堂


Pigeons are birds which are able to find their way home even when they have taken a great distance away. For this reason a sport (1)_______ as pigeon racing has developed. A few days before a race, the pigeons are taken hundreds of kilometers away from (2)______ homes and, on the day of the race, they are released to fly back home. The bird which arrives home in the shortest length of time is the winner. Unfortunately, it is a fact that birds sometimes get lost and (3)_______ never seen again.

This obviously (4)_______ to a pigeon belonging to a man from the southwest of England. The bird had been taken to the south of France, (5)_______ the race began, and had set off with the other birds, but had never arrived home. Two years later, the owner was surprised to receive a letter (6)________ that the bird was at the house of a pigeon owner in China. The man (7)________ had found the bird had discovered the address of the English owner from the number on the ring round the pigeon’s leg.

It is hard to believe that the pigeon could have flown (8)________ the way from France to China —a distance of more (9)_______ 8,000 kilometers; the bird had probably landed (10)_______ a ship which was going to China.


Music is the international language. The songs sung 1. A _________

or playing by instruments are beautiful to people everywhere. 2. A _________ Popular music in America is that every student likes. 3. B _________

Students carry small radios with earphones, but listen to music 4. A _________

before class, after class, and at lunch.

There are other kinds music that are important to 5. A _________ Americans. One is called folk music, it tells stories 6. A _________

about the common life of Americans. Another is called 7. B _________

western or country music, which started by cowboys 8. B _________

who would sing to the cows they are watching. Today, 9.A _________

any music about the love between a country boy and

his girl friend is called west or country music. 10. B _________


I. 1. informed 2. preparations 3. generations 4. requires 5. outing
