

Evaluation of the American bill of rights

In Philadelphia in 1787 drafted the constitution, and approved at the state of the process, there are also many americans feel uneasy, because did not explicitly protect individual rights in the constitution. Therefore, added 10 amendments to The constitution, called The Bill of Rights, English name is The Bill of Rights. Because of The added to The Bill of Rights, The constitution in 13 states were approved, and came into force in 1789.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;or abridging the freedom of speech,or of the press;or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia,being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,shall not be infringed.

Amendment III

No Soldier shall,in time of peace be quartered in any house,without the consent of the Owner,nor in time of war,but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons,houses,papers,and effects,against unreasonable searches and seizures,shall not be violated,and no Warrants shall issue,but upon probable cause,supported by Oath or affirmation,and particularly describing the place to be searched,and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital,or otherwise infamous crime,unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury,except in cases arising in the land or naval forces,or in the Militia,when in actual service in time of War or public danger;nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,nor be deprived of life,liberty,or property,without due process of law;nor shall private property be taken for public use,without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions,the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial,by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall ave been committed,which district shall have been previously ascertained by law,and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation;to be confronted with the witnesses against him;to have compulsory process for obtaining itnesses in his favor,and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Amendment VII

In suits at common law,where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars,the right of trial by jury shall be preserved,and no fact tried by a jury,shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States,than according to

the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required,nor excessive fines imposed,nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution,of certain rights,shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,nor prohibited by it to the States,are reserved to the States respectively,or to the people.

Bill of rights is born is considered only constraint the federal government, not state.After the civil war, the 14th amendment to strengthen the protection of individual rights, and the states' rights restrictions, but the court focused on just property rights.40 or 50 s of the 20th century, the court will be the introduction of the right choice in the bill of rights in the 14th amendment, the court's center of gravity to the personal rights.Modern, the United States in terms of personal right protection and equal protection have very big development, states and cities set up a human rights, a new batch of the Civil Rights Act, congress and also appeared the new rights such as right of privacy and environment.

The first, the birth of the bill of rights

The original constitution drafted by the United States in 1787 and there is no direct provision of individual rights, but only rules for government organization structure and power.After completion of the draft constitution by states refused to ratify, states are required in the original constitution attached a bill of rights for approval after the constitution of the premise.The federal government to compromise finally, Madison drafted later became a federal ten amendments to the bill of rights was passed in 1791. So why so strong states in the United States and the people the requirements stipulated in the constitution of the contents of the protection of individual rights?We can return to the United States of the colonial period to find the answer.Immigrants came to America either for reasons of religious or political persecution or unemployment bankruptcy, etc., they have obvious thing in common, that is looking for freedom and democracy in the new land, they hate and fear abnormal dictatorship.So as early as 1641 years of colonial period had the free hand, Massachusetts, in 1682, the government organic law, Pennsylvania.So early in the colonial period, the American people will gradually formed a kind of pursuit and protection of individual rights, limited government, demanding democracy the traditional concept of freedom.

Now looking back at the bill of rights in its birth on two defects: one is not the rights that citizens receive equal protection under the second is only binding on the federal government at that time, no binding on the states.Due to the time of the Washington government rarely interference of individual rights, so in a period of time after the birth of the bill of rights, the American people have few chances to use the

guarantee specified in the bill of rights, and because of its constraints only the federal government, that the bill of rights to the American people have the sense of touch "and".

The second, the void of the civil rights

(a) the arrival of the 14th amendment

The American civil war the southern blacks slaves liberated, in order to ensure the achievement of war, the 14th amendment in 1868 to join the federal constitution.The arrival of the 14th amendment first make no racial difference of equality as a basic constitutional principles, the second is on limit state power, the federal government, civil rights protection.But at this time of the 14th amendment and the bill of rights "formed" had not yet been in slaughterhouses (1873) of ruling, the court said a violated by the federal bill of rights guarantee the rights of the state is not in violation of the 14th amendment privilege and exemption clause.At this time of the 14th amendment to become big business charter, "was the focus almost entirely on the property rights law."At this time of the 14th amendment of civil rights, almost no direct, it has been proved for freed slaves did not provide any practical help.In 1896 in plessy v. Flo's decision, the court said as long as give black and white the same facilities will not violate the 14th amendment, its development has become a kind of "separate but equal" theory, make the black in the net of "?Jim Crow laws".

(b) of the Civil Rights Act of congress

Drawn up after the civil war amendments have such one, behind the "parliament has the right to pass legislation to strengthen the provisions", the executive items constitute the basis for the constitution of the Civil Rights Act of congress.Congress in the sixties and seventies of the 19th century made the four Civil Rights Act, which is trying to make the black entitled to enter into a contract, filed a lawsuit and own property rights of citizens, and the effectiveness of the method of congress extended to "anyone", that is not only a state, including personal.This theory are negated by civil rights in 1883, under the jurisdiction of the court ruled that congress can't discrimination is purely personal properties.This period of the Civil Rights Act is the ultimate fate of either by the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional, or by parliament abolished, eventually become a dead letter.

So after the American civil war to the end of the 19th century during this period, despite the 14th amendment and congress of the Civil Rights Act, but both are the court's decision is no effect.So the whole of the 19th century the rights of the people of the United States in a vague state!

The third, from property rights to the personal right

(a) The Supreme Court's centre of gravity shift

As mentioned above, the end of the 19th century court focus completely on the property rights, so in the first 20 years of the 20th century, the state has not been changed.During this time the Supreme Court because of the influence of laissez-faire, using the due process clause that the federal government's many legislation aims to safeguard social stability and nullified.This approach greatly limit the federal government to exercise power, President Roosevelt eventually "reorganization court" plan is put forward.After the court began to give up the original theory of due process, announced that the federal government about the security of social welfare legislation is constitutional, and shifted the focus from the property rights to personal rights.This is Edward ?si ?g loewen described as a "limited constitution revolution".

(b) The two campaigns in the Supreme Court

The middle of the 20th century, the Supreme Court from two aspects, to strengthen the protection of personal rights.First of all, the Supreme Court "through an absorption process" the bill of rights of the rights promised in selectively introduced in the 14th amendment's due process clause, states also restricted because of the bill of rights.Although is only the "choice" to absorb, but after 25 years, expanding the court with a number of rights protected by the bill of rights, states with constraints.It is because the 14th amendment of the bill of rights, make those rights are the substantial content.

Another movement of the Supreme Court is to give the 14th amendment's equal protection clause to effectiveness, changed the past "separate but equal" attitude.During the second world war, the Supreme Court's attitude toward racial discrimination beginning to change, in 1944 the Supreme Court cancelled declared that "white superiority", limiting most southern blacks to participate in political activities.And the Supreme Court began to change views that isolate itself is a kind of inherent inequality, isolating itself constitutes a discrimination.Although the court did not overturn plessy v. Flo's case in 1896, but the attitude of the Supreme Court has begun to change, from the original "separate but equal" to now "isolation as inequality".

The fourth, the new development of rights

After the middle of the 20th century, the United States into the warren court period (1954 ~ 1969), the Supreme Court gives person takes precedence over property status, further strengthen the protection of personal right, the rights granted a broader meaning.This period of "brown v board of education" finally overthrew the principle of "separate but equal", then the Supreme Court will also extend to the citizens' political rights and of equal protection areas of criminal defendants.Equality has become one of the theme of the contemporary American law.

Congress makes the Civil Rights Act has two very similar period in our history, it is

after the civil war, one is after the second world war the fifties and sixties.But this period of the Civil Rights Act after the civil war period, the Civil Rights Act of congress than lucky, because they won the approval of the Supreme Court.And, by this time the Supreme Court ruled that congress legislation not only can constraint "state behavior", can also be constraints "personal".In order to better enforcement of laws against racial discrimination, states and cities have set up special administrative agencies to carry out anti-discrimination laws.The organization for human rights has become the United States government guarantee of individual rights and new tools, although can not fundamentally solve the problem of racial discrimination, but undoubtedly the establishment of human rights institutions can strengthen the effect of anti-discrimination laws.Can say the second half of the 20th century into the era of power expansion in the United States, because the American people have more and more new interests requires the government passed a law to give guarantee, so there are many new rights.Women have the same legal rights as men, people begin to get welfare legal rights, the right to privacy is also considered a constitution to protect personal rights of a component.In addition the environment right is also regarded as a legal rights of every citizen of the United States, more and more public participation in government decision-making about environmental problems.These new rights, new member of the bill of rights, their arrival was on the bill of rights is the development of the bill of rights.


公民权利法案颁布50周年纪念 在华盛顿,这周全国人民都在庆祝美国历史上的具有划时代意义的事件—1964年(1964,年7月2日)公民权利法案的颁布50周年纪念日。这项具有里程碑意义的法律禁止种族歧视以及在学校、工作以及公共场所中的种族隔离现象。 1963年,发生在美国南部的公民权利示威活动变得越发激烈。总统约翰·肯尼迪称当时的局势为“道德危机”。 肯尼迪说:“这个问题不只是发生在局部地区,种族歧视与隔离问题存在于我们国家的每一座城市、每一个州。在不同的地方都引起了民众越来越多的不满,甚至对公共安全产生了威胁。” 历史性会议 肯尼迪总统与民权领袖马丁·路德·金会晤,讨论了结束示威游行活动的相关事宜。肯尼迪的顾问,哈里斯·沃福德安排了这次会议。 沃福德说:“马丁·路德·金从容地谈到,一部分非暴力的直接行动对当权者带来了一定的危机,无论是对管理他们的政府、企业或者其他组织都造成了一定影响。” 肯尼迪总统在全国电视讲话中对此发表了回应。 “几乎在每个社区,在这个国家各个地方,人们都将错误观念强加于黑种人。而且并没有相关的法律来解决这一问题。在这次国会采取行动之前,黑种人们只能用示威游行作为一种解决方式。所以,我在这里要求国会制定相关法律,让所有美国公民都有权使用向公众开放的设施。” 公民权利法案对在学校、工作以及像餐厅这样的公共场所中的种族隔离现象进行约束。这项法律遭到了大多数南方立法者的强烈反对,他们甚至封堵街道。 有利的条件 哈里斯·沃福德表示,不断进行的示威活动以及肯尼迪总统遭暗杀,这两者为权利法案的通过创造了条件。 “我认为,如果肯尼迪总统没有被刺杀,权利法案可能不会通过。在遇刺之后,大多数美国人都陷入了悲伤与理解中。” 1964年7月,林顿·约翰逊将公民权利法案正式纳入法律中。前任国会议员罗恩·德勒姆斯说,这对于众多美国黑人来说是最高的成就。 “公民权利法案的颁布在美国历史上意义重大。我敢断言这是美国政治进程中顺应人民愿望的一次。”德勒姆斯说。 巨大的收获 50年后的今天,杰克·琼斯受益于反歧视法。他生长在美国充满种族隔离的南方地区,失去了很多机会,但是他还是开办了一家规模较小的全国性公司。 “毫无疑问,公民权利法案改变了美国,虽然这是为我们所有人而改变的,为我们大多数人的黑人。但是它同样使美国变得更好。” 激进分子表示,19世纪60年代有许多公平和自由进行示威游行的人。他们的支持帮助权利法案成为现实,同样也成为是种族公平事业中的基石。


为什么说这个权利法案对美国公民如此重要呢? What is this Bill of Rights that is so important to the citizens of the United States ? It is contained in the first ten amendments to the Constitution. 为什么说这个权利法案对美国公民如此重要呢?在前十条修正案里我们可以看到这一点。 The First Amendment is the basic statement of American freedoms. It protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 权利法案第一条修正案是对美国自由权利的说明。它保护宗教,言论和出版的自由。 The First Amendment guarantees that religion and government will make no law establishing an official religion. Nor will Congress interfere in the peoples’right to worship as they choose. The First Amendment also says Congress will not make laws restricting the peoples’right to gather peacefully and to make demands on the government. 第一条修正案国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由;剥夺言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿伸冤的权利。 The Second Amendment guarantees the peoples’ right to keep weapons as part of an organized militia. 权利法案第二条修正案国会必需保证公民有挟带武器的权利。 The Third Amendment says people may not be forced to let soldiers stay in theirs homes during peacetime. 权利法案第三条修正案在和平时期公民不能强制要求士兵留在家中。 The Fourth through the English Amendment all protect the peoples’ right in the criminal justice system. 权利法案第四条修正案在审判体系中保护犯罪人的权利. The Fourth Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures. If police want to search a suspect’s house or papers, they must get special permission from a judge. The document from the judge must say exactly what police are looking for. And it must describe the place to be searched. 权利法案第四条修正案保护公民受到不合法的搜索与捕捉.如果警察想搜索一个狠罪嫌疑人的住宅或文件,他们必需有从法庭得到的特殊许可.在许可的文档里必需说清楚警察搜索的是什么,和描述搜索那一些地方. The Fifth Amendment says no one can be put on trial far a serious crime unless a grand jury has first examined the evidence and agreed that a trial is needed. No one can be put on trial more than once on the same criminal charge. And no one can be forced to give evidence against himself in court. 权利法案第五条规定未经陪审团对证据作审查和同意, 任何人不受重罪审判. 任何人不得因同一犯罪而受审超过一次. 任何人不能在法庭上违背自身意愿被迫自证. The Fifth Amendment also says no one can lose their freedom, property, or life


The United States Bill of Rights. The Ten Original Amendments to the Constitution of the United States Passed by Congress September 25, 1789 Ratified December 15, 1791 “The United States Bill of Rights” is a publication of The Pennsylvania State University’s Electronic Classic’s Series, Jim Manis, Senior Faculty Editor. The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity University.

This publication of “The United States Bill of Rights” is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone associated with the Pennsylvania State University assumes any responsibility for the material contained within the document or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. “The United States Bill of Rights” the Pennsylvania State University, Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, Hazleton, PA 18201-1291 is a Portable Document File produced as part of an ongoing student publication project to bring classical works of literature, in English, to free and easy access of those wishing to make use of them. Copyright ? 1998 The Pennsylvania State University The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity University.


美国情况介绍 国名美利坚合众国(The United States of America)。 面积962.9091万平方公里(其中陆地面积915.8960万平方公里),本土东西长4500公里,南北宽2700公里,海岸线长22,680公里。 人口 3.087亿(2010年人口普查数据,截至当年4月1日)。白人占64%,拉美裔占16.3%,黑人占12.6%,亚裔占4.7%(2010年美人口普查数据,族群划分有交叉)。通用英语。据2007年估算数据,51.3%的居民信奉基督教新教,23.9%信奉天主教,1.7%信奉犹太教,1.7%信奉摩门教,1.6%信奉其他基督教,不属于任何教派的占4%。 首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington D. C.),人口约60万。 国庆日7月4日(美国独立日,1776年)。 国家元首巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama)。美国第44任(第56届)总统,2009年1月20日就职。 简况位于北美洲中部,领土还包括北美洲西北部的阿拉斯加和太平洋中部的夏威夷群岛。北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥湾,西临太平洋,东濒大西洋。大部分地区属大陆性气候,南部属亚热带气候。中北部平原温差很大,芝加哥1月平均气温-3℃,7月24℃;墨西哥湾沿岸1月平均气温11℃,7月28℃。 原为印第安人聚居地。15世纪末西班牙、荷兰、法、英等国开始向北美移民。到1773年,英已建立13个殖民地。1775年爆发独立战争。1776年7月4日通过《独立宣言》,正式宣布建立美利坚合众国。1787年制定联邦宪法,1788年华盛顿当选为第一任总统。在1776年后的100年内,美国领土几乎扩张了10倍。2009年1月,奥巴马宣誓就任美国第44任第56届总统。 行政区划全国共分50个州和1个特区(哥伦比亚特区),有3042个县。联邦领地包括波多黎各和北马里亚纳;海外领地包括关岛、美属萨摩亚、美属维尔京群岛等。各州名称:亚拉巴马、阿拉斯加、亚利桑那、阿肯色、加利福尼亚、科罗拉多、康涅狄格、特拉华、佛罗里达、佐治亚、夏威夷、爱达荷、伊利诺伊、印第安纳、艾奥瓦、堪萨斯、肯塔基、路易斯安那、缅因、马里兰、马萨诸塞、密歇根、明尼苏达、密西西比、密苏里、蒙大拿、内布拉斯加、内华达、新罕布什尔、新泽西、新墨西哥、纽约、北卡罗来纳、北达科他、俄亥俄、俄克拉何马、俄勒冈、宾夕法尼亚、罗得岛、南卡罗来纳、南达科他、田纳西、得克萨斯、犹他、佛蒙特、弗吉尼亚、华盛顿、西弗吉尼亚、威斯康星、怀俄明。 政治奥巴马政府执政后,组建了新的政府内阁班子;将应对经济金融危机作为首要任务,相继推出“美国复苏与再投资法”和“金融稳定计划”等政策措施,实施量化宽松的非传统货币政策,以稳定金融市场、刺激经济增长和创造就业;高度重视能源、气候变化等问题,加大科技研发投入,推行创新战略,倡导发展绿色经济;完成医保、金融监管等经社改革立法,推进教育改革。2010年11月举行国会中期选举,共和党赢得众院多数席位,民


权利法案原文 第一条 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 译文:国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由; 剥夺言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿伸冤的 权利。 第二条 A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. 译文:纪律严明的民兵是保障自由州的安全所必需的,人民持有和携 带武器的权利不可侵犯。 第三条 No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. 译文:未经房主同意,士兵平时不得驻扎在任何住宅;除依法律规定 的方式,战时也不得驻扎。 第四条 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 译文:人民的人身、住宅、文件和财产不受无理搜查和扣押的权利,不得侵犯。除依据可能成立的理由,以宣誓或代誓宣言保证,并详细 说明搜查地点和扣押的人或物,否则不得发出搜查和扣押状。 第五条 No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous


美国宪法与刑事诉讼法 美国宪法与刑事诉讼法的一体化及影响 摘要:在美国,通过正当程序条款,借助一系列的司法判例,宪法与刑事诉讼法紧密地融合在一起,形成了一体化的宪法与刑事诉讼法。这种模式形成的根本原因在于美国的法律文化传统、宪政体制及对基本权利的重视,它的最大特点在于将刑事诉讼权利宪法化,并在权利受侵害后能够加以救济。美国宪法与刑事诉讼法关系模式对一些国家,特别是日本的宪法与刑事诉讼法关系有较大的影响。 关键词:美国; 宪法; 刑事诉讼法; 一体化 一、一体化:美国宪法与刑事诉讼法关系的基本格局 在美国,一体化的宪法与刑事诉讼法关系是其不同于其他国家宪法与刑事诉讼法关系的一大特色,这种宪法与刑事诉讼法的一体化关系在刑事司法领域主要表现在以下方面。1.通过宪法及其修正案,将刑事被追诉人诉讼权利写入宪法。在美国,刑事被追诉人的诉讼权利获得了极大的保障,一些直接涉及刑事被追诉人人身权、财产权等方面的诉讼权利和自由被写入宪法,上升到宪法权利的高度并加以保护。1787 年,《美国宪法》由在费城召开的制宪会议通过。纵观该宪法,仅有第3 条第 2 款第3 项规定了刑事被追诉人接受陪审团审判的权利并确立了管辖的一般原则,宪法并没有规定公民特别是刑事被追诉人的诉讼权利。“人人生而平等,他们都从造物主那里被赋予了某些不可转让的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利”这些资产阶级革命时期提出的一些关系到公民权利的主张并没有在宪法中得到体现。这种做法受到了联邦党人的猛烈批评。1789 年,美国召开第一届国会,基于联邦党人和 广大民众的强烈要求,《权利法案》的制定成为国会的首要议题。国会在经过激烈的辩论后,在麦迪逊提出的修改草案的基础上确定了12 条宪法修正案。之后交由各州审查批准,最后有10 条修正案获得了各州的批准,在美国称为《权利法案》。 2.正当程序条款与刑事被追诉人诉讼权利保障结合紧密。在美国,正当程序条款即是宪法的基石,也是宪政的核心。《权利法案》通过伊始,正当程序条款在法律上对各州并没有约束力,仅适用于联邦政府,其目的是约束联邦政府的权力。联邦执法机关在执法时严格按照正当程序条款的规定进行,是“高标准、严要求”; 但此时各州执法机关并不受《权利法案》之正当程序条款的约束,执法时并不执行正当程序条款。其结果是,在美国,形成联邦执法机关和各州执法机关保障刑事被诉讼人诉讼权利之双重标准。此外,为了规避“正当程序条款”在执法上对联邦执法机关的约束,许多联邦执法机关在办案过程中常常通过州执法人员进行取证,然后为自己所用。对此,美国联邦最高法院通过判例的形式,通过解释判例的方式将正当程序条款与《权利法案》紧密地结合起来,将《权利法案》中规定的刑事被追诉人的一些诉讼权利扩展到各州,使各州执法机关的执法行为也受到正当程序的限制。 3 刑事被追诉人针对侵犯自己诉讼权利的行为,有权通过法律途径获得救济。通常来说,对刑事被追诉人诉讼权利的保护,除要求一国宪法大量规定刑事诉讼程序规范外,还要求一国宪法具有直接的适用性,从而直接影响刑事诉讼过程。当然,如果一国宪法规定了大量的刑事程序性规范,又具有直接的适用性,这样是不是宪法与刑事诉讼法关系就密切了,就能在现实生活中发挥重要作用呢,情况也不尽然。如果对于侵害刑事被追诉人诉讼权利的行为,一个有效且适用的救济管道不存在。宪法规定的有关内容在现实生活中发挥作用的程度仍然是有限的。在美国,形成一体化宪法与刑事诉讼法关系的一个十分重要的方面


1.美国两党进行轮流执政的政治格局,可以减少因政治政策和国家既定方针的频繁更换, 而造成的政局动荡和政治混乱情况的发生。有利于国家政策和政府政策的稳定性和连续性。稳定的政治环境也可以同时更好的保证经济的发展,避免因政局混乱造成经济衰退的情况发生。 The political structure of the United States in which both parties take turns in governing can reduce the political instability and political chaos caused by frequent changes in political policies and national established policies.It is conducive to the stability and continuity of national and government policies.A stable political environment can also better ensure economic development and avoid economic recession caused by political chaos. 2.美国两党为了获得更多的选票支持,在上台执政后会扩大拥有选举权的公民范围,这使 得妇女,黑人等在美国处于弱势群体的公民本应具有的权利得到了更好,更有利的保障。 也正是由于此,两党制更好的保障了美国各个阶层的利益,可以有效避免社会矛盾的激化。 In order to get more votes to support both parties in the United States, after power on expanding our scope of citizens have the right to vote, this makes women, black and so on in the vulnerable groups in the United States citizens should have the right to get a better, more favorable guarantee.Because of this, the two-party system has better protected the interests of all sectors of the United States and can effectively avoid the aggravation of social conflicts. 3.在美国,民主党和共和党处于竞争和对立的状态。尽管在竞选结束后,失败的一方会成 为反对党,但其仍会主动的参与国家政治生活,通过自己的监督可以极力的牵制执政党,监督政府是否有效地运行,这样可以使得执政党尽管拥有较大权力也不敢胡乱使用,使得权力在整个的行使过程中更加的公正廉洁,避免不必要的资源浪费和腐败现象的发生。 In the United States, Democrats and republicans are in a state of competition and opposition.Although at the end of the campaign, the failure of one party will become the opposition, but it will take the initiative to participate in national political life, through its own monitoring can to contain the ruling party, to supervise the government whether to run effectively, so that we can make the ruling despite having larger power also dare not careless use, makes the exercise of power in the whole process more impartial and honest, to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and the occurrence of corruption. 4 无 4.因为一方面,金钱是获得被选举资格的前提,在美国无论是总统选举还是议员选举都需 要巨额的资金进行相应的竞选活动。另外一方面,金钱也是选举能够取得胜利的保障。 这就决定了美国的两党并不是完全的代表了广大公民群体的利益,而是更多的维护大财团的利益,这对广大的民众来说,容易对新当选的总统以及国会和政府组织产生信任危机。 Because, on the one hand, money is the prerequisite to be eligible for election. In the United States, both presidential and legislative elections require huge amounts of


美国政党 民主党和共和党是美国两个主要政党。民主党于1791年建党,当时由部分种植园主、农民和某些与南方奴隶主有联系的资本家组成。曾名共和党和民主共和党,1828年改称现名。1933年至1953年,民主党人罗斯福和杜鲁门先后任总统,民主党连续执政20年,是该党最兴旺发达时期。从1981年到1989年连任两届总统并对美国经济产生重大影响(甚至有“里根经济学”之说)的罗纳德·里根是共和党人。1992年上台担任美国总统并于1996年竞选连任获得成功的现任美国总统克林顿是民主党人。共和党成立于1854年,当时主要是由反对扩大奴隶制的北方工商业资本家组成。1861年林肯就任总统,共和党首次执政,至1933年的70多年中,除16年外,均为共和党执政。 美国政党- 正文 美国是世界上最早出现政党的国家之一,也是实行两党制的典型国家之一。民主党与共和党在国家政治生活中占据重要位置。美国的选举制度、议会制度、行政管理制度以及司法制度,都与两党制有着密切联系。 沿革18世纪北美资产阶级革命胜利后,当时美国统治阶级内部在批准1787年宪法运动中,形成了联邦主义者(或称联邦党人)和反联邦主义者(或称反联邦党人)两大政派。1789年联邦政府成立后,两派在宪法解释、联邦与各州权限,以及公债、设立国家银行等问题上发生严重分歧,以A.汉密尔顿为首的联邦党人代表东北部大资产阶级、大商人等利益,主张对宪法从宽解释,建立一个中央集权政府;以T.杰斐逊为首的反联邦党人代表资产阶级民主派、州权派等利益,主张对宪法从严解释,要求扩大州权,保障自由。两派在国会内外进行活动,逐步由国会内的政治派别发展为全国性政党。反联邦党人于1791年开始组织共和党,由国务卿杰斐逊任领袖,故又称杰斐逊共和党。联邦党人于1795年正式成立联邦党,并于1797~1801年执政。1801年以后,联邦党由于组织松散,内部倾轧,并在1812~1814年的美英战争中采取亲英立场,图谋分裂联邦,从而激起民愤,以后一蹶不振,至1817年已名存实亡。共和党在1792年欧洲战争爆发后,势力迅速扩大,在1800年的竞选中获胜,杰斐逊当选总统。到19世纪20年代,共和党分裂为两派:追随J.Q.亚当斯的一派自称国民共和党,支持A.杰克逊的一派则称民主共和党。国民共和党在1828年和1832年的两次总统竞选中失败,以后逐渐湮没无闻。民主共和党在1828年选举中简称民主党,大选获胜后杰克逊当选总统,在1840年举行的第3次全国代表大会上,正式定名为民主党。1834年,辉格党成立,它是反对杰克逊政权的松散的党派联盟,1840年在白宫和国会都取得胜利后,成为全国性的主要政党。19世纪40年代末,辉格党联盟开始瓦解。到1854年,大多数北方辉格党人已加入新成立的共和党。1854年7月,共和党在密执安州杰克逊城成立,在以后的4年中,共和党在北方各州取代辉格党,成了民主党的主要对手。至此,美国两大政党形成,两党制开始确立。19世纪50年代末,民主党发生分裂,部分北方民主党人参加了共和党;南方民主党人维护种植园奴隶主的利益,主张巩固和扩大奴隶制,并制造叛乱,导致南北方战争的爆发。战争结束后,美国从自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡,共和党与民主党两党之间的区别愈来愈小,根本利益日趋一致,都代表了垄断资本的利益。


被告在美国的权利 作者:佚名 不得侵犯人民的人身、住所、文件和财物不受无理搜查和没收的权利。除非有可成立的理由,并经宣誓或保证,且具体指明将被搜查的地点和将被扣押的人或物,否则不得颁发搜查逮捕令。──《合众国宪法·第四条修正案》 非经大陪审团提起公诉,任何人不得受到死刑罪或可导致公民权被剥夺之罪的审判;……任何人不得因同一罪行而两次被置于有可能丧生或受体罚的处境;也不得被强迫在任何刑事案中作不利自己的自证,不得不经法律正当程序而被剥夺生命、自由或财产……。──《合众国宪法·第五条修正案》 在一切刑事案诉讼中,被告人有权利得到公正陪审团的迅速、公开的审判……并被告之所受指控的性质和原因;有权利与对方证人对质;有权利用强制程序获得对自己有利的证人并得到辩护律师。──《合众国宪法·第六条修正案》 任何州也不得未经法律正当程序剥夺任何人的生命、自由或财产;……。──《合众国宪法·第十四条修正案》 ________ 我们一般将陪审团审判看作是被告人的权利之一。而且,如我们已经看到的,它也是社会整体的权利──一个既属于个人也属于全体人民的权利。但是,除非陪审团审判是按照确保对人人公正的法律进行,否则它便毫无意义;专制

制度已经再清楚不过地显示了这点。如果在审判中法官允许使用非法获得的证据、被告人无法请律师、被迫作不利于自己的证词或无法让对自己有利的证人出庭,那么这个审判就不符合法律正当程序的要求。《权利法案》的起草人不仅通过他们在殖民地时期的经历,而且也从大不列颠自1215年签署《大宪章》以来一直致力于扩大法治的历史中,深深了解这一点。 今天,我们倾向于强调权利与个人自由的关系,但是,即使那些最被确认属于个人的权利──如被告人的权利──仍然具有其社会基础。在美国历史上,确立权利的目的不是为使个人不受社会常规的约束,而是为了推动负责任的自由,为了使所有人不遭受专制的压迫。在自由言论方面,《权利法案》确定出一个可以自由发表不同意见的空间,这既是为了个人利益,也是为了社会利益。任何类型的权利针对的都是防止日常生活受到大权在握的中央政府的无理干扰,因此对社会具有保护作用。权利既解放个人,也解放社会。 在被告人权利这点上,《宪法》确立了有关正当程序的基本规定。200多年来,这些规定的具体内容在地方、州和联邦法院不断得到完善;其中许多内容涉及的似乎是微不足道、甚至有些人会说是单调的程序细节问题。但正如费利克斯·法兰克富特(Felix Frankfurter)大法官所言:"美国的自由史在相当不小的程度上是程序史。"他的最高法院同事罗伯特·杰克逊大法官持同样观点并曾指出,无论"正当程序"可能有其他什么含义,程序公正"是不可打折扣的要求"。 什么是法律正当程序呢?对这一点没有截然一致的看法;在200年来的司法审判中,法院不仅认为它包含程序上的权利,而且也认为它包含实质性的权利。在这篇文章里,我们将法律正当程序视为《宪法》──按照法院的解释和立法的充实──对刑事司法制度公正性的保护。这不意味着每个案子的每个被告人都得到一模一样的对待;而是指每个被告人,无论受到何种指控,都有权经过一定的程序,确保他/她最终得到公正的、根据法律进行的、公开的、让公众对这个制度的公正性感到放心的审判。这听起来容易做到,但美国以及其他地方的刑事审判历史表


美国违宪审查适用之必备四要件解析 冉光杰 【摘要】美国的违宪审查制度维护了美国宪法的权威,促进了美国宪政国家的建设,因而被许多国家所效仿。作为开创美国司法审查之先河的马布里诉麦迪逊案,让更多的人对违宪审查制度顶礼膜拜,认为他可以对任何违宪问题提起宪法之诉,却忽略了违宪审查的适用条件。从美国联邦最高法院1803年的Marbury v.Madison案至今,几乎所有的违宪审查的提起,这四项条件都必不可少。这就是我在此提出的美国违宪审查适用之必备四要件。一是法院对该案件有管辖权;二是必须有一个案子并进行附带性审查;三是该案至少是一个违宪性问题;四是穷尽所有的救济途径。只有这四要件同时具备,在美国才能够真正提起违宪审查。 【关键词】美国违宪审查宪政要件 自宪法诞生日起,宪法就被视为一份努力实现公民社会那些宏大目标的政府权利和个体自由两方面微妙平衡的文件。就如詹姆斯.麦迪逊在《联邦党人文集》中指出的那样:“人民是控制政府的首要手段,但是必须得有辅助性的预防措施”。1麦迪逊起初反对将权利法案写入宪法,但后来从他和托马斯.杰弗逊的书信中发现,他后来确信的那些司法上可实施的权利,正是对抗专制所不可或缺的“辅助性预防措施”之一。2从现代社会的发展历程来看,人类文明的发展史,就是人权的救济手段从私力救济到公力救济的进化史。宪法在这个发展史中扮演了一个举足轻重的角色。自从有了宪法之后,人的基本权利便从“自然状态”进化到“法律状态”;人的基本救济手段也因此实现了从私力救济到公力救济的转变。宪法是人权的保障书的说法可追溯于此。历史证明,写在纸上的宪法远远不如在实践中有效践行的宪法更具有说服力。事实也证明,美国人权状况的根本改观并非是因为“权利法案”的存在,正如同法国人权的有效保障并不是因为宪法是以“人权宣言”作为序言一样。美国宪法的生命力不在于其确立了联邦制或代议民主,也不在于其增设了“权利法案”,而在于其创设了违宪审查制度。美国联邦最高法院通过1803年的Marbury v.Madison和1810年的Fletcher v.Peck等判例确立了联邦法院对国会、州政府的违宪审查权,成为世界上第一个确立违宪审查制度的国家。正是这些确立的违宪审查制度,赋予了“权利法案”以真正的现实意义,并使得1787年宪法所设置的基本的宪政制度得以激活和发展。1803年马歇尔法官在该案中明确宣布:“违宪的法律不是法律”,“阐明法律的意义是法院的职权”,开创了美国“司法审查立法”的先例。 正如美国的马歇尔大法官所言“公民权利的精髓在于公民受到侵害时,每个公民都有权请求法律保护。政府的第一职责也就在于给予这种保护。人们强调美国是法治政府,而不是人治政府,如果法律不对侵犯法定权利的行为给予救济,它就不能再享受这一美称了。”3尽管联邦法院在《联邦宪法》第3条规定的管辖权范围内,可以对争议的宪法问题做出裁判,但基于三权分立的宪法原理和制度架构,联邦法院并不能对所有案件中涉及的宪法问题都做出裁判,联邦法院的审查权仍然受到诸多因素的限制,否则即有越权之嫌。这些限制因素实际上是联邦法院对宪法问题进行实质判断的前提和“入口”,换言之,符合这些因素的宪法问题,联邦法院才予以裁判,因此研究这些限制因素对于理解美国联邦违宪审查制度有重要意义。这也为很多人解开美国违宪审查的神秘面纱,并且清楚在什么情况下具备了哪些条件才可以提起违宪审查?4笔者认为,只有符合以下四个前提条件,才能提起违宪审查。一是法院对该案件 1See James Madison,“The Federalist No.51”,The Federalist Papers(New York:Random House,1937),p.337. 2See“Letter from Jefferson to James Madison”,Paris,March15,1789,in Adrienne Koch and William Peden, The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson(New York:Modern Liberty,1972),p.462;Adrienne Koch,Jefferson and Madison:The Great Collaboration(New York:Oxford University Press,1964),p58.转引自[美]劳伦斯.H.却伯,迈克尔.C.多尔夫著:《解读宪法》,陈林林,储智勇译,上海三联书店2007年版。 3汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,北京商务印书馆,1980年版。 4作为一项宪法原则,美国的司法审查制度具有以下基本特征:第一,联邦最高法院和州最高法院均可分别依据联邦宪法和州宪法,对联邦立法和州立法进行审查;第二,联邦最高法院所审查的是已经颁布实施的法律或行政命令,而非国会提交的议案,是事后审查;第三,联邦最高法院无权主动审查某项法

Affirmtive Action-美国“权利法案”的英文辩论稿

Con: When there exists discrimination, then there comes Affirmative Action. As we all can see, although racial segregation has been banned lawfully, discrimination still exists everywhere. For example, jobs and opportunities of receiving education were distributed unfairly. The colored people and woman who suffer from low levels of early education were always having trouble to find jobs or go to universities. It’s not equal at all. As minorities, they can hardly beat the majority, so it’s necessary to protect their rights lawfully. Pro: The thoughts might be good, but the action has gone too far. It is out of the question to fight against discrimination with the help of discrimination, only to change the target from minority groups to the majority group. Giving advantages to the minority when it comes to job finding or other cases is actually discrimination against the majority. It is not only against the constitution because of its actual inequality, but also hurting the better educated but less racial advantaged groups. Con: This is not a reason to blame the affirmative action. In fact, equality should not be always pursuing when you are formulating policies. For example, taxing more to the rich obviously h urts the principle of equality, but it’s fair. Fairness is better to be pursued within policy formulation. Affirmative action is such a kind of inequal but fair policy. Also, it’s not actually discrimination, it’s inclusion. It’s an effort to overcome prej udice rather than a new type of discrimination. Those who benefit from the action would say it. Pro: But how did the action proceeds? Through quota? The creed of the action is undoubtedly good, but the ways to do the action are rigid and unreasonable. The quota is a fixed number, but the real situation might be so complicated that a number can never be fitful every time. Results have shown that about half of black college students rank in the bottom 20 percent of their classes. That is eventually frustrating them, not helping them. Con: But we have offered them opportunity. Fair opportunities. Once these opportunities are offered, it will depend on themselves to achieve their success. The example you mentioned might be caused by a lot of reasons, it is unfair to just blame the affirmative action. I can give a better example that women are actually benefiting from the action. According to a 1995 study, there are at least six million women who simply wouldn't have the jobs they have today without the action. Pro: But how about Asians? The situation that Asian Americans are still suffering from low university admissive rates shows that the affirmative action doesn’t let people of all races enjoy that so-called fair opportunities. Asians are actually suffering from it. They are still facing prejudice. Con: It is not the fault of the affirmative action, but the long-standing stereotype that Asians are congenital advantageous in academics. They always have better ranks in exams, therefore, some conventional white Americans may set implicit quotas to restrict them. That’s what the affirmative action are fighting against too. The affirmative action is trying to make sure that diversity in workplaces or universities is guaranteed, and it to some extent has achieved the goal. There is no reason for the action itself to discriminate some specific races. P ro: Diversity? I don’t think specifically promoting some races’ rights would improve diversity. The implementation is often solely based on superficial factors rather than really-in-need sorts of diversity such as aspect diversity and viewpoint diversity. The truth is that taking only superficial conditions in consideration can never really achieve fairness that the action want to achieve. The inner class inequality might destroy the beautiful dreams. It turns out that
