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Unit 1 How can I get there? 我怎样到达那里。



science museum 科学博物馆, post office 邮局, bookstore书店, cinema电影院, hospital 医院, crossing 十字路口, turn left 左转, turn right 右转, go straight 直走, map 地图, compass指南针, GPS 全球定位系统, stars 星星, Italian restaurant 意大利餐厅, get to 到达。



1. ---Where is the restaurant? 餐厅在哪里?

----It’s next to the park on Dong fang Street. 它在东方路,在公园附近。

2.---How can we get there? 我们怎么去哪里?

----Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.书店左转,然后医院右转。

3. He now has GPS. 他现在有GPS。

4. What an interesting film! 多么有趣的电影!


next to紧挨着,near在...附近,behind在...后面,beside在...旁边,in front of 在...前面。

Unit 2 Ways to go to school. 上学的方式。



on foot 走路, by bike骑车, by bus 乘公交, by train 乘火车, by subway乘地铁, by ship 乘船, by plane 乘飞机, slow down 慢下来, traffic lights 交通灯, traffic rules 交通规则, go/come to school 上学, by sled 坐雪橇, by ferry坐轮渡, pay attention to 注意, traffic lights交通灯, Stop and wait at a red light 红灯停等一等, slow down and stop at a yellow light 黄灯减速并停下, Go at a green light 绿灯行。



1.---How do you come to school? 你怎么上学?

----Usually, I come on foot. 通常我走路来的。=Usually ,I come to school on foot.

2.---How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 我怎么能到达复兴医院?

----Take the No.57 bus over there. 你可以在那边乘57路公交车。

3. In the USA people on bikes must wear one.在美国骑车的人必须戴头盔。

4. Don’t go at the red light. 别闯红灯。

5. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. 我必须注意交通灯。

6. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.黄灯要减速停下。

7. Stop and wait at a red light. 红灯停下等待。

8. Go at a green light. 绿灯行。

9. In the UK you drive on the left side. 在英国,你要靠左行驶。

10. In China, people drive on the right side。在中国,人们靠右行驶。

11. You must pay attention to the traffic lights. 你必须注意交通信号灯。


always 总是, usually通常, often 经常, sometimes 有时, never 从不。

Unit 3 My weekend plan. 我的周末计划。



visit grandparents 拜访祖父母, see a film看电影, take a trip 去旅行, go to the supermarket去超市, this evening 今天晚上, this afternoon今天下午, this morning今天早上, tonight在今晚, tomorrow明天, next week下周, dictionary 词典, comic book连环画册, word book单词书, postcard 明信片, lesson 课, space travel 太空旅行, half price 半价, mooncake 月饼, Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋, get together 聚会, poem 诗, moon 月亮。



1.---What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么?

----I’m going to have an art lesson. 我要上美术课。

2. ---What are you going to buy? 你要买什么?

----I’m going to buy some word books. 我要买一些单词书。

3.---Where are you going? 你们打算去哪儿?

----We are going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院。

4.---When are you going?你们什么时候去?

----Next Wednesday. 下周三。

5. We are going to see a film about space travel. 我们要去看关于太空旅行的电影。

6.---Do you have comic books? 你有漫画书吗?

----Yes,here they are.有,在这里。

时间标志词:tomorrow 明天, soon 很快, next Monday 下周一, next year 明年next weekend 下周末, this afternoon 今天下午, this evening 今晚,tonight 在今晚。
