中东战争 英文版

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These empires and dynasty ruling class in different degree, the implementation of policy of ethnic discrimination and oppression, leads to the contradictions, barriers and even hatred between different nationalities. Since modern times, in order to seek their own political and economic interests, to establish their own hegemony,the europeans use all kinds of contradictions left over from history between various nationalities artificially and set up a barrier.Therefore, the Middle East has become an area filling with intense religious conflict and ethnic conflicts.
Suez Crisis
recapture of canal
EgyptVSEng,Fra Egypt win n,Is Egypt,SyriaVSIs r isr occupies Ey and Sy's territory
Six-Day War
israel attack
Conclusion of five wars
Name Cause
the establishment of Israel
Egypt,other arabic countriesVS Israel
Palestinian War
Israel win

The third middle east war(六五战争)
• 第三次中东战争 苏联利用散布假情报等 手段蓄意挑起了这场阿以之间的战争 1967年6月5日,以色列几乎出动了全 部空军,对埃及、叙利亚和伊拉克的所 有机场进行了突然袭击。空袭半小时后, 以色列的地面部队也发起了进攻,阿拉 伯国家奋起反抗。至10日战争结束。这 就是历史上的第三次中东战争,也称 “六五”战争”或“六天战争”。这次 战争以阿拉伯国家的战败而告结束。 Third Middle East War The Soviet union Deliberately stired up the war between arab and israeli by means of spreading false information 。In 1967 June 5th, ,Israel called out almost all the air force,attacked all airports in Egypt, Syria and Iraqi all in a sudden. Half an hour later, Israeli ground troops also launched an attack, Arab countries courageously resisted. The war was ended in 10th. Arab countries were
The cause of Middle East Wars
以美国为首的西斱国家出于自身利益的考虑,出卖了巴勒斯坦人民的 利益,将他们的土地交给犹太人建立国家。而后以色列依靠美国的力 量逐步侵占了大片的阿拉伯领土。即1947年,联合国大会通过“联大 181号决议案”决议(33票赞成,13票反对,10票弃权),规定在巴 勒斯坦建立阿拉伯和以色列两个独立的国家,决议文规定把巴勒斯坦 总面积的57%划给占32%人口的犹太人(原本只拥有7%土地),这 项决议案对阿拉伯人非常丌公平。阿拉伯国家的票数一共只有六票, 根本无力挽回。犹太人同意此决议,1948年成立以色列国。阿拉伯人 反对该决议,未建立阿拉伯国。 巴以冲突的直接起源在于犹太人的复国运动,建国后又屡次把巴勒斯 坦人赶出故土,就像当年别人对他们所做的一样,而且越演越烈,终 于酿成了民族矛盾。而更为深刻的原因是,两个民族都曾是这块土地 的主人,两个民族都视同一个城市为宗教胜地,从而冲突就有了更为 坚实的感情和宗教力量,而解决也变得更加困难。犹太人的建国和驱 逐可以看作为几千年来怨恨的释放,虽然可以理解,但犹太人表现出 来的过分强硬和蛮横却为本来可以更好解决的问题留下了祸根。结果 发生5 次阿以战争。
Palestinian,Syria,l ebanon VSIsrael
Middle East War
Middle East War,or Arab Israeli War,Israeli Arab conflict, is five epic warfares started by Israel , Egypt, Syria and other Arab countries.(1948年、1956年、年、1973 年、1982年) "Middle East war "is the longest war after the second world war. In the Arab countries, the Arab nation accounted for the majority of the countries, mainly distributed in Asia and north Africa to the Middle East. Israel is a jewish state .
The first middle east war(1948-1949)
• 第一次中东战争1948年5月15日, 以色列为争夺巴勒斯坦同阿拉伯国 家发生了大规模的战争,史称第一 次中东战争。这次战争直到1949年 3月才结束。战争中,阿拉伯国家 军队死亡约1.5万人,以色列军队 死亡约6000人。 .First Middle East War In 1948 May 15th,Israel fought against Arab countries for Palestinian, History said that it is the first middle east war. This war was ended in march 1949.during the war , about 1.5 million Arab soldiers and 6000 soldiers were killed .

The second middle east war(苏伊士运河战争)
• 第二次中东战争 英法两国为重新,苏伊 士运河,恢复对埃及的殖民统治,勾结 以色列,于1956年10月29日,出动大 批军队向埃及发动了突然袭击。第二次 中东战争爆发。第二次中东战争又称苏 伊士运河战争。整个战争中,英法对埃 及的轰炸持续了6天. Second Middle East War to commandeer the Suez Canal, Restore rule Egypt colonial , english and france Collusde with Israel , called out Massive armies to Egypt ,launched a sudden attack In 1956 oct. 29。The second Middle East war broke out。The second war in the Middle East is also called the Suez Canal war. The bombardment from The anglo-french lasted for six days during the whole war.

The fifth middle east war(以色列入侵黎巴嫩战争)
• 第五次中东战争1982年6月6日,以色列在美国的支持下, 借口其在驻英大使被巴勒斯坦游击队刺杀,出动陆海空10 万多人,对黎巴嫩境内的巴勒斯坦游击队和叙利亚驻军发 动了大规模的进攻。只用了几天时间,就占领了黎巴嫩的 半壁江山。 • The fifth middle east war In 1982, June 6th, Israel, supported by the United States,called out more than soliders, Launched a large attack to Palestinian guerrilla units and Syria garrison in Lebanon.it noly took Israel several days to Occupied half of the territory of Lebanon

The fourth middle east war
• 第四次中东战争1973年10月6日, 埃及、叙利亚为收复在第三次中东 战争中失去的土地,对以色列发动 了突然袭击,第四次中东战争爆发。 战争历时18天,战争结果是,阿拉 伯国家死亡约2万余人, 以色列军队 死亡5000多人. Fourth Middle East War In October 1973 6th, Egypt, Syria attacked Israel suddenly for retrieving the land lost in the Third Middle East War. The fourth Middle East war broke out.. The war lasted 18 days.finally, more than 2 million persons in Arab countries were died.and more than 5,000 Israeli soliders were killed.
October War
E,S recapture part of the territory
Egypt,SyriaVSIs r
E,S recapture part of the territory
the lebanon war
Isr attact Pal's headquarters
Unpeaceful Middle East
Middle East is a multi-ethnic populated areas,including most arabs.The Arab belong to white.The Arabic language and Arabic is their common language and words.Most Arab believe in islam.Mecca, Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam Mohammed, founder, is also the birthplace of Islam. Israel believe in jewish , and differ from the arabs' religious beliefs and customs.In the history, Middle East was the birthplace of a series of dynasty and empires .