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The influences and countermeasures of science and technology to social morals

XU Xiang-yun

(Department of Sociology, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China)

Abstract: Science and technology also bring on great influences to social ethics and morals while it changes social material conditions:the development of science and technology enhanced the relations of person and others,person and other existences,and strengthenedconsumedly mutual function between them,these make social ethics and morals become more sophisticating,so the social moral duty of aperson will be increased; on the other hand, the development of science and technology do not promote the formation of a new social ethicsand morals system, so the seriousness of the social ethics and moral questions will turn worse on the certain degree. Today in the swift andviolent development in science and technology,we should renew our idea in order to proceed on the education of the social ethics andmorals. The top target of the social ethics and morals education is that every educatee learn to know what the essence of science andtechnology development and the top pursuing for truth,goodness and beauty are in accordance. The beneficial factors of Chinese traditionalculture and the national experiences of western country should be absorbed by China,unifying the humanities spirit with the science spirit,we can made China become a classic high science and technology society with a abundant humanities spirit in 21th century.

Key words: the developments of science and technology; ethics of science and technology; the educations of social morals;traditionalculture


○ 徐祥运

(东北财经大学 社会学系, 辽宁 大连 116025)

[摘 要] 科学技术在改变社会物质条件的同时,也对社会道德产生了极大的影响:一方面科学技术的发展强化了人与人、人与其他存在物的关系,并且大大增强了相互之间的作用,使得社会道德关系变得更加复杂,从而也就使社会对人的道德责任要求提高了;另一方面科学技术的发展没有能够促进新的社会道德体系的形成,从而在一定程度上加剧了社会道德问题的严重性。在科学技术迅猛发展的今天,应对社会的价值观念有重新的认识,进而主动进行社会道德教育。社会道德教育的最高目标,是使受教育者认识到科学技术发展的本质是与人类对科学技术的最高追求——真、善、美相一致的。中国应该吸取西方国家的经验教训以及中国传统文化中科技人文一体思想中的有利因素,在发展科学技术的同时,及早对全体公民特别是未来的科学技术专家进行科技伦理及社会道德教育,将科学精神和人文精神统一起来,使21世纪的中国,成为一个具有丰富内涵的道德高尚的人文科技社会。

[关键词] 科学技术发展;科技伦理;社会道德教育;传统文化

[中图分类号] G05 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1671-8372(2005)03-0029-05










