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As relations between China and Australia develop, the continuing importance of expanding trade will be balanced by the development of close contact over a broad range of political issues.
11. 江山易改本性难移。 It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person’s nature. 12. 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。 Faithful words offend the ears just as good medicine tastes bitter. 13. 有饭大家吃。 Let everybody share the food if there is any. 14. 他老是见异思迁。 He is always changing his mind as soon as he sees something new. 15. 早知今日悔不当初? If I had known it would come to this, I would have acted differently.
汉语里,上下文的意思是理解的基础。如: 他不去我去。 假设关系: 让步关系: 转折关系: 因果关系:
假设关系:(如果)他不去,我去。 让步关系:(即使)他不去,我(也)去。 转折关系:他不去,(但是)我去。 因果关系:(因为)他不去,我去。 Translate the following sentences: 1. 今天食堂吃饺子。 2. 叉子吃不好吃筷子吧。 3. 吃食堂味道不好。
4. Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the bills----- such was his confidence----- but he became angry when he counted the money… 蓝休看到钱一点都不感到惊讶-----他就是如此有信心 -----可是当他数钱的时候却生气了……
8. 都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不 干,那怎么行呢? How can we get it done if you people all muddle along like this ( lazy away)?
9. The wind was so strong that he found it difficult to keep on his feet. 风太大了,他感到站都站不稳。 10. 他们进行挑衅活动,制造紧张局势,必须马上停 止。They must stop all their provocations at once, which create tensions.

我们 ①为顾全大局 ②于同年 ③秋末 ④在第三方的调停下 ⑤开诚布公地⑥多次⑦强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。 ④ With the third party acting as an intermediary, ①to take the interest of the whole into account, we ⑦strongly demanded ⑤with frankness and sincerity ⑥many times ③at the end of the autumn ②of the same year that you should compensate all our losses. (汉语原文状语的词序:☆主语、①目的状语、②时间状 语中的年份、③时间状语中的季节、④条件状语、⑤方式 状语、⑥频度状语、⑦程度状语、★谓语、◎宾语; 英语译文状语的词序:④条件状语、①目的状语、☆主 语、⑦程度状语、★谓语、⑤方式状语、⑥频度状语、③ 时间状语中的季节、②时间状语中的年份、◎宾语)
1. 2.
Jiaozi are served in the canteen today. Eat with chopsticks if you can not do it well with a fork. The food served in the canteen does not taste good.

Heat from the sun comes to us by radiation. 太阳通过辐射给我们热量。 Soon there would be no Poland to guarantee! 波兰很快就不复存在了,还需要什么担保呢? 注:原文的意思是“很快就没有波兰需要担保 了”,不仅费解而且可能引起误解。译文把原文 拆为两句,并且把感叹句大胆改为疑问句,原意 豁然贯通。

4) 发生了这样的事不是你的错。It’s not your fault that this has happened. (×That this has happened is not your fault. 这样翻译 过于正规,在文体上与原文不符。)(主语从句换序) 5) 她每天早上教我们学法语。She teaches us French every morning. (×She every morning teaches us French.)(状语换序) 6) 一直在一旁观看的小学生们开始鼓起掌来。The pupils that had been watching started to applaud. (×The always watching pupils started to applaud.)(定语从句换序)
第六讲 句法翻译

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1. 英汉句法结构对比 2. 句法翻译技巧
英汉句子基本结构: 主语+谓语+宾语 虽然如此,但英汉句子结构在形式上有很多 差异,主要体现在句序和句子结构等方面。
A. 修饰语位置差异 英语的修饰语,如定语等,既可以置于被修饰语之前,又可 以置于其后。但若修饰语是短语或分句,如定语从句等,则 一般置于被修饰成分之后,称为后置。而汉语的修饰语,无 论是词,短语还是句子,一般都放在被修饰成分之前,称为 前置。如: 1. The son whom he had turned out had gone to a distant land, and his daughter was dead; so that there was no one left to help the old people. 被他赶走的儿子已远走他乡,女儿也去世了,所以没人能帮 助这两位老人了。
5. From this height one could see the river and, next to the corral, the field of ripe corn dotted with the kidney-bean flowers that always promised a good harvest. 从这个高度可以看到那条河,还可以看到畜栏旁那 片农田里长着成熟的玉米,菜豆花点缀其间,预 示着会有一个好收成。 6. Our reaction confirmed what we already knew: we are a people consumed by financial stress.
2. Then the guest called to the old woman who was seated behind the curtain: “ tell me, the old woman, what you think concerning the former happiness and your present misery.” 于是这位客人就大声询问坐在帘子后面的老
随着中澳关系的发展,扩大贸易仍将是重要的, 相应地还要在一系列广泛的政治问题上展开密切 的联系。 注:译者恰当地把英语动词balance译成 “相应 地”,同时,把主句译成汉语的并列句。

较为复杂的换序译法: He witnessed ①the sixth ②post-war ③economic crisis ④ of serious consequence ⑤that prevailed in various fields ⑥in the USA. 他亲眼目睹了⑥美国②战后①第六次④后 果严重的⑤波及各领域的③经济危机。 (英语原文定语的词序: ①次第定语、 ②时间定 语、 ③本质性定语、★中心词、④判断性定语、 ⑤陈述性定语、⑥国别定语; 汉语译文定语的词序:⑥国别定语、②时间定 语、①次第定语、④判断性定语、⑤陈述性定语、 ③本质性定语、★中心词)
3. It suited their master to have them in his service, since the old people had been in authority themselves, and so knew how to do things. 因为老夫妇曾经是主人,知道怎么干活,所以穆罕
A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
英语重形合,汉语重意合。 英语主语突出信息焦点前置,汉语主题突出信 息焦点后置 英语常用无灵主语,汉语多用有灵主语 英语叙述多呈静态,汉语叙述多呈动态 英语组句多焦点透视,句式呈树式结构,汉语 组句多散点透视,句式呈竹式结构。 英语思维重逻辑,句式严谨规范,缺乏弹性; 汉语思维重语感,句式长长短短,灵活多变。 英语重时体,汉语轻时体。
妇:“告诉我,你对以前的幸福生活和现在 的 悲惨境况有什么想法?”
B. 复合从句的语序差异
英汉复合句中主句和从句的顺序与汉语有较大的差 异。如时间状语从句可以出现在主句之前,也可其 后。而汉语则通常先发生的事先叙述,后发生的后 叙述;英语的因果状语从句也是如此,汉语则一般 是因在前,果在后。英语的条件从句也是如此,而 汉语也常常是条件在前,结果在后。
我们的反应也证实了我们已有的看法:我们是深受 经济压力折磨的人。
7. 我于冬日前去参观,但见衰柳寒烟,一水 茫茫而已。(沈复《浮生六记》) 译文1. I went there in winter, and could see nothing but unanimated trees and smokes. There is only a range of poor water. 译文2. I went there on a winter day and saw only a stretch of cold water against some sparse willow trees and a frosty sky. (林语堂)
吃饭,吃东西,吃醋,吃不开,吃香,吃官 司等如何翻译?
从英语和汉语的句法差异来看,主要有以下 常用的翻译技巧

一、换序译法 二、断句译法 三、转句译法 四、合句译法 五、缩句译法 六、转态译法 七、正反译法

1) It’s good you're so considerate. 你想得这样周到是很 好的。(×这是很好的你想得这样周到。)(主 语从句换序) 2) Formerly a worker himself, he was now an engineer. 他 过去是工人,现在当了工程师了。(×以前的工 人,他是现在一个工程师。)(同位语换序) 3) On and on Byron talked. (Herman Wouk: The Winds of War) 拜伦滔滔不绝地讲述着。(×滔滔不绝地 拜伦讲述着。)(状语换序)