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Unit 3: Text A
2-2. The prisoners turned to rugby, the game that more than any other embodied white South Africa. Then, in 1995, as the new President of South Africa, Mandela, handed the Rugby World Cup trophy to the captain of the victorious Springboks, Francois Pienaar. In a single moment a divided and fractured nation was united.
Unit 3: Text A
An Uplifting Power
By Tony Blair
1. “Sport has the power to change the world, the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else can. Sport can create hope ... It is an instrument for peace.”
Unit 3: Text A
2-2. 曼德拉和难友们选择了橄榄球——一种 比任何其他运动都更能代表白人统治下的 南非的体育项目。后来,在1995年,身为 南非新总统的曼德拉把橄榄球世界杯的奖 杯交到胜出的跳羚队队长弗朗索瓦· 皮埃纳 的手中。这一瞬间,一个破碎的、四分五 裂的国家团结了起来。
Unit 3: Text A
Unit 3: Text A
3-1. 在我看来,此类事例向我证实了体育如 何能够且必须在我们的社会中发挥更大的 作用。体育运动的经济力量已经牢 固确立,遍布全球,且方兴未艾。从8月到 次年5月的每个星期里,大约有近亿人收看 英超联赛,这使许多球员和球队成 了人们心目中的英雄和榜样。最近在塞拉利 昂,我到处都能看到孩子们在踢足球,他 们得意地穿着曼联队和阿森纳队的球衣。
Unit 3: Text A
4. But this isn’t just a question of economics. Sport has enduring qualities. It shows us how to participate in something that is bigger than ourselves, and teaches us how to demonstrate respect for teammates and opponents. It helps us learn how to win with humility and lose with grace; how to set a goal and fulfill it. Sport brings people together; the self-worth and self-belief that it teaches are values that can last a lifetime.
3-1. For me, events like these confirm how sport can and must play a wider role in our societies. Sport’s economic power is now well established, global and growing. Each week from August to May the Premier League in England is watched by nearly 100 million people, turning players and teams into heroes and role models. In Sierra Leone recently, I saw kids playing football everywhere, proudly wearing their Manchester United and Arsenal shirts.
Unit 3: Text A
1. “体育运动具有改变世界的力量,其 激励人心、团结众人的力量,在某种程 度上难有匹敌。体育运动能创造希望 ……它是争取和平的手段。”
Unit 3: Text A
2-1. When a man like Nelson Mandela looks back over his life and, against the backdrop of all that he had to endure, pinpoints sport as a unique force for good, we should sit up and take notice. During his 27 years in captivity, mainly on Robben Island, sport helped sustain the spirits of Mandela and his fellow inmates. And not any sport.
Unit 3: Text A
Unit 3: Text A
3-2.一向不爱迈出国门的美国联队如今也正 尝试着在其地域之外的欧洲和亚洲举行比赛 。很多城市在争取举办大型体育赛事时全力 以赴,这并非只图其商业价值,也是为了此 类赛事留下的长远的社会效益。我相信 2012年奥林匹克运动会将振兴东伦敦,鼓 舞整整一代青少年。
for good 永久地;一劳永逸地
Unit 3: Text A
2-1. 当纳尔逊· 曼德拉这样的人土回顾生平, 讲述他曾遭遇的一切,明确指出体育运动 永远是一种独特的力量时,我们应该对此 表示关注。在他27年的铁窗生活中(主要关 押在罗本岛),体育运动支撑着他和难友们 的精神。当然,并非什么运动都可以。