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3) As a writer, he really belongsΛthteo18th century.
3.The__d__es_i_g_n__ of the room was in the __f_a_n_c_y___ ___s_t_y_le_ in those days.
design 设计 vt. be designed to do sth 目的是…; n. designer be designed for sth./sb. 打算给…用;
Germany was also __a_t__ war with Russia.
unfortunately adv. 不幸地 be at war 处于交战时期
In 1941, Germany invaded (入侵) Russia by surprise.
by surprise 出其不意,冷不防
This is my pen. = This pen belongs to me. 这桌上所有的书都是属于他的.
All the books on the desk belong to him.
改错: 1) The house was belonged to an old lady. 2) China is a country is belonging to the Third World.
survive v. 幸存 remain a mystery 仍然是个迷
1._H_o_w_e,tvheer next King of Prussia,_____ whom to
the amber room_b_e_l_o_n_g_e_d_ decided not to …
belong to
属于; 是…的成员/一部分; 同…有关 (只能用于主动语态;不使用被动和进行时)
the Russians, who gave Prussia a troop of their best
soldiers in r_e_t_u_r_n_.
troop n.军队
in return 作为回报
decided to 决定做某事
• Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the Nazi
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
•Everyone thought _h__ig__h_ly__ of its style and design.
think highly of 评价很高 style and design n. 风格和设计
• Several tons of amber as well as gold and jewels were
by design 故意;有意= on purpose Do you think the traffic accident was caused by accident or by design.
design (v. / n.)
used to make it, so no wonder it is _w__o_r_t_h__ a lot of
money. as well as 既...又...
be used to make it 被用来制造它 be worth of 值得上
• But later, the next king decided to give it as a gift to
•The Amber Room belongs ___to___ the eight wonders of
the world, as some people believe.
wonder n.奇迹
belong to sth./sb. 属于某人、某物 as people believe 人们相信
• It was originally designed for the palace of Frederick Ⅰ.
since then 从那时候开始(since出现,用现在完成时)
in search of sth. 寻找
No one knows what happened to it and whether it still
_s_u_r_v_i_v_e__snow. Maybe it will remain a mystery forever.
Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the
Russians were able to _r_e_m___o_v_e__ some furniture and small
art objects from the Amber Room.
furniture and art objects n. 家私和艺术品 furniture不可数,不能加s
remove sth. from 从...搬走东西
When the Nazis saw the Amber Room, there was no _d_o__u_b_t that they liked it so much that they took it _a_p__a_r_t_ and put
it on a train to Germany.
there is no doubt that +句子... 毫无疑问... take it apart把它拆开
Since then, the whole world has been in _s_e__a_r_c_h_ of the
Amber Room.
originally adv. 起初,原本 be designed for 为...而设计 palace n.宫殿
• It took the country's best artists about ten years to finish it.
It took sb. ten years to do sth. 花费某人10年时间做某事