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《中国组织工程研究》 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research




通讯作者:栾杰,博士,主任医师,中国医学科学院北京协和医学院整形外科医院,北京市 100144


来稿日期:2019-01-07 送审日期:2019-01-17 采用日期:2019-03-12 在线日期:2019-09-26

Li Zifei, MD candidate, Plastic Surgery Hospital, chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100144, China

Corresponding author: Luan Jie, MD, Chief physician, Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100144, China


李梓菲,王 黔,栾 杰,穆大力,刘春军,辛敏强,付 苏,徐伯扬,刘温悦,陈 琳,程 浩,王成龙,康德旎,李尚善,祁 珺

(中国医学科学院北京协和医学院整形外科医院,北京市 100144)

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.1869 ORCID: 0000-0002-8958-4975(李梓菲)



氯化铵红细胞裂解液:含有氯化铵成分的红细胞裂解液,此种裂解液被广泛应用于骨髓干细胞及脂肪干细胞的提取,其目的是去除组织内的红细胞,使目的细胞群进一步纯化。其作用机制为:红细胞内有大量碳酸酐酶,可自发将NH 3转化为NH 4+,CO 2转化为HCO 3-,促使胞外NH 3和CO 2连续内流造成细胞裂解。





方法:收集吸脂手术患者脂肪组织,经Ⅰ型胶原酶消化后,利用或不用氯化铵红细胞裂解液对基质血管成分进行纯化,Muse TM 细胞状态分析仪对活细胞计数及活细胞比例评估;将基质血管成分接种后培养人脂肪干细胞至第2代,光学显微镜观察脂肪干细胞形态,流式细胞学分析脂肪干细胞表型,CCK-8法绘制细胞增殖曲线,成脂及成骨培养基诱导后油红O 及茜素红染色法分别评估成脂、成骨分化能力。该实验经中国医学科学院整形外科医院伦理委员会批准,并与患者签署相关知情同意书。

结果与结论:①与裂解组相比,非裂解组提取即刻的基质血管成分中非红活细胞数更多,活细胞百分比更大;②两组脂肪干细胞均呈梭形、鱼群状排列;③两组细胞均高表达CD90、CD73、CD105等细胞表面抗原,低表达或不表达CD11b 、CD34、CD19、CD45、HLA-DR 等细胞表面抗原;④非裂解组细胞增殖速度更快,成脂及成骨能力两组间无明显区别;⑤结果表明,利用氯化铵红细胞裂解液法提取基质血管成分降低了脂肪干细胞提取效率,抑制了脂肪干细胞增殖能力。非裂解过程不影响脂肪干细胞表型及成脂、成骨分化能力。因此不建议在人脂肪干细胞提取过程中进行氯化铵法红细胞裂解。 关键词:

红细胞裂解液;细胞提取;脂肪干细胞;细胞活性;细胞表型;细胞增殖 中图分类号:R459.9;R394.2;R622 基金资助:


李梓菲,王黔,栾杰,穆大力,刘春军,辛敏强,付苏,徐伯扬,刘温悦,陈琳,程浩,王成龙,康德旎,李尚善,祁珺. 氯化铵裂解法与非裂解法提取人脂肪干细胞生物学特性的差异[J]. 中国组织工程研究,2020,24(1):45-50. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.1869


Ammonium chloride lysis method versus non-lysis method for isolation of human adipose-derived stem cells

Li Zifei, Wang Qian, Luan Jie, Mu Dali, Liu Chunjun, Xin Minqiang, Fu Su, Xu Boyang, Liu Wenyue, Chen Lin, Cheng Hao, Wang Chenglong, Kang Deni, Li Shangshan, Qi Jun (Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100144, China)


BACKGROUND: A general standard has not been established for the extraction and purification of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs). An erythrocyte lysis step for stromal vascular fraction is the commonly used method in the procedure for ADSCs isolation. However, there is a lack of evidence on whether this step will have adverse effects on human ADSCs (hADSCs).

OBJECTIVE: To test the efficiency of two hADSCs isolation methods, which are erythrocyte-lysis method based on ammonium chloride and non-lysis method. Moreover, the biological characteristics of the hADSCs isolated by the two methods were also compared.

METHODS: After collagenase digestion of lipoaspirate, erythrocyte lysis buffer was used to purify stromal vascular fraction in erythrocyte-lysis method, while in non-lysis method the buffer was not used. A Muse TM cell analyzer was used to assess living cell counting and proportion of stromal vascular fraction in both methods. Then hADSCs were cultured to the second passage for next testing. Cell morphology was observed under light microscope. Cell phenotype was detected by flow cytometry. Cell counting kit-8 was used to evaluate cell proliferation. Oil red O staining and alizarin staining were used to evaluate adipogenic and osteogenic ability of hADSCs after adipogenic and osteogenic induction. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Plastic Surgery Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and informed consents were signed by all participants.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) Compared with the erythrocyte lysis group, hADSCs obtained in the non-lysis group contained a larger number and a larger percentage of non-erythrocyte living cells. (2) The two groups of hADSCs were spindle-shaped and arranged as a fish shape. (3) The cell phenotypes of both groups met the phenotypic requirements for human mesenchymal stem cells. (4) The cell proliferation in the non-lysis group was faster than that in the erythrocyte lysis group, while there was no difference in the adipogenic and osteogenic

abilities between the two groups. In conclusion, the use of erythrocyte lysis buffer reduces the isolation efficiency of hADSCs and inhibits cell proliferation. The non-lysis isolation method does not affect phenotypes, adipogenic and osteogenic ability of hADSCs. Therefore, it is not recommended to implement erythrocyte lysis during the isolation of hADSCs.

Key words: erythrocyte lysis buffer; cell isolation; adipose-derived stem cells; cell viability; cell phenotype; cell proliferation Funding: Innovation Fund for Medical Science (CIFMS), No. 2017-I2M-3-006 (to LJ)

0 引言 Introduction





1 材料和方法 Materials and methods

1.1 设计 细胞生物学对比观察。

1.2 时间及地点 2018年2月至2019年5月在中国医学科学院整形外科医院研究中心完成。 1.3 材料

1.3.1 脂肪组织 实验所用脂肪组织取自中国医学科学院整形外科医院行吸脂手术的9名患者,均为女性,年龄25-39岁,中位年龄32岁,体质量指数18.59-24.98 kg/m 2,见表1。无全身代谢及内分泌疾病,无肿瘤病史及肿瘤家族史,无酗酒及吸烟史,无服用利尿剂等影响糖类脂类代谢药物史。实验经中国医学科学院整形外科医院伦理委员会


1.3.2 实验试剂及仪器 胎牛血清(Gibco 公司);Ⅰ型胶原酶(Sigma 公司);青链霉素、DMEM 低糖培养基(Hyclone 公司);红细胞裂解液、Human MSC Analysis Kit(BD 公司);Muse TM cell analyzer(Millipore 公司);流式细胞仪(BD 公司);CCK-8(碧云天公司);人脂肪间充质干细胞成脂诱导培养基、人脂肪间充质干细胞成骨诱导培养基(Cyagen 公司);倒置相差显微镜(Olympus 公司);酶标仪(EnSpire 公司)。 1.4 实验方法

1.4.1 分离细胞基质成分 无菌条件下获取脂肪抽吸物,每例吸脂脂肪标本均在获取后12 h 内进行基质血管成分的提取操作。将人脂肪抽吸物用DPBS 清洗,1 000 r/min 离心5 min 后去除上层油层及下层液体层,留取中间脂肪层,记录剩余脂肪组织的体积。将每例脂肪样本均分2份,每份20 mL ,于终质量浓度为0.01 g/L 的Ⅰ型胶原酶中37 ℃摇

表1 脂肪提供者人口学特征

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of participants
