第九章 口译实践篇

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Could you elaborate a little about the Northern School and the Sichuan School?
你能否详细介绍 一下北方菜和四 川菜?
北方菜俗称“京菜”。实 际上京菜的大部分菜式来 自鲁菜,即山东菜。因为 中国北方气候寒冷,所以 各种菜式选用含卡路里较 高的用料,以保证足够的 热量。北方菜比较有名的 有“北京烤鸭”、“涮羊 肉”、“烤羊肉”及各种 海鲜、河鲜。
It is said that there are eight cooking schools in China. Can you name some of them?
据说中国有八 大菜系,您能 说出几个吗
中国幅员辽阔,各 地都有自己的特色 ,所以有几个菜系 说法不一。我看大 体可以分成四个菜 系,即北方菜、四 川菜、江浙菜和南 方菜
Of course that's a splendid idea. Will it take long to get the entry formalities done?
这当然好了 ,办理入境手 续要很长时间 吗?
我看不用很长时间。 我们去大厅好吗?请 走这边。
No. I don't think it'll take very long. Let's go to the lounge, shall we? This way please.
还没呢,我们 还在排队呢。
真对不起,办手续还得 让你们等,不过我们不 必站在这里等,我们完 全可以到大厅去喝杯茶 ,他们会来叫我们的, 你看如何?
I'm sorry that you have to wait. But we don't have to stand around waiting here. We might as well go to the lounge to have a cup of tea. They'll come for us. What do you say to this idea?
Interesting Ways of Drinking For thousands of year, the Chinese people have been used to entertaining their guests with wine at family parties, wedding, or on holidays. Different nationalities have different ways of drinking.
第九章 口译实践
你好哇,特纳先生。 欢迎你到中国来。
How do you do, Mr. Turner? Welcom e to China.
How do you do, Mr. Zhang? And this is my wife Sue.
你好,张先生。 这是我的夫人 苏。
欢迎你,特纳夫人 ,见到你很高兴。
Chinese cuisine basic ways of cooking gourmet (of the mouth) to start watering tender and juicy spicy and hot four major cuisines dipped in a special delicious sauce before eaten Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself / the dinner.
这是我们应该做的, 不必客气。你们能 来我们非常高兴。 怎么样,一路上顺利 吗?
Pretty good, except a little bumping over the Himalayas. It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?
Our pleasure. We are so happy that you could come. How was the flight? Did you have a very smooth journey?
Sichuan dishes are distinguished for being "spicy and hot", aren't they?
四川菜以麻辣著 称,对吧
对,川菜选用辣椒、 蒜和姜等做调料,构 成了川菜独特的麻辣 浓味。此外,四川历 来出名厨。川菜的用 料主要来自山区产品 和河鲜,因为四川是 个内陆省。
有趣的饮酒方式 几千年来,中国人 在家庭聚会、结婚和 假日时,常用酒来款 待客人。//不同民族有 不同的饮酒方式。//
The Miao people in southeastern Guizhou usually treat their guests to wine in oxhorns. //They choose beautiful shaped horns, polish them on both sides with small knives and then carve patterns and lacquer them outside.// On holidays, gorgeously dressed girls receive guests at the entrance of their village with horns containing wine in their hands. //Other girls present two or three red eggs to each guest. They hang the eggs on the guests' chests as a blessing of good luck. //
The pleasure is all mine. That's very kind of you to come and meet us at the airport.
Welcome to China, Mrs. Turner. Very pleased to meet you.
见到你我也很高兴 ,非常感谢你到机 场来接我们。
China is a large country and each area has its own specialties. So there have been different opinions on classifying them into different schools. In my opinion they could be roughly classified into four major schools, namely, the Northern School, the Sichuan School, the Jiangzhe School and the Southern School.
Yes, their uniquely hot, pungent flavor is created by a mixture of spices and condiments, including hot pepper, garlic, ginger, etc. Besides, Sichuan Province has always produced skilful chefs. The ingredients of Sichuan dishes consist chiefly of mountain products and river fish, because Sichuan is an inland province.
中国的烹饪 基本的烹饪方法 美食家 馋涎欲滴 鲜嫩可口 麻辣 四大菜系 醮着配好的多种调料吃 菜不好,请多多包涵.
Chinese food is worldfamous. Today I'm lucky enough to be in China to taste Chinese dishes. Would you please tell me something about Chinese cuisine?
Thank you very much for gracious speech of welcome. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream. //This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town. //I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China . //
还可以。只是在喜 马拉雅山脉上空时 有些颠簸。今天天 气真好。
是呀,天气的 确很好,海关 手续办完了吗 ?
Yes, it certainly is. Well, have you gone through the Customs formalities?
No. We are still waiting for our turn.
为我到达贵国后所做的一切安 排,我深表谢意。//非常感谢你 们热情友好的欢迎辞。中国是 世界上最古老的文明摇篮之一 ,能拜访这个文明古国是我多 年以来的梦想。//这次访问给予 我一次极好的机会,可以拜访老 朋友,结交新朋友。对这次访 问这个伟大的国家和这座美丽 的城市,我想再说一次,我感 到非常愉快而且荣幸之至。// 对 你们为我到达贵国后所做的一 切安排,我深表谢意。//
中国菜全球闻名,今 天我有幸来到中国亲 口品尝中国菜。您能 简单介绍一下中国菜 的烹饪方法吗?
中国的菜肴品种很多 ,据统计,中国的各 种不同风味的名菜有 8000多种,所用各种 不同配料也有600余种 ;各种基本的烹饪方 法如烤、炒、煮等也 有50多种。
Chinese dishes are known for their variety and abundance. According to statistics, the number of ancient and modern Chinese recipes amounts to over 8000, counting only the well-known ones. The ingredients can be classified into more than 600 categories. There are about 50 different basic ways of cooking such as roasting, stir-frying and boiling.
The Northern School is usually called the Beijing School. Dishes of Beijing School actually come chiefly from the Shandong School (of Shandong Province). Most of the dishes have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate. Well-known Beijing dishes include Peking duck (a whole roasted duck), Shuanyangrou (slices of lamb quickly boiled in boiling water and dipped in a sauce before you eat it), roast lamb and a variety of fresh sea food as well as freshwater fish.