
American marriages


Demand, meet supply


Most Americans would get married, if only they could find someone suitable 大多数美国人愿意结婚,如果他们能遇到合适人选的话。

1. AS A high-powered media executive in New York city, Leah had been wary of marriage. After seein g other women get “mommy-tracked” at work, she was ambivalent about letting children compromise her career. But love has a way of making a hash of plans, and these days she and her husband manage two full-time jobs and the care of their 18-month-old daughter. Leah still works nearly 50 hours a week and earns a bit more than her husband, but she also handles most of the routine caregiving, cooking and cleaning at home. Juggling everything often leaves her feeling “inadequate,” she admits, but she chalks it up to the struggle of trying to have it all. “Rich world problems, right?” she says with a chuckle.


2. While fewer women are marching to the altar—the proportion of those married before the age of 30 has fallen from 50% in 1960 to around 20% today—the ones that do increasingly look like Leah. Highly educated, financially independent women were once among the least likely to get hitched. Now they are getting married at a faster rate than their lesser-educated peers, and often to highly educated men. These unions are not only the most common, but also the most harmonious. New data show that America’s divorce rate has continued its plunge from its 1981 peak—from 5.3 to

3.2 divorces per 1,000 people in 2014—but this decline is largely concentrated among the better-educated. Among college graduates who married in the early 2000s, only around 11% divorced within seven years, according to data from Justin Wolfers of the University of Michigan.



3. This has created a fairly uneven marriage market. Although the returns to a college education h ave risen sharply in recent decades, America’s college-graduation rate has been inching up slowly, and now hovers at around 40%. Women make up a growing share: those born in 1975, for example, were around 20% more likely to complete a four-year degree than their male counterparts. Meanwhile, women with less education are stuck with a stock of less-appealing men. Women of nearly all levels of education have seen their earning power climb since the 1970s, while the earnings of men without a college degree have fallen between 5% and 25%, according to David Autor and Melanie Wasserman, both economists at MIT. Less-educated men also tend to have more anachronistic views about who should do what at home: they are not only less comfortable with partnerships in which women earn more, they also tend to be less-attentive parents and less helpful around the house than their better-educated peers.

这导致婚姻市场变得相当地不公平。虽然近几十年来大学教育的回报率大幅增高,美国的本科毕业率仍上升缓慢,目前浮动在40%左右。女性所占的比例越来越多:例如1975年出生的女性,完成四年学习的可能性比他们的男同学高出20%。与此同时,受更少教育的女性无法摆脱大量缺乏吸引力的男性。据两位MIT 的经济学家, 大卫奥图和美琳沃森曼表示,自1970年来,不同受教育水平的女性都感受到了收入的上升,但学历低于本科的男性收入下降了5%到25%。文化程度低的男性对男女在家庭中的分工也更容易有过时的观念:他们中更多人会在女性收入高的关系中感到不舒服,相较受教育更多的男性而言,他们更少参与子女教育,做家务活也更少。

4. This asymmetry is especially profound for African-American women, whose store of available men has been whittled down further by higher rates of incarceration and mortality. Inter-racial marriage is becoming more common but remains relatively rare. Black women are half as likely as black men to marry someone of another hue, according to the Pew Research Centre. Mismatched desires among lesser-educated men and women have shrunk the share of households headed by a married couple from two-thirds in 1960 to less than half today. The proportion of children being raised by a single parent has more than doubled in the past four decades. More than seven in ten births to African-American women are outside marriage.

这种不对称性对非洲裔美国女性的影响尤其深刻。高犯罪率和高死亡率使得适龄非洲裔美国男性数量缩减。跨种族婚姻虽更常见但相对而言仍属少数。pew研究中心表示,黑人女性进入跨种族婚姻的可能性是黑人男性的一半。文化程度低的不相配男女组合使已婚家庭比例由1960年的2/3降低至如今不到1/2. 在过


Here’s your whisky, darling 亲爱的,来杯威士忌吧

Concentrating gains from marriage at the top has exacerbated existing trends in inequality.


5. On most measures, the children of married couples are already more likely to fare better than those with single parents. But well-educated parents often have more money for schools, safer neighbourhoods and nutritious food, and fewer children to invest in (owing to the higher opportunity cost of child-rearing for career-oriented women). Well-educated parents spend more time with their children than their less-educated peers. For mothers the gap is only a few extra hours a week, but among fathers the difference is considerable: those with a job and a college degree spend more than double the time of less-educated men, according to Jonathan Guryan of Northwestern University and his co-authors.


6.Having fewer sprogs makes it easier to continue this support through early adulthood, which more parents seem to be doing. Nearly 43% of all young men (ages 18 to 34) and more than a third of all young women have yet to flee the nest, according to a new Pew analysis of census data. This boom in late-bloomers may be another sign of privilege. A recent paper from the New York Fed found that this trend can largely be attributed to the surge in student debt over the past decade or so, and it is better-off children who tend to enroll in college in the first place. Children from homes with an annual income of over $108,650, for example, are nearly twice as likely to enroll than those from homes that make less than $34,160,

according to a report from the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education.


7.Y et while marriage has been transformed, the roles played by each partner in the home have been slower to change. A recent Pew study found that in households where both parents work full time, more of the day-to-day parenting responsibilities fall to women. Mothers are twice as likely as fathers to say that being a working parent has hurt their careers, in no small part because many employers still function according to a single breadwinner model. This is slowly changing, particularly as more women start out-earning men. In couples with two full-time working parents, 26% of women earn around the same amount as their partners, and 22% earn more, according to Pew.


8.Conservative policymakers often argue that getting poorer women to marry will improve the lot of their children. But programmes to encourage more people to wed never seem to work. This is largely because most Americans are already quite convinced of the value of marriage, and even poorer people hold the institution in high regard, according to a new survey of public views of the American family from Deseret News and Brigham Young University. Most agree that marriage is the best arrangement for raising children, and many still hope to trade vows one day. Unlike Europeans, who are moving away from marriage, even younger Americans generally expect to put a ring on it, and view cohabitation as a practical step along the way.



9.T he distance between the number of people with favourable views of marriage and the number actually getting married is best explained by this: many of the marriages available do not offer a good deal for women. Yet those who assume the breakdown of the nuclear family reflects a growing crisis of morals might otherwise take heart: the decline in marriage in America has coincided with a similarly precipitous decline in juvenile crime, teenage pregnancy and adolescent drug-use, and fewer children are dropping out of high-school. Those who still hope to woo more people to the altar might keep in mind that the marriage market is ultimately like any market: people buy in if the price is right.


Luxury goods 奢侈品

Million dollar mastiffs


Xi Jinping’s crackdown on corruption is hitting Chinese luxury-peddlers harder than foreign ones


1 CHEN BINQI grows and sells abalone, adelicious kind of mollusc, in Dongshan, a seaside resort in the southern province of Fujian. He says that from 2010 to 201

2 the price never dropped below 50 yuan ($7.7) for 500 grams on tomb-sweeping day, a public holiday and one of the busiest days for tourists. In 201

3 it fell to 40 yuan, which meant most breeders were selling below cost. “Now it’s down to 30-something, which isunbearable.”


2In the neighbouring province of Guangdong, Lin Gongxi has been carving jade for 50 years i n Jieyang, China’s jade capital.When business was good, he told Southern Metropolis Daily, he used to go to bed at 2am and get up at 6am. Now he often has no work for eight days out of ten. Half the shops at Jieyang’s jade-trading centre are empty. Rents have fallen by three-quarters.


3 In Beijing’s Panjiayuan market, Wang Lin sells copies of Ming and Qing dynasty carved furniture. Same story. Businesspeople used to order

ten-piece suites of office furniture; he sold them as fast as his carpenters could make them, sometimes faster (there was a waiting list). Now, prices have halved and he “can shift maybe a couple of chairs out of ten”.


4 China is the world’s biggest market forluxury goods, accounting (by some measures) for half of all luxury spending.The slowdown in the growth of China’s economy and household incomes is usually seen as bad for rich-country purveyors of luxuries such as perfumes, golfclubs, art and the like. Which it is: LVMH, a producer of champagne and handbags, recently closed three shops in China, while Christie’s annual auctionof Asian 20th-century and contemporary art in Hong Kong earned only HK$508m($66m) in November, down from HK$935m in 2013.



年该数字为 9.35万元。

5 But the woes of Western vanitymongers aretrifling compared with those of their Chinese counterparts. Prices of jade and Tibetan mastiffs, for example, have dropped by half or more. Hundreds of businesses have gone bust. This owes as much to politics as economics.


That doggy in the window 橱窗里的狗狗

6 Take Tibetan mastiffs, a breed of enormous sheep-guarding dog (one is pictured above, on sale). These were the must-have status symbol for China’s new billionaires in the late 2000s. Three years ago ordinary Tibetan mastiffs could fetch around $20,000. Now they sell for a tenth of that. Earlier this year an animal-welfare group rescued 20 abandoned mastiffs from the back of a lorry, which was taking them to a slaughter house to be sold for leather and meat—for a mere $5 each.


7 Tibetan mastiffs were a fad for plutocrats,usually bought as

status-enhancing guard dogs. But demand for most other Chinese luxuries depends on a culture of gift-giving. Every transaction must bemarked by a present: jade, tea, a meal. One billionaire, Hong Weihua, even paid for a delegation of officials from his hometown to visit America (quitelegally).藏獒通常作为提升身份地位的看门犬,是富豪兴起时的玩物。但对于其他大多数中国人来说,对于奢侈品的需求源于中国特有的送礼文化。每项交易都以送礼为特征,包括翡翠、茶叶或者饭局。亿万富翁洪维华甚至出资资助家乡的官员代表团到美国考察(但这是合法行为)。

8 Since 2013 the anti-corruption campaign ofXi Jinping, China’s president, has made conspicuous consumption politicallysuspect and reined in the practice of lavishing gifts on officials. Tea used tobe a favourite present, especially Pu’er, a fermented and aged variety from thesouth-western province of Yunnan. The price of top-of-the-line Golden tea fromthe Tae tea company, the world’s largest Pu’er maker, fell from 917 yuan per357 grams in March 2014 to 512 yuan, before rallying a bit (see chart). Thepresident of the Yunnan Tea Association told the Kunming Daily that, after a boom and b ust, the teabusiness was entering “a new normal” (a term popularised by Mr Xi, who uses itto describe slower growth of the economy as a whole). This means lower pricesand more modest sales.自 2013年,国家主席习近平的反腐运动让大手脚的消费成为政治上的黑点,也禁止了官员之间送大礼的行为。茶叶曾经是最受人喜爱的礼物,特别是西南省份云南产出醇厚的普洱。全球最大的普洱厂商塔尔茶叶公司生产的顶级金叶价格从2014年3月的每克917元下降到512元(后来略有上升,如图)。云南茶业协


9 The abalone business shows that it is Mr Xi’s rule against “extravagant eating and drinking”, rather than a lack ofcash, that lies behind the luxury squeeze. Mr Chen, the seafood-dealer inFujian, says abalone is not especially pricey, but because it is seen as aluxury “sales took a big hit”. Of the breeders he knows, 40% quit during 2013and 2014.


10 At the top end of the mastiff business, itis not so bleak. In 2011 a coal baron is said to have paid 10m yuan ($1.5m) forBig Splash, a Tibetan mastiff puppy. In 2014 a property developer paid 12m yuanfor a dog, making it the world’s most expensive canine. Han Lianming, a mastiffbreeder near Beijing, says the market for such finest-quality dogs still looksgood. “Someone offered me 20m yuan for that one. It was crazy,” he sayscontentedly, pointing to a vast ball of russet fur and teeth that is lumberingaround the courtyard (the deal did not come off). A select few millionairesappear immune to the anti-corruption campaign and unfazed by dog-breeders’efforts during the boom years to boost supply by

crossbreeding. This diminishedthe rarity-value of mastiffs, but it also produced some highly sought-afterspecimens.


11The jade market, however, has little goodnews to report. Yu Ming, the director of the jade committee of the ChinaTraditional Culture Promotion Council, a state-run body, says that though salesat big auction houses are holding up, the retail business is plummeting. In bigcities such as Beijing they have fallen by 10-20%. In second- and third-tiercities (such as provincial capitals), he says, sales are down by 40-50%. In2013 there was a spike in the price of raw jade from neighbouring Myanmar, whenpolitical violence briefly disrupted supplies. Mr Yu says many thought theconflict would lead to higher prices in China. But to everyone’s surprise theretail price actually fell. “There just isn’t that big a market any more,” helaments.



Winston Churchill’s other lives


Mr high-roller


The gambler who saved the West


Natty dresser


No More Champagne: Churchill and His Money. By David Lough. Picador; 544 pages; $32. Head of Zeus; 532 pages; £25.

《莫饮香槟:丘吉尔与金钱》(No More Champagne: Churchill and His Money),作者:戴维?洛,皮卡多出版社,544页,32美元;Head of Zeus,532页,25英镑。

Winston Churchill Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent. By Simon Read. Da Capo Press; 309 pages; $26.99.


HISTORIANS and many members of the public already know that Winston Churchill often took high-stakes gambles in his political life. Some, like the disastrous Dardanelles campaign—an audacious attempt he masterminded at the Admiralty to seize the straits of Gallipoli and knock Turkey out of the first world war—he got wrong. Others, notably his

decision as prime minister in 1940 to hold out against Nazi Germany until America came to rescue Britain, he got spectacularly right. But the extent to which Churchill was a gambler in other spheres of his life has tended not to catch his biographers’ attention.


Two new books attempt to fill this gap. The first is “No More Champagne” by David Lough, a private-banker-turned-historian who looks at Churchill’s personal finances during the ups and downs of his career. It is the first biography to focus on this aspect of his life. Mr Lough has trawled through Churchill’s personal accounts and found that he was as much a risk-taker when it came to his money as he was when he was making decisions at the Admiralty or in Downing Street.


Although Churchill was descended from the Dukes of Marlborough, his parents had “very little money on either side”—though that never stopped them living the high life. Neither did it hamper the young Churchill; he spent wildly on everything from polo ponies to Havana cigars, a habit he picked up as a war correspondent in Cuba. Indeed, between 1908 and 1914 the Churchill household spent an average of £1,160 on wine alone each year—£104,400 ($145,000) in today’s money.


It is no wonder, then, that Churchill spent most of his life leaping from one cashflow crisis to another, being perennially behind with his s uppliers’ bills. Another new book, “Winston Churchill Reporting”, by Simon Read, an American journalist, looks at one of the ways Churchill eventually paid some of them: writing. Mr Read investigates how Churchill

went from a young army officer cadet to be ing Britain’s highest-earning war correspondent by the age of 25, getting the journalism bug for the rest of his life.

不过这也难怪,丘吉尔毕生的大部分时间都是刚摆脱现金危机,又陷入财务困境,常年无法偿付他供应商的账单。另一本新书是美国记者西蒙?里德(Simon Read)写的《温斯顿?丘吉尔报告》(Winston Churchill Reporting),他找到了丘吉尔最终偿还部分债务的方法:写作。里德的调查表明,丘吉尔如何在年仅25岁的时候,就从年轻的军官军校学生变成英国收入最高的战地记者,在他的余生里都紧握新闻这个筹码。

The Churchill name certainly helped open newspaper editors’ doors across London. But it was the extent to which the young reporter was willing to take risks on battlefields across the world that marked out his columns from those of his contemporaries.


Visiting Cuba in 1895, during its war of independence from Spain, he travelled unperturbed through some of the island’s most dangerous territory while writing for the Daily Graphic. The next year his regiment was transferred to India, where he fought Pushtun tribesmen on the border with Afghanistan, penning articles for the Daily Telegraph from a blood-splattered foxhole on the battlefield. He was then sent to Sudan, where he took part in the British army’s last great cavalry charge, at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898.

1895年,丘吉尔到了正在为脱离西班牙统治而战斗的古巴,他镇定地穿过岛上最危险的地区,同时为《每日画报》(Daily Graphic)撰写稿件。次年,他所在的军团调往印度驻防,在印度与阿富汗接壤的地区与普什图部落作战,在战场上血迹斑斑的掩体里,他为《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)写通讯。他随后被派往苏丹,在那里参加了1898年的恩图曼战役,这是英国陆军历史上最后一次骑兵冲锋。

After narrowly losing a by-election in Oldham, he returned to the journalistic fray as a war correspondent in South Africa for the Morning Post during the second Boer war of 1899-1902. There he hit the front pages in his own right; he was captured by the Boers while accompanying a scouting expedition on an armoured train. Even that could not stop Churchill, who soon escaped from the prisoner-of-war camp, travelling almost 300 miles to safety in Portuguese East Africa.


1899年至1902年的第二次布尔战争中,他担任《晨报》(Morning Post)驻南非的战地记者。他凭借自己的能力登上了报纸头版;他跟随侦察探险队乘坐装甲列车前进,被布尔人所俘获。即使被俘也无法阻止丘吉尔的脚步,他很快从战俘营中逃脱,跋涉了近300英里的路程,安全抵达葡萄牙统治下的南非。

As Mr Read notes, by the time of his return from Africa, Churchill had saved more than £4,000 from his writing, equivalent to £400,000 today. “With judicious economy,” he told his brother, “I shall hope to make that carry me through the lean years.” But he returned to o ld habits in the years to come. Notable extravagances involved losing badly gambling in Monte Carlo and betting that share prices would continue to rise when the Wall Street crash hit. Churchill did not continue to write simply for adventure or fun; he did so to make ends meet. But even that was not enough. He required bail-outs from wealthy friends in 1938, 1940 and 1946 to save him from bankruptcy.


Both books manage to tell their tales of Churchill the adventurer and gambler elegantly. And for a financial biography, Mr L ough’s is a surprising page-turner. But the two authors only briefly link their assessments of Churchill’s personality to the important decisions he made in office—and even then only in vague terms. For instance, both fail to mention how his frequent bouts of depression may have contributed to his impulsiveness and risk-taking. Although their stories are worth telling, they have left bigger questions about Churchill to other historians.


Sex education


Dream of the bed chamber


1 “SEX, sex, sexual intercourse, penis, penis, vagina.” More than 150 undergraduates are sitting in a lecture hall at China Agricultural University in Beijing, shouting loudly. Many are sexually active, or soon will be. Yet for most it is the first sex education class they have attended.中国农业大学北京校区的讲堂里坐了超过150位本科生,他们齐声说着类似于“性、性爱、性交、阴茎、阴道”等词语。他们中有多人正处于性欲旺盛时期,有的人也即将迎来这一时期。但是对他们大多数人来说,这是他们上的第一堂性教育课。

2 Their instructor hopes that shouting such words will help youngsters talk more openly about sex. Lu Zhongbao, a 24-year-old forestry student, says he was told as a child that he “emerged from a rock”. When he started having sex with his university girlfriend he had little idea about contraception. This evening he arrived an hour early armed with another question: will masturbating damage his health?


3 It is not just China’s economy that has loosened up since 1979. The country is in the midst of a sexual revolution. A 2012 study found that more than 70% of Chinese people have sex before marriage. Other polls put that figure lower but consistently indicate that over the past 30 years, more young Chinese are doing it, with more partners, at a younger age. But a lack of sex education means that many are not protecting themselves, resulting in soaring abortion rates and a rise in sexually transmitted diseases.


4The Communist Party has stuck its nose into people’s bedrooms for 30 years through its harsh family-planning policies. Yet taboos on sex before marriage prevailed, the result of paternalistic—not religious—values about female chastity, with a dose of Communist asceticism thrown in. Pre-marital sex fell foul of a range of laws, including the catch-all charge of “hooliganism”, only scrapped in 1997.


5 The social climate remains chilly. Most news items about sex involve scandals or crimes. Schools ban pupils from dating and many deploy “morality patrols” to root out flirting or frolicking couples. S ex outside wedlock is not illegal but children born to unmarried mothers face obstacles obtaining a hukou, or household residency, that entitles them to subsidised education and welfare. Yet with greater freedom from their parents, more money and increasing exposure to permissive influences from abroad, China’s youth are clearly separating sex from procreation.


6 Education on the subject is compulsory in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan—societies that have some cultural similarities with China. But most Chinese schools teach only basic anatomy.


7 This is not entirely for lack of trying. Pilot campaigns in Shanghai and Beijing schools in the 1980s were incorporated into a nationwide programme in 1988 but it was never implemented. In 2008 the Ministry of Education included sex education in the national health and hygiene curriculum. The barriers are not just prudery. Like football, fashion and other teenage pastimes, sex (and learning about it) is seen as a distraction from studies. “Sex is not an exam subject,” says S heng

Yingyi, a 21-year-old student.


8 Where classes happen, most students are merely given a textbook. “Happy Middle School Students”, written for 12- to 15-year-olds in 2006 and still widely used, refers to sperm meeting egg without describing the mechanics of intercourse. A more explicit volume for primary-school pupils published in 2011, which did explain how sperm were delivered, was criticised for being pornographic.


9 The dominant message is to abstain. A 2013 review by UNESCO and Beijing Forestry University noted the prevalence of “terror-based” sex education, with content largely focused on the horrors of pregnancy, abortion and HIV. Earlier this month a university in Xi’an in central China ran a course entitled “No Regrets Youth” where students received a “commitment card”, essentially a pledge to remain a virgin until marriage.


We need to talk 我们要谈谈

10 There is almost no discussion in Chinese schools about love, communication or trust, how to say no or to deal with harassment or abuse. Homosexuality is not discussed, and Chinese parents rarely talk with their children about sex. Peng Xiaohui of Central China Normal University, who runs sex-education classes (including the one at China Agricultural University), had excrement thrown at him last year because of the work he does. Several Chinese and foreign NGOs have tried to fill the gap, but

many are now wary after the month-long detention this year of five feminists who had launched a campaign against sexual harassment. Most Chinese youths find out about sex from the internet and online pornography. 在中国的学校中,没有人会讨论有关爱情、沟通或信任以及怎么样反抗和处理面临的性骚扰和性侵犯行为。同性恋问题没有人会提及,而且父母也很少会和子女谈论性的话题。华中师范大学的彭晓辉教授性教育课程(其中就包括在中国农业大学教课),他去年就因所从事的工作被泼粪。有几个中外非政府组织一直尝试弥补这一方面的空缺,但是由于今年五位女权主义者因发起反对性侵犯行为的运动后遭到政府长达一个月的拘留,这些组织现在对此有所担忧。大多数中国的年轻人通过网络和色情网站了解性知识。

11 That does not work well. Because of the mismatch between lust and learning, around a quarter of all sexually active women under 24 get pregnant by mistake. Half of them do not use prophylactics, some because they know little about them, others because of insufficient access.


12 The pill is not widely used in China, even by married women. The government encourages the use of intra-uterine devices which provide less chance of human error. Until last year advertising condoms on television was banned (abortion, by contrast, is widely promoted). Convenience stores sell condoms, but they are not always available near college campuses.


13 Those who do use prophylactics often use them wrongly: a 2014 study found that a quarter of under-17s who got pregnant had used some form of birth control. There is also a flourishing trade in “counterfeit condoms”, shoddily made sheaths being passed off as popular name brands. As a result sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise; 91% of new HIV cases are from sexual contact.


Dirty secrets 肮脏的秘密

14 It is hardly surprising that the abortion rate is so high. The one-child policy has made termination a normal phenomenon. Most clinics, private or state, put a premium on speed and offer no advice on how to avoid getting pregnant again. So repeat abortions are common: a study of nearly 80,000 Chinese women who terminated pregnancies in 2013, published in October by the Lancet, a British journal, found that 37% were doing so for the second time, and 29% for a third time or more. Unmarried women account for a rising share of these—and are a significant reason why, after an extended period of decline, terminations have been increasing in number since 2003.


15 Although China has no national system for counting abortions (official statistics include only state facilities), a researcher from the National Health and Family Planning Commission reckons there could be 13m terminations or more a year, a figure widely quoted in state media. But Marie Stopes, an international reproductive-health agency, reckons that figure could be as high as 40m, given domestic sales for pharmaceutical companies selling drugs used in terminations. If that number is correct, around half of all abortions worldwide are in China. The high number of terminations is in marked contrast to the low birth rate. If Marie Stopes is correct, 2.5 babies are aborted in China for every one born, compared with about two live births per termination in Russia and five births to one abortion in America. Even using the widely cited 13m figure, there are nearly as many abortions as births in China each year. That, and not frank talk about sex, is China’s shame.


Obituary: Helmut Schmidt

Smoke and fire


Helmut Schmidt, Social Democrat chancellor of West Germany, died on November 10th, aged 96


Nov 14th 2015 | From the print edition

HE WAS so clever, and so rude with it, that his listeners sometimes realised too late that they had been outwitted and insulted. Helmut Schmidt did not just find fools tiresome. He obliterated them. The facts were clear and the logic impeccable. So disagreement was a sign of idiocy.


He was impatient, too, with his own party, which failed to realise the constraints and dilemmas of power. It wanted him to spend money West Germany did not have, and to compromise with terrorists who belonged in jail. He was impatient with the anti-nuclear left, who failed to realise

that nuclear-power stations were safe, and that the Soviet empire thrived on allies' weakness. And he was impatient with post-Watergate America, which seemed to have lost its will to lead.


In good causes and in bad he was imperious. His addiction to nicotine trumped convention and courtesy.He smoked whenever and wherever he felt like it, even in non-smoking compartments of railway carriages. “Can you ask Mr Schmidt to put his cigarette out?” a passenger asked the conductor. “Would you mind telling him yourself?” came the timid reply.


Yet his brains, eloquence and willpower were unmatched in German politics. They brought him through the Nazi period, thrown out of the Hitler Youth for disloyalty but with an Iron Cross for bravery. He was one-quarter Jewish, which he concealed when he married his wife Loki and needed to prove his Aryan background. Only late in his career did an army document emerge which described him as ideologically sound.

然而,在德国政坛,他的头脑、口才和毅力却是独一无二的。它们让他走过了纳粹时代,因为不忠诚而被开除出希特勒青年团,却因为勇敢而得到了铁十字勋章。他是四分之一的犹太人,他在与妻子 Loki 结婚并需要证明他的的雅利安人背景时隐瞒了这一点。直到一份描述他意识形态可靠的军方文件出现为止。

In post-war West Germany he flourished, making a successful career in Hamburg's city government. By commandeering army units to deal with the floods of 1962 he broke a taboo, and the law, but gaining a deserved reputation as a doer.


He replaced Willy Brandt (the victim of an East German espionage operation) in 1974, at a time when the West was reeling from the oil-price shock, terrorism and America's humiliation in Vietnam. With his friend Valéry
