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people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable development


make full utilization of the strength of human resources

资源消耗低low consumption of resources 经济效益好high economic yields 骨干企业key enterprise 科技成果转化commercialization of research findings 跨越式发展great-leap-forward development 技术转让technology transfer

社会全面进步Social all-round progress 出台一个项目unveil a program

城市规划urban planning 配套设施supporting facilities

国际惯例international convention/ common practice

良性循环virtuous circle 恶性循环vicious circle

人居环境human habitat/ residential


商品commodity/ goods/ merchandise 存货supplies/ stock-in-trade

耐用品durables 滞销品slow-selling goods/ slow seller

冒牌货counterfeit 热门货popular wares 便宜货good purchase

工艺品artware 土产native product 特产speciality

纺织品textile goods 五金hardware 水产品marine product

次品undergrade goods 家用电器domestic electrical appliances

床上用品bedding 童装children’s clothes 化妆品cosmetics

文化用品stationary 杂品sundry goods 运费freight

码头费wharfage 关税customs duty 折扣discount/allowance

含佣价price including commission 卸货港port of discharge

进口许可证import license 现货价格spot price

期货价格forward price 现行价格/时current price/prevailing price

到岸价CIF (cost, insurance and freight)FOB (free on Board)离岸价

成本加运费价,离岸加运费价C&F (cost and freight)

30% off the price 七折批发价wholesale price

零售价Retail price 成本价cost price

出厂价factory price/ manufacturer’s price

优惠价Preferential price 最高价maximum/ceiling price

价格下降Price fall/ decline 合同一方 a party of contract

合同另一方Other party of contract

Originals of the contract 合同正本合同副本copies of the contract

付款条件terms of payment 现金支付cash payment

货到付款cash on delivery L/C (letter of credit)信用证

预付定金down payment 分期付款payment by installments

供货商supplier 品质优良good in quality

中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise

注册资本registered capital 董事会board of directors

国内贸易interior trade 商业渠道commercial channels

Middleman 中间商/经纪人dealer 经销商

客户client/ customer 总公司Head Office

分公司Branch Office 人事部Personnel Department

人力资源部Human Resources Department 企划部Planning Department 研发部Research and Development Department

产品开发部Product Development Department

技术顾问technical advisor 备忘录memorandum

纠缠这个问题entangle this issue

粗略地说roughly speaking

售后服务After-sale service 发票invoice 往返票return ticket

全价票a full-fare ticket 单程票a single ticket

头等舱First class ticket 经济舱an economy class ticket

外贸主管trading supervisor 采购经理purchasing manager
