四川省2018 年成都七中外地生招生考试 英语试卷(word版附答案)

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2018 年成都七中外地生招生考试


(选择题,共 40 题,满分 70 分)

第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 A,B,C,D 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡和相应的位置上将该项涂黑。

A Welcome to one of the largest collections of footwear in the world that will make you green with envy. Here at the

Footwear Museum you can see exhibits from all over the world. You can find out about shoes worn by everyone from the Ancient Egyptians to pop stars.

1.Where would you find a famous singer ‟s shoes?

A. Room 1

B. Room 2

C. Room 3

D. The Footwear Library

2.All exhibits in each room .

A. belong to the same social class

B. have the same shape

C. are made of the same material

D. share the same theme

3.Which of the following is true according to the next?

A. Room 2 is the most visited place in the museum.

B. Researchers come to the Footwear Library for data.

C. The oldest exhibits in Room 1 were made in the 1950s.

D. Room 3 has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two.


Today ‟s young people in their twenties-or “20-somethings”, are often called “millennials(千禧一代)”. Theygrew up around the time of the millennium in the year 2000. Like other generation, millennials share some things in common. Millennials are staying in school longer and getting married later. Some millennials lack full-time jobs, and many are living at home or getting financial help from their parents.

Are these adults? The law says yes. In the United States and many other countries, 18 is the “age of majority”. This means people are considered old enough to be held legally responsible for their actions. But societies usually have their own definitions of adulthood, their own expectations for what being an adult means.

Some researchers say today ‟s 20-somethings are having a “delayed adulthood”. In other words, they are still like teenagers, more mature than adolescents but not quite full adults.

Cherrssa Jessen, who is 27, might agree. She grew up in New Jersey, not far from New York City. She says she Room 1

The celebrity footwear section is

probably the most popular in the entire

museum. Started in the 1950s there is a wide

variety of shoes and boots belonging to

everyone from queens and presidents to pop

stars and actors! Most visitors find the

celebrities ‟ choice of footwear extremely


Room 3

A s well as shoes and boots the museum

also exhibits shoe shaped objects. The variety

is unbelievable. For example, there is a metal

lamp that resembles a pair of shoes, and Greek

wine bottles that look like legs! Room 2 Most of our visitors are amazed and shocked by the collection of “special purpose” shoes on exhibition here at the Museum of Footwear. For example, there are Chinese shoes made of silk that were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much. The Footwear Library People come from all over the world to study in our excellent footwear library. Designers and researchers come here to look up information on anything and everything related to the subject of footwear.
