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• If your head is always forward staring at mobile phone screen, it will
shorten the neck muscles, increasing the cheek place by gravity, leading to lower jaw loose, it can also lead to the cheek sagging, etc.
Health Hazard
• Play games for a long time, people are easy to make cervical vertebra joint dislocation, and may also suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and tenosynovitis. • Not only that, bowed people's heads and long-term addicted to play mobile phone, in addition to affect vision, also it is easy to cause cataracts.
website about phubbing."
• When you are walking...
• Next time you check your Instagram likes while taking a stroll downtown, just remember: phubbing can be fatal.
study about how the mere presence of a phone can hamper interactions with new people.
• They grouped 74 strangers into pairs and asked them to discuss
something interesting that happened to them recently in one of two conditions: with a cell phone or a little paper notebook resting on a nearby book. After chatting for 10 minutes, they responded to
• Phubbing has become a unique problem in 21th century. While the world’s relationship globally become more connected, people’s become more disconnected. The behavior has been questioned all around the world.
Something must be done and it
must be done now!
Let us put down the cell phone and persuade others to boycott the behavior of phubbing.
• Do you find yourself unable to go more than 15minutes without reaching into your pocket, pulling out your smart phone and checking your e-mail or micro blog? • Have you ever been looking at your phone when you are walking? • Have you ever concentrated on your phone rather than talking to others when you are eating in a restaurant? • Do you surf the Internet on your phone before you sleep every night? • Do you sleep with your phones every night? • What do you want to say about phubbing?
Above all, we know the disadvantages of phubbing, So how can we prevent it ourselves?
• When you are with others...
• Do say: "Don't you hate it when people don't pay attention?" • Don't say: "Sorry, I didn't hear that, I just found this really funny
Anyway, phubbing is a growing phenomenon and some people believe it is so out of hand that something needs to be done about the situation. And so The Stop Phubbing Campaign group was founded in Australia. It started there, presumably as a bit of a joke. The website’s well put together and has a genuine meaning but the campaign clearly is not taking itself very seriously. For instance, there’s a list of “Disturbing Phubbing Stats” on the site which includes “If phubbing were a plague it would decimate six Chinas”, “97% of people claim their food tasted worse while being a victim of phubbing” and most condemningly “92% of repeat phubbers go on to become politicians”. If that doesn’t put you off phubbing then nothing will.
Life Risk
• For the first time in decades, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported a rise in the number of American pedestrians killed in traffic accidents – from 4,109 in 2009 to 4,432 in 2011 – and the nation's Secretary of Transportation has attributed that rise to what he called "distracted walking".
Aging & younger....
Phubbing appears innocuous however, it does disturb our life.
• Last year, social scientists from the University of Essex published a
In my real life
We’ve all been there when mid-conversation, a friend gets their phone out and starts t e x t i n g s o m e b o d y. Apparently one third of Britons admit to regularly phubbing their friends. It’s not a new phenomenon as such b u t , t h a n k f u l l y, w e finally have a word for it.
What is phubbing
phubbing = phone + snubbing
Phubbing is a term coined as part of a campaign by Macquarie Dictionary to describe the habit of snubbing someone in favour of a mobile phone.
statements designed to asses relationship quality (“It is likely that my partner and I could become friends”) and those in proximity to a phone rated theirs more poorly.