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Refractory epilepsy diagnosis and treatment guidelines

First, awareness of epilepsy

1, What is epilepsy

Epilepsy is a common cause and more complicated chronic clinical syndrome, commonly known as "epilepsy Wind," "epileptic" and "pig head wind", as a result of the brain in patients with abnormal discharge all of a sudden strong, caused by brain dysfunction, Usually convulsions ( "ventilation"), all of a sudden loss of consciousness, body fat or hard-tic, but also for the

short-term performance in a daze, or whole body muscle contraction, and so fast. The one-time or occasional seizures, as well as those in the acute period of the attack did not appear in epilepsy. Epilepsy is here stressed the "chronic disease of the brain," is the essence of the "abnormal discharge" and "recurrent." Due to abnormal brain in different parts of the discharge, the clinical performance of the corresponding movement, feeling, consciousness and spirit of the act and the different performance of the autonomic nervous system.

2, epilepsy as a result of the major diseases of the following 13

(1). Genetic (2). Traumatic brain injury (3). Brain tumors (4) brain surgery (5). Intracranial infection (6). Cerebrovascular disease (7). Prenatal and birth injury time (8 ). Metabolic disorder (9). Poisoning (10). Hypoxic (11). Congenital diseases (12). Hereditary diseases (13). Demyelinating diseases.

3, the incidence of epilepsy how

Department of epilepsy frequently-occurring one in our country the incidence rate is about 37/10 million, the prevalence rate of 3 ‰ ~ 7 ‰. China's current nearly 6,000,000 patients with epilepsy, and to 270,000 / year growth rate. In the regular session of the disease in childhood and adolescent onset, as a result of a long course of disease, for patients with pain caused by a large

Second, the treatment of epilepsy

Survey data show that the international community is the treatment of epilepsy drug treatment, drug therapy can Although 65% -70% of the patients to control access to alleviate the attack, but there is still 30% -35% of the patients became ill effects of drug resistant Epilepsy. And long-term use of antiepileptic drugs will bring more side effects, treatment will be gradually reduced. Clinical studies have shown that through a variety of different surgical treatment can make refractory epilepsy drug to ease symptoms or to stop attacks and improve symptoms in patients with mental and social adaptability. Surgical treatment of epilepsy is the use of surgery to remove the lesions, epilepsy block the pathway, or reduce the excitability of the cortex, an effort to reduce or eliminate epileptic seizures treatment. Specific surgical treatment of choice mainly based on the patient's lesion site, function, the patient to attack the situation, the key result in the accurate location of the foci.

Third, epilepsy Notes

1, female patients with epilepsy when:

1) Lai Chao menstruation can be induced by epilepsy or seizures increase; 2) Pregnancy can be induced epilepsy or seizures increase; 3) postmenopausal epilepsy will be better, do not advocate for hormone replacement therapy; 4) anti-epileptic drugs can enter the fetal body and Have an impact on the fetus; 5) to carry out post-natal period continued breast-feeding, weaning the prevention of SARS; 6) as a result of oral contraceptives and anti-epileptic drugs are part of the mutual antagonism, oral contraceptives do not have as much as possible;
