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Person 1:刘相龙

背景介绍及设定讨论话题“Blackberry的快速崛起及衰退的主要原因”Person2: 黄兢

Key word:Push mail,

Blackberry is so popular due to the core function that it can push mail. It combines software client with mobile phone, PDA and other communication terminal. Through its wireless device, the users can get access to e-mail, enterprise data, Web and voice call within the business. Besides its powerful services of mobile e-mail, general Blackberry terminal products with varied function of cell phone、wireless Internet and PDA,become the favorite of businessman

黑莓之所以如此流行,是因为它最核心的功能在于可以实现“推邮件”(push mail),它将软件客户端结合在移动电话、PDA及其他通信终端上,用户可以通过其无线装臵来安全地访问电子邮件、企业数据、Web以及进行企业内部的语音通话。除去强大的移动电邮服务,一般的黑莓终端产品都具有移动电话、无线上网及PDA等多种功能,成为商务人士的首选。


Key word: Agenda application



Meanwhile, RIM develop a lot applications such as schedule、memos and notepad to help people to manage their personal digital information. So it is a lot more like a portable computer with telephone function than just a mobile phone.

A lot of practical functions and star effect make blackberry phone become more and more popular in the business man and the middle class.

Person4: 陆丽丽

Key word: sales channel and authorization of service platform 2000年6月,RIM不再自己租运营商服务来卖设备,而是让运营商来卖黑莓,这一举措非常成功,设备数很快从2002年的36万台增长到了2004年的230万台。2002年11月,黑莓开始对诺基亚等厂商授权其黑莓邮件平台,从此其市场发展开始一日千里。

In June 2000, RIM was no longer rented operators’service to sell their equipments, but let operators sell blackberry. This measure was very successful, the number of equipments soon grew from 360,000 in 2002 to 2,300,000 in 2004. In November 2002, blackberry began to authorize its blackberry E-mail platform to some manufacturers, such as Nokia. From then on, its market began to develop very quickly.

Person5: 杜鹃

Key word: Reliable and security


Since when the Blackberry have became famous? It had been derived from the 911 tragedy. During that period ,the routine mobile phone network was broken completely. Only the RIM "Mobitex" network which specially for the text communication was still running. It became the only communication channel. After then, the Anthrax incidents in October 2001 destroyed the traditional postal industry ,it also achieved the e-mail function success of Blackberry. Blackberry proved itself by its reliable and security communication ability during the Northeast blackout events in 2003 and the Hurricane Katrina again and again.


Person6: 陈海峰

Key word: Strong competitor, Touch screen

