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4)Design web-based platform based on consultations with prospective users
5)Hold workshop to launch and publicize the website
6)Conduct additional research
7)Maintain and update website, and foster relationships with other institutions
Output 1.1 – Progress
人口流动研究中心将联系多个政府组织、学术机构、大学、非政府组织和国际 组织的学者、专家及利益相关部门。所有合作伙伴都能够从信息平台的工作中 受益,并被鼓励参与信息平台的工作。
Output 1.1 – Key Activities
产出 1.1 - 主要活动
1)Establish a Working Group 成立工作小组
ILO Outputs 国际劳工组织 牵头产出项目活动介绍
Output 1.1
National migration policy informed by platform for migration research information exchange
由人口流动研究和信息交流平台支持的 国家人口流动政策
• The objective for Year 1 is to establish a web-based platform for migration research and information exchange that builds on existing resources and identified needs. The platform will also serve as a means to share laws, policies and regulations related to youth employment and migration. 第一年的目标是以现有的资源和已经查明的需求,建立一个以网络为基础的 人口流动研究和信息交流平台。该平台也将作为分享与青年流动人口和就业 有关的法律、政策和规定的途径。
中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所将于人力资源与社会保障部合作,成立 人口流动研究中心。
• The Migration Research Center will link scholars, experts, and interested stakeholders from a number of government organizations, academic institutes, universities, non-governmental organizations and international organizations. The work of the platform will benefit all partners, and they are encouraged to participate.
Output 1.1 – Objectives 产出1.1 - 目标
• This output will support the testing and implementation of evidencebased policies and programmes to promote the safe and orderly transition of the rural labour force. 这一产出将支持检验和执行基于证据的政策和项目,以促进农村劳动力的安 全和有序转移。
产出1.1 - 工作进程
1)The Working Group has been established. 工作组已经成立
2)The review of existing research and data will commence shortly (opportunity for the local authorities in Tianjin and Cangzhou to contribute to the research and participate in the Center). 对现有研究和数据的审查即将开始 (天津和沧州地方政府将有机会参与信息中心和相关 的研究工作)
Output 1.1 – Implementing Partners
产出 1.1 - 实施机构
国际劳工组织、人力资源与社会保障部、联合国人口基金、中国社会科学院、 联合国妇女发展基金、全国妇联
• The Institute of Population and Labour Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences will work with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to develop the Migration Research Center.
2)Review existing research and data on migrants and migration
3)Identify research gaps at national and provincial level
3)The identification of research gaps at the national and provincial level will be informed by the review of existing research and data. 根据对现有研究和数据进行审查的结果,确认国家和地方层面研究中存在的空白