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Unit 1 阅读理解1 <11 年上半年新增>

The ballad(民谣)and the folk song have long been recognized as important keys to the

thoughts and feelings of a people,but the dime novel(通俗小说),

1.B ballad and folk song

2.D Both folk songs and dime novels were n’t created by the common Americans.

3.C Dime novels

4.B make money

5.C would be a valuable contribution in determining the essential characteristics

The dime novel, intended as it was for the great masses and designed to fill the pockets of both author and publisher, quite naturally sought the lowest common denominator:themes that were foundt to be popular and attitudes that met with the most general approval became stereotyped.



Baekeland and Hartmann report that the “short sleepers” had been more or less average

1. D many long sleepers preserve their sleeping habit formed during their childhood

2. C sleep is the least expensive item on their routine program

3. B often neglect the consequences of inadequate sleep

4. A appear disturbed

5. B The sleep patterns of short sleepers are exactly the sane as those shown by

They often held several jobs at once, or worked full-or part-time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear “normal” or “acceptable” to their friends and associates.


Unit 2 阅读理解

Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them.

1. C very old people would like to live by themselves so that they can have more

2. A health and safety are more important than personal freedom

3. B the older a person, the more care he needs

4. C whether age is happy or unpleasant

5. C the opinion that we should try every means possible to save old people is

hen you talk to the old people, however, you are forced to the conclusion that whether

age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than it does on your abilityto have sun. 然而,但你和老年人交流的时候,你就不得不得出如下结论:老年人过的是否快乐,与其说是取决于金钱和健康,还不如说是取决于寻找快乐的能力。

Unit 3 阅读理解1

Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people?

1. C. how to distinguish people both inward and outward

2. B. psychologist

3. D. People can describe all the features of others.

4. C. many more words are available when people try to describe one's personality

5. D. his physical appearance and his personality

When we talk about someone’s personality,

we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.


阅读理解2 <11 年上半年新增>

Training as mental—health professionals is supposed to be“color blind”.

1. D Not treat ethnic groups differently.

2. B the reasons for their problems were still there

3. A their cultural background was very different from the standard one

4. A Because they fall into stereotypes resulting from the influence of racism.

5. C Mental problems of ethnic groups have not got due recognition.

They had to translate many of the usual examples--they would normally compare

learning to relax with learning to drive,for instance,which would not have been culturallyappropriate 他们不得不解释很多常见的例子—例如,他们通常将学习放松和学习驾驶相比较,这在文化上不合适。

Unit 4

Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years),

1. C They have a strong desire to become independent.

2. A love

3. C American young adults possess cultural values of independence

4. B he wants to prove his independence

5. A family values

Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in theAmerican family. Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self–reliance and independence. 父母和子女之间普遍都有挚爱,美国家庭也毫不例外。只不过在美国家庭之中,还融合了自主、独立的文化价值观念。Unit 5 阅读理解 2 <11 年上半年新增>

In a bleak economic forecast for Asia, U.S.economist Paul Krugman predicted

1. C investors can’t be provided with greater corporate transparency

2. C gloomy

3. D The aging population in the country

4. B have more foreign labor force work in the country

5. A Japan doesn’t open its doors to immigrants

China, which is forecasted to enjoy

around 7.5% growth in gross domestic product this year, has been opening its economy wider,including selling shares in state-owned firms to foreigners and lowering trade barriers. 预计今年国内生产总值增长约7.5%,中国已进一步开放其经济,包括向外国人出售国有公司股份和降低贸易壁垒。

Unit 7 阅读理解1

I don't know how I became a writer, but I think it was because

1. [A] made an important contribution

2. [D] a hidden urge within him

3. [A] began to think of becoming a writer at Harvard

4. [C] when he lived in London

5. [B] he was miserable about having his plays rejected

Then I went to Harvard, wrote some more plays there, became obsessed with the idea

that I had to be a playwright, left Harvard, had my plays rejected, and finally in the autumn of 1926, how, why, or in what manner I have never exactly been able to determine. 然后我去了哈佛,创作了更多剧本,成为剧作家的想法始终索绕心头,离开哈佛,剧本屡次被退回,直到1926 年秋,我一直无法下定决心该何去何从。

阅读理解 2

I don't think there is anything wrong with your blood.

1. C. you sleep for hours after dinner

2. D. Do some physical labor

3. C. you take sleeping pills

4. D. It is very important to get out of the habit of taking a nap after dinner

5. A. doctorRead a while or listen to the radio, and make yourself a few hour's sleep that night,you will feel better in the morning than you usually feel after taking a pill那天晚上你可以读会儿书或者听听收音机,再睡几个小时,第二天早上你的感觉会比平时吃安眠药后醒来的感觉好

Unit 8

Now let us look at how we read.

1. C) the length of a group of words

2. C) demands an deeply-participating mind

3. C) The reading exercises mentioned can't help to improve an efficient reading.

4. D) The eye training will help readers in reading a continuous text.

5. A) critical

All these exercises are very clever, but it's one

thing to improve a person's ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently. 所有这些练习都很巧妙,然而,提高一个人看单词的能力是一回事,提高他高效阅读文章的能力是另一回事.

Unit 9 阅读理解1 <11 年上半年新增>

Bruno Lundby, 39, was one of he ranks of typically low paid,

1. D)had some of the toughest,dirtiest jobs before

2. A)Blue—collar workers in the services sector have little chance to be promoted.

3. C)they make their customers satisfied

4. C)managers will have higher expectations

5. D)From Dead End Job to Bright Career.ISS,which employs 272,000 people in 36 countries in Europe,Asia and Latin Americain

cleaning and other contract work,still appear to be an exception in the services sector inoffering career progression to workers.在欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲,“ISS”在保洁和其它合约工作领域雇佣了272,000 名员工。为普通员工提供职位晋升的机会使它成为了服务行业中的特例。

Unit 10

As is known to all, the organization and management of

1. A) the Trade Union

2. D) the labour supply and the cost of living

3. C) the measurement of their work is difficult

4. D) All of the above.

5. B) telll readers how a firm can succeed in adopting a new pay system

If a firm wants to adopt a new wage and salary structure, it is essential that the firms hould decide on a method of job evaluation and ways of measuring the performance of its employees. 如果公司想采取一项新的工资制度,公司务必确定好工作评价方法和员工业绩考核方式

Unit 11 阅读理解1

Certain animals and plants develop characteristics

1. C) become better adapted to the environments than others of their kind.

2. B) surroundings

3. D) to match its environment

4. D) A living organism may adapt in its sleeping habit.

5. A) to create an environment of its ownAn organism may create its own environment, as do warm-blooded mammals, which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather。一个机体可以创造自己的环境。正如温血的哺乳动物那样,它们能够调节体温,无论天气如何变化,都能保持理想的体温

阅读理解2 <11 年上半年新增>

Harriet Beecher Stowe 斯托夫人 By Noel B Gerson 2l8 pagas.Pareger $8.95

1. D)the life and works of Mrs.Stowe

2. D)patronizing but quite accurate

3. A)the issue of abolition

4. B)to supplement her husband's income

5. D)gained from slaves

In spite of the impact on the world of her celebrated novel, it turns out that except for the issue of slavery, she had a scant interest in politics. 尽管她这本著名的小说给世界带来了强烈的冲击,事实证明除了奴隶制问题,她对政治没什么兴趣。

Unit 12

Corporations are starting to reach the conclusion that desk-bound

1. A) Putting fitness programs into effect has been a usual practice for American

2. B) have realized the need of effective measures

3. C) $1,225 million

4. D) There is a market need for corporate physical fitness.

5. C) Supportive

Some major corporations have already set up various fitness operations, costing millions of dollars to build and to keep up, as a means of both recruiting employees and improving their image. 有些大公司已经建立起各种健身项目,耗资数百万建造和维修,作为其招募员工和改善形象的方式。

Unit 13 阅读理解1

During the past 30 years or so,

1. B)children spend so much time on it

2. B)programs during the evening

3. C)College students may spend as much time as they like in watching television.

4. B)bad influences television has on children are strong

5. D)children watch television extensively and their viewing habits need to be

Teachers and parents have become increasingly concerned about the effects of television on school performance. Many teachers have reported more and more incidences(发生) of fatigues, tension, and bad behaviors教师和家长越来越担心电视对学习成绩的影响。许多教师报告有越来越多的疲劳、紧张以及恶劣行为的事件发生

阅读理解 2 <11 年上半年新增>

Astronomers believe that the expanding universe

1. C) The Big Bang theory

2. B)formation of the universe

3. B)Whether its theory is correct still needs to be proved.

4. D)the force of gravity

5. B)away from the center of the universe

Astronomers believe that the expanding universe is the result of an enormous and powerful explosion called the Big Bang. The Big Bang theory_may explain how the universe formed. 天文学家认为膨胀的宇宙是一次巨大的、强劲的宇宙大爆炸的结果。宇宙大爆炸理论也许能解释宇宙是如何形成的

Unit 14

This is a new type of advertisement

1. C)to offer help in applying for a job

2. D)there are more people out of work than before

3. C)complicated

4. C)Something that would make you different from others.

5. C)there has been an increase in the number of applicants.

Unit 15 阅读理解1

The standardized educational or psychological tests

1. D. the theoretical grounds of standardized tests.

2. C. special methods must be applied to the result of standardized tests.

3. D. experiential

4. B. the objectives are most clearly defined.

5. A. positive

Whether the results will be valuable, meaningless, or even misleading depends partly upon the tool itself but largely upon the user. 测试结果是有价值的,还是毫无意义甚至是误导的部分取决于测试工具本身,但主要取决于使用者.

阅读理解2 <11 年上半年新增>

In the 1990s.everyone believed that education was the key to economic success

1. C)The devaluation of higher education will be the trend.

2. D)prove the trend that higher education will be devaluated

3. A)reducing in number

4. A)People can’t get expected payoff from higher education

5. B) The Devaluation of Higher Education

Thesedays,jobsthatrequireonly6or12monthsofvocationaltraining-child-nursing,carpentry,household maintenance and so on-pay nearly as much as if not more than a job that requires a master's degree ,and pay more than one requiring a Ph.D.. 如今,只需要6 或12 个月职业培训的工作—孩子护理、木匠、家庭维修等—与要求有研究生学位的工作相比,其报酬如果不是更高的话,几乎是一样多的;它的工资比要求有博士学位的工作还要高Unit 16

. Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult

1. D) spending some time yawning and stretching helps to keep your energetic

2. B) unawareness of different energy cycles

3. D) in the evening

4. C) The higher your temperature is, the more energetic you are.

5. A) One can change his energy cycle once he makes up his mind.

The possible explanation to the trouble is he is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has对这一问题的可能解释是他体温和精力的高峰时刻是在晚上,如果丈夫和妻子明白了什么是精力周期,家里的每个成员周期如何,许多家庭争吵就不会发生了。

Unit 17 阅读理解1

Procrastination(犹豫不决) is a disease of the mind.

1. C. Delay can be a sign of illness.

2. D. Delay.

3. B. It is a disease of mind.

4. C. pleasure

5. D. Turn self-defeat into self-realization.

"It is now recognized as a true mental health problem and is being seen more as

a psychological problem and less as a moral issue." :“现在人们认为它是一种真正的精神健康问题,而且越来越把它看作是一种心理问题,而不是道德问题。”


In the primary school, a child is in a comparatively

1. A.they are taught by many different teachers
