The Sound Of Music 音乐之声剧本8

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The Sound Of Music 音乐之声剧本(中英) 8 express his love

(At the Von Trapps. The children return from the abbey but are late for dinner. Captain is asking them where they've gone.)

C: Now, it's not like my children to be secretive.

Louisa: We're not being secretive, father.

C: Hmm-mm. And it's not like my children to be late for dinner.

Frederick: We lost track of the time.

C: Ah. I see.

Children: Yes.

C: All right. Now who's going to be the first one to tell me the truth? Frederick? Bargitta? Liesl?

Louisa: Where do you think we were, father?

C: Hmm? Well ......

Louisa: Well, if you don't believe us, you must have some idea where you think we were. (Captain says nothing. Marta can't help laughing.)

C: Aha, Marta!

Marta: Yes, father?

C: You tell me.

Marta: Frederick told you father. We were berry picking.

C: I forgot. You were berry picking.

Children: Yes.

C: All afternoon?

Louisa: We picked thousands of them.

C: Thousands of them. Really?

Children: Yes, yes! They're all over the place.

C: What kind of berries?

Frederick: Er... blueberries, sir.

C: Blueberries! Hmmm! It's too early for Blueberries.

Frederick: They were strawberries!

C: Strawberries?

Frederick: It's been so cold lately they turned blue.

C: Ahh... Very well. Show me the berries.

Children: Erm... We... well....

C: Show me the berries you picked. Come on.

Kurt: We don't have them anymore.

C: You don't have them anymore. Well, what happened to them?

Louisa: We... we... we ate them!

C: You ate them?!

Children: Yes, yes!

C: All of them?

Liesl: Yes, they were so good.

C: Very well. Since you've obviously stuffed yourself full of thousands of delicious berries you can't be hungry anymore so I'll ... er... just simply tell Frau Schmidt to ... er ... skip your dinner.

(Captain goes into the room, laughing. The Children are a little blue.)

Kurt (to Frederick): It's all your fault! We should have told him the truth!

Frederick: And made him boiling mad at us?

Kurt: It's better than starving to death.

Bargitta: We didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to see her.

Kurt: My stomach's making noises.

Marta: The least they could have done was to let us say hello.

Kurt (Looking at grass): I wonder what grass tastes like.

Gretl: I feel awful.

Bargitta: When Fraulein Maria wanted to feel better, she used to sing that song, remember? Children: Yes!

Liesl: Let's try it.

(Singing) Raindrops on roses. And whiskers on kittens.

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

Brown paper packages tied up with strings.

These are a few of my favorite things.

Gretl: Why don't I feel better?

(Singing) Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,

snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

Silver white winters that melt into springs.

These are a few of my favorite things.

(Another voice joins in. The children are surprised to see Maria and they all jump up to greet her.)

Children: You're back! You're back!

(Singing) When the dog bites, when the bee stings,

When I'm feeling sad,

I simply remember my favorite things.

And then I don't feel so bad.

M: Oh, children, I'm so glad to see you!

Louisa: We missed you.

M: I missed you! (to Kurt) Kurt, how are you?

Kurt: Hungry.

M (stooping to Gretl): Gretl, what happened to your finger?

Gretl: It got caught.

M: Caught in what?

Gretl: Frederick's tea! (All laughing)

M: Many telegrams're been delivered here lately?

Liesl: None at all, Fraulein. But I'm learning to accept it. I'll be glad when school begins. M: Oh, Liesl. You can't use school to escape your problems, you have to face them! Oh, I have so much to tell you all.

Louisa: We have things to tell you too.

M: I'm sure you do.

Bargitta: The most important thing is that father is going to be married.

M: Married?

Louisa: Yes, to Baroness Schneider.

M: Oh, I see.

(Captain comes out of the house)

Children: Oh, father, look! Fraulein Maria! Fraulein Maria has come back from the abbey! M: Good evening, Captain.

C: Good evening. All right! Everyone inside, go and get your dinner!

Children: Dinner!

(The children run to the house, leaving Captain and Maria facing each other. Captain walks down to Maria.)

C: You left without saying good-bye. Even to the children.

M: But it was wrong of me.

Forgive me.

C: Why did you?
