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• 大学三年,爱丽思的学习成绩一直是良好。 然而四年级的冬假,她开车的时候遇上了 暴风雪,车子失控冲出了路面,撞上了一 棵树。爱丽思的头重重地撞到了方向盘上, 不过并没有昏过去。她到医院治疗了擦伤, 一天之内就出院了。
• But, back at her studies, she began to have difficulties. Suddenly her As and Bs were becoming Cs. She had trouble remembering what she’d read and was irritable and easily distracted.
• 然而,大学学业却出现了困难。爱丽思的 成绩从原来的优秀和良好变成了及格。她 记不住自己读过的内容,性格暴躁,容易 分神。
• Alice was referred to a neuropsychologist for further examination. Although her IQ hadn’t changed and standard neurological tests were normal, detailed neuropsychological tests showed she was having memory problems. She could still process new information, but it took longer than before and she became ―overloaded‖ if she tried to do too much at once.
Chinese-English Translation
• • • • Basic Skills Requirement: 1. Understanding is very important 2. Expressing in English is basic 3. Understanding how to write correct English sentences is essential.
所谓重点环节,就是不仅课上有练习,课后 还要自己训练 背诵各种英语句型 熟悉各种英语句子组件的巧妙使用 修正各种语法小失误
• 英语--形合,语法型语言,重语法结构。 • 体现在英语句型和篇章,则是显性逻辑,或者说 显性连接(overt cohesion)。 • And, if, because, 等等。
• 重点:1,运用英语句子(汉英翻译) 2,理解英语复杂句(英汉翻译) • 3. 口译--听力练习,记忆力练习,英语 口语
• 例子1:In warm climates people (like/likes/are liking) sitting outside in the sun. • 例子2: Learning a second language is not the same (as /like /than) learning a first language. • 例子3:(Live /Life/Living) with a foreign family can be a good way to learn a language. • 例子4:In some places (it rains/ there rains /raining/rains/rain) almost all day. • 例子5:English is quite difficult because of all the exceptions (who /that/what) have to be learnt.
• 头部受伤经常是致命的,或者说非常严重, 受伤者必须住院。但是大量头部受伤的人 在常规体检中却检查不出头部受伤。
• These are the people who seemingly recover their injuries but still suffer subtle intellectual and behavioral effects that may seriously impair their ability to work and interact normally with other people. They are the victims of what experts call a ―silent epidemic‖. Some never lost consciousness and others never even suffered a direct blow to the head, yet brain damage occurred.
• 1. 阅读汉语段落和句子,理解大致意思。 • 2. 分析,划分,并整理汉语句子的“隐性 逻辑” • 3. 根据“逻辑”,套用英文句型 • 4.巧用各种英文句子组件--不定式,过去 分词,现在分词,关系代词,连词,介词, 动名词,等--使英语句子地道而有效 • 5.修正各种小失误
• English-speaking South Africans of British descent were not particularly strong in opposing the apartheid regime, and the black opposition, whose members had many languages, was at first weak and disorganized.
• 考点:云师大 • 网上报名时间:3月1日到28日,8月1日到15日 • 考点确认时间:3月25日到31日,9月15日到21日
口译试题 (初级)
• 第一部分:英汉互译,对话 • 第二部分:英译汉,演讲 (连续口译) • 第三部分:汉译英,迎接词(连续口译)
• 第一部分:英译汉(连续口译)题材较难 • 第二部分:汉译英(连续口译)
• 这些人似乎已经痊愈了,但是智力和行为 方面却受到了微妙的影响,可能会严重损 害他们工作和与别人正常交往的能力。这 些人是专家所谓“无声的流行病”的受害 者。有些人从来没有失去意识,而还有些 人甚至头部根本没有受到直接的打击,然 而头部却已经受伤了。
• • • • Track 33 No.3 句子口译,从“你好”开始 Track 34 No. 4 小故事口译 Business English No. 1 –自我介绍口译 初级口译试题--磁带
• 汉译英的英语句子(译文)都比较简单, 没有或很少复杂句型。最重要的,是要正 确,符合语法。或者说,最重要的,是要 背诵并熟练运用英语句型。
• 而英译汉的英语句子(原文)则句型复杂, 最重要的,则是学会分析句子的成分,做 到正确理解。
• 英裔南非人并不强烈反对种族隔离制度, 而由于其语言不统一,南非黑人反对势力 一开始力量微薄,组织涣散。
• 有一次,在拥挤的车厢门口,我听见一位 男乘客客客气气地问他前面的一个女乘客: “您下车吗?”女乘客没理他。“你下车 吗?”他又问了一遍。女乘客还是没理他。 “下车吗?”他耐不住了,放大声问。那 女乘客依然没反应。“你是聋子,还是哑 巴?”他急了,捅了一下那位女乘客。女 乘客这时也急了,瞪起了一双眼睛,回手 给了男乘客一拳。
• Once I heard a male passenger ask politely a female passenger in front of him near a crowded door of a bus, ―Excuse me, are you going off the bus?‖ With no response from her, he asked again, ―Are you going off?‖ With no response again from her, he yelled, ―Going off?!‖ Irritated, he poked her, at which she, upset, and glaring at him, hit him with her fist.
• Alice was a B-plus student through her first three years at college. During the winter holidays in her senior year, while she was driving during a storm, her car ran off the road and hit a tree. Alice banged her head on the steering wheel but never lost consciousness. She was treated for bruises and discharged from the hospital within a day.
• 为了进一步检查,爱丽思去看了神经心理 学家。尽管她的智商并没有变化,而标准 神经测试结果也正常,但是详尽的神经心 理检测却显示她的记忆力出现了问题。她 仍然能够处理新的信息,但是花费的时间 要比以前长,而且如果她想一次处理太多 信息的话,就会出现“负荷过重”的情况。
• Head injuries are often fatal, or of sufficient severity to require the hospitalization of victims. But there is a large group of people who sustain head injuries which can go undetected through ordinary medical examination.
Interpreting Skills
• 1. English-Chinese ing: Listening and quick understanding are most essential. • 2. Chinese-English Interpreting: Using good and effective oral English is essential
Translation and Interpreting Skills
Chinese-English English-Chinese
• 《英汉互译简明教程》,张震久,孙建民 主编, 外语教学与研究出版社
• 教育部考试中心的“全国外语翻译证书考 试”,包括初级,中级,高级 • 初级:承担一般性材料或商务方面的翻译 工作,英译汉,两篇各250字,汉译英两篇, 各250字。考试时间:3小时 • 适用者:通过非英语专业六级考试的人群
• 中级:胜任各种非专业性材料的专业翻译 工作,翻译质量较高。能够就普通英汉原 文材料进行互译,能够胜任一般性技术、 法律、旅游、商务、经贸等方面材料的翻 译,能够胜任各种一般性国际会议文件的 翻译。
• 每年考两次,五月和十一月的第二个周末,五月8 日、9日,英语的一、二、三、四级笔译 • 四级口译和笔译在2008年首次开考
English-Chinese Translation
• 1. Understanding is essential. • 2. Writing in Chinese is very important.
• 补充:在通常而言,汉英译者,是汉英双 语而英语是母语者 • 而英汉译者,是汉英双语而汉语是母语者