WUT481-230-01JSG 舵系计算书

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90m Multi-purpose Deck Transport Ship
Rudder System Calculation
VERIFIED East China Ship Design&Research Institute Of
Wuhan University of Technology APPROVED DATE


Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page2
本船采用两具双支点流线型平衡舵,其水动力特性参照 NACA0018 资料计算,有关舵系零部
件的结构尺寸按 CCS《国内航行海船建造规范》(2006)及其修改通报( 2010)的相关要求进行
The vessel shall be installed two sets of double fulcrum balanced streamline rudders;
hydrodynamic characteristics reference the NACA0018 available data. The parts of rudder struct
ure size strength design by "The Rules and Regulations for the construction of domestic sea g
oing steel ships " (2006) issued by CCS and amend bulletin (2010).
1 基本设计参数 Principal Particulars
1.1 船舶主要数据 Ship Particulars
水线长 Length Lwl= 86.45 m
设计吃水 Draft T= 4.55m
设计航速 Design Speed V= 10.44kn
1.2 舵几何要素 Rudder Particulars
舵数量 Numbers of rudder m=2
平均舵宽 The average width of rudder c= 2 m
平均舵高 The average length of rudder b=2.9m
舵 面 积 Rudder area A=5.8m2
总舵面积 The total rudder area ΣA=11.6m2
舵面积比 Rudder area ratio χ=2.949 %
舵展弦比 Rudder aspect ratio λt=1.45
平衡系数 Balance coefficient β=0.25
舵厚度比 Rudder thickness ratio t=0.180
舵的平衡面积 Rudder balance area Af =1.45m2
舵杆材料 ReH(船体结构用锻钢)
Rudder stock material (forged steel for hull structure) 200N/mm2
2 舵力(规范 §3.1.2)Rudder force(Rules §3.1.2)
2.1 正车时的舵力 Forward rudder force
式中 Where:

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page3
系数 Coefficient K1=(λt+2)/3=1.15
系数 Coefficient K2=1.1
系数 Coefficient K3=1
舵面积 Rudder area A=5.8m2
设计航速 Design Speed Vd=V=10.44kn
2.2 倒车时的舵力 Back rudder force
式中 Where:
系数 Coefficient K1、K3同上 ditto §2.1,系数 Coefficient K2=0.8
倒车航速 Back Design Speed V倒=0.5V=5.22kn
3 舵杆扭矩(规范 §3.1.3)Rudder stock torque (Rules §3.1.3)
3.1 正车时的舵杆扭矩 Forward rudder stock torque
无缺口舵叶臂距:The distance of unnotched rudder blade arm
.c .RZ 0.2m
式中 Where:
平均宽度 Average width c=2. 0 m
系数 Coefficient α=0.33
另 If:RZ≥0.1c=0.20m
则计算时取 Then RZ=0.200m
正车时的舵杆扭矩 Forward rudder stock torque TZ=FZ×RZ=21111.712N.m
3.2 倒车时的舵杆扭矩 Reversing rudder stock tor

无缺口舵叶臂距:The distance of unnotched rudder blade arm
.c .RD 0.82m
式中 Where:c、β同上 ditto §3.1;
系数 Coefficient α=0.66
倒车时的舵杆扭矩 Reversing rudder stock torque TD=FD×RD=15737.821N.m

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page4
3.3 舵机扭矩 Steering torque
考虑船舵在风浪中所受的附加扭矩及舵系的摩擦扭矩,取 0.95T。
Considering the rudder to be additional torque and friction torque in the storm suffered ,the
additional steering torque to be 0.95T
则舵机扭矩 The steering torque T总=1.95T×2=82335.675N.m=82.336kN.m
4 舵杆—舵叶系统的受力计算(规范 §
The force analysis of rudder stock - rudder blade system (Rules §
普通双支点舵,按规范,根据下图计算模型用 COMPASS软件确定受力:
For general double fulcrum rudder, according to of ‘Rules’ as per the calculation mould
that to be shown in the drawing, use COPMASS to calculate the force:
Upper rudder stock bearing
Lower rudder stock bearing
按 As per §,计算载荷 Calculated load:
P=F/l1 N/m
式中 Where:
F——舵力 rudder force ,F=105558.56N; l1=2.900 m
则 Then :P=36399.503 N/m
According to of ‘Rules’, spring coefficient of bottom frame supporting :
k = 6.18×I×103/l5
3 N/m
式中:l5——尾框底骨有效长度 The effective length of after bottom frame,l5 =1.300 m
The inertia moment that after bottom frame to vertical neutral axis ,I =13500cm4
k = 37974510.7N/m

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page5
E =2.06E+11N/m2
图 1
上图(1)为舵叶部分 l1长度内的平均剖面,其惯性矩和剖面模数计算见下表(1):
The picture shows average profile within l1 length for part of the rudder blade, the inertia moment and
section modulus to be calculated as follows:
名称 Name Bi(mm) ti(mm) Ai(cm2) yi(cm) Aiyi(cm3) Aiyi
舵叶① Rudder blade 2000 12 240.0 15.488 3717.120 57570.75 28.8
舵叶① Rudder blade 2000 12 240.0 -15.488 -3717.120 57570.75 28.8
隔板② Clapboard 280 8 22.4 0 0.000 0 1463.5
隔板③ Clapboard 324 8 25.92 0 0.000 0 2267.5
隔板④ Clapboard 197 8 15.76 0 0.000 0 509.7
合计 Total 544.1 115141.5 4298
表 Table (1)
对中和轴的剖面惯矩:Sectional inertia moment to the neutral Axis:
I1=119439.749 cm4
对中和轴的剖面模数: Sectional modulus of the neutral axis
W1=I1/y=7711.6761 cm3
y=15.488 cm
l2、l3、l4各段惯性矩如下 The inertia moment of l2、l3、l4 are as follows:
l2=0.18m d2=120mm
l3=0.43m d3=180mm

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l4=1.382m d4=160mm
I2=1017.360 cm4
根据 COMPASS舵杆受力计算可得:见附

件 1(第 18页)
According to COMPASS rudder stock force calculation: See accessory 1(page18)
弯矩 Bending-moment:Mb=9621 N.m
剪力 Shear force: Ra=-6961 N
Rb=51761 N
5 舵结构尺寸 The rudder structure
5.1 舵杆 The rudder stock
5.1.1 舵柄处舵杆直径 Diameter of rudder stock
The diameter of rudder stock shall be to comply with the requirement of the Rule section §3.
1.5.1,which should not be less than as follows :
式中 Where:
T——Rudder torque 舵杆扭矩 21111.712N.m
Ks——Material coefficients of rudder舵杆材料系数 Ks=ReH/235=0.851
则 So:Dt1=122.491 mm
The diameter of rudder stock at rudder tiller shall be to comply with the requirement of the Rule

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page7
section §3. 1.5.2. Considering the additional moment that should not be less than as follows:
Dt'= 6
1 3
41 .
MD b
t mm
Mb=Tlbc/S N.m
式中 Where:
The diameter of rudder stock at rudder tiller : 122.491mm
T——舵杆扭矩 Rudder torque,21111.712 N.m
The distance between Cylinder centerline to tiller centerline,0.350m
The distance between upper rudder bearing to tiller centerline,0.27m
则 So:Mb=16286.177 N.m
Dt'=135.016 mm
Actual :The diameter of rudder stock at rudder tiller to be Dt=150mm
The diameter of rudder stock at upper rudder bearing to be Dt=160mm
许用扭转应力 Allowable torsion stress [τ]=68Ks =57.872 N/mm2
3 =662343.750mm3
τmax=T/Wp=31.874 <[τ]
满足强度要求 Meet the strength requirements。
5.1.2 下舵承处舵杆直径 The diameter of rudder stock at down rudder bearing
The diameter of rudder stock at down rudder bearing shall be to comply with the requirement of
the Rule section §3. 1.5.4,which should not be less than as follows :
6 )2(
tc ..
式中 Where:Dt ——舵柄处的舵杆直径
The diameter of rudder stock at rudder tiller: 122.491mm

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page8
T——舵杆扭矩 Rudder torque: 21111.712N.m
The maximum moment between the down rudder bearing to the rudder blade:12637N.m
(即取直接计算中的 Mc)(Use Mc of direct calculaton)
则 So:Dc=130.73 mm
实取 Actual:Dc=180mm
5.1.3 校核下舵承处舵杆强度 Check the strength of the rudder stock at rudder bearing

The Equivalent stress of rudder stock shall be to comply with the requirement of the Rule
section §3. 1.5.5,which should to be calculated as follows :
22 3 te ...
式中 Where:
3×103=18.46 N/mm2
则 So:
而[σe] = 118Ks =100.43N/mm2
满足强度要求 Meet the strength requirements.。
5.2 舵叶 Rudder blade
5.2.1 舵旁板和顶、底板 The side plate , top plate and bottom plate of rudder
The thickness of the side plate , top plate and bottom plate of rudder shall be to comply with the
requirement of the Rule section §3. 1.6.2,which should not be less than as follows :
2.5105.5 4 ....
Fdst .
式中 Where:
d——吃水 Draft 4.55m
F——舵力 Rudder force 105558.56N
A——舵叶面积 Area of Rudder blade 5.800m2

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page9
0.5( / )21.1 bs..
其中 Where:
s——舵叶板格短边长度 Length of short side grid for rudder blade plate 0.58m
b——舵叶板格长边长度 Length of long side grid for rudder blade plate 0.64m
则 So:t=9.18mm
实取 Actual:t=12mm
5.2.2 垂直隔板和水平隔板 Vertical partitions and horizontal partitions
The thickness of the Vertical partitions and horizontal partitions shall be to comply with the
requirement of the Rule section §3. 1.6.3,which should not be less than as follows:
t1=0.7t=6.43 mm且不小于 Meanwhile, not less than 8mm
实取 Actual :t1=8mm
5.2.3 舵叶导边板 Rudder blade edge guide plate
The thickness of the Rudder blade edge guide plate shall be to comply with the requirement of the
Rule section §3. 1.6.4,which should not be less than as follows;
t2=1.2t=11.02mm,且不必大于 Meanwhile, not greater than 22mm
实取 Actual:t2=12mm
5.2.4 校核舵叶剖面处的强度(无缺口舵叶) Check the strength of the rudder blade section
上图为舵叶部分 l1长度内的箱型结构平均剖面,其惯性矩和剖面模数计算见下表:
The picture shows average profile within l1 length for part of the rudder blade box structure, the
moment of inertia and section modulus to be calculated as follows:
名称 Name Bi(mm) ti(mm) Ai(cm2) yi(cm) Aiyi(cm3) Aiyi
2(cm4) Ii(cm4)
舵叶 Rudder blade① 467 12 56.0 17.198 963.776 16575.02 6.72
舵叶 Rudder blade① 467 12 56.0 -17.198 -963.766 16575.02 6.72

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page10
隔板 Clapboard② 280 8 22.4 0 0.000 0 1463.5
隔板 Clapboard③ 324 8 25.92 0 0.000 0 2267.5
合计 SUM 160.40 33150.04 3744
对中和轴的剖面惯矩 Sectional inertia moment to the neutral axis:I5=ΣAiyi

对中和轴的剖面模数 Sectional modulus to the neutral axis:W5=I5/y
W5=2145.275cm3其中 Where y=17.198cm
As per the drawing and table that mentioned above, the horizontal sectional modulus of the rudder
blade box structure as follows:
The stress of the rudder blade horizontal profile shall be comply with the requirement of §3.
1.6.1(1)of ‘Rules’,which is to be satisfied as follows:
σe ≤120N/mm2
无缺口舵叶弯曲应力 The bending stress of unnotched rudder blade to be:
σ= Mmax/W , N/mm2
式中 Where:Mmax=49439N.m(见 COMPASS计算) (See COMPASS calculation)
则 So:σ=23.046N/mm2<110N/mm2
无缺口舵叶剪切应力:The shear stress of unnotched rudder blade to be
τ=Qmax/S, N/mm2
式中 Where:Qmax=53798N(见 COMPASS计算) (See COMPASS calculation)
S= 160cm2
则 So:τ=3.354N/mm2<50N/mm2
等效应力 Equivalent stress:
22 3...
..e =23.766N/mm2<120N/mm2均满足强度要求 Meet the strength requirements。

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5.3 舵杆与舵叶连接 Connected of the rudder stock and rudder blade
The rudder stock and the rudder blade to be connected by the horizontal flange
5.3.1 连接法兰的螺栓直径 The diameter of flange bolts
按规范§,连接法兰的螺栓直径 db应不小于:
The diameter of flange bolts shall be to comply with the requirement of the Rule section §3.
1.7.1,which should not be less than as follows :
nE K
D 3K0.62 mm
式中 Where:
Dc ——下舵承处的舵杆直径 The diameter of rudder stock at rudder stock,Dc=180mm;
n——螺栓总数 The number of bolts ,n=6;
The average distance from the center to bolt system ,as per the § of ‘Rules’:
实取 Actual: Eb=240mm
Kb—螺栓材料系数,采用 35#钢
Bolt material coefficient, with 35 # steel,σeH=315N/mm2
Ks —舵杆材料系数 Rudder stock material coefficients, Ks=ReH/235=0.851
则 So:db=33.61mm
实取 Actual:db=36mm
5.3.2 连接法兰的厚度 The thickness of flange
按规范§,法兰的厚度 t应不小于:
The thickness of flange shall be to comply with the requirement of the Rule section §3. 1.7.2,
which should not be less than as follows :
b K
Kd mm
式中 Where:
db——螺栓直径 The diameter of bolt,db=32.61mm

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page12
Kb——螺栓材料系数 Material coefficient of bolt,Kb=1.246
Kf——法兰材料系数 Material coefficient of flange

则 So: t=39.457mm且应不小于 Meanwhile, not less than 0.9db=29.351mm
实取 Actual: t=50mm
5.3.3 螺栓孔外侧宽度 Lateral width of the bolt hole
按规范§,螺孔外侧宽度应不小于 0.67db=24.12mm
As per the § of ‘Rules’, the lateral width of the bolt hole shall not be less than:
实取:螺栓孔外侧宽度 32mm
Actual :The lateral width of the bolt hole to be 32mm
5.4 舵销 Pintle
5.4.1 舵销直径 The diameter of pintle
按规范§,舵销直径 Dp应不小于:
As per the § of ‘Rules’, the diameter of pintle shall not be less than:
其中 Where:
P—舵销对舵叶的支持力 The supporting force of pintle to rudder blade
P=0.6F P =63335 N
Kp—材料系数 Material coefficient, 船体结构用锻钢 forged steel for hull structure
Kp =0.851
Dp =95.479 mm
实取 Actual:120mm 舵销椎体长度 Length of pintle cone
按规范§,锥体长度应不小于舵销直径 Dp=120mm,锥度为 1:8~1:12.
As per the§ of ‘Rules’, the length of cone shall not be less than the diameter of pintle
Dp=120mm, coning shall be 1:8~1:12.
实取 Actual:锥体长度 Length of cone 138mm,锥度 Coning 1:12.
5.4.2 舵销轴承 Pintle bearing
按规范§,实取舵销轴承长度 Hb=120 mm
As per the§ of ‘Rules’, the actual length of pintle bearing shall be Hb=120 mm.

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page13
按规范§,舵销轴承处支承面积 Ab应不小于:
As per the§ of ‘Rules’, the supporting area in way of pintle bearing shall not be less than:
式中 Where:P—舵销轴承支持力 Supporting force of pintle bearing,P =63335 N
[P]—许用表面压力 Allowable surface pressure,[P]=7N/mm2
则 So:Ab=9047.876mm2
实际 Actual:Ab=dHb=45216mm2>9047.876mm2,
满足要求 Meet the requirements.
按规范§,舵销轴承径向间隙 δ应不小于:
As per the§ of ‘Rules’, the radial interval of pintle bearing shall not be less than:
式中 Where:d = 120mm
则 So:δ =1.12mm
实取 Actual:δ应不小于 Not less than 1.5 mm
5.4.3 销座和舵销钮厚度 The thickness of pintle foundation and pintle button
t应≮0.25Dp =30mm
As per the§ and of ‘Rules’, the thickness of pintle foundation and pintle button
shall not be less than 0.25Dp =30mm
实取 Actual:销座厚度 The thickness of pintle foundation t=183mm
舵销钮厚度 The thickness of pintle button t=80mm
5.4.4 舵销螺母 Pintle nut
As per the§ and ‘Rules’
螺纹外径 The exterior diameter of screw-thread:dg ≮0.65Dp =78mm
实取 Actual:90mm
螺母长度 The length of nut:hn ≮ 0.6d

= 46.8mm
实取 Actual:50mm
螺母外径 The exterior diameter of nut: dn ≥ 1.2Du
本舵 This rudder : D =107.7 mm

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故 So: dn= 129.2mm
另 Addition:dn ≥ 1.5dg =117mm
实取 Actual :130mm
5.5 尾框底骨计算 After bottom frame calculation
按规范§,尾框底骨任一计算剖面对垂直中和轴的剖面模数 W应不小于:
As per the§ ‘Rules’, sectional modulus to the vertical neutral axis for any calculated
section of after bottom frame shall not be less than:
式中 Where:
C—系数 Coefficient,C =1
P—底骨对舵叶的支持力 Supporting force that bottom frame to rudder blade
P=0.6F, P=63335.1 N
x—计算剖面至舵杆中心的距离 The distance from calculated section to rudder stock center
x= 1.300 m
则 So: WZ=1029.196 cm3
Wy=514.598 cm3
按规范§,尾框底骨任一横剖面积 As应不小于:
As per the§ ‘Rules’, any transverse-section area of after bottom frame shall not be less
As=1319.482 mm2
Actual scantling of after bottom frame as shown in
the right drawing(3):
a=25cm, b=16cm
c=20cm, d=11cm
实取 Actual :As=18000mm2>1319.482mm2
WZ =1080cm3>1029cm3图(3)

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As per the§ ‘Rules’, equivalent stress for any transverse-section of after bottom frame
shall be comply with:
σe = (σ2+3τ2)0.5 ≤115/C=115N/mm2
Actual stress of after bottom frame:
σ=Px/WZ=76.237 N/mm2
σe = 76.48 N/mm2<115N/mm2,
满足要求 Meet the requirements.
5.6舵柄处键的强度校核 Check the strength of tiller key
C型平键的材料为#45碳素钢,规格为 36×20×280。
C-flat key to be the material of # 45 carbon steel, size36×20×280
挤压强度 Compression strength:
式中 Where:T—舵杆扭矩 Rudder stock torque,34808.290N.m=21111712N.mm
d—轴的直径 The diameter of the rudder stock,10mm
k—键和槽的接触高度 The Contacted height of key and slot,8mm
l—键的工作长度 Effective length of the key ,262mm
m—键数,考虑接触不均匀因数,按 m=1.5计算
The number of key, consideration of contact asymmetry coefficient, calculated according
to m=1.5
则 So:σp=89.53N/mm2<[σp]=150N/mm2
剪切强度 Shear strength:
式中 Where:T—舵杆扭矩 Rudder stock torque,21111712N.m=21111712N.mm
d—轴的直径 The diameter of the rudder stock,150mm
b—键的宽度 The width of key,36mm
l—键的工作长度 Effective length of the key,262mm
m—键数,考虑接触不均匀因数,按 m=1.5计算
The number of key, consider

ation of contact asymmetry coefficient, calculated according

Rudder System Calculation WUT481-230-01JSG Page16
to m=1.5
则 So:τ=19.9N/mm2<[τ]=120N/mm2
5.7 舵杆轴承 Rudder stock bearing
按规范§,舵承处轴承支承面积 Ab应不小于:
As per the§ ‘Rules’, the supporting area of the rudder stock bearing shall not be less
5.7.1下舵轴承 Lower rudder bearing
式中 Where:P——轴承支持力,由直接计算得出的下舵承处支持力 P =51761N
P——Supporting force of bearing, from direct calculation P =51761N
[P]——许用表面压力 Allowable surface pressure,7N/mm2
则:下舵承处轴承支撑面积 Ab应不小于 7394.429mm2
The supporting area of the lower rudder bearing is not to be less than7394.429mm2
The minimum length of supporting face of the lower rudder bearing is not to be less than:
Hb =Ab/d=11.775mm
其中 Where:d——计及舵杆轴套的直径 The diameter with rudder sleeve 200mm
实取 Actual:Hb=294mm
按规范§轴承的径向间隙 δ应不小于:
As per the§ ‘Rules’, the radial clearance of the rudder bearing shall be not less than:
δ = d/1000+1
式中 Where: d=200mm
则 So:δ=1.2mm且应不小于 Meanwhile, not less than 1.5mm
本舵下舵承采用的滑动水密下舵承 200(参照 CB*3146-83),满足要求。
The lower rudder to be the sliding watertight rudder bearing 200(reference CB*3146-83).
Meet the requirements.
5.7.2上舵轴承 Upper rudder bearing
式中:P——轴承支持力,由直接计算得出的上舵承处支持力 P=6961N
P——Supporting force of bearing, from direct calculation P =6961N
且取值应 ≮ 0.1F =10555.856 N The value not less than 0.1F =10555.856N

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[P]——许用表面压力 Allowable surface pressure,7N/mm2
则 So:上舵承处轴承支撑面积 Ab应不小于 1507.979mm2
The supporting area of the upper rudder bearing is not to be less tha1507.979mm2
其中 Where:上舵承处轴承最小支撑面长度应不小于:
The minimum length of supporting face of the upper rudder bearing is not to be less than:
Hb =Ab/d=3.002 mm其中 Where d=160mm
实取 Actual:Hb=60mm
本舵上舵承采用标准的水密滚子上舵承 B160(CB*789-87),满足要求。
The upper rudder to be the sliding watertight rudder bearing B160(CB*789-87)
Meet the requirements
5.8 舵柄 Rudder tiller
按规范§舵柄在距舵杆中心 2Dt处的剖面对其垂直轴的剖面模数 W,应不小于按下
As per the§ ‘Rules’, the sectional modulus to vertical axis of rudder tiller in way of 2Dt
from rudder stock center shall be not less than that obtained form the following formula:
3)20.14(1 t
t DR
DW .. cm3
式中 Where: Dt —

舵柄处的舵杆直径 15cm
The diameter of rudder stock in way of rudder tiller,15cm
The radius of rudder fan or length of rudder tiller , 40cm
则 So: W=206.719cm3
而 Meanwhile:Ws=2127.147cm3>W,满足要求 Meet the requirements.
另 And:舵柄毂高 The height of rudder tiller hub h≮1.0Dt=150mm
外径 The exterior diameter D0 ≮
本舵机配件 The steering device h=280mm,D0=330mm,
满足要求 Meet the requirements.
