1677 Girls' Day


Girl‘s day

Girl‘s day

方敏雅(MINAH),1993年5月13日出生于韩国仁川广域市桂阳 区,韩国歌手、演员,女子组合Girl's Day成员[1] 2010年7月9日,方敏雅以女子组合Girl's Day出道,并推出单曲专 辑《Girl's day party #1》。2013年3月14日,Girl's Day推出首张正 规专辑《Expectation》;6月,方敏雅主演韩国电影《Holly》,并 以此片获得第13届光州国际电影节的新人女主角奖[2] ;8月4日,担 任SBS《人气歌谣》固定MC[3-4] 。2014年10月,方敏雅出演三星 SNS电视剧《最佳的未来》[5] ;11月2日,担任《2014亚洲音乐节》 MC之一。2015年3月1日,方敏雅发表首张个人迷你专辑《我也是 女人》[6] 。
本名:李彩麟(이채린)艺名:CL,1991年2月26日出 生于韩国首尔特别市龙山区,韩国女歌手、舞者、词曲创 作人,女子演唱组合2NE1成员之一。 2006年参加韩国YG娱乐公司面试受到提拔,成为旗下练 习生。2009年5月以演唱组合2NE1正式出道。2013年5月 发行个人单曲《坏丫头》[1] ,凭借该曲获得第15届Mnet 亚洲音乐大奖最佳舞曲表演女歌手奖[2] 。
朴春(Bom Park),1984年3月24日出生于韩国首尔,韩国女歌 手,女子演唱组合2NE1成员之一。 2005年被韩国YG娱乐公ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ发掘,开始练习生生涯。2006年与李 孝利,李准基拍摄三星公司的广告,受到关注。2009年5月6日以演 唱组合2NE1正式出道;同年10月28日发行了自己的首张个人单曲 《You And I》,获得第11届Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳数码单曲奖。 2011年4月21日发行第二首个人单曲《Don't Cry》。2014年参加韩 国SBS电视台新综艺节目《Roommate》。



2010-01-05 12:41

今天Maxing已經將藤井レイナ(藤井蕾娜)的個人資料以及作品截圖都上傳至公式網站:除了先以「Miracle Body」(奇蹟肉體)來形容她的好身材外,Maxing 還強調了她是「有過藝能資歷的」,而且很會跳舞,皮膚緊實沒有游泳圈;另外有一點很有意思的,就是Maxing為了強調她「藝能活動真的很成功」、所以住在神奈川某高級住宅區,這一點我就搞不懂了,這有什麼好講的?





girlsday成员个人资料Girl's Day是XX年韩国乐坛的组合,队长素珍是高材生,在学业上拿过不少奖项。

以下是小编搜集并整理的个人资料有关内容,希望在阅读之余对大家能有所帮助!girlsday成员个人资料Girl's Day(朝鲜语:걸스데이)是韩国DreamTea Entertainment于XX年7月9日推出的女子音乐团体,当时成员有朴素珍、禹智海、方敏雅、黄智善、李智仁共5人,XX年9月由于智善认为Girl's day特色与自己不符和智仁想专注于演戏因而退出,同年9月Yura和惠利加入团体。



成员惠利与Tony AN是恋人关系,已于XX年11月8日由双方经理公司证实因聚少离多分手。

XX年3月6日,据医院的诊断结果,女团Girl's Day 成员李惠利的病状确诊为脑膜炎。

实力抽队—素珍SoJin中文名:朴素珍韩文名:박소진罗马名:Park So Jin艺名:素珍(So Jin)队内职务:队长、主唱、性感担当、第二高音朴素珍朴素珍生日:1986年5月21日星座:双子座身高:167CM体重:47KG血型:AB型学历:韩国岭南大学机械工程专业 (休学)家庭成员:父母、弟弟爱好:清洁、找好听的歌、写歌、浏览Youtube的视频、购物、吃零食、钢琴特长:钢琴、书法喜好:连衣裙、小提琴、迪士尼动漫、看杂志厌恶:烦人的东西、脏、虫子、老鼠个人特色:成熟稳重的御姐性格、超强的Powerful唱功实力性格:爱憎分明,非常开朗,悲伤和愤怒都会很明显的表达出来,容忍一切可以容忍的如何成为Girl’s Day成员:很巧合的被录音师介绍去的偶像:严正花糗事:每次去录音或者广播的时候,都会穿黑色的内衣。

习惯:口头禅“Um-Chung”喜欢的音乐:灵魂歌曲、新式灵魂歌曲、嘻哈、R&B经常去的地方:宿舍、公司、练习室...以前经常去Hong-Dae平时时尚风格:便装、复古、吸引眼球的、与众不同的关系好的艺人:希望能找一个和我一样86年的朋友喜欢的食物:牛肉、鸡肉、海鲜喜欢的颜色:黑、白、粉喜欢的数字: 5(看起来很可爱,圆圆的)喜欢的电影:《真爱》座右铭:当你真的想得到什么东西,全世界都会帮助你得到它----炼金术师代表色:紫色经历:初中时期数学大赛获奖【简介】作为队长的素珍不仅仅是队中年级最年长的还是组合里唱功最强的。



伊藤由奈出生于美国洛杉矶,父亲为日本人,母亲为韩裔美国人,家中还有一个比他小五岁的弟弟。在她三 个月大的时候,全家搬到了夏威夷。她自小视玛丽亚·凯莉为偶像,5岁时就已经学习以多个八度的广音域唱歌, 并曾在夏威夷当地50间高中的歌唱比赛中夺魁 。
13岁时,伊藤由奈决定要成为歌手,开始模仿自己喜欢的歌手的唱法,并在一年后首次登台演出。16岁时, 伊藤由奈得到了一次与音乐公司签约的机会,但条件是让她做一个组合的成员,这让她感到失望,便拒绝了这个 机会。2004年6月,伊藤由奈参加索尼音乐公司举办的试音活动,演唱了玛丽亚·凯莉的出道曲《Vision Of Love》,获得了在场评委的肯定。随后,伊藤由奈与索尼音乐公司签约 。
封面(19张)2005年,被选拔出演电影《NANA》,饰演Trapnest乐队的主唱芹泽蕾拉,并以“REIRA starring YUNA ITO”的名义发行了首张个人单曲《ENDLESS STORY》。该曲改编自道恩·汤马斯的歌曲《If I'm Not in Love》,发行后连续8周维持在公信榜单曲榜前五名、连续10周维持在公信榜单曲榜前十名,实体 销量近50万张,下载次数突破200万次。同年,登上第56届NHK红白歌会,演唱《ENDLESS STORY》 。
01 早年经历
03 个人生活
02 演艺经历 04 人物评价
伊藤由奈,1983年9月20日出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,日韩混血女歌手,所属唱片公司为索尼音乐 娱乐公司。
2005年,凭借单曲《ENDLESS STORY》出道 。2007年,发行首张个人专辑《HEART》 。2008年,与席 琳·迪翁合作,演唱歌曲《あなたがいる限り 〜A WORLD TO BELIEVE IN〜》;同年发行第2张个人专辑 《WISH》 。2009年,为电视动画《机动战士高达00》演唱片尾曲《trust you》 ;同年发行第3张个人专辑 《DREAM》 。2010年,发行精选辑《LOVE 〜Singles Best 2005-2010〜》 。2011年,与索尼唱片解约,此后 逐渐淡出乐坛 。



Danee是韩国女子组合Tara即将加入的第九名成 员。 基本信息 名字:Danee 原名:未公开 身高:167cm 生日:未公开 年龄:14 昵称:小九 队内职务:Rapper
宝 蓝
李 居 丽
柳 花 英
朴 智 妍
李 雅 凛
杨 智 媛
Hale Waihona Puke 朴孝敏智 媛李智雅
Russian Red - The Sun The Trees The sun fills the kitchen in my house It's warm and cozy and it helps me breathe And I wonder if you're making people laugh Cause you're funny You're funny The trees out of my window dance Oh they do dance with the wind And I wonder why' I wonder why I wonder why' we are apart Cause we're funny We're funny people And beautiful inside
The sun' the trees' the moon' the sea The clouds above hang over me The sun' the trees' the moon' the sea The sea goes quiet when the night is dark With the lights reflected jump in from the sky And I wonder if we'll see the moon walk by Cause it's shining' it's shining As it lights the shadows' see the moon walk by. The sun' the trees' the moon' the sea The clouds above hang over me The sun' the trees' the moon' the sea The sun' the trees' the moon' the sea The sun' the trees' the moon' the sea The sun' the trees' the moon' the sea



1000 A+B Problem 送分题1001 Exponentiation 高精度1003 Hangover 送分题1004 Financial Management 送分题1005 I Think I Need a Houseboat 几何1006 Biorhythms 送分题1007 DNA Sorting 送分题1008 Maya Calendar 日期处理1010 STAMPS 搜索+DP1011 Sticks 搜索1012 Joseph 模拟/数学方法1014 Dividing 数论/DP?/组合数学->母函数?1015 Jury Compromise DP1016 Numbers That Count 送分题1017 Packets 贪心1018 Communication System 贪心1019 Number Sequence 送分题1020 Anniversary Cake 搜索1023 The Fun Number System 数论1025 Department 模拟1026 Cipher 组合数学1027 The Same Game 模拟1028 Web Navigation 送分题1031 Fence 计算几何1034 The dog task 计算几何1037 A decorative fence DP/组合数学1039 Pipe 几何1042 Gone Fishing 贪心/DP1045 Bode Plot 送分题(用物理知识)1046 Color Me Less 送分题1047 Round and Round We Go 高精度1048 Follow My Logic 模拟1049 Microprocessor Simulation 模拟1050 To the Max DP1053 Set Me 送分题1054 The Troublesome Frog 搜索1060 Modular multiplication of polynomials 高精度1061 青蛙的约会数论1062 昂贵的聘礼DP1064 Cable master DP/二分查找1065 Wooden Sticks DP1067 取石子游戏博弈论1068 Parencodings 送分题1069 The Bermuda Triangle 搜索1070 Deformed Wheel 几何1071 Illusive Chase 送分题1072 Puzzle Out 搜索1073 The Willy Memorial Program 模拟1074 Parallel Expectations DP1075 University Entrance Examination 模拟1080 Human Gene Functions DP->LCS变形1082 Calendar Game 博弈论1084 Square Destroyer 搜索?1085 Triangle War 博弈论1086 Unscrambling Images 模拟?1087 A Plug for UNIX 图论->最大流1088 滑雪DFS/DP1090 Chain ->格雷码和二进制码的转换1091 跳蚤数论1092 Farmland 几何1093 Formatting Text DP1094 Sorting It All Out 图论->拓扑排序1095 Trees Made to Order 组合数学1096 Space Station Shielding 送分题1097 Roads Scholar 图论1098 Robots 模拟1099 Square Ice 送分题1100 Dreisam Equations 搜索1101 The Game 搜索->BFS1102 LC-Display 送分题1103 Maze 模拟1104 Robbery 递推1106 Transmitters 几何1107 W's Cipher 送分题1110 Double Vision 搜索1111 Image Perimeters 搜索1112 Team Them Up! DP1113 Wall 计算几何->convex hull1119 Start Up the Startup 送分题1120 A New Growth Industry 模拟1122 FDNY to the Rescue! 图论->Dijkstra 1125 Stockbroker Grapevine 图论->Dijkstra 1128 Frame Stacking 搜索1129 Channel Allocation 搜索(图的最大独立集)1131 Octal Fractions 高精度1135 Domino Effect 图论->Dijkstra1137 The New Villa 搜索->BFS1141 Brackets Sequence DP1142 Smith Numbers 搜索1143 Number Game 博弈论1147 Binary codes 构造1148 Utopia Divided 构造1149 PIGS 图论->网络流1151 Atlantis 计算几何->同等安置矩形的并的面积->离散化1152 An Easy Problem! 数论1157 LITTLE SHOP OF FLOWERS DP1158 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 图论->Dijkstra变形1159 Palindrome DP->LCS1160 Post Office DP1161 Walls 图论1162 Building with Blocks 搜索1163 The Triangle DP1170 Shopping Offers DP1177 Picture 计算几何->同等安置矩形的并的周长->线段树1179 Polygon DP1180 Batch Scheduling DP1182 食物链数据结构->并查集1183 反正切函数的应用搜索1184 聪明的打字员搜索1185 炮兵阵地DP->数据压缩1187 陨石的秘密DP(BalkanOI99 Par的拓展)1189 钉子和小球递推?1190 生日蛋糕搜索/DP1191 棋盘分割DP1192 最优连通子集图论->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->BellmanFord 1193 内存分配模拟1194 HIDDEN CODES 搜索+DP1197 Depot 数据结构->Young T ableau1201 Intervals 贪心/图论->最长路->差分约束系统1202 Family 高精度1209 Calendar 日期处理1217 FOUR QUARTERS 递推1218 THE DRUNK JAILER 送分题1233 Street Crossing 搜索->BFS1245 Programmer, Rank Thyself 送分题1247 Magnificent Meatballs 送分题1248 Safecracker 搜索1250 T anning Salon 送分题1251 Jungle Roads 图论->最小生成树1271 Nice Milk 计算几何1273 Drainage Ditches 图论->最大流1274 The Perfect Stall 图论->二分图的最大匹配1275 Cashier Employment 图论->差分约束系统->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->Bellman-Ford1280 Game 递推1281 MANAGER 模拟1286 Necklace of Beads 组合数学->Polya定理1288 Sly Number 数论->解模线性方程组1293 Duty Free Shop DP1298 The Hardest Problem Ever 送分题1316 Self Numbers 递推同Humble Number一样1322 Chocolate 递推/组合数学1323 Game Prediction 贪心1324 Holedox Moving BFS+压缩储存1325 Machine Schedule 图论->二分图的最大匹配1326 Mileage Bank 送分题1327 Moving Object Recognition 模拟?1328 Radar Installation 贪心(差分约束系统的特例)1338 Ugly Numbers 递推(有O(n)算法)1364 King 图论->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->BellmanFord1370 Gossiping (数论->模线性方程有无解的判断)+(图论->DFS)2184 Cow Exhibition DP2190 ISBN 送分题2191 Mersenne Composite Numbers 数论2192 Zipper DP->LCS变形2193 Lenny's Lucky Lotto Lists DP2194 Stacking Cylinders 几何2195 Going Home 图论->二分图的最大权匹配2196 Specialized Four-Digit Numbers 送分题2197 Jill's Tour Paths 图论->2199 Rate of Return 高精度2200 A Card Trick 模拟2210 Metric Time 日期处理2239 Selecting Courses 图论->二分图的最大匹配2243 Knight Moves 搜索->BFS2247 Humble Numbers 递推(最优O(n)算法)2253 Frogger 图论->Dijkstra变形(和1295是一样的)2254 Globetrotter 几何2261 France '98 递推2275 Flipping Pancake 构造2284 That Nice Euler Circuit 计算几何2289 Jamie's Contact Groups 图论->网络流?2291 Rotten Ropes 送分题2292 Optimal Keypad DP2299 Ultra-QuickSort 排序->归并排序2304 Combination Lock 送分题2309 BST 送分题2311 Cutting Game 博弈论2312 Battle City 搜索->BFS2314 POJ language 模拟2315 Football Game 几何2346 Lucky tickets 组合数学2351 Time Zones 时间处理2379 ACM Rank T able 模拟+排序2381 Random Gap 数论2385 Apple Catching DP(像NOI98“免费馅饼”)2388 Who's in the Middle 送分题(排序)2390 Bank Interest 送分题2395 Out of Hay 图论->Dijkstra变形2400 Supervisor, Supervisee 图论->二分图的最大权匹配?2403 Hay Points 送分题2409 Let it Bead 组合数学->Polya定理2416 Return of the Jedi 图论->2417 Discrete Logging 数论2418 Hardwood Species 二分查找2419 Forests 枚举2421 Constructing Roads 图论->最小生成树2423 The Parallel Challenge Ballgame 几何2424 Flo's Restaurant 数据结构->堆2425 A Chess Game 博弈论2426 Remainder BFS2430 Lazy Cows DP->数据压缩1375 Intervals 几何1379 Run Away 计算几何->1380 Equipment Box 几何1383 Labyrinth 图论->树的最长路1394 Railroad 图论->Dijkstra1395 Cog-Wheels 数学->解正系数的线性方程组1408 Fishnet 几何1411 Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again 送分题1430 Binary Stirling Numbers 日期处理1431 Calendar of Maya 模拟1432 Decoding Morse Sequences DP1434 Fill the Cisterns! 计算几何->离散化/1445 Random number 数据结构->碓1447 Ambiguous Dates 日期处理1450 Gridland 图论(本来TSP问题是NP难的,但这个图比较特殊,由现成的构造方法)1458 Common Subsequence DP->LCS1459 Power Network 图论->最大流1462 Random Walk 模拟+解线性方程组1463 Strategic game 贪心1466 Girls and Boys 图论->n/a1469 COURSES 贪心1475 Pushing Boxes DP1476 Always On the Run 搜索->BFS1480 Optimal Programs 搜索->BFS1481 The Die Is Cast 送分题1482 It's not a Bug, It's a Feature! 搜索->BFS1483 Going in Circles on Alpha Centauri 模拟1484 Blowing Fuses 送分题1485 Fast Food DP(似乎就是ioi2000的postoffice)1486 Sorting Slides 图论->拓扑排序1505 Copying Books DP+二分查找1510 Hares and Foxes 数论1512 Keeps Going and Going and ... 模拟1513 Scheduling Lectures DP1514 Metal Cutting 几何1515 Street Directions 图论->把一个无向连通图改造成为有向强连通图1517 u Calculate e 送分题1518 Problem Bee 几何1519 Digital Roots 送分题(位数可能很大)1520 Scramble Sort 排序1547 Clay Bully 送分题1555 Polynomial Showdown 送分题(非常阴险)1563 The Snail 送分题1601 Pizza Anyone? 搜索1604 Just the Facts 送分题1605 Horse Shoe Scoring 几何1606 Jugs 数论/搜索1631 Bridging signals DP+二分查找1632 Vase collection 图论->最大完全图1633 Gladiators DP1634 Who's the boss? 排序1635 Subway tree systems 图论->不同表示法的二叉树判同1637 Sightseeing tour 图论->欧拉回路1638 A number game 博弈论1639 Picnic Planning 图论->1641 Rational Approximation 数论1646 Double Trouble 高精度1654 Area 几何1657 Distance on Chessboard 送分题1658 Eva's Problem 送分题1660 Princess FroG 构造1661 Help Jimmy DP1663 Number Steps 送分题1664 放苹果组合数学->递推1677 Girls' Day 送分题1688 Dolphin Pool 计算几何1690 (Your)((Term)((Project))) 送分题1691 Painting A Board 搜索/DP1692 Crossed Matchings DP1693 Counting Rectangles 几何1694 An Old Stone Game 博弈论?1695 Magazine Delivery 图论->1712 Flying Stars DP1713 Divide et unita 搜索1714 The Cave 搜索/DP1717 Dominoes DP1718 River Crossing DP1719 Shooting Contest 贪心1729 Jack and Jill 图论->1730 Perfect Pth Powers 数论1732 Phone numbers DP1734 Sightseeing trip 图论->Euler回路1738 An old Stone Game 博弈论?1741 Tree 博弈论?1745 Divisibility DP1751 Highways 图论->1752 Advertisement 贪心/图论->差分约束系统1753 Flip Game 搜索->BFS1755 Triathlon 计算几何?1770 Special Experiment 树形DP1771 Elevator Stopping Plan DP1772 New Go Game 构造?1773 Outernet 模拟1774 Fold Paper Strips 几何1775 Sum of Factorials 送分题1776 T ask Sequences DP1777 Vivian's Problem 数论1870 Bee Breeding 送分题1871 Bullet Hole 几何1872 A Dicey Problem BFS1873 The Fortified Forest 几何+回溯1874 Trade on Verweggistan DP1875 Robot 几何1876 The Letter Carrier's Rounds 模拟1877 Flooded! 数据结构->堆1879 Tempus et mobilius Time and motion 模拟+组合数学->Polya定理1882 Stamps 搜索+DP1883 Theseus and the Minotaur 模拟1887 Testing the CATCHER DP1889 Package Pricing DP1893 Monitoring Wheelchair Patients 模拟+几何1915 Knight Moves 搜索->BFS1916 Rat Attack 数据结构->?1936 All in All DP?1946 Cow Cycling DP1947 Rebuilding Roads 二分1985 Cow Marathon 图论->有向无环图的最长路1995 Raising Modulo Numbers 数论->大数的幂求余2049 Finding Nemo 图论->最短路2050 Searching the Web 模拟(需要高效实现)2051 Argus 送分题(最好用堆,不用也可以过)2054 Color a Tree 贪心2061 Pseudo-random Numbers 数论2080 Calendar 日期处理2082 Terrible Sets 分治/2083 Fractal 递归2084 Game of Connections 递推(不必高精度)2105 IP Address 送分题2115 C Looooops 数论->解模线性方程2136 Vertical Histogram 送分题2165 Gunman 计算几何2179 Inlay Cutters 枚举2181 Jumping Cows 递推2182 Lost Cows ->线段树/=============================================1370 Gossiping (数论->模线性方程有无解的判断)+(图论->DFS)1090 Chain ->格雷码和二进制码的转换2182 Lost Cows ->线段树/2426 Remainder BFS1872 A Dicey Problem BFS1324 Holedox Moving BFS+压缩储存1088 滑雪DFS/DP1015 Jury Compromise DP1050 To the Max DP1062 昂贵的聘礼DP1065 Wooden Sticks DP1074 Parallel Expectations DP1093 Formatting Text DP1112 Team Them Up! DP1141 Brackets Sequence DP1157 LITTLE SHOP OF FLOWERS DP1160 Post Office DP1163 The Triangle DP1170 Shopping Offers DP1179 Polygon DP1180 Batch Scheduling DP1191 棋盘分割DP1293 Duty Free Shop DP2184 Cow Exhibition DP2193 Lenny's Lucky Lotto Lists DP2292 Optimal Keypad DP1432 Decoding Morse Sequences DP1475 Pushing Boxes DP1513 Scheduling Lectures DP1633 Gladiators DP1661 Help Jimmy DP1692 Crossed Matchings DP1712 Flying Stars DP1717 Dominoes DP1718 River Crossing DP1732 Phone numbers DP1745 Divisibility DP1771 Elevator Stopping Plan DP1776 T ask Sequences DP1874 Trade on Verweggistan DP1887 Testing the CATCHER DP1889 Package Pricing DP1946 Cow Cycling DP1187 陨石的秘密DP(BalkanOI99 Par的拓展)1485 Fast Food DP(似乎就是ioi2000的postoffice) 2385 Apple Catching DP(像NOI98“免费馅饼”) 1064 Cable master DP/二分查找1037 A decorative fence DP/组合数学1936 All in All DP?1505 Copying Books DP+二分查找1631 Bridging signals DP+二分查找1159 Palindrome DP->LCS1458 Common Subsequence DP->LCS1080 Human Gene Functions DP->LCS变形2192 Zipper DP->LCS变形1185 炮兵阵地DP->数据压缩2430 Lazy Cows DP->数据压缩1067 取石子游戏博弈论1082 Calendar Game 博弈论1085 Triangle War 博弈论1143 Number Game 博弈论2311 Cutting Game 博弈论2425 A Chess Game 博弈论1638 A number game 博弈论1694 An Old Stone Game 博弈论?1738 An old Stone Game 博弈论?1741 Tree 博弈论?2083 Fractal 递归1104 Robbery 递推1217 FOUR QUARTERS 递推1280 Game 递推2261 France '98 递推2181 Jumping Cows 递推1316 Self Numbers 递推同Humble Number一样2084 Game of Connections 递推(不必高精度) 1338 Ugly Numbers 递推(有O(n)算法)2247 Humble Numbers 递推(最优O(n)算法)1322 Chocolate 递推/组合数学1189 钉子和小球递推?1947 Rebuilding Roads 二分2418 Hardwood Species 二分查找2082 Terrible Sets 分治/1001 Exponentiation 高精度1047 Round and Round We Go 高精度1060 Modular multiplication of polynomials 高精度1131 Octal Fractions 高精度1202 Family 高精度2199 Rate of Return 高精度1646 Double Trouble 高精度1147 Binary codes 构造1148 Utopia Divided 构造2275 Flipping Pancake 构造1660 Princess FroG 构造1772 New Go Game 构造?1005 I Think I Need a Houseboat 几何1039 Pipe 几何1070 Deformed Wheel 几何1092 Farmland 几何1106 Transmitters 几何2194 Stacking Cylinders 几何2254 Globetrotter 几何2315 Football Game 几何2423 The Parallel Challenge Ballgame 几何1375 Intervals 几何1380 Equipment Box 几何1408 Fishnet 几何1514 Metal Cutting 几何1518 Problem Bee 几何1605 Horse Shoe Scoring 几何1654 Area 几何1693 Counting Rectangles 几何1774 Fold Paper Strips 几何1871 Bullet Hole 几何1875 Robot 几何1873 The Fortified Forest 几何+回溯1031 Fence 计算几何1034 The dog task 计算几何1271 Nice Milk 计算几何2284 That Nice Euler Circuit 计算几何1688 Dolphin Pool 计算几何2165 Gunman 计算几何1755 Triathlon 计算几何?1379 Run Away 计算几何->1113 Wall 计算几何->convex hull1434 Fill the Cisterns! 计算几何->离散化/1151 Atlantis 计算几何->同等安置矩形的并的面积->离散化1177 Picture 计算几何->同等安置矩形的并的周长->线段树2419 Forests 枚举2179 Inlay Cutters 枚举1025 Department 模拟1027 The Same Game 模拟1048 Follow My Logic 模拟1049 Microprocessor Simulation 模拟1073 The Willy Memorial Program 模拟1075 University Entrance Examination 模拟1098 Robots 模拟1103 Maze 模拟1120 A New Growth Industry 模拟1193 内存分配模拟1281 MANAGER 模拟2200 A Card Trick 模拟2314 POJ language 模拟1431 Calendar of Maya 模拟1483 Going in Circles on Alpha Centauri 模拟1512 Keeps Going and Going and ... 模拟1773 Outernet 模拟1876 The Letter Carrier's Rounds 模拟1883 Theseus and the Minotaur 模拟2050 Searching the Web 模拟(需要高效实现)1012 Joseph 模拟/数学方法1086 Unscrambling Images 模拟?1327 Moving Object Recognition 模拟?1893 Monitoring Wheelchair Patients 模拟+几何1462 Random Walk 模拟+解线性方程组2379 ACM Rank T able 模拟+排序1879 Tempus et mobilius Time and motion 模拟+组合数学->Polya定理1520 Scramble Sort 排序1634 Who's the boss? 排序2299 Ultra-QuickSort 排序->归并排序1008 Maya Calendar 日期处理1209 Calendar 日期处理2210 Metric Time 日期处理1430 Binary Stirling Numbers 日期处理1447 Ambiguous Dates 日期处理2080 Calendar 日期处理2351 Time Zones 时间处理1770 Special Experiment 树形DP1916 Rat Attack 数据结构->?1197 Depot 数据结构->Young T ableau1182 食物链数据结构->并查集2424 Flo's Restaurant 数据结构->堆1877 Flooded! 数据结构->堆1445 Random number 数据结构->碓1023 The Fun Number System 数论1061 青蛙的约会数论1091 跳蚤数论1152 An Easy Problem! 数论2191 Mersenne Composite Numbers 数论2381 Random Gap 数论2417 Discrete Logging 数论1510 Hares and Foxes 数论1641 Rational Approximation 数论1730 Perfect Pth Powers 数论1777 Vivian's Problem 数论2061 Pseudo-random Numbers 数论1014 Dividing 数论/DP?/组合数学->母函数?1606 Jugs 数论/搜索1995 Raising Modulo Numbers 数论->大数的幂求余2115 C Looooops 数论->解模线性方程1288 Sly Number 数论->解模线性方程组1395 Cog-Wheels 数学->解正系数的线性方程组1000 A+B Problem 送分题1003 Hangover 送分题1004 Financial Management 送分题1006 Biorhythms 送分题1007 DNA Sorting 送分题1016 Numbers That Count 送分题1019 Number Sequence 送分题1028 Web Navigation 送分题1046 Color Me Less 送分题1053 Set Me 送分题1068 Parencodings 送分题1071 Illusive Chase 送分题1096 Space Station Shielding 送分题1099 Square Ice 送分题1102 LC-Display 送分题1107 W's Cipher 送分题1119 Start Up the Startup 送分题1218 THE DRUNK JAILER 送分题1245 Programmer, Rank Thyself 送分题1247 Magnificent Meatballs 送分题1250 T anning Salon 送分题1298 The Hardest Problem Ever 送分题1326 Mileage Bank 送分题2190 ISBN 送分题2196 Specialized Four-Digit Numbers 送分题2291 Rotten Ropes 送分题2304 Combination Lock 送分题2309 BST 送分题2390 Bank Interest 送分题2403 Hay Points 送分题1411 Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again 送分题1481 The Die Is Cast 送分题1484 Blowing Fuses 送分题1517 u Calculate e 送分题1547 Clay Bully 送分题1563 The Snail 送分题1604 Just the Facts 送分题1657 Distance on Chessboard 送分题1658 Eva's Problem 送分题1663 Number Steps 送分题1677 Girls' Day 送分题1690 (Your)((Term)((Project))) 送分题1775 Sum of Factorials 送分题1870 Bee Breeding 送分题2105 IP Address 送分题2136 Vertical Histogram 送分题1555 Polynomial Showdown 送分题(非常阴险) 2388 Who's in the Middle 送分题(排序)1519 Digital Roots 送分题(位数可能很大)1045 Bode Plot 送分题(用物理知识)2051 Argus 送分题(最好用堆,不用也可以过) 1011 Sticks 搜索1020 Anniversary Cake 搜索1054 The Troublesome Frog 搜索1069 The Bermuda Triangle 搜索1072 Puzzle Out 搜索1100 Dreisam Equations 搜索1110 Double Vision 搜索1111 Image Perimeters 搜索1128 Frame Stacking 搜索1142 Smith Numbers 搜索1162 Building with Blocks 搜索1183 反正切函数的应用搜索1184 聪明的打字员搜索1248 Safecracker 搜索1601 Pizza Anyone? 搜索1713 Divide et unita 搜索1129 Channel Allocation 搜索(图的最大独立集)1190 生日蛋糕搜索/DP1691 Painting A Board 搜索/DP1714 The Cave 搜索/DP1084 Square Destroyer 搜索?1010 STAMPS 搜索+DP1194 HIDDEN CODES 搜索+DP1882 Stamps 搜索+DP1101 The Game 搜索->BFS1137 The New Villa 搜索->BFS1233 Street Crossing 搜索->BFS2243 Knight Moves 搜索->BFS2312 Battle City 搜索->BFS1476 Always On the Run 搜索->BFS1480 Optimal Programs 搜索->BFS1482 It's not a Bug, It's a Feature! 搜索->BFS 1753 Flip Game 搜索->BFS1915 Knight Moves 搜索->BFS1017 Packets 贪心1018 Communication System 贪心1323 Game Prediction 贪心1463 Strategic game 贪心1469 COURSES 贪心1719 Shooting Contest 贪心2054 Color a Tree 贪心1328 Radar Installation 贪心(差分约束系统的特例)1042 Gone Fishing 贪心/DP1752 Advertisement 贪心/图论->差分约束系统1201 Intervals 贪心/图论->最长路->差分约束系统1097 Roads Scholar 图论1161 Walls 图论1450 Gridland 图论(本来TSP问题是NP难的,但这个图比较特殊,由现成的构造方法)2197 Jill's Tour Paths 图论->2416 Return of the Jedi 图论->1639 Picnic Planning 图论->1695 Magazine Delivery 图论->1729 Jack and Jill 图论->1751 Highways 图论->1122 FDNY to the Rescue! 图论->Dijkstra1125 Stockbroker Grapevine 图论->Dijkstra1135 Domino Effect 图论->Dijkstra1394 Railroad 图论->Dijkstra1158 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 图论->Dijkstra变形2395 Out of Hay 图论->Dijkstra变形2253 Frogger 图论->Dijkstra变形(和1295是一样的)1734 Sightseeing trip 图论->Euler回路1466 Girls and Boys 图论->n/a1515 Street Directions 图论->把一个无向连通图改造成为有向强连通图1635 Subway tree systems 图论->不同表示法的二叉树判同1275 Cashier Employment 图论->差分约束系统->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->Bellman-Ford1274 The Perfect Stall 图论->二分图的最大匹配1325 Machine Schedule 图论->二分图的最大匹配2239 Selecting Courses 图论->二分图的最大匹配2195 Going Home 图论->二分图的最大权匹配2400 Supervisor, Supervisee 图论->二分图的最大权匹配?1637 Sightseeing tour 图论->欧拉回路1383 Labyrinth 图论->树的最长路1094 Sorting It All Out 图论->拓扑排序1486 Sorting Slides 图论->拓扑排序1149 PIGS 图论->网络流2289 Jamie's Contact Groups 图论->网络流?1192 最优连通子集图论->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->BellmanFord 1364 King 图论->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->BellmanFord1985 Cow Marathon 图论->有向无环图的最长路1087 A Plug for UNIX 图论->最大流1273 Drainage Ditches 图论->最大流1459 Power Network 图论->最大流1632 Vase collection 图论->最大完全图2049 Finding Nemo 图论->最短路1251 Jungle Roads 图论->最小生成树2421 Constructing Roads 图论->最小生成树1026 Cipher 组合数学1095 Trees Made to Order 组合数学2346 Lucky tickets 组合数学1286 Necklace of Beads 组合数学->Polya定理2409 Let it Bead 组合数学->Polya定理1664 放苹果组合数学->递推。


96-100 惊声尖笑 1-4(美国超级讽刺好莱坞大片大搞笑电影,极力推荐)
美国校ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ青春励志电影 :
律政俏佳人 1、2(Legally Blonde)……谁说金发美女头发黄见识短,个个头脑空 空? ====================================== 劲歌飞扬(Raise Your Voice)……小城女孩纽约孤身求学,立志闯出广阔音乐天 地 ====================================== 高校天后(Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen)……纽约漂亮女孩到乡下小城 ======================================
18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12 月男孩〔超级推荐〕 (哈利波特演的哟) 23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿 PRADA 的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐 欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕
1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕 (安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕 (里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕 (励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神 (2006 林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕 (林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车 (林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!)



girlsday成员个人资料Girl's Day是XX年韩国乐坛的组合,队长素珍是高材生,在学业上拿过不少奖项。

以下是小编搜集并整理的个人资料有关内容,希望在阅读之余对大家能有所帮助!girlsday成员个人资料Girl's Day(朝鲜语:걸스데이)是韩国DreamTea Entertainment于XX年7月9日推出的女子音乐团体,当时成员有朴素珍、禹智海、方敏雅、黄智善、李智仁共5人,XX年9月由于智善认为Girl's day特色与自己不符和智仁想专注于演戏因而退出,同年9月Yura和惠利加入团体。



成员惠利与Tony AN是恋人关系,已于XX年11月8日由双方经理公司证实因聚少离多分手。

XX年3月6日,据医院的诊断结果,女团Girl's Day 成员李惠利的病状确诊为脑膜炎。

实力抽队—素珍SoJin中文名:朴素珍韩文名:박소진罗马名:Park So Jin艺名:素珍(So Jin)队内职务:队长、主唱、性感担当、第二高音朴素珍朴素珍生日:1986年5月21日星座:双子座身高:167CM体重:47KG血型:AB型学历:韩国岭南大学机械工程专业 (休学)家庭成员:父母、弟弟爱好:清洁、找好听的歌、写歌、浏览Youtube的视频、购物、吃零食、钢琴特长:钢琴、书法喜好:连衣裙、小提琴、迪士尼动漫、看杂志厌恶:烦人的东西、脏、虫子、老鼠个人特色:成熟稳重的御姐性格、超强的Powerful唱功实力性格:爱憎分明,非常开朗,悲伤和愤怒都会很明显的表达出来,容忍一切可以容忍的如何成为Girl’s Day成员:很巧合的被录音师介绍去的偶像:严正花糗事:每次去录音或者广播的时候,都会穿黑色的内衣。

习惯:口头禅“Um-Chung”喜欢的音乐:灵魂歌曲、新式灵魂歌曲、嘻哈、R&B经常去的地方:宿舍、公司、练习室...以前经常去Hong-Dae平时时尚风格:便装、复古、吸引眼球的、与众不同的关系好的艺人:希望能找一个和我一样86年的朋友喜欢的食物:牛肉、鸡肉、海鲜喜欢的颜色:黑、白、粉喜欢的数字: 5(看起来很可爱,圆圆的)喜欢的电影:《真爱》座右铭:当你真的想得到什么东西,全世界都会帮助你得到它----炼金术师代表色:紫色经历:初中时期数学大赛获奖【简介】作为队长的素珍不仅仅是队中年级最年长的还是组合里唱功最强的。



06 金泫雅(1992 4 minute)
07 朴智妍(1993 T-ara)
16 河周妍(1986 Jewelry)
23 赵敏雅(1984 一期成员,已退出Jewelry)
27 安昭熙(1992 Wonder Girls)
28 徐贤(徐珠贤 1991 少女时代)
转自super girls 吧
09 南智贤(1991 4 minute)
11 HyoLyn(金孝静 1991 sistar)
12 智声Sunday(秦宝拉 1987 天上智喜)
13 具荷拉 (1991 KARA)
18 Minzy(孔敏智 1994 2NE1) 姜智英(1994 KARA)
25 简美妍(1982 BABY VOX)
26 CL(李彩琳 1991 2NE1)
28 Bada(崔成希 1980 S.E.S)
03 Eugene(金柳真 1981 S.E.S) 成宥利(1981 fin.k.l) 李秀美(1989 SeeYa)
09 泰妍(金泰妍 1989 少女时代)
05 Yuri(权侑莉 1989 少女时代)
12 韩恩静(1988 T-ara) 居里(李智贤 1986 T-ara)
24 金栽经(1988 rainbow)
25 朴嘉熙(朴智英 1980 after school)
28 NarSha(朴孝珍 1981 Brown Eyed Girls)
06 智雅(1987 已退出T-ara)
11 BEKA(1988 after school) 赵玹英(1991 rainbow)
12 闵先艺(1989 Wonder Girls) Luna(朴善怜 1993 F(x))



E02 051105 赛车挑战赛 E03 051112 消防车vs人手灭火对抗特辑第1部 E04 051119 消防车vs人手灭火对抗特辑第2部 E05 051126 落叴清扫机vs人手清扫落叴 E06 051210 和心算王对决&啊哈游戏——Super Junior 神童 E07 051217 QUIZ达人&马逢春登场 E08 051224 圣诞特辑——HAHA E09 051231 年末特辑
E129 081108 有氧健美操特辑(1) E130 081115 有氧健美操特辑(2) E131 081122 有氧健美操特辑(3) E132 081129 有氧健美操特辑(4)+ 2009年历拍辑(上) E133 081206 2009年历拍辑(中) E134 081213 2009年历拍辑(下) E135 081220 you&me演唱会准备篇 E136 081227 you&me演唱会(上)
E14 050723 消防车警叵vs人体噪声——李全 (挑战未成功)
E16 050806 夏季特辑:在鬼癿家里丌能叫喊——金钟国Jewelry (挑战未成功) E17 050813 在输送带上运送煤炭——车胜元 E18 050820 精彩场面BEST5 E19 050827 推土机vs人工推车——李凡秀 E20 050903 雪橇犬vs人工拉雪橇——金钟国 E21 050910 高空60秒——郑俊河 E22 050917 艾斯波伊藤-日本喜剧演员特辑——艾斯波伊藤赵 惠莲 E23 050924 莎拉波娃-俄罗斯网球选手特辑第1部——Sharapova具俊晔 E24 051001 莎拉波娃-俄罗斯网球选手特辑第2部—— Sharapova具俊晔 E25 051008 和女高中生拗手瓜——孔炯轸 E26 051015 机劢游戏上涂唇膏——Sugar E27 051022 精彩场面 第二季 无理癿挑战 E01 051029 棒球挑战赛





【BLACK SWAN 档案揭秘】我迷失在他的心灵迷宫,走向危险而温柔的陷阱。


【BLACK SWAN 档案揭秘】他穿越阴谋与危机,再一次出现在我的生命里。


【BLACK SWAN 档案揭秘】他让时间停下,全世界见证我们的相遇。


【BLACK SWAN 档案揭秘】靠近他的瞬间,恒星的光芒拥抱了我。




01 人物经历
03 个人生活
02 演出作品
日本的男性声优、歌手,1983年11月11日生。千叶县市川市出身。所属事务所为为I'm Enterprise,唱片公 司为Lantis。代表作及角色有《黑子的篮球》高尾和成、《Free!》橘真琴、《邻座的怪同学》吉田春、《终结的 炽天使》柊深夜、《境界的彼方》名濑博臣、《歌之王子殿下》黑崎兰丸、《笨蛋、测验、召唤兽》坂本雄二、 《 七 大 罪 》 班 、 《 阴 阳 师 》 源 博 雅 、 《 V i t a m i n X 》 真 壁 翼 、 《 最 终 幻 想 X V 》 诺 克 提 斯 ·路 西 斯 ·伽 拉 姆 、 《 魔 鬼 恋 人》无神悠真、《吸血鬼仆人》椿、《调教咖啡厅》秋月红叶、《JOJO的奇妙冒险:黄金之风》普罗修特、 《敦君与女朋友》庄敦大等。
TV/Web节目 ◆ アニソンぷらす「となりの怪物くん大特集」(テレビ:2012年10月29日/WEB配信开始:11月2日) ◆花の声优界! スター☆ボウリング新春から吠えて笑って大暴投SP (2006年1月1日) ◆Production I.G铃木达央のI.G来ちゃいました。(全7回:2012年5月23日‐6月25日) ◆元気と达央のMYSTIC OPERATION COMPANY(声优Wave:2004年11月23日 - 2006年6月30日) ◆ファミ通TV3rdSEASON (2010年10月1日 - 2011年12月23日) EVENT ◆官能昔话秋叶原1号店现场朗读 ◆「First Survival’05」握手会 ◆OLDCODEX Harsh_Wind_Tour_Final演唱会 ◆KAMEN RIDER DRAGON KNIGHT SPECIAL EVENT (2010年......

Girl's day - Look at me(中韩对照LRC歌词)

Girl's day - Look at me(中韩对照LRC歌词)
[02:00.65]don't you know
[02:02.33]look at me now look in my eyes
[02:06.06]니 앞에 훤히 보이잖아/你能够清清楚楚地看到不是吗
[02:09.79]예전에 맘 여렸던 아이/以前那个还很年幼的小孩
[02:12.59]철 없기만 했던 아이/和不懂事的小孩
[01:33.31]look at me now 제발 look what you see 제발/look at me now 拜托 look what you see 拜托
[01:36.98]깜깜한 밤에 난 니 생각만/在漆黑的夜里 我能想到你
[01:40.65]내가 더 오히려 이쁘게 보이려다/我想把更美丽的自己展示给你看
[02:14.46]더 이상은 아냐/再也不是那个样子了不是吗
[02:17.19]look at me now look what you see
[02:21.24]I‘m a beautiful lady
[02:24.91]제발 오빠 오빠 날 사랑해줘/拜托了 哥哥 哥哥 爱我吧
[02:29.26]지금 all day all night 날 니 꺼 라고 해줘/对我说 现在开始每一天每一夜我都是你的
[00:26.97]내가 어려서 알면서 모른 척 하는 거니/因为摘掉我还小 就装作不知道吗
[00:33.18]얼마나 오랫동안 이 순간만을 기다렸는데/这一瞬间我等了多久
[00:39.78]어린애 취급만 동생으로만/一直把我当成小孩子 当成是妹妹
[00:44.13]바라보는 게 싫어/这样真的很讨厌



2023年帝国之子一整天歌词歌曲歌词:帝国之子(ZE:A)是韩国Star-Empire Entertainment于推出的男子组合。





2日成立子组合ZE:A-FIVE进军日本;5月29日成立第二个子组合ZE:A 4U。

11月17日成立第三个子组合ZE:A J。

歌手资料:一整天-帝国的孩子们词曲:勇敢兄弟[Kevin]My love is gone....现在我要....忘记你[全体] 我要忘记忘记你我要抹去抹去你我要忘记忘记你我要抹去抹去你爱上你真的让我非常后悔为什么只有我这样的伤痛给了你我所有真的让我后悔我渐渐恨你恨你不要离开我[光熙] 这该死的你忘也忘不掉[俊英] 你该死的样子总是浮现[光熙] 这该死的眼泪总止不住[Kevin]傻瓜一样的我总是想着你一整天[熙哲] 我该死的人生里你已经成了全部那就是至今在我手里你与我一起的回忆[炯植] 看着撕碎的照片流着泪[熙哲] 你离我远去了啊留下我离开了啊[桐俊] 抹去所有忘记所有[旼佑] 我在内心深处将你深深埋葬[俊英] 我想傻瓜一样只疯狂爱着你[熙哲] 我不担心但是 Baby go and live your life [全体] 爱上你真的让我非常后悔为什么只有我这样的伤痛给了你我所有真的让我后悔我渐渐恨你恨你不要离开我[桐俊] 这该死的你忘也忘不掉[旼佑] 你该死的样子总是浮现[桐俊] 这该死的眼泪总止不住[Kevin]傻瓜一样的'我总是想着你一整天[泰宪] 你现在在哪里又做着什么你现在过得好吗就是没有我能给你幸福的人有很人为什么只有我这么痛[俊英] 我的心到现在还想着你(Im still in your love)括号里是熙哲唱的我的心到现在还爱着你(Youre still in my mind)我的心到现在还想着你(Youre still in my heart)[桐俊] 被孤单的留下这样独自留着眼泪[全体] 爱上你真的让我非常后悔为什么只有我这样的伤痛给了你我所有真的让我后悔我渐渐恨你恨你不要离开我[时完] 这该死的你忘也忘不掉[炯植] 你该死的样子总是浮现[时完] 这该死的眼泪总止不住[Kevin]傻瓜一样的我总是想着你一整天[全体] 我要忘记忘记你我要抹去抹去你我要忘记忘记你我要抹去抹去你[桐俊] 傻瓜一样一整天。



奇迹少女歌曲英文版英文回答:Ladybug Miraculous.Verse 1。

Ladybug, oh so bright.Her earrings filled with light.Akumas and villains, she'll fight.With the power of love and light.Chorus.Tikki, the kwami of creation.Transforms Marinette into a purple sensation.Calls upon her yo-yo sensation.To stop the evil, no hesitation.Verse 2。

Cat Noir, her partner in crime.Together they save Paris in the nick of time. With his cataclysm and her lucky charm.They'll keep the city safe from any harm.Chorus.Tikki, the kwami of creation.Transforms Marinette into a purple sensation. Calls upon her yo-yo sensation.To stop the evil, no hesitation.Bridge.They may still be teenagers.But they're heroes with good demeanors.Fighting the forces of evil each day.Making sure Paris will never sway.Chorus.Tikki, the kwami of creation.Transforms Marinette into a purple sensation. Calls upon her yo-yo sensation.To stop the evil, no hesitation.Outro.They are the miraculous heroes.Fighting for good and against the zeros. Their bond is strong, it will never break. Protecting Paris from every mistake.中文回答:瓢虫少女。



我的一天英语作文五年级下册,五句全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Day starts with the sound of my alarm clock ringing loudly at 6:30 AM, waking me up from a deep sleep filled with dreams about playing outside with my friends. I rub my eyes, stretch my arms, and slowly get out of my warm, cozy bed, putting on my fuzzy slippers and making my way downstairs where the delicious smell of my mom's pancakes greets me. After gulping down my breakfast, I put on my backpack full of textbooks, notebooks, and pencils and head out the door to wait for the big yellow school bus that will take me to Arlington Elementary School.Once I arrive at school, I catch up with my best friends Jake and Emily on the playground before the morning bell rings, and we talk about the new video game Jake got for his birthday and what Emily did over the weekend. The morning bell startles us out of our conversation, so we quickly line up with our classmates and head inside to our 5th grade classroom where our teacher Mrs. Thompson is waiting with a big smile on her face. The first few hours of the day fly by as we learn aboutfractions in math, discuss the American Revolution in history, read an exciting chapter from our novel study book, and work on writing descriptive paragraphs during language arts.At 11:30, the bell rings for lunch and recess - my favorite time of the day! I race my friends to the cafeteria, buy a chocolate milk carton and a slice of pepperoni pizza, and we find a spot at our usual table near the windows. After devouring our lunches, we head outside to the playground and I challenge Jake to a game of basketball while Emily jumps rope with some other girls. An hour seems to pass in a blur as we run around getting exercise and fresh air. When the whistle blows signaling the end of recess, we reluctantly head back inside feeling hot and sweaty but happy.The afternoon is filled with more learning about science, geography, art, and music, but I'm getting antsy and having trouble concentrating as I impatiently await the final bell at 3:00 PM. When it finally rings, I collect my belongings, say goodbye to my teachers and friends, and hurry to my bus lineup spot in the hallway. The bus ride home seems to take forever, but when I finally get dropped off I race inside, grab an after-school snack, quickly do my homework, and then I'm free to head outside and play until dinner. My brother and I ride our bikes, play catch,climb trees, and use our imaginations until my mom calls us in for the evening. After a delicious home-cooked meal, I take a bath, put on my pajamas, read for a little while, and then fell into a satisfied sleep, my mind already eagerly awaiting the adventures and fun the next day will bring.篇2My DayThe bright sun shines through my bedroom window, waking me up from a deep slumber. I rub my eyes and let out a big yawn. Another day has arrived!After getting dressed, I head to the kitchen where the delicious aroma of pancakes fills the air. "Good morning, mom!" I exclaim as I take my seat at the table. She smiles and serves me a tall stack drizzled with sweet maple syrup. My little brother is already making a mess, syrup dripping down his chin. I can't help but giggle.Once our tummies are full, it's time to get ready for school. I grab my backpack and we're out the door. The neighborhood is alive with the sounds of kids laughing and cyclists whizzing by. At the corner, I meet up with my best friend Jake. "Did you finishthe math homework?" he asks worriedly. I just grin and give him a reassuring nod.The school bell rings as we step through the doors. Our first class is English with Mrs. Thompson. I really enjoy her lessons, especially when she reads to us with different funny voices. Next up is science, where we get to do a cool experiment about magnets. After lunch, we have gym class. I'm not the most athletic kid, but I still try my best, even if a dodgeball sometimes hits me in the face!Finally, the last bell rings and school is over for the day. Jake and I race home, laughing the whole way. Once I'm back, I grab an apple and get started on my homework. Tonight I have a report due on mammals. My dog Buster comes over and I can't resist petting his soft fur as I do my research.A couple hours later, I'm done with all my work. Phew, what a relief! For dinner, dad grills up some juicy burgers. They're my favorite. I tell my parents all about my day over the meal. After we clean up, we settle in to watch a movie together as a family. I love these cozy nights just hanging out.As I get ready for bed, I look back on the day. Classes, time with friends, homework, dinner with my family. On the surface, it seems just like any typical day. But I know these simple dailymoments are what make up the extraordinary adventure of growing up. I can't wait for another day to begin when I wake up tomorrow! With that thought, I snuggle under my covers and let sleep carry me away to dreamland once again.篇3My DayThe beginning of every day starts with the loud, annoying beep of my alarm clock. I wish I could smash that thing with a hammer, but Mom says I have to get up for school. Ugh, school - why do we have to go there again? Don't grown-ups understand how boring it is to sit at a desk for hours while teachers drone on and on? At least I get to hang out with my friends at recess and make funny faces at them when the teacher isn't looking.After I slowly roll out of bed, half-awake, I stumble to the bathroom to get ready. Brushing my teeth is the worst - that mint toothpaste tastes so yuck! Why can't they make kid toothpastes that taste like chocolate or gummy bears? That would make mornings so much better. Then I have to wrangle with my thick, tangly hair. No matter how much detangler spray I use, it's an epic battle to get that brush through the knots. I think I might have to shave my head bald like Uncle Mike.Breakfast is okay I guess, if you like boring old cereal or lame toast. Mama always tries to get me to eat "healthy" stuff like oatmeal or yogurt. No thanks! I'd way rather have a giant stack of chocolate chip pancakes dripping with syrup. Or maybe Fruity Ranchy-Os - those are my favorite. The colors and crazy flavors are awesome. Mama says I'll get cavities from eating too much sugar though. Psshh, what does she know?The bus ride to school is pretty fun since I get to goof around with my friends. We always try to get the seats at the way back so we can be as loud and obnoxious as possible without the bus driver yelling at us. Making crazy faces out the rear window never gets old when cars drive by. Or we'll have burping contests to see who can be the most disgusting. The other kids look at us like we're weirdos, but who cares? Not me!Finally, the endless torture of school begins. I can barely keep my eyes open during the first few class periods as my teachers ramble on about math, spelling, reading, blah blah blah. When will I ever actually need to know this boring stuff in real life? The worst is when we have tests. My brain just freezes up and I can't remember anything I studied. I don't get why we're forced to memorize all these facts and figures. Isn't that what phones are for nowadays?Well, there you have the typical day in the life of a 5th grader. Mornings are a struggle, school is torture, but I get to cut loose and be a kid with my friends. If you asked me, every day should just be gym class, recess, and eating unlimited ice cream sundaes for lunch. Now that would be the dream! A guy can hope, right? Maybe if I eat enough Lucky Calorie Crunchers, I'll turn into a real-life Willy Wonka who can make that happen. Hey, it could happen!篇4My day starts early when my mom comes into my room and wakes me up for school. I get dressed, brush my teeth, and head downstairs for a quick breakfast of cereal and orange juice. After breakfast, I put on my backpack and walk to the bus stop to catch the school bus with my best friend Jacob. We get to school and go to our different classes - my favorite is science because we get to do fun experiments!When the bell rings for lunch, Jacob and I meet up in the cafeteria and talk about the math test we had that morning while we eat our sandwiches and apples. After lunch, we have gym class which is lots of fun - we play dodgeball and kickball and other games to run around and get some exercise. The rest of the afternoon goes by pretty quickly with reading, writing, andsocial studies. By the time the final bell rings at 3 pm, I'm tired but happy.Once I get home from school, I change out of my uniform and have a snack like crackers or pretzels. I try to get my homework done right away so I can play outside when it's still light out. My neighbors Bobby and Timmy come over and we ride our bikes around the neighborhood, pretending to be racers or superheroes battling evil villains. Sometimes we play catch or kick a soccer ball around in the backyard too.When my mom calls me in for dinner, I'm always starving! We sit together as a family and she asks how our days went while we eat whatever she's cooked - maybe spaghetti or tacos or chicken nuggets. After dinner, I take a bath and then have some free time to read books, watch TV shows, or play video games before bedtime at 8:30 pm. I get my pajamas on, brush my teeth again, and snuggle into bed feeling happy and relaxed after a really fun day.篇5My DayToday was a pretty typical day for me. I woke up at 6:30am when my mom knocked on my bedroom door to wake me forschool. As usual, I hit the snooze button a few times before finally dragging myself out of my cozy bed. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and had a quick breakfast of cereal and orange juice.The morning routine was the same as always - my mom drove me to school and dropped me off at the front entrance. I met up with my best friend Jake and we walked to class together, chatting about the math test we had that morning. I actually felt well prepared thanks to studying hard the night before.Math was the first class of the day. The test wasn't too bad, though I did get stuck on a couple of the word problems towards the end. After math, we had language arts which is one of my favorite subjects. Mrs. Jenkins had us work on creative writing assignments. We had to write a short story from the perspective of an animal. I chose to write mine about a curious little mouse exploring a house while the family was out. It was fun using my imagination!At lunch, Jake and I sat at our usual table with our other friends Mark, Emma, and Sophia. The cafeteria food wasn't the greatest as usual, but eating with my friends made it more enjoyable. We talked and joked around like we always do. After lunch, we had science class where we did an experiment withcreating simple electrical circuits. I really enjoy the hands-on activities in science.Finally, the end of the school day arrived and I hopped on the bus to head home. Once there, I had a snack, played some video games, and watched a little TV to unwind from the day. My mom made chicken stir-fry for dinner which I love. After eating, I did my homework, took a shower, and got ready for bed. All in all, it was a pretty regular but full day for a kid like me!篇6My DayThe blaring sound of my alarm clock wakes me up at 6:30 AM sharp. I rub the sleep from my eyes and stretch my arms out wide, preparing for another exciting day. The first thing I do is make my bed nice and neat with the covers pulled tight. Mom says a made bed helps start the day off right.After getting dressed in my favorite blue t-shirt and jeans, I head to the kitchen for breakfast. The smell of pancakes cooking on the griddle makes my mouth water. "Good morning, sweetie," Mom says with a smile as she flips the golden-brown discs. I drown my stack in maple syrup and gobble them up happily.At 7:15, I grab my backpack and head out the door for the short walk to school. I meet up with my best friend Jacob halfway there, and we talk about the math test we have later. Jacob is really good at math, so I ask him to quiz me on some problems. Luckily I get most of them right after studying hard last night.The morning bell rings at 8 AM, and we hustle inside to our 5th grade classroom. Our teacher Mrs. Thompson greets us with a warm "good morning class!" We all reply in unison and then quickly take our seats. First up is spelling, which is one of my favorite subjects. I'm a pretty good speller and I get a kick out of showing off my skills when it's my turn.Math class is next, and just as I had feared, the test is really hard. I get stuck on a couple of the word problems toward the end. Note to self: ask Mrs. Thompson to go over those again before the next test. At least I feel like I did okay on the computation part.Finally, it's time for lunch and recess! Jacob and I rush to get a spot at our favorite table in the cafeteria. Today they're serving chicken nuggets, my absolute favorite. We talk and laugh with our other friends while quickly devouring our food so we can go play.Once outside, a bunch of us get a soccer game going. I'm not the best soccer player, but I have a blast running around and trying my hardest. I even manage to sneak one past the goalie for a score! The crisp autumn air feels amazing as we get our pent-up energy out.Too soon, the recess monitors are blowing their whistles, signaling it's time to head back inside. We groan in unison, already counting down the minutes until class is dismissed for the day.The afternoon seems to drag by as we slog through reading, writing, science and social studies lessons. I find it harder to pay attention, getting distracted by the sunbeams peeking through the classroom windows. I keep daydreaming about going outside to play again.At long last, the final bell rings at 3 PM. We all cheer and pack up our belongings quickly. Outside, I see my mom's red minivan waiting to pick me up. What a day! I sleepily flop into the backseat."How was school today, honey?" Mom asks as we head home."It was okay, I guess," I reply. "I'm just tired."Mom smiles in the rearview mirror. "Well, you've got the whole evening ahead to relax and recharge for another day tomorrow."I nod and stare wistfully out the window, already looking forward to doing this all over again. The end of one day just means tomorrow will be here before I know it. A student's work is never done, but I wouldn't have it any other way!。



萌妹成长指南日系版歌词 English Answer:Chorus:Kawaii, kawaii, moe moe girl.Growing up, growing up, it's a whirl.Japanese style, cute and bright.A guide to growing up, pure delight.Verse 1:With wide eyes and rosy cheeks.A pure heart that softly speaks.Innocence and sweetness blend.A moe girl's journey, no end.Chorus:Kawaii, kawaii, moe moe girl.Growing up, growing up, it's a whirl. Japanese style, cute and bright.A guide to growing up, pure delight. Verse 2:As she grows, she learns and thrives. Finding joy in all that life gives. From school days to summer's breeze. Her spirit shines with youthful ease.Chorus:Kawaii, kawaii, moe moe girl.Growing up, growing up, it's a whirl.Japanese style, cute and bright.A guide to growing up, pure delight.Verse 3:Through challenges and triumphs she'll face. Her moe spirit will always embrace.With determination in her eyes.She'll reach new heights, a pleasant surprise. Chorus:Kawaii, kawaii, moe moe girl.Growing up, growing up, it's a whirl.Japanese style, cute and bright.A guide to growing up, pure delight.Outro:From childhood dreams to adult grace.The moe girl's journey, a radiant chase. With every step, she'll grow and shine.A testament to youth's divine.中文回答:副歌:萌妹,萌妹,软萌软萌。



Sunshine Girl 你最珍贵女生节已成为各高校的重要节日,我院也举办了各种活动。

4月19日中午于理B204,我班响应团委的号召,组织委员策划且举办了本场以“sunshine girl”为主题,富有情趣,充满喜剧色彩的女生节团课。



节目中很具有代表性的还有女生走T 台秀,这个节目是由我班女生穿上准备好的高跟鞋走T台,并且还有专门人士在旁边为每一双高跟鞋进行介绍,穿上自己喜欢的漂亮的高跟鞋对我们女生来说是一件很幸福的事,这也给广大女性带来了自信。












The Origin of the Double Seventh Day
"Double Seventh Day" is also a phenomenon of number worship——"七" bears the same pronunciation with "妻" (wife), thus the Double Seventh Day is to a great extent a festival related to women.
Legend about the Double Seventh Day – the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl
The fairy tale of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is one of the four most famous folktales of ancient China.
The cattle gave the Cowherd a tip:take the fairy’s clothes when she is taking a bath,then she can’t go back to the heavenly palace.
Legend about the Double Seventh Day – the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl
But his cattle is very loyal to him .
Legend about the Double Seventh Day – the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl
The Weaving Girl is a beautiful and smart fairy with deft hands .



费雯·丽——英国电影演员费雯·丽介绍中文名:费雯·丽外文名:Vivien Leigh别名薇薇安·玛丽·哈特利国籍:英国星座:天蝎座血型:O型身高:161cm出生地:印度孟加拉邦大吉岭出生日期:1913年11月5日逝世日期:1967年7月7日职业:演员毕业院校:英国皇家戏剧艺术学院代表作品:《乱世佳人》、《魂断蓝桥》、《欲望号街车》、《汉密尔顿夫人》等主要成就:第12届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角第24届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角托尼奖最佳女主角英国电影学院奖最佳女主角威尼斯国际电影节最佳女主角费雯·丽(Vivien Leigh,1913年11月5日—1967年7月7日),出生于英属印度西孟加拉邦大吉岭,原名薇薇安·玛丽·哈特利,英国电影和舞台剧演员。








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解题报告:Girls' Day
Time Limit:1S Memory Limit:1000K
Total Submit:201 Accepted:35
On Girls' Day (Haven't heard about it? Well, you may ask the author for details...), we boys get together with girls in the class. On the occasion, every boy will make a wish for girls. Boys want to know about girls' responses to their wishes.
If a wish contains one or more girls' names, it is considered to be talking to them specifically. Otherwise it is talking to all the girls. A wish can simultaneously talk to several girls of course.
A girl would say 'oh' if the wish contains at most 9 words.
A girl would say 'xixi' if the wish contains at least 10 words and she hears the word 'beautiful', 'pretty' or 'lovely'.
A girl would say 'hehe' if the wish contains at least 10 words and she doesn't hear such words mentioned above.
It is confirmed that a wish will not contain all the girls? name.
The first line of the input contains two integers g and w (1 <= g <= 5, 1 <= w <= 30), the number of girls and the number of wishes respectively. The next g lines each contain a word in lowercase, representing the name of a girl. Then the next w lines each contain a string of letters and punctuations, namely the wish, which will contain at most 200 characters.
Each wish contains one or more sentences, and each sentence is terminated by a '!'. The first letter of each sentence is in uppercase, and other letters will be always in lowercase. No other characters apart from '!', spaces and letters will appear in the sentence. You may assume that each wish is correct in grammar.
You are required to give girls' response according to the input. For each wish, if it is talking to all the girls, print 'All', or otherwise print the list of girls that it is talking to (names are separated by a single space) in the order that they appear in the name list. Then print a semicolon followed by a space, and the response such as 'hehe' and 'xixi'.
Sample Input
5 5
Happy girls day to all of you!
Happy girls day to all of you!Wish you happy forever!
Happy girls day for answer mm!
Congratulations for cedar mm and seven mm!Wish you more and more beautiful hehe!
Hello answer hello baiqingr hello juleo would you mind having dinner together!
Sample Output
All: oh
All: hehe
answer: oh
cedar seven: xixi
answer baiqingr juleo: hehe
字符串匹配,包括'beautiful', 'pretty' or 'lovely'的匹配以及name的匹配
char gname[5][50]
char wish[201],word[201] int gn[5]
源程序:Girls' Day.cpp。
