


– 送客止步 Passengers Only – 边道封闭 Footpath Closed
在公示语功能特色和语言风格的基础上, 刘法公(2008)以纽马克的文本分类作为理 论依据,试提出公示语汉英翻译三原则:统 一(consistency)、简洁(conciseness)和 易懂(comprehensibility)。这三个翻译标 准基本上能反映公示语独特的社会功能和语 言特征,能满足公示语汉英翻译标准问题的 特殊需要。
Out-Patient Department Stamp Vending Machine Take Away Service Available Baby Chang失物品 店方概不负责 Management nor responsible for articles lost or stolen;
高教园区:Higher Education Zone
杭州高新技术开发区 原译:High and New Technology Development Region “杭州高新技术开发区”的原译有两个问题:第一,把“高 新技术”对号入座地译成了“High and New Technology”是不 查辞典想当然的结果。第二,将“开发区”译为 “Development Region”,也不正确。美国的Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language (Second College Edition)给region和zone两个词的解释是:region,“an administrative division of a country (某一国家的行政区)”,如 “香港特别行政区”的英语就是“Hongkong Special Administrative Region”,简称Hongkong SAR;“澳门特别行 政区”的英语也是“Macao Special Administrative Region”, 简称Macao SAR;zone,“any area or region considered as separate or distinct from others because of its particular use…”。 显然,zone是指“有特殊用途并与其它区域分开或不同的区 域”,如:Cotton zone (种棉区),non-military zone (非军事 区) 等。所以,“开发区”应译为“Development Zone”。



校园英语 / 翻译研究公示语翻译的错误分析及对策广安职业技术学院/母滨彬【摘要】随着国际步伐的加速和我国对外开放的逐渐深入,公示语的翻译(英译)与日俱增。


【关键词】公示语 错误 对策公示语是一种常见于公共场所的特殊文体,用寥寥数字来表达对受众的某些要求或引起人们的注意。










例如在我国很多景区,游客经常会看到“注意安全,小心落水”的警示牌,英译文竟然是“Take care! Fall into water carefully!”很显然,原文中的“小心落水”是希望游客能加以防范,也就是“Be careful of deep water!”并不是要希望大家“小心地落入水中”,试想若果某些外国游客轻信了警示牌中的英译文,还以为这是景区的某个娱乐项目,都纷纷“小心翼翼落入水中”,其后果将不堪设想。



而不 是 “ 牛皮 癣 ” 。
收 稿 日期 :2 0 1 3 — 0 3 — 1 5
( 保 持 车距 )等 。交通 和道 路 公 示 语 是 世 界 上最
作者 简 介 :文菲 ( 1 9 7 8 一 ) ,女 ,辽 宁沈 阳人 ,硕 士 ,讲师 。研 究方 向 :英语语 言 文学 。
城 市形 象 以及对 外 联 系 的重要 工 具 ,但 与 此 同时 公 示语 翻译 出现 了许 多 问题 。许 多 学者 和 翻译 人 士 开始 研 究公 示语 的功能 、语 言特 点 以及 所适 用 的先进 翻译 理论 ,同时用 研 究结 果 来 纠正 和规 范 公示语 翻译 。
1 沈 阳 公 示 语 翻 译 重 要 性
基 金 项 目:2 0 1 3年 度辽 宁经 济社 会 发 展 立 项 课题 《 社 会 符 号 学视 角 下的 沈 阳 市规 范 化 公 示 语翻 译 研 究》 ( 项 目编 号 :2 0 1 3 1 s l k t wx 一 1 1 )

4 7 ・
辽 宁 省 交 通 高 等 专 科 学 校 学 报
交 通 和道 路公 示 语用 于 告知 游 者和 司机 有 关
道 路 名 称 、方 向 、交 通 规 则 和公 路 状 况 等 信 息 。
例如 “ T a i s h a n L u ” ( 泰 山路 ) 、 “ Ke e p S p a c e ”
醒 、警告 等 作用 ,使 之 真正 成 为城 市 的 “ 名片” ,
2 沈 阳公 示语翻 译现 状 根 据公 示 语 的功 能 ,沈 阳公 示语 主要表 现 在
旅 游 景 区公示 语 、交 通 和道 路公 示语 、商业 场 所
公 示语 .以及 其 它公 示语 公 示语 。根据 笔 者及 笔 者所 在 的研究 小 组前 期调 查 ,以上各 个 领域 的公 示语 翻译 都 出现 了各种 问题 。



场 合 的 具 有 相 同 功 能 的 公 示 语 进 行 一 对 一 的
英汉对译 。 示语汉英翻译通常可采用回译 ”公
ak Tr s t n和 借 用 (orw n ) 方 法 , c a l o ) na i B ro g 的 i
周到的信 息服务 , 没有任何 限制 、 强制意义。 其 功能在于指示服务 内容 ,语境 与意境相对较 弱 。 此 类 表 达 地 点 指 示性 的公 示 语 对 等 性 很
● 教 改 纵横
探 讨相 应 的 翻 译 框 架和 规 范。
1 示 性 公 示语 。指 示性 公 示 语 体现 的是 . 指
《 经济师)09 ) 0 年第 9 2 期
由 于公 示 语 在 公 众 和 旅 游 者 生 活 中 的 重 要 意 义 , 何 歧 义 、 解 都 会 导 致 不 良后 果 。 任 误 与 日程 生 活 相 关 的 英 语 公 示 语 都 是 多年 实际 使 用 形 成 的 规 范 性 和 标 准 性 语 汇 。 带 绩效指标建立 高校实验 室管理评价体 系卟 中州 . 利 大学学报 ,06 4 20 ( ) 2 范晓鹏. . 关于我 国数字化 图书馆 建设 的探讨 Ⅱ. 1 图书情报 工作
2 0 () 0 23
2 利用 P R 评价工具进行实验项 目 . AT 管理必须协调好部 门之 间的 沟通 , 做到标 准都能接受, 否则评价工作难 以开展。 3AT . R 评价工具是一个动态的评价过程 ,评价标 准要符合 客观实 P 际, 允许评价过程中修订, 但要有充分理 由。 4评价结 果要被重视并能够作为下阶段实验项 目资金分配的参考 。 .
3张文娟网 络环境下图书馆信息资源开发与对策o. . 】 情报科学,o 1 ) 2o ( 5 4江心 月. . 网络信息时代 图书馆员的角色蜕变Ⅱ. ] 图书馆界, 0 ( 2 43 0 ) ( 作者单位 : 河南理工大学 河南焦作 4 40 ) ( 5 00 责编 : 郑钊)



对公示语翻译现状的分析及思考论文英文public signs,汉语中既可叫公示语,也可译为标记语、标示语、揭示语、警示语等等。







例如:“叠水”译为Layer after layer water(参考译文:Water Pyramid);“人民公园医疗救护点”译为People Garden Doctor Saving Place(参考译文:Clinic)等。



例如,“消夏园”译为Summer park(参考译文:Summer Garden);“水族园”译为Aquatic animal spark(参考译文:Aquatic Animals’Garden)等。






例如:“公厕”译为Hygiene(参考译文:PublicLavatory/Toilet);“儿童乐园”译为Children’s play ground(参考译文:Children’s Funfair)等。



■ 指示性Directing (static)
❏ 票务与旅游中心Ticket & Travel Centre ❏ 地 铁 Underground ❏ 行 人 Pedestrians ❏ 公共厕所Public Toilet ❏ 问询服务Information ❏ 婴儿换巾处Baby Change
Steel and Iron Factory
Iron and Steel Factory
海尔整体 Haier Unit
Haier Kitchen Unit
e.g. 9 Misspelled English Words
e.g.10 Misunderstanding the Source or Target Language
❏ 共同努力,世界更精彩Working together, we can make a world of difference.
■ 防范犯罪
❏ 警示他人,迅速撤离Warn others. Move away. ❏ 盗贼当心Thieves Beware
■ Shopping Signs
■ 强制性Compelling (dynamic)
❏ 警戒线勿超越Police Line Do Not Cross ❏ 严禁拍照No Photography ❏ 禁止通行Don’t Walk ❏ 禁酒区Alcohol Free Zone ❏ 禁止导游讲解NO BRIEFING OF GROUPS
11. Omitting
■ 患心脏病、高血压、酗酒者忌座”. ■ Anyone who with heart disease, high blood, please



上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕士学位论文MASTER’S DISSERTATION论文题目:从交际翻译理论看公示语的汉译英学位专业:外国语言学及应用语言学作者姓名:姚强指导教师:韩忠华教授魏耀川副教授完成日期:二O O九年五月On the Translation of Chinese Public Signs: From the Perspective of CommunicativeTranslation TheoryBy Yao QiangUnder the Supervision ofProfessor Han Zhonghua & Associate Professor Wei YaochuanA ThesisSubmitted to the College of Foreign Languagesof Shanghai Maritime Universityin Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements for MA DegreeShanghai Maritime UniversityMay 2009AcknowledgementsMany people have given their assistance in my preparation of this thesis; however, I alone am responsible for any mistakes and imperfections occurring in it. Like any inexperienced writer, I met with some difficulties at first. And I am clearly aware of the fact that the thesis could not be considerably better but for all the invaluable advice and kind help from these people.My scripts have been carefully read in full by my supervisor, respected Professor Han Zhonghua, who has generously offered his detailed and wide –ranging comments. It is my respected supervisor who makes the deficiencies in my article that used to be apparent and unavoidable become fewer and less glaring. I am also greatly indebted to associate Professor Wei Yaochuan for his generous help. I also benefit greatly from the informative and insightful lectures by Professor Wang Juquan, Professor Wang Dawei and Professor Zhen Lixin. To all these professors great thanks are due.My final and heartfelt thanks must also go to my family for the love, encouragement and support they have been giving me during the two years.摘要随着我国经济的发展和对外开放步伐的加快,中国与国际间的友好往来及经济合作日益增多,对外联系和国际交流日趋频繁。



本科毕业论文题目:On English Translation of ChinesePublic Signs 院(系):外语系班级:英语级班姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:汉英公示语的翻译摘要公示语向来被称作“城市的脸孔",是给所有到中国来的外国人士留下第一印象的中国名片。










关键词:汉英翻译;公示语;问题;翻译策略On English Translation of Chinese PublicSignsAbstractPublic signs, which have alway s been referred to “face of city”, are the first impression of China for the people who come to China. However, the ubiquitous translation mistakes of public signs greatly undermine the international image of China. So,specificating and constantly perfecting the translation of public signs have become an urgent work in order to establish a good international image.The paper ventures an attempt to analyze the current problems existing in the C-E translation of public signs and to seek proper translational strategies both from the perspectives of theory and practice.By closely observing numerous samples of both standard and problematic translation of signs,the author manages to generalize the characteristics of public signs and to categorize the problems and mistakes in the current C-E translation of public signs.Then, proper translational strategies are proposed on the basis of in-depth study of relevant theories and keen observation of practice.Translation is not merely a cross-linguistic activity, but more of a transmission of cultural information.The translation of public signs is no exception.An appropriate translation of public sign should not only belinguistically correct, but also culturally acceptable.This paper expresses the meaning of the public signs and classify the signs according to the standards of objective demand and function. And the characteristics of the public signs are different studied from linguistic features and functional features,which determines to adopt different translation strategies.Key words: Chinese-English translation public sign problems translation strategyContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)CHAPTER I Introduction (1)1.1 O bjective of the study (1)1.2 Significance of the study (1)1.3 Structure of the paper (2)CHAPTER II General Introduction to Public Signs (3)2.1 Definition of Public Signs (3)2.2 Functions of Public Signs (3)2.2.1 Directing function (4)2.2.2 Prompting function (4)2.2.3 Restricting function (4)2.2.4 Compelling function (5)CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation of Public Signs (6)3.1 Linguistic translation problems (6)3.1.1 Spelling errors (6)3.1.2 Grammatical errors (6)3.1.3 Wrong dictions (7)3.2 Cultural translation problems (7)CHAPTER IV Strategies of C-E Public Signs Translation and Requirementfor Translator (9)4.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public Signs (9)4.1.1 Clearness (9)4.1.2 Conciseness (10)4.1.3 Simple words (10)4.2 Methods of C-E translation of Public S igns (11)4.2.1 Modification (11)4.2.2 Addition (11)4.2.3 Omission (12)4.2.4 Mutual transformation of affirmative and negativee xpressions (13)4.3 Requirement for the t ranslators (13)CHAPTER V Conclusion (15)Acknowledgements (16)Works Cited (17)CHAPTER I Introduction1.1Objective of the studyThe research objective of the study is to examine the translation problems in the Chinese-English public signs translation and further propose the translation strategies as well as principles suitable for specific groups.The studies begin with the careful and long period of observation of the problems existing in the public signs translation. On the basis of the classification of the translation errors proposed by Christiane Nord, the author aims at the most appropriate translation strategies for each type. With the examination of sufficient sources, the author finds that it is not difficult to eliminate the errors at linguistic level since the text of the public signs is less complex than documentary and other instrumental texts due to its conciseness and directness features (Ni 18).1.2 Significance of the studyPublic S igns affect people’s life in a tremendous way. When somebody smokes, it is the public sign that stops him. In fascinating and mysterious spots where we have never been to, it is the public sign that teaches us related knowledge. Foreign visitors from all walks of life,such as entrepreneurs,professors,students and tourists come to China for various purposes.But for most of them,they know little about Chinese.In this case,it is necessary to translate Chinese public signs into English for the convenience of these foreign visitors.In this case, a proper translation helps establish a good image of China and enhance the cultural communication.1.3 Structure of the paperThe paper is structured with five chapters:The first chapter is a general introduction to the thesis, including the objective of the study, the structure of the thesis and the significance of the study. The second chapter makes a general introduction to public sign, including the definition and functions of public sign. The third chapter focuses on the problems of C-E translation of public signs from linguistics and cultural perspectives. The fourth chapter deals with translation strategies of C-E public signs in connection with principles, methods and the standardization for the translators, including modification, addition, omission and mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions. And the fifth chapter draws a conclusion to the paper,in which the author appeals for translators and scholars to make contributions to the C-E translation of public signs.CHAPTER II General Introduction to Public Signs2.1 Definition of Public SignsPublic Signs,which are usually called“signs”,include public notices,advertisements,slogans and expressions on the public signs.Public signs refer to “signs” in English and are defined in different ways.Ac cording to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(1997),a sign is a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives information,warnings,or instructions.In that sense, public sign is the general terms for indicators,signs,traffic signs, posters, slogans, warning, short notices,short instructions,stickers,and are becoming the catch word and the buzzword.All in all, public signs are so widely used and played important roles in our daily life.2.2 Functions of Public SignsPublic signs are essential to the normal operation of the society and their influence is also visible in almost every aspect of our daily life.Sometimes,we have to admit that our lives cannot do without the proper guidance that public signs provide to us.However, what usually happens is that we are prone to be bewildered by various public signs and the enormous information they convey to us.Therefore, it would be necessary to classify the public signs in terms of their functions as well as the status of information that they deliver.2.2.1 Directing functionDirecting is the most basic function of public signs, t his type of public signs is used to give readers related information about what the institution is,what it deals with and what kind of service it can provide.For example:Take Away(外卖),Gas Station(加油站),Emergency Exit(紧急出口),Business Hours(营业时间),Pause(暂停),Menu(菜单),Airport Security(机场安检).From the examples above we may tell that the language and the tone of these public signs are generally neutral,reflecting no attitude towards receptors.Therefore,public signs of this kind are purely informative rather than vocative.2.2.2 Prompting functionPromoting signs are similar to the directive ones in their informative function. While the difference is the former .carries the tone of warning,reminding the readers to pay some attention to certain things or activities.For example:Keep Clear(请保持清洁), Keep Silence(请保持安静),Wet Paint(油漆未干),Fully Booked(客满),Beware of Pickpockets(小心扒手),Maximum Height(限高).2.2.3 Restricting functionPublic Signs with restricting function impose restriction or even prohibition on receptors.The language used in this kind of signs are simple and direct but are not in rude,tough or impolite way.We can list some of them as following:Pay In Cash(现金支付),Slow Out(减速慢行),Keep Silence(保持安静),30 Minutes Parking(限停30分钟),Seat By Number(对号入座), Stand In Line(排队等候).2.2.4 Compelling functionCompelling function is the strongest considerable mood.It is used to prohibit the readers to do something or must do something.The language used is usually forceful,with no possibility of making a compromise.The sign with this function which we mostly often see is“No Smoking禁止吸烟”,that is to say that smoking iscompletely forbidden.Imperative sentence is not enough to express this strong mood,usually, we use“No+…”form,for example,“No Food禁止携带食物”.More examples:Don’t Touch(禁止触摸),No Cameras(禁止拍照),No Visitors(游客止步),No Trucks(卡车禁止通行),Dogs Not Allowed(禁止带狗入内).Translation of the public signs, translators not only need to grasp their function features since we use different mood to express different function,but also should keep their language features in mind during the translating.CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation ofPublic Signs3.1 Linguistic translation problemsLinguistic translation errors are often due to deficiencies in the translator's source or target language competence (Nord 77).And in his book Pragmatics and English Language He Ziran explained that by making linguistic errors,the translators and interpreters fail to conform to the target language structures,instead they blindly translate the source text in their own language structures(157).Professor Wang Yinquan, classifies linguistic translation errors into: spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and wrong diction (32).3.1.1 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are typical translation problems in bilingual public signs. The reasons for this type of errors attribute to the three factors: the incompetent language acquisition, the laziness of the translator when writing, the uncertainty of the correct spelling, among which the third type is most difficult to be identified. For example: 3.1.2 Grammatical errorsApart from spelling mistakes,many grammatical errors also occur in the translated signs.These errors appear in various forms,most of which result from the translator’s poor command of the English language or irresponsible working attitude.As a result,the translated public signs cannot be of any help to the target readers.Sometimes they may do damage the image of our city.For example: 室内停车场(Car Park)—It may be apparent to tell that the translator intends to use the word“park”as a noun to express the meaning of parking place for automobiles.However, as a noun the word actually means a public place wherepeople can entertain themselves with the landscape or public facilities in it.Therefore, it will be advisable to use the gerund form of the word “park”and translate it as“Indoor Parking”.3.1.3 Wrong dictionsWrong Dictions occur when t he translator doesn’t make right choices of words in the target culture that will lead to unsuccessful expression of the correct information to the target text receivers. In fact, many English words have more than one meaning. Sometimes one word used to describe the source culture may not be applicable in another situation and the diction is conditioned. The words chosen for each text might vary according to different semantic and syntactic features in different situations. For example:请勿采摘花朵--Please Don’t Pick Flowers. Here use“pick”to describe the gesture. In fact, there is a variety of expression in English corresponding with “摘”, of which one of the expressions is “pick”. But in the given circumstances, “pick”doesn’t equate with “摘”. “Pick”means to select among a variety of choices, but here the sender wants to persuade people not to pluck the flowers. The error is due to the confusion about the seemingly identical usage of one word.3.2 Cultural translation problemsAs we all know, people in different cultures may view the same thing in different ways and differ in the perspective of cognition.At the same time,they express the same idea in different way.As far as Chinese and English are concerned, culture differences are tremendous.Translation breaks down language barriers and thus realizes communication between cultures using different languages. In this sense, target readers approach to people of source culture whose beliefs, backgrounds, perception of the world are distinct from their own.For example:古装照相It is ancient to pack photo“古装照相”is a typical Chinese term. In English, people don’t have the correspondent term. According to the public signs translation convention, the signs which are composed of Chinese noun phrases are expected to have the same structure in English version, so the sentence is not correct in terms of the sentence structure. Also concerning the meaning of the sentence, it is wrongly translated that the foreigners can’t get the message which leads to the pragmatic failure of the assumed function. The correct version should be “Photos in ancient costume”.CHAPTER IV Strategies for C-E Public Signs Translation4.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public SignsAs we know, different functions need different language forms to convey and each language style possesses its special principles.Ni Chuanbin and Liu Zhi analyze the language principles of public signs in their essay“The Principles for C-E Translation of Public Signs and its Cases Study”,published in Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science and Technology(18).Firstly, the signs are on a board,so the language on the signs should be in concise way due to the comparatively small space.Secondly, some public signs must draw the public’s attention at the first sight and the readers can catch its meaning very quickly and correctly, especially the traffic signs,such as“Abrupt Turn Left Ahead前方急转弯”,the applied words should be simple ones instead of rare ones.At last,the meaning of the signs should be clear and easy to read,the sign is set without ambiguity. So we can know the principles in details as following:4.1.1 ClearnessDue to the short time the target reader can spend on reading the signs the meaning of the signs should be clear and easy to be understood.As the target readers are the common people who have little knowledge related to the concerned topic,the signs should directly hit the point and there should exist no vagueness.“严禁客货混装Don’t put passengers and cargos together”. It is hazy and not clearness. So the sign“严禁客货混装”should be translated into“No passengers on Trucks”.The signs are set for the public and not every reader is professional,therefore when we translate signs,we should hit the point directly and clearly and should notjust talk around the bush.4.1.2 ConcisenessAccording to William Strunk,Jr.and E.B.White in 1979(Joan Pinkham):“Vigorous writing is concise.A sentence should contain no unnecessary words,a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.”It is also true of language of public signs.Usually, the readers for public signs just give a quick look at the board with signs on when they pass by.So the language on it need not be in a complete sentence,a phrase or just a word is enough,for example,“No Smoking禁止吸烟”,“Open正在营业”,we need not use sentences“Please do not smoke”an“We are on business”.4.1.3 Simple wordsPublic Signs are set for the public,target readers of this kind of materials are ordinary people,not only the native English speakers,but also other foreigners who know a little English and English is not his mother language,and target readers also include overseas Chinese who is not a English native speaker.If the English version is full of rare words and expression,it will cause a pragmatic failure of communication for public signs.There is always a small restaurant at the airport to provide fast food for the passengers,the English tablet should be“Snacks”instead of“Refection”,the later one is not often be used nowadays and we cannot find it in the dictionaries published in recent years.Take all another example,“景区环境卫生,需要您的维护”,should we translate it into“Environmental Sanitation of the Scenic Spot Needs Your Conserve”? The words“sanitation”and“environmental”are not familial words for the public,we had better use“Keep Clear”or“No Littering”.From the above,in order to make target readers catch the meaning at first glance,we should use the concise,clear, simple words and expressions in C-E translation of public signs.4.2 Strategies of C-E translation of Public Signs4.2.1 ModificationGenerally speaking, it is always the case that the reader in the culture of the target language may not share the cultural background of the source language.Therefore,when dealing with culture-loaded words and idioms,the translator sometimes has to make cultural modification so as to generate the same feedback from the target text reader with that of the source text reader, and as for the translation of public signs, it is no exception.For examples:西湖的虎跑泉—Tiger Running Spring, in this public sign,the translator obviously take the actual meaning of the sign for granted by translating the word“虎跑”as“tiger running”which means that a tiger runs for the spring.4.2.2 AdditionSome public signs,especially signs at scenic spots,tend to include dynasties,legends or other cultural elements,while most foreign visitors lack the background knowledge of China.If the public signs are translated literally, the English versions may confuse the target readers.Thus we should adopt the translation strategy of addition to supply necessary information on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original public signs.For example:谢绝游客入内Closed To Visitors禁止在墙上涂写No Scribbling On The Wall4.2.3 OmissionDue to different aesthetic standards and cultures,Chinese writing tends to include flowery words,four-word phrases or some culture elements which are special to the Chinese culture.However, English writing pursues clear and simple expressions.In How to Help Foreigners Know China,Duan Liancheng holds a view that with the development of tourism in recent years,large numbers of brochures pamphlets and pictorials have been published for foreign tourists.A common weakness of these materials is full of flowery words and cultural elements of China which may confuse the target readers (Duan 286). So the translator should omit some adjectives or cultural elements which may pose barriers to the target readers.Then the English version will be easily understood by them.For example:1.Source Text:慢速行驶Version A:You must drive slowly.Version B:Drive slowly2.Source Text:前方学校Version A:There is a school ahead.Version B:School Ahead4.2.4 Mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressionsMutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions is a common strategy in translating the text of one language to the other.It is especially useful for transcending the translational difficulties due to different ways or habits of expressing ideas in Chinese and English.In translating public signs,mutual transformation of affirmative and negativeexpressions is necessary as well.In western countries especially in English—speaking countries,people tend to avoid using negative expressions in public literatures as much as possible in case that unpleasant emotion or feeling would be aroused on the part of the receptor.However, because of the difference in cultural values,negative expressions are more frequently used in Chinese public signs.Therefore,according to the theory of cultural translation, we should adopt the translational method of“Domestication”.For example: “社会车辆禁止入内”,it is a kind of negative expression in Chinese language. While it should be translated into “Staff Only” in English, it is affirmative.4.3 Requirement for the translatorsThe C-E translation of public signs is by no means an easy job and it requires that a translator be serious and accountable in attitude, and proficient in both the source and the target languages at the same time.A good translator should always bear in mind the features and characteristics of public signs.Only if the translators acquire the expertise in the source and target languages as well as the source and target cultures can they produce qualified versions. In addition, as for the making process of signs, the local governments should choose reliable and efficient sign-making units by means of bidding to undertake the job.And the translation should be tested in the foreigners to ensure the acceptability.Then a supervision organization in charge of public signs should be established to make sure that some common English versions are accurate and unified.CHAPTER V ConclusionBased on the previous discussions and analyses, the major findings of this study can be summarized as follow:Firstly, the linguistic translation problems account for the reasons for spelling, grammatical and wrong dictions problems. Translators should improve their language acquisition in dealing with the problems.Secondly, as to cultural problems, the translators are advised to adopt communicative translation. To be more specific, the translation strategies are adaptation, restructuring, semi-literal translation, etc.Thirdly, the C-E translation involves the principles and the methods. The principles include three points of clearness, conciseness and simple words. The translation takes place in a given situation or in another sense, the methods of C-E translation of public signs should be divided into four: modification, addition, omission and mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions.Actually, the problems of the translation of public signs are far more complicated than the thesis.The problems that have been discussed and proposed with strategies to are just a tiny tip of the whole iceberg.With the development of the society, it is sure that more and more public signs will come out by taking various forms,and new problems in translating them will turn up.Therefore,the classification of public signs and mistranslation, as well as the strategies for the betterment of the current status of sign translation, although the author attempts to let them be, are not all-inclusive and universally accurate. It is a long and hard way for us to go.AcknowledgementsI would like to express my heartfelt thanks to those who offered me their sincere support and encouragement in the process of my thesis writing.First of all, I’d like to give my sincere thanks to my teacher, Kangbing. She has given me valuable instructions on my study. Whenever I need her help, she always enthusiastically offers me. During the process of the completion of the thesis, from the researches chosen to be analyzed to the final composition, her patient and helpful instructions have benefited me a great deal. Her strict requirements have enabled me to learn how to do research work, and her kind encouragement have been supporting me to the end.Second, my true thanks also go to all the teachers who guide me in the field of business English.Finally, my family and friends give me great encouragement and support during the composition of the thesis. I’d like to send them my heartfelt thanks too.Work CitedBaker, Mona. Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004:104.Nida, Eugene A.&C. R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation[M]. Leiden:E.J. Brill, 1969:89-97.Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001:77.Pinkham John.The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000:99.Snell-Hornby, Marry. Translation Studies: an Integrated Approach[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001:267-271.Wilss,Wolfman.The Science of Translation-Problems and Methods[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001:125.包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2002:78-86. 陈定安.英汉比较与翻译[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1988:271-275. 陈淑莹.标示语英译的语用失误探析[J]. 四川外语学院学报, 2006 ,1:117-120.戴宗显, 吕和发. 公示语汉英翻译研究---以2012年奥运会主办城市伦敦为例[J]. 中国翻译, 2005,6:38-42.何自然.语用学概论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社,1988:157.赖少华.浅谈公示语的翻译现状及对策----以广州地铁站公示语翻译为例[J].湖北广播电视大学学报, 2009,6:112-112.吕和发, 单丽平.汉英公示语词典[M]. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2004:38..倪传斌,刘治.标记语的英译原则及实例分析[J].上海科技翻译, 1998,2:18-20.单爱民.谈英语公示用语的语言特点与汉英翻译[J]. 北京第二外国语学院学报, 2002,5:76-79.王晓娟. 从功能理论看公示语翻译---以南京城市公示语为例[J]. 湖北经济学院学报:人文社会科学版, 2008,4:119-120.。














( 二 ) 社交语用失误 社交语用 失误是指 南于会话人 不能在 不 同的
就提 出了语用失误这一概念 。 他认为 , 语用失误是
指听者不能通 过听到的话语来理解话语含义。 由于
社交场合 , 根据 各 自不 同的文化背景 , 考虑到不 同
作者 简介 :李丹 ( 1 9 7 5 一) ,女 ,辽宁朝阳人 ,辽宁对外经 贸学院公 外部讲师 ,英语语言文学硕士, 研究方 向:应用语言学和翻译研究 。
9 5
出 ,错误 的类别更是 “ 琳琅满 目” :有单词拼写错
误、 语法错误 、用词错误或不 当 、中国式英语 、 书 写格式不规范和译名不统一等诸如此类种种。 对公 示语翻译 的任何歧义 、 误解和滥用都会给外 国人的
二、 城市公示语英译 的语用失误分析 早在 1 9 8 3 年, 英 国著名语 用学家 J e n n y T h o m a s
为合适 。 公 示语 翻译 时要注意一定不能套用母语 的 表达方式 , 不要 出现 中式英语 , 要从英语 中找 到相 应的表达 , 译 文一定要符合英语 的表达 习惯 , 让外 国人能完全理解 ,避免语用失 误。
准概念 中的新 的通 用流行 语汇 。公示语用寥 寥数
词, 告诉人们哪些事情能做 , 要怎样做才符合规定 , 哪些 事情不 能做 , 否则会造成 很严重后果 ,同时人
便 ,同时展示城市 的国际化水平 ,塑造 国际形象 ,
各大城市 的公示语都 采用 中英两种语 言。囚此 , 各
种城市公示语 的英文翻译 已经成为普遍现象 。 公示 语是城市人文环境 的重要元素 , 作为城市脸孔 , 它 体现 了城市 国际化程度和人文素养水平 , 其 翻译错
公 示语 是指在公共场所给公众看 的文字语 言。 在交际功能 上, 公 示语具有介 绍 、提示 、指令 、参 照和限制等特点 ,是与人们生活 、生产 、生命 、生 态休戚相 关 的文 字 ,有 提供信息 和完成 指令 的作



对 。还是在冰川动 物 园 内, “ 入 口” 和“ 出 口” 别分 别 翻译成
了“ Wa y i n ” 和“ Wa y o u t ” , w a y o u t 在英 国指 的是建筑 物 的出
目前 , 在我 国的大部 分城 市 中, 公示 语英译 错误 或 失范 的现象随处可见 , 以沈 阳为例 , 公 示语英 译不 规 范现象 大致
2 0 1 4年 第3 期
汉 语 公 示 语 英 译 研 究
— —
以 沈 阳地 区城 市 公 式语 为例
。孙 玉琢
( 吉林师范大学 外国语学院, 吉林 四平 1 3 6 0 0 0 )
[ 摘 要 ] 随着对外开放的不断深入, 中国与世界各国的贸易和文化交流逐渐加深, 越来越多的国际友人
[ 关键 词 ] 公示语; 英译研究; 翻译方法; 翻译策略
[ 中图分类号] H 3 1 5 . 9
[ 文献标识码] A
[ 文章编号] 1 6 7 2— 8 6 1 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 3 — 0 0 4 2 — 0 2
分为 以下四类 : ( 一) 语言错误
也 随之 来到 中国。而城 市 中的英文公 示语则是他们进入 中国首先见到的英语文 字, 也是他 们 了解 中 国的一 个很 重
要 的途径 , 但现如今我 国的公 示语英译仍存在 着诸 多不足 之处, 这既会给 国外游客 带来麻烦 , 又会影响 中国的对 外 宣传形 象。笔者选取 沈 阳市的城市公式语作为研 究对 象, 对公 示语 的分类特 点 , 当下 常见的公 示语英译 的不足 和
3 . 限制性公示 语。限 制性公 示语对 相关 公众 的 行为 提



沈阳市公示语翻译现状及规范化文菲1(沈阳工程学院商务英语系, 110136)摘要:公示语翻译规范化对城市的形象有很重要的影响。













1. 旅游景区公示语为了方便越来越多的外国游客到沈阳观光旅游,大多数的旅游景区都开始使用双语公示语。




U : St e o e 1 9 . K J r m , 9 7
[】 e u i a r n e T e S a d 1 f T a s a i n T w r s 2 V n t ,L w e c . h c n a o r n l t o : o a d s a E hi n t s f i f e c M . o d n n N w o k c o D f e n e[ 】 L n o a d e Y r r
随 着 改 革 开 放 政 策 的 实 施 , 中外 交 流 日益 频 繁 , 越 来 竹 、 单 爱 民 ,2 0 : 7 ~ 7 ) 。 公 示 语 英 译 水 平 的 不 断 提 02 6 9 越 多 的 材 料 被 翻 译 成 英 语 , 而 公 示 语 的翻 译 占其 中很 大 一 高 既 代 表 着 中 国 近 些 年 来 的 成 就 ,也 代 表 着 中 国 为 与 其 他 部 分 。 对 于 大 多数 外 国 人 而 言 , 他 们 对 中 国 了解 不 深 , 因 国 家 交 流 所 做 出 的努 力 。 本 文 从 功 能 对 等 理 论 的 角 度 , 结 此 在 衣 食 住 行 等 生 活 方 面 需 要 借 助 公 示 语 的 翻 译 来 达 到 交 合 公 示 语 英 译 的 实 例 ,探 讨 如 何 实现 公 示 语 英 译 中 的功 能 际 目 的 。 早在 1 9 年 ,在 何 自然 的 《 会 语 用 学 论 文 集 》 98 社
五 、 结语 在后 殖民主义翻译 理论背景下 ,归化与 异化策略往往 与 殖 民化 和 解 殖 民 化 联 系在 一起 的 ( 萍 ,2 0 : 1 5 。 骆 06 3 )
才 会越 来 越Biblioteka 频 繁 、 密切 ,各 国语 言才 会 更 加 丰 富 多彩 。













1 指示性公示语指示性公示语体现周到的信息服务,没有任何限制、强制意义,不一定要求公众去采取何种行动,其功能在于指示服务内容。

例如,某学校公示牌“教师休息室”英文为“Teacher’s Restroom”,而在外国多用restroom这一词表示公共厕所,所以“教师休息室”应翻译为“Teacher’s Lounge”。

又如社会保险局的译文为“Social Insurance Department”,译文中用Insurance一词来表达保险的含义的确没错,对原文进行逐词对应翻译且无语法错误,但在中国,社会保险局的职能是提供社会保障,故可将其翻译为“Social Security Bureau”。
















































1.从关联翻译理论的角度看公示语翻译--以广西公示语为例 [J], 李丽春
2.景点公示语汉英翻译方法研究——从功能对等理论角度 [J], 康妍妍
3.从语用翻译学角度看城市公示语翻译的等效性 [J], 段海鹏
4.从功能翻译理论视角看城市公示语的翻译策略——以太原市公示语为例 [J], 侯永庆
5.从外宣角度看目的论翻译理论在公示语的应用——以"香妃墓"公示语英译为例[J], 李梦



” D o n o t f e e d i n g t h e f o o d t o a n i m a l s w h i c h b r i n g y o u r o w n ” 。 这 句话 是 祈使 句 表 示 劝 阻 的含 义 , d o n o t 后 面 应该 接 动词 原 形 , 此 处语 法 有 误, 建议 应改 为 : D o n o t f e e dt h e a n i ma l s w i t h t h e f o o d y o u b i r n g .
种 动物 的名 称 介绍 只 给 出汉语 拼音 , 没 有 附上 相应 的英 文 , 这些 译
三、 结 语
旅游景点公示语翻译是辽宁省对外开放窗 口的一个重要组成
( 二) 不规范的译文
更是我国软实力的重要体现。 加强旅游景点公示语 翻译建设 有些 汉 语公 示语 有 对应 的英语 用 法 , 可 以直接 采用 , 如 若再 行 部分, 对 于净 化语 言环 境 、 提升 辽 宁省 的国际 形象 、 促 进辽 宁旅 游 经济 的 翻译 反 而让 人 难 以理解 。 沈 阳大帅 府 的“ 青 草依 依 , 踏之 可惜 ” 被 译
游景 点公 示语 英译存 在 的 问题 进 行分析 并提 出解 决策略 。
关键 词 : 辽宁; 公 示语 翻译 英 译 ; 文本调 查
近 些 年来 , 在全 球 化 背 景 下 , 辽 宁 省旅 游业 得 到 了极 大 的 发 不但 不通顺 , 而且无 法 让人 理解 。 展, 辽 宁省各 大 旅游 景 点吸 引 了来 自世 界各 国的游 客 。 与此 同时 在
的 意思 都是 “ 请 勿 践踏 草坪 ” , 在英语 中有相 应 的翻 译 , 所 以直接 译


学 教 育
因 圈
例 谈 城 市公 示 语翻 译 的现 状
圃 樊 琳 琳
内容 摘 要 :公 示 语 的英 译 问题 具 有 很 大 的 社会 意 义 和 实 用价 值 。然 而 ,现 今 南 阳市 区多 处 地 点 公 示 语 的 翻 译 质 量 却令 人 担 忧 。本 文 以 公 示语 的 英 文 翻译 为研 究对 象 ,通 过 对 南 阳市 区城 市 公 示 语 汉 英 翻 译 存 在 的 问 题进 行分 析 总结 ,让 人 们 对 现 今 公 示 语 的英 文翻 译 有 一 个 更 清 晰 的认 识 。 关键词 : 公 示语 汉 英 翻译 翻 译 策 略

制 定 公 示 语 翻译 规 范 。 目前 ,
国家仍 缺 少 通 用 外语 使用 的标 准 。
如 果 有 统 一 的 翻译 标 准 为 翻 译 者 作参考 , 公 示 语错 译 的现 状 必 然 有
翻 译 人 员 还 应 了 解 公 示 语 的 功能和意义, 尽量 还 原 公 示 语 的本
想” 。其 英 译 文 为 “ A l s o i n
l o ng g r a s s , s t e p t o
t h e
来面 目, 而 不 是 扭 曲事 实 , 传 达 错 误 的 信息 。译 者 在 进 行 翻 译 时 , 还 可 以参 考借 鉴国外 公 示语 。 从 事 公 示 语 翻 译 的译 者 应 该 从 以 上 种 种 原 因 中进 行 自我 分 析 , 努 力 提高 专 业素养 , 才 能 提供 高质 量 的译 文 。
如 市 区某 一 公 共 厕 所 中 , 为 区
分 男 女 厕 所 ,将 男 厕 标 识 牌 为


( 鄂 州 职 业 大 学 外语 系 , 湖北 鄂 州 4 3 6 0 9 9 ) )

要: 文 章 以鄂 州 市 为 例 通 过 对鄂 州 市 区道 路 交 通 、 车站 、 商 场 等 公 共 场 所 出现 的错 误 译 写 的 调 查 , 阐 述 了许 多翻 译
问题 , 并 对错 误译 写进 行 了 归纳 分 类 , 分析 了产 生原 因 , 提 出 了修 改 建 议 。
6 . 美 添景 江 酒 店 M E I nA N J I N G J I A N G H 0 T E L ; 7 . 滨 江 停 车场 B I N J I A N G P A R l ( I N G:
8 . 建设街 J I A N S H E J I E
国人冷 落。其 实 , “ 外宣翻译是一 种门面工作 , 其 中的错误
关键词 : 城 市公 示语 ; 汉 英 翻译 ; 问题 与 对 策
中 图分 类 号 : R 5 8 。 R 2 8 9 。 G 8 2 2
文献 标 识 码 : A
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关键词:国际化;城市公示语翻译;图里;规范翻译理论中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2017)01-0110-03沈阳市作为一座处于快速发展中的国际化大都市,在与国际接轨的过程中,不断吸引着来自世界各地的目光。





































如,“太岁展馆”原译为“Beard the Lion Pavillion”,“Beard the Lion”虽有“太岁头上动土”之意,但用在此处并不合适,此“太岁”非彼“太岁”,“太岁”本为汉语中所特有,因此在这种情况下,笔者将其直接按照汉语拼音试译为“Tai Sui”即可,不仅能够体现汉语特色,而且简洁明了。

又如,“畅馨园宾馆”被译作“The Changxinyuan Hotel”和龙泉塔被译作“Longquan Tower”,在上述两种情况下,使用其汉语拼音作为译文,而不另作繁琐的诠释,对于外国人在园内的浏览很有裨益。


如,“留岁园”原译为“Liusui Park”,笔者认为在这种情况下,如果简单地将“留岁”按照中文拼音译出并不能很好的体现出“留岁”的含义,反倒是对“留岁”二字进行解释更能体现其深意,因而笔者将其试译为“Time-keeping Park”。

又如,“警告严禁采摘荷花荷叶”原译为“Warning Never Picking Lotus Lotus Leaf”,“警告严禁跨越护栏”原译为“Warning Never Straddle Fence”,都是非常典型的字对字翻译,不但无法传递出公示语中想要表达的内容,也过于冗长,不符合公示语简洁明了的特点,其实,这些公示语在外国公示语中都有相应的参考标准,此时照搬目标语中已有的规范化标准,更能在外国人中引起共鸣,因而,笔者将上述两则公示语分别译为“No Picking”和“No Climbing”,不仅遵循了目标语的公示语规范,使得外国人对于这两则公示语的内容一目了然,也使得原公示语中的警告意味在译文中得到同样充分的表达。



如,“三农园”,原译为“Agriculture Park”,仅表现出“农业”的含义,而我们从原公示语的字面意思就可以看出,三农园应该包含“农业、农民、农村”三层含义,因而笔者将其试译为“Park of Agriculture,Farmers and Rural Areas”。

“国粹园”原译为“National Park”,仅翻译出“国”字,而未翻译出“国粹”一词,因而笔者根据“国粹”的含义,将其试译为“The Folk Singing and Dancing Pavillion”。


”原译为“Obey the command,the people are limited to 30 each time.”原译比照原文,翻译的颇为复杂,笔者认为在这种情况下,删掉“听从指挥”仅将其译为“No more than 30 people are allowed on the bridge.”就足以表达出原公示语的内容。


如,原译中将“曲桥观鱼”译为“Watching Fish On the Twist Bridge”,将“曲桥”理解为“Twist Bridge”,而笔者认为此处的“曲桥”译作“Winding Bridge”更为妥当,同时原译也未能体现出“观鱼”的真实含义,因而笔者将“曲桥观鱼”试译为“Appreciating Fishes on the Winding Bridge”,将“曲桥观鱼”四个字里的含义都完整准确地表达了出来。

又如“超市”原译为“Super City”,变成了“超级城市”,应译为“Supermarket”。

“禁毒教育展馆”原译为“Drug Education Exhibition Hall”,完全改变了原意,变成了“毒品教育展馆”,应译为“Anti-drug Education Exhibition Hall”,以及二人转被译作“Museum”,应译为“Errenzhuan Museum”,“检票处”被译作“barrier”,应译为“Ticket Checking”,“问题”一词被拼成“qudstions”,应为“questions”等等。
