.61 No
1 Th
1 应激颗粒与 ALS
FTD 临床表现为
RBP 异常聚集、
RNA 代谢受损、
Unit8 Let's celebra知识清单-七年级上册同步知识背默(牛津译林版2024) (2)
【同步100分背默】Unit8 Let's celebrate!知识清单一.重点词汇背默--n.2.gentleman n.(pl gentlemen)先生,绅士--adj.温和的3.throw vt.扔--扔掉4.hang v.悬挂--闲逛5.Greek adj.希腊(人)的,希腊语的--n.希腊6.tradition n.传统--adj.传统的--文化和传统 the hope of希望--adj.有希望的--adj.无望的8.carry v.拿,提,搬,携带--执行--继续9.wherever conj.在任何地方--pron.无论谁--conj.&pron.不管什么--conj.然而10.violin n.小提琴--n.小提琴手--拉小提琴11.lively adj.有生气的;热闹的--v.生活,居住--adj.活着的--n.生命,生活12.natural adj.自然的--n.自然--自然科学13.prepare v.预备(饭菜);把...预备好--n.准备--为…做准备14.meaning n.意义,意思--v.意味着--adj.有意义的--adj.无意义的用法分析remember动词“记住;记起”,后跟名词、代词或名词性从句。
I don't remember where I met her.我现在想不起来他的地址了。
I can't remember his address now.考点辨析remember doing sth., remember to do sth.Remember to post the letter for her.记住替她寄这封信。
I remembered putting the keys in the bag.我记得把钥匙放在包里了。
中考特殊考点与remember用法类似的结构:forget doing sth.忘记曾经做过某事(动作已发生),forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(动作没发生)。
汶川地 震,我们 看到什么
what is love 贴片三极 管代码1
work 2008-0528 21:43:04 阅读2529 评论11 字号:大 中小 JX SOT23 BAV170 B dual cc Si diode low Ir JY SOT23 BAV199 dioda-2x JY SOT23 BAV199 D dual series Si diode lowIr JZ SOT23 BAW 156 JZ SOT23 BAW156 A dual ca Si diode low Ir K SCD80 BBY5202W I UHF varicap 1.751.25pF
K15 DTA124G N pnp sw 50V 50mA w. b-e res K1p SOT23 BCW71 N BC107A K1t SOT23 BCW71 N BC107A K1X SOT23 KSC3265 NPN K2 SOT23 BCW72 NPN K2 SOT23 BCW72 N BC107B ZXT300 K2 SOT23 HSMP3832 D dual HP3830 pin diode K24 DTC114G N npn sw 50V 100mA w. b-eres
L5 SOT23 MMBC1623 L5 NPN L51 SOT143 BAS56 dioda-2x L51 SOT143 BAS56 S dual 60V 200mA diodes L52 SOT23 BAS678 dioda L6 BAR17 C pin diode L6 BSS69R N pnp 40V 0.1A 200MHz sw L6 MMBC1623 L6 N MPS3904 hfe 200400 L6 SOT23 BAR17 dioda L6 SOT23 BSS69R PNP
• 通电。注意,驱动器将立即执行行程自检功 能。
• 给出相应的控制信号,观察阀门的动作方向与 应用情况是否相符。
• 确保驱动器能根据给定的相应信号驱动阀体 运行整个行程。自行确定该阀门的行程长度。
2000 8
24; ± 10%
50/60 0-10 (2-10) Ri = 24 kΩ 0-20 (4-20) Ri = 500 Ω
0-10 (2-10)
200 0 ... 55 –40 … 70
II IP 54 3.8
AME 56 19.5
1500 4
低压遵循 73/23/EEC,EMC 符合 2006/95/EEC:EN 60730-1、EN 60730-2-14
电气连接 打开驱动器外壳,即可进行电气连接。驱动器外壳 上有两个 M16 × 1.5 穿线孔。两个穿线孔都带有橡 胶索环垫圈,以便柔性线缆穿过。注意,为了保持 整个驱动器外壳的防护 等级,必须使用相应的电 缆护口。
ED.96.R9.41 © Danfoss 09/2014
适配器 065Z0312
AME 55, AME 56 + VFS 2 (DN 65 - 100)
AME 55, AME 56 + VL 2 (DN 100)
VF 2 (DN 100 - 150)
AME 55, AME 56 + VL 3 (DN 100)
VF 3 (DN 100 - 150)
AME 55, AME 56 + AFQM DN 65-125 PN 16
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[62] P A T E LBK,P O H L MA N AS,HA L LJB,e t a l.I m p a c t o f e a r l ym o b i l i z a t i o no n g l y c e m i cc o n t r o l a n dI C U-a c q u i r e d w e a k n e s s i nc r i t i c a l l y i l l p a t i e n t sw h oa r e m e c h a n i c a l l y v e n t i l a t e d[J].C h e s t,2014,146(3):583-589.[63] C A S A E R M P.M u s c l e w e a k n e s sa n dn u t r i t i o nt h e r a p y i nI C U[J].C u r r e n t O p i n i o ni n C l i n i c a l N u t r i t i o n&M e t a b o l i c C a r e, 2015,18(2):162-168.(收稿日期:2022-11-20;修回日期:2023-06-20)(本文编辑郭海瑞)N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2021 2023)修订解读刘茜摘要将N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2021 2023)与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)进行了比较,从护理诊断的新增㊁名称变更㊁定义与指标的修订㊁护理诊断的删除进行介绍,了解全球护理发展趋势㊂我国临床护理工作人员和护理教育工作者㊁护生可参照N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2021 2023),对临床病情判断精准性的提高㊁建立本土化的护理诊断分类系统及找到护理科研的选题素材起到积极的意义㊂关键词护理诊断;定义与分类;N A N D A-IK e y w o r d s n u r s i n g d i a g n o s i s;d e f i n i t i o n s a n d c l a s s i f i c a t i o n;N A N D Ai n t e r n a t i o n a l,I n cd o i:10.12104/j.i s s n.1674-4748.2023.18.014护理诊断(n u r s i n g d i a g n o s i s)是关于人类反应的临床判断,这个人类反应是个人㊁家庭㊁群体或社区对健康状况或生命过程的反应,或是对该反应的倾向性㊂该定义是北美护理诊断协会(N o r t h A m e r i c a n N u r s i n g D i a g n o s i sA s s o c i a t i o n,N A N D A)在1990年第9次护理诊断会议上提出并通过的㊂护理诊断是护作者简介刘茜,主管护师,讲师,本科,单位:530023,广西卫生职业技术学院㊂引用信息刘茜.N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2021 2023)修订解读[J].全科护理,2023,21(18):2507-2512.理学专业术语的重要组成部分,它的出现是护理专业化的一次飞跃㊂20世纪80年代,护理诊断随着 责任制护理㊁护理程序 的有关理论一起被引入我国,开始在临床和教学中应用[1]㊂1 N A N D A-I的发展史护理诊断的概念最早于1950年由美国学者麦克迈纳斯(M c M a n u s)首先提出㊂1953年弗吉尼亚㊃弗莱(V i r g i n i aF r y)引用护理诊断一词描述制订护理计划的步骤,以表明护士做出临床判断,以及对需要采取护理措施的病人健康问题进行定义的重要性㊂1973年,美国护理协会(A m e r i c a n N u r s e sA s s o c i a t i o n)出㊃7052㊃全科护理2023年6月第21卷第18期Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.版的‘护理实践标准“一书将护理诊断纳入护理程序中,并授权在护理实践中使用,同年召开了第一届全美护理诊断分类会议,统一了护理诊断的分类系统,发表34项护理诊断,并成立全美护理诊断分类小组㊂1982年召开的第5次会议因有加拿大代表参加,全美护理诊断分类小组更名为北美护理诊断协会(N o r t h A m e r i c a nN u r s i n g D i a g n o s i sA s s o c i a t i o n,N A N D A),此后,N A N D A每2年召开1次会议,修订原有的护理诊断,同时发展新的护理诊断㊂2002年,考虑到会员组成已遍及全球将近40个国家,其中近2/3的会员来自北美以外的国家,为反映这些已扩大至国际规模的活动㊁贡献和运用,原北美护理诊断协会(N A N D A)将其范畴改为国际组织,故更名为N A N D A I n t e r n a t i o n a l(以及2011年的N A N D AI n t e r n a t i o n a l, I n c.)㊂协会名称中继续使用 N A N D A 作为名字的一部分,是因 N A N D A 这个字眼在护理专业领域已声名远播,但它已不再是 N o r t h A m e r i c a n N u r s i n g D i a g n o s i sA s s o c i a t i o n 的缩写,现在的 N A N D A 被视为一个商标或品牌名称而非缩写,协会的正确名称是N A N D AI n t e r n a t i o n a l,I n c(N A N D A-I)[2],已不再使用 北美护理诊断协会 来描述N A N D A-I(除非特指2002年前的组织)㊂同时,N A N D A-I每3年根据使用者㊁临床护理工作者以及专家学者们的建议加以修订,最新的2021 2023版本N A N D A-I手册中共收录267个护理诊断,分属13个领域,47个类别[3]㊂2 N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2021 2023)更新介绍2.1新增的护理诊断与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)相比,2021 2023版本的护理诊断基于使用者的反馈进行修改,共新增29个护理诊断,涉及8个领域(见表1)㊂新增的护理诊断更加符合护生㊁临床护理人员㊁研究者的需要,有助于临床工作者㊁研究者及时识别问题㊁解决问题或降低严重性发生的危险性,并提供给护理教育者更多支持㊂表1新增护理诊断领域诊断领域诊断1.健康促进有尝试潜逃的危险11.安全/保护干眼自我管理无效有运动参与增进的趋势有儿童跌倒的危险有持家行为无效的危险乳头-乳晕复合体受损有持家行为增进的趋势有乳头-乳晕复合体受损的危险3.排泄与交换混合性尿失禁成人压力性损伤有尿潴留的危险儿童压力性损伤4.活动/休息有心血管功能障碍的危险有儿童压力性损伤的危险淋巴水肿自我管理无效新生儿压力性损伤有淋巴水肿自我管理无效的危险有新生儿压力性损伤的危险有血栓形成的危险新生儿体温过低成人呼吸机依赖有新生儿体温过低的危险5.知觉/认知思考过程紊乱13.生长/发展儿童发展延迟7.角色关系家庭认同紊乱综合征婴儿动作发展延迟有家庭认同紊乱综合征的危险有婴儿动作发展延迟的危险9.应对/压力耐受有悲伤改善的趋势2.2修订的护理诊断与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)版本相比,共修订67个护理诊断,涉及11个领域㊂主要在更新诊断定义㊁新增定义特征㊁删除定义特征㊁新增相关/危险因素㊁删除相关/危险因素以上1个或多个方面进行修订㊂2.3诊断名称变更与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)版本相比,共修订了17个诊断的名称,同时也在定义㊁诊断指标上有比较大幅度的改变,目的是为确保诊断都能符合现有文献并反映出人类真实反应,原来的诊断均已从分类中被删除,见表2㊂2.4删除的护理诊断与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)版本相比,共有23个护理诊断被删除(见表3)㊂删除这些诊断的原因概括为以下3种:①新研究显示原有的词汇已过时或已被取代;②未发现这些诊断能够通过护理实践独立进行处理;③诊断并不符合问题焦点性诊断的定义㊂㊃8052㊃C H I N E S EG E N E R A LP R A C T I C E N U R S I N G J u n e2023V o l.21N o.18Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.表2变更名称的护理诊断领域旧诊断名称新诊断名称1.健康促进健康维护能力无效i n e f f e c t i v eh e a l t hm a i n t e n a n c e健康维护行为能力无效i n e f f e c t i v eh e a l t hm a i n t e n a n c eb e h a v i o r s健康管理无效i n e f f e c t i v eh e a l t hm a n a g e m e n t健康自我管理无效i n e f f e c t i v eh e a l t hs e l f-m a n a g e m e n t有健康管理增进的趋势r e a d i n e s s f o r e n h a n c e dh e a l t hm a n a g e m e n t有健康自我管理增进的趋势r e a d i n e s s f o r e n h a n c e dh e a l t hs e l f-m a n a g e m e n t家庭健康管理无效i n e f f e c t i v e f a m i l y h e a l t hm a n a g e m e n t家庭健康自我管理无效i n e f f e c t i v e f a m i l y h e a l t hs e l f-m a n a g e m e n t持家能力障碍①i m p a i r e dh o m em a i n t e n a n c e持家行为无效i n e f f e c t i v eh o m em a i n t e n a n c eb e h a v i o r s2.营养无效性婴儿喂养型态i n e f f e c t i v e i n f a n t f e e d i n gp a t t e r n 无效性婴儿吸吮-吞咽反应i n e f f e c t i v e i n f a n t s u c k-s w a l l o wr e s p o n s e有代谢失衡综合征的危险r i s k f o rm e t a b o l i c i m b a l a n c e s y n d r o m e有代谢综合征的危险r i s k f o rm e t a b o l i c s y n d r o m e3.排泄与交换功能性尿失禁f u n c t i o n a l u r i n a r y i n c o n t i n e n c e 失能相关性尿失禁d i s a b i l i t y-a s s o c i a te du r i n a r y i n c o n t i n e n c e排便失禁b o w e l i nc o n t i n e n c e大便自控受损i m p a i r e db o w e l c o n t i n e n c e4.活动/休息活动无耐力a c t i v i t y i n t o l e r a n c e 活动耐力减少d e c r e a s e da c t i v i t y t o l e r a n c e有活动无耐力的危险r i s k f o r a c t i v i t y i n t o l e r a n c e有活动耐力减少的危险r i s k f o r d e c r e a s e da c t i v i t y t o l e r a n c e5.应对/压力耐受复杂性悲伤c o m p l i c a t ed g r ie v i n g 适应不良的悲伤m a l a d a p t i v e g r i e v i n g有复杂性悲伤的危险r i s k f o r c o m p l i c a t e d g r i e v i n g有适应不良的悲伤的危险r i s k f o rm a l a d a p t i v e g r i e v i n g11.安全/保护有跌倒的危险r i s k f o r f a l l s有成人跌倒的危险r i s k f o r a d u l t f a l l s有压疮的危险r i s k f o r p r e s s u r eu l c e r有成人压力性损伤的危险r i s k f o r a d u l t p r e s s u r e i n j u r y有自杀的危险r i s k f o r s u i c i d e有自杀行为的危险r i s k f o r s u i c i d a l b e h a v i o r12.生长/发展有发育迟缓的危险r i s k f o r d e l a y e dd e v e l o p m e n t有儿童发展延迟的危险r i s k f o r d e l a y e d c h i l dd e v e l o p m e n t①此诊断上版本被归类于领域4,但在新的概念架构之下,N A N D A-I已将其改归到领域1㊂表3删除的护理诊断领域类别诊断名称12健康维持无效(i n e f f e c t i v eh e a l t hm a i n t e n a n c e)2健康管理无效(i n e f f e c t i v eh e a l t hm a n a g e m e n t)2有健康管理改善的趋势(r e a d i n e s s f o r e n h a n c e dh e a l t hm a n a g e m e n t)2家庭健康管理无效(i n e f f e c t i v e f a m i l y h e a l t hm a n a g e m e n t)21无效性婴儿喂养型态(i n e f f e c t i v e i n f a n t f e e d i n gp a t t e r n)4有代谢失衡综合征的危险(r i s k f o rm e t a b o l i c i m b a l a n c e s y n d r o m e) 31功能性尿失禁(f u n c t i o n a l u r i n a r y i n c o n t i n e n c e)1溢出性尿失禁(o v e r f l o wu r i n a r y i n c o n t i n e n c e)1反射性尿失禁(r e f l e xu r i n a r y i n c o n t i n e n c e)2排便失禁(b o w e l i n c o n t i n e n c e)㊃9052㊃全科护理2023年6月第21卷第18期Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.(续表)领域类别诊断名称44活动无耐力(a c t i v i t y i n t o l e r a n c e)4有活动无耐力的危险(r i s k f o r a c t i v i t y i n t o l e r a n c e)5持家能力障碍(i m p a i r e dh o m em a i n t e n a n c e)92悲伤(g r i e v i n g)2复杂性悲伤(c o m p l i c a t e d g r i e v i n g)2有复杂性悲伤的危险(r i s k f o r c o m p l i c a t e d g r i e v i n g)3颅内调适能力降低(d e c r e a s e d i n t r a c r a n i a l a d a p t i v e c a p a c i t y) 112有跌倒的危险(r i s k f o r f a l l s)2有压疮的危险(r i s k f o r p r e s s u r eu l c e r)2有静脉栓塞的危险(r i s k f o r v e n o u s t h r o m b o e m b o l i s m)3有自杀的危险(r i s k f o r s u i c i d e)5乳胶过敏反应(l a t e xa l l e r g y r e a c t i o n)132有发育迟缓的危险(r i s k f o r d e l a y e dd e v e l o p m e n t)3 N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2021 2023)更新解读3.1新增的护理诊断与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)相比,2021 2023版本的护理诊断基于使用者的反馈进行修改,共新增29个护理诊断,涉及8个领域㊂如根据专家[6-8]建议新增 有尝试潜逃的危险 ,B o y l e等[5]通过系统回顾(2000 2015年),发现有足够证据表明潜逃是一种危险的行为,有很大一部分智力和发育障碍的人都会有这种行为; 30%的养老院住户和25%~70%的社区居住的老年痴呆症病人在住院期间至少有一次从受监督的医疗保健环境中走失[6];有特殊健康护理需求的学龄儿童所表现出的尝试潜逃是一种相对低频率的问题行为,有可能对儿童和家庭造成严重的负面影响,B a r n a r d-B r a k等[7]通过使用全美范围内具有代表性的有特殊医疗需求的儿童样本的数据进行研究,显示儿童的年龄以及自闭症谱系障碍(A S D)诊断的存在对过去1年父母报告的尝试潜逃行为有显著的预测作用;与乳腺癌相关的淋巴水肿(L E)是一种渐进式的慢性疾病,主要是由手术切除淋巴管/结和放疗造成的,根据专家建议增加 淋巴水肿自我管理无效 有淋巴水肿自我管理无效的危险 ,因专家[8]在回顾文献后有足够证据表明病人教育和支持早期检测的重要性对于帮助医疗服务提供者早期发现淋巴水肿是至关重要的,此时有最好的机会防止病情恶化㊂A k i t a等[9]研究表明淋巴功能紊乱可以在肢体体积变化之前被发现,对高危病人进行吲哚菁绿淋巴造影可能有助于早期发现淋巴功能紊乱,从而增加疾病治愈的机会;B a s t a等[10]研究表明与没有淋巴水肿的妇女相比,患有复杂淋巴水肿的妇女全因入院率要高5倍,导致医疗费用大大增加㊂新增的护理诊断更加符合护生㊁临床护理人员㊁研究者的需要,有助于临床工作者㊁研究者及时识别问题㊁解决问题或降低严重性发生的危险性,并提供给护理教育者更多支持㊂3.2修订的护理诊断与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)版本相比,共修订67个护理诊断,涉及11个领域㊂主要在更新诊断定义㊁新增定义特征㊁删除定义特征㊁新增相关/危险因素㊁删除相关/危险因素以上1个或多个方面进行修订㊂如 清理呼吸道无效 在研究者提供的纵向研究证据上进行了定义更新㊁定义特征新增与删除及相关因素新增与删除等[11]㊂研究者对136例急性呼吸道感染的儿童使用N e l s o n-A a l e n的方法计算无效气道清除的存活率,在急性呼吸道感染的儿童中,与无效的气道清除有关的临床恶化是快速的,需要护士特别注意,4个临床指标包括无效咳嗽㊁无咳嗽㊁临界呼吸音以及呼吸音减弱与该护理诊断相关的临床状态恶化的风险增加有很大关系,2021 2023版本 清理呼吸道无效 的相关因素在2018 2020版本的 黏液过多㊁分泌物滞留㊁吸烟暴露㊁二手烟㊁气道异物㊁吸烟 的基础上新增 脱水㊁暴露于有害物质㊁害怕疼痛㊁黏液塞 4项,新增的相关因素有助于临床工作者及时识别危险因素,降低病人风险; 有尿道损伤的危险 这一护理诊断,2018 2020版本的危险因素包括精神错乱㊁肥胖㊁病人或照顾者缺乏导尿管护理的知识,2021 2023版本则根据研究者的验证研究[12]结果进行了修订,研究者分析尿路损伤的概念㊁阐述诊断,并由一组专家进行验证,诊断标签㊁定义和纳入分类法都得到了验证,在此基础上2021 2023版本增加了认知功能不全㊁神经行为表现2项危险因素,识别这些风险因素有助于制订护理计划以提高护理质量㊂ 压力性尿失禁 根据泌尿功能障碍和护理诊断方面的专家评委建议[13]进行了定义更新㊁定义特征㊃0152㊃C H I N E S EG E N E R A LP R A C T I C E N U R S I N G J u n e2023V o l.21N o.18Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.新增及相关因素新增等,51位专家评委参与了这项方法学研究,分析包括压力性尿失禁㊁急迫性尿失禁㊁功能性尿失禁㊁神经性逼尿肌过度活动导致的尿失禁(以前在N A N D A国际分类法中被称为反射性尿失禁)㊁混合性尿失禁和短暂性尿失禁的诊断,采用W i l c o x o n 检验,内容有效性指数ȡ0.85被认为是合适的,评委们建议对所有诊断的要素进行修改(包括排除或改变以前的要素类型),2018 2020版本的 压力性尿失禁 定义为伴随增加腹压的活动,出现尿液突然流出;定义特征包括非自主性少量尿液流出㊁膀胱无过度扩张时,非自主性少量尿液流出㊁逼尿肌未收缩时,非自主性少量尿液流出等;相关因素为盆底肌肉虚弱;2021 2023版本定义修订为 进行会增加腹内压的活动时尿液不自主流出,与尿急无关 ,定义特征新增 咳嗽后尿液不自主流出㊁用力后尿液不自主流出㊁大笑后尿液不自主流出㊁身体出力后尿液不自主流出㊁打喷嚏后尿液不自主流出 等;相关因素则修订为 体重过重㊁骨盆底疾患㊁骨盆腔器官脱垂㊂ ㊂3.3诊断名称变更与删除与N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2018 2020)版本相比,共修订了17个诊断的名称,同时也在定义㊁诊断指标上有比较大幅度的改变,目的是为确保诊断都能符合现有文献并反映出人类真实反应,原来的诊断均已从分类中被删除㊂如 健康维持无效㊁健康管理无效㊁有健康管理改善的趋势㊁家庭健康管理无效㊁持家能力障碍㊁排便失禁㊁功能性尿失禁 变更为 健康维护行为能力无效[14]㊁健康自我管理无效[14]㊁有健康自我管理增进的趋势[15]㊁家庭健康自我管理无效[16]㊁持家行为无效[17]㊁大便自控受损[18]㊁失能相关性尿失禁 [19]等均为专家回顾文献后发现有更合适的词汇可描述诊断焦点㊂故N A N D A-I 删除原有容易造成临床人员混淆的词汇,对诊断名称进行变更,详见表3; 无效性婴儿喂养型态 更名为 无效性婴儿吸吮-吞咽反应 [20],是因为 喂养型态 这个词汇经翻译到其他语言时,容易被误认为是指被喂食的这个动作,而非婴儿吸吮或是吸吮-吞咽反应的能力; 有跌倒的风险 根据现有文献变更为 有成人跌倒的风险 以及 有儿童跌倒的风险 ,因专家们在回顾文献后,发现有足够证据显示成人㊁儿童都应有不同的危险因素,因此这些诊断都被以更细致且特定的词汇取代㊂如C h e h u e nN e t o等[21]的研究结果表明大多数老年人口对跌倒的知识了解甚少,并暴露在各种日常风险因素下㊂年纪较大㊁对跌倒有较多了解的人,接触的家庭风险因素较少㊂这很可能是由于通过改变家庭环境采取了预防措施㊂D e a n d r e a等[22]对养老院和医院里的老年人跌倒的风险因素进行系统回顾和荟萃分析表明,养老院居民跌倒的危险因素与跌倒史㊁使用助行器和中度残疾的关联最强;老年住院病人跌倒的危险因素最强的关联是跌倒史;M i s h r a等[23]创建的早期跌倒风险预测方法在识别跌倒风险较高的居民方面表现良好,有避免可能的跌倒,为护理人员和家庭成员提供了宝贵的时间来执行预防措施㊂M o r e l a n d等[24]对2012年 2018年美国年龄ȡ65岁的成年人非致命性跌倒和与跌倒相关的伤害趋势进行回顾分析,对老年病人进行跌倒风险筛查,评估可改变的风险因素(如使用精神类药物或步态和平衡能力差),并建议采取干预措施来降低这种风险(如药物管理或转诊到物理治疗),可以防止老年人跌倒㊂B r i t o等[25]对巴西东北部344名儿童的照顾者进行了一项横断面研究,分析家庭环境中发生5岁以下儿童跌倒的风险因素,结果表明高网,存在楼梯或没有扶手的台阶,以及出口和通道保留有玩具㊁家具㊁箱子或其他可能阻碍的物品与5岁以下儿童跌倒的风险有关,有必要构建与该环境的结构和组织有关的预防策略㊂D i g e r o l a m o等[26]在儿科跌倒风险评估工具的综合评论中描述到成人的跌倒风险评估工具经常被借用来创建儿科病人的工具㊂尽管在医院环境中与小儿跌倒相关的因素与成人类似,如移动性㊁药物使用和认知障碍,但成人的F R A T s和与之相关的因素并不能充分评估儿童的风险㊂压疮也根据最新文献而修改为压力性损伤[27]; 有自杀的危险 变更为 有自杀行为的危险 是由于新的诊断焦点-自杀行为能够更正确地代表护理人员应留意的现象,自杀则可视为自杀行为后的负面结果[28]㊂研究表明焦虑㊁内疚㊁离婚㊁敌意㊁无法表达感情㊁失去重要关系㊁财务问题㊁冷漠㊁低自尊㊁无望㊁依赖和功能丧失㊁不快乐㊁失败㊁挫折㊁态度和行为的明显变化㊁悲伤㊁自我忽视㊁储存药物㊁抑郁㊁想法和自杀计划以及精神障碍与自杀风险有关,护理工作者应关注这些风险因素,以更安全和更精确的方式识别这种诊断; 有发展延迟的危险 变更为 有儿童发展延迟的危险 是因若加上年龄的轴向 儿童,其定义能够更正确地被表达出来[29]㊂溢出性尿失禁被删除是因其为尿潴留的定义特征之一,而后者才应被视为护理措施的实际焦点核心[30];反射性尿失禁和颅内调试能力降低这2个诊断则是因为未发现这些诊断能够通过护理实践独立进行处理[31]㊂4小结护理诊断是护理人员在运用护理程序为病人提供整体护理过程中评判性思维的智慧结晶,是护理的专业性语言[32]㊂推广和规范应用护理诊断对于提高护㊃1152㊃全科护理2023年6月第21卷第18期Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.理质量㊁促进护理教育与科研㊁确立护理专业的地位㊁增进护理专业人员之间的沟通都具有非常重要的意义㊂建议院校将护理诊断放在‘健康评估“‘护理学基础“等课程中,帮助培养护理专业学生评判性思维的建立[33]㊂本文针对N A N D A-I护理诊断定义与分类(2021 2023)修订进行介绍与解读,护理人员可从修订的内容中了解全球护理发展趋势[34]㊂结合我国经济㊁文化㊁哲学背景㊁护理环境,在护理诊断的发展与应用方面进行探索性研究,根据研究结果及时修订和添加适合我国国情的护理诊断,共同为完善护理诊断的命名和分类系统做出努力,并真正解决病人的问题,体现护理工作的价值㊂参考文献:[1]皮雪花.试论推广护理诊断的意义与困难[J].护理学杂志,2008(13):75-77.[2] h t t p s://n a n d a.o r g/[3] T.H e a t h e r H e r d m a n,S h i g e m iK a m i t s u r u,C a m i l a T a k o L o p e s.N A N D A I n t e r n a t i o n a l N u r s i n g D i a g n o s e s:D e f i n i t i o n s a n dC l a s s i f i c a t i o n,2021-2023,12t h E d i t i o n[M].N e w Y o r k:T h i e m eP u b l i s h e r s,2021:1.[4] D AS I L V A GP,L O P E SM VO,P E R R E L L I JGA,e t a l.R i s k f o ri m p a i r e d c a r d i o v a s c u l a r f u n c t i o n n u r s i n g d i a g n o s i s:C o n t e n ta n a l y s i s t o e v a l u a t ew o m e n i n j a i l[J].I n t JN u r sK n o w l,2021,32(3):185-191.[5] B O Y L E M A,A D AM S O N R M.S y s t e m a t i cr e v i e w o f f u n c t i o n a la n a l y s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t o f e l o p e m e n t(2000 2015)[J].B e h a vA n a lP r a c t,2017,10(4):375-385.[6] B L O O M F I E L DC,M C N E EB.R e e x a m i n e e l o p e m e n t r i s k a s s e s s m e n t[J].L o n g-t e r ml i v i n g:f o r t h eC o n t i n u i n g C a r eP r o f e s s i o n a l,2015,64(6):28-30.[7] B A R N A R D-B R A KL,R I C HMA N D M,MO R E N O R.P r e d i c t o r so f e l o p e m e n t e x h i b i t e db y s c h o o l-a g e d c h i l d r e nw i t h s p e c i a l h e a l t hc a r e n e ed s:t o w a r d s t he d e v e l o p m e n t of a s c r e e n i ng i n s t r u m e n t f o re l o p e m e n t[J].J P r i m P r e v,2016,37(6):543-554.[8] A R M E RJM,HU L E T T J M,B E R N A S M,e ta l.B e s tP r a c t i c eG u i d e l i n e s i n a s s e s s m e n t,r i s k r e d u c t i o n,m a n a g e m e n t,a n ds u r v e i l l a n c e f o r p o s t-b r e a s tc a n c e rl y m p h e d e m a[J].C u r rB r e a s tC a n c e rR e p,2013,5(2):134-144.[9] A K I T AS,N A K AMU R A R,Y AMAMO T O N,e t a l.E a r l yd e t e c t i o no fl y m p h a t i cd i s o r d e ra n dt r e a t m e n tf o rl y m p h e d e m af o l l o w i ng b r e a s tc a n c e r[J].P l a s tR e c o n s t rS u r g,2016,138(2):192e-202e.[10] B A S T A M N,F O XJP,K A N C HWA L ASK,e t a l.C o m p l i c a t e db r e a s tc a n c e r-r e l a t ed l y m p he d e m a:e v a l u a t i n g h e a l t h c a r er e s o u r c e u t i l i z a t i o n a n d a s s o c i a t e d c o s t s o fm a n a g e m e n t[J].A mJS u r g,2016,211(1):133-141.[11] P A S C O A LL M,L O P E S M V O,S I L V A V M D,e ta l.P r o g n o s t i ci n d i c a t o r s o f s h o r t-t e r ms u r v i v a l o f i n e f f e c t i v e a i r w a y c l e a r a n c e i nc h i ld re nw i t h a c u t e r e s p i r a t o r y i nf e c t i o n:a l o ng i t u d i n a l s t u d y[J].C o n t e m p N u r s e,2020,56(4):376-387.[12] G A R B U I O DC,D E C A R V A L H O E C,N A P O L EÃO A A.C o n c e p t a n a l y s i sa n dc o n t e n tv a l i d a t i o no f r i s ko f i n j u r y t ot h eu r i n a r y t r a c t:n u r s i n g d i a g n o s i s[J].I n tJN u r sK n o w l,2015,26(4):170-177.[13] C O S T AJN D,L O P E S M H B M,L O P E S M V O.C o n t e n ta n a l y s i s o f n u r s i n g d i a g n o s e s r e l a t e d t ou r i n a r y i n c o n t i n e n c e[J].R e vE s cE n f e r m U S P,2020,54:e03632.[14] D O N A L D S O N M T,P O L U S N Y M A,M A C L E H O S E R F,e ta l.P a t t e r n so fc o n v e n t i o n a la n d c o m p l e m e n t a r y n o n-p h a r m a c o l o g i c a lh e a l t h p r a c t i c eu s eb y U S m i l i t a r y v e t e r a n s:ac r o s s-s e c t i o n a ll a t e n t c l a s s a n a l y s i s[J].B M CC o m p l e m e n tA l t e r n M e d,2018,18(1):246.[15] A D U M D,MA L A B U U H,MA L A U-A D U L I A E O,e ta l.E n a b l e r sa n db a r r i e r st oe f f e c t i v ed i a b e t e ss e l f-m a n a g e m e n t:am u l t i-n a t i o n a li n v e s t i g a t i o n[J].P L o S O n e,2019,14(6): e0217771.[16] A N D R A D EGB,P E D R O S O V S M,W E Y K AM PJ M,e ta l.P a l l i a t i v ec a r ea n dt h ei m p o r t a n c eo fc o mm u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e nn u r s ea n d p a t i e n t,f a m i l y a n d c a r e g i v e r[J].R e v F u n d C a r eO n l i n e,2019,11(3):713-717.[17] C H E N GC,C H I N,W I L L I AM S E.E x a m i n i n g a g e-r e l a t e dd i f fe r e n c e s i nf u n c t i o n a l d o m a i n i m p a i r m e n t f o l l o w i ng t r a u m a t i cb r a i n i n j u r y[J].I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a lo fO l d e rP e o p l e N u r s i n g,2018,13(4):e12208.[18] R U S S E L LB,B U S W E L L M,N O R T O N C,e t a l.S u p p o r t i n gp e o p l e l i v i n g w i t hd e m e n t i aa n df a e c a l i n c o n t i n e n c e[J].B r i t i s hJ o u r n a l o fC o mm u n i t y N u r s i n g,2017,22(3):1-12. 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EM系列精密空调技术参数EM系列风冷型技术特点1) 机房专用空调机组的的电气性能应符合IEC标准2) 输入电压允许波动范围:380V +10% ~ -10%3) 频率:50HZ ± 2HZ4) 温度:室内-10℃~ +30℃室外-30℃~ +45℃5) 湿度:≤95%RH6) 机房专用空调应能按要求自动调节室内温、湿度,具有制冷、加热、加湿、除湿等功能。
7) 温度调节范围:+17℃~ +32℃8) 温度调节精度:±1℃,温度变化率< 5℃/小时9) 湿度调节范围:30% ~ 80%RH10) 湿度调节精度:±5 %RH11) 温、湿度波动超限应能发出报警信号1)机房专用空调应有较大的送风量()同时机组应具有低冷风比,冷风比≤3.9W/(m³/h) (冷风比=总冷量/循环风量);2) 机房专用空调应能应解决机房的高显热量负荷,24℃,50%RH工况下,机组显热比≥0.91(显热比=显冷量/总冷量);3) 机房专用空调应具有高效节能性,压缩机具有较高的能效比,涡旋式压缩机COP ≥ 4.2,请具体说明压缩机COP值(COP=总冷量/压缩机功率);4) 机房专用空调应具有较高能效比,空调的能效比应≥3.3,请具体说明空调机组的能效比。
(能效比EER=制冷量/(压缩机功耗+室内风机功耗+室外风机功耗));5) 机房专用空调机组应选用“A”型大面积蒸发器,保障换热效率;6) 机房专用空调室内风机必须采用EC风机,可通过控制面板直接调整风机输出风量及机外余压,机组的室内风机系统应能够方便的从机组正面取出进行现场维修,提高系统的可维护性。
在高架地板高度≥400mm时,要求EC风机必须采用下沉式运行以提高风机效率;7)机房专用空调的加湿性能:应采用耗能低、卫生、安全、无粉尘二次污染的电极蒸汽加湿器,8)机房专用空调的加热性能:具备电再热器,加热系统应带过热保护装置;9) 机房专用空调的除湿性能:机组应具备快速除湿装置,在需要除湿运行时,机房专用空调应能够调整风速或关闭部分蒸发器面积,快速响应除湿要求,减少空气过冷及热补偿需求,降低机房专用空调除湿过程耗电量;10) 机房专用空调系统应采用更稳定可靠的热力式外平衡阀;11) 机房专用空调的空气洁净度:空气过滤器应符合美国ASHRAE52-76或Eurovent4-5标准,空气过滤器应便于更换,应保证机房的洁净度达到A级机房的要求(直径大于0.5μm 的灰尘粒子浓度≤18000 粒/L);12) 机房专用空调系统应采用R22制冷剂,在需要时可采用环保制冷剂R407C,使用R407C制冷剂的制冷效率的降低不应超过原制冷量的5%。
一、板式换热机组电控设计标准《低压成套开关设备》-GB7251-2005《低压配电设计规范》-GB50054-1995《自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范》 -GB 50093《电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范》-GB 50169电控柜应具有的保护功能1、短路保护2、接地保护3、过载保护4、缺项保护5、报警功能6、欠压保护众所周知,在控制系统中经常提到两个专业术语,即“模拟量”和“开关量”。
可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC),它采用一类可编程的存储器,用于其内部存储程序,执行逻辑运算、顺序控制、定时、计数与算术操作等面向用户的指令,并通过数字或模拟式输入/输出控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。
行列式按行(列)展开法则是把高阶行 列式计算化为低阶行列式计算主要工具
D ,当i j,
aki Akj
k 1
n aik Ajk
k 1
D ,当i
,当 i
j, j;
第二章 矩阵及其运算
定义2.1 由 m 个n数 aij i 1,2,,m; j 1,2,,n
行最简形, 并写出最简形相应线性方程组进行求解。 假如方程组有无穷多个解, 需写出通解形式。
推论1 当m = n 时, (1)齐次线性方程组(3.2)只有零解 A 0 ; (2)齐次线性方程组(3.2)有非零解 A 0 .
推论2 当m <n 时,即方程个数小于未知量个数时, 齐次线性方程组(3.2)必有非零解.
二、线性相关与线性无关 定义4.7 对于n维向量组 α1,α2,,αs ,假如存在一组 不全为零数 k1, k2,, ks ,使得
k1α1 k2α2 ksαs 0 则称向量组 α1,α2,,αs 线性相关.假如上式只有当 k1 k2 ks 0 时才成立,则称向量组 α1,α2,,αs 线性无关.
a11 a12 a1n
a11 a12 a1n
D bi1 M
bi 2 bin ci1
ci 2 cin
an1 an2 ann
选择仿真 参数
开始仿 真
停止仿 真
时域图形 输出
时域响应 线性分析
把您需要作图的变量拖 放至AMESim主窗口
全局参数 共同参数 标签及别名 批处理运行
AMESet AMERun 标准接口
如果您想避免您的模型受到意外的修改,您可以通过激活锁定功能来锁定 您的模型 此时,如果需要增加或删除元件,就需要关闭锁定功能。
第一个系统: Submodels mode
复杂程度分级: 例如弹簧模块。
复杂程度增加 16
从 submodel 到 parameter…
如果您是新创建一个系统, 您需要给系统取一个文件名(*.ame)才能 进入第三步: Parameter mode
为每个数学模型设定参数 9
Simulation mode
第四步 –Simulation
运行仿真 10
AMESim® 标准库
AMESim® 标准库
如何建立一个简单的质量弹簧系统 ?
第一步 - Sketch
+ +
《资源与评价》英语八年级下册参考答案 Modu le 1 Hobb iesUni t 1基础过关I. 1. coll ectio n 2. tid y up 3.all t he ti me 4. pr ogram me 5.inter view6.violi n 7. u ntidy8. hob bies9. col lect10. m akes/ mad e11. leas t 12. u ntidy13. si ng 14. real ly 15. hascolle ctedII. 16---20: AC ABB 21---25: CCAB AIII. 26---30: CADE BIV. 31.f ree ke /love 33.s ports / so ccer 34.m usic 35.I ntern et 36.col lect 37.h obbie s lax come 40.k eep V. 41---45:ABCBAVI.46. M y dau ghter hascolle ctedover/ mor e tha n 50dolls.47. Ther e wil l bea con certat Ra dio B eijin g.48. Hewillgivean in tervi ew on Star searc h.49. I’m tidy ing u p the tabl e(s)and c hair(s).50. Wh ich h obbydo yo u thi nk ta kes u p the leas t spa ce?Unit2 基础过关I. 1. hobb ies 2.veget ables3. gro w 4. ca mp 5. p rofes siona l6. te enage rs 7. la zy 8. c ame o ut 9. v olley ball 10. acti vitie s11. t eenag ers 12.enjoy ment 13. cam ping 14. ski lls 15.tidy…upII. 16---20: AABC B 21---25:BACBCIII. 26.suchas 27. a s wel l as 28. as a resu lt 29. T hough 30. beca useI V. 31---35: TFF TT 37. ever ythin g 38. t ent 39. los t 40. c lothe s / c oats41. imp ortan t 42. sl eepin g 43.torch44. f ire 45. par ent(s)V. 46.Manystude nts h ave h obbie s, su ch as read ing a nd dr awing.47. Da vid w rotea boo k abo ut te enage r lif e.48. H obbie s can help yourelax.49. Hi s hob bieshavealrea dy br ought himenjoy mentand s ucces s.50. W e wro te so me ex perie ncesabout camp ing.Unit 3 基础过关I. 1. imag ine 2.succe ssful3. unt idy 4.mount ain b iking5. pr ofess ional6. pain tings7. hob bies 8. maki ng 9. m ost p opula r 10. c aughtII.11---15: B ABCC16---20: CA ABCI II. 21---25: G DBCF 26.have 27.enjoy 28.Wher e 29.Who 30.HowIV. 31---35: CA CCA 36---40: BAC BCV. 41---45:CACBAVI.46. X iao Y ue li kes s ingin g aswellas da ncing.47. Xiao Huiworke d har d and as a resu lt he came outfirst in t he En glish exam.48. They notonlyenjoy (the) wee kend(s) bu t als o lea rn alot a boutthe p ast l ife / lifein t he pa st.49. He find s / f ounddanci ng is / wa s a r elaxi ng ac tivit y.50. Myuncle like s col lecti ng tr ain t icket s.能力提升I. 1.recor ding 2.devel op 3. ne ighbo urhoo d 4. com poser s 5. cen turie s6. wat ching 7. to d iscov er 8. th ink 9.playi ng 10.usefu lII. 11---15:ABACB16---20: CB ACA 21---25: BBAA AIII. 26---30: FCED B31.Wh at’sthe m atter / Wh at ha ppene d32. I miss ed th e rig ht bu s. 33.Wereyou l ate f or sc hool34. The y wen t tothe p ark / zoo/ mus eum 35. Didyou g o the re la terI V. 36.weat her 37.p rotec t 38.mak e sur e long 40. out side41.he lp 42.b etter 43.beca use 44.e xpens ive 45.d uringV. 46---50: BC AAB 51---55:CBCAC56---60: TT TFT 61. Formorethan1,000 year s. 62. N o, he didn’t. 63.抓住 64.He ma de alarge kite. 65. Th ey tr y tobreak each othe r’s k ite s tring s.VI. 略Modul e 2 U nit 1基础过关I. 1. H old t he li ne 2. t ake a mess age 3. r ightnow / at t he mo ment 4.a cou ple o f / a few5. In fact6. per sonal7. rel ation s 8. fo reign ers 9.class mates10. pu blic11. h asn’t eate n 12. r ecord ing 13. feel14. ha s swu m 15. waswriti ngII. 16---20: ACBB A 21---25: B BCACIII.26---30: D BGCFIV.31---35: C BAAC36---40: C AABBV. (A)41---46:DBACF E (B)47. Hap py 48. 幸福/快乐与金钱不一样,它是你内心的一种感受。
ProSoft Technology MVI56(E)-MNET添加指令安装指南说明书
MVI56(E)-MNET Add-On Instruction Installation GuideModbus TCP/IP Ethernet Communication Module Document Code: 773144Author: ProSoft Technical PublicationsDate: December 03, 2009Document InformationAuthor ProSoft Technical PublicationsDescription Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet Communication ModuleDate December 03, 2009Revision 2.04.00Product Name MVI56(E)-MNETDocument Code773144ProSoft Technology5201 Truxtun Ave., 3rd FloorBakersfield, CA 93309+1 (661) 716-5100+1 (661) 716-5101 (Fax)Copyright © ProSoft Technology, Inc. 2009. All Rights Reserved.December 03, 2009ProSoft Technology ® ProLinx ®, inRAx ®, ProTalk®, and RadioLinx ® are Registered Trademarks of ProSoft Technology, Inc. All other brand or product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products and services of, their respective owners.How to contact us: Sales & SupportAll ProSoft Technology® products are backed with unlimited technical support. Contact our worldwide Technical Support team directly by phone or email:Asia Pacific+603.7724.2080,***********************************Languages spoken include: Chinese, Japanese, EnglishEurope – Middle East – Africa+33(0),***********************************Languages spoken include: French, English*****************************,fax to +33 (0) America+1.661.716.5100,******************************Languages spoken include: English, Spanish*****************************,fax to +1 661.716.5101Latin America (Sales only)+,******************************Languages spoken include: Spanish, EnglishBrasil+55-11.5084.5178,******************************Languages spoken include: Portuguese, EnglishContentsDocument Information (2)ADD MODBUS TCP/IP ETHERNET COMMUNICATION TO CONTROLLOGIX WITH AN ADD-ON INSTRUCTION FOR RSLOGIX® 5000 VERSION 16 (4)Introduction (4)Instructions (5)Benefits (10)Add Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet Communication to ControlLogix with an Add-On Instruction for RSLogix® 5000 Version 16In This ChapterIntroduction (4)Instructions (5)Benefits (10)IntroductionBeginning with version 16 of RSLogix™ 5000 software, Rockwell Array Automation added an extremely helpful feature to make it easier that everto set up third party modules, custom code, or proprietary code. Theycalled this new feature an "Add-On Instruction" (AOI). This AOI featureallows third party vendors, panel builders, and system integrators to createladder logic code that can be protected for safety or security reasons andcan be locked to ensure that the code remains unchanged.ProSoft Technology®’s inRAx® Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet CommunicationModule for ControlLogix®, the MVI56(E)-MNET, is provided with an Add-On Instruction to allow easy integration of the module into new or existingRSLogix 5000 Version 16 and newer projects.ProSoft Technology® has enhanced the MVI56(E)-MNET module’s Add-On Instruction in a way that will significantly simplify installation.Now users can integrate the module into a new or existing project byimporting a single ladder logic import file, as opposed to importing multipleUser Defined Data Types and ladder logic rungs, one-by-one.The entire ladder logic required by the MVI56(E)-MNET is encapsulated inone, single Add-On Instruction. And, when the ladder logic .L5X file isimported, it automatically creates all the required User-Defined Data Types,Controller Tags, and the Add-On Instruction logic, all while adding thepreconfigured AOI instruction to the ladder rung.This new way of importing an AOI as a completed ladder rung enables quicker and easier integration of theMVI56(E)-MNET with fewer chances for human typographical errors and ladder coding or setup errors.Instructions1 Open the F ILE menu, and then choose N EW…2 Select your ControlLogix controller model.3 Select R EVISION 16.4 Enter a name for your controller, such as "My_Controller".5 Select your ControlLogix chassis type.6 Select S LOT 0for the controller.7 Add the MVI56(E)-MNET module to the project.In the C ONTROLLER O RGANIZATION window, select I/O C ONFIGURATION and click the right mouse button to open a shortcut menu. On the shortcut menu, choose N EW M ODULE...This action opens the S ELECT M ODULE dialog box.8 Select the 1756-M ODULE (G ENERIC 1756M ODULE)from the list and click OK.This action opens the N EW M ODULEdialog box.9 In the N EW M ODULE dialog box, enter the following values.Parameter ValueN AME Enter a module identification string. Example: Modbus TCP/IPEthernet.D ESCRIPTION Enter a description for the module. Example: Modbus TCP/IPEthernet Communication ModuleC OMM F ORMAT SelectD ATA-INT.S LOT Enter the slot number in the rack where the MVI56(E)-MNETmodule is located.I NPUT A SSEMBLY I NSTANCE 1I NPUT S IZE250O UTPUT A SSEMBLY I NSTANCE 2O UTPUT S IZE248C ONFIGURATION A SSEMBLY I NSTANCE 4C ONFIGURATION S IZE0Important: You must select the C OMM F ORMAT as D ATA -INT in the dialog box, otherwise the module will not communicate over the backplane of the ControlLogix rack.10 Click OK to continue.11 Edit the Module Properties. Select the R EQUESTED P ACKET I NTERVA l value for scanning the I/O on the module.This value represents the minimum frequency at which the module will handle scheduled events. This value should not be set to less than 1 millisecond. The default value is 5 milliseconds. Values between 1 and 10 milliseconds should work with most applications.12 Save the module.Click OK to close the dialog box. Notice that the module now appears in the C ONTROLLER O RGANIZATION window.13 In the C ONTROLLER O RGANIZATION window, expand the T ASKS folder and subfolder until you reach theM AIN P ROGRAM folder.14 In the M AIN P ROGRAM folder, double-click to open the M AIN R OUTINE ladder.15 Select an empty rung in the new routine, and then click the right mouse button to open a shortcut menu. On theshortcut menu, choose I MPORT R UNG…16 Navigate to the location on your PC where you saved the Add-On Instruction (for example, "My Documents" or"Desktop"). Select the MVI56(E)M ODBUS TCP/IP E THERNET_A DD O N_R UNG_<V ERSION #>.L5X fileThis action opens the I MPORT C ONFIGURATION dialog box, showing the controller tags that will be created.17 If you are using the module in a different slot (or remote rack), select the correct connection input and outputvariables that define the path to the module. If your module is located in Slot 1 of the local rack, this step is not required.18 Click OK to confirm the import. RSLogix will indicate that the import is in progress:When the import is completed, the new rung with the Add-On Instruction will be visible as shown in the following illustration.The procedure has also imported new User Defined Data Types, data objects and the Add-On instruction for your project.19 Save the application and then download the sample ladder logic into the processor.BenefitsThis process for importing the MVI56(E)-MNET Add-On Instruction into the RSLogix ladder logic file has replaced the practice of importing User Defined Data Types and multiple rungs of ladder in multiple ladder files.This enhancement allows you to easily integrate the module into a new or existing RSLogix project without manually copying over each file. Doing so practically eliminates human typographical errors. Additionally, errors that do occur are significantly easier to correct.。
安徽淮南新元古代原始三叶虫(?)化石发现及其地质意义3宋珍炎安徽理工大学资源与环境工程系,安徽淮南2320013安徽省教育厅自然科学基金资助(N o:2001kj206)关键词 安徽淮南 新元古代 原始三叶虫(?)一、引 言 三叶虫出现于距今5.43亿年前的寒武纪,现已绝灭.出自于安徽淮南新元古代地层中的原始三叶虫(?)化石是迄今为止世界上最早的三叶虫化石,其时限为距今7亿年前.本文阐述了该化石的特征,并探讨了该化石及其产地在地球早期生物演化中的作用. 三叶虫是节肢动物中化石最多的一个纲,已论述约1500个属,一万多个种.三叶虫躯体背面覆以坚实的背甲,背甲由前向后横分为三部分,即头甲、胸甲和尾甲.背甲被两条纵沟即背沟纵向分为三个部分,即中间一个轴部和两边的两个肋部.因背甲的三分性非常明显,故名三叶虫.三叶虫极盛于距今5.43亿年前的寒武纪,从奥陶纪开始种类逐渐减少,直至距今2.50亿年前二叠纪全部绝灭.三叶虫成虫一般长3~10cm,最小不及1cm,最长可达70cm,全为海生[1].最早的三叶虫化石发现于早寒武世地层里,并与其他众多门类的无脊椎动物构成了地球早期的生物大爆发.按照生物进化论的观点,三叶虫决非突然出现.在寒武纪之前,应该有它的祖先,只因该期受其硬体不发育、种数少、保存和出露条件限制,至今未发现任何化石记录.国内学者陈孟莪等也持这一观点[2,3].安徽淮南,地处华北地台南缘台褶带东端,其稳定的盖层中发育了温暖浅海环境下连续沉积、厚达千米、未经变质的新元古界地层[4],其时间跨度为早于寒武纪、长达3亿年之久[5],独特的古地理环境和地质条件为研究地球早期生物演化提供了理想的场所.最近笔者在淮南八公山发现的原始三叶虫(?)化石无疑证实了上述推论.二、化石特征 该化石产于灰黄色中厚层含粉砂泥质粉晶灰岩中,虫体周围至岩层顶面间的岩石构造被扰动,层面具冲刷现象,上为纹层灰岩覆盖,化石生物特征明显.虫体为长椭圆形,体长16mm,宽4mm.头甲大,为半长圆形,具头刺,头鞍棒状平直,无鞍沟,胸甲分节7对,尾小.化石背甲纵、横三分明显,属大头小尾型,完全不同于寒武纪及其后期发现的三叶虫化石,故名为原始三叶虫(?)(见图1),标本现藏于安徽理工大学古生物地质实验室中.图1 原始三叶虫(?)三、地质时代 化石产出地层层位为安徽淮南八公山地区上前寒武系九里桥组,K-Ar法同位素年龄资料为距今7.38亿年前左右[6],S r・C 同位素界定其年龄大于7亿年[7],故化石年龄应为距今7亿年前.其地质年代依全国地层委员会资料[8],应属新元古代南华纪.四、地质意义1.世界上最早的三叶虫 目前,三叶虫化石最早出现在距今5.43亿年前的寒武纪,世界上公认的大冰期后的以似水母、似蠕虫为代表的伊迪卡拉动(上接第182页)12 CCRM A.Im pact of string stiffness on virtual bowed strings[E B/O L].http://ccrma-w w w.stan /~jos/stiffbowed/stiffbowed.pd f, 200213 Nakai M.On different m otions of a bowed string.Proceedings o f Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference’95,V ol.II,Japan,1995:459-46614 S.钱得拉赛卡.莎士比亚、牛顿和贝多芬:不同的创造模式.长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,200215 H.伊夫斯.数学史上的里程碑.北京:北京科学技术出版社, 199016 G.萨顿.科学的历史研究.北京:科学出版社,199017 B.格林.宇宙的琴弦.湖南:湖南科学技术出版社.2002 Approaching the World of Musical String—On the 3000years of the research on string and some rela2 tive considerationsY ang JianGraduate Student,Music College,Nanjing Art Institute,Nanjing,China 210013K ey w ords string,plucked-string m odel,Helmholtz m otion,art,science・381・自然杂志 26卷3期研究通信物群年龄为距今6.80~5.70亿年前,我国在7.00亿年前发现的可靠动物化石仅为蠕虫类[6].在安徽淮南,距今7亿年前新元古代地层中发现的原始三叶虫(?)当属世界上最早的三叶虫.2.淮南生物群又添新物种 产于安徽淮南地区的新元古代地层中,闻名于世的淮南生物群主要由宏观藻类组合和蠕形动物组合而成[5].蠕形动物化石表现为压扁的炭化膜,个体细长且小.笔者曾于2002年介绍了淮南新元古代地层中发现的掘迹化石[9],据其掘迹规模的大小绝非蠕虫所为,该期应存在有别于蠕形动物的另一类动物.原始三叶虫(?)化石的发现为淮南生物群增添了新的物种.3.演化趋势与生态 依据原始三叶虫(?)的特征,表明早期三叶虫形态为长卵形,大头小尾,胸节多,头鞍平直,具锐利头甲,并由此向其他方向发展. 从原始三叶虫(?)对周围物质扰动的产出状态及其所具的锐利头甲,表明早期三叶虫是在浅海海底栖息,在沉积物中摄取有机质生活.4.生物矿化作用的出现 三叶虫实体化石的发现,标志着生物矿化作用在距今7亿年前已经出现,其骨骼化已经开始.5.世界上最早后生动物化石的圣地 安徽淮南八公山新元古代地层中原始三叶虫(?)的发现,以及掘迹化石的发现,给以世界古生物圣地为主题的八公山国家地质公园增添了新的色彩.这块土地的神奇之处,则在于在寒武纪之前,长达3亿年的时间内该区一直为温暖的浅海环境,生活在浅海环境下的宏观藻类改善了海水的含氧量,提供了大量的有机物质.几亿年的温暖浅海环境为多细胞动物的生存、繁殖、进化提供了充足的时间和物质保证.地台盖层稳定的沉降,又为生物提供了合适的埋藏和保存条件.神奇、秀丽以及蕴含丰富人文景观的淮南八公山必将吸引更多的国内外学者、地学爱好者前来观光考察,探究地球早期多细胞动物的起源、形态、生态及其演化规律.在这块神奇的土地上也必将有更多的科学发现.(2004年2月10日收到)1 张永辂等.古生物学.北京:地质出版社,1988:1762 陈孟莪.前寒武纪研究进展,1999;22(3):36-463 朱士兴.前寒武纪研究进展,1999;22(2):59-644 郑文武.合肥工业大学学报,1995;17(1):152-1595 牛绍武等.地层学杂志,2002;26(1):1-76 陈孟莪等.地质科学,1986;(3):221-2317 杨杰东等.地层学杂志,2001;25(1):44-478 全国地层委员会.中国地层指南及中国地层指南说明书.北京:地质出版社,2001:55-569 宋珍炎.淮南职业技术学院学报,2002;3(2):51-54The Discovery of N eoproterozoic E ra Prototrilobite(?)Fossil in H uainan Anhui and Its G eological Sig 2nificanceS ong Zhen-yanDepartment o f Resources and Environmental Engineering ,Anhui Univer sity o f Science and Technology ,Huainan Anhui 232001K ey w ords Huainan Anhui ,neoproteroz oic era ,prototrilobite ?酪蛋白平板法检测蚯蚓纤溶酶活性武金霞 赵晓瑜河北大学生命科学学院,河北071002关键词 蚯蚓纤溶酶 酪蛋白平板 纤维蛋白平板 根据蚯蚓纤溶酶能水解酪蛋白(C asein )的性质,建立了酪蛋白平板检测蚯蚓纤溶酶活性的方法.与纤维蛋白平板法相比较,酪蛋白平板法具有铺板简便、灵敏度高等优点,能检测的最小样品量为0.23μg ,而纤维蛋白平板法能检测的最小样品量为0.53μg. 1983年,日本宫崎医科大学美源恒教授首次证明蚯蚓提取物(earth w orm fibrin olytic enzyme ,简称EFE )具有溶解纤维蛋白的作用,EFE 是蚯蚓体内提取的能溶解血纤维蛋白的蛋白水解酶[1],与其他用于溶栓的药物相比,有不易诱发出血,可以口服,来源广泛等优点[2],是一种极具开发潜力的溶栓物质.因此,许多学者研究了EFE 的分离纯化、药理作用、基因克隆与表达等[2-4].EFE 活性检测是所有研究的基础,目前有酪蛋白底物法、气泡上升法、T A ME 法、纤维蛋白平板法等,其中纤维蛋白平板法较常用,因为它直接测定纤溶酶水解血栓主要成分纤维蛋白的能力,但该方法具有铺板过程烦琐、纤维蛋白原易沉淀、凝血酶易失活等缺点.建立一种简便检测纤溶酶活性的方法十分必要.一、材料与方法1.材 料 蚯蚓(E isenia Foetida )匀浆液(自制),考马斯亮蓝R -250为S igma 产品,纤维蛋白原为中国药品检定所产品,酪蛋白及其他试剂为国产分析纯.2.方 法 (1)纤维蛋白平板法测EFE 活性将平板(7cm ×9cm )放在水平仪上调至水平,用1倍pH 7.2P BS 溶液配制1%的琼脂糖,取5m L 于65℃恒温,另取等体积缓冲液5m L ,在25℃恒温箱中保温,加入1/4支纤维蛋白原和10U 凝血酶,终浓度为3mg/m L ,两种溶液迅速混匀,趁热倒入平板中,将气泡赶至边缘,室温下凝固.用直径3m m 的打孔器打孔,将不同浓度的样品点在・481・Ziran Zazhi V ol.26N o.3研究通信。
执行器控制单元AUMA MATIC AM AMExB AMExC Profibus DP 说明书
Ɣ 所有信息按海明距离HD=4进行传输。 Ɣ 从站带有看门狗定时器。 Ɣ 对DP从站的输入输出进行存取保护。 Ɣ 在主站上有定时器来监控过程数据交换。 Ɣ 故障状况下的行为。
镀金3)的用于控制功能的插针和插座 护盖 插头护盖(防止插头移动)
MSP 1B1-00-1-F18E1 KMSTP102/001
Ɣ 56-485双绞缆或光缆。 Ɣ 欧玛执行器支持最高波特率达到1.5MBits/s。
Ɣ 各主站间令牌传递,主站与从站间为主-从传递。 Ɣ 支持单主站或多主站系统。 Ɣ 一条总线上最多可连接126台主从设备。
Ɣ 点对点(过程数据交换[DATA EX])或组播(向所有从站发送指令)。 Ɣ 循环主-从过程数据交换(DATA EX)或非循环主-主数据传输。
定位器4): 通过Profibus DP 接口给定位置 信号丢失时可设定停机位置 可设定灵敏度(死区)和暂停时间
对于AMExB/AMExC,配置PTC热敏电阻和 PTC跳闸装置对马达温度进行监控
Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 50 Hz 50/60
3相AC 电压/功率
单相AC1) 电压/功率
Volts 525 575 660 690
Modulay 全箱式灯具说明书
The Modulay range has ingenious design features popular for all types of installations where high quality, competitive luminaires are demanded. The full box, fully enclosed body constructiongives additional strength, whilst reducing light spill into the void, important for open cell ceilings. The housing offers enhanced attachment retention and cleverly maintains the compatibility with both 15mm and 24mm exposed ‘T’ ceilings, including the higher Armstrong Peakform style.The range is offered with a choice of switch start or high frequency control gear and with or without triphosphor lamps. There is also a choice of louvre types and prismatic panel material options.• Fully enclosed body, reducing light spill into the void• Luminaire fits 15 and 24mm exposed ‘T’ ceiling grids• Choice of 65°- 1000 cd/m² or general purpose louvres or prismatic controllers • Fully integral emergency options• Available with a choice of triphosphor or lesslamp optionsModulayW AR R A NT YWA R R A NT YYEAR 591Recessed1Mains lightingModulayLamp and Control Gear Options• 18W, 36W T8 fluorescent 4000°K - G13 cap •4000°K - G5 cap• High frequency or switch start control gear as standard• DSI digital dimming also available Materials• Body - full box steel construction, powder coated in RAL9016 finish•Louvres - high grade specular aluminium• Prismatic controller - TPa flame retardant, UV stable PVC. TPb UV stable styrene Installation Notes• Designed for exposed ‘T’ ceilings with 15mm and 24mm tees• C ompatible with ‘T’ up-stands up to and including the 43.5mm high Armstrong Peakform system • Luminaire lies onto table of tee• Louvre and prismatic controllers fitted by lifting and tilting in and out of body. Louvre supported on hanging straps for hands free re-lamping• High frequency control gear used in conjunction with triphosphor lamps are recommended for the most energy efficient results• Supplied either less lamp or complete with triphosphor lampsDimensionsOptions• Intellem self-test emergency versions available• Suitable for use on defined escape routes with louvre and TPa attachment• Available fitted with pre-wired socket to suit Connect rapid wiring system. Add suffix ‘CX’ to catalogue number • We offer a range of product support contracts to aidcommissioning, reduce your maintenance costs, comply with legislative test requirements and increase the lifespan of yourlighting equipmentSpecificationTo specify state: Lay-in recessed luminaire, of full box construction with post coat powder paint, RAL9016 White, for both 15mm and 24mm tees, for use with 65°-1000 cd/m² mirror finish/ ribbed cross blade general purpose louvre/prismatic controller in TPa/TPb material, as Eaton’s Modulay range, part no. ________Lamp Rating L (mm) W (mm) D (mm) 3/4 x 18W/14W611 593 90 3/4 x 36W/28W/54W 1221 593 90Photometric Data60°90°120°LOR: 0.62ULOR: 0.00DLOR: 0.62SHR nom: 1.50SHR max: 1.557Cat. No. ML418ZT/MLV418Utilisation factors / TM5 R eflectances Room Index C W F 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 70 50 20 48 53 56 59 62 63 65 66 67 30 45 50 53 56 59 61 63 65 66 10 43 4751 54 57 60 61 63 65 50 50 20 48 52 55 57 60 61 63 64 65 30 45 49 52 55 58 60 61 63 64 10 43 47 51 53 56 58 60 62 63 30 50 20 47 51 54 56 58 60 61 62 63 30 44 48 52 54 57 58 59 61 62 10 42 47 50 52 55 57 58 60 61 0 0 0 41 45 49 51 53 55 56 57 58 BZ-class 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1LOR: 0.68ULOR: 0.00DLOR: 0.68SHR nom: 1.50SHR max: 1.66Cat. No. ML414ZT/MLDFR66Utilisation factors / TM5 R eflectances Room Index C W F 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 70 50 20 46 53 58 61 65 68 69 72 73 30 42 49 54 57 62 65 67 70 71 10 38 46 51 54 59 62 65 68 70 50 50 20 45 52 56 59 63 65 67 69 70 30 41 48 53 56 60 63 65 67 69 10 38 45 50 53 58 61 63 66 68 30 50 20 44 51 55 57 61 63 65 67 68 30 41 48 52 55 59 61 63 65 67 10 38 45 50 53 57 60 62 64 660 0 0 37 4448 51 55 57 59 61 62 BZ-class2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2See page 468 for design guideSee page 468 for design guide601Recessed1Mains lightingModulayCatalogue NumbersLamp RatingLamp TypeModular SizeGear OptionCat NoWeight (kg)Emergency Cat NoWeight (kg)Body - supplied with triphosphor lamps - order attachment separately3 x 18W T8600 x 600High Frequency ML318ZT 3.1 EBML318ZT 4.14 x 18W T8600 x 600 High Frequency ML418ZT 3.2 EBML418ZT 4.23 x 36W T8600 x 1200 High Frequency ML336ZT 5.7 EBML336ZT 6.74 x 36W T8600 x 1200 High Frequency ML436ZT 5.9 EBML436ZT 6.93 x 14W T5600 x 600High Frequency ML314ZT 3.1EBML314ZT 4.14 x 14W T5600 x 600High Frequency ML414ZT 3.2EBML414ZT 4.23 x 28W T5600 x 1200High Frequency ML328ZT 5.7EBML328ZT 6.74 x 28W T5600 x 1200High Frequency ML428ZT 5.9EBML428ZT 6.93 x 54W T5600 x 1200High Frequency ML354ZT 5.7EBML354ZT 6.74 x 54W T5600 x 1200High Frequency ML454ZT 5.9EBML454ZT 6.93 x 18W T8600 x 600DSI Digital Dim ML318RDT 3.3EBML318RDT 4.34 x 18W T8600 x 600 DSI Digital Dim ML418RDT 3.4EBML418RDT 4.43 x 36W T8600 x 1200 DSI Digital Dim ML336RDT 5.9EBML336RDT 6.94 x 36W T8600 x 1200 DSI Digital Dim ML436RDT 6.1EBML436RDT 7.13 x 14W T5600 x 600DSI Digital Dim ML314RDT 3.3EBML314RDT 4.34 x 14W T5600 x 600DSI Digital Dim ML414RDT 3.4EBML414RDT 4.43 x 28W T5600 x 1200DSI Digital Dim ML328RDT 5.9EBML328RDT 6.94 x 28W T5600 x 1200DSI Digital Dim ML428RDT 6.1EBML428RDT 7.13 x 54W T5600 x 1200DSI Digital Dim ML354RDT 5.9EBML354RDT 6.94 x 54W T5600 x 1200DSI Digital Dim ML454RDT 6.1EBML454RDT 7.13 x 18W T8600 x 600 Switch Start ML318ST 3.8 EBML318ST 4.84 x 18W T8600 x 600 Switch Start ML418ST 3.9 EBML418ST 4.93 x 36W T8600 x 1200 Switch Start ML336ST 7.5 EBML336ST 8.54 x 36WT8600 x 1200Switch StartML436ST7.7EBML436ST8.7Body - supplied without lamps - order attachment separately3 x 18W T8600 x 600 High Frequency ML318ZX 2.8 EBML318ZX 3.84 x 18W T8600 x 600 High Frequency ML418ZX 2.8 EBML418ZX 3.83 x 36W T8600 x 1200 High Frequency ML336ZX 5.1 EBML336ZX 6.14 x 36W T8600 x 1200 High Frequency ML436ZX 5.1 EBML436ZX 6.13 x 18W T8600 x 600 DSI Digital Dim ML318RDX 3.0EBML318RDX 4.04 x 18W T8600 x 600 DSI Digital Dim ML418RDX 3.0EBML418RDX 4.03 x 36W T8600 x 1200 DSI Digital Dim ML336RDX 5.3EBML336RDX 6.34 x 36W T8600 x 1200 DSI Digital Dim ML436RDX 5.3EBML436RDX 6.3 3 x 18W T8600 x 600 Switch Start ML318SX 3.5 EBML318SX 4.54 x 18W T8600 x 600 Switch Start ML418SX 3.5 EBML418SX 4.53 x 36W T8600 x 1200 Switch Start ML336SX 6.9 EBML336SX 7.94 x 36WT8600 x 1200Switch StartML436SX6.9EBML436SX6.9Lamp Rating Modular Size (mm)Louvres 65°-1000cd/m 2Louvres Gen Purpose Weight (kg)Louvre attachment - order body separately 3 x 18W 600 x 600 MLV318 MLG318 0.84 x 18W 600 x 600 MLV418 MLG418 0.83 x 36W 600 x 1200 MLV336 MLG336 1.74 x 36W 600 x 1200 MLV436 MLG436 1.7Lamp Rating Modular Size (mm)TPa PVCTPb Styrene Weight (kg)Prismatic Controller - order body separately3 x 18W 600 x 600 MLDFR66 MLD66 0.64 x 18W 600 x 600 MLDFR66 MLD66 0.63 x 36W 600 x 1200 MLDFR612 MLD612 1.24 x 36W 600 x 1200 MLDFR612 MLD612 1.2For more information on the installation requirements and product specifications, please visit our website: https:///content/gb/en/products/product-catalog/recessed-ceiling-lights-modulay-eaton.html611Recessed1Mains lightingModulay。
㊃临床研究㊃美国麻醉医师协会体质分级对老年手术患者心脏自主神经功能的评价意义胡翠纹,郭轩,张琪,杨胜楠,黎翠,张军龙摘要:目的 探讨美国麻醉医师协会体质分级(A S A -P S )对围术期心脏自主神经功能的评价意义㊂方法 选择择期非心脏手术老年患者93例,按照患者的A S A -P S 分级对应分为A 1组(Ⅰ级)10例㊁A 2组(Ⅱ级)41例㊁A 3组(Ⅲ级)33例及A 4组(Ⅳ级)9例㊂采用动态心电图监测术前1d㊁术后1d ㊁术后2d 的长时程心率变异性频域指标:低频功率(L F ),高频功率(H F ),总功率,极低频功率(V L F ),L F /H F ㊂结果 4组术前总功率㊁H F ㊁L F ㊁V L F ,术后2d 总功率㊁L F ㊁L F /H F ㊁V L F 比较,有统计学差异(P <0.05,P <0.01)㊂A 4组术前总功率㊁L F ㊁V L F 明显低于其他3组,H F 明显低于A 1组(P <0.05,P <0.01),且A 3组L F ㊁L F /H F ㊁V L F 明显低于A 2组(2.00ʃ0.50v s 2.23ʃ0.41,1.08ʃ0.05v s 1.11ʃ0.07,2.74ʃ0.55v s 2.98ʃ0.41,P <0.05)㊂与术前比较,A 1组,A 2组和A 3组术后1d 总功率㊁V L F ,术后2d 总功率㊁H F ㊁L F ㊁V L F 明显降低,A 2组和A 3组H F 及L F 明显降低(P <0.05,P <0.01)㊂A 3组术后2d 总功率㊁L F ㊁L F /H F ㊁V L F 明显低于A 2组,差异有统计学意义(2.36ʃ0.53v s 2.62ʃ0.47,1.66ʃ0.45v s 1.90ʃ0.41,1.08ʃ0.06v s 1.11ʃ0.06,2.21ʃ0.54v s 2.48ʃ0.48,P <0.05)㊂结论 A S A -P S 高的患者心率变异性各指标有降低趋势,A S A -P S 对手术前后自主神经调节心脏功能的紊乱有评价意义㊂D O I :10.3969/j.i s s n .1009-0126.2021.05.012基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金(B K 20151107);江苏省重点研发计划专项(B E 2020771);江苏省六大人才高峰基金项目(W S W -208);江苏省卫生健康委员会科研基金(L G Y 2018050)作者单位:222000蚌埠医学院附属连云港市第二人民医院麻醉科(胡翠纹,张琪,杨胜楠,黎翠,张军龙);江苏大学附属镇江市第四人民医院麻醉科(郭轩)通信作者:张军龙,E m a i l :961626769@q q.c o m 关键词:围手术期;自主神经系统;麻醉;心率S i g n i f i c a n c e o f A S A -P S c l a s s i f i c a t i o n f o r a s s e s s i n g p e r i o pe r a t i v e c a r d i a c a u t o n o m i c n e r v ef u n c t i o n i n e l d e r l y pa t i e n t s H u C u i w e n ,G u o X u a n ,Z h a n g Q i ,Y a n g S h e n g n a n ,L i C u i ,Z h a n g J u n l o n g(D e p a r t m e n t o f A n e s t h e s i o l o g y ,A f f i l i a t e d L i a n y u n g a n g N o .2P e o p l e s H o s p i t a l o f B e n gb u M e d ic a l C o l l e g e ,L i a n y u n g a n g 222000,J i a n gs u P r o v i n c e ,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :O b je c t i v e T o s t u d y t h e s i g n if i c a n c e o f A S A -P S c l a s s i f i c a t i o n f o r a s s e s s i ng th e p e ri o p e r -a t i v e c a r d i a c a u t o n o m i c n e r v e f u n c t i o n i n e l d e r l y p a t i e n t s .M e t h o d s N i n e t y -t h r e e e l d e r l y pa t i e n t s w h o d i d n o t u n d e r g o c a r d i a c s u r g e r y w e r e d i v i d e d i n t o g r o u p A 1(n =10),g r o u p A2(n =41),g r o u p A 3(n =33)a n d g r o u p A 4(n =9)a c c o r d i n g t o t h e A S A -P S c l a s s i f i c a t i o n .T h e i r l o n g-t e r m H R V p a r a m e t e r s w e r e r e c o r d e d o n d a y 1b e f o r e o p e r a t i o n a n d o n d a y s 1a n d 2a f t e r o pe r a t i o n ,i n -c l u d i n g L F ,H F ,T P ,V L F a n d L F /H F r a t i o .R e s u l t s T h e s i gn i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e w a s d e t e c t e d i n T P ,H F ,L F ,V L F ,L F /H F r a t i o a n d V L F b e f o r e o p e r a t i o n a n d o n d a y 2a f t e r o p e r a t i o n a m o n gt h e 4g r o u p s (P <0.05,P <0.01).T h e T P ,L F a n d V L F w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r i n g r o u p A4t h a n i n g r o u p s A 1,A 2a n d A 3b e f o r e o p e r a t i o n ,t h e H F w a s s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r i n g r o u p A 4t h a n i n g r o u pA 1b e f o r e o p e r a t i o n (P <0.05,P <0.01).T h e L F ,L F /H F r a t i o ,V L F w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r i n g r o u p A 3t h a n i n g r o u p A 2b e f o r e o pe r a t i o n (2.00ʃ0.50v s 2.23ʃ0.41,1.08ʃ0.05v s 1.11ʃ0.07,2.74ʃ0.55v s 2.98ʃ0.41,P <0.05).T h e T P ,V L F i n A 1,A 2,A 3g r o u ps a n d t h e H F ,L F i n g r o u p s A 2a n d A 3w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r o n d a y 1a f t e r o p e r a t i o n t h a n b e f o r e o pe r a t i o n (P <0.05,P <0.01).T h e T P ,H F ,L F a n d V L F i n g r o u p s A 2,A 3a n d t h e L F /H F r a t i o i n g r o u p A3㊃194㊃中华老年心脑血管病杂志2021年5月第23卷第5期 C h i n J G e r i a t r H e a r t B r a i n V e s s e l D i s ,M a y 2021,V o l 23,N o .5w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r o n d a y2a f t e r o p e r a t i o n t h a n b e f o r e o p e r a t i o n(P<0.05,P<0.01).T h e T P,L F,L F/H F r a t i o a n d V L F w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r i n g r o u p A3t h a n i n g r o u p A2o n d a y2a f-t e r o p e r a t i o n(2.36ʃ0.53v s2.62ʃ0.47,1.66ʃ0.45v s1.90ʃ0.41,1.08ʃ0.06v s1.11ʃ0.06,2.21ʃ0.54v s2.48ʃ0.48,P<0.05).C o n c l u s i o n T h e p a r a m e t e r s o f B P V t e n d t o r e d u c ei n e l d e r l y p a t i e n t s.A S A-P S c l a s s i f i c a t i o n i s o f s i g n i f i c a n c e f o r a s s e s s i n g t h e c a r d i a c a u t o n o m i c n e r v e f u n c t i o n i n e l d e r l y p a t i e n t s b e f o r e a n d a f t e r o p e r a t i o n.K e y w o r d s:p e r i o p e r a t i v e p e r i o d;a u t o n o m i c n e r v o u s s y s t e m;a n e s t h e s i a;h e a r t r a t e美国麻醉医师协会体质分级(A S A-P S)是对美国麻醉医师协会(A S A)分级的改良完善,通过评估重要器官病变及严重程度,参照活动状态指标预测手术风险及预后[1-2]㊂A C C/A H A指南以体能作为活动状态指标,结合心血管危险因素数目评估围术期心脏风险[3]㊂我国手术后加速康复外科专家共识将代谢当量作为体力活动状态指标,与A S A分级并列为术前评估的重要工具,为手术康复及预后提供重要参考意义[4]㊂患者合并疾病可显著影响自主神经系统功能,从而改变自主神经系统对手术和麻醉的反应㊂心率变异性(H R V)是监测心脏自主神经功能常用指标㊂长时程H R V反映心脏自主神经功能,受日常体力活动㊁体位及心血管合并症影响,主要用于预测临床风险及预后[5]㊂本研究旨在探讨A S A-P S对自主神经调节心脏功能的评价意义㊂1资料与方法1.1研究对象选择2018年12月~2020年7月蚌埠医学院附属连云港市第二人民医院麻醉科完成围术期(包括术前1d㊁术后1d㊁术后2d)H R V分析的老年手术患者93例,男性51例,女性42例,年龄60~95(73.31ʃ7.05)岁,其中胸部手术24例,上腹部手术38例,下腹部手术31例,按照A S A-P S 分为A1组(Ⅰ级)10例㊁A2组(Ⅱ级)41例㊁A3组(Ⅲ级)33例及A4组(Ⅳ级)9例㊂纳入标准:心血管风险中度危险及低度危险的非心脏手术患者(参照A C C/A H A非心脏手术患者围术期心血管评估与治疗指南)㊂排除标准:(1)术前安装心脏起搏器患者;(2)术前接受干扰H R V的治疗,如服用地高辛㊁奎尼丁及β受体阻滞剂等药物;(3)术前心电图检查存在影响H R V分析的情况,如左或右束支传导阻滞㊁心房颤动或心房扑动;(4)术前心电图存在影响H R V分析的情况,如肢体导联低电压;(5)手术时间>3h;(6)术后疼痛在中度及以上,视觉模拟评分(V A S)>3分;(7)呼吸频率过快(>24次/ m i n)及呼吸过慢(<9次/m i n)㊂本研究已获得医院医学伦理委员会批准,并患者签署知情同意书㊂1.2A S A-P S评估采用A S A-P S(2016版)评估病情和体质状况㊂A S A-P SⅠ级:体格健康,发育营养良好,各器官功能正常;Ⅱ级:除外科疾病外,有轻度合并疾病,功能代偿健全;Ⅲ级:并存病情严重,体力活动受限,但尚能应付日常活动;Ⅳ级:合并严重系统疾病,丧失日常活动能力,经常面临生命威胁;Ⅴ级:垂死患者,如不接受手术,则无生存可能;Ⅵ级:已宣布脑死亡患者,准备作为供体对其器官进行取出移植手术㊂1.3动态心电图监测与H R V分析心脏自主神经功能的评价根据长时程H R V结果进行分析[5]㊂采用动态心电图监测,C M1㊁C M3㊁C M5三通道记录术前1d㊁术后1d㊁术后2d患者夜间23:00~07:00 H R V的频域指标,包括低频功率(L F)㊁高频功率(H F)㊁总功率㊁极低频功率(V L F)以及L F/H F㊂1.4统计学方法采用S P S S25.0软件,将总功率㊁H F㊁L F㊁V L F转化为对数,L F/H F加10后再转化为对数,进行正态分布和方差齐性检验,以 xʃs 表示,采用方差分析,计数资料采用χ2检验,P< 0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1各组一般临床资料比较4组年龄㊁心绞痛㊁脑血管病㊁高血压㊁糖尿病㊁贫血㊁慢性阻塞性肺疾病比例比较,有统计学差异(P<0.05,P<0.01)㊂与A1组比较,其他3组年龄及高血压比例明显升高, A3组和A4组心绞痛㊁贫血㊁慢性阻塞性肺疾病及A4组脑血管病比例明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01)㊂与A2组比较,A3组和A4组年龄㊁心绞痛㊁脑血管病㊁慢性阻塞性肺疾病比例及A4组贫血比例更高(P<0.05,P<0.01)㊂A4组糖尿病比例明显高于其他3组(P<0.01,表1)㊂2.2各组H R V的频域指标比较由表2可见,4组术前总功率㊁H F㊁L F㊁V L F,术后2d总功率㊁L F㊁L F/H F㊁V L F比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05, P<0.01)㊂A4组术前总功率㊁L F㊁V L F明显低于其他3组,H F明显低于A1组,且A3组L F㊁L F/H F㊁㊃294㊃中华老年心脑血管病杂志2021年5月第23卷第5期 C h i n J G e r i a t r H e a r t B r a i n V e s s e l D i s,M a y2021,V o l23,N o.5表1各组一般临床资料比较项目A1组(10例)A2组(41例)A3组(33例)A4组(9例)P值年龄(岁, xʃs)66.88ʃ3.3669.16ʃ7.13a74.19ʃ7.52b d74.33ʃ6.37a d0.001男性[例数(%)]6(60.0)23(56.1)18(54.5)4(44.4)0.913心绞痛[例数(%)]04(9.8)11(33.3)a c5(55.6)b d0.002心肌梗死[例数(%)]02(4.9)1(3.0)2(22.2)0.113外周血管疾病[例数(%)]01(2.4)1(3.0)2(22.2)0.165脑血管病[例数(%)]03(7.3)8(24.2)c4(44.4)a d0.011高血压[例数(%)]020(48.8)b15(45.5)b7(77.8)b0.006糖尿病[例数(%)]06(14.6)5(15.2)6(66.7)b d e0.001贫血[例数(%)]05(12.2)10(30.3)a4(44.4)a c0.024肾功能不全[例数(%)]05(12.2)6(18.2)1(11.1)0.504慢性阻塞性肺疾病[例数(%)]01(2.4)12(36.4)a d5(55.6)b d0.001术前S T-T改变[例数(%)]1(10.0)13(31.7)9(27.3)2(22.2)0.565注:与A1组比较,a P<0.05,b P<0.01;与A2组比较,c P<0.05,d P<0.01;与A3组比较,e P<0.01表2各组H R V的频域指标比较( xʃs)项目A1组(10例)A2组(41例)A3组(33例)A4组(9例)P值总功率术前3.13ʃ0.523.09ʃ0.412.88ʃ0.552.30ʃ0.59c e f0.004术后1d2.67ʃ0.24a2.63ʃ0.45b2.48ʃ0.46b2.38ʃ0.530.329术后2d2.64ʃ0.27a2.62ʃ0.47b2.36ʃ0.53b d2.51ʃ0.590.019 H F术前2.11ʃ0.441.91ʃ0.431.82ʃ0.441.57ʃ0.30c0.024术后1d1.79ʃ0.181.65ʃ0.32b1.62ʃ0.37a1.60ʃ0.410.600术后2d1.66ʃ0.36a1.66ʃ0.43b1.54ʃ0.39b1.45ʃ0.390.541 L F术前2.35ʃ0.522.23ʃ0.412.00ʃ0.50d1.61ʃ0.37c e f0.006术后1d1.99ʃ0.281.89ʃ0.38b1.73ʃ0.41a1.67ʃ0.530.156术后2d1.88ʃ0.17a1.90ʃ0.41b1.66ʃ0.45b d1.77ʃ0.480.047 L F/H F术前1.09ʃ0.081.11ʃ0.071.08ʃ0.05d1.05ʃ0.050.064术后1d1.08ʃ0.061.09ʃ0.051.07ʃ0.061.10ʃ0.090.495术后2d1.11ʃ0.091.11ʃ0.061.08ʃ0.06d1.12ʃ0.020.038 V L F术前2.99ʃ0.512.98ʃ0.412.74ʃ0.55d2.11ʃ0.64c e f0.001术后1d2.50ʃ0.26a2.50ʃ0.45b2.33ʃ0.47b2.10ʃ0.700.169术后2d2.43ʃ0.42a2.48ʃ0.48b2.21ʃ0.54b d2.41ʃ0.600.041注:与术前比较,a P<0.05,b P<0.01;与A1组比较,c P<0.05;与A2组比较,d P<0.05,e P<0.01;与A3组比较,f P<0.05V L F明显低于A2组(P<0.05,P<0.01)㊂与术前比较,A1组,A2组和A3组术后1d总功率㊁V L F,术后2d总功率㊁H F㊁L F㊁V L F明显降低,A2组和A3组H F㊁L F明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01)㊂A3组术后2d总功率㊁L F㊁L F/H F㊁V L F明显低于A2组(P<0.05)㊂A4组中3例患者手术后发生严重心脏事件,其中1例急性左心衰竭,1例心绞痛发作,1例心电图示R o n T期前收缩,经心内科药物治疗好转㊂3讨论A S A-P S可用于识别手术以及麻醉高危患者, A S A-P S级别的增加可显著增加术后心血管并发症和死亡率[6-7]㊂本研究入选者重要器官合并症在不同A S A-P S组别的差异,是A S A-P S风险分层的依据,引起A S A-P S级别的增加㊂脑㊁肝㊁肺㊁肾等器官疾病对H R V及心脏自主神经功能的影响分别有研究报道[8-10]㊂临床研究常采用H R V的频域指标L F主要反映心脏交感神经活性,H F更多反映迷走神经功能,总功率与总的心脏自主神经活性有关, L F/H F体现交感与副交感的平衡性㊂本研究结果显示,4组术前总功率㊁H F㊁L F㊁V L F比较,差异有统计学意义,A4组术前总功率㊁L F㊁V L F明显低于其他3组,H F明显低于A1组,且A3组L F㊁L F/ H F㊁V L F明显低于A2组,提示A S A-P S增加降低心脏自主神经张力,表现为交感神经与副交感神经功能均削弱㊁调节心脏的自主神经活性降低㊂与术前比较,A1组,A2组和A3组术后1d总功率㊁V L F,术后2d总功率㊁H F㊁L F㊁V L F明显降低,A2组和A3组H F及L F明显降低,说明手术应激导致㊃394㊃中华老年心脑血管病杂志2021年5月第23卷第5期 C h i n J G e r i a t r H e a r t B r a i n V e s s e l D i s,M a y2021,V o l23,N o.5自主神经调节心脏活性下降,表现为不同A S A-P S 患者的交感神经及副交感神经参与心脏适应性代偿作用均削弱㊂这些现象与H R V受心脏及各系统重要器官合并症的共同影响有关㊂因此,根据重要器官疾病分级的A S A-P S对自主神经调节心脏功能紊乱有一定评估价值㊂长时程H R V受患者体力活动及体位影响较大,监测长时程H R V不能完全排除体力活动及体位等因素,是当前多数H R V研究及临床应用存在的不足㊂本研究选择夜间平卧状态的H R V分析心脏自主神经功能,提高H R V用于风险预测的特异性㊂本研究A4组术前总功率㊁L F㊁V L F明显低于其他3组,从自主神经机制提示了该类患者的风险预后㊂A4组9例患者中,手术后3例次发生了急性左心衰竭㊁心绞痛及心电图示R o n T期前收缩,进一步支持了H R V降低与心血管事件相关㊂与术前比较,A4组术后1d㊁术后2d各项指标无明显变化,与A S A-P SⅣ级患者的慢性合并症引起的心脏去神经化有一定关系㊂另外,部分A S A-P SⅣ级患者术后发生了严重心脏事件,心血管事件发作前后的急性应激期往往伴有交感兴奋为主的自主神经功能改变㊂A S A-P S依据器官合并症严重程度评估手术麻醉风险,结合患者活动状态水平进行风险分级㊂2017年M c G r i t等对7618例腰椎手术患者调查证明,A S A-P S是手术后生活质量及慢性疼痛的强预测因子㊂为更好的研究A S A-P S对H R V的分层意义,本研究将手术种类限制在中㊁低度危险的手术患者㊂手术患者早期下床活动也是治疗目标之一㊂既往的研究表明,活动状态影响自主神经调节心脏的活性㊂H R V降低与高龄㊁冠状动脉狭窄㊁心肌梗死史㊁扩张型心肌病㊁糖尿病㊁左心室功能不全等心血管疾病或危险因素相关,增加心血管风险[10-11]㊂本研究提示,A S A-P S反映机体主要器官合并症,且与整体功能状态有关,影响手术麻醉应激相关的心脏自主神经功能㊂有关A S A-P 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D O I:10.1177/1099800418764326.(收稿日期:2020-11-16)(本文编辑:纪艳明)㊃494㊃中华老年心脑血管病杂志2021年5月第23卷第5期 C h i n J G e r i a t r H e a r t B r a i n V e s s e l D i s,M a y2021,V o l23,N o.5。
单音节词[1] –ab lab, cab, crab, dab, drab, grab, jab, nab, slab, stab, swab, tab[2] –ace brace, face, grace, lace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace[3] –back black, clack, crack, hack, jack, knack, lack, pack, rack,sack, shack, slack, smack, stack, tack, track, whack, wrack[4] –act fact, pact, tact, tract[5] –adge badge, cadge, wadge[6] –ad bad, cad, clad, dad, fad, glad, lad, mad, pad, quad, sad, squad, tad, trad, wad[7] –ade blade, fade, glade, grade, jade, shade, spade, trade, wade[8] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch,swatch, watch[9] –afe chafe, safe, strafe[10] –aff chaff, quaff, staff[11] –aft aft, craft, draft, graft, raft, shaft, waft[12] –ag bag, brag, crag, fag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, nag, rag, slag, snag, stag, tag, wag[13] –age age, cage, page, rage, sage, stage, wage[14]–aid aid, aide, braid, maid, raid, staid[15] –ail ail, bail, fail, frail, hail, mail, nail, pail, quail, rail, sail, snail, tail, trail, wail[16] –aim aim, claim, maim[17] –ain brain, gain, main, pain, plain, rain, sprain, stain, strain,train, vain[18] –aint faint, quaint, taint[19]–air air, chair, fair, flair, hair, lair, pair, stair[20] –ait bait, gait, plait, strait, trait, wait[21] –ak flak, yak[22] –ake bake, brake, cake, drake, fake, flake, make, quake, rake, sake, shake, slake, snake, stake, take, wake[23] –ald bald, scald[24] –ale ale, bale, gale, hale, pale, sale, scale, shale, stale, tale, whale[25] –alf calf, half[26] –alk balk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk, [caulk][27] –all all, ball, call, fall, gall, mall, pall, shall, small, spall, stall, tall, thrall, wall[28] –alm balm, calm, palm, qualm[29] –alp scalp[30] –alt halt, malt, slat[31] –am clam, cram, dam, damn, dram, gram, ham, jam, pram, scram, sham, slam, tram, wham, yam[32] –amb jamb, lamb[33] –ame blame, dame, lame, name, shame, tame[34] –amp camp, champ, clamp, cramp, lamp, ramp, scamp, swamp, tamp, tramp, vamp[35] –an ban, bran, can, clan, gran, man, pan, plan, scan, span, swan, tan, than, van, wan[36] –ance chance, dance, glance, lance, prance, stance, trance[37] –anch blanch, branch, ranch, stanch[38] –and and, band, bland, brand, grand, hand, land, sand, stand, strand, wand[39] –ane bane, cane, crane, lane, plane, sane, vane, wane[40] –ang bang, clang, fang, gang, hang, pang, slang, tang[41] –ange change, grange, range, strange[42] –ank, bank, blank, clank, crank, flank, frank, hank, lank, plank, prank, rank, shank, spank, swank, tank, thank, yank[43] –ant ant, cant, chant, grant, pant, plant, scant, slant, want[44] –ap cap, chap, clap, crap, flap, frap, gap, lap, map, nap, pap, rap, sap, scrap, slap, snap, swap, tap, wrap, yap[45] –ape ape, cape, drape, gape, grape, nape, rape, scrape, shape, tape[46] –arch arch, larch, march, parch, starch[47] –ar bar, car, char, czar, far, mar, par, scar, spar, tar, war,[48] –are are, bare, blare, cre, dare, fare, flare, glare, hare, pare, scare, share, snare, spare, square, stare, tare, ware[49] –arb barb, garb[50] –ard bard, card, hard, lard, ward, yard[51] –ark ark, bark, dark, hark, lark, mark, nark, park, shark, spark, stark[52] –arl gnarl, snarl[53] –arm arm, charm, farm, harm, swarm, warm[54] –arn barn, darn, tarn, warn, yarn[55] –arp carp, harp, scarp, sharp, warp[56] –arsh harsh, marsh[57] –art art, cart, dart, mart, part, quart, smart, start, tart, swart[58] –ase base, case, chase, phase, phrase, vase[59] –ash ash, bash, brash, cash, clash, crash, dash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, quash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, squash, stash, thrash, trash, wash[60] –ask ask, bask, cask, flask, mask, task[61] –asp clasp, gasp, grasp, rasp, wasp[62] –ass ass, bass, brass, class, crass, glass, grass, lass, mass, pass[63] –ast blast, cast, fast, last, mast, past[64] –aste baste, caste, chaste, haste, taste, waste[65] –at at, bat, brat, cat, chat, drat, fat, flat, gant, hat, mat, pat, rat, squat, swat, that, what[66] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch, swatch, thatch, watch[67] –ate bate, crate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, late, mate, pate, plate, prate, rate, sate, skate, slate, spate, state[68] –aul haul, maul[69] –ault fault, vault[70] –aunch paunch, staunch[71] –aunt aunt, daunt, flaunt, gaunt, haunt, jaunt, taunt, vaunt[72] –ave brave, cave, crave, have, knave, lave, nave, pave, rave, shave, slave, stave, suave, wave[73] –aw caw, claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, haw, jaw, paw, raw, saw, straw, thaw, yaw[74] –awk gawk, hawk, squawk[75] –awl awl, bawl, brawl, crawl, drawl, scrawl, shawl, sprawl, trawl[76] –awn brawn, dawn, drawn, fawn, lawn, pawn, prawn, spawn, yawn[77] –ax flax, lax, tax, wax[78] –ay bray, clay, day, flay, fray, gay, hay, lay, may, pay, play, pray, quay, ray, say, slay, splay, spray, stay, stray, sway[79] –aze blaze, craze, daze, faze, gaze, glaze, graze, haze, laze, maze, razeE[1]-e be, he, me, she, we[2]–ea flea, lea, pea, plea, sea, tea, yea[3] -each beach, bleach, breach, each, leach, peach, preach, reach, teach[4] –ead bead, dead, dread, head, knead, lead, mead, plead, read, spread, stead, thread, tread[5] –eaf deaf, leaf[6] –eak beak, bleak, creak, freak, leak, peak, sneak, speak, squeak, steak, streak, weak, wreak[7] –eal deal, heal, peal, real, seal, squeal, steal, veal, weal, zeal[8] –eam beam, cream, dream, gleam, ream, scream, seam, steam, stream, team[9] –ean bean, clean, dean, glean, jean, lean, mean, wean[10] –eap cheap, heap, leap, reap[11] –ear bear, dear, ear, fear, gear, hear, near, pear, rear, sear, shear, smear, spear, swear, tear, wear, year[12] –ease cease, crease, ease, grease, lease, please, tease[13] –east beast, breast, feast, least, yeast[14] –eat beat, bleat, cheat, eat, feat, great, heat, meat, peat, seat, sweat, teat, threat, treat, wheat[15] –eath heath, sheath, wreath[16] -eave cleave, eave, heave, leave, weave[17] –eck beck, check, deck, fleck, heck, neck, peck, speck, wreck[18] –ed bed, red, shed, shred, wed[19] –edge dredge, edge, hedge, pledge, sledge[20] –ee bee, fee, flee, free, glee, knee, lee, pee, see, spree, tee, thee, tree, twee, wee[21] –eech beech, breech, leech, screech[22] –eed bleed, creed, deed, feed, greed, heed, need, reed, screed, seed, speed, steed, tweed, weed[23] –eef beef, reef[24] –eek cheek, creek, Greek, leek, meek, peek, reek, seek, week[25] –eel eel, feel, heel, keel, peel, reel, steel, wheel[26] –eem deem, seem, teem[27] –een green, keen, preen, queen, screen, sheen, spleen[28] –eep beep, cheep, creep, deep, jeep, keep, peep, seep, sheep, sleep, steep, sweep, weep[29] –eer beer, cheer, deer, jeer, peer, queer, seer, sheer, sneer, steer, veer[30] –eet beet, fete, fleet, greet, mete, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet, tweet[31] –eeze breeze, cheese, freeze, sneeze, squeeze, wheeze[32] –eft cleft, deft, left, theft, weft[33] –eg beg, egg, keg, leg, peg[34] –elch belch, squelch[35] –eld geld, meld, weld[36] –ell bell, dell, ell, fell, hell, jell, knell, quell, sell, shell, smell, spell, swell, tell, well, yell[37] –elp whelp, yelp[38] –elt belt, felt, melt[39] –elve delve, helve, shelve[40] –em gem, hem, stem, them[41] –empy kempt, tempt[42] –en den, glen, ken, pen, ten, then, when, yen[43] –ench bench, blench, clench, drench, French, quench, stench, trench, wench, wrench[44] –end bend, blend, end, fiend, lend, mend, rend, send, spend, tend, trend, wend[45] –ent bent, dent, Lent, scent, spent, vent[46] –ere here, mere, sphere, there, where[47] –ern fern, stern[48] –erve nerve, serve, swerve, verve[49] –ess bless, chess, dress, less, mess, press, stress[50] –est best, chest, crest, jest, lest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, west, wrest, zest[51] –et bet, fret, get, jet, let, net, pet, set, wet, whet, yet[52] –etch etch, wretch[53] -ew brew, chew, crew, dew, few, hew, Jew, mew, pew, queue, screw, sew, shrew, skew, slew, spew, stew, strew, thew, view, yew[54] –ex flex, vex[55] –ey grey, hey, keyI[1] –ib bib, crib, fib, glib, jib, nib, rib[2] –ibe bribe, gibe, jibe, scribe[3]–ice ice, mice, nice, price, slice, spice, splice, thrice, trice, twice, rice, vice[4]–ick brick, chick, click, flick, kick, lick, nick, pick, prick, sick, wick[5]–id bod, grid, kid, lid, rid, skid[6]–ide bide, bride, chide, glide, guide, hide, pride, side, slide, snide, stride, tide, wide[7] –ie die, hie, lie, pie, tie, vie[8] -ief brief, chief, grief, thief[9] -ield field, shield, wield, yield[10]–ien lien, mien[11]–ife knife, life, strife, wife[12]–iff biff, cliff, miff, skiff, sniff, stiff, tiff, whiff[13]-ift drift, gift, lift, rift, shift, shrift, sift, swift, thrift[14]–ig big, brig, dig, fig, gig, grig, jig, pig, prig, rig, sprig, swig, twig, wig[15]–ight blight, bright, flight, fright, knight, light, might, night, plight, right, sight, slight, tight[16]–ike bike, dike, hike, like, mike, strike, trike, tyke[17]–ilch filch, zilch[18]–ild child, gild, mild, wild[19]–ile bile, file, guile, mile, pile, rile, smile, stile, tile, while, vile[20]–ill bill, chill, drill, fill, frill, gill, grill, grille, hill, ill, kill, mill, pill, quill, rill, shrill, sill, spill, still, swill, thrill, till, twill, will[21]-ilt gilt, guilt, jilt, lilt, stilt, tilt, wilt[22]–im brim, dim, grim, him, prim, slim, swim, trim, whim, vim[23]–ime chime, crime, dime, grime, mime, prime, time[24]–imp crimp, gimp, limp, pimp, primp[25]–in bin, chin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, kin, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, tin, thin, twin, win[26]–ince mince, prince, wince[27]-inch cinch, clinch, finch, flinch, inch, lynch, pinch, winch[28]–ind bind, find, mind, rind[29]–ine brine, chine, dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, shine, shrine, spine, swine, twine, whine, wine[30]–ing bring, cling, fling, king, ring, sing, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, wing, wring[31]-inge cringe, fringe, hinge, springe, tinge, twinge[32]–ink blink, brink, chink, clink, drink, fink, ink, jink, kink, link, pink, prink, rink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, think, wink[33]–int dint, flint, glint, hint, lint, mint, pint, print, skint, sprint, squint, stint, tint[34]-inx jinx, sphinx[35]–ip chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, lip, nip, pip, rip, ship, sip, skip, snip, strip, tip, whip, zip[36]–ipe gripe, pipe, ripe, snipe, stripe, swipe, wipe[37]–irch birch, smirch[38]-ird bird, gird, third[39]–ire dire, fire, hire, mire, shire, spire, squire, tire, wire[40]-irk irk, dirk, smirk, shirk[41]-irl girl, swirl, twirl, whirl[42]-irm firm, squirm[43]-irt dirt, flirt, shirt, skirt[44]-irth birth, girth, mirth[45]–ise guise, rise, vise, wise[46] -ish dish, fish, wish[47] -isk brisk, frisk, risk, whisk[48] -isp crisp, wisp[49] -iss bliss, kiss, miss, piss[50] -ist fist, gist, list, mist, twist, wrist[51] –it bit, chit, fit, flit, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, pit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, whit, writ[52] -itch bitch, ditch, hitch, itch, pitch, snitch, stitch, witch[53] –ite bite, cite, kite, mite, rite, site, smite, spite, trite, white, write[54] -ithe blithe, lithe, scythe, writhe[55] –ive dive, five, give, hive, jive, live, skive, strive, thrive[56] -ize size prizeY[1] –y(e) by, dye, fly, guy, my, ply, pry, rye, shy, sly, sty, try, why[2] –ymph lymph, nymph[3] –yre byre, gyre, lyre, pyre, tyreO[1] –oach broach, coach, proach[2] -oar boar, oar, roar, soar[3] –oax coax, hoax[4] –ob bob, cob, mob, throb[5] –obe lobe, probe, robe[6] –ock block, chock, clock, dock, flock, frock, jock, lock, mock, nock, pock, rock, sock, shock, smock[7] –od cod, plod, pod, sod[8] –ode bode, code, lode, mode, node, ode[9] –oe doe, foe, hoe, roe, woe[10] –oad broad, goad, load, road, toad[11] -oam foam, loam, roam[12] –oan groan, moan, roan[13] –oat boat, bloat, coat, float, goat, gloat, moat, throat[14] –off doff, off[15] –og bog, cog, clog, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log, slog, smog, tog, rogue, vogue[16] –oil boil, broil, coil, foil, roil, soil, spoil, toil[17] –oin coin, groin, join, loin[18] –oke coke, joke, poke, spoke, stroke, yoke[19] –old fold, hold, mold, old, wold[20] –oll doll, droll, loll, poll, roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll[21] –olt bolt, colt, jolt, molt[22] –ome dome, gnome, home, Rome[23] –omp pomp, romp[24] –one cone, clone, crone, drone, hone, prone, tone, throne, zone[25] –ong gong, throng, strong, thong, tong, wrong, song, dong[26] –onk honk, monk[27] –oan groan, moan[28] –oak cloak, croak, soak[29] –oast boast, coast, roast, toast[30] –ooch brooch, hooch, mooch[31] –oof hoof, roof, proof, spoof[32] –ook book, brook, cook, crook, hook, kook, look, nook, rook, spook[33] –ool cool, drool, fool, school, spool, stool, tool[34] –oom boom, bloom, broom, doom, gloom, groom, loom, room, zoom[35] –oon boon, croon, loon[36] –op chop, crop, flop, hop, lop, prop, slop, sop[37] –oop coop, droop, hoop, loop, sloop, snoop, stoop, swoop, troop, whoop[38] –oor boor, moor, spoor, floor[39] –oot boot, foot, hoot, loot, moot, soot[40] –ope cope, dope, grope, hope, lope, mope, nope, pope, rope, scope, slope, tope[41] –ord cord, chord, ford, horde, lord, word[42] –ore bore, chore, core, fore, gore, lore, more, pore, score, sore, spore, whore, yore[43] –ork cork, fork, pork, stork[44] –orm dorm, form, worm, norm[45] –orn born, corn, porn, scorn, thorn[46] –ort fort, mort, port, snort, sport, tort[47] –ose close, dose, hose, lose, nose, pose, prose, rose, those[48] –oss boss, cross, dross, fosse, gloss, gross, loss, moss, posse, toss[49] –ost ghost, host, lost, most, post[50] –ot blot, cot, clot, dot, hot, jot, lot, mot, not, pot, plot, rot, sot, slot, snot, spot, tot, trot[51] –otch blotch, botch, notch, scotch[52] –ote cote, dote, mote, note, quote, rote, vote[53] –oth both, broth, cloth, froth, moth, sloth, troth[54] –ounce bounce, flounce, pounce, trounce[55] –ouch couch, crouch, grouch, pouch, slouch, vouch[56] -ough bough, cough, dough, plough, rough, slough, tough, trough[57] –ound bound, found, ground, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound[58] –ount count, mount[59] –oup coup, stoup, troupe[60] –our dour, flour, four, our, scour, tour[61] –ouse blouse, browse, douse, dowse, grouse, house, louse, mouse, rouse, souse, spouse[62] –oust joust, oust[63] –out bout, clout, flout, out, pout, rout, scout, shout, spout, sprout, stout, tout[64] –ove clove, cove, dove, grove, hove, Jove, love, move, prove, rove, shove, stove。
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Data sheetActuators for modulating control AME 55, AME 56DescriptionThe actuators AME 55 and AME 56 are used with VL 2, VL 3 or VFS 2 valves from DN 65 up to DN 100 diameter or VF 2, VF 3 valves from DN 65 up to DN 150 diameter.The actuator automatically adapts itsstroke to valve end positions which reduces commissioning time.Main data:• The advanced design incorporates load related ‘switch-off’to ensure that actuators and valves are not exposed to overload.• The advanced design incorporates adiagnostic LED, operational data capture and self stroking feature. •Manual override.OrderingType Power supply Code No.AME 5524 V~082H3022AME 5624 V~082H3025TypeCode No.Active return signal kit for AME 55, AME 56082H3070Stem heater (VF, VL valves DN 65 - 100)065Z7020Stem heater (VF valves DN 125, 150 and VFS valves DN 65 - 100)065Z7022Technical dataAccessoriesType AME 55AME 56Power supply 24 V~; +10 to –15%Power consumption 9 VA 19.5 VAFrequency 50 HzControl input Y 0 to 10 V (2 to 10 V) Ri = 24 kΩ0 to 20 mA (4 to 20 mA) Ri = 500 ΩOutput signal X 0 to 10 V (2 to 10 V)Close of force 2000 N 1500 N Max. stroke 40 mm Speed8 s/mm 4 s/mmMax. medium temperature 200 °C Ambient temperature 0 to 55 °C Storage and transport temp. –40 to +70 °C Protection code IP 54Weight3.8 kg- marking in accordance with standardsEMC Directive 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC, EN 50081-1and EN 50082-1InstallationMechanicalThe actuator should be mounted with the valve stem in either horizontal position or pointing upwards. Use a 4 mm Allen key (not supplied) to fit the actuator to the valve body.Allow for necessary clearance for maintenance purposes.The valve has position indication ringswhich should be pushed together before commissioning; after stroking they indicate the ends of the stroke.ElectricalElectrical connections can be accessed by removing the cover. Two M16 x 1.5 cable entries are provided. Both entries are provided with a rubber grommet for use with flexible cable.Note that in order to maintain the enclosure IP rating, appropriate cable glands must be used.Disposal The actuator must be dismantled and theelements sorted into various material groupsbefore disposal.DIP switch settingThe actuator has a function selection DIP switch under the removable cover. In particular, if SW6 is set to ON, the actuator will perform as 3-point actuator.The switch provides the following functions:• SW1: U/I - Input signal type selector:If set to OFF position, voltage input is selected. If set to ON position, current input is selected.• SW2: 0/2 - Input signal range selector:If set to OFF position, the input signal is in the range from 2 V to 10 V (voltage input)or from 4 mA to 20 mA (current input). If set to ON position, the input signal is in the range from 0 V to 10 V (voltage input) or from 0 mA to 20 mA (current input).• SW3: D/I - Direct or inverse acting selector:If set to OFF position, the actuator is direct acting (stem lowers as voltage increases). If actuator is set to ON position the actuator is inverse acting (stem raises as voltage increases).• SW4: 0..5V/5...10V - Normal or sequential mode selector:If set to OFF position, the actuator is workingin range 0(2)..10V or 0(4)..20mA. If set to ON position, the actuator is working in sequential range; 0(2)..5 (6)V or (0(4)..10 (12)mA) or(5(6)..10V) or (10(12)..20mA).• SW5: —/Seq - Input signal range in sequential mode:If set to OFF position, the actuator is working in sequential range 0(2)..5 (6)V or 0(4)..10 (12)mA. If set to ON position, the actuator is working in sequential range; 5(6)..10V or 10(12)..20mA.• SW6: Prop./3-pnt - Modulating or 3-point mode selector:If set to OFF position, the actuator is working normally according to control signal. If set to ON position, the actuator is working as 3-point actuator.• SW7: LOG/LIN - Equal percentage or linearflow through valve selector1:If set to OFF position, the flow through valve is equal percentage. If set to ON position, the he flow through valve is linear according to control signal.• SW8: 100% KVS/Reduced KVS- Flow reduction through valve selector1:If set to OFF position, the flow through valve is not reduced. If set to ON position, the he flow through valve reduced by half of increment standard KVSvalues (exsample: valve with KVS16 and SW8 set to ON – maximum flow through the velve is KVS13 (meidle between standard KVS16 and KVS10).1 NOTE: To be used only in combination with valves with equal percentage characteristic• SW9: Reset:Changing this switch position will cause theactuator to go through a self stroking cycle.WiringComplete the mechanical and electricalinstallation and perform the necessary checks and tests:• Isolate control medium. (e.g. self stroking in a steam application without suitable mechanical isolation could cause a hazard).• Apply the power. Note that the actuator will now perform the self stroking function.• Apply the appropriate control signal and check the valve stem direction is correct for the application.• Ensure that the actuator drives the valve over its full stroke, by applying the appropriate control signal. This action will set the valve stroke length.The unit is now fully commissioned.SP24 V~ ............................................Power supply SN 0 V mon Y 0 to 10 V ......................................Input signal (2 to 10 V) 0 to 20 mA (4 to 20 mA)X 0 to 10 V ......................................Output signal(2 to 10 V)Automatic self stroking featureWhen power is first applied,the actuator will automatically adjust to the length of the valve stroke. Subsequently, the self stroking feature can be re-initialised by changing position of SW9.Diagnostic LEDThe red diagnostic LED is located on the pcb under the cover. It provides indication of three operational states: Actuator Healthy (Permanently ON), Self Stroking (Flashes once per second), Error (Flashes 3 times per second - seek technical assistance).Wiring length Recommended square of the wiring 0 - 50 m 0.75 mm 2> 50 m1.5 mm 2CommissioningCommissioning / testing featureThe actuator can be driven to the fully open or closed positions (depending on valve type) byconnecting SN to terminals 1 or 3.24 Vac only.Manual override The manual override is applied by rotating the4 mm Allen key (not supplied) to the requiredposition. Observe the direction of the rotationsymbol.• Disconnect power supply• Adjust valve position using an Allen key• Set valve to closed position• Restore power supplyIf manual override has been used then X and Ysignal are not correct until the actuator reachesits end position. If this is not accepted reset theactuator, or apply accessory active return signalkit.DimensionsActuator - valvecombinations。