



佳木斯电机股份有限公司企业标准YZR(112-400)、YZ(112-250)系列起重及冶金用(绕线转子)三相异步电动机样本佳木斯电机股份有限公司发布目次1 概述 (1)2 选型指南 (1)3 现场应用条件 (5)4 结构特点 (5)5 技术数据表 (6)6 外形及安装尺寸 (7)7 接线螺栓规格及出线孔卡口范围 (26)8 订货须知 (26)YZR(112-400)、YZ(112-250)系列起重及冶金用(绕线转子)三相异步电动机样本1 概述1.1 YZR、YZ系列电动机系用于驱动各种型式的起重机械及其他类似设备的专用产品;具有较大的过载能力和较高的机械强度,因此,它特别适用于那些短时或断续周期工作制,频繁地起动、制动、有时过负荷及有显著振动与冲击的设备。

1.2 电动机的功率等级和安装尺寸符合IEC72推荐标准,功率等级与安装尺寸的相互对应关系与日本JEM1202及西德DIN42681相似并可互换。

1.3 电动机的绝缘等级分为F级和H级两种。


1.4 电动机具有良好的密封性,用于一般场所的电动机防护等级为IP44,用于冶金场所的电动机外壳防护等级为IP54。

1.5 YZR系列为绕线转子电动机,YZ系列为鼠笼转子电动机。

2 选型指南该选型指南提到的事项,目的是提醒用户在选型时,应注意或明确的事项。

2.1.型号的意义Y Z R 132 M1 - 66极.M机座1号铁心长中心高为132mm转子为“绕线”型(无此项为鼠笼型)起“重”及冶金用“异”步电动机2.2.系列型谱见表1(YZ系列)、表2(YZR系列)表1表2表2(续)2.3.电动机的绝缘等级;通常为F级或H级,两种绝缘结构的技术参数相同,只是温升限值不同,空气间接冷却绕组的温升限值:当电动机运行地点海拔不超过1000m,最高环境温度不超过40℃为基础时,B级绝缘为80K,F级绝缘为105K;最高环境温度不超过60℃为基础时,H级绝缘为105K。



MOTOVARIO摩多利马达/刹车马达 T/TB/S全系列的电机都配备散热装置,整机为铝合金或铸铝外壳,绝缘等级为F级,防护等级为IP55级,机座号从63到132,功率为0.09KW到11KW.型号说明: T系列-----三相交流电机D系列-----双速三相交流电机S系列-----单相电机TB系列----刹车三相交流电机DB系列----杀车双速三相交流电机SB系列----刹车单相电机HS系列----单相高启动扭矩马达加离心开关MOTOVARIO摩多利轴装式齿轮减速机 CS有五种大小型号功率从0.12千瓦到22千瓦加硬处理的钢齿轮减速比从7.3到360全部外壳材料为铸铁提供两级和三级减速外壳全部涂上Ral 5010深蓝环氧树脂漆油MOTOVARIO摩多利斜伞齿轮减速机 CB/CBA有八种大小型号功率从0.12千瓦到45千瓦(铝合金只到4.8千瓦)减速比从2到350型号070以下为铝合金外壳(BA),080开始为铸铁外壳(H)提供单级,两级和三级减速铝合金外壳即有轻盈的特点也不失牢固的优势外壳全部涂上RAL 5010深蓝环氧树脂漆油摩多利斜齿轮减速机 CH/CHA系列有八种大小型号功率从0.12千瓦到45千瓦加硬处理的钢斜齿轮伞齿轮材料为铜合金减速比从2到280全部外壳材料为铸铁和铝合金提供两级和三级减速最牢固的机械设计外壳全部皆涂上Ral 5010深蓝环氧树脂漆油无段变速减速机 SF/ST/FX共有7种型号,功率从0.15KW到9.2KW变速范围:速比I=3.5(型号:005/080 至010-090)速比I=6(型号:005-010)速比I=5(涵盖每个型号)嗓音低,运转时无震动高效率,可双向旋转可以根据需要在电机的两边安装调速手轮速度误差(最大):±0.5%速度误差(最小):±0.1%调节灵敏度:0.5rpm外壳材质(TK-VK-PK-SK):G200灰铸铁(IS0185)外壳材质(TX):铝合金轴材质:合金钢20MnCr5(UNI8550)内部元件:100Cr6 热处理钢外壳全部涂上Ral 5010深蓝色环氧树脂漆油外壳全部皆涂上Ral 5010深蓝色环氧树脂漆油摩多利蜗轮蜗杆减速机 NMRV有十一种大小型号功率从0.06千瓦到15千瓦拥有专利的铝合金外壳先进设计,轻便牢固能提供灵活多样的安装方式单级减速比从5到100,可两台搭配以达到更高速比型号105以下为铸钻外壳,110开始为铸铁外壳蜗杆材料:热加工硬化 20Mrcr5 不锈钢(UNI 8550)蜗轮材料:青铜GCu Sn12(UNI7013-72)铝合金外壳即有轻盈的特点也不失牢固的优势型号030以上的外壳全部涂上Ral 5010深蓝环氧树脂漆油松下电机三相感应马达1、三相电动机是在三相电源时使用的感应电动机2、额定时间连续3、(日本)国内规格的电动机采用的耐热等级为120(E)。



极数 No. of poles
2、4 2、4、6 2、4、6 2、4、6 2、4、6、8 2、4、6、8 2、4、6、8 2、4、6、8 2、4、6、8 2、4、6、8
2 4、6、8
2 4、6、8、10
2 4、6、8、10
2 4、6、8、10 4、6、8、10
轴承规格 Bearing Type
主轴伸端 Shaft Extention End
制造范围 132~355
基本结构式 安装结构
制造范围 132~355
132~225 132~355 132~160
重庆赛力盟电机有限责任公司从 2008 年 6 月 1 日起生产.销售的 Y 系列、Y2 系列、Y3 系列电 动机经过设计调整和工艺调整,产品试验验证,产品能效等级符合国家强制法规 GBl 8613—2006《中 小型三相异步电动机能效限值和能效等级》规定,已按《中小型三相异步电动机能源效率标识 CEL007》实施细则规定申报备案。申报备案的产品为 Y 系列.Y2 系列、Y3 系列三相异步电动机, 中心高为 H132~355,电动机极数 2P、4P、6P,共 3 个系列约 198 个规格。
6204-2RSZ1 6205-2RSZ1 6206-2RSZ1 6306-2RSZ1 6208-2RSZ1 6309-2RSZ1

东方马达 CMK系列

东方马达 CMK系列

Q 驱动器 11 驱动器部 品名:CMD2109P、CMD2112P、CMD2120P M 质量:0.05kg B441
13 3.5
17.4 20.55
17.55 2R1.75
7.4 59
2R1.75 3.5 33
连接器插头 51103-0200(MOLEX) 51103-1200(MOLEX) 51103-0600(MOLEX) 接点 50351-8100(MOLEX)
P 品名的 中为表示减速比的数值。
安装用螺丝 M4 P0. 长度 15mm…4 个 6.350.012 5.80.15
161 150.25
4M4 深度 8 电动机导线 6 根 300mm UL Style 3265, AWG22
P 此外形图为双轴产品。单轴产品则无
29 44.5 孔
连接器插头:5106-0600(MOLEX) 接点:5021-9101(MOLEX) 压接工具:5189-5000(MOLEX) 5190-5000(MOLEX)
P 此外形图为双轴产品。单轴产品则无

4.50.15 0 50.012(h7)


接线盒位置编号(从驱动端看) 4 = 置顶;5 = 右侧;6 = 左侧
附注: 1) 用电压编号 90 及相应选件号来定制其它电压(参见选
2) 当电动机不要求带冷凝水排放孔(订货号:H03) 时,IM B3 安装结构型式也可适用于 IM B6/7/8(机座 号 80 ~ 160)、不带防护罩的 IM V6 和 IM V5 安装结 构型式(机座号 80 ~ 160),但电动机铭牌上只标示 IM B3 安装结构型式,不标示其他安装结构型式;
极数编号 A = 2;B = 4;C = 6
机座长度编号 0,1 = S(短机座);2,3 = M(中机座);4,5,6,7 = L(长机座)
21 = 220VD/380VY 33 = 380VD 22= 230VD/400VY 34= 400VD
50Hz 50Hz 50Hz 50Hz
3) 铭牌上标有指定的安装结构型式;
4) 当电动机不要求带冷凝水排放孔,IM B5 安装型式也 可适用于不带防护罩的 IM V1 和 IM V3 安装结构型式 (机座号 80~160),但电动机铭牌上只标示 IM B5 安 装结构型式,不标示其他安装结构型式;
5) 当电动机不要求带冷凝水排放孔(订货号:H03) 时,IM B14 安装结构型式也可适用于不带防护罩的 IM V18 和 IM V19 安装结构型式,但电动机铭牌上只标示 IM B14 安装结构型式,不标示其他安装结构型式;

2 = 变频调速三相异步电动机
机座号编号 0D = 080;0E = 090 1A = 100;1B = 112;1C = 132;1D = 160;1E = 180 2A = 200;2B = 225;2C = 250;2D = 280 3A = 315;3B = 355


170 [2500] 不连续 扭矩 Nm [lb-in] . . . . . . 450 [4000] 连续
515 [4550] 不连续
查林镶柱式(GEROLER)的 S 系列马达 具有和整体式(GEROTOR)的 H 系列低 速大扭矩马达相同的优点。在镶柱式啮合 付(GEROLER)中,精密加工过的滚子 形成了排油腔。滚子在转子转动时提供一 个滚动的支撑,从而可大大减少摩擦力, 提供高的效率,特别在低速和起动时。
190 [2750] 不连续 扭矩 Nm [lb-in] . . . . . . 440 [3905] 连续
510 [4515] 不连续
● 4 螺栓 (标准),支口直径 44,4 [1.75],安装螺孔 3/8-16,孔分布圆直径 82,6 [3.25] B.C. ● 4 螺栓 (标准),支口直径 44,4 [1.75],安装螺孔 M10 x 1,5,孔分布圆直径 82,6 [3.25] B.C. ● 2 螺栓 (标准),支口直径 101,6 [4.00],安装孔直径 14,35 [0.565],孔分布圆直径 146,0 [5.75] B.C. (SAE B) ● 4 螺栓,支口直径 82,6 [3.25],安装孔直径 13.59 [0.535],孔分布圆直径 106,2 [4.18] B.C.
50 年代后期,最原始的低速大扭矩液压 马达由一个泵的定转子元件开发出来。它 由一个内齿定子和一个相啮合的齿轮或转 子组成。有内齿的定子固定在壳体上时, 压力油引入定转子之间的空间,推动转子 围绕一个中心做摆动旋转,这种低速转动 用一个带花键的传动轴连接起来驱动输出 轴,成为查林摆线马达。
若干年后,另一种原始的摆线定转子引入 了查林摆线马达,并投入生产。这种马达 在定转子之间装入一个滚子。这种元件称 为镶柱“GEROLER”,是伊顿公司注册 的商标名称。

川崎M3X M3B K3X马达样本

川崎M3X M3B K3X马达样本
The operating conditions of the products shown in this catalog vary depending upon each application. Therefore, the decision of the products' suitability to the system considered must be made by the designer of the hydraulic system and/or the person in charge of determining the specification after making analysis and conducting tests, if necessary. The study of the specification shall be done based on the latest catalog and technical documents, and the system must be composed taking into account situations regarding the possibility of machine failure.
Turn off the power before starting wiring
or other works related to the electric power, otherwise you may be stuck by an
electric shock.
Clean the threads and mounting surface completely, otherwise you may experiCAUTION ence damages or oil leakage caused by insufficient tightening torque or broken seal.



D轴:圆柱轴 Ø25.4 平键 6.35x6.35x25.4 Shaft D: Cylindrical shaft Ø25.4 Parallel key 6.35x6.35x25.4
G轴:圆柱轴 Ø31.75 平键 7.96x7.96x31.75 Shaft G: Cylindrical shaft Ø31.75 Parallel key 7.96x7.96x31.75
镇 江 液 压 件 厂 有 限 责 任 公 司
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
80 无 100 125 160 200 250 315 375
E2 E4 E6 SP
G F 4-Ø13.5正菱法兰,止口Ø82.5×6.3 FD 4-Ø13.5菱法兰,止口Ø82.5×6.3 SL 4-Ø11.5正方法兰,止口Ø82.5×6.3 T1 W 4-Ø13.5车轮法兰,止口Ø125×8 T3 2-Ø13.5菱法兰,止口Ø82.5×6.3 K S I
G、M3、S1 油口 O-ring Port
E4 法兰 Flange E4
M U、M M 油口 O-ring Port
E6 法兰 Flange E6
SP 法兰 Flange SP
型号Model BMSW80 BMSW100 BMSW125 BMSW160 BMSW200 BMSW250 BMSW315 BMSW375
L 129.4 133.4 138.4 144.9 153.4 163.4 175.4 187.4
L1 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 62 74
L2 86 90 95 101.5 110 120 132 144





摆线马达文档 (2)

摆线马达文档 (2)

效率高,质量稳定,转速范围广,无需变速机构,启动压力低,换向方便,能够承受较高的背压. BMR系列液压马达订购选型说明深圳公明特价供应高品质BMR油马达,液压马达(液压传动开始应用于18世纪末;于1795年英国制成第一台水压机算起已有二百多年的历史,然而在工业上被广泛采用和有较大幅度的发展却是近五、六十年的事情。
















Northman298Northman 低速大扭矩马达系列低速大扭矩马达广泛应用於将液压能转化为机械能场合。

转化功率可达31031131231331431531631712108642110010009008007006005004003002001000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Speed.RPMInt. range△p=2500 PSI [175 bar]2300 PSI [160 bar]2000 PSI [138 bar]1740 PSI [121 bar]1500 PSI [105 bar]1300 PSI [90 bar]1100 PSI [76 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]△p=500 PSI[35 bar]Q = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P Mlb.Torque-In. daNm MLHP 5019.1128642016001000800600400200001002003004005006007008009001000 Speed.RPM Int. range △p=2500 PSI [175 bar]2300 PSI [160 bar]2000 PSI [138 bar]1740 PSI [121 bar]1500 PSI [105 bar]1300 PSI [90 bar]1100 PSI [76 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]△p=500 PSI[35 bar]Q = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P Mlb.Torque-In. daNm Cont. rangeCont. rangeI n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e I n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e 10141618120014001700241686420200010008006004002000100200300400500600700800Speed.RPMInt. range△p=2500 PSI [175 bar]2300 PSI [160 bar]2000 PSI [138 bar]1740 PSI [121 bar]1500 PSI [105 bar]1300 PSI [90 bar]1100 PSI [76 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]△p=500 PSI[35 bar]Q = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M[15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P Mlb.Torque-In. daNm Cont. rangeI n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e 10182022160018002200120012140014MLHP 80MLHP 10031842022001400100080060040020000 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400450 500 550 600650700Speed.RPMInt. range△p=2500 PSI [175 bar]2300 PSI [160 bar]2000 PSI [138 bar]1740 PSI [121 bar]1500 PSI [105 bar]1300 PSI [90 bar]1100 PSI [76 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]△p=500 PSI[35 bar]Q = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P Mlb. Torque -In.daNm Cont. rangeI n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e△p=2500 PSI [175 bar]2300 PSI [160 bar]2000 PSI [138 bar]1740 PSI [121 bar]1500 PSI [105 bar]1300 PSI [90 bar]1100 PSI [76 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]△p=500 PSI[35 bar]△p=2320 PSI [163 bar]2030 PSI [141 bar]1800 PSI [124 bar]1670 PSI [116 bar]1450 PSI [102 bar]1300 PSI [90 bar]1100 PSI [76 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]△p=500 PSI[35 bar]6810120012141616001800182022242000240026002628408004000050100150200250300350400450500Speed.RPMInt. range Q = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M[22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P M lb. Torque-In.daNm Cont. rangeI n t . r a n g e C o n t . r a n g e812001216160020242000240032003628403200800400050100150200250300350400 Speed.RPMInt. rangeQ = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M[37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P M lb. Torque-In.daNm Cont. rangeI n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e81200121616002032242000240040003628280036003240280036004044MLHP 125MLHP 160MLHP 2003194032002400800400050100150200250300350Speed.RPMInt. range △p=2320 PSI [138 bar]1800 PSI [124 bar]1670 PSI [116 bar]1450 PSI [102 bar]1250 PSI [86 bar]1100 PSI [76 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]△p=500 PSI[35 bar]Q = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P Mlb. Torque -In.daNm Cont. rangeI n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e△p=1800 PSI [126 bar]1450 PSI [102 bar]1230 PSI [86 bar]1015 PSI [71 bar]900 PSI [62 bar]700 PSI [50 bar]500 PSI [35 bar]812001220161600280032362000360040004044408004000255075100125150175200225250 Speed.RPM Int. range Q = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M 16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P Mlb. Torque -In.daNm Cont. rangeI n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e812001216160020242000400044363600440040482824 △p=1625 PSI [114 bar]1285 PSI [90 bar]1145 PSI [80 bar]1000 PSI [70 bar]785 PSI [55 bar]645 PSI [45 bar]△p=215 PSI[15 bar]50400010005000255075100125150175200 Speed.RPMInt. rangeQ = 1 G P M [3.78 L /m i n ]2 G P M [7.6 L /m i n ]4 G P M [15.1 L /m i n ]6 G P M [22.7 L /m i n ]8 G P M [30.2 L /m i n ]10 G P M [37.8 L /m i n ]12 G P M [45.4 L /m i n ][52.9 L /m i n ]14 G P M16 G P M [68.2 L /m i n ]18 G P M [60.6 L /m i n ][75.6 L /m i n ]Q = 20 G P M lb. Torque-In.daNm Cont. rangeI n t . r a n g eC o n t . r a n g e1015001520200025403025003000500045353500450050553200280024002832△p=250 PSI[17.5 bar][30 bar]430 PSI MLHP 315MLHP 250MLHP 400320321322323324325326。



DC Motors1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7 and 1HQ7sSupplement DA 12 × July 2001DC MotorsOrder No.:German:E20002-K4012-A101-A2English:E20002-K4012-A101-A2-7600DA 12DC MotorsDA 12 Supplement1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7 and 1HQ7July 2001Order No.:German:E86060-K5112-E101-A1English:E86060-K5112-E101-A1-7600DC DrivesPreferred Series up to 500 kW Order No.:German:E20002-K4012-A111-A2English:E20002-K4012-A111-A2-7600DA 12.1SIMOREG Chassis ConvertersOrder No.:German:E20002-K4021-A101-A3English:E20002-K4021-A101-A3-7600DA 21Spare Parts for SIMOREG Chassis Converters Order No.:German:E20002-K4021-A900-A4English:E20002-K4021-A900-A4-7600DA 21 ESIMOREG Converter Cabinet Units Order No.:German:E20002-K4022-A101-A3English:E20002-K4022-A101-A3-7600DA 22Automation and DrivesOrder No.:German:E86060-D4001-A100-B5Eng l ish: E86060-D4001-A110-B4-7600CA 01InternetVisit the Automation and Drives Group in the Internet under the following address:http://www.siemens.de/automationCatalogs of the Automation and Drives Group (A&D)Automation & Drives Catalog Interactive catalogs on CD-ROM•Components for Automation & Drives CA 01•Electrical Installation Technology ET 01Analysis SystemsGas Analysis Equipment for the Process Industry PA 10 Process Analysis, Components for Sample Preparation PA 11 SIPAN Liquid Analysis PA 20Drive SystemsVariable-Speed DrivesDC Motors DA 12 DC Drives Preferred Series up to 500 kW DA 12.1 DC Drives Preferred Series 215 kW to 1500 kW DA 12.2 SIMOREG Chassis Converters DA 21 SIMOREG Converter Cabinet Units DA 22 SIMOVERT PM Modular Converter Systems DA 45 SIEMOSYN Motors DA 48 MICROMASTER 420/440 Inverters DA 51.2 COMBIMASTER 411/MICROMASTER 411DA 51.3 SIMOVERT A Current-Source DC Link Converters DA 62 SIMOVERT MV Medium-Voltage Drives DA 63 MICROMASTER, MIDIMASTER DA 64 Low-Voltage Motors for Variable-Speed Drives DA 65.3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control DA 65.10 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control DA 65.11 SIMADYN D Control System DA 99 Automation Systems for Machine Tools SIMODRIVE NC 60•AC Main Spindle Motors 1FE1, 1PH2, 1PH3, 1PH4,1PH7•AC Servomotors 1FK6, 1FT5, 1FT6•AC Linear motors 1FN1, 1FN3•Converter System SIMODRIVE 611•Converter Systems SIMODRIVE POSMO A/CD/CA/SILow-Voltage Three-Phase-Motors•Project Manual M 10•Squirrel-Cage Motors, Totally Enclosed, Fan-Cooled M 11 Drive and Control Components for Hoisting Equipment HE 1 Automation Systems for Machine ToolsSINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE NC 60 Cables, Connectors and System Components NC Z Human Machine Interface Products/SystemsSIMATIC HMIST 80SIMATIC Industrial Automation SystemsSIMATIC PCS Process Control System ST 45 SIMATIC S5/PC/505 Automation Systems ST 50 Components for Totally Integrated Automation ST 70 Supplementary Components ST 71 SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System ST PCS 7 Electrical Installation TechnologyProtective Switching and Fuse SystemsBuilding Management Systems with instabus EIBI 2.1Program Overview Modular Devices I 2.11 STAB Wall-Mounting Distribution Boards I 2.31 SIKUS Floor-Mounting Distribution Boards I 2.328PU Busway System I 2.36Systems Engineering Catalog Power supplies SITOP power KT 10.1 System cables SIMATIC TOP connect KT 10.2 MOBY Identification Systems KT 21 Industrial Microcomputers SICOMP KT 51 Printers and Monitors for Automation and Drives KT 61 Cabinet Packaging System for SIMATIC PCS 7KT 71Industrial Communication and Field Devices IK PILow-Voltage Controls and DistributionLow-Voltage Controlgear, Switchgear and Systems NS K Communication-Capable SIRIUS NET Controlgear,Controlgear, SIGUARD Safety Systems,Control and Signalling Devices, Switchgear,Transformers and DC Power Supplies,Main- and EMERGENCY-STOP Switches,Control Switches, Terminal BlocksSIGNUM Metallic 3SB3Products and Systemsfor Low-Voltage Power DistributionNS PS SENTRON WL NS WLTELEPERM M Process Control SystemAS 235, AS 235H and AS 235K automation systems PLT 111AS 388/TM and AS 488/TM automation systems PLT 112OS 525 operating and monitoring system PLT 122 Operating and monitoring with WinCC/TM PLT 123CS 275 bus system PLT 130Process EngineeringField Instruments for Process AutomationMeasuring Instruments for Pressure,Differential Pressure, Flow, Level and Temperature,Positioners and Liquid MetersFI 01SITRANS LR FI 01 SIWAREX Weighing Systems KT 30 Process Recorders and Accessories MP 20 SIPART, Controllers and Software MP 31Vacuum Pumps/CompressorsOil-Free Vacuum Pumps, Compressors (Blowers),Radial Blowers, Liquid PumpsPVPumpsVacuum Pumps and Compressors, System ELMO-F Cat. Sheets PF Vacuum Pumps and Compressors, System ELMO-G Cat. Sheets PGSIPOS Electric ActuatorsElectric Rotary, Linear and Part-turn Actuators MP 35 Electric Rotary Actuators for Nuclear Plants MP 35.1/.2System SolutionsApplications, Products and Services for Industry SL 01 Automation Solutions in the Plastic Industry•with SIMATIC S7SL 10•with SIMATIC S5ST 58A&D/U3/En 18.04.01Siemens AGAutomation and Drives GroupLarge Drives DivisionP.O. Box 47 43, 90025 NurembergFederal Republic of Germanyhttp://www.siemens.de/automation/ldSiemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No. E86060-K5112-E101-A1-7600sDC Drives DC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7 and 1HQ7 Supplement DA 12 · July 2001DC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7, 1HQ7Supplement DA 12 July 2001IntroductionTechnical FeaturesSelection and Ordering Data Engineering Instructionss32145Dimension DrawingsAppendixAPlease note:The technical data is provided for general information only.When mounting, operating and servicing the equipment, the Instruction Manuals and the information provided on the products themselves must be observed.We reserve the right to revise technical data, selection and ordering data (Order Nos.), accessories and the availability.All of the dimensions in this Catalog are in mm.© Siemens AG 2001Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 20011/111/2Applications1/4Recommendations for Drive Selection 1/5Overview of Motor Types and Rated Data 1/6DiagramsSiemens Supplement DA 12 · July 2001DC Motors1IntroductionSiemens DC drives distinguish themselves as follows:•Their excellent steady-state and dynamic control response •Their wide range with high control precision•The high efficiency of the complete drive system.The modular DC motors from Siemens are well-proven in combination with driveconverters as variable-speed drives in almost all sectors of industry.This secures competitivestrengths and efficiency for our customers – within Germany and internationally.For example •In mining•In rolling mills•In the printing industry •In the textile and man-made fiber industries •For cranes•In basic industrySIMOREG drive converters.Our DC drives are the optimum solution, no matter which functions have to be fulfilled in drive, power or process engineering.DC MotorsIntroduction1Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 20011/3Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 2001DC Motors1IntroductionDetermine the required product profile :Supply voltage DutyDegree of protection Speed range OutputType of construction 3-ph 400, 500 or 690 V ,50/60 Hz1 quadrant/4 quadrant IP ............ n =............rpm P = ............ kWIMPage 2/2 and 3/2 onwardsInstallation conditionsAmbient temperature 40 °C Site altitude1000 mAmbient temperature > 40 °C Site altitude > 1000 m Determining the factors for output and speed changePage 4/2Determine therated armature voltageSupply configuration Duty 3 AC 50/60 Hz 400 V 1Q 3 AC 50/60 Hz 400 V 4Q 3 AC 50/60 Hz 500 V 1Q 3 AC 50/60 Hz 500 V 4Q 3 AC 50/60 Hz 690 V 1Q 3 AC 50/60 Hz 690 V4QRated armature voltage 470 V DC 420 V DC 600 V DC 520 V DC 810 V DC 720 V DCDetermine the Motor Order No.Determine the motor Order No.in accordance with the"Selection and Ordering Data"Pages 3/2 to 3/35Adapt the speed if necessary n = n Nn < n NSpeed adapted via armature control U a = U an · n / n N P = P N · n / n Nn > n NSpeed adapted via field weakening U a = constant P = constantComplete the motor Order No.Options and short codes for special featuresPages 3/39 to 3/41Select the SIMOREG drive converter and the supply componentsFor Order No. of the drive converter and the supply components,see Catalogs DA 21 and DA 22These❝Recommendations for drive selection ❞guide you step-by-step through this CatalogSiemens Supplement DA 12 · July 20011/5DC Motors1Introduction1/6Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 2001DC Motors1Introduction$1 . . 351%1 . . 352&1 . . 353(1 . . 354)1 . . 355*1 . . 401+1 . . 402,1 . . 403-1 . . 404.1 . . 405/1 . . 45101 . . 45211 . . 45321 . . 45431 . . 455Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 20012/122/2Standard versions 2/3Mechanical designs 2/3StandardsSiemens Supplement DA 12 · July 2001DC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7, 1HQ72Technical FeaturesTechnical design formotors of Series1G . 7The internally cooled,separately ventilated DC motors 1G . 7 and 1H . 7are fully laminated and compensated. They represent the optimum solution for every drive application as a result of theirmodular design regarding terminal box and separately-driven fan mounting.Standard Type Description Design All IM B3Degree of protection1GG71GH71HS71HQ7IP 23IP 23IP 54IP 54Cooling type1GH71GG71HS71HQ7IC 17IC 06IC W37 A86IC A06 A66Terminal boxPosition Alignment Cable entry All All All RightCable entry from below UndrilledCoolingSep. ventilated Sep. ventilated Closed-circuit coolingClosed-circuit cooling 1GG71GH71HS71HQ7Separately driven fan, top, NDE ExternalAir-to-water heat exchanger, top Air-to-air heat exchanger, top StatorDesign FeaturesAll All RectangularNo housing, fully laminated Duct connection 1GH7On one side, NDE right Paint finish All RAL 7016BearingsAllRoller bearing with regreasing device Vibration severity grade All NShaft end All With keyway acc. to DIN 6885, Sheet 1Balancing All Half-key balancing Field control range All 1.15 x n N Excitation Type VoltageAll All External 310 VWinding type All With compensation winding Number of polesAll4-poleFor design variants and accessories, see Options, Pages 3/39 to 3/41.Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 2001DC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7, 1HQ72Technical FeaturesPractically spark-freecommutation when fed from drive converters is achieved as a result of the optimum motor design, even in the overload range. This results in extremely long brush lifetimes.Even critical applications can be handled by selecting suitable brush materials.The noise levels of the motors are determined in accordance with DIN EN 21 680 and they lie far below the values permitted according to DIN EN 60 034-9. This is achieved as a result of the mechanical design and by optimizing the magnetic circuit and the separately-driven fan.Noise levels can be provided on request.The motor bearings are provided with regreasing devices.The locating bearing is at the non drive end.The motors comply with all of the relevant standards and specifications, see adjacent table.As a result of the fact that in many countries the national regulations have beencompletely harmonized with the international IEC 60 034-1 recommendation, there are no longer any differences with respect to cooling medium temperatures, insulation classes and maximum temperature rises.Brush materials, commutation Noise levelsBearingsStandards, specifications, requirements TitleDIN/ENIECGeneral specifications for rotating, electrical machinesDIN EN 60 034-1IEC 60 034-1,IEC 60 085Terminal designations and direction of rotation for electrical machines DIN VDE 0530, Part 8IEC 60 034-8Types of construction DIN EN 60 034-7IEC 60 034-7Built-in thermal protection –IEC 60 034-11Cooling types forrotating electrical machinesDIN EN 60 034-6IEC 60 034-6Degrees of protection of rotating electrical machines DIN EN 60 034-5IEC 60034-5Vibration severity ofrotating electrical machines DIN EN 60 034-14IEC 60 034-14Cylindrical shaft ends for electrical machines DIN 748-3IEC 60 072Noise limit values ofrotating electrical machinesDIN EN 60 034-9IEC 60 034-9DC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7, 1HQ7 Technical Features2Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 2001Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 20013/13Ordering DataDC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS73/2•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 400 V AC Rated armature voltage 420 V DC,4 quadrant operation3/5•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 400 V AC Rated armature voltage 470 V DC,1 quadrant operation3/8•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 500 V AC Rated armature voltage 520 V DC,4 quadrant operation3/11•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 500 V AC Rated armature voltage 600 V DC,1 quadrant operation3/14•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 690 V AC Rated armature voltage 720 V DC,4 quadrant operation3/17•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 690 V AC Rated armature voltage 810 V DC,1 quadrant operation DC Motors 1HQ73/19•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 400 V AC Rated armature voltage 420 V DC,4 quadrant operation3/22•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 400 V AC Rated armature voltage 470 V DC,1 quadrant operation3/25•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 500 V AC Rated armature voltage 520 V DC,4 quadrant operation3/28•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 500 V AC Rated armature voltage 600 V DC,1 quadrant operation3/31•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 690 V AC Rated armature voltage 720 V DC,4 quadrant operation3/34•Rated supply voltage 3-ph. 690 V AC Rated armature voltage 810 V DC,1 quadrant operation3/36Supplementary data for selection 3/39Options3Selection and Ordering DataOutputrangeRatedoutputRated speed Order No.Rated torque Max. fieldweakening speedRated current EfficiencyPNnNMnnFmaxINh kW kW rpm Nm rpm A% 197103 1 . . 7 455-5NA . . -1VV11827041259578204138 1 . . 7 454-5NA . . -1VV11411555059580206173 1 . . 7 453-5NA . . -1VV11137069058583208210 1 . . 7 452-5NA . . -1VV1946084058084210254 1 . . 7 451-5NA . . -1VV17895102058085226119 1 . . 7 455-5NB . . -1VV11813547665581230171 1 . . 7 405-5NA . . -1VV11285051064083232158 1 . . 7 454-5NB . . -1VV11402563065083235225 1 . . 7 404-5NA . . -1VV1997068064085236275 1 . . 7 355-5NA . . -1VV1820071064086236238 1 . . 7 452-5NB . . -1VV1947095064086236196 1 . . 7 453-5NB . . -1VV11150078565085238344 1 . . 7 354-5NA . . -1VV16610103063587238288 1 . . 7 451-5NB . . -1VV17890115064087240416 1 . . 7 353-5NA . . -1VV15510125063588240335 1 . . 7 402-5NA . . -1VV16850100064087240284 1 . . 7 403-5NA . . -1VV1810085064586242492 1 . . 7 352-5NA . . -1VV14700148063589242412 1 . . 7 401-5NA . . -1VV15600124064088244580 1 . . 7 351-5NA . . -1VV14000174063590258134 1 . . 7 455-5NC . . -1VV11840053573582262196 1 . . 7 405-5NB . . -1VV11277059071585264178 1 . . 7 454-5NC . . -1VV11416571073084266322 1 . . 7 451-5NC . . -1VV17865129071088266268 1 . . 7 452-5NC . . -1VV19515107071587266256 1 . . 7 404-5NB . . -1VV1993077071587266220 1 . . 7 453-5NC . . -1VV11149588072586268392 1 . . 7 354-5NB . . -1VV16530118071088268314 1 . . 7 355-5NB . . -1VV1815094572586270320 1 . . 7 403-5NB . . -1VV1806096071588272565 1 . . 7 352-5NB . . -1VV14590169071589272475 1 . . 7 353-5NB . . -1VV15470143071589272380 1 . . 7 402-5NB . . -1VV16850114071589274660 1 . . 7 351-5NB . . -1VV13960183071590274468 1 . . 7 401-5NB . . -1VV15600140071589290151 1 . . 7 455-5ND . . -1VV11834060581583298200 1 . . 7 454-5ND . . -1VV11416080082085300224 1 . . 7 405-5NC . . -1VV11279067081086302350 1 . . 7 355-5NC . . -1VV18240105080088304438 1 . . 7 354-5NC . . -1VV16630131080089304364 1 . . 7 451-5ND . . -1VV18000131081088304302 1 . . 7 452-5ND . . -1VV19645119081588304292 1 . . 7 404-5NC . . -1VV1995088080588304248 1 . . 7 453-5ND . . -1VV11166099082587 225250300Separate ventilation usingStand., radially-mounted, sep.-driven fan G GSeparately-mounted, sep.-driven fan G HMounted air-to-water heat exchanger H SExciting voltage180 V1200 V (Order No. + Short Code L5A)9310 V4360 V7Type of constructionIM B30IM B 35 (on request)Field weakeningThe order numbers for themotors are applicable for fieldweakening speeds nFto 1.15 ·nN. For higher field weakeningspeeds, additional short codesare necessary, i.e. "C05"for nF> 1.15 ·nNto 1.7 ·nNand "C06" for nF> 1.7 ·nN.The motors can be operated atrated output PNup to the fieldweakening speed nFmax.Forhigher speeds, the output mustbe reduced.DC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7Siemens Supplement DA 12 · July 20013Selection and Ordering DataSiemens Supplement DA 12 · July 2001DC Motors 1GG7, 1GH7, 1HS7Output range Rated output Rated speed Order No.Rated torque Max. fieldweakening speed Rated current Efficiency P N n N M n n Fmax I N h kWkW rpm Nm rpm A %306530 1 . . 7 353-5NC . . -1VV15510154080090308735 1 . . 7 351-5NC . . -1VV14000181080091308625 1 . . 7 352-5NC . . -1VV14710167080090308432 1 . . 7 402-5NC . . -1VV16800130080589310530 1 . . 7 401-5NC . . -1VV15600160080590310364 1 . . 7 403-5NC . . -1VV18130109081589338177 1 . . 7 455-5NE . . -1VV11824072092086340252 1 . . 7 405-5ND . . -1VV11289076090588344835 1 . . 7 351-5ND . . -1VV13940182089091344500 1 . . 7 354-5ND . . -1VV16570135090090345328 1 . . 7 404-5ND . . -1VV11005098090589345232 1 . . 7 454-5NE . . -1VV11414093092588346605 1 . . 7 353-5ND . . -1VV15460151090090346400 1 . . 7 355-5ND . . -1VV18260117091589348710 1 . . 7 352-5ND . . -1VV14680164090091348484 1 . . 7 402-5ND . . -1VV16850146090091348406 1 . . 7 403-5ND . . -1VV18190122090490350590 1 . . 7 401-5ND . . -1VV15650160090091350418 1 . . 7 451-5NE . . -1VV17995132091090350348 1 . . 7 452-5NE . . -1VV19635120092090350288 1 . . 7 453-5NE . . -1VV111605108092589375675 1 . . 7 401-5NE . . -1VV15300164096092382555 1 . . 7 402-5NE . . -1VV16850146098591382464 1 . . 7 403-5NE . . -1VV17860133099091382288 1 . . 7 405-5NE . . -1VV112670860101088384375 1 . . 7 404-5NE . . -1VV197801130101090394960 1 . . 7 351-5NE . . -1VV139201760101092395462 1 . . 7 355-5NE . . -1VV181701140103090396575 1 . . 7 354-5NE . . -1VV165801310102091398695 1 . . 7 353-5NE . . -1VV154701460102092400820 1 . . 7 352-5NE . . -1VV146601590102092408215 1 . . 7 455-5NF . . -1VV118125790109088415282 1 . . 7 454-5NF . . -1VV114005935109089420505 1 . . 7 451-5NF . . -1VV179601290108092420418 1 . . 7 452-5NF . . -1VV195751180108591420348 1 . . 7 453-5NF . . -1VV11152510501095904341060 1 . . 7 351-5NF . . -1VV139001780110093440640 1 . . 7 354-5NF . . -1VV165701320113092440510 1 . . 7 355-5NF . . -1VV182401150114091440326 1 . . 7 405-5NF . . -1VV112900960115090444770 1 . . 7 353-5NF . . -1VV155101470114092445910 1 . . 7 352-5NF . . -1VV146701600114092445424 1 . . 7 404-5NF . . -1VV11003011401150914487651 . . 7 401-5NF . . -1VV156001570114092325350400Separate ventilation usingStand., radially-mounted, sep.-driven fan G G Separately-mounted, sep.-driven fan G H Mounted air-to-water heat exchangerH SExciting voltage180 V1200 V (Order No. + Short Code L5A )9310 V 4360 V7Type of constructionIM B3IM B 35 (on request)Field weakeningThe order numbers for the motors are applicable for field weakening speeds n F to 1.15 · n N . For higher field weakening speeds, additional short codes are necessary, i.e. "C05" for n F > 1.15 · n N to 1.7 · n N and "C06" for n F > 1.7 · n N .The motors can be operated at rated output P N up to the field weakening speed n Fmax. For higher speeds, the output must be reduced.3OutputrangeRatedoutputRated speed Order No.Rated torque Max. fieldweakening speedRated current EfficiencyPNnNMnnFmaxINhkW kW rpm Nm rpm A% 450625 1 . . 7 402-5NF . . -1VV169001410115092450524 1 . . 7 403-5NF . . -1VV1820012801160914881210 1 . . 7 351-5NG . . -1VV138501*********492870 1 . . 7 401-5NG . . -1VV154001*********495375 1 . . 7 405-5NG . . -1VV112610*********498485 1 . . 7 404-5NG . . -1VV198101170128092500610 1 . . 7 451-5NG . . -1VV178001040127093500600 1 . . 7 403-5NG . . -1VV179701310127092500585 1 . . 7 355-5NG . . -1VV1816011501290925051030 1 . . 7 352-5NG . . -1VV146801*********505880 1 . . 7 353-5NG . . -1VV154701*********505735 1 . . 7 354-5NG . . -1VV165601320128093505715 1 . . 7 402-5NG . . -1VV167501430128093505510 1 . . 7 452-5NG . . -1VV194751150129092505264 1 . . 7 455-5NG . . -1VV118270755133090510424 1 . . 7 453-5NG . . -1VV1115151020131092510344 1 . . 7 454-5NG . . -1VV1141609001320915151370 1 . . 7 351-5NH . . -1VV135901*********5451170 1 . . 7 352-5NH . . -1VV144501650138094550665 1 . . 7 355-5NH . . -1VV179001170140093555995 1 . . 7 353-5NH . . -1VV153401490140093555975 1 . . 7 401-5NH . . -1VV154501550140094555830 1 . . 7 354-5NH . . -1VV164101340141093555420 1 . . 7 405-5NH . . -1VV1126209401420925651600 1 . . 7 351-5NJ . . -1VV133702100142094565800 1 . . 7 402-5NH . . -1VV167501390143093565545 1 . . 7 404-5NH . . -1VV199101120144092570672 1 . . 7 403-5NH . . -1VV1810012501440936051360 1 . . 7 352-5NJ . . -1VV142501880152094605765 1 . . 7 451-5NH . . -1VV175451270153093615640 1 . . 7 452-5NH . . -1VV192051150156093625965 1 . . 7 354-5NJ . . -1VV161701540158093625775 1 . . 7 355-5NJ . . -1VV177001340158093625530 1 . . 7 453-5NH . . -1VV1112601020159593625430 1 . . 7 454-5NH . . -1VV113870895160092625330 1 . . 7 455-5NH . . -1VV1180907501620916301190 1 . . 7 401-5NJ . . -1VV1505017801580946301160 1 . . 7 353-5NJ . . -1VV151901680168094655980 1 . . 7 402-5NJ . . -1VV164001580164094670822 1 . . 7 403-5NJ . . -1VV177801430169094670520 1 . . 7 405-5NJ . . -1VV1123001090170092675670 1 . . 7 404-5NJ . . -1VV196201270171093680880 1 . . 7 451-5NJ . . -1VV173951290170594685730 1 . . 7 452-5NJ . . -1VV189351170172594685610 1 . . 7 453-5NJ . . -1VV1107251060173094695382 1 . . 7 455-5NJ . . -1VV117370770178092705496 1 . . 7 454-5NJ . . -1VV113570905179093 450550600700Separate ventilation usingStand., radially-mounted, sep.-driven fan G GSeparately-mounted, sep.-driven fan G HMounted air-to-water heat exchanger H SExciting voltage180 V1200 V (Order No. + Short Code L5A)9310 V4360 V7Type of constructionField weakeningThe order numbers for themotors are applicable for fieldweakening speeds nFto 1.15 ·nN. For higher field weakeningspeeds, additional short codesare necessary, i.e. "C05"for nF> 1.15 ·nNto 1.7 ·nNand "C06" for nF> 1.7 ·nN.The motors can be operated atrated output PNup to the fieldweakening speed nFmax.Forhigher speeds, the output mustbe reduced.3Output range Rated output Rated speed Order No.Rated torque Max. fieldweakening speed Rated current Efficiency P N n N M n n Fmax I N h kWkW rpm Nm rpm A %226119 1 . . 7 455-5NA . . -1WV11813547659080232158 1 . . 7 454-5NA . . -1WV11402563058583236197 1 . . 7 453-5NA . . -1WV11144079058584238290 1 . . 7 451-5NA . . -1WV17865116057586238240 1 . . 7 452-5NA . . -1WV1951096058585260195 1 . . 7 405-5NA . . -1WV11273059063585260136 1 . . 7 455-5NB . . -1WV11826054566082265180 1 . . 7 454-5NB . . -1WV11406072065585266256 1 . . 7 404-5NA . . -1WV1993077064087268312 1 . . 7 355-5NA . . -1WV1820094064087268326 1 . . 7 451-5NB . . -1WV17850130063588268270 1 . . 7 452-5NB . . -1WV19480108064087268224 1 . . 7 453-5NB . . -1WV11147589565086270390 1 . . 7 354-5NA . . -1WV16610117063589270380 1 . . 7 402-5NA . . -1WV16800114063589270322 1 . . 7 403-5NA . . -1WV1803097064088272555 1 . . 7 352-5NA . . -1WV14680167063590272472 1 . . 7 353-5NA . . -1WV15500142063589272466 1 . . 7 401-5NA . . -1WV15600140063589274655 1 . . 7 351-5NA . . -1WV13990184063590294153 1 . . 7 455-5NC . . -1WV11835061073584300224 1 . . 7 405-5NB . . -1WV11279067072086300202 1 . . 7 454-5NC . . -1WV11418581073086302355 1 . . 7 355-5NB . . -1WV18120107072088302292 1 . . 7 404-5NB . . -1WV1988088071588302365 1 . . 7 451-5NC . . -1WV17900134071089302302 1 . . 7 452-5NC . . -1WV19520121071588302250 1 . . 7 453-5NC . . -1WV111535100072587304445 1 . . 7 354-5NB . . -1WV16520134071589306540 1 . . 7 353-5NB . . -1WV15420155071590306430 1 . . 7 402-5NB . . -1WV16800129071090306362 1 . . 7 403-5NB . . -1WV18070109071589308635 1 . . 7 352-5NB . . -1WV14630169071590308530 1 . . 7 401-5NB . . -1WV15550159071590310745 1 . . 7 351-5NB . . -1WV13970182072091330173 1 . . 7 455-5ND . . -1WV11824069081585338254 1 . . 7 405-5NC . . -1WV11271076080588338228 1 . . 7 454-5ND . . -1WV11409591082087342496 1 . . 7 354-5NC . . -1WV16590138079590342398 1 . . 7 355-5NC . . -1WV18210120080089344330 1 . . 7 404-5NC . . -1WV1995099080589344412 1 . . 7 451-5ND . . -1WV17995131081090344342 1 . . 7 452-5ND . . -1WV19635119081589345600 1 . . 7 353-5NC . . -1WV15490154080091345282 1 . . 7 453-5ND . . -1WV111685106082588346705 1 . . 7 352-5NC . . -1WV14690168080091348830 1 . . 7 351-5NC . . -1WV140001820800923484881 . . 7 402-5NC . . -1WV16800146080590250300Separate ventilation usingStand., radially-mounted, sep.-driven fan G G Separately-mounted, sep.-driven fan G H Mounted air-to-water heat exchangerH SExciting voltage180 V1200 V (Order No. + Short Code L5A )9310 V 4360 V7Type of constructionIM B3Field weakeningThe order numbers for the motors are applicable for field weakening speeds n F to 1.15 · n N . For higher field weakening speeds, additional short codes are necessary, i.e. "C05" for n F > 1.15 · n N to 1.7 · n N and "C06" for n F > 1.7 · n N .The motors can be operated at rated output P N up to the field weakening speed n Fmax. For higher speeds, the output must be reduced.3OutputrangeRatedoutputRated speed Order No.Rated torque Max. fieldweakening speedRated current EfficiencyPNnNMnnFmaxINhkW kW rpm Nm rpm A% 350600 1 . . 7 401-5NC . . -1WV15550160080591350412 1 . . 7 403-5NC . . -1WV18130124081590384202 1 . . 7 455-5NE . . -1WV11815080592087385370 1 . . 7 404-5ND . . -1WV19950111089590385285 1 . . 7 405-5ND . . -1WV11290086090589388940 1 . . 7 351-5ND . . -1WV13940181089092388565 1 . . 7 354-5ND . . -1WV16560136090091390680 1 . . 7 353-5ND . . -1WV15480151090091390264 1 . . 7 454-5NE . . -1WV11411095092089392805 1 . . 7 352-5ND . . -1WV14650164090092392452 1 . . 7 355-5ND . . -1WV18280117091590392545 1 . . 7 402-5ND . . -1WV16850145090091392460 1 . . 7 403-5ND . . -1WV18160133090291394665 1 . . 7 401-5ND . . -1WV15650160090092394472 1 . . 7 451-5NE . . -1WV17955132091091395392 1 . . 7 452-5NE . . -1WV19600120091591396326 1 . . 7 453-5NE . . -1WV111600108092590422760 1 . . 7 401-5NE . . -1WV15300164096092430625 1 . . 7 402-5NE . . -1WV16850146098592432524 1 . . 7 403-5NE . . -1WV17890132099091432424 1 . . 7 404-5NE . . -1WV197401170100091432326 1 . . 7 405-5NE . . -1WV112660*********4421080 1 . . 7 351-5NE . . -1WV139101*********446650 1 . . 7 354-5NE . . -1WV165501310102092446520 1 . . 7 355-5NE . . -1WV181901140103091448785 1 . . 7 353-5NE . . -1WV154501*********450920 1 . . 7 352-5NE . . -1WV146701*********464244 1 . . 7 455-5NF . . -1WV118160*********470318 1 . . 7 454-5NF . . -1WV114025*********472570 1 . . 7 451-5NF . . -1WV179351290108092474392 1 . . 7 453-5NF . . -1WV1115201050109591475472 1 . . 7 452-5NF . . -1WV1961011801090924861200 1 . . 7 351-5NF . . -1WV138701*********495575 1 . . 7 355-5NF . . -1WV182201140115092496720 1 . . 7 354-5NF . . -1WV165801320113092498870 1 . . 7 353-5NF . . -1WV154601*********498368 1 . . 7 405-5NF . . -1WV112920*********5001020 1 . . 7 352-5NF . . -1WV146801*********500478 1 . . 7 404-5NF . . -1WV199901150115091505860 1 . . 7 401-5NF . . -1WV156001*********505705 1 . . 7 402-5NF . . -1WV168501410115092510592 1 . . 7 403-5NF . . -1WV1824012701160925401360 1 . . 7 351-5NG . . -1WV137901*********545980 1 . . 7 401-5NG . . -1WV153001********* 350400500Separate ventilation usingStand., radially-mounted, sep.-driven fan G GSeparately mounted, sep.-driven fan G HMounted air-to-water heat exchanger H SExciting voltage180 V1200 V (Order No. + Short Code L5A)9310 V4360 V7Type of constructionField weakeningThe order numbers for themotors are applicable for fieldweakening speeds nFto 1.15 ·nN. For higher field weakeningspeeds, additional short codesare necessary, i.e. "C05"for nF> 1.15 ·nNto 1.7 ·nNand "C06" for nF> 1.7 ·nN.The motors can be operated atrated output PNup to the fieldweakening speed nFmax.Forhigher speeds, the output mustbe reduced.。

A6VM马达样本 中文

A6VM马达样本 中文

轴向柱塞变量马达 A6VM技术数据表特性变量马达配有采用斜轴式设计的轴向锥形柱塞转子组,用 –于开式回路和闭式回路中的静液压传动用于行走机械和固定应用–宽广的控制范围使变量马达能够满足对高转速和高扭矩的 –要求。

排量可在 V –g max 至 V g min = 0 之间无极改变。


–输出扭矩会随着高压侧和低压侧之间的压差以及排量的不 –断增加而增大。

可在宽广的控制范围内进行静液压传动 –有多种控制设备可供选择–通过取消齿轮变速机构使用小型泵节省成本 –紧凑、坚固的马达,使用寿命长久 –具有高功率密度 –具有良好的启动特性 –摆动扭矩小–RC 91604/06.12 1/80代替:07.09系列 63规格 公称压力28 至 200 400 bar/450 bar 250 至1000 350 bar/400 bar 开式和闭式回路目录订货型号/标准产品 2技术参数5HD – 液压比例控制 10EP – 电气比例控制 14HZ – 两点式液压控制 18EZ – 电子两点式控制 19HA – 与高压相关的自动控制 21DA – 与转速相关的自动控制 27电控行程换向阀 (适用于 DA 、H A.R) 29尺寸 28 至 1000 30电磁铁插头 70冲洗阀和补油阀 71平衡阀 BVD 和 BVE 73摆动角指示器77速度传感器 78安装说明 79安全说明 80订货型号/标准产品液压油01矿物油和 HFD 。

HFD 适用于规格 250 至 1000,只能与长寿命轴承“L ”结合使用 (无代码)HFB ,HFC 液压油适用于规格 28 至 200 (无代码)适用于规格 250 至 1000 (只能与长寿命轴承“L ”结合使用)E轴向柱塞单元02弯轴设计,可变排量A6V传动轴轴承28 (200250355500100003)标准轴承 (无代码)●●●●–长使用寿命轴承–●●●●L工作模式04马达 (插入式马达 A6VE ,请参见 RC 91606)M规格 (NG)05排量,参见第 8 页的数据表2855801071401602002503555001000A6VM/63W–V–0102030405060708091011121314151617181920带型号 D 的标准装备 (1)规格 250 至 1000)= 可供货❍ = 根据要求供货 ▲= 不适用于新项目 – =不可供货优选型号订货型号/标准产品A6VM/63W–V–0102030405060708091011121314151617181920订购时请以明文形式注明 V 2)g min 和 V g max 的精确设置:V g min = ... cm 3,V g max = ... cm 3公制紧固螺纹3) 只能与 HD 、EP 4) 和 HA 控制结合使用请注意第 74 页的限制。

LBM0825A3204F无刷振动马达 产品规格说明书

LBM0825A3204F无刷振动马达 产品规格说明书

产品规格说明书PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONFILLED BY BUYER客户名称Buyer Name客户料号Buyer Part No.客户承认签章Buyer Approved SignaturesFILLED BY LEADER文件编号Spec No.leader-3204品名Part Name 无刷振动马达BLDC Vibrator Motor 型号Model No.LBM0825A3204F样品送样日期 Sample delivery date 作成 Designed by检讨 Checked by 承认 Approved by张停停 2021.12.02张 冠 军2021.12.02王 远 东2021.12.02立得微电子(惠州)有限公司Leader Micro Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.Tiger Industrial Park, Baigang, Xiaojinkou, Huizhui, Guangdong 516000, China Tel: +86-752-5853255, Fax: +86-752-5839222, Website: www. 生产地址:中国广东省惠州市小金口老虎岭工业园,邮政编码:516000规格书内容Contents of Specifications13. 外形图/ Mechanical Drawing 9/1011.环境管理物质/ Environmental Management Materials: 7/101. 适用范围/ Applicable Scope 1/102. 使用条件/ Operating Conditions 1/103. 测试条件/ Test Conditions 1/104. 初期电气性能/ Initial Electrical Characteristics 1/105. 机械性能/ Mechanical Characteristics 2/106. 耐久性能/ Reliability Characteristics 3/107. 标准测量方法/ Standard Measuring Method 5/108. 测量方法及回路图/ Measuring Method & Circuit Map 5/109. 使用注意事项/ Cautions in Use 6/1012. 包装/ Packaging 8/1010. 特性曲线图/ Characteristics Graph 6/10 14.更改记录/ Revision Records 10/102021.12.02(REV,A0)说明书/Specification 编号/No.: leader-32041/10项目/Item规格/Specification2-1额定电压Rated voltage 3.0V DC 2-2使用电压范围Operating voltage 2.7~3.3V DC 2-3旋转方向RotationCW(clockwise)2-4使用环境Operating environment -20~+60℃, 10~90%RH 2-5保存环境Storage environment-30~+70℃, 10~90%RH项目/Item规格/Specification 3-1温度Temperature 25±3℃3-2湿度Humidity 65±20% RH 3-3气压Air Pressure 1013±40 hPa 3-4电源Power稳压直流电流Constant DC Current项目/Item规格/Specification 条件/Condition4-1额定转速Rated Speed 13000±3000 rpm 额定电压下和额定负载下。



D 压力 Bar 140 170 205
85 3 110 37 110 81 115 170 115 259 115 349 115 439 115 530 110 622 110 714 110 795 105 880
145 34 150 78 150 166 150 254 150 341 155 429 155 516 150 603 150 689 150 775 145 861 175 28 180 72 185 159 185 246 190 333 190 420 195 507 195 593 190 679 190 765 185 851 205 22 210 65 215 152 225 238 230 325 230 411 235 497 235 584 230 670 230 756 225 842 220 14 235 57 250 140 255 223 265 306 270 388 270 470 270 553 270 635 265 717 260 799 240 2 265 49 280 128 290 207 300 286 305 364 305 442 305 521 305 599 300 677 295 755
55 7 65 21 70 45 70 92 75 140 75 187 70 235 70 283 65 331 65 378 60 426 60 474 55 522 50 569 50 593 35 713
110 5 130 19 135 42 140 89 145 137 150 184 150 231 150 279 145 326 145 374 140 422 135 469 130 517 130 564 130 587 120 706



Y2-63M1-2 Y2-63M2-2 Y2-71M1-2 Y2-71M2-2 Y2-80M1-2 Y2-80M2-2 Y2-90S-2 Y2-90L-2 Y2-100L-2 Y2-112M-2 Y2-132S1-2 Y2-132S2-2 Y2-160M1-2 Y2-160M2-2 Y2-160L-2 Y2-180M-2 Y2-200L1-2 Y2-200L2-2
重量 Kg
功率 额定 堵转转矩 堵转电流 最大转矩 效率 因数 转矩 额定转矩 额定电流 额定转矩 噪声 Tst Ist Tmax Eff.% dB(A) P.F N.m TN IN TN 同步转速 3000r/min 92.5 93.0 93.6 93.9 94.0 94.5 94.6 94.8 95.3 95.6 57.0 60.0 65.0 67.0 71.0 73.0 76.2 78.5 81.0 82.6 84.2 85.7 87.0 88.4 89.4 90.5 91.0 92.0 92.5 92.8 93.0 93.8 94.2 94.5 94.8 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.88 0.88 145.2 177.2 241.2 289.4 353.1 423.7 513.6 642.0 801.2 1009.5 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.7 3.8 5.2 7.6 10.3 14.9 20.3 26.5 36.5 49.7 72.0 98.1 120.2 142.9 194.9 239.6 291.4 354.9 484.0 580.7 709.8 851.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 4.4 4.4 5.2 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.9 6.9 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 92 93 94 94 96 96 99 99 103 103 52 52 55 55 58 58 61 61 64 64 65 71 71 75 75 76 76 79 81 81 83 86 86 93 93
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