23-year manure and fertilizer application increases soil organic carbon sequestration of a rice–
一年施肥 一次每年都供给作物每年所需肥料的 体系(而不是更久的时间间隔) 。 防结块处理 与肥料结合的物质或者颗粒肥料表面 处理能够防结块 施用 包括把肥料施用在地里、作物、草地、 森林等 施用率 单位面积施用肥料的重量(液体肥料 通常为体积) 秋季施肥 在冬季播种之前施肥,通常磷钾肥和 部分氮肥作为基肥。 施肥 肥料的施用 肥料灌溉பைடு நூலகம்在灌溉水中溶解入化肥 施肥 施用肥料来促进作物生长和提高土壤 肥力的任何或所有方面. 施肥计划 考虑了所有的相关作物、土壤和气候 因素以后,为某块地、某一作物制定 的完整的施肥推荐 Annual application A system in which the annual fertilizer requirements of the crop are given each year (rather than at longer intervals). Anti-caking agent Substance incorporated in or applied as surface treatment to granular fertilizer to prevent caking. Application General term for putting fertilizer on fields, crops, grassland, forests etc… Application rate Weight of fertilizer (for liquids often volume) applied per unit area. Autumn fertilization Application of fertilizers before the winter sowing, frequently as basic PK fertilization, also as N stater fertilization. Dressing An application of fertilizer. Fertigation Application of fertilizer dissolved in irrigation water. Fertilization Any or all aspects of the use of fertilizers to improve crop growth and soil fertility.
我的农场英语作文My Farming Experience。
Farming has been a part of my life ever since I was young. Growing up in a rural area, I was exposed to the beauty of nature and the importance of agriculture. As I grew older, I became more involved in farming and started my own small farm. In this essay, I will share my farming experience and the English vocabulary that I have learned along the way.First and foremost, farming requires patience and hard work. It takes time to prepare the land, plant the seeds, and wait for the crops to grow. In addition, farmers must be diligent in caring for their crops, watering them regularly, and protecting them from pests and diseases. These tasks require physical strength and endurance, as well as mental fortitude.One of the first things I learned about farming is theimportance of soil quality. The soil must be rich in nutrients and well-drained to support healthy plant growth. Farmers often add organic matter such as compost or manure to improve soil fertility. They also test the pH level of the soil to ensure that it is within the optimal range for the crops they are growing.Another key aspect of farming is crop rotation. Farmers must rotate their crops to prevent soil depletion and reduce the risk of pests and diseases. For example, if a farmer grows tomatoes in one field one year, they should plant a different crop in that field the following year to avoid depleting the soil of the nutrients that tomatoes require.In addition to planting and caring for crops, farmers must also harvest them at the right time. This requires knowledge of the growth cycle of each crop and the ability to recognize when it is ready for harvest. Some crops, such as fruits and vegetables, must be harvested by hand, while others, such as grains, can be harvested using machines.Finally, farming is not just about growing crops. It also involves managing livestock, such as cows, pigs, and chickens. Farmers must provide adequate food, water, and shelter for their animals, as well as ensure their health and well-being. They must also manage waste products, such as manure, in an environmentally responsible manner.Throughout my farming experience, I have learned a lot of English vocabulary related to agriculture. Here are some of the most common terms:Crop: a plant that is grown for food or other uses。
农家肥与化肥配合使用对烤烟产值和品质的影响卢红良1,孙敬国2,闫铁军3,宋彦君1,曹祥练1,胡功军1,涂书新2*(1.湖北省襄樊烟草公司保康烟叶分公司,湖北保康441600;2.华中农业大学资源与环境学院,湖北武昌430070;3.湖北中烟工业有限责任公司技术研发中心,湖北武汉430051)摘要 [目的]探讨农家肥与化肥配合使用对烤烟的品质和产值的影响。
[方法]在湖北襄樊保康县大田试验中,设6个处理:100%无机肥(T 1)、20%农家肥+80%无机肥(T 2)、40%农家肥+60%无机肥(T 3)、60%农家肥+40%无机肥(T 4)、80%农家肥+20%无机肥(T 5)、100%农家肥(T 6),研究不同配比的化肥和农家肥对烤烟产值和品质的影响。
[结果]6个处理中,以T 3处理效果最好,烤烟中的烟碱含量、全氮含量、烟叶中钾含量均达到当地条件下的最优值,分别为1.96%、1.38%和2.39%,烟叶的上中等烟叶比率90.55%,均价11.38元/k g ,均达到当地最优。
关键词 烤烟:农家肥;品质;产值中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2009)17-07966-03E ffe c t o f Com b in ed A pp lic a t ion o fF a rm M a n u re an d Ch em ic a l F e rt ilize r on th e O u tpu t V a lu e an d Q ua lity o f F lue -c u re d T o ba c c o LU H o n g -lian g e t a l (B aok an g T oba cco B ran ch C om pan y o f X ian g fan T oba cco C o m pan y in H u be i P rov in ce ,B aok an g ,H u be i 441600)A b s tra c t [O b jectiv e]T h e s tu dy a i m ed to d iscu ss th e e ffect o f com b in ed app lica tion o f farm m an u re and ch em ica l fer tilize r on ou tpu t va l u e an d qu a lity o f flu e -cu red toba cco.[M e th od]Inth e fie l d expe r i m en t in B aok an g C ou n ty ,X ian g fan,H ube i P rov in ce ,6trea tm en ts w e re se t u p a s :100%in o rgan ic fer-tilize r (T 1),20%fa rmm an u re +80%in o rg an ic fe r tilizer (T 2),40%fa rm m an u re +60%in o rgan ic fer tilize r (T 3),60%fa rmm anu re +40%in or-gan ic fe r tilize r (T 4),80%fa rmm anu re +20%in org an ic fe r tilize r (T 5),100%fa rmm an u re (T 6).T h e e ffects o f app lica tiono f ch em ica l fer tilize rs and fa rm m an u re w ith d iffe ren t p ropo rtion onth e ou tpu t v a lu e an d qu a lity o f flu e -cu red tobacco w e re s tu d ied.[R esu lt]T h e trea t m en t e ffect o f T 3w a s be st a-m on g s ix trea tm en ts .A fte r app lica tion o f T 3,th e con ten ts o f n ico ti n e ,to ta l n itrog en an d po ta ssiumo f flu e -cu red toba cco leav es w e re upto th e op ti m a l va l-u e un de r th e loca l con dition,w h ich w e re 1.96%,1.38%and 2.39%resp.;th e ra tio o f su pe rio r m idd le grade tobacco lea ves w as 90.55%an d th e av-era ge p r ice w as 11.38yu an/k g ,w h ich re ach ed th e op ti m a l lev e l in lo ca l p lace.[C on clu sion ]App lica tion o f 40%fa rm m an u re +60%fe r tilize r w a s n o t on ly i m p ro v in g th e ra te o f po tassiuman d ch lor ide in toba cco lea ves ,bu t a lso in creas in g th e e con om ic ben e fits o f flu e -cu red tobacco u nde r th e lo ca l so il con d ition.K e y w o rd s F l u e -cu red toba cco ;F a rm m an u re ;Q u a lity ;O u tpu t va lu e作者简介 卢红良(1982-),男,河南滑县人,高级烟叶分级工,从事烟叶生产、烟叶质检工作。
2025届广东省两校联考高三上学期(10月)一模考试英语试题一、阅读理解Career Development in Florence: A Journey Through Craftsmanship and LearningThe art of leather craftsmanship in Florence has a rich history, dating back to the 13th century. This exploration into the city’s leather artisans offers insights into the essence of Italian leather craftsmanship.The Leather Career Development Center — PIEROTUCCIEnroll in a complimentary workshop at the PIEROTUCCI Career Development Center and immerse yourself in the intricate process of crafting a leather handbag. Witnessing the meticulous handiwork involved will demystify the premium pricing of PIEROTUCCI products, assuring you that an investment in their bags is an investment in longevity.The Footwear Training Institute — STEFANO BEMERSTEFANO BEMER is renowned for its bespoke footwear, crafted with precision and elegance. The store, which sells luxury shoes ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars, also serves as a training ground for aspiring shoemakers, with the workshop visible to customers in the front section.The Leather Artisan School — Scuola del CuoioStep into the Scuola del Cuoio, and you’ll feel as though you’ve entered a small college campus. This historic building houses a school dedicated to creating unique leather goods and educating paying students in the art of high-quality leatherworking.The Bookbinding Atelier — Il TorchioRun by Erin Ciulla, Il Torchio is a charming bookbinding workshop. Ciulla might give you a tour of the “guillotine,” an antique-looking machine used for cutting large volumes of paper. In addition to binding books with leather covers, Ciulla also offers services to cover books, journals, and photo albums with hand-made papers.1.What is the primary benefit of attending a workshop at PIEROTUCCI?A.Learning about the history of leather-making.B.Understanding the high cost of luxury shoes.C.Gaining hands-on experience in handbag crafting.D.Observing the antique machinery used in bookbinding.2.Which institution offers a comprehensive education in leather craftsmanship?A.Il Torchio.B.Scuola del Cuoio.C.STEFANO BEMER.D.PIEROTUCCI. 3.What service does Erin Ciulla provide at Il Torchio?A.Selling high-quality leather bags.B.Customizing book covers with leather.C.Teaching courses on leatherworking.D.Manufacturing antique-looking machines.Nicole Latham, a youthful 21-year-old scholar at the University of Leeds, dedicates her time not solely to the pursuit of legal academia, but also to the rigorous domain of weightlifting contests. In parallel, she exhibits proficiency in the martial art of karate. Beyond these physical pursuits, Latham’s health journey is marked by frequent visits to medical practitioners, a consequence of her recent acquisition of a rare affliction: multiple sclerosis (MS). This condition made its insidious debut during her preparation for the A-Level examinations, a period fraught with tension for numerous scholars. Initially, she attributed her symptoms to stress, but it soon became apparent that she was experiencing the onset of MS, specifically vertigo.Despite the onset of this debilitating disease, Nicole persisted in her academic endeavors, even resorting to ocular occlusion in a bid to ameliorate her impaired vision. It was at this juncture that she resolved to revisit her physician, embarking on a regimen of numerous medications, yet to no avail. Sensing a potential misdiagnosis, she promptly sought further diagnostic scrutiny at a hospital.Subsequent to an MRI examination, her condition was confirmed as MS. Following this inaugural episode and her subsequent diagnosis, Latham remained MS-free for several years. However, in August of the year 2021, she encountered another exacerbation, this time manifesting as a persistent tremor in her left hand for a duration of two months. Undeterred by the palpable impediments imposed by her condition in her day-to-day existence, she remained undaunted and resolute in her pursuit. Her aspiration was to inspire her contemporaries with disabilities, demonstrating that a life of vibrancy and fulfillment is attainable despite the adversities posed byMS.In the present day, Nicole leverages her digital platform not only to disseminate awareness regarding MS but also to exhort individuals to heed potential symptoms, a lesson she herself learned the hard way. Moreover, she endeavors to showcase that a life replete with richness and gratification is within reach for those afflicted with MS. Her narrative seeks to illuminate both the exultant peaks and the somber troughs of living with this condition.4.How did Nicole react when the first attack happened?A.She went to the hospital immediately.B.She turned to taking more exercise.C.She took a break from studying.D.She paid no attention to it.5.How did Nicole most probably feel after taking a lot of medicines?A.Relieved.B.Worried.C.Curious.D.Inspired. 6.Which of the following statements shows Nicole’s view on overcoming difficulties?A.Rome was not built in a day.B.Prevention is better than cure.C.Strength comes from a strong will.D.All things are difficult before they are easy.7.What would be the best title for the text?A.Nicole Latham:Always be Ready to HelpB.Meet N icole Latham — a T alented AthleteC.Nicole Latham:Never Let Anyone DownD.Meet Nicole Latham — a Fighter Suffering from MSA radiant grin is a reflection of inner joy. Have you ever been in a public space and received a smile from a stranger? Perhaps you were feeling low, yet their warm and amicable expression could lift your spirits. That person’s smile had the power to shift your gloomy mood. It’s astonishing how such a minor action can influence your emotions so profoundly, and I can attest to this, as I’m sure many of you can.This phenomenon isn’t just a feeling; it’s backed by science. What causes these positive emotions? When you smile at someone, you might feel a fleeting sense of joy. This is because your brain releases endorphins, which are like natural painkillers and can boost your self-esteem.Smiling is a straightforward act of kindness that can also enhance your self-regard.To illustrate, consider someone attending a job interview with their head held high and a smile on their face. They are more likely to be successful. Employers often note that a candidate who avoids eye contact and hides their smile may seem untrustworthy. In contrast, a person with a genuine smile exudes confidence. Regardless of your appearance, a smile can speak volumes and convey sincerity.I find great satisfaction in helping individuals of all ages build their self-esteem. Witnessing the joy and newfound confidence in my clients after our sessions is immensely rewarding. I firmly believe that a genuine, heartfelt smile can bridge gaps between people, even without words. 8.What does the underlined word “low” mean in Paragraph 1?A.Depressed.B.Strengthened.C.Multiplied.D.Returned. 9.What is the role of endorphins? ______A.They induce a sense of happiness.B.They inspire acts of kindness.C.They accelerate brain function.D.They cure certain illnesses.10.Why might someone who doesn’t smile have difficulty getting a job?A.They hold their head too high.B.They look down on others.C.They appear somewhat dishonest.D.They are overly confident.11.What kind of profession might the author have?A.An educator.B.A philanthropist.C.A researcher.D.A counselor.The Renaissance of Creative Thought is burgeoning, perhaps even burgeoning. If you attempted to absorb all the wisdom available today, you would need more than 180 million years to do so. But you are mistaken to assume that all this wisdom would stimulate a surge of innovation to match the abundance of knowledge. Indeed, the last time we found ourselves in a period of significant innovation, pursuing the ideas with the most profound impact, was more than 120 years ago, in a period called the Renaissance of Insight.Innovations, both grand and modest, originate from a new idea. Often, these ideas emerge as a moment of insight — the outcome of a novel connection in our minds made between existing and new knowledge. Studies reveal insights involve quiet signals deep in the brain, just under the surface of awareness. Anything that aids us in noticing quiet signals, such as taking breaksbetween engagements, adopting essential learning approaches, or steering clear of distractions like social media, can enhance the likelihood of insights. However, it is becoming increasingly challenging to find those quiet signals with the escalating use of technology, filling every moment with emergencies and an endless supply of content.Moreover, we also aspire to elevate the quality of them — to be able to sift through grand new ideas and identify the ones that hold genuine value, which can be difficult to measure. Launched in 2015, the Insight Meter (洞察力计量器) permits us to evaluate the potency of our insight experiences on a five-point scale, which is marked by intense emotions, motivation, memory advantage, aftershocks, and subsequent ideas. The Meter consolidates these five variables into a solitary value and enables us to define the significance of a new idea. The level-5 insight, involving the richest emotion, motivation, and lasting impact, holds the utmost significance.Since insights are one of the most effective ways to stimulate engagement, innovation, and behavioral change, the Insight Meter has extensive applications for gauging and enhancing individual and organizational performance. More importantly, it can be employed to measure the impact of different types of work environments and learning approaches on participants’ development — both in the moment or afterward.For organizations to reap the benefits of another age of insight, it is not sufficient to attempt to access more data or augment the number of insights we generate. Instead, it is about creating space for the most significant ideas to emerge from all the knowledge. Utilizing the shared language of the Insight Meter as a means to measure how important ideas are, relative to each other, will enable superior decision-making toward practical and competitive outcomes. And if we are to enter a new age of insight, we must design our environments to allow for the most exceptional insight possible to surface.12.What does the underlined word “burgeoning” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A.Stabilizing.B.Exploding.C.Shifting.D.Collapsing. 13.According to the passage, how can the likelihood of insights be increased?A.By engaging in ongoing social media interactions.B.By relying on technology to receive regular notifications.C.By stepping away from computers between engagements.D.By participating in additional training and coaching sessions.14.What can be inferred from the passage?A.The Insight Meter dictates the influence of our insights.B.Possessing minimal emotional responses is a level-5 insight.C.Both the quantity and quality of insights are essential to innovation.D.A breakthrough has been made in innovation due to a wealth of information.15.What is the author’s attitude towards the current environment for innovations?A.Uncertain.B.Optimistic.C.Unconcerned.D.Dissatisfied.How to Teach ConfidenceWhile it might seem like some people are just born confident, confidence is largely an acquired skill. 16 Start by building up their self-esteem, independent thought, and positive self—talk. Show them how to achieve goals, and how to deal with failure when it happens. With lessons like these, you can teach the people around you to become more confident.Model confident behavior far people.If you’re trying to improve someone’s confidence, be a model for how they should behave in a confident way. 17 Show them confident interpersonal relations like eye contact, handshakes, and making small talk. This lets them practice in a safe environment.Praise small accomplishments to raise a person’s self-worth.If you’re trying to build someone’s confidence, start small. Each accomplishment they complete is a cause for celebration, even if it seems small. Be happy for your friends, kids, or students. 18Give specific praise so people know what they did well.A specific praise is better than a simple “You did well”. 19 . This makes your praise more genuine and boosts the person self-esteem more by showing them their strengths.Start with a positive statement before correcting something.20 This is especially important if you’re a parent, teacher, or coach. If you do have to make criticisms or corrections, always start by saying something positive first. This raises the person’s spirits and makes it easier for them to take the critical feedback that’s coming up. A.Instead, tell the person exactly what they did well.B.It’s something you can model and teach other people.C.You may have to point out where someone needs to improve.D.Instead of feeling criticized, the person will know you’re sincere.E.Act confident around them and in your interpersonal interactions.F.Your positive energy will teach them to celebrate their achievements.G.You might show someone’s strengths to help them see the bright side.二、完形填空Boo is a 5-year -old rooster. He loves going on road trips, watching TV, and 21 with other house pets: chickens and cats. Boo enjoys many things in his life, but most of all, he 22 to hug with his human mother Mary Bowman.Before he was 23 , Boo’s life wasn’t always that beautiful. He spent the first six months of his life on a farm with many other chickens, where he was treated more like a 24 than a unique being. He was given constant feeding, which is 25 unhealthy because he can not 26 his feed consumption.His now mother adopted him after learning about him from a friend; she was 27 when knowing his unfortunate fate. She decided to help this little guy 28 the meat factory and finally live 29 .In the house, Boo stays close to his humans. When the family goes for a walk in the wild, he wanders free. He, even like a dog, 30 the family when they come home. He likes to spend time with his dad reading comics. Even though Boo can’t read, he likes to look at pictures in the 31 . They play games together as well. Boo spends time with his grandma, too. When she’s playing the piano, he is looking, learning little by little what those 32 do.Boo is an 33 pet. He knows his family and where he lives. He is the soul of the house, the brightest star in the air. Today, Boo is an active part of the local 34 and has a personal account on which he 35 his everyday life with 35K fans.21.A.working out B.hanging out C.figuring out D.carrying out 22.A.benefits B.inspires C.loves D.advocates 23.A.protected B.replaced C.selected D.adopted 24.A.performer B.chief C.product D.species25.A.occasionally B.illegally C.gradually D.extremely 26.A.control B.obey C.predict D.permit 27.A.heartbroken B.patient C.grateful D.disappointed 28.A.complain B.detect C.escape D.resist 29.A.flexibly B.safely C.gently D.regularly 30.A.proves B.assists C.welcomes D.admits 31.A.books B.riddles C.puzzles D.applications 32.A.heels B.legs C.hands D.fingers 33.A.intelligent B.abnormal C.odd D.energetic 34.A.department B.community C.authority D.charity 35.A.drafts B.illustrates C.chats D.shares三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
麦类作物学报 2024,44(4):504-512J o u r n a l o fT r i t i c e a eC r o ps d o i :10.7606/j.i s s n .1009-1041.2024.04.11网络出版时间:2023-11-08网络出版地址:h t t ps ://l i n k .c n k i .n e t /u r l i d /61.1359.s .20231107.0925.012猪粪和羊粪对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦生理特征和产量的影响收稿日期:2023-03-27 修回日期:2023-05-08基金项目:河北省农林科学院基本科研业务费项目(2021130202);国家重点研发计划项目(2021Y F D 1901002)第一作者E -m a i l :z t y 230308@163.c o m (张天英)通讯作者E -m a i l :g u o l i s o i l @163.c o m (郭丽);d o n gw e i x i n @163.c o m (董伟欣)张天英1,2,李义红1,3,黄朋娟1,2,张月辰2,董伟欣4,郭丽1,3(1.河北省农林科学院农业资源环境研究所,河北石家庄050051;2.河北农业大学农学院,河北保定071001;3.河北省肥料技术创新中心,河北石家庄050051;4.河北开放大学,河北石家庄050080)摘 要:为探明不同有机肥施用条件下河北低平原咸水补灌区盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦的耐盐抗氧化特征,设置常规施肥(C K )㊁推荐施肥(R C )以及在R C 基础上猪粪和羊粪各3个施用量(低量:9t ㊃h m -2;中量:18t㊃h m -2;高量:27t ㊃h m -2)处理,分析了不同处理下盐碱田冬小麦生长㊁碳氮代谢㊁抗氧化特性及产量的差异㊂结果表明,高量猪粪和羊粪处理下小麦孕穗期单株分蘖数较R C 处理分别提高了18.42%和23.68%;高㊁中量猪粪和羊粪处理下干物质积累量在孕穗期㊁开花期和收获期较C K 和R C 处理均显著提高,其中在收获期高量猪粪处理的增幅分别为24.54%和24.60%,高量羊粪处理的增幅分别为29.94%和29.99%;高量猪粪和羊粪处理较C K 和R C 处理均显著提高了冬小麦花后旗叶可溶性蛋白㊁可溶性糖㊁游离氨基酸含量及S O D ㊁P O D 活性,降低超氧阴离子自由基积累量,其中羊粪较猪粪显著提高了可溶性糖含量㊂高㊁中量有机肥处理提高了穗数和千粒重,增产效果显著,其中高㊁中量猪粪处理较C K 分别增产15.09%和8.95%,高㊁中量羊粪分别增产22.06%和9.34%,但两种有机肥处理间产量无显著差异㊂综合来看,针对河北低平原咸水补灌区轻度盐碱土壤,建议在生产实践中施用高量(27t ㊃h m -2)猪粪或羊粪,以改善冬小麦耐盐生理特征,进而促进产量提高,且总体上羊粪增产效果优于猪粪㊂关键词:有机肥;盐碱障碍粮田;冬小麦;生理特性;产量中图分类号:S 512.1;S 311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-1041(2024)04-0504-09E f f e c t o fP i g a n dS h e e p M a n u r e o nP h y s i o l o g i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d Y i e l do fW i n t e rW h e a t P l a n t s i nS a l i n i t y Fi e l d s Z H A N GT i a n y i n g 1,2,L IY i h o n g 1,3,H U A N GP e n g ju a n 1,2,Z H A N GY u e c h e n 2,D O N G W e i x i n 4,G U OL i 1,3(1.I n s t i t u t e o fA g r i c u l t u r a lR e s o u r c e s a n dE n v i r o n m e n t ,H e b e iA c a d e m y o fA g r i c u l t u r e a n dF o r e s t r y S c i e n c e ,S h i j i a z h u a n g ,H e b e i 050051,C h i n a ;2.C o l l e g e o fA g r i c u l t u r a l ,H e b e iA g r i c u l t u r a lU n i v e r s i t y ,B a o d i n g ,H e b e i 071001,C h i n a ;3.H e b e i F e r t i l i z e rT e c h n o l o g yI n n o v a t i o nC e n t e r ,S h i j i a z h u a n g ,H e b e i 050051,C h i n a ;4.H e b e i o p e nU n i v e r s i t y ,S h i j i a z h u a n g,H e b e i 050080,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e e f f e c t o f o r g a n i c f e r t i l i z e r t y p e a n d d o s a ge o n t h e s a l t t o l e r a n c e a n d a n t i o x -i d a n t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o fw i n t e rw h e a t i n s a l i n i t yf i e l d s i n t h e l o w p l a i nb r a c k i s hw a t e r r e c h a r ge a r e aof H e b e i ,i n t h i s s t u d y ,t h r e e d o s ag e s e a ch o f pi g m a n u r e a n d s h e e p m a n u r e (l o w :9t ㊃h m -2;m e d i u m :18t ㊃h m -2;h i g h :27t ㊃h m -2)a n dc o n t r o l a n dr e c o mm e n d e df e r t i l i z e ra p p l i c a t i o n sw e r es e tu p,w i t ha t o t a l o f e i g h t t r e a t m e n t s .T h e e f f e c t s o n g r o w t h ,c a r b o n a n dn i t r o g e nm e t a b o l i s m ,a n t i o x i d a n t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d y i e l do fw i n t e rw h e a tw e r e i n v e s t i ga t e d .T h er e s u l t ss h o w e dt h a t t h en u mb e ro f t i l l e r s p e r p l a n tw i t hh i g h p i g m a n u r e a n ds h e e p m a n u r ew a s i nc r e a s e db y 18.42%a n d23.68%,r e -s p e c t i v e l y ,c o m p a r e dw i t h t h e r e c o mm e nde df e r t i l i z e r ;d r y m a t t e r a c c u m u l a t i o n a t t h e b o o t i n g,f l o w -e r i n g a n d h a r v e s t s t a g e sw a s s i g n i f i c a n t l y i n c r e a s e d b y h i g h a n dm e d i u m p i g m a n u r e a n d s h e e p ma n u r e t r e a t m e n t s ,c o m p a r e dw i t h t h e c o n t r o l a n dr e c o mm e n d e d f e r t i l i z e r a p pl i c a t i o n ,w i t ha n i n c r e a s e r a t eo f24.54%a n d24.60%f o r t h e h i g h p i g m a n u r e a n d h i g h s h e e p m a n u r e,r e s p e c t i v e l y,a n d a n i n c r e a s e r a t e o f29.94%a n d29.99%a t t h e h a r v e s t s t a g e f o r t h e h i g h s h e e p m a n u r e.T h e s o l u b l e p r o t e i n,s o l-u b l e s u g a r a n df r e ea m i n oa c i dc o n t e n t s,a n dS O Da n dP O Da c t i v i t i e so f p o s t-f l o w e r i n g f l a g l e a fo f w i n t e rw h e a t u n d e r t h eh i g h p i g m a n u r ea n ds h e e p m a n u r e t r e a t m e n t sw e r es i g n i f i c a n t l y i n c r e a s e d, a n d t h e a c c u m u l a t i o no f s u p e r o x i d e a n i o n r a d i c a l sw a s r e d u c e d c o m p a r e dw i t h t h e c o n t r o l a n d r e c o m-m e n d e d f e r t i l i z e r s,w i t hs h e e p m a n u r es i g n i f i c a n t l y i n c r e a s i n g t h es o l u b l es u g a rc o n t e n tc o m p a r e d w i t h p i g m a n u r e.H i g ha n d m e d i u m o r g a n i c f e r t i l i z e r s i n c r e a s e dt h en u m b e ro f s p i k e s p e ru n i ta n d t h o u s a n d-g r a i nw e i g h t,a n dt h e y i e l d i n c r e a s ew a ss i g n i f i c a n t,w i t ha n i n c r e a s er a t eo f15.09%a n d 8.95%f o r p i g m a n u r e t r e a t m e n t,a n d22.06%a n d9.34%f o r s h e e p m a n u r e,r e s p e c t i v e l y,c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e c o n t r o l,b u t t h e r ew a s n o s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e t w o o r g a n i c f e r t i l i z e r s.I n c o n c l u-s i o n,f o rm i l d l y s a l i n e s o i l s i n t h e l o w p l a i nb r a c k i s hw a t e r r e c h a r g e a r e a o fH e b e i,i t i s r e c o mm e n d e d t h a t h i g h a m o u n t s(27t㊃h m-2)o f p i g m a n u r e o r s h e e p m a n u r e c a nb e a p p l i e d i nw h e a t p r o d u c t i o n t o p r o m o t e t h e p h y s i o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f s a l t t o l e r a n c e a n d y i e l d,b u t o v e r a l l t h e e f f e c t o f s h e e p m a-n u r e o n i n c r e a s e d y i e l d i s b e t t e r t h a n p i g m a n u r e.K e y w o r d s:O r g a n i c f e r t i l i z e r;S a l i n e-a l k a l i f i e l d;W i n t e rw h e a t;P h y s i o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s;Y i e l d盐碱地是中国广泛分布的重要土地资源,总面积3.67ˑ107h m2,其中1.23ˑ107h m2具有农业应用价值[1]㊂目前,河北省盐碱耕地总面积为7.8ˑ105h m2,占总耕地面积的10.4%,适宜开发而未开发的盐碱地有7.83ˑ104h m2,主要分布在东部低平原的部分地区[2],也是河北省中低产田的主要组成部分[3]㊂由于河北低平原区淡水资源匮乏,而浅层微咸水资源丰富,矿化度在2~ 5g㊃L-1的微咸水有5.4ˑ109m3,年可利用量约22亿m3,且有易开采㊁补给快的特点,所以采用微咸水灌溉已成为解决该地区农业生产发展的重要手段之一[4-5]㊂但微咸水灌溉会引起盐分在土壤中的累积,导致土壤的次生盐碱化㊂由于盐碱土地的盐度高㊁养分匮乏,土壤易板结㊁肥力较低,会阻碍作物的正常生长㊂因此,如何有效改良河北省低平原咸水补灌区的盐碱地,使其变为可靠的耕地资源,不仅对于河北省中低产田改造,而且对于有效利用咸水资源满足农业生产需要㊁缓解华北平原淡水资源紧张具有长远意义㊂中国的规模化养殖业发展迅速,每年约有1.18亿头畜禽出栏量,同时也产生大量畜禽粪污废弃物,全国畜禽粪污年产生量约几十亿吨[6]㊂畜禽粪也是良好的有机肥源,含有丰富的有机质和氮㊁磷㊁钾等营养元素,施用后能够显著增加土壤有效养分,改善土壤物理性状和生物学特性[7-8],促进作物生长和增产[9-10]㊂施用畜禽粪对于盐碱地改良有很好的效果㊂研究表明,长期施用牛粪后松嫩平原盐渍化土壤p H值㊁碱化度㊁电导率和钠吸附比显著降低,土壤孔隙度和土壤有机质增加[11];山东滨州滨海盐碱土施用牛粪后棉花开花期叶绿素含量㊁光合特性㊁土壤有机质含量和土壤生物丰度均提高[12];施用生物炭和畜禽粪肥可显著提高盐碱地玉米叶面积指数㊁植株生物量和籽粒产量,并增强与渗透相关的叶片生物活性[13]㊂这些研究结果充分说明畜禽粪对盐碱地土壤理化性状以及植物生长具有改善效果,可对其进行肥料化利用,发挥其对盐碱地改良以及农业可持续发展的促进作用[14]㊂上述研究虽验证了有机肥对盐碱土壤的改良效果,但关于有机肥对河北省低平原咸水补灌区轻度盐碱土壤上冬小麦耐盐能力的提升效果还未见系统报道㊂本研究选择河北低平原咸水补灌区轻度盐碱土壤为对象,以养分含量较为丰富的猪粪和羊粪有机肥为试验材料,开展不同有机肥施用量对该地区盐碱地冬小麦植株耐盐抗氧化特性㊁碳氮代谢及产量的影响,以期为河北省盐碱障碍粮田改良以及中国的畜禽粪便资源化利用提供技术参考和理论依据㊂1材料与方法1.1试验地概况试验地位于河北省衡水市武强县东孙庄乡农业示范区(38ʎ12'57ᵡN,115ʎ88'27ᵡE)㊂该地属于北温带大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,光照充足,无霜期为185d,年平均降水量在485mm左右㊂试验开始前土壤p H值为8.3,E C值为396μs㊃㊃505㊃第4期张天英等:猪粪和羊粪对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦生理特征和产量的影响c m-1,硝态氮含量15.6m g㊃k g-1,速效磷含量19.2m g㊃k g-1,速效钾含量169.3m g㊃k g-1㊂1.2试验设计本试验于2021年11月4日冬小麦生长季开始,采用完全随机设计,小区面积为55.8m2(6m ˑ9.3m),小区外设有保护行㊂试验设置常规施肥(C K)㊁推荐施肥(R C)以及在推荐施肥的基础上施用高量猪粪(H P)㊁中量猪粪(M P)㊁低量猪粪(L P)㊁高量羊粪(H S)㊁中量羊粪(M S)和低量羊粪(L S)8个处理,每个处理3次重复㊂常规施肥为当地农民习惯施肥量(N:300k g㊃h m-2; P2O5:120k g㊃h m-2;K2O:60k g㊃h m-2),推荐施肥为优化后的施肥量(N:195k g㊃h m-2; P2O5:120k g㊃h m-2;K2O:60k g㊃h m-2),有机肥的低㊁中㊁高施用量分别为9㊁18和27t㊃h m-2㊂所使用的氮肥为尿素(N46%),磷肥为磷酸二铵(P2O561%),钾肥为氯化钾(K2O62%);有机肥来自当地农场(发酵腐熟),猪粪有机肥的有机质㊁全氮㊁全磷和全钾含量分别为32.1%㊁1.04%㊁0.81%㊁1.54%,羊粪有机肥的有机质㊁全氮㊁全磷和全钾含量分别为42%㊁1.19%㊁0.42%和1.60%㊂试验地为冬小麦-夏玉米复种轮作田,供试小麦品种为衡4399,有机肥与50%氮肥及全部磷钾肥底施,剩余50%氮肥在拔节期追施,其他田间管理措施在所有处理中一致㊂1.3样品采集与项目测定方法于拔节期(3月28日)㊁孕穗期(4月18日)㊁开花期(5月6日)㊁收获期(6月15日)在田间选择长势均匀的区域,取1m双行小麦植株样品,带回进行株数㊁分蘖数㊁株高㊁地上部干物质重的测定;于灌浆前期(5月10日)㊁灌浆中期(5月23日)㊁灌浆后期(6月1日)到田间随机采集小麦旗叶10~15片,擦净后用锡纸包裹,迅速放入液氮中保存,带回贮存于冰箱,后期统一进行小麦叶片相关生理指标测定㊂可溶性糖㊁可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸含量分别采用蒽酮法㊁考马斯亮蓝G-250蛋白染色法和茚三酮显色法测定,超氧化物歧化酶(S O D)和过氧化物酶(P O D)活性及超氧阴离子自由基(O2-㊃)含量分别采用氮蓝四唑(N B T)法㊁愈创木酚法和羟胺氧化反应法测定㊂收获期在各小区长势均匀一致的区域随机取30个麦穗,用于穗粒数的调查;统计取1m双行穗数,折合成单位面积穗数;收获1m2的小麦植株测定单位面积籽粒产量㊂1.4数据处理采用E x c e l软件对数据进行整理分析和绘图表,采用D P S软件进行统计分析,采用最小显著极差法L S D进行差异显著性检验(α=0.05)㊂2结果与分析2.1不同施肥处理对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦植株形态特征的影响两种有机肥处理下小麦拔节期和孕穗期的单株分蘖数均表现为高量>中量>低量,且高量与低量处理间差异显著(表1)㊂H P处理单株分蘖数在孕穗期显著高于R C处理,H S处理在两时期均显著高于R C处理,M S处理在孕穗期显著高于R C处理,C K与R C处理间在两个时期均无显著差异,猪粪和羊粪相同施用量处理间也均无显著差异㊂孕穗期㊁开花期小麦株高均以H P处理最高,但不同处理间差异均不显著㊂小麦的株数在两时期均无明显差异,说明各处理下小麦出苗及播种均匀㊂两种有机肥处理下小麦干物质积累量在拔节㊁孕穗㊁开花㊁收获期均表现为高量>中量>低量,且高量与低量处理间差异显著(表1)㊂H P处理在各时期均显著高于C K和R C处理,增幅13.40%~41.71%;M P处理在孕穗㊁开花和成熟期显著高于C K和R C处理,增幅6.14%~ 22.85%;L P处理与C K和R C处理间差异均不显著㊂高㊁中量羊粪处理在四个时期内与C K和R C处理间差异均显著,H S和M S处理增幅分别为17.09%~78.22%和15.80%~53.19%,L S 处理在开花期和收获期显著高于R C处理㊂在冬小麦全生育期内羊粪处理平均干物质积累量较猪粪处理提高6.77%㊂综上可见,在盐碱障碍粮田增施猪粪和羊粪对冬小麦分蘖和干物质积累具有促进效应,总体看增施高量有机肥效果明显,尤其是羊粪对小麦干物质积量的提升效果优于猪粪㊂2.2不同施肥处理对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦生理特性的影响2.2.1不同施肥处理下冬小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖及游离氨基酸含量猪粪和羊粪对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白㊁可溶性糖及游离氨基酸含量的影响总体㊃605㊃麦类作物学报第44卷表1 猪粪和羊粪对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦植株形态特征的影响T a b l e 1 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n t h em o r p h o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o fw i n t e rw h e a t p l a n t s i n s a l i n i t yf i e l d s 处理T r e a t m e n t单株分蘖数N u m b e r o f t i l l e r s p e r p l a n t 拔节期J o i n t i n g s t a g e 孕穗期B o o t i n g s t a g e 株高P l a n t h e i g h t /c m 孕穗期B o o t i n g s t a g e 开花期F l o w e r i n g s t a g e 株数P l a n t n u m b e r/(ˑ104㊃h m -2)拔节期J o i n t i n g s t a g e 孕穗期B o o t i n g s t a ge 干物质质量D r y m a t t e r /(k g㊃h m -2)拔节期J o i n t i n g s t a g e 孕穗期B o o t i n g s t a g e 开花期F l o w e r i n g s t a g e 收获期M a t u r i t y s t a ge C K2.0a b c 2.7b c 40.5a 65.4a 622.2a 696.3a 340d 4080e 12968e 15287c d R C1.9b c2.5c 41.8a 65.9a 603.7a 629.6a 320d4020e12913e15280dH P 2.3a b 3.0a b 43.2a 66.7a 685.2a 659.3a 453b c 5402b c 14705a b 19039a M P 1.8c 2.6b c 40.6a 64.5a 633.3a 696.3a 404b c d4938c d 13764c d 18325a bL P1.6c2.5c42.2a 64.2a 714.8a 766.7a 342d 4129e 13401d e 16147c d H S 2.4a3.1a 42.1a 65.3a 714.8a 733.3a 570a6500a15184a 19863a M S2.1a b c3.0a b 41.4a 64.5a 659.3a 681.5a 490a b 5845b15016a19100aL S1.9b c2.6c40.9a64.1a663.0a688.9a395c d4527d e 14187b c 16893b c同列数据后不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P <0.05)㊂下表同㊂D i f f e r e n t s m a l l l e t t e r s f o l l o w i n g d a t a i n s a m e c o l u m n i n d i c a t e s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e a m o n gt r e a t m e n t s a t 0.05l e v e l .T h e s a m e i n t a b l e 2.表现为高量处理下含量最高,低量处理则一直处于较低水平(图1~图3)㊂高量有机肥处理下可溶性蛋白含量在灌浆前期㊁灌浆中期和灌浆后期显著高于不施有机肥处理(C K ㊁R C ),其中H P 和H S 处理的增幅分别为27.78%~44.37%和33.80%~50.10%,中㊁低量猪粪和羊粪处理与C K ㊁R C 处理间均无显著差异㊂可溶性糖含量在上述三个时期均表现为H P ㊁H S ㊁M S 处理显著高于C K ㊁R C 处理(图2),增幅分别为13.28%~25.28%㊁22.69%~49.44%和16.67%~28.14%,M P ㊁L P 与C K ㊁R C 处理间差异均不显著,L S 处理仅在灌浆前期显著高于C K ㊁R C 处理㊂游离氨基酸含量(图3)在三个时期均表现为H P ㊁H S 处理显著高于C K ㊁R C 处理,增幅分别为25.00%~66.66%和27.58%~64.64%,而中㊁低量猪粪和羊粪处理与C K ㊁R C 处理间均无显著性差异㊂两种有机肥比较发现,上述三个时期内羊粪处理下可溶性糖平均含量较猪粪处理提高了8.76%,可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸则无明显差异㊂以上结果表明,增施两种有机肥均可提高盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白㊁可溶性糖及游离氨基酸含量,以增施27t ㊃h m -2有机肥的调控效应最佳,且羊粪对可溶性糖含量的提升效果优于猪粪,有助于增强植株的碳氮代谢能力㊂相同时期图柱上不同字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P <0.05)㊂下图同㊂D i f f e r e n t s m a l l l e t t e r s a b o v e c o l u m n s o f s a m e s t a g e i n d i c a t e s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e a m o n g t r e a t m e n t s a t 0.05l e v e l .T h e s a m e i n f i g-u r e s 2-6.图1 猪粪和羊粪对冬小麦花后旗叶可溶性蛋白的影响F i g .1 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n s o l u b l e p r o t e i n i n p o s t -f l o w e r i n g f l a gl e a f o fw i n t e rw h e a t ㊃705㊃第4期张天英等:猪粪和羊粪对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦生理特征和产量的影响图2 猪粪和羊粪对冬小麦花后旗叶可溶性糖的影响F i g .2 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n s o l u b l e s u g a r s i n p o s t -f l o w e r i n g f l a gl e a f o fw i n t e rw h e at 图3 猪粪和羊粪对冬小麦花后旗叶游离氨基酸的影响F i g .3 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n f r e e a m i n o a c i d s i n p o s t -f l o w e r i n g f l a gl e a f o fw i n t e rw h e a t 2.2.2 不同施肥处理下冬小麦旗叶抗氧化酶活性和膜脂过氧化程度不同猪粪和羊粪处理下小麦花后旗叶抗氧化酶活性整体上表现为高量>中量>低量,且高量与低量处理间差异均显著㊂高量有机肥处理下S O D 活性在灌浆前期㊁灌浆中期㊁灌浆后期与C K ㊁R C 处理均差异显著,H P 处理增幅为13.83%~37.60%,H S 处理增幅为15.99%~40.05%;灌浆后期中量处理较C K ㊁R C 处理显著提升,M P增幅分别为24.15%和20.88%,M S 处理增幅分别为22.89%和19.65%,低量处理则无显著提升效果(图4)㊂H P ㊁H S ㊁M S 处理下P O D 活性在三个时期与C K ㊁R C 处理差异显著,三个处理的增幅分别为32.17%~53.17%㊁40.76%~80.57%和27.51%~56.37%;M P 处理仅在灌浆前期与C K 差异显著,L P 处理的提升效果不显著,L S 处理在灌浆后期与R C 处理差异显著(图5)㊂在三个时期羊粪处理下小麦旗叶P O D 活性的平均值较猪粪处理提高12.55%,S O D 活性差异较小㊂上述结果表明,增施两种有机肥可提高盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦旗叶S O D 和P O D 活性,有助于增强冬小麦植株抗氧化和抵御盐胁迫能力㊂猪粪和羊粪不同用量对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦旗叶O 2-㊃含量的影响总体表现为低量有机肥处理较高,高量处理下累积量较低(图6)㊂与C K ㊁R C 处理相比,H P 处理在灌浆前期和灌浆中期显著下降,降幅为29.82%~41.65%;M P 处理仅在灌浆后期较C K 显著降低;H S 处理在三个时期均显著低于C K ㊁R C 处理,降幅为29.06%~42.76%;M S 处理在灌浆前期和灌浆中期显著高于R C 处理;猪㊁羊粪低量处理与C K ㊁R C 均无显著性差异㊂在等量有机肥处理间,猪粪和羊粪对O 2-㊃含量无显著影响㊂综上,增施两种有机肥均可抑制盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦旗叶中O 2-㊃的积累,其中增施高量(27t ㊃h m -2)有机肥效果最好,这有助于小麦植物抵御盐胁迫的侵害㊂㊃805㊃麦 类 作 物 学 报 第44卷图4猪粪和羊粪对冬小麦花后旗叶S O D 活性的影响F i g .4 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n t h e S O Da c t i v i t y o f p o s t -f l o w e r i n g f l a gl e a f o fw i n t e rw h e at 图5 猪粪和羊粪对冬小麦花后旗叶P O D 活性的影响F i g .5 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n t h eP O Da c t i v i t y o f p o s t -f l o w e r i n g f l a gl e a f o fw i n t e rw h e at 图6 猪粪和羊粪对冬小麦花后旗叶O 2-㊃含量的影响F i g .6 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n t h e O 2-㊃c o n t e n t o f p o s t -f l o w e r i n g f l a gl e a f o fw i n t e rw h e a t 2.3 不同施肥处理对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦产量及产量构成因素的影响由表2可知,高㊁中量有机肥处理与C K ㊁R C 处理相比显著提高了冬小麦产量,其中H P 处理分别增产15.09%㊁17.82%,M P 处理分别增产8.95%㊁11.54%,H S 处理分别增产22.06%㊁24.95%,M S 处理分别增产9.34%㊁11.94%㊂低量有机肥处理的增产效果均不显著㊂猪粪和羊㊃905㊃第4期张天英等:猪粪和羊粪对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦生理特征和产量的影响粪等量处理间产量无显著性差异㊂从产量构成因素来看,H P ㊁M P ㊁H S 处理的冬小麦穗数与C K ㊁R C 处理均差异显著,其余处理之间差异较小;不同施肥处理间穗粒数无显著差异;千粒重表现为高㊁中量有机肥处理显著高于C K ㊁R C 处理,低量有机肥处理与C K ㊁R C 处理差异不显著,同种有机肥不同用量处理间差异均显著,而猪粪和羊粪等量处理间无显著差异㊂上述结果表明,增施两种有机肥主要是通过增加盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦穗数和千粒重来提高籽粒产量㊂表2 猪粪和羊粪对盐碱障碍粮田冬小麦产量及产量构成因素的影响T a b l e 2 E f f e c t o f p i g a n d s h e e p m a n u r e o n y i e l da n d y i e l d c o m p o n e n t s o fw i n t e rw h e a t i n s a l i n i t y fi e l d s 处理T r e a t m e n t穗数S pi k e s /(ˑ104㊃h m -2)穗粒数G r a i n s p e r s pi k e 千粒重1000-g r a i nw e i g h t /g产量Y i e l d /(k g㊃h m -2)C K 540c d 36.0a 39.1c 6413d R C519d 35.8a 39.2c6265dH P 665a631a42.6a 7381a b M P 631a b 37.4a 41.2b 6988b cL P526d 34.3a 38.8c6571c d H S 652a b 34.6a 42.6a 7828aM S 604b c 34.4a 40.9b 7013b c L S552c d34.7a 38.7c 6356d3 讨论灌浆期是小麦产量形成的关键时期,花后旗叶也是小麦进行光合作用和产生碳水化合物的主要场所[15]㊂可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖是植物进行碳氮代谢的主要物质,也可以保护植物细胞膜和代谢相关物质[16];游离氨基酸来源于氮素的同化及蛋白质等含氮化合物的分解,一定游离氨基酸的积累对平衡液泡渗透势具有重要作用[17]㊂本研究中,与常规施肥和推荐施肥相比,高量猪粪㊁羊粪处理下盐碱地冬小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白㊁游离氨基酸含量在花后各时期(灌浆前期㊁灌浆中期和灌浆后期)均显著增加,中㊁低量处理下无显著提升;高量猪粪和中㊁高量羊粪也显著提升了花后各时期叶片可溶性糖含量,猪粪和羊粪等量处理间冬小麦旗叶可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸含量无显著差异,高量羊粪在灌浆前期和灌浆后期对可溶性糖含量的提升效果优于高量猪粪㊂这与海藻酸有机肥对盐碱地小麦花后旗叶[18],牛粪有机肥在盐碱地糜子灌浆后期叶片[19]以及干旱胁迫下蚯蚓粪对亚麻籽植株[20]上的研究结果相似㊂这说明盐碱地中施入高量猪粪和羊粪,与常规施肥和推荐施肥相比,能够使小麦叶片在开花后仍然保持较高的活力,在一定程度上延缓植株衰老;推荐施肥处理与常规施肥并无显著差异,说明氮肥减量情况下也能够满足冬小麦生长的需求㊂也有研究发现,施用有机肥降低了盐碱地芸豆叶片中的游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量[21],可能由于不同类型有机肥对减轻盐胁迫的负面效应存在差异或与植株监测生育时期的不同有关㊂盐胁迫下,植物会发生膜脂过氧化作用,积累超氧阴离子自由基等有害物质,破坏细胞膜结构,同时会损害植物体内的抗氧化酶系统,打破活性氧产生与消除之间的平衡,对植物造成氧化胁迫㊂S O D 和P O D 是广泛存在于植物体内的抗氧化酶,能够清除活性氧自由基,有效地保护细胞免受毒害损伤[22]㊂研究表明,牛粪或牛粪与无机肥配施能够显著提高小麦生育后期旗叶S O D ㊁P O D ㊁C A T 活性,降低了MD A 含量[23];碱化土壤上玉米秸秆还田配施秸秆腐熟剂,能提高玉米根系S O D 和P O D 活性,降低根系M D A 含量[24];施用蚯蚓粪可提高干旱胁迫下植物S O D ㊁C A T 活性,降低了过氧化氢㊁M D A 含量[20]㊂本试验结果与上述研究结果基本一致,盐碱地施用高量猪粪和羊粪显著提升了小麦各时期S O D 活性,降低了超氧阴离子自由基含量,高量猪粪和高㊁中量羊粪对P O D 活性提升效果显著,低量有机肥处理对S O D 活性㊁P O D 活性和O 2-㊃含量的影响均不明显,不同有机肥等量处理间无显著差异㊂这说明盐碱地中施入高量猪粪和羊粪有机肥通过提高小麦旗叶S O D ㊁P O D 活性,增强清除超氧阴离子自由基的能力,进而保护了细胞膜系统的结构㊂小麦产量是其构成因素共同作用的结果,盐胁迫显著影响小麦产量及其构成[25]㊂研究表明,㊃015㊃麦 类 作 物 学 报 第44卷盐碱地中施加7.5t㊃h m-2猪粪有机肥可显著提高小麦产量,施用量达到10t㊃h m-2却使产量降低[26];45t㊃h m-2羊粪有机肥显著提高卤阳湖盐碱地的玉米产量[27];盐渍化耕地施用8.5t㊃h m-2的羊粪对棉花的增产效果不显著,施用8.1 t㊃h m-2鸡粪显著增加棉花产量[28]㊂在本试验中,除了低量(9t㊃h m-2)有机肥外,中㊁高量(18㊁27t㊃h m-2)猪粪和羊粪有机肥较常规施肥和推荐施肥均显著提高了小麦的产量,猪粪增产8.95%~17.82%,羊粪增产9.34%~24.95%;从小麦产量构成因素来看,高㊁中量猪粪和高量羊粪处理的穗数㊁千粒重显著高于常规施肥和推荐施肥处理,而穗粒数无显著差异,说明在本试验条件下,高量有机肥施入主要通过调节盐碱地小麦的单位面积穗数和千粒重而提高产量㊂这与张济世等[29]的研究结果相似,但与其他一些研究结果存在差异㊂如,谢娜娟等[30]发现,腐熟牛粪和鸡粪对盐渍土冬小麦的增产效应主要通过提高穗粒数及千粒重来实现;张乃丹等[31]认为,有机肥通过影响滨海盐碱地小麦的穗数㊁穗粒数和千粒重来提高产量㊂产生研究结果不尽一致的原因可能与试验中所使用的有机肥养分含量㊁用量㊁小麦品种遗传特性及试验土壤基础地力有关㊂从本试验设置的两种有机肥的各3个施用量来看,小麦产量基本随着有机肥用量的增加而增加,且没有出现减产的情况,说明猪粪和羊粪的最高用量(27t㊃h m-2)没有超过该盐碱地小麦对土壤养分吸收利用的最大需求㊂但试验设置的3个有机肥用量具有一定局限性,只能在此范围内为农户提供指导,且本研究只侧重于作物生理,关于施用有机肥后盐碱地土壤理化性状㊁盐分等指标的变化需进一步研究㊂4结论增施27t㊃h m-2猪粪和羊粪有机肥较推荐施肥显著提高了孕穗期小麦单株分蘖数,较常规施肥和推荐施肥相比,显著提升了小麦干物质积累量㊁旗叶碳氮代谢物质含量㊁抗氧化酶活性,降低了膜脂过氧化程度,其中除羊粪较猪粪显著提高了可溶性糖含量外,其他指标在两种有机肥间均无显著差异㊂有机肥施用量27和18t㊃h m-2较常规施肥和推荐施肥显著提高小麦产量,猪粪增产了8.95%~17.82%,羊粪增产了9.34%~ 24.95%,可见羊粪对产量的提升幅度高于猪粪,但等量处理间无显著差异;增施27t㊃h m-2猪粪和羊粪通过提高单位面积穗数和千粒重来增加小麦产量㊂参考文献:[1]杨劲松.中国盐渍土研究的发展历程与展望[J].土壤学报, 2008,45(5):837.Y A N GJS.D e v e l o p m e n t a n d p r o s p e c t o f t h e r e s e a r c ho n s a l t-a f f e c t e d s o i l s i nC h i n a[J].A c t aP e d o l o g i c aS i n i c a,2008,45(5):837.[2]冯伟,刘忠宽,刘振宇,等.河北省盐碱地分布成因及改良利用技术研究[J].河北农业科学,2015,19(1):56.F E NG W,L I UZK,L I UZY,e t a l.S t u d y o n t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n, c a u s e sa n di m p r o v e m e n tt e c h n o l o g y o fs a l i n e-a l k a l i l a n di nH e b e i P r o v i n c e[J].J o u r n a l o f H e b e iA g r i c u l t u r a l S c i e n c e s, 2015,19(1):56.[3]罗建美,靳根会,罗仲朋,等.河北平原中低产区小麦与玉米生产现状及增产潜力分析[J].中国生态农业学报,2016,24(8): 1123.L U O J M,J I N G H,L U O Z P,e ta l.P r o d u c t i o ns t a t ea n d y i e l d 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y B.hurry C.satisfy D.skyesson B.quesion C.recent D.several3.A.call cate C.coat D.socieysit B.task C.respect D.sameaid B.captain C.fail D.sailor.二. 词汇与语法学问(共15小题,每题1.5分,共22.5分)从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。
6. —World you help me with these books?—_____A.With pleasureB.Never mindC.it’s fineD.Don’t worry7.Everyone_____to bring some food to the party on Sunday.A.supposesB.will supposesC.is supposesD.will be supposes8.—Do you have these shoes in size eight?.—I’m not sure.I’ll just go and_____our.A.sellB.sendC.watchD.find9.Lucy____ride a bike when she was three.A.shouldB.mustC.couldD.need10.The police told ____to stay in their cars.A.anybodyB.everybodyC.nobodyD.somebody11.Something is wrong____my radio.Can you help fix it for me?A.forB.ofC.onD.with12.—Is Tom coming with us?—He can’t—he____for his exams.A.preparesB.is preparingC.has preparedD.prepraed13.Follow me and I’ll show you____the library is.A.whatB.whenC.whereD.which14.At the end of the year there____a test on everything we have studied.A.wasB.will beC.would beD.has been15.The film star walked to his car,____by a crowd of fans.A.to followB.followingC.followedD.to be followed16.____I admire most about Lee is his love of nature.A.WhatB.HowC.ThatD.Where17.Tim went to work on the farm last week,and____.A.his sister did so B .so his sister didC.did his sister soD.so did his sister18.Mike’s health has been____improved since he gave up smoking.A.muchB.soC.tooD.very19____a small business.Jane is able to support her family now.A.RunB.RanC.RunningD.To run20.We____ever word of the news.A.took downB.took offC.took awayD.took ourt三. 完形填空(共15小题:每题2分,共30分。
%In this paper, the effects of long-term application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer on soil labile nitrogen fractions and some kinds of soil enzyme activities ( urease, catalase, alkaline phosphatase and sucrase ) were studied based on a 26-year long-term field experiment in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Research Station in Yucheng City, Shandong province, China.The results show that, compared with CK, long term fertilization significantly increases soil total nitrogen , particle organic nitrogen ( POM-N ) , dissolved organic nitrogen ( DON ) , microbial biomass nitrogen ( MBN )and light fraction organic nitrogen ( LFON ) contents . Treatments of applying organic fertilizers alone could improve soil total nitrogen and labile nitrogen fractions contents more effectively than the treatments of applying mineral fertilizers alone .The highest soil total nitrogen and labile nitrogen fractions contents appear in treatment of double organic fertilizer input , then is the treatment of common organic fertilizer input .The similar soil total nitrogen and labile nitrogen fraction contents are in treatment of applying 50%organic fertilizer and 50% mineral fertilizer and the treatment of applied double amount of mineral fertilizers.The soil total nitrogen and labile nitrogen fraction contents are improved with the increased input levels of mineral fertilizers .POM-N is the main contributor of the soil total nitrogen , affected by fertilizer types and input levels.There is no difference in the contribution of LFOM-N to the soil total nitrogen among all the treatments , suggesting that fertilizer application types and input levels couldn ’ t affect the contribution of LFOM-N to the soil total nitrogen.The activities of soil urease , alkaline phosphatase and sucrase are increased significantly by the application of fertilizers .The three enzyme activities are correlated significantly with each other , and also correlated with soil total nitrogen , available phosphorus and organic carbon , and closer correlation exists between the urease activity and soil labile nitrogen fractions contents .But the activity of soil catalase is decreased after long-term application of fertilizers.【期刊名称】《植物营养与肥料学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】9页(P525-533)【关键词】长期施肥;有机肥;化肥;土壤活性有机氮组分;土壤酶活性【作者】宋震震;李絮花;李娟;林治安;赵秉强【作者单位】土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室,山东农业大学资源与环境学院,山东泰安271018;土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室,山东农业大学资源与环境学院,山东泰安271018;中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,农业部植物营养与肥料重点实验室,北京100081;中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,农业部植物营养与肥料重点实验室,北京100081;中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,农业部植物营养与肥料重点实验室,北京100081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S153.6;S154.2氮素不仅是地球上最丰富的化学元素之一,也是植物必需的营养元素之一。
缓冲带在农业面源污染防治上的应用杨帆;刘赢男;焉志远;黎叩晨;倪红伟【摘要】Agricultural nonpoint source pollution has become one of the m ost important threats to water environment safety. To ensure security of water environment, it is necessary to prevent and control agricultural non-point source pollution. Riparian buffer zone, which could effectively prevent and control agricultural non-point source pollution, has been widely recognized, and it also has a certain application on the source of water prevention. Based on the introduction of definition of buffer zone, structure of macro and microscopic, mechanism of nitrogen and phosphorus losing and research of different countries and regions of agricultural non-point pollution, the protection of riparian buffer strips in the water environment was proposed.%农业面源污染已经成为威胁水环境安全的一个重要因素,为了保证水质安全,对进入水体的农业面源污染进行防治是十分必要的。
果树资源学报 2023,4(5):05-09镁肥处理对高原红富士苹果(片红)品质的影响陈 悦,牛文花,包刘媛*,熊莲花,刘玉梅,张淑媛(昭通学院,云南昭通657000)收稿日期:2023-05-15第一作者简介:陈 悦(1992-),女,硕士,助教,主要从事果树营养研究㊂电话:153********;E -m a i l :1138848264@q q .c o m *通信作者:包刘媛(1991-),女,硕士,助教,主要从事药用植物品质研究㊂E -m a i l :187********@163.c o m摘 要:ʌ目的ɔ探究不同镁肥施用量对苹果品质的影响,筛选出合理的镁肥施用量,以期为苹果高效生产提供参考与理论依据㊂ʌ方法ɔ以昭阳区10年生的红富士苹果树为试材,采用穴施肥的方法,分别施用1k g /株(无农家肥)㊁1k g /株㊁2k g /株和3k g/株的红牛唯美肥,以不施肥为对照,研究红牛唯美肥对红富士苹果品质的影响㊂ʌ结果ɔ施加红牛唯美肥可以提高苹果的硬度㊁含水量㊁可溶性固形物质量分数㊁维生素C 质量分数和可溶性糖质量分数,降低可滴定酸质量分数㊂其中红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g /株时,红富士苹果的硬度㊁可溶性固形物质量分数㊁可溶性糖质量分数相较对照组分别增加了3.95%㊁3.73%和6.67%,可滴定酸质量分数为0.22%,相较对照组降低了8.33%㊂ʌ结论ɔ昭阳区红富士苹果的红牛唯美肥浓度应在1k g/株左右的范围内进行进一步地研究,以期为昭阳区的苹果生产提供可靠的参考依据㊂关键词:苹果;红富士;镁肥;果实品质文章编号:2096-8108(2023)05-0005-05 中图分类号:S 661.1 文献标识码:AE f f e c t o f M a g n e s i u mF e r t i l i z e r T r e a t m e n t o n t h e Q u a l i t y o f P l a t e a u R e d F u j i A p pl e (S l i c e R e d )C H E N Y u e ,N I U W e n h u a ,B A O L i u y u a n *,X I O N G L i a n h u a ,L I U Y u m e i ,Z H A N G S h u yu a n (Z h a o t o n g C o l l e g e ,Z h a o t o n g Yu n n a n 657000,C h i n a ) A b s t r a c t :ʌO b j e c t i v e ɔT h e a i m w a s t o e x p l o r e t h e e f f e c t s o f d i f f e r e n t a p p l i c a t i o n a m o u n t s o f m a g n e s i u m f e r t i l i z e r o n a p pl e q u a l i t y ,a n d s c r e e n o u t t h e r e a s o n a b l e a p p l i c a t i o n a m o u n t o f m a gn e s i u m f e r t i l i z e r ,s o a s t o p r o v i d e r e f e r e n c e a n d t h e o r e t i c a l b a -s i s f o r e f f i c i e n t p r o d u c t i o n o f a p p l e .ʌM e t h o d s ɔT h e 10-y e a r -o l d R e d F u j i a p p l e t r e e s i n Z h a o y a n g Di s t r i c t w e r e u s e d a s t e s t m a -t e r i a l s ,a n d t h e h o l e f e r t i l i z a t i o n m e t h o d w a s u s e d t o a p p l y 1k g /p l a n t (n o f a r m m a n u r e ),1k g /p l a n t ,2k g /p l a n t a n d 3k g/p l a n t H o n g n i u a e s t h e t i c f e r t i l i z e r ,r e s p e c t i v e l y .T h e e f f e c t o f H o n g n i u a e s t h e t i c f e r t i l i z e r o n t h e q u a l i t y o f R e d F u j i a p pl e w a s s t u d i e d w i t h n o f e r t i l i z a t i o n a s t h e c o n t r o l .ʌR e s u l t s ɔT h e a p pl i c a t i o n o f R e d B u l l a e s t h e t i c f e r t i l i z e r c o u l d i n c r e a s e t h e h a r d n e s s ,w a t e r c o n t e n t ,s o l u b l e s o l i d s m a s s f r a c t i o n ,v i t a m i n C m a s s f r a c t i o n a n d s o l u b l e s u g a r m a s s f r a c t i o n o f a p pl e ,a n d r e d u c e t h e t i t r a t a b l e a c i d m a s s f r a c t i o n .W h e n t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f R e d B u l l a e s t h e t i c f e r t i l i z e r w a s 1k g /pl a n t ,t h e h a r d n e s s ,s o l u b l e s o l -i d s m a s s f r a c t i o n a n d s o l u b l e s u g a r m a s s f r a c t i o n o f R e d F u j i a p p l e i n c r e a s e d b y 3.95%,3.73%a n d 6.67%r e s p e c t i v e l yc o m -p a r ed w i t h t he c o n t r o l g r o u p,a n d t h e t i t r a t a b l e a c i d m a s s f r a c t i o n w a s 0.22%,w h i c h w a s 8.33%l o w e r t h a n t h a t o f t h e c o n -t r o l g r o u p .ʌC o n c l u s i o n ɔT h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f R e d F u j i a p p l e i n Z h a o y a n g D i s t r i c t s h o u l d b e f u r t h e r s t u d i e d i n t h e r a n ge of a b o u t 1kg /p l a n t ,i n o r d e r t o p r o v i d e a r e l i a b l e r e f e r e n c e f o r a p p l e p r o d u c t i o n i n Zh a o y a n g Di s t r i c t .K e yw o r d s :a p p l e ;R e d F u j i ;m a g n e s i u m f e r t i l i z e r ;f r u i t q u a l i t y 苹果作为世界四大水果之一[1],在中国的种植面积和产量占全球的50%以上[2]㊂红富士是我国苹果的主要种植品种之一,产地和环境条件不同会使其品质出现较大差异[3]㊂昭通市是低纬度高海拔地区,其地理位置为北纬27ʎ22',东经103ʎ34',该地区属于高原季风立体气候,亚热带㊁暖温带共存[4],干湿季节分明,在全国苹果区的划分意见中,昭阳区被中国农科院果树研究所定为西南苹果生长的最适区[5]㊂目前,昭通市昭阳区的苹果产业发展前景可观,种植规模已达4.1万h m 2(61.45万亩),其中2.8万h m 2(42万亩)是投产果园,总产量和综合产值分别高达84万t 和84亿元[6]㊂色泽鲜艳㊁肉质细脆和风味浓郁是昭通所产苹果的显著特点,且被赋予 早㊁甜㊁香㊁脆 的美誉[7],深受消费者喜爱,种植苹果现已成为昭通市农民的主要经济来源之一㊂镁是植物生长的必需营养元素,近年来,镁被许多欧洲学者列为仅次于氮㊁磷㊁钾的植物第四大必需元素,0.5%~0.7%是植物体内镁含量[8]的范围㊂目前,土壤镁素和镁肥施用等方面的研究得到了国内外学者的重视[9]㊂在植物新陈代谢过程中,糖类的转化可通过镁促进,植物形成蛋白质时不可缺少的也是镁[9]㊂植物缺镁严重时,叶片组织和叶肉组织会出现相应的色泽变化,由绿色变为淡黄或发亮的是叶片组织,渐渐变成褐色的是叶肉组织,最终会出现坏死脱落现象[10]㊂生长缓慢和植株矮小是苹果树轻微缺镁的表现,缺镁严重时坐果率㊁果实膨大速度㊁果形和着色效果均会被减弱[11]㊂柑橘叶肉细胞超微结构会因缺镁而受到损坏,也会严重影响呼吸代谢等生理活动[12]㊂研究表明[13],提高可溶性糖㊁可溶性固形物的质量分数和降低可滴定酸质量分数可通过施用适量镁肥来实现,过量施用镁肥亦会出现相反作用㊂因此,镁对提高果品产量和质量是至关重要的[14]㊂N o h H.k.[15]等以苹果为研究对象,采用高光谱技术对苹果的多种品质进行检测㊂P e n g Y.K.[16]等采集苹果高光谱散射图像,对硬度和可溶性固形物质量分数进行预测,并与多元线性回归和交叉验证进行比较㊂由此可见,研究供镁对苹果产量和品质的影响也具有重要意义[17]㊂因此,本试验通过对昭阳区红富士苹果施加不同浓度的红牛唯美肥,探究不同镁肥施用量对苹果产量和品质的影响,可以为当地果农使用镁肥提供参考,为苹果增产和品质提高奠定基础,进而提高果农的经济收益㊂1材料与方法1.1试验材料1.1.1供试果树本次试验供试苹果品种为红富士,树龄10年,株行距3mˑ4m,行向为东西朝向㊂砂质红壤,土壤养分数据见表1㊂表1试验前土壤养分分析指标水解性氮/(m g㊃k g-1)有效磷/(m g㊃k g-1)速效钾/(m g㊃k g-1)交换性镁/(m g㊃k g-1)有机质p H值含量6244.2155103135.71.1.2供试肥料红牛唯美肥,购买于德国钾盐集团,产品呈颗粒状,含水溶性镁(M g)16%,水溶性硫(S)18%㊂试验所用化肥分别为:尿素含N46%,过磷酸钙P2O516%,硫酸钾含K2O含量45%㊁复合肥NʒP2O5ʒK2O比例为17ʒ17ʒ17㊂供试有机肥为菌棒+羊粪+牛粪自然发酵6个月,有机质含量35.57%,全氮26.50g/k g,总磷18.54g/k g,总钾13.36g/k g,p H7.4㊂1.1.3试验试剂氢氧化钠㊁邻苯二甲酸氢钾㊁草酸㊁2,6-二氯酚靛酚钠盐㊁碳酸氢钠㊁蒽酮㊁乙酸乙酯㊁酚酞㊁无水乙醇㊁抗坏血酸和浓硫酸等㊂1.2试验场地本试验于2020年设在云南省昭通市昭阳区永丰镇海边村7社农户园内,地理位置为北纬27ʎ22',东经103ʎ34',该地全年的无霜期约220d,年均气温为11.6ħ,最热的7月均温为19.8ħ,最冷的1月均温2ħ,极端最低气温-13.3ħ,极端最高气温33.5ħ,全年活动积温高于10ħ的有3217h,年均日照时数为1902.02h,年降水量735m m,干湿季节分明㊂1.3试验方法1.3.1试验设计试验选取生长势基本一致㊁生长正常的5株苹果树树作为一个处理小区,共设5个处理,每个处理重复3次,共75株树㊂于2020年3月中旬,沿苹果树冠滴水线,每株苹果树均匀挖2个施肥穴,穴深25c m㊁长200c m㊁宽30c m㊂施入1k g/株(无农家肥)㊁1k g/株㊁2k g/株和3k g/株的红牛唯美肥和0.6k g/株复合肥(NʒP2O5ʒK2O比例为17ʒ17ʒ17),对照为不施肥,施肥完成后部分土壤回填至施肥穴内离地表5c m,覆土后每穴浇水10.5L㊂2020年6月初向每穴撒入0.2k g尿素㊁0.25k g过磷酸钙㊂2020年8月中旬向每穴撒入0.25k g硫酸钾㊂采用随机区组试验设计,完全随机区组排列,不同处理的肥料种类及施肥量如表2所示㊂田间管理措施,如除草㊁修剪㊁病虫害防治及疏花疏果与当地果农的方法保持一致㊂1.3.2苹果果实品质的测定本次试验的苹果硬度㊁含水量㊁可溶性固形物质量分数㊁维生素C含量㊁可滴定酸质量分数和可溶果树资源学报2023,4(5)表2 不同处理肥料种类和施肥量单位:k g/株处理红牛唯美肥有机肥NP 2O 5K 2Oc k 0500.290.180.3311性糖质量分数等指标,均参照曹建康[18]等的方法进行测定㊂1.4 试验数据处理利用W P S E x c e l 2016统计软件㊁S P S S 程序软件(I B M S P S S s t a t i s t i c s 26)进行数据计算与统计分析,P <0.05表示差异显著㊂2 结果与分析2.1 镁肥处理对苹果硬度的影响由图1可知,与对照组相比,适量施镁能在一定程度上提高苹果的硬度,提高范围为1.94%~3.95%㊂随着镁肥施用量的增加,苹果硬度呈现先升高后降低趋势㊂当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株和3k g /株时,苹果硬度高于对照组;当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g /株(无农家肥)和2k g /株时,苹果硬度低于对照组,相较对照组降低区间为3.88%~6.28%㊂1k g /株(无农家肥)处理组的苹果硬度低于1k g /株的处理组㊂因此,当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株时,苹果的硬度较佳,此时苹果脆性较好,香脆可口㊂图1 不同浓度镁肥处理对苹果硬度的影响2.2 镁肥处理对苹果含水量的影响由图2可知,与对照组相比,适量施镁能在一定程度上提高苹果的含水量,提高范围为0.18%~1.23%㊂随着镁肥施用量的增加,苹果含水量呈现先升高后降低趋势㊂当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株和2k g/株时,苹果含水量高于对照组;当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g /株(无农家肥)和3k g/株时,苹果含水量低于对照组,相较对照组降低区间为0.56%~1.29%㊂1k g/株(无农家肥)处理组的苹果含水量低于1k g /株的处理组㊂因此,当红牛唯美肥浓度为2k g/株时,苹果的含水量是最丰富的,此时苹果水分充足,口感较好㊂图2 不同浓度镁肥处理对苹果含水量的影响2.3 镁肥处理对苹果可溶性固形物质量分数的影响由图3可知,与对照组相比,适量施镁能在一定程度上提高苹果可溶性固形物质量分数,提高范围为3.73%~5.59%㊂随着镁肥施用量的增加,苹果可溶性固形物质量分数呈现先升高后降低趋势㊂当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g /株(无农家肥)和1k g/株时,苹果可溶性固形物质量分数高于对照组;当红牛唯美肥浓度为2k g /株和3k g/株时,苹果可溶性固形物质量分数低于对照组,相较对照组降低区间为4.97%~7.45%㊂1k g/株(无农家肥)处理组的可溶性固形物质量分数高于1k g /株的处理组㊂因此,当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株时,苹果的可溶性固形物质量分数是最高的,此时苹果口感较好㊂图3 不同浓度镁肥处理对苹果可溶性固形物质量分数的影响2.4 镁肥处理对苹果维生素C 含量的影响由图4可知,与对照组相比,适量施镁能在一定程度上提高苹果维生素C 含量,提高范围为1.33%~45.18%㊂当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株(无农家肥)㊁1k g /株和3k g/株时,苹果维生素C 含量均高于对照组;当红牛唯美肥浓度为2k g/株时, 陈 悦,等:镁肥处理对高原红富士苹果(片红)品质的影响苹果维生素C含量低于对照组,与对照组相比降低了26.58%㊂1k g/株(无农家肥)处理组的维生素C 含量明显高于11k g/株的处理组,由此推断,农家肥中可能存在某种物质抑制了维生素C的产生㊂因此,当红牛唯美肥浓度为3k g/株时,苹果维生素C的含量是相对较高的㊂图4不同浓度镁肥处理对苹果维生素C含量的影响2.5镁肥处理对苹果可滴定酸质量分数的影响由图5可知,与对照组相比,适量施镁能在一定程度上降低苹果可滴定酸质量分数㊂随着镁肥施用量的增加,苹果可滴定酸质量分数呈现先降低后升高趋势㊂当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株时,苹果可滴定酸质量分数与对照组相比降低了8.33%;当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株(无农家肥)和3k g/株时,苹果可滴定酸质量分数均高于对照组,提高区间为29.17%~-33.33%㊂1k g/株(无农家肥)处理组的可滴定酸质量分数明显高于1k g/株的处理组㊂因酸度过大会影响苹果的口感,所以当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株时,可滴定酸的质量分数是相对较低的,此时苹果的口感相对较佳㊂图5不同浓度镁肥处理对苹果可滴定酸质量分数的影响2.6镁肥处理对苹果可溶性糖质量分数(干重)的影响由图6可知,与对照组相比,适量施镁能在一定程度上提高苹果可溶性糖质量分数㊂随着镁肥施用量的增加,苹果可溶性糖质量分数呈现先升高后降低趋势㊂当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株时,苹果可溶性糖质量分数与对照组相比提高了6.65%;当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株(无农家肥)㊁2k g/株和3k g/株时,苹果可溶性糖质量分数均低于对照组,相较对照组降低区间为1.17%~18.23%㊂1k g/株(无农家肥)处理组的可溶性糖质量分数明显低于1k g/株的处理组㊂因此,当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株时,苹果可溶性糖质量分数最高㊂图6镁肥处理对苹果可溶性糖含量的影响2.7不同镁肥浓度苹果内在品质的相关性分析对不同镁肥处理的苹果内在品质进行相关性分析,相关系数见表3㊂红富士苹果的各项营养指标之间的相关系数见表4㊂由表4可以看出,硬度㊁含水量㊁可溶性固形物质量分数㊁维生素C含量㊁可滴定酸质量分数和可溶性糖质量分数均可作为不同镁肥处理苹果品质分析的评价指标㊂苹果含水量和维生素C含量之间的系数为-0.944,说明二者之间存在显著负相关的关系㊂即随着苹果维生素C含量增加,含水量会相应减小,反之异同㊂3讨论与结论本研究以红富士苹果树为试验材料,设置了不同浓度的红牛唯美肥处理组,研究不同浓度红牛唯美肥对苹果品质的影响㊂结果表明,增施镁肥可提高昭阳区红富士苹果的硬度㊁可溶性固形物和可溶性糖质量分数,降低可滴定酸质量分数,其中当红牛唯美肥浓度为1k g/株时,红富士苹果的硬度㊁可溶性固形物和可溶性糖质量分数与对照组相比分别增加了3.95%㊁3.73%和6.67%,可滴定酸质量分数与对照组相比降低了8.33%㊂通过本次试验发现,适量增施镁肥能提高果实的可溶性固形物㊁可溶性糖质量分数和降低可滴定酸质量分数,这与前人的研究结果基本一致[13,17,19]㊂通过本次试验可以看出,施加适量的红牛唯美肥会对苹果的各项指标有相应的提升作用,相反,镁肥施用过量时,则会产生抑制作用㊂硬度㊁含水量㊁果树资源学报2023,4(5)表3不同镁肥处理的苹果内在品质相关性分析表硬度含水量可溶性固形物维生素C可滴定酸可溶性糖硬度1含水量0.2001可溶性固形物-0.142-0.6811维生素C-0.450-0.944*0.6141可滴定酸-0.466-0.7760.1450.8671可溶性糖0.0720.4240.374-0.441-0.8051注:*表示在0.05级别(双尾),相关性显著㊂可溶性固形物㊁维生素C㊁可滴定酸和可溶性糖等是影响苹果果实品质的主要指标㊂陈巍[19]等研究表明,提高永嘉早香柚果实的可溶性固形物㊁可溶性糖质量分数和降低果实酸质量分数可通过增施镁肥来实现;郑武林[20]研究表明,适量增施镁肥能提高柑橘果实的品质和产量㊂黄东风[21]等研究表明,在南方红壤区菜地上适量施用镁肥可有效地提高蔬菜生物产量㊂综上所述,综合考虑昭阳区红富士苹果的各项品质指标,红牛唯美肥浓度应在1k g/株左右,可在此范围内进行进一步研究,以期为昭阳区的苹果高效生产提供参考与借鉴㊂参考文献[1]孙聪伟,陈展,魏建国,等.苹果土壤营养研究进展[J].河北农业科学,2015(6):29-33.[2]葛玉全,李红锋,王春燕,等.我国苹果产业现状及可持续发展建议[J].现代食品,2021(11):4-6. 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23年英语听力原文23 Years of English Listening: A Journey of Linguistic Discovery and Cultural Immersion.Embarking on a journey of English listening comprehension is akin to delving into a labyrinth of intricate sonic landscapes, where every syllable, intonation, and cadence holds the promise of unlocking new realms of meaning and connection. Over the past 23 years, my ears have been attuned to the nuances and subtleties of this global language, enabling me to navigate its complexities and revel in its expressive power.The Genesis: A Spark Ignited.My linguistic odyssey began in the nascent years of my adolescence, when a fortuitous encounter with classic English literature sparked within me a nascent flame of curiosity. The evocative prose of Dickens, the lyrical verses of Shakespeare, and the philosophical musings ofAusten captivated my imagination and ignited a deep-seated desire to comprehend the spoken word.Immersion: A Tapestry of Sounds.Determined to bridge the chasm between the written and spoken language, I sought out opportunities for immersion in authentic English environments. Television programs, films, and music became my constant companions, each offering a unique window into the rhythms and colloquialisms of everyday speech.Through countless hours spent listening intently, I gradually absorbed the intricate tapestry of sounds that make up the English language. Words that initially seemed foreign and elusive began to resonate with familiarity, their meanings unraveling like threads in a intricate embroidery.Exploration: Dialects and Accents.As my listening skills matured, I ventured beyond theconfines of standard English, eager to explore the diverse dialects and accents that enrich this global language. The lilting brogue of Ireland, the clipped tones of the British Isles, and the vibrant cadence of American English each became a distinct melody in my auditory repertoire.Through exposure to these regional variations, I gained a deeper appreciation for the cultural diversity that underpins the English language. Each accent, with its unique inflections and pronunciations, reflected the history, traditions, and social nuances of its respective speakers.Nuances: The Subtleties of Communication.As my listening comprehension deepened, I discovered that the true power of English lies not only in its vocabulary and grammar, but also in its subtle nuances. Intonation, stress, and rhythm can convey layers of meaning that transcend the literal words spoken.Through careful observation and practice, I learned todiscern the subtle shifts in pitch and tempo that distinguish a question from a statement, a request from a command. These nuances became essential tools for understanding the intent and emotions conveyed by speakers.Connection: Bridging Cultures.My journey in English listening comprehension has不僅限於語言習得; it has also been a journey of cultural immersion. Through the words spoken by native speakers, I have gained invaluable insights into their perspectives, values, and experiences.Whether delving into the complexities of British politics, unraveling the intricacies of American history, or exploring the vibrant traditions of Australia, I have felt a profound connection to the cultures that have shaped this global language.Reflection: A Transformative Experience.Looking back over the past 23 years, I am humbled bythe transformative power of English listening comprehension. It has not only expanded my linguistic repertoire but has also broadened my cultural horizons and deepened my understanding of the human experience.Through the tapestry of sounds, accents, and nuancesthat make up this global language, I have forgedconnections with people from all walks of life, gaining invaluable insights into their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.As I continue on this linguistic journey, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunitiesthat have been afforded to me. English listening comprehension has been an enriching adventure, one that has shaped my life in countless ways.And so, as the years unfold, I vow to continueexploring the ever-evolving landscape of English, embracing its complexities, reveling in its expressive power, and forging even deeper connections with the world around me.。
23年综合素质作文英文回答:In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, where technological advancements are reshaping every aspect of human existence, one profound question that lingers on our minds is the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in society. As AI continues to permeate various sectors, from healthcare to finance and beyond, it presents both unprecedented opportunities and complex challenges.The integration of AI into our lives has the potential to enhance human capabilities in numerous ways. In healthcare, for instance, AI algorithms can assist medical professionals in diagnosing diseases, recommending treatments, and predicting patient outcomes with greater accuracy and efficiency. In the financial realm, AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, aiding decision-making and risk management.Furthermore, AI offers the promise of automating mundane and repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more creative and fulfilling endeavors. This shift has the potential to transform industries, boost productivity, and stimulate economic growth. Additionally, AI has the potential to address global challenges such as climate change and poverty by providing innovativesolutions and optimizing resource allocation.However, the rise of AI also raises concerns about its potential impact on society. One major concern is the displacement of human workers as AI becomes more capable of performing tasks previously carried out by humans. This has led to fears of widespread unemployment and economic inequality. Additionally, there are ethical questions surrounding the use of AI in making decisions that could have significant consequences for individuals and society as a whole.To harness the full potential of AI while mitigatingits risks, it is imperative that we develop a comprehensive framework for its development and deployment. Thisframework should involve a collaborative effort among policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders toestablish clear ethical guidelines, invest in education and training programs, and ensure that the benefits of AI are equitably distributed across society.中文回答:人工智能 (AI) 在 21 世纪的快速发展中扮演着重要的角色,它正在重塑人类存在的方方面面。
23年億典英语听力材料Sure, here is the English listening material for the23rd E-Test. It is over 800 words long and your prompt is not exposed in the article:Passage 1。
The first passage is about the history of the English language.English is a West Germanic language that originatedfrom the languages brought to Britain by the Anglo-Saxon migrants in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. The Anglo-Saxons were a group of Germanic tribes who migrated from what is now northwest Germany and Denmark to Britain. They brought with them their own languages, which eventually evolvedinto Old English.Old English was spoken in Britain for several centuries, but it began to change after the Norman Conquest in 1066.The Normans were a group of French-speaking invaders who conquered England and brought with them their own language. Old English and Norman French began to mix, and the result was a new language called Middle English.Middle English was spoken in England for several centuries, and it gradually evolved into Modern English. Modern English is the language that we speak today. It is a global language, and it is spoken by people all over the world.Passage 2。
化学肥料和有机化肥的对比英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Chemical Fertilizers vs Organic FertilizersHi there! My name is Emma and today I want to tell you all about different kinds of fertilizers that farmers use on their crops. Fertilizers are really important to help plants grow big and strong. There are two main types - chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Let me explain the difference!Chemical FertilizersThese fertilizers are made from chemicals and minerals in factories. The main nutrients plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Chemical fertilizers contain lots of these nutrients.Farmers like using chemical fertilizers because they work really fast. The plants can absorb the nutrients quickly and grow faster. This means the farmer can grow more crops and make more money. Yay for money!The bad thing about chemical fertilizers is that they can be bad for the environment if overused. Too many chemicals can get washed into rivers and lakes when it rains. This can poison the water and hurt the animals and plants living there. The chemicals can also kill useful bugs and worms in the soil that help plants grow.Another problem is that over time, the soil can get "addicted" to the chemical fertilizers. This means the soil can't grow good crops without tons of fertilizer being added each year. That gets really expensive for farmers!Organic FertilizersUnlike chemical fertilizers made in factories, organic fertilizers come from natural sources like manure (poop!), bone meal, wood ash and compost. Compost is made by breaking down leaves, grass clippings and other plant matter.The nutrients in organic fertilizers don't get absorbed by plants as fast as chemical fertilizers. This means plants grow a bit slower. But organic fertilizers release the nutrients slowly over a longer time, which is better for the plants.A big advantage of organic fertilizers is that they are much better for the environment. The nutrients don't run off andpollute water sources as easily. The fertilizers also feed the microbes and insects in the soil, keeping it healthy. Healthy soil means less need for pest control chemicals too.Another plus is that organic fertilizers improve the structure of soil over time, helping it hold moisture better. This means farmers need to water their crops less. The soil also stays fertile for longer without needing more fertilizer.So in summary, chemical fertilizers act fast but can be bad for the environment if overused. Organic fertilizers are slower but improve soil health and are much more eco-friendly. Many farmers nowadays use a combination of both to get the benefits of each!Deciding Which to UseIf I was a farmer, I think I would try to use more organic fertilizers. Sure, chemical ones make plants grow faster, but I care about protecting nature and animals. Polluting lakes and killing helpful bugs doesn't seem like a good idea to me.I might use a little chemical fertilizer mixed with organic ones when first planting my crops, just to give them a boost. But then I'd switch to all organic for the rest of the growing season.That way my crops get an early jump, but I'm not constantly putting harsh chemicals in the soil.It would be a little more work making my own compost, but I don't mind! I'd ask my parents to save all our veggie scraps, leaves and grass clippings from the yard. Then I could make big compost piles and turn it into awesome fertilizer. Wouldn't that be cool?In the end, both chemical and organic fertilizers have pros and cons. Chemical ones are quick but unnatural, while organic ones are slower but way better long-term. I think using both in a balanced way is probably the smartest solution for feeding the world's growing population in a sustainable manner.Well, that's all I've got to say on the great fertilizer debate! Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for reading, friends!篇2Chemical Fertilizers vs Organic FertilizersHi everyone! Today I want to talk about two different types of fertilizers that farmers use to help their crops grow big and strong - chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. They both do the same basic job of giving plants important nutrients. But theywork in very different ways and have some big pros and cons. Let me explain more!Chemical FertilizersThese fertilizers are made from synthetic (human-made) materials in factories. The three main nutrients plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Chemical fertilizers contain precise amounts of these nutrients mixed together.The biggest benefit of chemical fertilizers is that they allow farmers to easily control exactly how much of each nutrient gets added to the soil. This makes it really simple to give plants the perfect "nutritional balance" for maximum growth and crop yields.Chemical fertilizers act quickly too. As soon as they dissolve into the soil, the nutrients become immediately available for plant roots to absorb. This causes faster growth in a shorter time compared to organic fertilizers.However, there are some downsides to using chemical fertilizers. Although they are inexpensive to manufacture, the costs can really add up for farmers applying them repeatedly throughout the growing season. There are also environmental concerns.You see, plants can only absorb a small portion of the nutrients from chemical fertilizers. The rest gets washed away during rain, entering waterways and causing water pollution that harms fish and other wildlife. The manufacturing process also releases greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.Organic FertilizersUnlike chemical fertilizers made in factories, organic fertilizers come from natural sources like manure, bone meal, vegetable compost, or nitrogen-rich plants like soybeans. As these organic materials gradually break down in the soil, they release nutrients for plants to use.One major advantage of organic fertilizers is that they are renewable, biodegradable, and environmentally sustainable. They don't have the same risks of water pollution or greenhouse gas emissions as chemical fertilizers. Many people feel organic farming is better for the earth.Organic fertilizers also work in a more gentle, balanced way compared to the immediate nutrient blast from chemical fertilizers. This slow-release mechanism helps prevent nutrients from getting washed away as easily by rain or irrigation. The nutrients stay bound in the soil longer for roots to absorb.Additionally, organic fertilizers enhance the overall soil quality in a way chemical fertilizers cannot. As the organic matter decomposes, it improves the texture, moisture retention, and healthy microorganism levels in the soil. This creates an ideal environment for plants to thrive over many growing seasons.However, these benefits come with some trade-offs when using organic fertilizers. They don't provide as much instantaneous nutrition for fast growth boosts. Organic fertilizers also take more effort to produce, making them more expensive for farmers to obtain and apply to fields.Another factor is that it's harder to precisely control the nutrient concentrations in organic fertilizers compared to chemical fertilizer formulas. Farmers must take extra care in calculating application rates to avoid nutrient imbalances.My ConclusionSo those are some of the key differences between chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers! As you can see, they both have unique strengths and weaknesses to consider.Chemical fertilizers offer an easy way to optimize nutrition for maximum plant productivity. But they also have higher environmental costs.Organic fertilizers are a more natural, sustainable approach that enhances overall soil health. However, they require more effort and come with higher upfront expenses.Personally, I lean towards preferring organic fertilizers since I care a lot about protecting the earth's ecosystems. But I can understand why some farmers might choose chemical fertilizers, especially if they are in a challenging financial situation and need to maximize crop yields quickly.What do you think about chemical versus organic fertilizers? I'd love to hear your perspective! No matter which approach farmers take, I'm just grateful we have fertilizers to help grow enough nutritious food for everyone. Biology and chemistry are so fascinating!篇3Chemical Fertilizers vs Organic FertilizersHi friends! Today I want to tell you about two different types of fertilizers that farmers use to help plants grow - chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Fertilizers are like food for plants and help them grow big and strong. But chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers work in different ways. Let me explain!Chemical FertilizersChemical fertilizers are made from chemicals in a factory. The main ones are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers. You might have seen bags at the garden store with numbers like 10-10-10 or 20-10-20 on them - those numbers tell you how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are in the fertilizer.Chemical fertilizers are really good at giving plants a quick boost of nutrients to help them grow fast. Farmers who grow crops like corn, wheat, and vegetables often use chemical fertilizers because they make the plants grow big quickly. This way, the farmer can grow a lot of food to sell at the market or grocery store.But chemical fertilizers have some downsides too. If you use too much, it can make the soil and water dirty, which is bad for animals and people. The chemicals can also kill tiny microbes in the soil that are actually good for plants. Yikes! And if the rain washes away the fertilizer, it doesn't help the plants anymore.Organic FertilizersOn the other hand, organic fertilizers come from natural ingredients like manure from cows or horses, ground up bonesand shells, sewage sludge from cities, or compost from rotting plants and food scraps. Making compost is really cool - you just pile up dead leaves, veggie peels, and other plant stuff and let it rot for a while. The rotten stuff turns into amazing fertilizer full of nutrients!Organic fertilizers release their nutrients slowly over a longer time compared to chemical ones. This helps plants grow at a nice steady pace. The organic matter also improves the soil texture so air and water can move through easily to the plant roots. Plus, those microbes I mentioned earlier really like organic fertilizers and help break them down to feed the plants.My favorite organic fertilizer is compost - it's free if you make it yourself from stuff you would normally throw away! Composting at home is an awesome way to recycle food scraps and reduce trash. You can just bury your compost right in the garden and let the worms do their magic.Some farmers choose to use organic fertilizers because they are better for the environment and make the soil healthier over time. The downside is that organic fertilizers don't work as fast as chemical ones, so some farmers use a blend of both types.Which is Better?So which type of fertilizer is better - chemical or organic? To be honest, there are good and bad points about both. Chemical fertilizers give plants a quick nutrient boost, but can harm the environment if over-used. Organic fertilizers are great for the soil and environment, but work more slowly.A lot of farmers actually use a blend of some chemical fertilizers along with organic ones. The chemicals give their plants a jump-start to grow faster, while the organic matter improves the soil health over time. As long as the chemical fertilizers don't get over-used, this can be a pretty good system.Personally, I really like organic fertilizers, especially compost that you can make yourself from trash! It's free, good for the planet, and turns your banana peels into plant food. How cool is that? Plus, adding compost to your garden means you get to play in the dirt and hang out with worms. What kid doesn't love that?In the end, both chemical and organic fertilizers have an important role to play in helping farmers grow enough food for everyone. But I hope more people will use organic fertilizers and composting, since they are so awesome for the environment. Let's make the world a little greener, one banana peel at a time!篇4Chemical Fertilizers vs. Organic FertilizersHi friends! Today I want to talk about two different types of fertilizers that farmers use to help their crops grow big and strong - chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Let me tell you all about them!Chemical FertilizersChemical fertilizers are made from minerals and other ingredients that don't come from living things. They contain nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that plants need to grow. The three numbers you see on fertilizer bags, like 10-10-10 or 20-20-20, tell you how much of each nutrient is in that fertilizer.Farmers like using chemical fertilizers because they work really fast. The nutrients go straight into the soil and the plants can soak them up quickly through their roots. This gives the plants a big boost and makes them grow faster and bigger in a short amount of time.Another good thing about chemical fertilizers is that they are very concentrated, so you don't need to use as much comparedto organic fertilizers. A little bit goes a long way! Farmers can cover large fields efficiently.However, there are some downsides to chemical fertilizers too. If you use too much, the extra nutrients can get washed away by rain into rivers and lakes. This can cause problems for fish and other wildlife. The nutrients can also build up in the soil over time and stop plants from growing as well.Some people worry that chemical fertilizers are not very environmentally friendly because making them uses a lot of energy and resources. The ingredients have to be mined and processed in factories before becoming fertilizer.Organic FertilizersSo what are organic fertilizers then? Well, they are fertilizers that come from living things like plants, animals and even human waste! Gross, I know! But these materials contain all the same nutrients that plants need to thrive.Manure from cows, horses, chickens and other farm animals is a very common organic fertilizer. As the manure breaks down in the soil, it releases nutrients for plants to use. Other organic fertilizers come from plant sources like ground up leaves, grass clippings or seaweed.One great thing about organic fertilizers is that they areall-natural and don't have any synthetic or man-made ingredients. This makes them better for the environment because they don't leave behind chemicals or pollutants as they break down.Organic fertilizers also improve the structure and quality of the soil over time by adding organic matter. This helps the soil hold moisture and nutrients better. The added organic matter makes the soil nice and loose so air and water can flow through easily to the plant roots.However, one downside of organic fertilizers is that they don't work as quickly as chemical fertilizers. The nutrients have to be broken down slowly by microbes in the soil before plants can use them. This makes organic fertilizers less concentrated too, so you need to apply a lot more to get the same nutrient boost.Organic fertilizers can also carry diseases, weed seeds or other contaminants that you don't want in your soil. And let's be honest, some types of organic fertilizers like manure can really stink! You have to be careful when handling and storing it.My ThoughtsSo those are the main differences between chemical and organic fertilizers. In my opinion, I think organic fertilizers are better overall because they are natural and better for the environment long-term. However, I can understand why farmers still use chemical fertilizers because they work really fast and increase crop yields a lot.The best solution may be using a combination of both types of fertilizers. The chemical fertilizers can give plants a quick boost when needed, while the organic fertilizers can build up the soil quality over time. That way you get the benefits of both!What do you think? Which type of fertilizer do you prefer and why? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for reading my essay. Let's all work together to keep our planet healthy and our crops growing strong.篇5Chemical Fertilizers vs Organic FertilizersHey guys! Today I want to tell you all about fertilizers. Fertilizers are things that farmers put on their crops to help them grow big and strong. But did you know there are two main types of fertilizers? There are chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. They're pretty different from each other, so let me explain.Chemical FertilizersChemical fertilizers are made from minerals and other ingredients in factories. The main nutrients in chemical fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These are really important for plants to grow.Nitrogen helps plants make their green leaves and stems. Phosphorus helps grow big strong roots. And potassium keeps plants healthy and resistant to disease. Pretty cool, right?Farmers like using chemical fertilizers because they work really fast. As soon as you put them on the soil, the plants can soak up those nutrients quickly. This makes the plants grow big in a hurry.Another good thing about chemical fertilizers is that you don't need to use as much compared to organic fertilizers. A little bit goes a long way. This makes transporting and storing chemical fertilizers cheaper and easier.However, there are some downsides to chemical fertilizers too. If you use too much, the extra nutrients can get washed away by rain into rivers and lakes. This can lead to algae blooms and kill fish and other creatures. Yuck!Chemical fertilizers also don't help build healthy soil structure. Over time, soils can get compacted and have fewer microorganisms like worms and bacteria. This makes it harder for plants to grow their best.Organic FertilizersOkay, now let's talk about organic fertilizers. These come from natural plant or animal sources instead of being man-made in a factory. Some examples are manure, bone meal, compost, and sewage sludge (gross, I know!).Organic fertilizers release their nutrients into the soil slowly over time as they break down. This provides a longer-lasting steady supply of nutrients for the plants compared to chemical fertilizers.Another big benefit is that organic fertilizers improve the soil structure and make it more fertile over time. As they break down, they add organic matter that helps loosen compacted soils and supports all those little critters like worms and microbes that are so important.The downside is that organic fertilizers take longer to start working since they release nutrients slowly. Farmers might have to wait weeks or months to see their full effects.Organic fertilizers also typically have lower concentrations of the main nutrients that plants need compared to chemical fertilizers. This means you need to apply much larger amounts to get the same nutrient boost, which makes transportation and storage more difficult.My ThoughtsSo those are the main differences between chemical and organic fertilizers. If I had to pick which one I prefer, I would probably go with organic fertilizers.Sure, chemical fertilizers work fast and you don't need as much. But I care about the environment and making sure farms can keep producing food for a long, long time. Organic fertilizers are way better for preventing pollution and keeping soils healthy year after year.I don't mind waiting a little longer for the nutrients to kick in if it means helping out our planet. Plus, a lot of the organic fertilizer ingredients like manure and compost come from recycling plant and animal wastes that would otherwise just get thrown away. Using them is a great way to reduce waste.Of course, lots of farms need to produce high yields fast to make enough money. So chemical fertilizers are still reallyimportant for now. But I hope that more and more farms will go organic or at least reduce their chemical fertilizer use over time. It's the best way to protect our air, water, and soil for future generations.Well, that's all I've got to say on fertilizers! Let me know if you have any other questions. Stay curious and keep learning about the amazing world around us!。
23年下半年综合素质作文英文回答:In the second half of the 23rd year, my comprehensive quality has improved significantly. Firstly, I have enhanced my communication skills by actively participating in various group discussions and debates. This has helped me become more confident in expressing my ideas and opinions. Additionally, I have also improved my critical thinking skills through reading and analyzing different types of literature and articles. This has allowed me to have a deeper understanding of complex issues and develop my own perspectives.Furthermore, I have developed better time management skills by prioritizing tasks and setting realistic goals. This has enabled me to effectively manage my workload and reduce stress. Moreover, I have actively engaged in extracurricular activities such as volunteering and joining clubs, which has not only broadened my horizons but alsohelped me develop leadership and teamwork abilities.Moreover, I have made significant progress in my foreign language learning. I have been consistently practicing speaking and writing in English, which has greatly improved my fluency and accuracy. Additionally, I have also started learning a new language, such as Spanish, which has expanded my linguistic abilities and allowed me to communicate with a wider range of people.In terms of personal growth, I have become more self-aware and reflective. I have learned to identify my strengths and weaknesses and have actively worked on improving myself. For example, I have been more proactivein seeking feedback from others and using it constructively to enhance my skills. This has helped me become a morewell-rounded individual.中文回答:在23年下半年,我的综合素质有了显著的提升。
现代农业专业词句手册Words and Sentences of Modern Agriculture1、现代农业技术常用表达[1]Modern agriculture 现代农业[2]Taking the path of agricultural modernization with regionalcharacteristics 走具有区域特色的农业现代化道路[3]Demonstration and extension of agricultural sci-tech achievements农业科技成果的示范与推广[4]Comprehensive technology system for water-saving agriculture节水灌溉农业综合技术体系[5]Integration and demonstration of agriculture key technology 农业关键技术集成与示范[6]Cultivation and Utilization of Northwestern Special EconomicalForestry 西北特色经济林栽培与利用[7]The processing and storage of agricultural products 农产品贮藏与运输[8]Comprehensive processing and utilization of Xanthocerassorbifolia文冠果综合加工利用[9]pomology 果树学[10]forestry genetics and breeding 林木遗传育种[11]plant nutrition 植物营养[12]plant protection 植物保护[13]wolfberry 枸杞[14]table grape 鲜食葡萄[15]Chinese date (jujube)枣[16]wine grape 酿酒葡萄[17]winery 酒堡[18]deciduous fruit tree 落叶果树[19]annual/ biennial/perennial vegetable crop一年生/两年生/多年生蔬菜[20]protected cultivation 设施栽培2、新品种选育与现代农业栽培[21]natural selection 自然选择[22]plant introduction 引种[23]male sterile 雄性不育[24]stock plant 母株[25]male parent 父本[26]female parent母本[27]progeny 后代[28]cross 杂交[29]crossbreeding 杂交育种[30]polyploid breeding 多倍体育种[31]haploid breeding 单倍体育种[32]conventional breeding 常规育种[33]selective breeding 选择育种[34]hybrid 杂种[35]compatibility 自交亲和[36]incompatibility 自交不亲和[37]germplasm resources 种质资源[38]maintenance of germplasm resources species 种质资源保存[39]wild species 野生种[40]cultivar 栽培品种[41]variety 变种[42]strain 株系、品系[43]classification of fruit plants 果树分类[44]characterization 鉴定[45]degeneration of cultivars 品种退化[46]origin of cultivated fruits 品种起源[47]biodiversity 生物多样性[48]variety testing 品种试验[49]identification of characters 性状鉴定[50]early stage evaluation 早期鉴定[51]control plot 对照小区[52]completely randomized experiment 完全随机试验[53]pollination test of the wolfberry 枸杞授粉试验[54]grafting propagation technique for Chinese date 枣树的嫁接繁育技术[55]summerwood cutting propagation of Chinese jujube 枣树嫩枝[56]propagation of grape by hardwood cutting葡萄硬植扦插繁育技术[57]cultural period 栽培时期[58]soilless culturing or hydroponic culturing 无土栽培[59]irrigation 浇水[60]precipitation 降雨量[61]transpiration 蒸腾[62]evaporation 蒸发[63]evapotranspiration 蒸散[64]fertilization 施肥[65]green manure 绿色肥料[66]organic manure 有机肥[67]compound fertilizer 复合肥料[68]mineral nutrition 矿质营养[69]Nutrient absorption, assignment and utilization efficiency 养分吸收、分配和利用效率[70]soil application 土壤施肥[71]foliar application 叶面施肥[72]average amount of fertilizer applied 平均施肥量[73]mechanization of farming 农业机械化[74]Leaf nutrient diagnosis of grape 葡萄叶片营养诊断[75]integrated irrigation and fertilization system 水肥一体化系统[76]precision and balanced fertilization 精准平衡施肥[77]soil testing and fertilizer recommendation 测土配方施肥[78]disease and pest management of grape "Red Globe" 红地球葡萄病虫害防治管理办法[79]flower and fruit thinning technique for grape 疏花疏果技术[80]shaping and pruning technique整形修剪技术[81]planting at early or later date 提前或延后栽培[82]energy-economy greenhouse 节能日光温室[83]small arched shed 小拱棚[84]winter wheat-summer maize rotation 冬小麦与夏玉米轮作[85]interplant of crop and economic forestry 经济林与粮食套种3、经济林果品贮藏与加工利用[86]food safety 食品安全[87]food security 粮食安全[88]retrospective food safety system 食品安全溯源系统[89]detection of pesticide residue 农残检测[90]fruit classification 果品分级[91]package design 包装设计[92]The Current status and development trend for the study of foodpreservation technique 食品保鲜技术的研究现状及发展趋势[93]Fruit and vegetable cold storage 果蔬冷藏库[94]the cold chain logistics of vegetables(fruits)蔬菜(水果)冷链物流[95]cold treatment technique for postharvest storage 采后冷藏保鲜技术[96]processing technology of juice. 果汁加工工艺[97]deep-frozen wolfberry 速冻枸杞[98]vitamin A 维生素A[99]amino acid 氨基酸[100]unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸。
新西兰菠菜的种植方法Growing spinach in New Zealand can be a rewarding experience for gardeners. 菠菜是一种容易栽培并且富含营养的蔬菜,适合在新西兰的气候条件下种植。
Spinach is a cold-weather vegetable that thrives in the cooler temperatures of early spring and late fall. 菠菜是一种冷却天气蔬菜,喜欢在春天初期和秋季末尤其是在新西兰这样凉爽气候下茁壮成长。
In order to successfully grow spinach, it is important to choose the right variety for the climate and soil conditions in New Zealand. 为了成功种植菠菜,在新西兰的气候和土壤条件下选择合适的品种非常重要。
There are many different varieties of spinach available, each with its own unique characteristics and growing requirements. 有许多不同种类的菠菜可以选择,每种都具有独特的特点和种植需求。
Some varieties are better suited for cooler climates, while others are more tolerant of heat and humidity. 一些品种更适合寒冷气候,而另一些则更耐高温高湿。
It is important to research the varieties available and choose one that will thrive in the specific conditions of your garden. 重要的是要研究现有的品种,并选择适合在您的花园特定条件下茁壮成长的一种。
猪牛羊养殖利与弊英语作文Title: Pros and Cons of Pig, Cattle, and Sheep Farming。
Pig, cattle, and sheep farming have been integral to agricultural practices for centuries. While these practices provide numerous benefits, they also come with their ownset of challenges. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of pig, cattle, and sheep farming.Pig Farming:Pros:1. High Reproduction Rate: Pigs have a relatively high reproduction rate compared to other livestock. A single sow can give birth to a large litter, increasing the potential for profit in pig farming.2. Versatile Products: Pig farming produces a varietyof products, including pork meat, lard, and by-productslike leather. This versatility allows farmers to diversify their revenue streams.3. Efficient Feed Conversion: Pigs have a high feed conversion efficiency, meaning they can convert feed into meat more efficiently compared to other livestock. This can result in lower feed costs for farmers.Cons:1. Environmental Impact: Pig farming can contribute to environmental pollution through the release of methane and other greenhouse gases. Improper waste management practices can also lead to water and soil contamination.2. Disease Risk: Pigs are susceptible to various diseases, some of which can spread rapidly within a herd. Disease outbreaks can result in significant economic losses for pig farmers.3. Ethical Concerns: Intensive pig farming practices,such as confinement in small spaces, have raised ethical concerns regarding animal welfare. This can lead to public scrutiny and regulatory challenges for pig farmers.Cattle Farming:Pros:1. Diverse Products: Cattle farming provides a wide range of products, including beef, dairy, leather, and by-products like gelatin and insulin. This diversity allows farmers to cater to different market demands.2. Natural Fertilizer: Cattle manure is a valuable source of natural fertilizer, which can improve soilfertility and crop yields. Integrating cattle into a farming system can promote sustainable agricultural practices.3. Cultural Significance: Cattle have cultural significance in many societies, often playing a centralrole in rituals, traditions, and ceremonies. Cattle farmingcan help preserve cultural heritage and identity.Cons:1. Land and Resource Intensive: Cattle farming requires large amounts of land, water, and feed resources.Inefficient land use and overgrazing can lead to deforestation, soil degradation, and habitat loss.2. Methane Emissions: Cattle are a significant source of methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. The methane produced during enteric fermentation and manure decomposition poses environmental challenges.3. Health Risks: Cattle farming involves occupational health risks for farmers, including injuries from handling livestock, exposure to zoonotic diseases, and respiratory issues from dust and allergens.Sheep Farming:Pros:1. Multiple Products: Sheep farming produces a variety of products, including meat, wool, milk, and lanolin. This diversity allows farmers to capitalize on different market opportunities throughout the year.2. Sustainable Grazing: Sheep are efficient grazers and can thrive on marginal lands unsuitable for other agricultural purposes. Sustainable sheep farming practices can help manage grassland ecosystems and prevent land degradation.3. Wool Production: Sheep wool is a renewable and biodegradable fiber with various applications in textiles and industries. Wool production can contribute to rural economies and support artisanal craftsmanship.Cons:1. Predator Risk: Sheep are vulnerable to predation by wild animals, such as wolves, coyotes, and foxes. Predationcan result in livestock losses and financial setbacks for sheep farmers, especially in regions with abundant predators.2. Sheep Parasites: Sheep are susceptible to various parasites, including worms, ticks, and lice, which can affect their health and productivity. Parasite control measures, such as deworming and pasture rotation, are essential but can be labor-intensive and costly.3. Market Volatility: The sheep market is prone to price volatility due to fluctuations in demand, seasonal factors, and global trade dynamics. Sheep farmers may face challenges in price negotiation and market access, impacting their profitability.In conclusion, pig, cattle, and sheep farming offer various advantages and disadvantages to farmers and society as a whole. While these livestock farming practices contribute to food security, economic development, and cultural heritage, they also raise concerns regarding environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and publichealth. Sustainable farming practices, technological innovations, and regulatory frameworks play crucial roles in mitigating the negative impacts and maximizing the benefits of livestock farming.。
郁金香种植的作文题目英文回答:Tulip Planting.Tulips are beautiful flowers that are known for their vibrant colors and elegant shapes. They are one of the most popular flowers to plant in gardens and they can also be found in various parks and public spaces. In this essay, I will discuss the process of planting tulips and the care they require to thrive.To begin with, tulips can be planted in either thespring or the fall, depending on the climate. In colder regions, it is recommended to plant tulip bulbs in the fall, as this allows them to establish their roots before the winter frost sets in. In warmer regions, spring planting is more suitable. Regardless of the planting time, it is important to choose a location that receives full sun or at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.The first step in planting tulips is to prepare the soil. Tulips prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. It is advisable to add compost or aged manure to the soil before planting to improve its fertility. The soil should be loosened to a depth of 12 inches to ensure that the tulip bulbs have enough space to grow.Next, the tulip bulbs should be planted at a depth of about 6 inches. The pointed end of the bulb should befacing upwards. It is recommended to space the bulbs about4-6 inches apart to allow for proper air circulation. After planting, the soil should be gently pressed down toeliminate any air pockets.Once the tulip bulbs are planted, they should bewatered thoroughly. It is important to keep the soil evenly moist, but not waterlogged, as excessive moisture can cause the bulbs to rot. During the growing season, regular watering is necessary, especially during dry spells.In terms of care, it is important to keep the areaaround the tulips free from weeds. Weeds compete with the tulips for nutrients and moisture, so regular weeding is essential. Additionally, it is recommended to apply a slow-release fertilizer in the spring to provide the tulips with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.As the tulips begin to flower, it is important to deadhead the spent blooms. This involves removing the faded flowers to encourage the plant to put its energy into producing new blooms. Deadheading also prevents the tulips from going to seed, which can divert energy away from bulb production.In conclusion, planting tulips requires careful consideration of the planting time, soil preparation, and ongoing care. By following these steps, gardeners can enjoy the beauty of tulips in their gardens year after year.中文回答:郁金香的种植。
Tennessee Valley Authority: "Results of Fertilizer" demonstration 1942
A large, modern fertilizer spreader
1 Labeling of chemical fertilizer
1 von 22
11.12.2013 09:53
Founded in 1812, Mirat, producer of manures and fertilizers, is claimed to be the oldest industrial business in
Fertilizers typically provide, in varying proportions:
six macronutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S); eight micronutrients: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn) and nickel (Ni) (1987).
结果显示,澳洲坚果皮发酵有机肥中的有机质和总养分均较高;澳洲坚果皮和蚯蚓粪发酵有机肥中有机质含量低于标准的20 %,水分含量产出标准限量的37%,总砷含量超出限量标准21.3%;澳洲坚果皮和蘑菇渣所发酵有机肥符合有机肥质量标准NY 525—2012的要求,可以进一步生产和推广。
关键词:澳洲坚果皮有机肥品质中图识别号:S664 文献标志码:AAbstract:The organic fertilizers were prepared from macadamia peel,mushroom residue and wormcast,and compared with other crop organic fertilizers. Results showed that,the organic matters and total nutrients were higher in the organic fertilizer fermented from macadamia peel; the organic matter content was 20% lower than the market standard,the water content exceeded 37% than the standard limit,and the total arsenic content exceeded 21.3% than the standard in the organic fertilizer fermented from macadamia peel and earthworm manure; the organic fertilizer fermented from macadamia peel and mushroom residue meets the requirements of organic fertilizer quality standard NY 525-2012,so it is worth further production and promotion.Key words:Macadamia peel; organic fertilizer; quality澳洲坚果(Macadamia integrifolia)属于山龙眼科多年生木本粮油树种,其新鲜果仁烘干后口感酥脆味美,营养丰富,广受到消费者喜爱,近年来国内种植面积迅猛增长。
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ORIGINAL PAPER23-year manure and fertilizer application increases soil organic carbon sequestration of a rice–barley cropping systemYidong Wang1&Ning Hu2&Minggang Xu3&Zhongfang Li4&Yilai Lou2,5&Yi Chen6&Chunyan Wu6&Zhong-Liang Wang1Received:24November2014/Revised:11March2015/Accepted:17March2015#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2015Abstract Fertilizer application can potentially change soil or-ganic C(SOC)sequestration of croplands.However,how fer-tilization affects SOC sequestration and soil C fractions has not been sufficiently investigated.Here,we studied this issue in a rice–barley system of eastern China after23-year repeated organic and chemical fertilizer amendments.The fertilization treatments were as follows:unfertilized control(CK),pig ma-nure(M),chemical fertilizer NPK(NPK),and pig manure combined with NPK(MNPK).Our results showed that M, NPK,and MNPK significantly increased25,13,and30% of SOC content as compared with pared with CK, the three fertilizations,especially manure addition,significant-ly increased the content of SOC fractions such as microbial biomass C,dissolved organic C,labile organic C,and particulate organic pared with the initial SOC stock at0–20-cm depth(41.2Mg C ha−1),M,NPK,and MNPK increased11,1,and16%of SOC storage,respectively, whereas CK decreased9%of SOC pool.The SOC seques-tration was positively correlated with the cumulative C input (root residue-C+manure-C)(SOC sequestration=0.21×C input−5.67,R2=0.88,P<0.001).This linear relationship suggested that(i)the soil had not reached a SOC saturation, (ii)the conversion rate from input-C to SOC was21%,and (iii)a C input threshold of1.17Mg C ha−1year−1was needed for maintaining the initial SOC level.Therefore,manure ap-plication is recommended for promoting SOC sequestration in the rice–barley cropping system of eastern China. Keywords Fertilization.Manure amendment.Soil carbon dynamic.Soil carbon sequestrationIntroductionSoil organic C(SOC)is of importance to maintain soil fertility and to sustain productivity of agro-ecosystems(Su et al.2006; Kundu et al.2007).In the context of climate change,SOC also plays an important role in global C cycling(Schimel1995). Therefore,it is significant to keep a satisfactory level of SOC in agro-ecosystems for ensuring food security and mitigating climate warming.In agro-ecosystems,rhizodeposition,residues of crop root and stubble,and organic fertilizer are main C input forms, while mineralization is the main C output.According to the status and stability,SOC has several sensitive fractions:mi-crobial biomass C(MBC),dissolved organic C(DOC),labile organic C(LOC)(with rapid turnover rates),and particulate organic C(POC).The dynamics of SOC and its fractions depends on various agricultural managementstrategies, Yidong Wang and Ning Hu contributed equally to this work.*Zhongfang Lilizhongfang08@*Yilai Loulouyilai@1Tianjin Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin300387,China2Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development inAgriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,100081Beijing,China3Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,ChineseAcademy of Agricultural Sciences,100081Beijing,China4Chemistry and Bioengineering College,Hezhou University,Hezhou542899,China5State Key Laboratory of Forest and Soil Ecology,Institute of AppliedEcology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang110016,China6Institute of Environmental Resources and Soil Fertilizer,ZhejiangAcademy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou310021,ChinaBiol Fertil SoilsDOI10.1007/s00374-015-1007-2especially fertilization(e.g.,Kong et al.2005;Lou et al. 2011a;Malhi et al.2011).However,contradictory effects of chemical fertilizer application on SOC trends have been ob-served.Both positive impacts(Verma and Sharma2007; Purakayastha et al.2008;Gong et al.2009;Brar et al.2013) and no influences(Russell et al.2005;Manna et al.2006; Rudrappa et al.2006;Lou et al.2011b)of chemical fertiliza-tion on SOC sequestration and its fractions have been report-ed.The inconsistent results of SOC sequestration may be at-tributed to differences in crop residue incorporations(Malhi et al.2011),fertilizer application rate,tillage regime,and ex-periment duration(Raun et al.1998;Su et al.2006).In com-parison to chemical fertilizer,organic fertilizer was more effi-cient in SOC sequestration due to the organic C input (Purakayastha et al.2008;Yu et al.2012;Zhang et al.2012, 2014).Even though fertilization-induced changes in SOC have been reported,the relative mechanisms of SOC sequestration to fertilization-derived C input(organic fertilizer+crop resi-dues)were poorly understood.A linear relationship between the SOC sequestration and C input has been shown(e.g., Kong et al.2005;Kundu et al.2007;Zhang et al.2010;Fan et al.2014).Nevertheless,some soils with high SOC levels show little or no increase in SOC pool with twofold to three-fold increases in C inputs(Campbell et al.1991;Gulde et al. 2008),and this has been generally explained by the SOC saturation level(Six et al.2002;Stewart et al.2009).The SOC unsaturated soils have linear relationships between the SOC sequestration and C input,and this is not the case of SOC saturated soils.Therefore,it is important to quantify the rela-tionship between the SOC sequestration and C input.The plain of lower reaches of the Yangtze River is one of the most important agricultural regions in China.And,the zones are mainly subjected to the paddy upland rotation and generally fertilized with organic and chemical fertilizers to ensure high grain yields(Kölbl et al.2014).However,it is still unclear how fertilization affects SOC sequestration in the zones of this region.Here,we studied this issue using a 23-year field experiment in a rice–barley rotation system with repeated organic and chemical fertilizer amendments.The objective of this study was to quantify the23-year effects of manure and chemical fertilizer application on SOC stock as well as its LOC fractions,to understand mechanism of SOC sequestration.Materials and methodsStudy siteThis study was conducted in a rice–barley field(30°26′04″N,120°25′01″E,elevation3–4m)at the National Monitoring Station for Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Efficiency in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,eastern China.The study site is flat and well drained.The region is characterized by a subtropical humid monsoon climate,with a mean air temper-ature of16–17°C and an annual rainfall of1500–1600mm. Annual evapotranspiration is1000–1100mm year−1.Mean annual frost-free period and sunshine duration hours are 240–250days and1900–2000h,respectively.The soil,clas-sified as an Inceptisol according to the soil taxonomy of US Department of Agriculture(Chen et al.2010a),has a loam texture with42%sand,38%silt,and20%clay(Chen et al.2010b).The formal long-term field experiment was launched in autumn1990.Prior to the experiment,the land had been in-tensively cultivated for at least30years with chemical fertil-izer amendment,and afterward,the field was homogenized by growing barley,early rice,and late rice in rotation for2years (from autumn1988to autumn1990)without fertilizer addi-tion.The main properties of the initial surface soil(0–20cm) in1990were as follows:bulk density,1.24g cm−3;porosity, 53.2%;TOC,16.6g kg−1;total N,1.67g kg−1;total P, 2.53g kg−1;available N,94.1mg kg−1;available P, 37.4mg kg−1;available K,67.5mg kg−1;CEC, 14.6cmol kg−1;and pH,6.4.Experimental designFour fertilizer application regimes,unfertilized control(CK), pig manure(M),chemical fertilizer NPK(NPK),and pig ma-nure combined with NPK(MNPK),were arranged in a completely random design with three replicates per each treat-ment.The fresh pig manure,with68.9%water content,was applied with an annual rate of22.5Mg ha−1year−1.The dry matter of pig manure had a C content of197.4g kg−1,N content of14.5g kg−1,P concentration of14.2g kg−1,and K concentration of13.1g kg−1.Thus,the annual application rates of C,N,P,and K of pig manure are1.4Mg C ha−1year−1, 101kg N ha−1year−1,228kg P2O5ha−1year−1,and110.6kg K2O ha−1year−1,respectively.N,P,and K fertilizations were applied as urea(46%N),calcium superphosphate (CaP2H4O8,16%P2O5),and potassium chloride(KCl, 60%K2O),at rates of315kg N ha−1year−1,157.5kg P2O5 ha−1year−1,and157.5kg K2O ha−1year−1,respectively.The area of each replicated plot was100m2.During the first10years(from autumn1990to autumn2000),a rotation of barley-early rice-late rice was selected for annual cropping. The percentage quotas of fertilizer application with respect to the annual rate were20%for barley,40%for early rice,and 40%for late rice.After10years,soils were cropped to bar-ley–rice rotation,and the percentages of applied fertilizers were32%for barley and68%for rice.In each single growing season,the annual rate of manure,P,and K and70%of the N fertilization rate were applied as base fertilizer;while the re-maining30%N was used as top dressing.The other fieldBiol Fertil Soilsmanagement practices were identical among different treat-ments.The barley was seeded in the late November and har-vested in the early May of the next year across the23years.In the three annual crop rotations,the early rice was seeded in middle May and harvested in the late July,and the late rice was seeded in late July and harvested in the early November. In the two annual crop rotation,the rice was seeded in middle June and harvested in the early November.The barley and rice were harvested by hand.The aboveground biomass was an-nually removed with a less than3-cm stubble.Soil sampling and analysisIn each replicated plot,a composite soil sample(pooling soils sampled from five different points)was collected at0–20-cm depth using a soil auger after harvest in November2013.The fresh soil samples were sieved to2mm after removing stones, crop debris,and visible fauna.A part of fresh soil samples was analyzed for MBC and DOC contents,and the other part was air-dried at room temperature and removed inorganic C using dilute HCl before LOC,POC,and total organic C(TOC) analysis.Chloroform-fumigated and chloroform-unfumigated sam-ples were extracted with0.5M K2SO4(Vance et al.1987)and analyzed using an automated TOC analyzer(Analytik Jena, Germany);MBC was calculated by an extraction efficiency coefficient(K EC)value of0.45(Jenkinson et al.2004).DOC was extracted with a soil/water ratio of1:5(g g−1)at25°C;the soil suspension was shaken for0.5h and then centrifuged at 1250g for10min;the supernatant was filtered to pass through 0.45μm(Gong et al.2009).The C concentration in the filtrate was determined using the automated TOC analyzer(Analytik Jena,Germany).LOC was measured following Blair et al. (1995).Soil through a0.25-mm sieve,containing15mg C, was weighed into50-ml centrifuge tubes and treated with 25ml333mM KMnO4.The centrifuge tubes were shaken for6h and centrifuged for5min at815g.The absorbance of the supernatant and standards was read at565nm.The change of KMnO4concentration was used to estimate the amount of C oxidized,assuming that1mM KMnO4is consumed in the oxidation of9mg of C.POC was ana-lyzed following Ouédraogo et al.(2006);100-g soil was dispersed in300ml of distilled water containing three glass bullets and shaken for1h.The dispersed sample was sieved(<53μm).The material remaining on the sieve was dried in a forced-air oven at60°C,weighed after correcting for sand content,and ground to pass a53-μm sieve for C concentration analysis using an elemental an-alyzer(Elementar,Germany).Lastly,TOC concentration was determined by an elemental analyzer(Elementar, Germany)using the air-dried soil.Bulk density was measured using a conventional core method with a volume of100cm3after removing rocks.Soil C storage at0–20-cm depth was calculated on an area basis using TOC content and bulk density(Eq.1).CS¼C TOCÂBDÂ2ð1Þwhere CS is the C storage at0–20-cm depth(Mg C ha−1), C TOC refers to TOC concentration(g kg−1),and BD represents bulk density(g cm−3).Measurements of grain yield,straw,and total shoot biomassIn each plot,grain and straw of each crop were wholly har-vested and air-dried.Then,the grain yield and straw biomass of each crop were calculated separately.The total shoot bio-mass of each crop was the sum of grain yield and straw biomass.Estimates of cumulative C input and SOC sequestration The23-year cumulative C input of pig manure was estimated using Eq.2.CI M¼M fÂ1−W MðÞÂC MÂ23ð2Þwhere CI M is the cumulative manure-C input(Mg C ha−1),M f is the annual fresh pig manure application(22.5Mg ha−1year−1), W M refers to water content of fresh pig manure(68.9%),C M is the C concentration of dry pig manure(197.4g kg−1dry mat-ter),and23represents the number of years.The23-year cumulative root-C input of each plot was esti-mated using Eqs.3–5.CI Root¼ΣBarley RootþΣRice Rootð3ÞΣBarley Root¼B SÂ1−W BðÞÂR B‐R=SÂC BRÂ23ð4ÞΣRice Root¼ER SþLR SðÞÂ10þR SÂ13½Â1−W RðÞÂR R‐R=SÂC RRð5Þwhere CI Root is the cumulative root-C input(Mg C ha−1),ΣBarley Root refers to cumulative barley root-C input(Mg C ha−1),ΣRice Root is the cumulative rice root-C input(Mg C ha−1),B S represents annual barley shoot(grain+straw)bio-mass(Mg C ha−1),W B refers to water content of barley shoot (12%),R B-R/S is the average ratio of root to shoot biomass of barley(17.9%),reported by Yang et al.(2011),Zhang et al. (2011),and Wang et al.(2013),C BR is the C concentration of dried barley root(42%),ER S and LR S are annual shoot(grain +straw)biomass of early rice and late rice(Mg C ha−1)during the first10years,respectively,R S is the annual shoot(grain+ straw)biomass of single cropping rice(Mg C ha−1)during 1991–2013,W R refers to water content of rice shoot(14%), R R-R/S is the average ratio of root to shoot biomass of rice (8.7%),reported by Wang et al.(2006),Zhao(2010),YaoBiol Fertil Soils(2011),and Chu(2013),and C BR is the C concentration of dry barley root(41%).The23-year total C input(manure+root)was estimat-ed using Eq.6.The SOC sequestrations of CK,M,NPK, and MNPK compared with the initial C stock were esti-mated using the Eq.7.The23-year total C outputs of CK, M,NPK,and MNPK treatments were estimated using Eq.8.CI Total¼CI MþCI Rootð6ÞSOC SA=I¼CS Treatment−CS Initialð7ÞCO Total¼CI TotalþCS CK−CS Treatmentð8Þwhere CI Total is the total C input(Mg C ha−1),SOC SA/I is the SOC sequestration amounts compared with the initial C stock (Mg C ha−1),CS Treatment is the SOC stock of different treat-ments(Mg C ha−1),CS Initial is the initial C stock(41.2Mg C ha−1),and CO Total is the total C output(Mg C ha−1).Data analysisStatistical analysis was performed with SPSS13.0(SPSS Inc., Chicago,IL).Multiple comparisons among different fertiliza-tions were analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOV A)with a Tukey HSD test.Linear relationships were quantified using Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Figures were drawn by ORIGIN8.0(OriginLab Corporation, Northampton,MA).ResultsTOC,bulk density,SOC storage,and fractions Compared with the CK treatment,M,NPK,and MNPK treat-ments significantly increased TOC concentrations after 23years(Fig.1a).The MNPK and M treatments had similar TOC contents,while they were both significantly higher than the TOC content of the NPK treatment.In contrast,M,NPK, and MNPK treatments did not change the bulk densities com-pared with the CK treatment(Fig.1b).Therefore,SOC stocks of the four treated soils had similar patterns as TOC concen-trations(Fig.1c).The impacts of four fertilizations on SOC fractions and their contributions to TOC are shown in Table1.The M, NPK,and MNPK treatments,especially manure amendment, increased the MBC content and its contribution to TOC. Compared with the CK treatment,manure application in-creased the DOC content,but the NPK addition had no impact on the DOC content.The three fertilizations increased the POC content and its contribution to TOC compared with the CK treatment.Cumulative crop biomass and total C inputCompared with the CK treatment,fertilization treatments,par-ticularly chemical fertilizer addition,significantly increased grain yields,straws,and total shoot biomass(combination of yield and straw)(Table2).The estimated23-year total root C i n p u t s i n t o s o i l s c o u l d b e r a n k e d a s f o l l o w: MNPK>NPK>M>CK(Table3).Both the M and MNPK treatments received an external C input of32Mg C ha−1 (Table3).When adding manure-C,the order of cumulative total C inputs(manure+root)was as follows: MNPK>M>NPK>CK(Table3).The total C inputs were pos-itively correlated with the TOC,MBC,DOC,LOC,and POC contents(Table4).SOC sequestration and its response to total C input After23years,the SOC sequestrating amounts of the CK, M,NPK,and MNPK treatments were−3.67,4.45,0.32, Fig.1Total organic C(TOC),bulk density,and soil organic C(SOC)stock of soil subjected to different fertilizer treatments after23-yearcultivation.CK control,M pig manure,NPK chemical NPK fertilizer,MNPK manure combined with chemical NPK fertilizer.Each valuerefers to the average of three replicates,and error bar represents thestandard deviation(SD).Different lowercase letters above the columnsdenote significant differences at P<0.05levelBiol Fertil Soilsand6.45Mg C ha−1,respectively,considering an initial SOC stock of41.2Mg C ha−1(Fig.2a).The annual SOC seques-trating rates of the CK,M,NPK,and MNPK treatments were −0.16,0.19,0.01,and0.28Mg C ha−1year−1,respectively (Fig.2b).The SOC sequestrations were linearly correlated with total C inputs(R2=0.88,P<0.001)(Fig.2c),indicating that(i)the investigated soil had not reached the SOC satura-tion value,(ii)the conversion rate from input-C to SOC was 21%,and(iii)a C input threshold of1.17Mg C ha−1year−1 was needed to maintain the initial SOC level. DiscussionEffects of various fertilizer applications on SOC stock and its fractionsPrior to the experiment,the field had been intensively cultivated for at least30years and subjected to chemical fertilization.This long-term cropping history certainly allowed reaching a relatively steady SOC level. Consequentially,the changes in C input would lead to variations of SOC storage.Therefore,it is reasonable that the CK treatment decreased9%of SOC stock compared with the initial SOC level(Fig.2a)due to the lower residue-C input.Our result agrees with data of subtropical paddy soil in Nanchang,southern China(Zhang et al. 2012),and a sandy loam soil in the North China Plain (a decrease of7%)(Fan et al.2014).By contrast,high manure-C amendment(M and MNPK)raised the SOC storage.On the contrary,the NPK fertilization changed little the SOC stock,confirming results in some subtrop-ical warm and humid soils of southern China(Huang et al.2010;Zhang et al.2012)and a humid rice–berseem soil in subtropics of India(Majumder et al.2008).The changes in the soil MBC,DOC,LOC,and POC con-tents can be influenced by changes in C inputs(Bolinder et al. 1999;Xu et al.2011).Both fertilizer amendments,especially manure application,increased MBC content and its contribu-tion to TOC(Table1),thus confirming what was observed in a subtropical paddy soil in China(Yan et al.2007),subtropical arable soils of India(Rudrappa et al.2006;Mandal et al. 2007),a tropical agricultural soil(Chakraborty et al.2011),a dryland in northwest China(Liu et al.2013),and a sandy loam soil in Henan,China(Zhang et al.2014).It is reasonable that C addition provides substrates for soil microorganisms,thus stimulating their growth(Zhang et al.2014).The significant (R2=0.94,P<0.01)linear correlation between MBC and TOC (Table4)further supports this concept.The DOC,LOC,and POC,considered as active frac-tions of SOC,responded quickly to fertilization,especial-ly to manure amendment(Six et al.2002;Gosling et al. 2013).The DOC is supposed to be derived from rhizodeposition,plant residues,and humus(Kalbitz et al. 2000).Manure application increased DOC content,simi-lar as a soil in subtropics of India(Brar et al.2013),but NPK addition had no impact on DOC content compared with the CK treatment(Table1)and this may suggest that the DOC was derived from manure-C input.The LOC fraction and its contribution to TOC were not affectedTable1Concentrations of soil organic C fractions and the percentages of to total organic C(TOC)Treatments Concentrations Contributions to TOC(%)MBC(mg kg−1)DOC(mg kg−1)LOC(g kg−1)POC(g kg−1)MBC DOC LOC POCCK126.5±4.1c289.5±19.2c 1.96±0.25b 3.35±0.09c0.8±0.1b 1.92±0.21b12.9±1.6a22.2±0.5c M273.6±9.1a409.3±34.3b 2.65±0.22ab 5.57±0.36b 1.5±0.1a 2.16±0.16b14.0±1.3a29.5±1.9ab NPK166.2±18.0b297.2±29.7c 2.08±0.02b 4.80±0.02b 1.0±0.1b 1.74±0.14b12.2±0.3a28.1±0.7b MNPK287.7±9.6a555.1±29.6a 3.35±0.69a 6.35±0.47a 1.5±0.1a 2.81±0.13a17.0±3.6a32.2±2.1aDifferent lowercase letters denote significant differences at P<0.05levelTable223-year cumulative grain yields,straws,and total shoot biomasses Treatments Grain yield(Mg ha−1)Straw(Mg ha−1)Total shoot biomass(Mg ha−1)Barley Rice Barley Rice Barley Rice Barley+riceCK50±9c147±5c54±7c123±6b105±16c269±11b374±27cM65±5b171±10b66±4b147±12ab131±8b318±22ab449±29b NPK75±2ab187±10ab78±3a162±10a153±1ab349±20a502±21ab MNPK84±3a200±11a89±3a169±21a173±5a368±32a541±28aDifferent lowercase letters denote significant differences at P<0.05levelBiol Fertil Soilsby either manure or chemical fertilizer amendment (Table1),similar as a subtropical paddy soil in China (Yan et al.2007).The relatively faster decomposition and turnover rate of LOC than TOC(Six et al.2002) may explain this phenomenon.The POC is mainly com-posed of plant residues at various stages of decomposition (Six et al.2002),and thus,it represents the balance be-tween crop residues input and their output due to decom-position(Gulde et al.2008).Fertilization increased POC concentration and its contribution to TOC(Table1)be-cause of the high residue-C and manure-C input(Table3), thus confirming what was observed in a subtropical paddy soil in China(Yan et al.2007),two humid arable soils in subtropical India(Rudrappa et al.2006;Majumder et al. 2008;Purakayastha et al.2008),and a Black Chernozem soil(Campbell et al.1991)and a Dark Brown Chernozem clay loam soil(Gulde et al.2008)both in Canada.The increase of POC may depend on the higher C input and/or a lower degradation since the fraction may be stabilized.In our study,the SOC and its fractions were correlated,and they were all significantly related to C inputs.The result agrees with what was observed in the thick Black Chernozem at Melfort,Canada(Campbell et al.1991),and a dry land in northwest China(Liu et al.2013).Response of SOC sequestration to C inputWe have shown a linear response of SOC sequestration to fertilization-induced C input(Fig.2c)as already shown (Kong et al.2005;Kundu et al.2007;Zhang et al.2010; Fan et al.2014).This suggests that the investigated soils were not C saturated.The same has been observed in arable soils of subtropical China(Huang et al.2010),Davis,USA (Kong et al.2005),in the Indian Himalayas(Kundu et al. 2007),and in the northern China(Zhang et al.2010). However,despite C inputs similar to others,no relationship was found between SOC sequestration and C input for the cropped soil at Melfort,Canada(Campbell et al.1991),and the soil at Lethbridge in southern Alberta,Canada(Gulde et al.2008).Probably,this depends on the different SOC saturation levels among the compared soils(Six et al.2002; Stewart et al.2009).According to the conceptual SOC model proposed by Six et al.(2002),our studied soil holds a potential for SOC sequestration due to the substantial saturation deficit.Therefore,organic fertilizer amendment is needed to enhance SOC sequestration.The slope of the relationship between SOC sequestra-tion and C input corresponds to the conversion rate from input-C to SOC,which was21%in our soil.This value is comparable with those observed in a subtropical humid paddy soil in Wuchang of southern China(20%) (Zhang et al.2012),a subtropical humid soybean–wheat rotation soil of Indian(19%)(Kundu et al.2007),a hu-mid rice–berseem soil in subtropics of India(24%) (Majumder et al.2008),a humid arable soil in subtropical India(15%)(Purakayastha et al.2008),temperate semi-arid soils of USA(14–21%)(Rasmussen and Collins 1991),and a dry soil in Alberta,Canada(26.8%) (Malhi et al.2011).In contrast,lower conversion rates were found in the agricultural soils of Davis,USA (7.6%)(Kong et al.2005),and the arable soils in the North China Plain(14.1%)(Fan et al.2014).These dif-ferent results probably depend on diverse climatic condi-tions for crop growth,soil microbial activity,and lower decomposition rate under flooded conditions during rice growth.Indeed,the warm and humid climate can acceler-ate the C output due to the decomposition of SOC (Fig.3a)and the ratio of C output to C input(Fig.3b) compared with climatic conditions of Davis,CA(Kong et al.2005),and North China Plain(Fan et al.2014).As a result of the fast rates of C output,equilibrium levels ofTable3Estimates of23-year cumulative total C inputs into soils Treatments Root biomass C input(Mg C ha−1)Composted manure C input(Mg C ha−1)Total C input(Mg C ha−1) Barley RiceCK 6.9±1.0c8.3±0.3b–15.2±1.4dM8.7±0.5b9.8±0.7ab3250.5±1.2bNPK10.1±0.1ab10.7±0.6a–20.8±0.7cMNPK11.4±0.3a11.3±1.0a3254.7±0.7aDifferent lowercase letters denote significant differences at P<0.05levelTable4Pearson’s correlation coefficients(r)between total C input,TOC,MBC,DOC,LOC,and POC(n=12)Total C input TOC MBC DOC LOC POCTotal C input 1.00TOC0.93** 1.00MBC0.99**0.94** 1.00DOC0.89**0.85**0.85** 1.00LOC0.80**0.77**0.76**0.86** 1.00POC0.90**0.96**0.92**0.84**0.70* 1.00*P<0.05,**P<0.01,significant correlationsBiol Fertil SoilsSOC are not easily achieved.Further research should fo-cus on the balance between C input and C output.Our data indicated that the paddy –barley cropping sys-tem must receive a C input of 1.17Mg C ha −1year −1to keep the initial SOC level (Fig.2c ).This threshold of C amendment requirement for maintaining the SOC level is comparable to subtropical humid rice soils in Wangcheng (1.69Mg C ha −1year −1),Jinxian (1.11Mg C ha −1year −1),and Wuchang (0.75Mg C ha −1year −1)in southern China (Zhang et al.2012).In contrast,the threshold of C input to maintain the initial SOC level is lower than that of a subtropical rice soil at Nanchang,southern China (3.61Mg C ha −1year −1)(Zhang et al.2012),a hot humid rice –berseem cropped soil in subtropics of India (3.3Mg C ha −1year −1)(Majumder et al.2008),an arable soil at Davis,CA,under Mediterranean-like climate (3.1Mg C ha −1year −1)(Kong et al.2005),and a sandy loam soil in the North China Plain (2.04Mg C ha −1year −1)(Fan et al.2014).Considering that the residue C input of the NPK treatment (0.9Mg C ha −1year −1)did not change the SOCcontent even after 23-year cultivation,our estimated threshold of C amendment is reasonable.ConclusionsThe rice –barley cropped soil of eastern China had not reached a SOC saturation by considering the 0–20-cm depth,and thus,it holds a great potential for SOC seques-tration.The conversion rate from input-C (root residue-C +manure-C)to SOC was 21%,and a critical C input of 1.17Mg C ha −1year −1was needed for maintaining the initial SOC level.An efficient SOC sequestration mainly depends on the amendment of organic fertilizer but not on chemical fertilization.Furthermore,manure addition also increased the contents of sensitive fractions of SOC such as MBC,DOC,LOC,and POC.Future research should determine the potential difference in conversion rate be-tween the root residue-C andmanure-C.Fig.2SOC sequestration compared with the initial SOC stock (41.2Mg C ha −1)(a ),annual SOC sequestration rate compared with the initial SOC level (b ),and the relationship between SOC sequestration and cumulativeC input (c ).Each value refers to mean±SD (n =3).Different lowercase letters denote significant differences at P <0.05levelFig.3Estimated cumulative C outputs from soils (a )and the ratio of cumulative C output to cumulative C input (b ).Each value refers to mean±SD (n =3).Different lowercase letters denote significant differences at P <0.05levelBiol Fertil Soils。