



美国A1Q∙167“愤怒的小猫”电子战吊舱目录前言 (1)1 .发展背景 (2)2 .系统特点 (2)3 .测试情况 (3)4 .名称来源 (5)5 .“恼怒的小猫”对我威胁影响分析 (5)5.1.概述 (5)5.2.研发背景 (6)5.3.作战性能 (6)5.4.威胁评估 (7)6.小结 (7)前言2023年4月,美国空军在一架MQ-9A“死神”无人机上对电子战设备进行了测试。










IEEE Std 929-2000 IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

IEEE Std 929-2000 IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New Y ork, NY 10016-5997, USA Copyright © 2000 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 3 April 2000. Printed in the United States of America.Print: ISBN 0-7381-1934-2 SH94811PDF: ISBN 0-7381-1935-0 SS94811No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.IEEE Std 929-2000(Revision ofIEEE Std 929-1988)IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) SystemsSponsorIEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21on Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy StorageApproved 30 January 2000IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: This recommended practice contains guidance regarding equipment and functions necessary to ensure compatible operation of photovoltaic (PV) systems that are connected in par-allel with the electric utility. This includes factors relating to personnel safety, equipment protection,power quality, and utility system operation. This recommended practice also contains information regarding islanding of PV systems when the utility is not connected to control voltage and frequency, as well as techniques to avoid islanding of distributed resources.Keywords: islanding, nonislanding inverter, photovoltaic, utility interconnectionIEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Com-mittees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. T hey are not necessarily members of the Institute. T he standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for revision or reaf firmation. When a document is more than five years old and has not been reaf firmed, it is rea-sonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly re flect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE ments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership af filiation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to speci fic applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAAuthorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Cus-tomer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; (978) 750-8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copy-right Clearance Center.Introduction[This introduction is not a part of IEEE Std 929-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems.]This revision of IEEE Std 929 is in response to the maturation of the photovoltaic industry. That maturation has identified the critical need to have the interconnection of photovoltaic (PV) systems to the utility grid be covered under a comprehensive document that includes specific recommendations rather than general guid-ance. The intent of this document is to define the technical requirements of PV system interconnection in a manner that can be adopted as a PV system technical interconnection standard by individual utilities. This document also includes several annexes for tutorial and clarification purposes.A significant effort has been made to coordinate this document with Underwriters Laboratories in the pro-duction of UL 1741, a test procedure that can be performed by an independent body to verify that an inverter intended for u se with a u tility-interconnected PV system meets the recommendations described in this recommended practice. The safety test procedure put forth by the Underwriters Laboratories will, among other things, test the inverter for proper response, as detailed in this recommended practice (inclu ding Annex A), to loss of utility or “out of bounds” utility conditions. One aspect of this testing is to ascertain that the inverter will not operate as a utility-independent island.ParticipantsAt the time this recommended practice was completed, Standards Coordinating Committee 21, on Fu el Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage, had the following membership:R. DeBlasio, ChairS. Chalmers,Vice ChairA. J. Anderson,SecretaryR. Addiss G. Atmaram M. Azzam T. Basso M. Behnke R. Bonn W. Bottenberg W. Bower B. Brooks P. ButlerJ. BzuraJ. CallP. CappsR. CaryJ. Chamberlin J. ChauD. Conover G. Corey R. D’Aiello D. Dawson J. DrizosT. DuffyJ. Dunlop J. Emming B. Farmer W. Feero M. FlisC. FreitasD. GarrettR. GonsiorawskiR. HammondK. HechtS. HesterR. HoffmanJ. HoffnerS. HoganB. HornbergerT. HundM. JacksonT. JesterS. JochumsB. JonesW. KanzerW. KaszetaG. KellyG. KernJ. KoepfingerB. KroposkiS. KurtzL. LibbyD. LowebergS. MaceraK. MacKamulN. MagnaniA. MikonowiczJ. MoriartyD. MyersC. NapikoskiA. NilssonU. OrtabsiC. OsterwaldP. OverholtJ. PosbicR. RiderT. RuhlmannM. RussellP. RussellK. SandersR. SchmitJ. SmythJ. StevensC. SunJ. SutherlandM. ThomasJ. TurnerJ. TuttleS. VechyJ. VentreC. WhitakerK. WhitfieldJ. WilesR. WillsJ. WohlgemuthT. ZgonenaAt the time this recommended practice was completed, the Utility Working Group of Standards Coordinat-ing Committee 21, on Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage, had the following membership who participated in the preparation of this recommended practice:John Stevens, ChairMiles Russell, SecretaryThe following members of the balloting committee voted on this recommended practice:When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 30 January 2000, it had the following membership:Richard J. Holleman, ChairDonald N. Heirman, Vice ChairJudith Gorman, Secretary*Member Emeritus Also included is the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaison:Robert E. HebnerJennifer McClain LongmanIEEE Standards Project EditorMichael Behnke Bill Brooks John Bzura Steve Chalmers Joe Chau Doug Dawson Richard DeBlasio Tom Duffy Chris Freitas D. Lane Garrett Steve Hester John Hoffner Barry Hornberger Bob Jones Greg Kern Leslie Libby Don Loweberg Tron Melzl John Moriarty Chester Napikoski Jean Posbic Jodi Smyth Chase Sun Rick West Chuck Whitaker Robert Wills Tim ZgonenaMike Behnke John Bzura Steve Chalmers Jay Chamberlin Doug Dawson Richard DeBlasio Tom Duffy Bill Feero D. Lane Garrett Bob Hammond John Hoffner Stephen Hogan Bob Jones Greg Kern Tron Melzl John Moriarty Miles Russell John Stevens Chase Sun Chuck Whitaker John Wiles Robert WillsSatish K. Aggarwal Dennis Bodson Mark D. Bowman James T. Carlo Gary R. Engmann Harold E. Epstein Jay Forster*Ruben D. GarzonJames H. Gurney Lowell G. Johnson Robert J. Kennelly E. G. “Al” Kiener Joseph L. Koep finger*L. Bruce McClung Daleep C. Mohla Robert F. Munzner Louis-François Pau Ronald C. Petersen Gerald H. Peterson John B. Posey Gary S. Robinson Akio Tojo Hans E. Weinrich Donald W. ZipseContents1.Overview (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Purpose (2)2.References (2)3.Definitions (3)4.Power quality (4)4.1Normal voltage operating range (5)4.2Voltage flicker (5)4.3Frequency (6)4.4Waveform distortion (6)4.5Power factor (6)5.Safety and protection functions (7)5.1Response to abnormal utility conditions (7)5.2Direct-current injection (9)5.3Grounding (9)5.4Utility-interface disconnect switch (9)Annex A(normative) Minimum test procedure for a nonislanding PV inverter (11)Annex B(informative) Bibliography (15)Annex C(informative) PV inverters and the utility interface (16)Annex D(informative) Disconnect switches and utility procedures (19)Annex E(informative) Islanding as it applies to PV systems (20)Annex F(informative) The PV inverter under utility fault conditions (22)Annex G(informative) Dedicated distributed transformer (25)IEEE Recommended Practicefor Utility Interface ofPhotovoltaic (PV) Systems1. OverviewThis recommended practice contains guidance regarding equipment and functions necessary to ensure compatible operation of photovoltaic (PV) systems that are connected in parallel with the electric utility. This guidance includes factors relating to personnel safety, equipment protection, power quality, and utility system operation.The document also includes seven annexes—Annex A, Minimum test procedure for a nonislanding PV inverter—Annex B, PV inverters and the utility interface—Annex C, Disconnect switches and utility procedures—Annex D, Islanding as it applies to PV systems—Annex E, The PV inverter under utility fault conditions—Annex F, Dedicated distribution transformers—Annex G, Bibliography1.1 ScopeThis recommended practice applies to utility-interconnected PV power systems operating in parallel with the utility and utilizing static (solid-state) inverters for the conversion of direct current (dc) to alternating current (ac). (This recommended practice does not apply to systems utilizing rotating inverters.)This recommended practice describes specific recommendations for “small” systems, rated at 10 kW or less, such as may be utilized on individual residences. These recommendations will provide greater standardiza-tion for these smaller systems, thereby reducing the engineering and design burden on both the PV system installer and the interconnecting utility.“Intermediate” applications, ranging from over 10 kW up to 500 kW, follow the same general guidelines as small systems. Options to have adjustable setpoints or other custom features may be required by the inter-IEEEStd 929-2000IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FORconnecting utility, depending on the impact of the PV system on the portion of the utility system to which it is interconnected.“Large” systems, greater than 500 kW, may combine various standardized features as well as custom requirements, depending on the impact of the PV system on the portion of the utility system to which it is interconnected. A greater degree of custom engineering of the utility interface is to be expected as the size of the PV system grows in relation to utility system capacity.1.2 PurposeThis recommended practice will provide value to a wide spectrum of personnel involved with utility-interconnected PV systems, including utility engineers, PV system designers and installers, and PV system owners. The standardized interconnection recommendations included in this recommended practice will minimize custom engineering of many aspects of the interconnection. This document is focused on providing recommended practice for utility interconnection of PV systems in a manner that will allow the PV systems to perform as expected and be installed at a reasonable cost while not compromising safety or operational issues.Small utility-interconnected PV systems should use standardized, listed inverters (listed to test standards, such as UL 1741-19991, which include the testing requirements described in Annex A). The listing process assures that the inverter incorporates fixed voltage and frequency trip settings and incorporates an integral anti-islanding scheme. It is the intent of this recommended practice that small systems designed and installed in accordance with this document and other applicable standards, such as the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70-1999), will require no additional protection equipment.2. ReferencesThis recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the follow-ing standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.Accredited Standards Committee C2-1997, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®).2ANSI C84.1-1995, American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment—V oltage Rat-ings (60 Hertz).3IEEE Std 519-1992, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems.NFPA 70-1999, National Electrical Code® (NEC®).4UL 1741–1999, Standard for Static Inverters and Charge Controllers for Use in Photovoltaic Power Sys-tems.51Information on references can be found in Clause 2.2The NESC is available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA (/).3ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (/).4NFPA publications are available from Publications Sales, National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101, USA.5UL standards are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, USA (/).IEEE UTILITY INTERFACE OF PHOTOVOLT AIC (PV) SYSTEMS Std 929-20003. DefinitionsFor purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. IEEE 100-1996 [B7],6 The IEEE Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms, should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.3.1 inverter: Equipment that converts direct current (dc) to alternating current (ac). Any static power con-verter (SPC) with control, protection, and filtering functions used to interface an electric energy source with an electric utility system. Syn: static power converter (SPC), power conditioning subsystems, power conversion systems, solid-state converters, or power conditioning units.NOTES1—The term “inverter” is popularly used for the converter that serves as the interface device between the PV system dc output and the utility system. However, the definition for SPC more accurately describes this interface device. Because of popular usage, the term “inverter” is used throughout this recommended practice. It should be born in mind that this inverter includes the control, protection, and filtering functions as described in the definition for SPC.2—Because of its integrated nature, the inverter is only required to be totally disconnected from the utility for service or maintenance. At all other times, whether the inverter is transferring PV energy to the utility or not, the control circuits remain connected to the utility to monitor utility conditions. The phrase “cease to energize the utility line” is used throughout this document to acknowledge that the inverter does not become totally disconnected from the utility when a trip function occurs, such as an overvoltage trip. The inverter can be completely disconnected from the utility for inverter maintenance by opening the ac-disconnect switch required by the NEC®.3.2 nonislanding inverter: An inverter that will cease to energize the utility line in ten cycles or less when subjected to a typical islanded load in which either of the following is true:a)There is at least a 50% mismatch in real power load to inverter output (that is, real power load is<50% or >150% of inverter power output).b)The islanded-load power factor is <0.95 (lead or lag).If the real-power-generation-to-load match is within 50% and the islanded-load power factor is > 0.95, then a nonislanding inverter will cease to energize the utility line within 2 s whenever the connected line has a quality factor of 2.5 or less.NOTE—See Annex A for a test procedure that identifies an inverter as a nonislanding inverter.3.3 islanding: A condition in which a portion of the utility system that contains both load and distributed resources remains energized while isolated from the remainder of the utility system.3.4 distributed resource islanding: An islanding condition in which the distributed resource(s) supplying the loads within the island are not within the direct control of the power system operator.3.5 point of common coupling (PCC): The point at which the electric utility and the customer interface occurs. Typically, this point is the customer side of the utility revenue meter.NOTE—In practice, for building-mounted photovoltaic (PV) systems (such as residential PV systems) the customer dis-tribution panel may be considered the PCC for convenience in making measurements and performing testing.3.6 quality factor: Two pi times the ratio of the maximum stored energy to the energy dissipated per cycle ata given frequency.NOTE—In a parallel resonant circuit, such as a load on a power system6The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex G.IEEE Std 929-2000IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR Q = R whereQis quality factor Ris effective load resistance Cis effective load capacitance (including shunt capacitors)L is effective load inductanceOr, on a power system, where real power, P , and reactive powers, P qL, for inductive load, and P qC for capacitive load, are known asQ = (1/P )whereQis quality factor Pis real power P qLis inductive load P qC is capacitive load 3.7 resonant frequency: The frequency, f , at which a parallel resonant resistive-inductive-capacitive (RLC)load has unity power factorf = 1/(2!)wherefis the resonant frequency C is effective load capacitance (including shunt capacitors)L is effective load inductanceAlso, the frequency at which the reactive powers P qL and P qC are equal, and hence the parallel RLC load appears equivalent to the load resistance only.3.8 utility-interface disconnect switch: A switch tha t ma y be required a t the interfa ce between the photovoltaic (PV) system and the utility system. This terminology is used to distinguish this switch from others tha t ma y be insta lled for other rea sons, such a s to sa tisfy requirements of the Na tiona l Electrica l Code ®.4. Power qualityThe quality of power provided by the PV system for the on-site ac loads and for delivery to the intercon-nected utility is governed by practices and standards addressing voltage, flicker, frequency, and distortion.Deviation from these standards represents out-of-bounds conditions and may require that the inverter cease to energize the utility line. For intermediate and large systems, the interconnected utility may prefer to have the PV remain connected during some voltage or frequency excursions to assist in riding through distur-bances. Abnormal conditions are discussed in Clause 5.All power quality parameters (that is, voltage, flicker, frequency, distortion) are speci fied at the point of com-mon coupling (PCC) unless otherwise stated in this recommended practice.C L---P qL P qC×C L ×IEEE UTILITY INTERFACE OF PHOTOVOLT AIC (PV) SYSTEMS Std 929-2000Underwriters Laboratories has prepared UL 1741-1999 specifically for PV inverters and PV charge control-lers. The utility interconnection testing in UL 1741-1999 contains tests to confirm that an inverter meets the power quality recommendations of Clause 4 of this recommended practice.4.1 Normal voltage operating rangeUtility-interconnected PV systems do not regulate voltage, they inject current into the utility. Therefore, the voltage operating range for PV inverters is selected as a protection function that responds to abnormal utility conditions, not as a voltage regulation function.Clearly, a large quantity of this current injection has the potential for impacting utility voltage. As long as the magnitude of PV current injection on a utility line remains less than the load on that line, the utility’s voltage regulation devices will continue to operate normally. If the PV current injection on a utility line exceeds the load on that line, then corrective action is required, as the voltage regulation devices do not normally have directional current sensing capability.See 5.1.1 for recommended device response when voltage at the PCC lies outside the specified operating range.4.1.1 Small systems ("10kW)Small PV systems should be capable of operating within the limits normally experienced on utility distribution lines. It is in the best interest of both the interconnected utility and the PV system owner that the operating window be selected in a manner that minimizes nuisance tripping. The operating window for these small PV systems is 106–132 V on a 120 V base, that is, 88–110% of nominal voltage. This range results in trip points at 105 V and at 133 V.In actual practice, the 133 V trip point is related to the PCC voltage, which is not necessarily the inverter ter-minal voltage. If the inverter installation is electrically near enough to the PCC to allow negligible voltage difference between the inverter and the PCC, then the 133 V trip point will apply to the inverter terminals as well as the PCC. However, some systems may have installation restrictions that do not allow negligible volt-age difference between the inverter and the PCC. In such cases, the techniques described in B.9 may be use-ful in allowing for this voltage difference.The recommendation of this clause is that the inverter cease to energize the utility lines whenever the voltage at the PCC deviates from the allowable voltage operating range of 106–132 V.4.1.2 Intermediate and large systemsUtilities may have specific operating voltage ranges for intermediate and large PV systems and may require adjustable operating voltage settings for these larger systems. In the absence of such requirements, the prin-ciples of operating between 88% and 110% of the appropriate interconnection voltage (see 4.1.1) should be followed.4.2 Voltage flickerWhether a particular amount and frequency of voltage flicker are problems is highly subjective. The topic has been documented in several studies in the past, including one by the New England Electric Power Service Co. [B10], and is discussed in 10.5 of IEEE Std 519-1992, particularly Figure 10.3. Any voltage flicker resulting from the connection of the inverter to the utility system at the PCC should not exceed the limits defined by the maximum borderline of irritation curve identified in IEEE Std 519-1992. This require-ment is necessary to minimize the adverse voltage effects to other customers on the utility system.IEEEStd 929-2000IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR4.3 FrequencyThe utility controls system frequency, and the PV system shall operate in synchronism with the utility. Small PV systems installed in North America should have a fixed operating frequency range of 59.3–60.5 Hz. Sys-tems installed in another country should follow the frequency operating window standards of that country.Small isolated utility systems, as are often encountered on islands and in remote areas, may require larger frequency windows for small systems because of prevalent frequency deviations outside the above-speci fied window. Utilities may require adjustable operating frequency settings for intermediate and large systems. See 5.1.2 for action recommended when frequency at the PCC lies outside the speci fied operating range.4.4 Waveform distortionThe PV system output should have low current-distortion levels to ensure that no adverse effects are caused to other equipment connected to the utility system. The PV system electrical output at the PCC should com-ply with Clause 10 of IEEE Std 519-1992 and should be used to de fine the acceptable distortion levels for PV systems connected to a utility. The key requirements of this clause are summarized in the following:—Total harmonic current distortion shall be less than 5% of the fundamental frequency current at rated inverter output.—Each individual harmonic shall be limited to the percentages listed in Table 1. The limits in Table 1are a percentage of the fundamental frequency current at full system output. Even harmonics in these ranges shall be <25% of the odd harmonic limits listed.These requirements are for six-pulse converters and general distortion situations. IEEE Std 519-1992 gives a conversion formula for converters with pulse numbers greater than six.4.5 Power factorThe PV system should operate at a power factor > 0.85 (lagging or leading) when output is > 10% of rating.Most PV inverters designed for utility-interconnected service operate close to unity power factor. Specially designed systems that provide reactive power compensation may operate outside of this limit with utility approval.Table 1—Distortion limits as recommended in IEEE Std 519-1992for six-pulse convertersOdd harmonicsDistortion limit3rd –9th < 4.0%11th –15th < 2.0%17th – 21st < 1.5%23rd –33rd < 0.6%Above the 33rd< 0.3%IEEEUTILITY INTERFACE OF PHOTOVOLT AIC (PV) SYSTEMSStd 929-20005. Safety and protection functionsThis cla use describes recommenda tions a ddressing the proper a nd sa fe opera tion of the PV system.Recommendations include equipment protective functions as well as hardware recommendations to address personnel safety. This clause also includes speci fications regarding the response to electrical disturbances.Annex B discusses the capabilities of inverters and their response to electrical disturbances.UL 1741-1999 conta ins sa fety tests, a s described in the minimum inverter test procedure discussed in Annex A, which con firm the existence of trip settings that adhere to the recommendations in this clause,including testing for the existence of an anti-islanding scheme.5.1 Response to abnormal utility conditionsAbnormal conditions can arise on the utility system that require a response from the connected PV system.This response is to ensure the safety of utility maintenance personnel and the general public, as well as to avoid damage to connected equipment, including the PV system. The abnormal utility conditions of concern are voltage and frequency excursions above or below the values stated in 4.1 and in 4.3 and the complete dis-connect of the utility, presenting the potential for a distributed resource island. (See 3.4 for a de finition of distributed resource islanding, and see 5.1.3 and Annex D for a discussion of islanding as it applies to PV systems.)A PV system should sense utility conditions and cease to energize the utility line when the sensed voltage or frequency lies outside the values stated in 4.1 and 4.3, when the potential for a distributed resource island exists, or when excess dc current injection is sensed. 5.1.1 Voltage disturbancesAll discussions regarding system voltage assume a nominal 120 V base. To help in translating these guide-lines to voltage bases other than 120 V , the limits will also be provided as approximate percentages.The inverter should sense abnormal voltage and respond. The conditions in Table 2 should be met, with volt-ages in root-mean-square (rms) values and measured at the PCC.The purpose of the allowed time delay is to ride through short-term disturbances to avoid excessive nuisance tripping.Table 2—Response to abnormal voltagesVoltage (at PCC)Maximum trip time 1V < 60 (V < 50%)6 cycles 60 " V < 106 (50% " V< 88%)120 cycles 106 " V " 132 (88% "V " 110%)Normal operation 132 < V < 165 (110% < V < 137%)120 cycles 165 " V (137% " V)2 cycles1“Trip time” refers to the time between the abnormal condition being appliedand the inverter ceasing to energize the utility line. The inverter will actually remain connected to the utility to allow the inverter to sense utility electrical conditions for the “reconnect” feature.。

hss-p-5.75.09 - hyaluronic acid derivatives说明书

hss-p-5.75.09 - hyaluronic acid derivatives说明书

5.75.09Section:Prescription DrugsEffective Date: April 1, 2020 Subsection: Neuromuscular Drugs Original Policy Date: June 9, 2011 Subject:Hyaluronic Acid DerivativesPage:1 of 7Last Review Date:March 13, 2020Hyaluronic Acid DerivativesDescriptionDurolane, Euflexxa, GelSyn-3, GenVisc 850, Hyalgan , SodiumHyaluronate, Supartz , Synojoynt*, Triluron, TriVisc, Visco-3 (sodium hyaluronate)Gel-ONE , Hymovis, Monovisc, Orthovisc (hyaluronan)Synvisc, Synvisc-One (hylan G-F 20)Bolded medications are the preferred products*These medications are included in this policy but are not available in the market as of yetBackgroundOsteoarthritis of the knee is a disease in which the elastoviscous property of the synovial fluid in the knee joint becomes diminished, resulting in less protection and shock absorption. Durolane, Euflexxa, Gel-One, GelSyn-3, GenVisc 850, Hyalgan, Hymovis, Monovisc, Orthovisc, Sodium Hyaluronate, Synvisc, Synvisc-One, Supartz, Synojoynt, Triluron, TriVisc, Visco-3 are hyaluronan derivatives that are injected into the knee joints to increase the elastoviscous properties of arthritic joint fluid and slow its outflow from the joint . The goal of therapy is torestore the viscoelasticity in the affected joints, thereby decreasing pain, improving mobility, and restoring the natural protective functions (1).The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) updated its guidelines for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in 2012. In mild symptomatic OA, treatment may be limited toFederal Employee Program® 1310 G Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20005 202.942.1000Fax 202.942.1125Section: Prescription Drugs Effective Date: April 1, 2020 Subsection: Neuromuscular Drugs Original Policy Date: June 9, 2011 Subject: Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives Page: 2 of 7patient education, physical and occupational therapy and other non-pharmacologic modalities. Nonpharmacologic modalities strongly recommended for the management of knee OA were aerobic, aquatic, and/or resistance exercises as well as weight loss for overweight patients. Nonpharmacologic modalities conditionally recommended for knee OA included medial wedge insoles for valgus knee OA, subtalar strapped lateral insoles for varus knee OA, medially directed patellar taping, manual therapy, walking aids, thermal agents, tai chi, self-management programs, and psychosocial interventions. Pharmacologic modalities conditionally recommended for the initial management of patients with knee OA included acetaminophen, oral and topical NSAIDs, tramadol, and intraarticular corticosteroid injections (1).Regulatory StatusFDA-approved indication: Hyaluronic acid derivatives are indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conservative non-pharmacologic therapy, simple analgesics (e.g., acetaminophen), NSAIDs, tramadol, or intra-articular steroid injections (2-18).The hyaluronic acid derivatives are contraindicated for use in patients with known hypersensitivity to hyaluronan (sodium hyaluronate) preparations. Orthovisc lists hypersensitivity to gram positive bacterial proteins as an additional contraindication (4). Caution should be exercised when Gel-One, Hyalgan, Visco-3, Synvisc, Synvisc-One, Supartz, and Triluron are administered to patients with allergies to avian proteins, feathers, and egg products (3-8, 18).Hyaluronic acid derivatives are contraindicated to treat patients with knee joint infections, infections or skin diseases in the area of the injection site (2-17).A treatment cycle for most of the hyaluronan derivatives typically involves multiple weekly injections. Euflexxa, GelSyn-3, Sodium Hyaluronate, Synvisc, Triluron, TriVisc, and Visco-3 are given for a total of three injections. Orthovisc is given for three or four injections. GenVisc 850, Supartz and Hyalgan are given for a total of three or five injections. Durolane, Gel-One, Synojoynt, and Synvisc-One differ from the other hyaluronan derivatives in that it only requires one injection. Repeat courses of hyaluronan derivatives may be administered if symptoms return (2-18).Upon the basis of high quality supporting evidence, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons cannot recommend using hyaluronic acid for patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee (19).Related policiesSection: Prescription Drugs Effective Date: April 1, 2020 Subsection: Neuromuscular Drugs Original Policy Date: June 9, 2011 Subject: Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives Page: 3 of 7Hyaluronate PowderPolicyThis policy statement applies to clinical review performed for pre-service (Prior Approval, Precertification, Advanced Benefit Determination, etc.) and/or post-service claims.Hyaluronic acid derivatives may be considered medically necessary for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee and if the conditions indicated below are met.Hyaluronic acid derivatives may be considered investigational for all other indications.Prior-Approval RequirementsAge18 years or older (22 or older for Synvisc, Synvisc-One, and TriVisc)DiagnosisPatient must have the following:Osteoarthritis of the kneeAND ALL of the following:1. Inadequate response to TWO or more of the following conservative non-pharmacologic therapy:a. Cardiovascular (aerobic) activity, such as: walking, biking, stationarybike, aquatic exerciseb. Resistance exercisec. Weight reduction (for persons who are overweight)d. Participation in self-management programse. Wear of medially directed patellar tapingf. Wear of wedged insolesg. Thermal agentsh. Walking aidsi. Physical therapyj. Occupational therapy2. Inadequate response, intolerance, or contraindication to TWO or more of thefollowing:Section: Prescription Drugs Effective Date: April 1, 2020 Subsection: Neuromuscular Drugs Original Policy Date: June 9, 2011 Subject: Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives Page: 4 of 7a. Acetaminophenb. Oral NSAIDsc. Topical NSAIDs3. Inadequate response, intolerance, or contraindication to intra-articularsteroid injections in which efficacy lasted less than 8 weeks4. Radiologic confirmation of Kellgren-Lawrence Scale score of grade 2 orgreater5. NO dual therapy with another hyaluronic acid injectable6. Non-preferred medications only: Patient MUST have tried at least TWO ofthe preferred products unless the patient has a valid medical exception (e.g.inadequate treatment response, intolerance, contraindication)Prior – Approval Renewal RequirementsAge18 years or older (22 or older for Synvisc, Synvisc-One, and TriVisc)DiagnosisPatient must have the following:Osteoarthritis of the kneeAND ALL of the following:1. Documentation of improvement in pain with previous course of treatment2. At least 12 months has elapsed since last injection of the prior treatmentcycle3. Documentation of reduction of dosing of NSAIDs or other analgesicsduring the 12 month period following the last injection of the prior treatmentcycle4. NO dual therapy with another hyaluronic acid injectable5. Non-preferred medications only: Patient MUST have tried at least TWOof the preferred products unless the patient has a valid medical exception(e.g. inadequate treatment response, intolerance, contraindication) Policy GuidelinesPre - PA AllowanceNoneSection: Prescription Drugs Effective Date: April 1, 2020 Subsection: Neuromuscular Drugs Original Policy Date: June 9, 2011 Subject: Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives Page: 5 of 7Prior - Approval LimitsDuration12 monthsQuantity One course of therapy for each kneePrior – Approval Renewal LimitsSame as aboveRationaleSummaryOsteoarthritis of the knee is a disease in which the elastoviscous property of the synovial fluid in the knee joint becomes diminished, resulting in less protection and shock absorption. Durolane, Euflexxa, Gel-One, GelSyn-3, GenVisc 850, Hyalgan, Hymovis, Monovisc, Orthovisc, Sodium Hyaluronate, Synvisc, Synvisc-One, Supartz, Synojoynt, Triluron, TriVisc, Visco-3 are hyaluronan derivatives that are injected into the knee joints to increase the elastoviscous properties of arthritic joint fluid and slow its outflow from the joint. The goal of therapy is to restore the viscoelasticity in the affected joints, thereby decreasing pain, improving mobility, and restoring the natural protective functions (1-18).Prior approval is required to ensure the safe, clinically appropriate and cost effective use of the hyaluronic acid derivatives while maintaining optimal therapeutic outcomes.References1. American College of Rheumatology, Subcommittee on Osteoarthritis Guidelines.Recommendations for the medical management of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee:2012 update. Arthritis Care & Research 2012; 64(4):465-474.2. Euflexxa [package insert]. Parsippany, NJ: Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.; July 2016.3. Hyalgan [package insert]. Parsippany, NJ: Fidia Pharma USA Inc.; May 2014.4. Orthovisc [package insert]. Woburn, MA: Anika Therapeutics; June 2005.5. Supartz [package insert]. Durham, NC: Bioventus LLC; April 2015.6. Synvisc [package insert]. Ridgefield, NJ: Genzyme Corp.; December 2014.7. Synvisc-One [package insert]. Ridgefield, NJ: Genzyme Corp.; September 2014;8. Gel-One [package insert]. Warsaw, IN: Zimmer Inc.; May 2011.9. Monovisc [package insert]. Bedford, MA: Anika Therapeutics; December 2013.10. Hymovis [package insert]. Parsippany, NJ: O Fidia Pharma USA Inc.; October 2015.Section: Prescription Drugs Effective Date: April 1, 2020 Subsection: Neuromuscular Drugs Original Policy Date: June 9, 2011 Subject: Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives Page: 6 of 711. GenVisc 850 [package insert]. Doylestown, PA: OrthogenRx Inc.; January 2015.12. GelSyn-3 [package insert]. Durham, NC: Bioventus LLC; January 2016.13. Durolane [package insert]. Durham, NC: Bioventus LLC; November 2017.14. Visco-3 [package insert]. Warsaw, IN: Zimmer, Inc.; May 2017.15. Sodium Hyaluronate [package insert]. North Wales, PA: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA,Inc.; March 2019.16. Synojoynt [package insert]. North Wales, PA: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.;September 2019.17. TriVisc [package insert]. Doylestown, PA: OrthogenRx, Inc.; September 2018.18. Triluron [package insert]. Florham Park, NJ: Fidia Pharma USA Inc.; March 2019.19. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.Evidence-based guideline 2nd edition. May 2013.Policy HistoryDate Action ReasonJanuary 2012 Added minimum age - only approved for adultsDecember 2012 Annual editorial review and reference updateDecember 2013 Annual editorial review and reference updateMarch 2014 Annual editorial reviewAddition of examples of non-pharmacological agents and agents of priorfailure medications.April 2014 Line-Addition of Monovisc to PAMarch 2015 Annual criteria review and reference updateMarch 2016 Change from one tried and failed to two tried and failed non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies and addition of the tried and failed of intra-articular steroid and radiologic confirmation of Kellgren-Lawrence Scalescore of grade 2 or greaterAddition of HymovisPolicy # change from 5.11.04 to 5.75.09May 2016 Addition of GelSyn-3 and GenVisc 850December 2016 Annual editorial review and reference updateAdded: no dual therapy with another hyaluronic acid injectableMarch 2017 Bolded preferred products in the title pageJuly 2017 GelSyn-3 has been changed to preferredSeptember 2017 Annual reviewDecember 2017 Addition of Durolane and Visco-3March 2018 Annual editorial reviewRemoval of Tramadol from the T/F listSeptember 2019 Annual review and reference update. Addition of Sodium Hyaluronate,Synojoynt, and TriViscSection: Prescription Drugs Effective Date: April 1, 2020 Subsection: Neuromuscular Drugs Original Policy Date: June 9, 2011 Subject: Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives Page: 7 of 7December 2019 Annual review. Addition of requirement to trial preferred products January 2020 Addition of TriluronMarch 2020 Annual reviewKeywordsThis policy was approved by the FEP® Pharmacy and Medical Policy Committee on March 13, 2020 and is effective on April 1, 2020.。




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(147)综合设计室主任 ............................................................................. .. (150)电气设计室主任 ............................................................................. .. (153)测试部 ............................................................................. .. (156)部长 ............................................................................. .. (156)测试室主任.............................................................................. (160)计量室主任.............................................................................. (163)技术质量部 ............................................................................. . (166)部长 ............................................................................. .. (166)洗衣机厂品管部部长 ............................................................................. . (169)技术管理室主任 ............................................................................. (174)质量管理室主任 ............................................................................. .. (177)技术信息室主任 ............................................................................. .. (180)国际业务副总 ............................................................................. ................................................. 184 国际部部长 ............................................................................. . (189)海外发展组.............................................................................. (193)海外子公司管理组 ............................................................................. .. (197)国际业务进出口公司 ............................................................................. .. (201)总经理 ............................................................................. .. (201)出口业务科.............................................................................. (205)综合管理科.............................................................................. (213)综合管理科.............................................................................. (222)财务科 ............................................................................. .. (229)企业发展副总 ............................................................................. ................................................. 237 企业发展部部长 ............................................................................. (240)企业策略规划组职员 ............................................................................. . (244)产销储计划组职员 ............................................................................. .. (247)项目投资管理组职员 ............................................................................. . (251)固定资产管理组职员 ............................................................................. . (254)企业发展部绩效管理组 ............................................................................. (257)销售公司绩效管理组 ............................................................................. . (261)洗衣机厂绩效管理组 ............................................................................. . (264)物资副总 ............................................................................. ........................................................ 267 物资部 ............................................................................. ............................................................ 271 部长 ............................................................................. (271)采购组 ............................................................................. .. (275)组长 ............................................................................. .. (275)原材料、辅助材料采购员 ............................................................................. (279)定牌、一般物资采购员 ............................................................................. (283)物流组 ............................................................................. .. (286)销售分公司物流组 ............................................................................. .. (291)仓库管理组 ............................................................................. . (295)组长 ............................................................................. .. (295)洗衣机厂仓库管理组 ............................................................................. . (300)营销规划部 ............................................................................. ..................................................... 303 部长 ............................................................................. (303)营销规划部市场研究组 ............................................................................. . (307)营销规划部品牌营销组 ............................................................................. . (311)财务副总 ............................................................................. ........................................................ 316 会计部部长 ............................................................................. . (321)总帐报表会计职员 ............................................................................. .. (325)应收应付会计职员 ............................................................................. .. (329)固定资产会计职员 ............................................................................. .. (333)税收会计职员 ............................................................................. (337)成本费用会计职员 ............................................................................. .. (340)预算与绩效分析会计职员 ............................................................................. (344)财务部部长 ............................................................................. (348)现金管理职员 ............................................................................. (353)筹资投资管理职员 ............................................................................. .. (357)信用与风险管理职员 ............................................................................. . (361)销售公司财务处 ............................................................................. (364)处长 ............................................................................. .. (364)销售费用会计职员 ............................................................................. .. (368)应收帐款会计职员 ............................................................................. .. (371)出纳职员 ............................................................................. . (375)洗衣机生产厂成本会计职员 ............................................................................. .. (378)内部审计部 ............................................................................. ..................................................... 380 部长 ............................................................................. (380)职员 ............................................................................. .. (385)信息技术部 ............................................................................. ..................................................... 388 部长 ............................................................................. (388)应用系统组 ............................................................................. . (393)组长 ............................................................................. .. (393)职员 ............................................................................. .. (398)基础设施管理组 ............................................................................. (402)组长 ............................................................................. .. (402)职员 ............................................................................. .. (407)销售分公司应用技术员 ............................................................................. (411)热线服务支持组 ............................................................................. (415)行政人事副总 ............................................................................. ................................................. 418 人力资源部 ............................................................................. ..................................................... 423 部长 ............................................................................. (423)人力规划和管理组 ............................................................................. .. (428)培训发展组.............................................................................. (433)薪资管理组.............................................................................. (438)销售公司人事处 ............................................................................. .. (442)销售公司人事处薪资发放和招聘组 ............................................................................. (447)销售公司人事处培训发展组 ............................................................................. .. (451)洗衣机厂人事组 ............................................................................. .. (455)行政部 ............................................................................. ............................................................ 459 部长 ............................................................................. (459)档案管理组.............................................................................. (464)公共关系组.............................................................................. (467)行政总务组.............................................................................. (471)洗衣机厂/销售公司行政总务组 ............................................................................. . (474)医务组 ............................................................................. .. (477)安保消防组.............................................................................. 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惠普LaserJet Pro MFP M329, M428-M429 保修和法务指南说明书

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1900÷100=19 約19時間で満充電となります。





无线电收藏馆由德国著名收藏家Niels Vormoor创办,在德国很有名气。

收音机名单如下1 AEG Super 51GWU 通用电气超级2 AEG Super 2083WU 通用电气超级3 AEG UKW Super 3084WD 通用电气调频4 AEG Raumklang Super 4085WD 通用电气立体声5 AEG Raumklang Super 6087WD 通用电气超级6 Blaupunkt Florida 蓝点佛罗里达7 Blaupunkt G51W 蓝点8 Blaupunkt London 蓝点伦敦9 Blaupunkt Riviera 2540 蓝点里维阿10 Blaupunkt Riviera 2640 蓝点里维阿11 Continental Osterode Imperial J449W 大洲帝皇12 Continental Osterode Imperial J450W-Stereo 大洲帝皇13 Continental Osterode Imperial J622GW 大洲帝皇14 Continental Osterode Imperial J622W 大洲帝皇15 Continental Osterode Imperial J6024W 大洲帝皇16 Continental Osterode Imperial J6048W 大洲帝皇17 Continental Osterode Imperial Maruf J506-W-Stereo 大洲帝皇马鲁夫18 EAW Amati AT1194 WKU 斯大林电子阿玛帝18 EMUD DE LUXE 62 艾穆德豪华20 EMUD Rekord 698 艾穆德录音21 Gerufon Gegentakt Ultra 格鲁风推挽极典22 Graetz Fantasia 622 歌丽幻想曲23 Graetz Melodia M418 歌丽旋律24 Graetz Melodia M818-Stereo 歌丽旋律25 Graetz Super 162W 歌丽26 Graetz Super 163W 歌丽27 Graetz Super 176W 歌丽28 Graetz Super 177W 歌丽29 Grundig 3012W 根德30 Grundig 4004GW 根德31 Grundig 4004W 根德32 Grundig 4008W 根德(带唱机)33 Grundig 4010GW 根德34 Grundig 4010TB 根德 (带唱机)35 Grundig 4010W 根德36 Grundig 4035W 根德37 Grundig 4035W-3D-56 根德38 Grundig 4040W 根德39 Grundig 4040W-3D 根德40 Grundig 4055W-3D 根德41 Grundig 495W 根德41 Grundig 5005W 根德43 Grundig 5010W 根德44 Grundig 5040GW 根德45 Grundig 5040GW-3D 根德46 Grundig 5040W 根德47 Grundig 5040W-3D 根德48 Grundig 5050W 根德49 Grundig 5050W-3D 根德50 Grundig 5080W-3D 根德51 Grundig 5089TB 根德 (带磁带机)52 Grundig Stereomeister 15H 根德53 Hornyphon Souver&auml;n 57 豪尼峰君王54 Kaiser Breslau W1090 王者布雷斯劳55 Kaiser Hymne W790 王者赞歌56 Koerting Dynamic Stereo 830W 科尔庭动感57 Koerting Dynamic Stereo 20730 科尔庭动感58 Koerting Konzert 430W 科尔庭音乐会59 Koerting Selector 53W 科尔庭选择器60 Koerting Royal Syntektor 55W 科尔庭皇家合成器61 Krefft Weltfunk W5510 克雷夫特韦德风62 Loewe Opta Hellas 542W 雄狮希腊63 Loewe Opta Hellas 552W 雄狮希腊64 Loewe Opta Hellas 552WP 雄狮希腊65 Loewe Opta Hellas 841W 雄狮希腊(带发光面板)66 Loewe Opta Hellas 1841W 雄狮希腊67 Loewe Opta Hellas 2841W 雄狮希腊68 Loewe Opta Hellas 3841W 雄狮希腊69 Loewe Opta Rheingold 3953W 雄狮莱茵黄金70 Loewe Opta Rheingold 3953W-S 雄狮莱茵黄金71 Loewe Opta Rheingold 4054W 雄狮莱茵黄金72 Loewe Opta Rheingold 5055W 雄狮莱茵黄金 (三喇叭)73 Loewe Opta Rheingold 5055W Plastik (四喇叭高低音组合)74 Loewe Opta Rheingold 5055W Plastik (四喇叭两个低音)75 Loewe Opta Venus 雄狮维纳斯76 Lorenz Goldsuper W45 罗兰仕金版超级77 Lorenz Goldsuper W45-3D 金版超级78 Lorenz Goldsuper W52 金版超级79 Metz 402W 美兹(一个短波波段)80 Metz 402W 美兹(两个短波波段)81 Metz 403-WF 美兹82 Metz 405-3D 美兹83 Metz 409-3D 美兹84 Metz Hawai S 美兹夏威夷85 Neckermann Konzert 101/70 内卡人音乐会86 Neckermann Konzert 111/20 内卡人音乐会87 Neckermann Konzertmeister 111/32 内卡人音乐会大师88 Neckermann Royal Syntektor 111/21 内卡人皇家合成器89 Nordmende 500-10 乐满地90 Nordmende Othello 58 乐满地奥赛罗91 Nordmende Othello 59 乐满地奥赛罗92 Nordmende Tannhaeuser 58 乐满地唐怀瑟93 Nordmende Tannhaeuser 59 乐满地唐怀瑟94 Nordmende Tannhaeuser 60 Stereo 乐满地唐怀瑟立体声95 Nora Csardas 56 W1140 诺拉卡萨达斯舞96 Nora Imperator 53 诺拉皇帝97 Nora Reigen 诺拉圆舞98 Philips BA753A Pastorale 飞利浦田园99 Philips BX653A 飞利浦100 Philips B7X63A 飞利浦101 Philips BX998A 飞利浦102 Philips Capella 51 飞利浦卡佩拉103 Philips Capella 643A 飞利浦卡佩拉104 Philips Capella 663A 飞利浦卡佩拉105 Philips Capella 673A 飞利浦卡佩拉106 Philips Capella 753/4E/3D 飞利浦卡佩拉107 Philips Saturn 653/4E/3D 飞利浦土星108 Philips Saturn Tonmeister 653/4E/3D mitRaumklangboxen 飞利浦土星(带立体声音箱)109 REMA 1800 雷玛110 Rochlitz Beethoven II 罗赫利兹贝多芬111 Rochlitz Stradivari I 罗赫利兹斯特拉迪瓦利(EL84输出)112 Rochlitz Stradivari I 罗赫利兹斯特拉迪瓦利(6V6输出)113 Rochlitz Stradivari I-3D 罗赫利兹斯特拉迪瓦利114 Rochlitz Stradivari II 罗赫利兹斯特拉迪瓦利115 Rochlitz Stradivari III 罗赫利兹斯特拉迪瓦利116 Saba Bodensee Automatik 3DS 世霸博登湖117 Saba Bodensee WIII 世霸博登湖118 Saba Freiburg Autiomatik 6-3D 世霸弗莱堡119 Saba Freiburg Autiomatik 8 世霸弗莱堡120 Saba Freiburg WII 世霸弗莱堡121 Saba Freiburg WIII 世霸弗莱堡122 Saba Freiburg Automatik 3DS 世霸弗莱堡123 Saba Meersburg WII 世霸梅尔斯堡124 Saba Meersburg W5 世霸梅尔斯堡125 Saba Meersburg W5-3D 世霸梅尔斯堡126 Schaub Lorenz Goldsuper W46-3D 秀珀罗兰仕金版超级127 Schaub Lorenz Gross-Super 55 秀珀罗兰仕加大版超级128 Schaub Transatlantic 55 秀珀罗兰仕泛大西洋129 Schaub Supraphon 52 秀珀罗兰仕超级录音机130 Schaub Lorenz Weltsuper 500 Stereo 秀珀罗兰仕131 Siemens Luxus Super 54 西门子豪华132 Siemens Schatulle M47 西门子百宝箱133 Siemens Schatulle M57 西门子百宝箱134 Siemens Schatulle P48 西门子百宝箱135 Siemens Spitzensuper 51 西门子顶级136 Siemens Spitzensuper 52 西门子顶级面包箱137 Siemens Spitzensuper 53 西门子顶级面包箱138 Siemens Spitzensuper M7 西门子顶级139 Stern Radio Erfurt II WU 明星埃尔富特140 Stern Radio Erfurt II GWU 明星埃尔富特141 Stern. Stassfurt Admiral 10E152 斯塔斯福特将军142 Stern. Stassfurt Globus 11E171 斯塔斯福特环球143 Tefi M540 (mit Tefifon) 特伟风(带音带机)144 Tefifon T573 (mit Tefifon) 特伟风(带音带机)145 Telefunken Concertino 55GW 德律风根音乐会146 Telefunken Concertino 55 TS 德律风根音乐会147 Telefunken Fortissimo W 德律风根大力神148 Telefunken Operette 52 GW 德律风根轻歌剧149 Telefunken Operette 52 W 德律风根轻歌剧150 Telefunken Orchestra 德律风根管弦乐队151 Telefunken Opus 55 德律风根 55号作品153 Telefunken Opus 7 德律风根 7号作品154 VEB Sternradio Rossini 5701 金箭罗西尼155 VEB Sternradio Rossini 5801 金箭罗西尼156 Wega 401 唯佳。



记者/ 周萌盘点去年央视3·15晚会曝光的品牌现在都怎样了?3月15日是国际消费者权益保护日,每年的央视3·15晚会都是消费者们十分关注的一场晚会,曝光的企业和消费陷阱常常会成为各大社交平台的热搜榜,引起网友的讨论热潮。





最近,浙江媒体还对大众途锐杭州百得利进口大众4S店内部管理存在问题进行了报道,新闻中指出:该4S 店在没有通知车主的前提下,随意更换汽车零部件,经过协商,最终愿意给车主外加两年的整车延保,以及其它补偿。






美国第三大电信运营商Sprint污损状况及分析1. 引言1.1 Sprint公司简介Sprint公司是美国第三大电信运营商,总部位于堪萨斯州的奥弗兰帕克市。

该公司成立于1899年,最初名为Brown Telephone Company,后来改名为United Telephone Company。

2005年,公司更名为Sprint Nextel Corporation。





在竞争激烈的电信行业,Sprint 与其他运营商展开激烈竞争,努力保持自己在市场中的地位。


2. 正文2.1 竞争激烈导致市场份额下滑随着美国电信市场竞争的加剧,Sprint作为第三大电信运营商面临着市场份额下滑的压力。











众心协力,其力断金! 众心协力,其力断金! 让我们马上行动起来! 让我们马上行动起来!
Back up
我能为J.D.P IQS改进做什么?-售后服务人员 改进做什么?- 我能为 改进做什么?-售后服务人员
话术为顾客讲解。 消除误解: 消除误解:
例如直列四缸发动机冷车启动液压挺柱噪音并不是质量问题,其他品 牌的车辆相同结构的发动机存在同样情况,可以通过解释消除客户的误 解和疑虑。 例如建议客户使用正版CD/DVD并定期清洁激光头,不塞入杂物等, 从而减少对音响系统的损害并延长使用寿命,消除客户对音响系统有问 题的误解。 有些问题是顾客不知道如何正确使用,例如电瓶无电、雨刮响等问题, 可以引导客户参照驾车小窍门或用户手册来正确使用。 尽量消除客户对我们的产品有小毛病多的误解。
我能为J.D.P IQS改进做什么?-售后服务人员 改进做什么?- 我能为 改进做什么?-售后服务人员
经过上海通用汽车和维修站共同努力合作和持续改进,产品的质量水 平得到了进一步的提高。但是人非圣贤,对确实存在的问题走索赔流程, 有强烈抱怨的客户要迅速做好安抚和解释工作,突发事件及时上报市场 部TAC。 上海通用汽车公司质量部开设J.D.POWER信箱,搜集各维修站反馈的 有关产品早期质量问题的信息并及时调查和及时改进,支持维修站的解 释和维修困难。

西门子 NXGPro+ 控制系统手册_操作手册说明书

西门子 NXGPro+ 控制系统手册_操作手册说明书

单元通讯的协议 ............................................................................................................ 36
NXGpro+ 高级安全 .......................................................................................................37
功率拓扑 ......................................................................................................................34
控制系统概述 ...............................................................................................................35
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统简介

北斗卫星导航系统空间信号接口控制文件(ICD 2.1)

北斗卫星导航系统空间信号接口控制文件(ICD 2.1)
5.3 D2 导航电文 ............................................................................................... 40 5.3.1 D2 导航电文帧结构 ............................................................................. 40 5.3.2 D2 导航电文详细结构编排................................................................. 41 5.3.3 D2 导航电文内容和算法 ..................................................................... 64
5.2 D1 导航电文 ............................................................................................... 15 5.2.1 D1 导航电文上调制的二次编码......................................................... 15 5.2.2 D1 导航电文帧结构 ............................................................................. 16 5.2.3 D1 导航电文详细结构编排................................................................. 17 5.2.4 D1 导航电文内容和算法 ..................................................................... 21





2A-2Z United Kingdom(英国)3A-3A Monaco(摩纳哥)3B-3B Mauritius(毛里求斯)3C-3C Equatorial Guinea(赤道几内亚)3DA-3DM Swaziland(斯威士兰)3DN-3DZ Fiji(斐济)3E-3F Panama(巴拿马)3G-3G Chile(智利)3H-3U China(中国)3V-3V Tunisia(突尼斯)3W-3W Vietnam(越南)3X-3X Guinea(几内亚)3Y-3Y Norway(挪威)3Z-3Z Poland(波兰)4A-4C Mexico(墨西哥)4D-4I Philippines(菲律宾)4J-4K Azerbaijan(阿塞拜疆)4L-4L Georgia(格鲁吉亚)4M-4M Venezuela(委内瑞拉)4N-4O Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)4P-4S Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡)4T-4T Peru(秘鲁)4U-4U United Nations(联合国)4V-4V Haiti(海地)4W-4W Timor Leste(东帝汶)4X-4X Israel(以色列)4Y-4Y International Civil Aviation Organization(国际民用航空组织)4Z-4Z Israel(以色列)5A-5A Libya(利比亚)5B-5B Cyprus(塞浦路斯)5C-5G Morocco(摩洛哥)5H-5I Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)5J-5K Colombia(哥伦比亚)5L-5M Liberia(利比里亚)5N-5O Nigeria(尼日利亚)5P-5Q Denmark(丹麦)5R-5S Madagascar(马达加斯加)5T-5T Mauritania(毛里塔尼亚)5U-5U Niger(尼日尔)5V-5V Togo(多哥)5W-5W Samoa(萨摩亚)5X-5X Uganda(乌干达)5Y-5Z Kenya(肯尼亚)6A-6B Egypt(埃及)6C-6C Syria(叙利亚)6D-6J Mexico(墨西哥)6K-6N Korea(韩国)6O-6O Somalia(索马里)6P-6S Pakistan(巴基斯坦)6T-6U Sudan(苏丹)6V-6W Senegal(塞内加尔)6X-6X Madagascar(马达加斯加)6Y-6Y Jamaica(牙买加)6Z-6Z Liberia(利比亚)7A-7I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)7J-7N Japan(日本)7O-7O Yemen(也门)7P-7P Lesotho(莱索托)7Q-7Q Malawi(马拉维)7R-7R Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7S-7S Sweden(瑞典)7T-7Y Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7Z-7Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)8A-8I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)8J-8N Japan(日本)8O-8O Botswana(博茨瓦纳)8P-8P Barbados(巴巴多斯)8Q-8Q Maldives(马尔代夫)8R-8R Guyana(圭亚那)8S-8S Sweden(瑞典)8T-8Y India(印度)8Z-8Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)9A-9A Croatia(克罗地亚)9B-9D Iran(伊朗)9E-9F Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)9G-9G Ghana(加纳)9H-9H Malta(马耳他)9I-9J Zambia(赞比亚)9K-9K Kuwait(科威特)9L-9L Sierra Leone(塞拉里昂)9M-9M Malaysia(马来西亚)9N-9N Nepal(尼泊尔)9O-9T Democratic Republic of Congo(刚果民主共和国)9U-9U Burundi(布隆迪)9V-9V Singapore(新加坡)9W-9W Malaysia(马来西亚)9X-9X Rwanda(卢旺达)9Y-9Z Trinidad and Tobago(特立尼达和多巴哥)A2-A2 Botswana(博茨瓦纳)A3-A3 Tonga(汤加)A4-A4 Oman(阿曼)A5-A5 Bhutan(不丹)A6-A6 United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国)A7-A7 Qatar(卡塔尔)A8-A8 Liberia(利比里亚)A9-A9 Bahrain(巴林)AA-AL United States of America(美国)AM-AO Spain(西班牙)AP-AS Pakistan(巴基斯坦)AT-AW India(印度)AX-AX Australia(澳大利亚)AY-AZ Argentine(阿根廷)BA-BZ China(中国)C2-C2 Nauru(瑙鲁)C3-C3 Andorra(安道尔)C4-C4 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)C5-C5 Gambia(冈比亚)C6-C6 Bahamas(巴哈马)C7-C7 World Meteorological Organization(世界气象组织)C8-C9 Mozambique(莫桑比克)CA-CE Chile(智利)CF-CK Canada(加拿大)CL-CM Cuba(古巴)CN-CN Morocco(摩洛哥)CO-CO Cuba(古巴)CP-CP Bolivia(玻利维亚)CQ-CU Portugal(葡萄牙)CV-CX Uruguay(乌拉圭)CY-CZ Canada(加拿大)D2-D3 Angola(安哥拉)D4-D4 Cape Verde(佛得角)D5-D5 Liberia(利比里亚)D6-D6 Comoros(科摩罗)D7-D9 Korea(韩国)DA-DR Germany(德国)DS-DT Korea(韩国)DU-DZ Philippines(菲律宾)E2-E2 Thailand(泰国)E3-E3 Eritrea(厄立特里亚)E4-E4 Palestine(巴勒斯坦)E5-E5 Cook Islands(库克群岛)EA-EH Spain(西班牙)EI-EJ Ireland(爱尔兰)EK-EK Armenia(亚美尼亚)EL-EL Liberia(利比里亚)EM-EO Ukraine(乌克兰)EP-EQ Iran(伊朗)ER-ER Moldova(摩尔多瓦)ES-ES Estonia(爱沙尼亚)ET-ET Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)EU-EW Belarus(白俄罗斯)EX-EX Kyrgyzstan(吉嗉?顾固梗?EY-EY Tajikistan(塔吉克斯坦)EZ-EZ Turkmenistan(土库曼斯坦)FA-FZ France(法国)GA-GZ United Kingdom(英国)H2-H2 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)H3-H3 Panama(巴拿马)H4-H4 Solomon Islands(所罗门群岛)H6-H7 Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)H8-H9 Panama(巴拿马)HA-HA Hungary(匈牙利)HB-HB Switzerland(瑞士)HC-HD Ecuador(厄瓜多尔)HE-HE Switzerland(瑞士)HF-HF Poland(波兰)HG-HG Hungary(匈牙利)HH-HH Haiti(海地)HI-HI Dominican Republic(多米尼加共和国)HJ-HK Colombia(哥伦比亚)HL-HL Korea(韩国)HM-HM Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)HN-HN Iraq(伊拉克)HO-HP Panama(巴拿马)HQ-HR Honduras(洪都拉斯)HS-HS Thailand(泰国)HT-HT Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)HU-HU El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)HV-HV Vatican(梵蒂冈)HW-HY France(法国)HZ-HZ Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)IA-IZ Italy(意大利)J2-J2 Djibouti(吉布提)J3-J3 Grenada(格林纳达)J4-J4 Greece(希腊)J5-J5 Guinea-Bissau(几内亚-比绍)J6-J6 Saint Lucia(圣卢西亚)J7-J7 Dominica(多米尼加)J8-J8 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(圣文森特和格林纳丁斯)JA-JS Japan(日本)JT-JV Mongolia(蒙古)JW-JX Norway(挪威)JY-JY Jordan(约旦)JZ-JZ Indonesia(印度尼西亚)KA-KZ United States of America(美国)L2-L9 Argentine(阿根廷)LA-LN Norway(挪威)LO-LW Argentine(阿根廷)LX-LX Luxembourg(卢森堡)LY-LY Lithuania(立陶宛)LZ-LZ Bulgaria(保加利亚)MA-MZ United Kingdom(英国)NA-NZ United States of America(美国)OA-OC Peru(秘鲁)OD-OD Lebanon(黎巴嫩)OE-OE Austria(奥地利)OF-OJ Finland(芬兰)OK-OL Czech Republic(捷克共和国)OM-OM Slovakia(斯洛伐克)ON-OT Belgium(比利时)OU-OZ Denmark(丹麦)P2-P2 Papua New Guinea(巴布亚新几内亚)P3-P3 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)P4-P4 Aruba(阿鲁巴)P5-P9 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)PA-PI Netherlands(荷兰)PJ-PJ Netherlands Antilles(荷属安的列斯群岛)PK-PO Indonesia(印度尼西亚)PP-PY Brazil(巴西)PZ-PZ Surinam(苏里南)RA-RZ Russia(俄国)S2-S3 Bangladesh(孟加拉国)S5-S5 Slovenia(斯洛文尼亚)S6-S6 Singapore(新加坡)S7-S7 Seychelles(塞舌尔)S8-S8 South Africa(南非)S9-S9 Sao Tome and Principe(圣多美和普林西比)SA-SM Sweden(瑞典)SN-SR Poland(波兰)SSA-SSM Egypt(埃及)SSN-STZ Sudan(苏丹)SU-SU Egypt(埃及)SV-SZ Greece(希腊)T2-T2 Tuvalu(图瓦卢)T3-T3 Kiribati(基里巴斯)T4-T4 Cuba(古巴)T5-T5 Somalia(索马里)T6-T6 Afghanistan(阿富汗)T7-T7 San Marino(圣马力诺)T8-T8 Palau(帕劳)T9-T9 Bosnia and Herzegovina(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)TA-TC Turkey(土耳其)TD-TD Guatemala(危地马拉)TE-TE Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TF-TF Iceland(冰岛)TG-TG Guatemala(危地马拉)TH-TH France(法国)TI-TI Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TJ-TJ Cameroon(喀麦隆)TK-TK France(法国)TL-TL Central African Republic(中非共和国)TM-TM France(法国)TN-TN Congo(刚果)TO-TQ France(法国)TR-TR Gabon(加蓬)TS-TS Tunisia(突尼斯)TT-TT Chad(乍得)TU-TU Cote d’Ivoire(科特迪瓦)TV-TX France(法国)TY-TY Benin(贝宁)TZ-TZ Mali(马里)UA-UI Russia(俄国)UJ-UM Uzbekistan(乌兹别克斯坦)UN-UQ Kazakhstan(哈萨克斯坦)UR-UZ Ukraine(乌克兰)V2-V2 Antigua and Barbuda(安提瓜和巴布达)V3-V3 Belize(伯里兹)V4-V4 Saint Kitts and Nevis(圣基茨和尼维斯)V5-V5 Namibia(纳米比亚)V6-V6 Micronesia(密克罗尼西亚)V7-V7 Marshall Islands(马绍尔群岛)V8-V8 Brunei(文莱)VA-VG Canada(加拿大)VH-VN Australia(澳大利亚)VO-VO Canada(加拿大)VP-VQ United Kingdom(英国)VR-VR Hong Kong(中国香港)VS-VS United Kingdom(英国)VT-VW India(印度)VX-VY Canada(加拿大)VZ-VZ Australia(澳大利亚)WA-WZ United States(美国)XA-XI Mexico(墨西哥)XJ-XO Canada(加拿大)XP-XP Denmark(丹麦)XQ-XR Chile(智利)XS-XS China(中国)XT-XT Burkina Faso(布基纳法索)XU-XU Cambodia(柬埔寨)XV-XV Vietnam(越南)XW-XW Laos(老挝)XX-XX Macau(中国澳门)XY-XZ Myanmar(老挝)Y2-Y9 Germany(德国)YA-YA Afghanistan(阿富汗)YB-YH Indonesia(印度尼西亚)YI-YI Iraq(伊拉克)YJ-YJ Vanuatu(瓦努阿图)YK-YK Syria(叙利亚)YL-YL Latvia(拉脱维亚)YM-YM Turkey(土耳其)YN-YN Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)YO-YR Romania(罗马尼亚)YS-YS El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)YT-YU Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)YV-YY Venezuela(委内瑞拉)YZ-YZ Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)Z2-Z2 Zimbabwe(津巴布韦)Z3-Z3 Macedonia(马其顿)ZA-ZA Albania(阿尔巴尼亚)ZB-ZJ United Kingdom(英国)ZK-ZM New Zealand(新西兰)ZN-ZO United Kingdom(英国)ZP-ZP Paraguay(巴拉圭)ZQ-ZQ United Kingdom(英国)ZR-ZU South Africa(南非)ZV-ZZ Brazil(巴西)2A-2Z United Kingdom(英国)3A-3A Monaco(摩纳哥)3B-3B Mauritius(毛里求斯)3C-3C Equatorial Guinea(赤道几内亚)3DA-3DM Swaziland(斯威士兰)3DN-3DZ Fiji(斐济)3E-3F Panama(巴拿马)3G-3G Chile(智利)3H-3U China(中国)3V-3V Tunisia(突尼斯)3W-3W Vietnam(越南)3X-3X Guinea(几内亚)3Y-3Y Norway(挪威)3Z-3Z Poland(波兰)4A-4C Mexico(墨西哥)4D-4I Philippines(菲律宾)4J-4K Azerbaijan(阿塞拜疆)4L-4L Georgia(格鲁吉亚)4M-4M Venezuela(委内瑞拉)4N-4O Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)4P-4S Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡)4T-4T Peru(秘鲁)4U-4U United Nations(联合国)4V-4V Haiti(海地)4W-4W Timor Leste(东帝汶)4X-4X Israel(以色列)4Y-4Y International Civil Aviation Organization(国际民用航空组织)4Z-4Z Israel(以色列)5A-5A Libya(利比亚)5B-5B Cyprus(塞浦路斯)5C-5G Morocco(摩洛哥)5H-5I Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)5J-5K Colombia(哥伦比亚)5L-5M Liberia(利比里亚)5N-5O Nigeria(尼日利亚)5P-5Q Denmark(丹麦)5R-5S Madagascar(马达加斯加)5T-5T Mauritania(毛里塔尼亚)5U-5U Niger(尼日尔)5V-5V Togo(多哥)5W-5W Samoa(萨摩亚)5X-5X Uganda(乌干达)5Y-5Z Kenya(肯尼亚)6A-6B Egypt(埃及)6C-6C Syria(叙利亚)6D-6J Mexico(墨西哥)6K-6N Korea(韩国)6O-6O Somalia(索马里)6P-6S Pakistan(巴基斯坦)6T-6U Sudan(苏丹)6V-6W Senegal(塞内加尔)6X-6X Madagascar(马达加斯加)6Y-6Y Jamaica(牙买加)6Z-6Z Liberia(利比亚)7A-7I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)7J-7N Japan(日本)7O-7O Yemen(也门)7P-7P Lesotho(莱索托)7Q-7Q Malawi(马拉维)7R-7R Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7S-7S Sweden(瑞典)7T-7Y Algeria(阿尔及利亚)7Z-7Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)8A-8I Indonesia(印度尼西亚)8J-8N Japan(日本)8O-8O Botswana(博茨瓦纳)8P-8P Barbados(巴巴多斯)8Q-8Q Maldives(马尔代夫)8R-8R Guyana(圭亚那)8S-8S Sweden(瑞典)8T-8Y India(印度)8Z-8Z Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)9A-9A Croatia(克罗地亚)9B-9D Iran(伊朗)9E-9F Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)9G-9G Ghana(加纳)9H-9H Malta(马耳他)9I-9J Zambia(赞比亚)9K-9K Kuwait(科威特)9L-9L Sierra Leone(塞拉里昂)9M-9M Malaysia(马来西亚)9N-9N Nepal(尼泊尔)9O-9T Democratic Republic of Congo(刚果民主共和国)9U-9U Burundi(布隆迪)9V-9V Singapore(新加坡)9W-9W Malaysia(马来西亚)9X-9X Rwanda(卢旺达)9Y-9Z Trinidad and Tobago(特立尼达和多巴哥)A2-A2 Botswana(博茨瓦纳)A3-A3 Tonga(汤加)A4-A4 Oman(阿曼)A5-A5 Bhutan(不丹)A6-A6 United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国)A7-A7 Qatar(卡塔尔)A8-A8 Liberia(利比里亚)A9-A9 Bahrain(巴林)AA-AL United States of America(美国)AM-AO Spain(西班牙)AP-AS Pakistan(巴基斯坦)AT-AW India(印度)AX-AX Australia(澳大利亚)AY-AZ Argentine(阿根廷)BA-BZ China(中国)C2-C2 Nauru(瑙鲁)C3-C3 Andorra(安道尔)C4-C4 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)C5-C5 Gambia(冈比亚)C6-C6 Bahamas(巴哈马)C7-C7 World Meteorological Organization(世界气象组织)C8-C9 Mozambique(莫桑比克)CA-CE Chile(智利)CF-CK Canada(加拿大)CL-CM Cuba(古巴)CN-CN Morocco(摩洛哥)CO-CO Cuba(古巴)CP-CP Bolivia(玻利维亚)CQ-CU Portugal(葡萄牙)CV-CX Uruguay(乌拉圭)CY-CZ Canada(加拿大)D2-D3 Angola(安哥拉)D4-D4 Cape Verde(佛得角)D5-D5 Liberia(利比里亚)D6-D6 Comoros(科摩罗)D7-D9 Korea(韩国)DA-DR Germany(德国)DS-DT Korea(韩国)DU-DZ Philippines(菲律宾)E2-E2 Thailand(泰国)E3-E3 Eritrea(厄立特里亚)E4-E4 Palestine(巴勒斯坦)E5-E5 Cook Islands(库克群岛)EA-EH Spain(西班牙)EI-EJ Ireland(爱尔兰)EK-EK Armenia(亚美尼亚)EL-EL Liberia(利比里亚)EM-EO Ukraine(乌克兰)EP-EQ Iran(伊朗)ER-ER Moldova(摩尔多瓦)ES-ES Estonia(爱沙尼亚)ET-ET Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)EU-EW Belarus(白俄罗斯)EX-EX Kyrgyzstan(吉嗉?顾固梗?EY-EY Tajikistan(塔吉克斯坦)EZ-EZ Turkmenistan(土库曼斯坦)FA-FZ France(法国)GA-GZ United Kingdom(英国)H2-H2 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)H3-H3 Panama(巴拿马)H4-H4 Solomon Islands(所罗门群岛)H6-H7 Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)H8-H9 Panama(巴拿马)HA-HA Hungary(匈牙利)HB-HB Switzerland(瑞士)HC-HD Ecuador(厄瓜多尔)HE-HE Switzerland(瑞士)HF-HF Poland(波兰)HG-HG Hungary(匈牙利)HH-HH Haiti(海地)HI-HI Dominican Republic(多米尼加共和国)HJ-HK Colombia(哥伦比亚)HL-HL Korea(韩国)HM-HM Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)HN-HN Iraq(伊拉克)HO-HP Panama(巴拿马)HQ-HR Honduras(洪都拉斯)HS-HS Thailand(泰国)HT-HT Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)HU-HU El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)HV-HV Vatican(梵蒂冈)HW-HY France(法国)HZ-HZ Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)IA-IZ Italy(意大利)J2-J2 Djibouti(吉布提)J3-J3 Grenada(格林纳达)J4-J4 Greece(希腊)J5-J5 Guinea-Bissau(几内亚-比绍)J6-J6 Saint Lucia(圣卢西亚)J7-J7 Dominica(多米尼加)J8-J8 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(圣文森特和格林纳丁斯)JA-JS Japan(日本)JT-JV Mongolia(蒙古)JW-JX Norway(挪威)JY-JY Jordan(约旦)JZ-JZ Indonesia(印度尼西亚)KA-KZ United States of America(美国)L2-L9 Argentine(阿根廷)LA-LN Norway(挪威)LO-LW Argentine(阿根廷)LX-LX Luxembourg(卢森堡)LY-LY Lithuania(立陶宛)LZ-LZ Bulgaria(保加利亚)MA-MZ United Kingdom(英国)NA-NZ United States of America(美国)OA-OC Peru(秘鲁)OD-OD Lebanon(黎巴嫩)OE-OE Austria(奥地利)OF-OJ Finland(芬兰)OK-OL Czech Republic(捷克共和国)OM-OM Slovakia(斯洛伐克)ON-OT Belgium(比利时)OU-OZ Denmark(丹麦)P2-P2 Papua New Guinea(巴布亚新几内亚)P3-P3 Cyprus(塞浦路斯)P4-P4 Aruba(阿鲁巴)P5-P9 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(朝鲜)PA-PI Netherlands(荷兰)PJ-PJ Netherlands Antilles(荷属安的列斯群岛)PK-PO Indonesia(印度尼西亚)PP-PY Brazil(巴西)PZ-PZ Surinam(苏里南)RA-RZ Russia(俄国)S2-S3 Bangladesh(孟加拉国)S5-S5 Slovenia(斯洛文尼亚)S6-S6 Singapore(新加坡)S7-S7 Seychelles(塞舌尔)S8-S8 South Africa(南非)S9-S9 Sao Tome and Principe(圣多美和普林西比)SA-SM Sweden(瑞典)SN-SR Poland(波兰)SSA-SSM Egypt(埃及)SSN-STZ Sudan(苏丹)SU-SU Egypt(埃及)SV-SZ Greece(希腊)T2-T2 Tuvalu(图瓦卢)T3-T3 Kiribati(基里巴斯)T4-T4 Cuba(古巴)T5-T5 Somalia(索马里)T6-T6 Afghanistan(阿富汗)T7-T7 San Marino(圣马力诺)T8-T8 Palau(帕劳)T9-T9 Bosnia and Herzegovina(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)TA-TC Turkey(土耳其)TD-TD Guatemala(危地马拉)TE-TE Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TF-TF Iceland(冰岛)TG-TG Guatemala(危地马拉)TH-TH France(法国)TI-TI Costa Rica(哥斯达黎加)TJ-TJ Cameroon(喀麦隆)TK-TK France(法国)TL-TL Central African Republic(中非共和国)TM-TM France(法国)TN-TN Congo(刚果)TO-TQ France(法国)TR-TR Gabon(加蓬)TS-TS Tunisia(突尼斯)TT-TT Chad(乍得)TU-TU Cote d’Ivoire(科特迪瓦)TV-TX France(法国)TY-TY Benin(贝宁)TZ-TZ Mali(马里)UA-UI Russia(俄国)UJ-UM Uzbekistan(乌兹别克斯坦)UN-UQ Kazakhstan(哈萨克斯坦)UR-UZ Ukraine(乌克兰)V2-V2 Antigua and Barbuda(安提瓜和巴布达)V3-V3 Belize(伯里兹)V4-V4 Saint Kitts and Nevis(圣基茨和尼维斯)V5-V5 Namibia(纳米比亚)V6-V6 Micronesia(密克罗尼西亚)V7-V7 Marshall Islands(马绍尔群岛)V8-V8 Brunei(文莱)VA-VG Canada(加拿大)VH-VN Australia(澳大利亚)VO-VO Canada(加拿大)VP-VQ United Kingdom(英国)VR-VR Hong Kong(中国香港)VS-VS United Kingdom(英国)VT-VW India(印度)VX-VY Canada(加拿大)VZ-VZ Australia(澳大利亚)WA-WZ United States(美国)XA-XI Mexico(墨西哥)XJ-XO Canada(加拿大)XP-XP Denmark(丹麦)XQ-XR Chile(智利)XS-XS China(中国)XT-XT Burkina Faso(布基纳法索)XU-XU Cambodia(柬埔寨)XV-XV Vietnam(越南)XW-XW Laos(老挝)XX-XX Macau(中国澳门)XY-XZ Myanmar(老挝)Y2-Y9 Germany(德国)百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我YA-YA Afghanistan(阿富汗)YB-YH Indonesia(印度尼西亚)YI-YI Iraq(伊拉克)YJ-YJ Vanuatu(瓦努阿图)YK-YK Syria(叙利亚)YL-YL Latvia(拉脱维亚)YM-YM Turkey(土耳其)YN-YN Nicaragua(尼加拉瓜)YO-YR Romania(罗马尼亚)YS-YS El Salvador(厄瓜多尔)YT-YU Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)YV-YY Venezuela(委内瑞拉)YZ-YZ Serbia and Montenegro(塞尔维亚和黑山)Z2-Z2 Zimbabwe(津巴布韦)Z3-Z3 Macedonia(马其顿)ZA-ZA Albania(阿尔巴尼亚)ZB-ZJ United Kingdom(英国)ZK-ZM New Zealand(新西兰)ZN-ZO United Kingdom(英国)ZP-ZP Paraguay(巴拉圭)ZQ-ZQ United Kingdom(英国)ZR-ZU South Africa(南非)ZV-ZZ Brazil(巴西)21。



Characteristic / Test ConditionsDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage (V GS = 0V, I D = 250µA)On State Drain Current 2 (V DS > I D(on) x R DS(on) Max, V GS = 10V)Drain-Source On-State Resistance 2 (V GS = 10V, 0.5 I D[Cont.])Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (V DS = V DSS , V GS= 0V)Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (VDS = 0.8 V DSS , V GS = 0V, T C = 125°C)Gate-Source Leakage Current (V GS = ±30V, V DS = 0V)Gate Threshold Voltage (V DS = V GS , I D = 1.0mA)050-5519 R e v CMAXIMUM RATINGSAll Ratings: T C = 25°C unless otherwise specified.Symbol V DSS I D I DM V GS V GSM P D T J ,T STGT L IAR E AR E ASParameterDrain-Source VoltageContinuous Drain Current @ T C = 25°C Pulsed Drain Current 1Gate-Source Voltage Continuous Gate-Source Voltage Transient Total Power Dissipation @ T C = 25°C Linear Derating FactorOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Lead Temperature: 0.063" from Case for 10 Sec.Avalanche Current 1 (Repetitive and Non-Repetitive)Repetitive Avalanche Energy 1Single Pulse Avalanche Energy 4UNIT Volts AmpsVolts Watts W/°C°C Amps mJSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol BV DSS I D(on)R DS(on)I DSS I GSS V GS(th)UNIT Volts AmpsOhms µA nA VoltsMIN TYP MAX 200560.04525250±10024APT20M45SVR20056224±30±403002.4-55 to 15030056301300APT20M45SVR200V56A 0.045ΩCAUTION: These Devices are Sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge. Proper Handling Procedures Should Be Followed.USA405 S.W. Columbia StreetBend, Oregon 97702-1035Phone: (541) 382-8028FAX: (541) 388-0364EUROPEAvenue J.F. Kennedy Bât B4 Parc Cadéra NordF-33700 Merignac - FrancePhone: (33)557921515FAX: (33)556479761APT Website - Power MOS V ® is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect,increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V ®also achieves faster switching speeds through optimized gate layout.•Faster Switching •100% Avalanche Tested •Lower Leakage•Surface Mount D 3PAK PackagePOWER MOS V ®Symbol I S I SM V SD t rr Q rrDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSSymbol C iss C oss C rss Q g Q gs Q gd t d(on)t r t d(off)t fTest ConditionsV GS = 0V V DS = 25V f = 1 MHz V GS = 10V V DD = 0.5 V DSS I D = I D[Cont.] @ 25°CV GS = 15V V DD = 0.5 V DSS I D = I D[Cont.] @ 25°CR G = 1.6ΩMINTYPMAX40504860980137530045013019530455580122414284370714UNITpFnC ns APT20M45SVRCharacteristic Input Capacitance Output CapacitanceReverse Transfer Capacitance Total Gate Charge 3Gate-Source Charge Gate-Drain ("Miller") Charge Turn-on Delay Time Rise TimeTurn-off Delay Time Fall Time050-5519 R e v CCharacteristic / Test Conditions Continuous Source Current (Body Diode)Pulsed Source Current 1 (Body Diode)Diode Forward Voltage 2 (V GS = 0V, I S = -I D[Cont.])Reverse Recovery Time (I S = -I D[Cont.], dl S /dt = 100A/µs)Reverse Recovery Charge (I S = -I D[Cont.], dl S /dt = 100A/µs)SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSUNIT Amps Volts ns µCMINTYPMAX562241.32803.51Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction3See MIL-STD-750 Method 3471temperature.4Starting T j = +25°C, L = 0.83mH, R G = 25Ω, Peak I L= 56A2Pulse Test: Pulse width < 380 µS, Duty Cycle < 2%APT Reserves the right to change, without notice, the specifications and information contained herein.THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol R θJC R θJAMINTYPMAX0.4240UNIT °C/WCharacteristic Junction to Case Junction to AmbientZ θJ C , T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C E (°C /W )10-510-410-310-210-1 1.010RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (SECONDS)FIGURE 1, MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE, JUNCTION-TO-CASE vs PULSE DURATION0. DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 2, TYPICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 3, TYPICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICSV GS , GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I D , DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES)FIGURE 4, TYPICAL TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 5, R DS (ON) vs DRAIN CURRENTT C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 6, MAXIMUM DRAIN CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE FIGURE 7, BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 8, ON-RESISTANCE vs. TEMPERATURE FIGURE 9, THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURER D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C E I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V G S (T H ), T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E B V D S S , D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E B R E A K D O W N R D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C EI D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V O L T A G E (N O R M A L I Z E D)255075100125150-50-250255075100125150-50-250255075100125150APT20M45SVR100806040201. R e v CV DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 10, MAXIMUM SAFE OPERATING AREAFIGURE 11, TYPICAL CAPACITANCE vs DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE Q g , TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC)V SD , SOURCE-TO-DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 12, GATE CHARGES vs GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGEFIGURE 13, TYPICAL SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEV G S , G A T E -T O -S O U R C E V O L T A G E (V O L T S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D R , R E V E R S E D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )APT20M45SVR3001005010512016128410,0005,0001,000500100300100501051050-5519 R e v CAPT's devices are covered by one or more of the following U.S.patents:4,895,8105,045,9035,089,4345,182,2345,019,5225,262,3365,256,5834,748,1035,283,2025,231,4745,434,0955,528,058Dimensions in Millimeters (Inches)and Leads are PlatedSource D 3PAK Package Outline。

JDE E1 Brief

JDE E1 Brief

销售订单管理 制造管理 供应链执行 供应链计划
Oracle SPARC Oracle Sun Fire x86 System Oracle Exadata and Exalogic Wintel Lintel HP ProLiant HP Integrity(Itanium) IBM Power System IBM System x Cisco UCS
香港利丰集团 欧迪办公 人本集团 海尔日日顺 深圳顺电 迪卡侬 中电集团 凤凰壹力 全家便利 顶好超市 安利 迈克尔高司商贸 领跑体育 泰山 1532
拉法基 OTIS电梯 艾默生 顿汉布什 台湾樱花 顾家工艺 当纳利印刷 友讯科技 佳能 海德控制系统 碧辟佳阳 银泰科技 诚岱机械 汉廷机械
5.支持直运转运订单 6.支持灵活定价规则 7.严格客户信用检查 8.多级采购审批签核 13.销售预测/MRP/MPS 14.外包生产加工 15.模具管理 16.质量检测与批次追踪 19. 按需求进行财务分析 20. 多币种与公司间核算 23.简单易用的开发平台 24. 支持iPad, Mobile应用
服装、鞋帽、箱包、户外运动品 等多属性产品的生产、分销和零 售等。
• 写字楼:波士顿地产、嘉里建设 • 工业地产:普洛斯、佛山创意产业园 零售地产:西田集团、沃尔玛、步步高, 山东银座集团,正大广场
• 葡萄酒、烈酒生产:保乐力加、福斯特集团、星座集团 热风、Giorgio Armani、阿瘦皮 • 农作物种植:保乐力加(葡萄庄园)、FAVORITA(水果) 鞋、领跑、CELINE、FISCHER、 Louis Vuitton、Crocs、Spider EuroFresh(蔬菜)、RiceTec(水稻)、KOMACO(树 木)、JDW(甘蔗)



吴昉民认为这次升级规划是最具前瞻性的,他舒了口气,顺电再也“不必使用跟随战术了”。拿2002年3月1日发布的“电子商务”网站来说, 这个项目从2000年就进入了顺电的视野,在经历“网络投资热”到“网络泡沫”的过程中,顺电也犹豫过,但最终还是决定着手去做,于是就 有了2001年8月顺电电子商务项目的启动。
顺电的每一步信息化建设历程中,一个技术外的难题就是如何保证员工的有效培训和再学习。吴昉民用手指把记者的眼光引到了“实”字上, 这是顺电企业文化中谈及的“精、诚、实”三字之一。出于成本及有效性考虑,顺电只选择了极少的核心员工交给了咨询公司和厂商那边,由 他们来组织对员工的系统运用培训,而等这些员工回来,再让这些核心员工由“学生”转变为“老师”,结合工作中的实际,以经验式的思路 来传达更具有实践性的技术内容。
关于这一套ERP系统,顺电主要是用来进行公司业务重组的,吴昉民认为顺电此时已经懂得如何根据需要进行“选择”了,自己会选的自己选, 自己不会选的请专业的咨询公司来选。顺电找了一位曾在著名跨国咨询公司的人士组织了一个咨询团,邀请了一些在行业内具有丰富经验的知名厂商,在分析了顺电的真正所需后决定采用美国J.D.Edwards的一套ERP系统。
在深圳顺电总部一次见到吴昉民时,他正兴奋地期待着网上第一笔订单,就像一个零售员在等待着自己第一个顾客一样,而事实上他已经在 顺电服务了四、五年时间了。2002年3月1日顺电“电子商务”网站()的开通,使他再一次为公司的信息化建设既兴奋又紧张 ,兴奋的是顺电也由此进入其历史上第三次大规模信息化改造时期;而没举行任何新闻发布会的顺电,又怕低调的姿态不能让外界理解和关注 ,这又使他有点紧张。
从1998年到2002年,顺电在信息化建设上的投入周期大致是两年一次,而投资金额也都在500万左右。吴昉民称,顺电对信息化方面的投入并不 硬性要求立刻有“回报”,因为信息化带来的回报是隐性的,也是不容易用数据来统计的。在最新的电子商务网站建设上,吴昉民告诉记者, 对于这个网站,顺电领导暂时并没有提出任何具体的赢利预期,唯一的要求就是让网站为用户更好地服务,在服务层次上给出新的答案。



瀚 奥褥 “ 鬟蒺 广籀魄 纂慰 《 憨静 》 在线 文镪装 毖 系统 国” 璃投入《 夔
近日 , 奥特公 司与重庆广播 电视集团 ( 台) 新 总 签约承担的重庆
() 0 6 8 2 日 , 3 20 年 月 3 国际奥委会同意北京 2 0 年奥运会实 广播电视集 团在线图文包装播出系统项目 08
()2 0 年 8月 2 ,北京奥运会结束 ,新奥特 “ 8 08 4日 现场中文 作 , 并受到了北京奥组委 、 中央 电视台和北京 电视台的一致好评 。 新
信息显示系统”圆满完成 奥运任务 , 在奥组委技术部的 “ 问题统计 ” 中 ,未出现一次与新奥特项 目直接关联的技术 问题 。 奥特公司的 Mai a D应用范围非常广泛 , rn. a 5 除支持传 统的在 线图文 包装 、 日常字幕和虚拟演播室等多方面应用外 , 还能满足从标清到 高
(0 兆 / ) 1 0 秒 高清存储 。还会安装 ~个 近线 S N, A 包括 一万个小 时 阵将根 据需 要进行 扩展。
的存储空间 。超过 2 5部的汤姆逊草谷 A rr u oa编辑高清工作站将负 责清理这一网络 ,使得编辑人 员可 以通过 台式机工作 。
作为 高度协 作的工作流的一部分 , 2 0 年棒球赛季的每夜 , 在 09 新 的全 高清 ML B网络设备 将收到每场比赛的原 始信号。许多制作人
该设备和 系统选 择了汤姆逊 草谷技 术 , 并 软件应 用套件 , 用来进 行从摄 录 、 浏览到 播放 全部的 高清后期 制作 作设计 了无带化工作流程 。
处理 。
集成 了若干 以信 息技 术为 中心流 程 ,由位于美国新泽西州 H b kn o o e
总共 3 部汤姆逊草谷 K 6 2媒体服务器将部署在~个 R I A D保护 的系统集团进 行安装 。



电管局省份单位名称微波号查号台电力工业部北京地区北京电力部91812****4114电力工业部北京地区北京电力部(府右街旧总机)918361***222 电力工业部北京地区北京中国电力企业联合会91812****4114 电力工业部北京地区北京国家电力调度通信中心91812****4114 电力工业部北京地区北京国家通信中心91812****4114电力工业部北京地区北京信息中心91812****4114电力工业部北京地区北京电力机械局91812****4114电力工业部北京地区北京中国电力报社91812****4114电力工业部北京地区北京电力科学研究院91831****2222电力工业部北京地区北京水电对外工程公司91833****4114电力工业部北京地区北京电力规划设计总院91834****4222电力工业部北京地区北京武警水电指挥部918351***1114电力工业部北京地区北京水利电力信息研究所918301***222电力工业部北京地区北京成套设备局91838****2222电力工业部北京地区北京水利水电规划设计总院91842****2222 电力工业部北京地区北京马连道宿舍小区918491***222电力工业部北京地区北京莲花池宿舍小区918401***222华北电管局天津天津电力局本部92212****1114华北电管局天津华北电力建设公司92219****3114华北电管局天津天津第一发电厂92223****3114华北电管局天津杨柳青发电厂92223****5114华北电管局天津天津第二热电厂922238***114华北电管局天津热电公司92224****2222华北电管局天津军粮城发电厂92224****4222华北电管局天津城区供电公司92224****7114华北电管局天津发电检修工程公司922251***222华北电管局天津天津电力设计院92225****2222华北电管局天津供电修造厂922253***222华北电管局天津送变电工程公司922258***222华北电管局天津电力科学研究院922259***222华北电管局华北电管局局本部92612****2222华北电管局华北电管局北京热电总厂92635****2000华北电管局华北电管局密云水电厂92638**11华北电管局华北电管局北京送变电公司92641****2222华北电管局华北电管局北京供电公司9265*****77114华北电管局华北电管局石景山发电总厂92672***300华北电管局华北电管局华北电力科学研究院92681****4300华北电管局华北电管局华北电力设计院92682***222华北电管局华北电管局西长营招待所92683***200华北电管局华北电管局蒲黄榆招待所92684***222华北电管局华北电管局北京电力医院92686***300华北电管局华北电管局十三陵蓄能电站筹建处92687***200 华北电管局华北电管局华北电力职工联合大学92689***200 华北电管局华北电管局华北电力物资总公司92603***222 华北电管局华北电管局天津大港电厂92710***222华北电管局华北电管局蓟县电厂92718****2222华北电管局华北电管局潘家口蓄能电站92730****华北电管局华北电管局大同第二发电厂92742****2222华北电管局华北电管局承德电力疗养院92783***华北电管局华北电管局唐山供电公司92731****2222华北电管局华北电管局唐山发电总厂92736****3111华北电管局华北电管局秦皇岛电力公司92761***200华北电管局华北电管局张家口供电公司92755****2222华北电管局华北电管局张家口发电总厂92753****9华北电管局华北电管局下花园发电厂92754***222华北电管局华北电管局廊房供电公司92771***222华北电管局华北电管局承德供电公司92781***华北电管局河北省局本部92812****2222华北电管局河北省河北电力试验研究所92813****2222华北电管局河北省河北省电力勘测设计院92814****2222 华北电管局河北省石家庄电力工业学校928152***222华北电管局河北省河北省送变电公司928162***444华北电管局河北省河北电建工程公司928174***222华北电管局河北省石家庄电业局92822****2222华北电管局河北省石家庄热电厂928242***222华北电管局河北省西柏坡发电总厂92825****2222华北电管局河北省石家庄水电总厂92826****2222华北电管局河北省上安电厂92827****2222华北电管局河北省邢台电业局92832****2222华北电管局河北省邢台发电厂928342***222华北电管局河北省邯郸电业局92842****2222华北电管局河北省邯郸热电厂928442***222华北电管局河北省马头发电总厂92845****2222华北电管局河北省一五零发电厂92847****2222华北电管局河北省河北电力设备厂928482***222华北电管局河北省保定电业局92852****2222华北电管局河北省保定热电厂92854****2222华北电管局河北省河北电力职工大学92857****2222华北电管局河北省华北电力学院928582***222华北电管局河北省衡水电业局928622***222华北电管局河北省衡水发电厂92864****2222华北电管局河北省沧州电业局928722***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区局本部92512****2222华北电管局内蒙古自治区电管局旧总机925112***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区呼和浩特供电局925132***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市电厂925142***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区内蒙电建二公司92516****2222 华北电管局内蒙古自治区内蒙电力学校92517****2222华北电管局内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔盟电业局92592****2222 华北电管局内蒙古自治区兴安盟电业局925942***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟电业局92582****2222 华北电管局内蒙古自治区乌兰察布盟电业局925332***222 华北电管局内蒙古自治区丰镇发电厂92532****2222华北电管局内蒙古自治区包头供电局925212***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区包头一电厂925232***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区包头二电厂925242***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区包头三电厂925252***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区内蒙电建一公司92522****2222 华北电管局内蒙古自治区电建三公司92528****8222华北电管局内蒙古自治区电力调试所925262***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟电业局925412***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区巴彦卓尔盟电业局925622***222 华北电管局内蒙古自治区乌海电业局925722***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区海勃湾电厂92573****3222华北电管局内蒙古自治区乌达电厂925742***222华北电管局内蒙古自治区包头电力医院925202***222华北电管局山西省局本部92412****2222华北电管局山西省太原供电局92413****2222华北电管局山西省太原第一热电厂92414****2222华北电管局山西省太原第二热电厂92415****2222华北电管局山西省山西省电力勘测设计院92416****2222 华北电管局山西省山西省送变电工程公司92417****2222 华北电管局山西省山西电力大厦92421****2222华北电管局山西省山西省电建总公司924181***222华北电管局山西省山西省电建三公司92422****2222华北电管局山西省山西省电建四公司924182***222华北电管局山西省山西省电力试验研究所924183***222华北电管局山西省山西电力专科学校924187***222华北电管局山西省山西电力职工大学924188***222华北电管局山西省忻州地区电业局92431****2222华北电管局山西省塑州供电局92432****2222华北电管局山西省神头第一发电厂92433****2222华北电管局山西省神头第二发电厂92434****2222华北电管局山西省天桥水电厂924382***222华北电管局山西省山西省电建二公司924383***222华北电管局山西省山西省电建一公司92443****2222华北电管局山西省大同第一热电厂924482***222华北电管局山西省恒山电厂924483***222华北电管局山西省大同第二热电厂92442****2222华北电管局山西省晋城供电局92452****2222华北电管局山西省漳泽电厂92453****2222华北电管局山西省巴公电厂92454****2222华北电管局山西省长治供电局924511***222华北电管局山西省晋中地区电业局92461****2222华北电管局山西省阳泉供电局92462****2222华北电管局山西省娘子关电厂92463****2222华北电管局山西省榆社电厂92464****2222华北电管局山西省河波电厂924684***222华北电管局山西省阳泉电厂924682***222华北电管局山西省临汾地区电业局92471****2222华北电管局山西省运城地区电业局92472****2222华北电管局山西省永济电厂92473****2222华北电管局山西省侯马电厂924772***222华北电管局山西省霍州电厂924773***222华北电管局山西省吕梁地区电业局924811***222西北电管局西北电管局局本部98412****2222西北电管局西北电管局西安供电局98420****2222西北电管局西北电管局渭南供电局984212***222西北电管局西北电管局咸阳供电局98422****2222西北电管局西北电管局铜川供电局984232***222西北电管局西北电管局安康供电局98426****2222西北电管局西北电管局汉中供电局98427****2222西北电管局西北电管局宝鸡供电局98428****2222西北电管局西北电管局渭河电厂98430****2222西北电管局西北电管局秦岭电厂98431****2222西北电管局西北电管局韩城电厂98432****2222西北电管局西北电管局户县电厂984342***222西北电管局西北电管局宝鸡电厂984352***222西北电管局西北电管局蒲城电厂98437****2222西北电管局西北电管局石泉电厂98438****2222西北电管局西北电管局陕西电力建设总公司98471****2222 西北电管局西北电管局西北电力试验研究院984722***222 西北电管局西北电管局西北电力设计院98480****2222西北电管局西北电管局西安热工研究院98482****2222西北电管局甘肃省局本部98512****2222西北电管局甘肃省白银供电局98511****2222西北电管局甘肃省武威电力局98514****2222西北电管局甘肃省张掖电力局98515****2222西北电管局甘肃省定西电力局985162***222西北电管局甘肃省平凉电力局985172***222西北电管局甘肃省庆阳电力局985182***222西北电管局甘肃省天水供电局98541****2222西北电管局甘肃省兰州供电局98542****2222西北电管局甘肃省金昌供电局98543****2222西北电管局甘肃省刘家峡电厂98531****2222西北电管局甘肃省盐锅峡电厂98532****2222西北电管局甘肃省八盘地电厂98533****2222西北电管局甘肃省碧口电厂98534****2222西北电管局甘肃省大峡电厂98535****2222西北电管局甘肃省兰州第二热电厂98536****2222西北电管局甘肃省西固电厂98537****2222西北电管局甘肃省连城电厂98538****2222西北电管局甘肃省靖远电厂98546****2222西北电管局甘肃省甘肃电力变压器厂985522222西北电管局甘肃省兰州电力技校985532***222西北电管局甘肃省兰州电力学校985542***222西北电管局甘肃省火电公司985562***222西北电管局甘肃省电力联合安装工程公司985572***222西北电管局甘肃省甘肃省电力设计院98558****222西北电管局宁夏自治区局本部98612****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区石嘴山供电局98621****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区银川供电局986222***222西北电管局宁夏自治区银南供电局986232***222西北电管局宁夏自治区固原供电局98624****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区石嘴山电厂98631****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区青铜峡水电厂98632****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区中宁电厂986332***222西北电管局宁夏自治区大武口电厂98634****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区大坝电厂98635****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区宁夏电力建设公司98671****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区宁夏送变电工程公司98675****2222 西北电管局宁夏自治区宁夏建筑安装工程公司986762***222 西北电管局宁夏自治区宁夏电力培训中心98677****2222西北电管局宁夏自治区宁夏电力设计院98678****2222西北电管局青海省局本部98712****2222西北电管局青海省西宁供电局98724****2222西北电管局青海省龙羊峡电厂98731****2222西北电管局青海省桥头电厂98735****2222西北电管局青海省黄河上游水电建设局98771****2222西北电管局青海省电力试验研究所987731***222西北电管局青海省送变电工程公司987737***222西北电管局青海省西宁电力学校98774****2222西北电管局青海省海北州供电局98729****2100西北电管局青海省海南州供电局987233***222西北电管局青海省黄河上游水电建设局李98736****2222 西北电管局新疆自治区局本部98812****2222西北电管局新疆自治区乌鲁木齐电业局98813****2222 西北电管局新疆自治区新疆电力研究所98813****2222 西北电管局新疆自治区新疆电力设计院98816****2222 西北电管局新疆自治区红雁池电厂98814****2222西北电管局新疆自治区吐鲁番电业局98824****2222西北电管局新疆自治区玛纳斯电厂98816****5222华中电管局华中电管局局本部93112****2222华中电管局华中电管局葛洲坝电厂93612****2222华中电管局华中电管局中南电力设计院93182****2222 华中电管局华中电管局武汉水利电力大学93172****2222 华中电管局华中电管局华能阳逻电厂93142****2222华中电管局华中电管局丹江口水力发电厂931322***222 华中电管局河南省局本部93212****2222华中电管局河南省郑州市电业局93222****2222华中电管局河南省郑州热电厂93224****2222华中电管局河南省省电力勘测设计院932252***222华中电管局河南省省送变电建设公司93226****2222华中电管局河南省省电力安装公司932272***222华中电管局河南省河南电力医院932282***222华中电管局河南省省电力职工大学932292***222华中电管局河南省省电力工业学校93221****2222华中电管局河南省洛阳市电业局932322***222华中电管局河南省洛阳首阳山电厂932312***222华中电管局河南省洛阳热电厂93234****2222华中电管局河南省三门峡市电业局932352***222华中电管局河南省三门峡火电厂932392***222华中电管局河南省三门峡水电厂932302***222华中电管局河南省焦作市电业局932422***222华中电管局河南省焦作电厂932442***222华中电管局河南省火电二公司932412***222华中电管局河南省焦作丹河电厂932492***222华中电管局河南省新乡市电业局932522***222华中电管局河南省新乡火电厂93251****2222华中电管局河南省濮阳市电业局932542***222华中电管局河南省濮阳市热电厂93250****2222华中电管局河南省安阳市电业局932552***222华中电管局河南省安阳电厂93257****2222华中电管局河南省鹤壁市电业局932582***222华中电管局河南省鹤壁电厂932592***222华中电管局河南省开封市电业局932622***222华中电管局河南省开封火电厂932612***222华中电管局河南省商丘市电业局932642***222华中电管局河南省许昌市电业局932722***222华中电管局河南省漯河市电业局932732***222华中电管局河南省驻马店地区电业局93275****2222 华中电管局河南省信阳地区电业局932762***222华中电管局河南省平顶山市电业局93282****2222 华中电管局河南省平顶山电厂93284****2222华中电管局河南省姚孟电厂93285****2222华中电管局河南省火电一公司93281****2222华中电管局河南省南阳市电业局932862***222华中电管局湖南省局本部93312****2222华中电管局湖南省华能岳阳电厂93325****5222华中电管局湖南省变电修试安装公司933312***222 华中电管局湖南省长沙电业局93332****2222华中电管局湖南省送变电建设公司933332***222华中电管局湖南省电力学校93334****4222华中电管局湖南省中南勘测设计院93335****5222 华中电管局湖南省电力学院93336****2222华中电管局湖南省电力勘测设计院93337****7222 华中电管局湖南省省电力线材厂933392***292华中电管局湖南省郴州电业局933412***222华中电管局湖南省湘潭电业局93343****3222华中电管局湖南省株洲电业局933444222华中电管局湖南省邵阳电业局933462***222华中电管局湖南省怀化电业局933482***222华中电管局湖南省岳阳电业局933502***222华中电管局湖南省衡阳电业局93352****2222华中电管局湖南省五强溪电厂93354****4222华中电管局湖南省株洲电厂933602***222华中电管局湖南省鲤鱼江电厂93362****2222华中电管局湖南省来阳电厂933642***222华中电管局湖南省柘溪电站933662***222华中电管局湖南省湘潭电厂93372****2222华中电管局湖南省省水电安装公司93373****3222 华中电管局湖南省沙田电厂93374****222华中电管局湖南省省火电建设公司933752***222华中电管局湖南省常德电业局93382****2222华中电管局湖南省娄底电业局93383****3222华中电管局湖南省金竹山电厂93385****5222华中电管局湖南省零陵电业局93391****1222华中电管局湖南省益阳电业局93392****2222华中电管局湖南省东江电厂(后方)93395****5222华中电管局湖南省衡阳电厂933632***222华中电管局湖南省凤滩电厂933672***222华中电管局湖南省马迹塘电厂933712***222华中电管局湖南省省电力设备总厂93387****2222华中电管局湖北省局本部93512****2222华中电管局湖北省黄石供电局93543****2222华中电管局湖北省武汉供电局93512****2222华中电管局湖北省荆州电力局93561****2222华中电管局湖北省襄樊供电局93582****2222华中电管局湖北省孝感供电局93581****2222华中电管局湖北省十堰供电局935842***222华中电管局湖北省黄冈供电局935452***222华中电管局湖北省鄂州供电局93541****2222华中电管局湖北省宜昌供电局935652***222华中电管局湖北省咸宁地区电力局935472***222华中电管局湖北省湖北省输变电高压局935262***222华中电管局湖北省湖北省电力局935131***222华中电管局湖北省荆门供电局935632***222华中电管局湖北省省电力建设第三工程公93525****2222 华中电管局湖北省清江开发总公司935562***222华中电管局湖北省黄石电厂93544****2222华中电管局湖北省荆门电厂93564****2222华中电管局湖北省鄂州电厂93542****2222华中电管局湖北省青山电厂93524****2222华中电管局湖北省汉川电厂93523****2222华中电管局湖北省沙市电厂935526***222华中电管局湖北省武昌电厂935138***222华中电管局湖北省黄龙滩电厂935753***222华中电管局湖北省松木坪电厂935527***222华中电管局湖北省白莲河电厂935361**10华中电管局湖北省蓄水电厂935381**10华中电管局江西省局本部93412****2222华中电管局江西省南昌电厂93431****2222华中电管局江西省省电力试验所934331***222华中电管局江西省九江发电厂93441****2222华中电管局江西省锁江楼发电厂934441***222华中电管局江西省拓林发电厂93446****2222华中电管局江西省罗湾发电厂934451***222华中电管局江西省景德镇发电厂934511***222华中电管局江西省贵溪发电厂934551***222华中电管局江西省抚州供电局93462****2222华中电管局江西省赣州供电局934711***222华中电管局江西省赣西供电局934821***222华东电管局华东电管局局本部95312****2222华东电管局华东电管局华东电力试验研究所953612***222 华东电管局华东电管局华东电力设计院953622***222华东电管局上海局本部95321****2222华东电管局上海吴泾热电厂953312***222华东电管局上海闵行电厂953332***222华东电管局上海石洞口电厂95334****2222华东电管局上海华能上海石洞口第二发95335****2222华东电管局上海闸北发电厂953362***222华东电管局上海南市电厂953372***222华东电管局上海金山电厂953392***222华东电管局上海上海超高压输变电公司95392****2222华东电管局上海市区供电局953422***222华东电管局江苏省局本部95412****2222华东电管局江苏省镇江供电局95402****2222华东电管局江苏省南京供电局95422****2222华东电管局江苏省送变电公司95428****2222华东电管局江苏省南京自动化设备厂9542932**22华东电管局江苏省电力专科学校954295***222华东电管局江苏省江苏中试所电力试验研95429****6222 华东电管局江苏省电力自动化研究院95429****2222华东电管局江苏省常州供电局95432****2222华东电管局江苏省无锡供电局95442****2222华东电管局江苏省苏州供电局95452****2222华东电管局江苏省扬州供电局95462****2222华东电管局江苏省盐城供电局95466****2222华东电管局江苏省淮阴供电局954722***222华东电管局江苏省连云港供电局954762***222华东电管局江苏省徐州电业局95482****2222华东电管局江苏省南通供电局954922***222华东电管局江苏省下关发电厂954272***222华东电管局江苏省华能南京电厂95424****2222华东电管局江苏省南京热电厂954245***222华东电管局江苏省谏壁发电厂95404****2222华东电管局江苏省七墅堰发电厂95434****2222华东电管局江苏省利港发电厂95444****2222华东电管局江苏省常熟发电厂95454****2222华东电管局江苏省扬州发电厂954642***222华东电管局江苏省盐城发电厂954672***222华东电管局江苏省淮阴发电厂954735***222华东电管局江苏省华能淮阴电厂95473****2222华东电管局江苏省新海发电厂954772***222华东电管局江苏省徐州发电厂95484****2222华东电管局江苏省天生港发电厂954945***222华东电管局江苏省华能南通电厂95494****2222华东电管局浙江省局本部95512****2222华东电管局浙江省凤起招待所955212***222华东电管局浙江省杭州市电力局95522****2222华东电管局浙江省浙江省电力试验研究所955232***222 华东电管局浙江省省电力设计院955233***222华东电管局浙江省半山电厂95526****2222华东电管局浙江省萧山电厂955292***222华东电管局浙江省闸口电厂955293***222华东电管局浙江省嘉兴电厂95531****2222华东电管局浙江省嘉兴电力局95532****2222华东电管局浙江省秦山核电厂95533****2222华东电管局浙江省绍兴电力局95540****2222华东电管局浙江省宁波电业局95542****2222华东电管局浙江省北仑港电厂95543****2222华东电管局浙江省舟山市电力公司95544****2222华东电管局浙江省镇海电厂95545****2222华东电管局浙江省金华电业局95552****2222华东电管局浙江省乌溪江电厂95553****2222华东电管局浙江省黄坛口电厂95553****6222华东电管局浙江省丽水电力局955552***222华东电管局浙江省衢州电业局95556****2222华东电管局浙江省温州电业局95562****2222华东电管局浙江省温州电厂95563****2222华东电管局浙江省紧水滩电厂95568****2222华东电管局浙江省湖州电力局95582****2222华东电管局浙江省长兴电厂955842***222华东电管局浙江省梅溪电厂95584****6222华东电管局浙江省湖州电厂95584****8222华东电管局浙江省富春江电厂95587****2222华东电管局浙江省新安江电厂95588****2222华东电管局浙江省台州电力局95592****2222华东电管局浙江省台州电厂95593****2222华东电管局安徽省局本部95612****2222华东电管局安徽省安徽省电力试验研究所95621****2222 华东电管局安徽省省电力设计院95622****2222华东电管局安徽省合肥供电局956242***222华东电管局安徽省省电力修造厂95625****2222华东电管局安徽省合肥发电厂956262***222华东电管局安徽省省电力职工大学95627****2222华东电管局安徽省马鞍山第二发电厂95631****3222华东电管局安徽省马鞍山发电厂95632****2222华东电管局安徽省马鞍山供电局95633****2222华东电管局安徽省滁州电业局956342***222华东电管局安徽省巢湖地区供电局956352***222华东电管局安徽省芜湖供电局95641****2222华东电管局安徽省黄山电业局95643****3222华东电管局安徽省芜湖发电厂95644****2222华东电管局安徽省铜陵发电厂95646****2222华东电管局安徽省铜陵供电局956472***222华东电管局安徽省平圩发电厂95651****2222华东电管局安徽省洛河发电厂95652****2222华东电管局安徽省淮南供电局95653****2222华东电管局安徽省田家庵发电厂95654****2222华东电管局安徽省蚌埠供电局95655****2222华东电管局安徽省阜阳电业局95656****2222华东电管局安徽省淮北发电厂95661****2222华东电管局安徽省淮北供电局95663****2222华东电管局安徽省宿州电业局95667****2222华东电管局安徽省安庆供电局95681****2222华东电管局安徽省池州供电局95685****2222东北电管局东北电管局局本部94112****2222东北电管局东北电管局沈阳电业局94120****2222东北电管局东北电管局沈海热电有限公司94121****2222 东北电管局东北电管局辽宁电力勘测设计院94124****2222 东北电管局东北电管局东电试验研究院941252***222东北电管局东北电管局南湖大酒店94128****2222东北电管局东北电管局大连电业局94130****2222东北电管局东北电管局大连发电总厂941312***222东北电管局东北电管局华能大连电厂941322***222东北电管局东北电管局东电三公司941382***222东北电管局东北电管局瓦房店线路器材厂941392***222东北电管局东北电管局鞍山电业局94140****2222东北电管局东北电管局鞍钢二电厂941412***222东北电管局东北电管局鞍山铁塔厂94142****2222东北电管局东北电管局辽阳电业局941442***222东北电管局东北电管局东电四公司941462***222东北电管局东北电管局营口电业局94147****2222东北电管局东北电管局盘锦电业局941492***222东北电管局东北电管局抚顺电业局94150****2222东北电管局东北电管局抚顺发电厂941512***222东北电管局东北电管局辽宁发电厂94152****2222东北电管局东北电管局白山发电总厂94154****2222东北电管局东北电管局红石电站941552***222东北电管局东北电管局丰满发电厂94156****2222东北电管局东北电管局丹东电业局94160****2222东北电管局东北电管局太平湾发电厂941632***222东北电管局东北电管局太平哨发电厂941642***222东北电管局东北电管局云峰发电厂941652***222东北电管局东北电管局桓仁发电厂94166****2222东北电管局东北电管局本溪电业局94168****2222东北电管局东北电管局两锦电业局94170****2222东北电管局东北电管局锦州发电厂94171****2222东北电管局东北电管局东电三公司941732***222东北电管局东北电管局东电烟塔公司941742***222东北电管局东北电管局东电兴城疗养院941762***222东北电管局东北电管局绥中厂筹建处941782***300东北电管局东北电管局东电(绥中)三公司941782***222 东北电管局东北电管局铁岭电业局94180****2222东北电管局东北电管局铁岭发电厂94181****2222东北电管局东北电管局清河发电厂94182****2222东北电管局东北电管局东电(铁岭)一公司941832***222 东北电管局东北电管局东电(元宝山)一公司941832***500 东北电管局东北电管局哲盟电业局941852***222东北电管局东北电管局通辽发电总厂94186****2222东北电管局东北电管局朝阳电业局94190****2222东北电管局东北电管局朝阳发电厂941912***222东北电管局东北电管局北票发电厂941922***222东北电管局东北电管局朝阳电力设备厂941932***222东北电管局东北电管局阜新电业局941952***222东北电管局东北电管局阜新发电厂941962***222东北电管局东北电管局赤峰电业局94100****2222东北电管局东北电管局赤峰发电厂941012***222东北电管局东北电管局元宝山发电厂94102****2222东北电管局东北电管局伊敏煤电公司94104****2222东北电管局吉林省局本部94212****2222东北电管局吉林省长春电业局94221****2222东北电管局吉林省吉林送变电942222***222东北电管局吉林省长春热电二厂94223****2222东北电管局吉林省吉林电业局942312***222东北电管局吉林省吉林热电厂94232****2222东北电管局吉林省四平电业局942412***222东北电管局吉林省辽原电业局942512***222东北电管局吉林省辽源发电厂94252***222东北电管局吉林省白城电业局942812***222东北电管局吉林省白城发电厂94282****2222东北电管局吉林省长山热电厂94283****2222。




※ 本手表即使拧动表把,表针也不会走动.每次移动1秒每次移动2秒每次移动5秒秒针已停止已充好电※ 充电以后,仍然没有恢复1秒走针的时候→这种时候怎么办?时间·日期·星期正确可以继续使用时间·日期·星期不正确时区的确认→ 8电波接收的大致范围 → 1电波接收困难的环境 → 5不能接收电波的时候手动调整时间手动调整日期手动调整星期能够接收电波的时候電接收电波,调整时间·日期·星期→ 412能源余量已经短缺正在保留能源 保留能源解除后,确认秒针的动作没有能源充电的方法请充分进行充电使用时注意事项2・日常要注意多充电,把手表放置或保管在光线照射之处。

■ 注意充电■ 如何更好地接收电波・ 把手表放置于窗户边儿等容易接收电波的场所。



天线部分※ 电波发射站的地点→ 1电波接收的大致范围・在接收电波过程中,不要挪动手表。




通过接收电波来调整时间·日期·星期 使用说明书4・应该把手表放在窗户边儿等容易接收到电波的地方。

・在接收电波过程中不要挪动手表 → 1 使用时注意事项 ■如何更好地接收电波除了自动接收以外,还可以随时任意实施电波接收。

→ 强制接收的方法※ 当接收成功时,则自动接收即刻结束。

■ 自动接收■ 强制接收※ 当时区选择为日本和中国及美国以外的时候,不能接收电波。


 → 8 选择时区※ 接收电波是否能够成功受接收环境的影响。

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