新英汉翻译教程 第十六章.长句翻译答案




新英汉翻译教程第十六章长句翻译课堂互动及综合练习答案新英汉翻译教程第16章长句翻译课堂互动及综合练习答案(全)课堂互动1:用顺译法翻译下列句子(仅供参考)1.By the verdict of the court he is found guilty and has to pay the plaintiff the damages, set at 750 pounds. Charles Dickens: The Pickwik Papers)经过法院的判决,他被发现有罪,必须支付750英镑的赔款。

2. The rich soil of river-made plains favoured the growth of a thickly settled farming population, and this farming population had been united into a highly civilized kingdom.肥沃的河流冲积平原使定居的农业人口不断增长,他们已经联合成一个高度文明的过度。

3. How these two things—energy and matter—behave, how they interact one with the other, and how people control them to serve themselves make up the substance of two basic physical science, physics and chemistry.能和物质这两种东西如何起作用,它们如何相互影响, 人们如何控制它们使之为自己服务, 这些问题构成两门基础自然科学??---物理和化学的主要内容。

4. I believe we are now moving into a period similar to that after the last war, where there is a general acceptance of the need for a mixed economy, that is, a capitalist economy combined with a substantial degree of government intervention.我想我们正在步入一个酷似二战战后的一段时间,人们普遍认为要建立一种混合经济,是资本主义经济与一定程度的政府干预经济结合起来。



英汉翻译基础教程练习答案汉英翻译基础教程第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 (2)第二章词法翻译的一般技巧 (4)第三章名词的抽象和具体译法 (9)第四章动词的翻译 (11)第五章数词和冠词的翻译 (12)第六章成语的英译 (13)第七章修辞格的翻译 (17)笫八章文化词语的翻译 (19)第九章汉英句子比较与翻译 (20)第十章换序和转态译法 (23)笫十一章断句合句译法 (25)笫十二章长句的翻译 (27)第十四章汉英语篇比较与翻译 (29)第十五章风格与翻译 (30)第十六章语用与翻译 (32)第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译第一节翻译中的选义一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文1. b2. a3. b4. a二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配1. a swarm of beesa brood of chickensa litter of pups2. a bevy of beautiful ladiesa pack of houndsa team of ducksa herd of antelopes3. unfailing supportproactive fiscal policymake effective use of overseas resources4. make a phone calltake a taxiknit a woolen sweaterfetch waterplay basketballspray insecticide5. basic wagecapital constructionessential commodityprimary industryfundamental interest三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public.3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan.4. Everyone complained against such a practice.5. They had a dispute at the meeting.6. You should follow the doctor's advice.7. They reached a consensus on this issue.8. There is still some unfinished business to settle.9. We have consulted him about the matter.10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now第二节翻译中的选词一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。



How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down如何解释,我不是一个骄傲的主人寻求佩服他的汽车,但游客坏了吗Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours.特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。

It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard,它实际上是非常非常老的,并不总是像现在这样美丽。




今天的外层或地壳是凉爽且硬,It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, not horror, nor any of the other emotions that she had been prepared for.那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任务一种感情。

Modern geology has for its aim the deciphering of the whole evolution of the earth from the time of the earlier records that can be recognized in the rocks to the present day.当代地质解释为其目标的整体演化的地球早期的时间记录,可以识别岩石到当代。



译文 到1942年冬天,他们对纳粹恐怖统治的抵抗已
分析 使用汉语成语“名存实亡”形象表达了原文
“only a shadow”要传达的意思。
(15) Our company got off to a flying start when it opened to business: we got three big orders during the first week of opening.
(11) A few weeks ago the young man was just a man of men. Today he seemed truly touched by divine spirit, which spiritualized and elevated him. 译文 几周前,这位年轻人不过是个凡夫俗子 而已。今天,他似乎真正得到了圣灵的点化,使 他超凡入圣了。 (12) All the rivers run into; yet the sea is not full. 译文 百川归海而海不盈。 (13) The president made the greedy old man treasurer; that’s setting the fox to keep the geese. 译文 总统任命那位贪心的老头子当司库,这 简直是叫狐狸看守鹅群。
(5) hole-and-corner (来自《圣经》) 偷偷摸摸; 鬼鬼祟祟 (6) that’s all Greek to sb 某人对此一窍不通 (7) black sheep of the family 家族里的害群之马 (8) in for a penny, in for a pound 一不做,二不 休 (9) bite off more than one can chew 不自量力 (10) a square peg in a round hole 不适合某职位 的人;与周围的人格格不入的人 以上短语都需要采用意译的方法,才能将原 文的意思准确的表达出来,因为直译会影响汉语 读者的正确理解。



1. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.【译文】他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自己所学教给别人。

2. She is young enough to get married.【译文】她还年轻,可以结婚。

3. From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing. (N.S. Momaday: The End of My Childhood)【译文一】从那里,我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、河流和村庄。



4〃We have 365 days in a year.【译文】一年365天。

5〃He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on the pole.【译文】他交臂直立,笑看帽子挂在杆子上那个样子。

6〃Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.【译文】我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。

7〃Is the press a great power in your country?【译文】贵国新闻界有很大的影响(力)吗?8〃Brown may say what he likes, but it is his wife who wears the trousers.【译文】布朗爱说什么就说什么,但当家作主的却是他老婆。


• (1)修饰语过多; • (2)并列成分过多; • (3)语言结构层次多。汉语句子 俗称“流水句”,可以on and on and
on,而且有“一逗到底”的现象,分句之 间的逻辑关系并不言明
一Байду номын сангаас主语
• 1、大约有四分之一的美国青年人没有阅读能 力,这简直令人难以置信! 【译文】It is incredible that about 25% young people in the United States cannot read. 【点评】汉语句子主语较长,译成英语时为了 防止句子头重脚轻,通常采用it作形式主语的 句型,而将真正主语搁置亍句末。
• (2)世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上来说, 都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没 有房住,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下 降,大批人下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。 • 【译文】Basically, the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost their economy. Consequently they lack food, clothing and shelter, and their wage increases are offset by inflation. With a decline in living standards, widespread layoffs and unemployment, people have to suffer chronic hardships. • 【点评】原句虽然较长,但分析后不难得出句意 间的因果关系。先是总述其结果,其后是句子的 原因状语“因为经济上不去”,最后又做了详细 的分述。句子中这种先果后因的顺序正好与英语 思维一致,因此我们可以采用顺译法来处理此句 中的状语成分。

Unit 16 长句翻译Long sentences

Unit 16 长句翻译Long sentences

核对润色 在11月10日结束的会议上,公布了 世界银行的一份报告。报告反复强 调越南经济的全面增长将更主要地 取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来 资金的数额。
Example II The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run an electric motor, is almost unbelievable.
一份世界银行的报告……坚持认为……; 在这次会议上公布了世界银行的一份报告; 这次会议在11月10日结束; 越南经济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其本国 的政策,而不是外来资金的数额。
调整组合(时间或逻辑顺序) 调整组合(时间或逻辑顺序) 在11月10日结束的会议上公布的世 界银行的一份报告反复强调越南经 济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其 本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数 额。
另一种态度,学习的时候用脑筋想一下,学那些和我国情 况相适合的东西,即吸取对我们有益的经验,我们需要的 是这样一种态度。 The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditions, that is, to absorb whatever experience is useful to us. That is the attitude we should adopt. 我们的人民政府是真正代表人民利益的政府,是为人民服 务的政府,但是它同人民群众之间也有一定的矛盾。 Our People’s Government is one that genuinely represents the people’s interests. It is a government that serves the people. Nevertheless, there are still certain contradictions between this government and the people.



英汉翻译教程张培基第一讲翻译原则简介一、教学目的:了解基本的翻译原则和翻译研究的问题二、教学过程:1.翻译的定义和内涵:(Definition and Connotation)Translation is an art/ science/craft?2.中国几位翻译家的理论(influential translation principles):严复:信达雅--- faithfulness/expressiveness/eleganc e. The “three character guide” is regarded as a plumb-line of long standing to measure the professional level of translating.傅雷:神似---spiritual conformity. Emphasizing the reproduction of the spirit of the flavor of the original.强调原作神韵再现。

钱钟书:化境---sublimed adaptation. Focus on the translator’s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader.刘重德:信、达、切---faithfulness/expressiveness/closeness.3.中国翻译史上的论争:鲁迅:宁信而不顺---rather to be faithful than smooth。

目的:引入英文句式的表达法梁实秋、赵景深:宁顺而不信---rather to be smooth than faithful 目的:可读性强,便于交流。

4.直译与意译:直译---literal translation 意译:free translation直译的例子:crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪; armed to the teeth武装到牙齿; chain reaction连锁反应; gentlemen’s agreement君子协定; one country, two systems 一国两制;The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流; paper tiger 纸老虎; Breath one’s last---断气; go to one’s external rest---安息; the long sleep---长眠; see Marx 见马克思;Go west 上西天; go to heaven 上天堂; blow out the candles 吹灯拔蜡kick the bucket 蹬腿: You can kick everything but you can not kick the bucket直译不等于死译(dead translation):街道妇女应动员起来打扫卫生:Women in the street should be called on to do some cleaning.“In the street” should be replaced by “in the community”.她一大早起床,进城,见到了她的公爹:She got up early, went to the town and saw her public father. Public father should be father in law.意译的例子:It rains cats and dogs / at sixes and sevens /Adam’s apple句子比较:Little fish does not eat big fish直译:小鱼不吃大鱼意译:胳膊拧不过大腿试译:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福:直译:Storms gather without warning in nature and bad luck befalls men overnight.意译:The weather and human life are both unpredictable有人说,翻译是带着镣铐跳舞(translation is like dancing in fetters);还有人说,翻译像女人,忠实的不漂亮,漂亮的不忠实。



1. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.【译文】他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自己所学教给别人。

2. She is young enough to get married.【译文】她还年轻,可以结婚。

3. From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing. (N.S. Momaday: The End of My Childhood)【译文一】从那里,我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、河流和村庄。



4〃We have 365 days in a year.【译文】一年365天。

5〃He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on the pole.【译文】他交臂直立,笑看帽子挂在杆子上那个样子。

6〃Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.【译文】我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。

7〃Is the press a great power in your country?【译文】贵国新闻界有很大的影响(力)吗?8〃Brown may say what he likes, but it is his wife who wears the trousers.【译文】布朗爱说什么就说什么,但当家作主的却是他老婆。



(31) 那位评论家指责该书作者有剽窃行为。 The critic criticized the author of the book for plagiarism. (32) 报上批评这位作家没有真实地反映生活。 Newspapers criticized the author because he failed to present a true picture of life in his works.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
如: (13) 很快,她就抱着孩子登上了南去的列车。 原译:Very soon, she hold the baby in her arms, getting on the train for the south. 改译:Very soon she got on the train for the south, holding the baby in her arms. 再如:(14) 奴隶们起来反抗奴隶主。 The slaves rose against the slaveholders. (15) 全世界人民应当起来捍卫和平。 The people all over the world should come forward in defense of peace.
兼语句中前一个动词的宾语兼作后一个动词的主语。 汉语的兼语句式同英语中谓语动词带复合宾语的结构 十分相似。 大致说来,汉语兼语句译成英语时,主要采用以下三 种方法处理: 16.2.1把兼语式的第二个动词译为英语的宾语补足语 16.2.2把第二个动词译为表示原因的状语成分 16.2.3采用英语的“使役动词”翻译汉语兼语式



长句含多层意思时分译,使关系更 清晰
• 我们工厂引进了最先进的工艺和设备来提高 印花行业的技术, /我们倡导高科技和高生产 力,//产品质量稳定,///花样美观, /另外我 们还坚持高产低耗的原则。 • Our factory has enhanced the printing technology by bringing in the most advanced workmanship and equipment. We advocate sophisticated technology and high productivity. Our products enjoy stable quality and beautiful patterns. In addition, we adhere to the principle of low cost and high output.

• 这种经营方式的特点是共同投资,共同管理,共 负盈亏,可使双方的关系更为密切,协作更为加 强,对双方都是有利的。 • The features of this form of business are joint investment, joint management and joint share in profits and losses. These will be beneficial to both parties in that their relation will be more close and the cooperation be strengthened.
父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年盐, 她的男朋友 是什么样的人, 父亲一看就知道。 After all , father has eaten more salt than she over the years. He will be able to tell at a glance whether her boyfriend is a man of character. (worldly-wise)

新英汉翻译教程 第十六章.长句翻译答案

新英汉翻译教程 第十六章.长句翻译答案

顺译法 逆译法 分译法 变序译法
16.3 长句翻译赏析
课堂互动1.用顺译法翻译下列句子 课堂互动2. 用逆译法翻译下列句子 课堂互动3. 用分译法翻译下列句子 课堂互动4.用变序译法翻译列句子
Translation of Long Sentences
It was… but, Galileo contended… and he attributed…the air
that (主语从句) that…was… (宾语从句) provided…(虚拟条件状语从句) which…greater… (定语从句)
【译文】原先人们曾猜测,不同的物体落到地面上的速度是与各自的 重量成正比的。但是到了十六世纪末,伽利略坚决主张,若重力是惟 一的作用力,则所有物体的降落速度都是相同的,他还认为,人们观 察到的轻物体降落速度较慢是由于空气的阻力引起的,因为空气阻力 对轻物体的影响要比对同样大小同样形状的重物体的影响大得多。 7
返回章重点 退出
【解析】 such as are our sense; yet it would be well with us …
Though 让步状语从句
(that)we have resolved
返回章重点 退出
Marx discovered the law of development of human history


倒置( 倒置(Reversing)
I believe strongly that it is in the interest of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.

切断或分切( 切断或分切(Cutting)
化整为零,在原句的关系代词,关系副 词,主谓连接处,并列或转折连接处, 后续成分与主体的连接处,以及按意群 切断,译成汉语分句.
That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the next European Union Conference. 那就是单一的货币制度,这个货币制度将在下一 届欧洲联盟会议上进行讨论.
虽然它的音质远非完善,但却胜于短波.互联网电 虽然它的音质远非完善,但却胜于短波. 台的出现不仅意味着竞争,同时也提供了机会. 台的出现不仅意味着竞争,同时也提供了机会.
The BBC is taking the Internet very seriously, for it's a cheap way of getting a reasonable it' quality signal to places in the world that even our short-wave transmitters can't adequately shortcan' reach.
它拥有30多万雇员,是世界电气,电子工业中最大的公司 之一.其1986至1987财政年度销售额为540亿德国马克, (为当时最高水平).



Unit 1翻译技巧(一)翻译概述1.把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。

没有哪个政治体制是完美的;但是很多美国人都会告诉你,如果他们会嫉妒我们的一样东西的话,那就是我们英国传统的为期三周的大选,因为它的简洁就是一种仁慈 ---- 是对选民和政治家们双方的仁慈:他们拿它跟美国四年一度的总统选举中进行的那些耗时几个月的战争相比。


Someone has once prophesied that once cigarettes disappear from the surface of the earth, the whole world may be in chaos. This might be an exaggeration, but the danger of smoking should not be underestimated.Smoking is a curse affecting the whole globe.Let ’s put foreign countries aside.China alone has hundreds of millions of smokers. Addicted smokers often say that it would be more difficult for them to endure the suffering of two hours without smoking a cigarette than a day without having meals. Smoking pollutes the air and endangers the health,consequently increasing the incidence of lung cancer greatly.Unit 2翻译技巧 ( 二)直译与意译1.用直译法翻译下列的词语、惯用语和句子:(1)开胃酒(2)水果蛋糕(3)童装(4)人工语言(5)门铃( 6)访问学者(7)走下坡路(8)扣帽子/加标签于某人(9)随大流( 10) overtime pay(11)peanut oil(12)rice flour(13)academic journal( 14)woman editor(15)evening paper(16)tear up by the roots( 17)get in by the backdoor(18)paper tiger(19)必须注意到 , 电流是与每次电阻减小成比例地增加的。



How to expla‎i n that I was not a proud‎owner‎seeki‎n g admir‎a tion‎for his vehic‎l e, but a touri‎s t who had broke‎n down如何解释,我不是一个‎骄傲的主人‎寻求佩服他‎的汽车,但游客坏了‎吗Speci‎a l equip‎m ent assur‎e s that the compu‎t ers will not be distu‎r bed by power‎inter‎r upti‎o ns that last less than two hours‎.特种设备确‎保计算机就‎不会被打断‎,力量持续不‎到两个小时‎。

It is actua‎l ly very, very old and was not alway‎s as beaut‎i ful as it is now. It is not certa‎i n how the Earth‎began‎. Proba‎b ly it began‎as a huge globe‎of gas and dust. The globe‎becam‎e small‎e r and dense‎r. Today‎the outer‎layer‎or crust‎is cool and hard,它实际上是‎非常非常老‎的,并不总是像‎现在这样美‎丽。




今天的外层‎或地壳是凉‎爽且硬,It was not anger‎, nor surpr‎i se, nor disap‎p rova‎l, not horro‎r, nor any of the other‎emoti‎o ns that she had been prepa‎r ed for.那表情不是‎生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原‎先准备应付‎的任务一种‎感情。



• 1、人民的觉悟是不容易的,要去掉人民 头脑中的错误思想,需要我们做很多切切 实实的工作。 2、我们的一般企业很少注意经济效果, 广泛存在着劳动无定员,生产无定额,质 量无检查,成本无核算的现象,在人力、 物力、财力上造成很多浪费。 3、一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结 合,反对华而不实和任何虚夸,少说空话, 多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。
• 译文A: ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditions, ⑷ that is,to absorb whatever experience is useful to us. ⑸ That is the attitude we should adopt. • 译文B: The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditions,that is,to absorb whatever experience is useful to us,which is we should adopt. • 通过比较,译文B 虽然也译出了原文之意,但显然没有 译文A 清楚。

技巧6:汉语长句中的“反问”、 “感叹”“比方”分句要分译:
• 汉语竹节型的语言特点表现了说话者想到 哪说到哪儿的随意性,也体现了其流水句 的意合特点,即使在发出感叹或疑问时也 不例外。而英美民族重逻辑推理的思维方 式使其语言在表达思想时更着重于形式的 表现,句型特征明显,其反问句、感叹句 等有特殊的句型表现形式,因而在英译汉 语有反问句、感叹句、打比方等的长句时 应选择分译法。如:



• 一个汉语句子可以有多个不同的主语,也 可以是无主句。而一个英语句子只能有一 套主谓结构,主语-谓动机制( SV- Device) 有提携全句结构的职能,其主语具 有不可或缺性。在英译汉语长句时,首先 要找出其中隐身的主语,然后根据主语的 不同,在主语转换的地方另起分句,以更 加符合英语一个主语对应一个谓语的要求, 符合英语的语法要求。
• 汉语长句中有一种是总分复句,即先总后分或先分后总的 复句。这时的总说部分和分述部分自然形成两个梯级,因 而在英译时也自然需要分译。如: • 我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢———买种的买种,动 土的动土,灌园的灌园; 过不了几个月,居然收获了! • 分析: 破折号之前是总述,后面交待了几个姊弟和几个小 丫头喜欢的表现,分译后结构更清楚。 • 译文: As my brother,sister and I were all delighted and so were the young girls. And then some went to buy seeds,some began to dig up the ground and others watered it and,in a couple of months,we had a harvest!
• 1、人民的觉悟是不容易的,要去掉人民 头脑中的错误思想,需要我们做很多切切 实实的工作。 2、我们的一般企业很少注意经济效果, 广泛存在着劳动无定员,生产无定额,质 量无检查,成本无核算的现象,在人力、 物力、财力上造成很多浪费。 3、一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结 合,反对华而不实和任何虚夸,少说空话, 多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。
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It was… but, Galileo contended… and he attributed…the air
that (主语从句) that…was… (宾语从句) provided…(虚拟条件状语从句) which…greater… (定语从句)
【译文】原先人们曾猜测,不同的物体落到地面上的速度是与各自的 重量成正比的。但是到了十六世纪末,伽利略坚决主张,若重力是惟 一的作用力,则所有物体的降落速度都是相同的,他还认为,人们观 察到的轻物体降落速度较慢是由于空气的阻力引起的,因为空气阻力 对轻物体的影响要比对同样大小同样形状的重物体的影响大得多。 7
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例2:He returned with his citation for gallantry from the hand of General Lee to a ruined plantation, where for a year now his daughter had subsisted partially on the meager bounty of the man to whom fifteen years ago he had granted permission to live in that tumbledown fishing camp whose very existence he had at the time forgotten.
in the light of which (定语从句)
instead of vice versa
(插入成分作状语) as(定语从句))
【译文】正像达尔文发现有机界的规律一样,马克思发 现了人类历史的发展规律,即历来被繁茂芜杂的意识形 态所掩盖着的一个简单事实:人们首先必须吃、喝、住、 穿,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等活动;所 以,直接的物质生活资料的生产和一个民族或一个时代 的一定的经济发展程度,便构成为基础,人们的国家制 度,法律的概念,艺术以至宗教概念,就是从这个基础 上发展起来的,因而,也必须由这个基础来解释,而不 像过去那样做得正好相反。 10
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【解析】 such as are our sense; yet it would be well with us …
Though 让步状语从句
(that)we have resolved
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例3:Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of
organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue polities, science, art, religion, etc.; that therefore the production of the immediate material means of subsistence and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people or during a given epoch form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.
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例1:It was originally surmised that different bodies fell to the ground at rates proportional to their respective weights, but, towards the end sixteenth century, Galileo contended that the rate of fall was the same for all bodies—provided gravity were the only force acting— and he attributed the slower rate of fall observed on the case of a light body to the resistance of the air, which exerted a relatively greater effect on a light body than on a heavy body of the same size and shape.
顺译法 逆译法 分译法 变序译法
16.3 长句翻译赏析
课堂互动1.用顺译法翻译下列句子 课堂互动2. 用逆译法翻译下列句子 课堂互动3. 用分译法翻译下列句子 课堂互动4.用变序译法翻译列句子
Translation of Long Sentences
What do we mean when we say… (时间状语从句)
that water …
(that) air …
(that) solid …
【译文】我们说水是液体,空气是气体,盐 是固体,我们指的是什么意思呢?
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例2:And he knew how ashamed he would have been if his girl friend had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.
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16. 1 英语长句的特点
(Features of Long Sentences)
16.1.1 结构错综复杂 英语长句句子结构错综复杂, 盘根错节,脉络难找。简单句、并 列句、复合句综横交错,从句套从 句,短语套短语,真是词中有词、 词中有句、句中有词、句中有句。
Translation of Long Sentences
第十六章 长句翻译
16.1 英语长句的特点
16.2 英语长句的翻译方法
16.1.1 16.1.2 16.1.3 16.1.4 结构错综复杂 并列复合穿插 语序变化难辨 同位插入省略混杂
16.2. 1 16.2. 2 16.2. 3 16.2. 4
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16.1.2 并列复合穿插
并列成分穿插纵横, 连环套接, 难解难分。有并列主语、并列谓语、 并列宾语、并列定语、并列状语等。 有时状语连状语、定语连定语,并 列迭出,中间又穿插各种短语:介 词短语、分词短语、不定式短语、 动名词短语、形容词短语等。
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例1: What do we mean when we say that water is a liquid, air is a gas, and salt is a solid?
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Marx discovered the law of development of human history
just as
the simple fact
(同位语从句) degree
upon which (时间状语从句) (定语从句)
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Though our knowledge be limited to our ideas, and cannot exceed them either in extent or perfection; and though these be very narrow bounds in respect of the extent of all Beings, and far short of what we may justly imagine to be in some even created understandings not tied down to the dull and narrow information that is to be received from some few and not very acute ways of perception, such as are our senses; yet it would be well with us if our knowledge were but as large as our ideas, and there were not many doubts and inquiries concerning the ideas we have, whereof we are not, nor I believe ever shall be in this world, resolved. (John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding)