



SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS 6.2.Engine Equipment (8)7.Test Procedures (8)7.1.Instrumentation Accuracy (8)7.2.Adjustments and Run-in (9)7.3.Pressure and Temperature Measurement (9)7.4.Test Operating Conditions (9)7.5.Test Points (10)8Presentation of Results (10)8.1Reporting Requirements (10)8.2Recorded Test Conditions (10)8.2.1Inlet Air Supply Conditions (10)8.2.2Spark Ignition Engine Fuel-Liquid (10)8.2.3Spark Ignition Engine Fuel-Gaseous (10)8.2.4Diesel Fuels (10)8.2.5Lubricating Oil (10)8.3Recorded Test Data (11)8.4Engine Equipment (11)8.5Additional Recorded Information (11)9Correction Formulas (11)9.1Spark Ignition Correction Formulas (11)9.2Compression Ignition Engine Correction Formulas (12)9.2.1Calculation of Atmospheric Correction Factor, CA (12)9.2.2Calculation of Fuel Correction Factor, CF (13)1.Scope—This SAE Standard has been adopted by SAE to specify:a. A basis for gross engine power ratingb.Reference inlet air and fuel supply test conditionsc. A method for correcting observed power to reference conditionsd. A method for determining gross full load engine power with a dynamometer1.1Field of Application—This test code document is applicable to both four-stroke and two-stroke spark ignition(SI) and compression ignition (CI) engines, naturally aspirated and pressure charged, with and without charge air cooling. This document does not apply to aircraft or marine engines.1.2This test code supersedes those portions of SAE J1349 dealing with gross power rating.1.3Standard Cl diesel fuel specifications are range mean values for Type 2-D EPA test fuel per Title 40, Code ofFederal Regulations, Part 86.1313-87.1.4The corresponding test code for net power rating is SAE J1349.1.5The document for mapping engine performance is SAE J1312.1.6Relationship to ISO 2534—ISO 2534 (1972) differs from SAE J1995 in several areas, among which the mostimportant are:a.This document is not limited to road vehicles.b.This document requires inlet fuel temperature be controlled to 40 °C on CI engines.c.This document includes a reference fuel specification and requires that engine power be corrected tothat specification on all CI and certain SI engines.d.This document includes a different procedure for testing engines with a laboratory charge air cooler(ISO method optional).e.This document includes a different procedure for correcting power to reference atmospheric conditionson turbocharged CI engines.1.7Complete correlation has not been established with ISO 3046. It is expected that this power test code willeventually align with ISO 1585 and ISO 2534.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1312—Procedure for Mapping Engine Performance—Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition Engines SAE J1349—Engine Power Test Code—Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition—Net Power Rating2.1.2ISO P UBLICATIONS—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New Y ork, NY 10036-8002.ISO 1585—Road vehicles—Engine test code—Net powerISO 2534—Road vehicles—Engine test code—Gross powerISO 3046—Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Performance2.1.3F EDERAL R EGULATION—Available from The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington, DC 20402.CFR 40 Part 86.1313-873.Definitions—This section contains the definitions of key terms used to describe the gross power test.3.1Gross Brake Power—The power of an engine when configured as a "basic" engine as defined in 3.4 and 6.2,and tested and corrected in accordance with this document.3.2Rated Gross Power—Engine gross power as declared by the manufacturer at "rated speed."3.3Rated Speed—The speed determined by the manufacturer at which the engine power is rated.3.4Basic Engine—A "basic" engine is an engine configured with only the built in equipment required for self-sustained operation. A basic engine does not include accessories that are necessary only to perform its intended service or that power auxiliary systems. If these accessories are integral with the engine or for any reason are included on the test engine, the power absorbed may be determined and added to the gross brake power. Common "basic" engine accessory examples are listed in Table 1.TABLE 1—ENGINE EQUIPMENTSystemRequiredComments1. Inlet Air System Optional See 6.1.1Air Ducting Optional Air Cleaner Optional Air PreheatNo 2. Pressure Charging System Y esFor all engines equipped with variable boost as a function of other engine parameters (speed/load/fuel octane, etc), the boost pressure controls must be set to reflect intended in-service operation. Boost Control SettingsManufacturer's Specification3. Charge Air Cooling System Y es If applicable.Charge Air Cooler Y es See 6.1.4 for auxiliary cooler options.Cooling Pump or FanConditionalNot required if it can be shown to be functioning less than 20% of running time during intended in-service operation at reference test conditions.4. Electrical System Y es See 6.1.5 Ignition System Y es StarterNo Generator/AlternatorConditionalRequired only if needed to operate the basic engine in a self-sustained manner and an external power supply is not used. In this case, the generator shall operate at a load level only sufficient to power the required components (i.e., fuel injectors, electric fuel pump). Ignition and Timing Control Settings Manufacturer's SpecificationFor any engine equipped with electronic controls and/or knock sensors, the spark or timing advance must be adjusted to reflect intended in-service operation.5. Emissions Control System OptionalIf used, all control settings or adjustments must be set to reflect intended in-service operation.6. RFI/EMI Controls (radio frequency or electromagnetic interference)Manufacturer's SpecificationControl settings must reflect intended in-service operation.7. Fuel Supply System Y es Fuel Filters/Prefilters Optional See 6.1.3Fuel Supply Pump Y esOr equivalent electrical load if applicable. Injection Pump/Carburetor or Fuel Metering Control SettingsManufacturer's SpecificationControl settings must reflect intended in-service operation.TABLE 1—ENGINE EQUIPMENT (CONTINUED)System Required Comments8. Engine Cooling System (liquid)Y esCooling Pump Y esRadiator Optional Functionally equivalent laboratory systemrecommended.Thermostat Optional If not used, then coolant temperature and flow shall beregulated to intended in-service levels.Cooling Fan No If used, power absorbed should be calculated andadded to the gross brake power.Engine Cooling System (Air)Y esBlower Conditional Required if not disconnectable. On variable speedunits the fan can be disconnected if it can be shown tobe functioning less than 20% of engine running timeduring intended in-service operation at reference testconditions.9. Lubrication System Y es The basic engine closed loop lubrication system isused. Oil fill shall be at manufacturer's full level. Oiltemperatures shall reflect in-service levels at referencetest conditions.10. Exhaust System Optional See 6.1.211. Auxiliary DrivesPower Steering Pump NoFreon Compressor NoVacuum Pumps Conditional Required only if needed to drive other required systemslisted and it functions in that capacity more than 20% ofengine running time during intended in-serviceoperation.Air Compressors Conditional See previous comments—same as vacuum pumps.3.5Reference Test Conditions—The standard or reference engine inlet air supply (atmospheric) and inlet fuelconditions to which all power corrections are made.3.6Friction Power—The power required to drive the engine alone as equipped for the power test. Friction powermay be established by one of the following methods (the value is needed for power correction of spark ignition engines):a.Assume 85% mechanical efficiency.b.Hot Motoring Friction—Record friction torque at wide open throttle at each test speed run on the powertest. All readings are to be taken at the same coolant and oil temperature as observed on the powertest points ±3 °C.3.7Indicated Power—The power developed in the cylinders. It is defined as the sum of the brake power andfriction power for the purpose of this document.4.Symbols, Units, and Subscripts 4.1Symbols and Units—See Table 2.4.2Subscriptsc = Refers to data corrected to reference inlet air and fuel supply conditions o = Refers to data observed at the actual test conditionsd = Refers to the dry air portion of the total inlet air supply pressure r = Refers to the reference test conditions per Section 55.Reference Test Conditions and Corrections—This section contains reference air and fuel supply test conditions and specifications, recommended test ranges, and applicability of the correction procedures.5.1Reference Atmospheric Conditions—Table 3 is reference atmospheric conditions and test ranges for which the correction procedures are valid.TABLE 2—SYMBOLS AND UNITSSymbols TermUnitsCA Air correction factor CF Fuel correction factor fa Atmospheric factor fm Engine factor fd Fuel density factor fv Fuel viscosity factorαPressure sensitivity exponent βTemperature sensitivity exponent S Viscosity sensitivity coefficient D Engine displacement L B Inlet air supply total pressure kPa t Inlet air supply temperature °C P Inlet manifold total pressure kPar Pressure ratio q Fuel delivery mg/L cycle bp Brake power kW fp Friction power kW ip Indicated power kW n Engine speed min −1F Fuel flowg/s SG Fuel density at 15 °C kg/L VFuel viscosity at 40 °Cmm 2/s TABLE 3—REFERENCE ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONSStandard ConditionTestRange LimitsInlet Air Supply Pressure (absolute)100 kPa —Dry Air Pressure (absolute)99 kPa 90–105 kPa Inlet Air Supply Temperature25 °C15–40 °C5.2Reference SI Gasoline Specifications—Reference gasoline research and motor octane numbers in Table 4have been determined corresponding to "regular" and "premium" test fuels. Reference gasoline is required for all SI engines equipped with knock sensors or other devices that control spark advance as a function of spark knock. Other SI engines may use any gasoline with an octane number sufficient to prevent knock.5.3Reference CI Fuel Specifications—Reference fuel specifications are per Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 86.1313-87, and represent range mean values for Type 2-D diesel fuel. The reference fuel characteristics in Table 5 have been determined to affect engine test power, and are listed with the applicable test ranges for which the correction procedures are valid.Observed engine power is also corrected for variations in lower heating value (LHV) based on an empirical relationship between LHV and fuel density per Fuels—Reference values for alternate SI and CI fuels, both liquid and gaseous, are not presented in this document. Therefore, when alternate fuels are used for the gross power engine test, no corrections to reference fuel conditions shall be made.5.5Power Corrections—The performance of SI and CI engines is affected by the density of the inlet combustion air as well as by the characteristics of the test fuel. Therefore, in order to provide a common basis of comparison, it may be necessary to apply correction factors to the observed gross power to account for differences between reference air and fuel conditions and those at which the test data were acquired.5.5.1All power correction procedures for atmospheric air are based on the conditions of the engine inlet air supply immediately prior to the entrance into the engine inlet system. This may be ambient (atmospheric) air or a laboratory air plenum that maintains air supply conditions within the range limits defined per any engine where the power output is automatically controlled to compensate for changes in one or more of the listed inlet air and fuel supply test conditions, no correction for that test parameter shall be made.5.5.3The magnitude of the power correction should not exceed 5% for inlet air or 3% for inlet fuel corrections. If the correction factor exceeds these values, it shall be noted in accordance with 8.1.TABLE 4—REFERENCE SI GASOLINE SPECIFICATIONSRegular FuelPremium FuelResearch Octane No.:92 ± 0.597 ± 0.5Motor Octane No.:83 ± 0.587 ± 0.5Lower Heating Value:43.3 MJ/kg ± 0.1 MJ/kg43.1 MJ/kg ± 0.1 MJ/kgTABLE 5—REFERENCE CI FUEL SPECIFICATIONSStandard ConditionTestRange LimitsFuel Density at 15 °C0.850 kg/L 0.840–0.860 kg/L Fuel Kinematic Viscosity at 40 °C 2.6 mm 2/s 2.0–3.2 mm 2/s Fuel Inlet Temperature40 °C39–41 °C(pump/line/nozzles)or37–43 °C(unit injectors)5.6Correction Formulas—The applicable correction formulas for spark ignition and compression ignition enginesare listed in Section 9. These correction formulas are designed for correction of gross brake power at full throttle operation; however, for CI engines the formulas may also be used to correct partial load power for the purpose of determining specific fuel consumption. These correction formulas are not intended for altitude derating.boratory and Engine Equipment—This section contains a list of laboratory and engine equipment used inthe gross power test.6.1Laboratory Equipment—The following standard laboratory test equipment is required for the gross powertest.6.1.1I NLET S YSTEM—Any laboratory system that provides a supply of air to the basic engine. The inlet systembegins at the point where air enters from the supply source (atmosphere or lab plenum) and ends at the entrance to the throttle body, inlet manifold, or turbocharger inlet, on engines as appropriate. Restriction induced by the inlet system may be at minimum levels.6.1.2E XHAUST S YSTEM—Any laboratory system that vents exhaust gas from the outlet of the basic engine. Theexhaust system begins at the exhaust manifold outlet or at the turbine outlet on engines so equipped.Restriction induced by the exhaust system may be at minimum levels.6.1.3F UEL S UPPLY S YSTEM—Any laboratory system that provides a supply of fuel to the fuel inlet of the basicengine. The fuel supply system must be capable of controlling fuel supply temperature to within the ranges specified in 5.3 for CI engines. The fuel supply system shall not exceed the manufacturer's maximum permissible restriction requirements, if applicable.6.1.4C HARGE A IR C OOLER—For charge-cooled engines a laboratory auxiliary cooler may be employed for testpurposes. If used, one of the following test methods is required and the appropriate correction procedure is applied per Section 9:a.Standard Method—This is the preferred test method. The laboratory unit is set to simulate intended in-service charge air cooler restriction and inlet manifold temperatures as if the ambient and inlet supplyair temperatures were 25 °C.b.Optional Method—The laboratory unit is set to duplicate the charge air cooler restriction and inletmanifold temperatures that would be obtained during intended service operation at the observed inletair test conditions.6.1.5A UXILIARY P OWER S UPPLY—Electrically driven engine components determined to be part of the basic enginemay be operated via an external power supply. In such cases, the power required must be determined and subtracted from the corrected gross brake power.6.2Engine Equipment—A basic engine, as defined in 3.4, is used for the gross power test. Table 1 lists basicengine accessories and control settings required for the gross power test.7.Test Procedures—This section contains the required test procedures for determining gross engine power.7.1Instrumentation Accuracy—The following minimum test instrumentation accuracy is required:a.Torque—±0.5% of measured valueb.Speed—±0.2% of measured valuec.Fuel Flow—±1% of measured valued.Temperature—±2 °Ce.Air Supply Pressure—±0.1 kPaf.Other Gas Pressures—±0.5 kPa7.2Adjustments and Run-in7.2.1Adjustments shall be made before the test in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. No changesor adjustments shall be made during the test.7.2.2The engine shall be run-in according to the manufacturer's recommendation. If no such recommendation isavailable, the engine shall be run-in until corrected brake power is repeatable within 1% over an 8 h period.7.3Pressure and Temperature Measurement7.3.1Pressure and temperature of the inlet air supply, used for the purpose of engine power corrections, shall bemeasured in a manner to obtain the total (stagnation) condition at the entrance to the engine inlet system.On those tests where the engine air supply is ambient air, this pressure is the barometric pressure; on those tests where the air supply is test cell ambient air, this pressure is the cell barometric pressure.7.3.2Inlet manifold pressure and temperature shall be measured as static values with probes located in a sectioncommon to several cylinders. In such installations dynamic pressure is assumed zero.7.3.3On charge air-cooled engines in which a laboratory cooler is employed for testing, precooler charge airpressure must also be measured for the purpose of setting in-service restrictions per 6.1.4. Precooler pressure must be measured upstream of the auxiliary unit in a manner to obtain the total (stagnation) value.Auxiliary cooler restriction is the difference between the precooler and inlet manifold pressures.7.3.4Coolant temperatures in liquid-cooled engines shall be measured at the inlet and outlet of the engine, in air-cooled engines at points specified by the manufacturer.7.3.5Oil pressure and temperature shall be measured at the entrance to the main oil gallery.7.3.6Fuel temperature shall be measured at the inlet to the carburetor or fuel injector rail for SI engines, and at theinlet to the high-pressure injection pump or unit injector rail for CI engines, and at the outlet of the volumetric flow meter for gaseous fueled engines.7.4Test Operating Conditions7.4.1The engine must be started and warmed up in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. No data shallbe taken until torque and speed have been maintained within 1% and temperatures have been maintained within ±2 °C for at least 1 min.7.4.2Engine speed shall not deviate from the nominal speed by more than ±1% or ±10 min−1, whichever isgreater.7.4.3Coolant outlet temperature for a liquid-cooled engine shall be controlled to within ±3 °C of the nominalthermostat value specified by the manufacturer. Coolant inlet air temperature for an air-cooled engine is regulated to 35 °C ± 5 °C.7.4.4Fuel inlet temperature for diesel fuel injection shall be controlled to 40 °C ± 3 °C for unit injector systems, and40 °C ± 1 °C for pump/line/nozzle systems. Test fuel temperature control is not required on SI engine powertests.7.4.5The exhaust gas must be vented to a reservoir having a total pressure within 0.75 kPa of the inlet air supplypressure.7.5Test Points—Record full throttle data for at least five approximately evenly spaced operating points to definethe power curve between 600 rpm (or the lowest stable speed) and the maximum engine speed recommended by the manufacturer. One of the operating speeds shall be the rated speed, one shall be the peak torque speed.8.Presentation of Results—This section contains a listing of test data to be recorded and procedures forpresenting results.8.1Reporting Requirements—All reported engine test data shall carry the notation: "Performance obtained andcorrected in accordance with SAE J1995." Any deviation from this document, its procedures, or limits, shall be noted. All reported or advertised test data bearing the SAE J1995 notation shall include a minimum of the following information at each test point:a.Engine speedb.Corrected gross brake power (or torque)8.2Recorded Test Conditions—Record the following ambient air, fuel, and lubricating oil test conditions andspecifications.8.2.1I NLET A IR S UPPLY C ONDITIONSa.Air supply pressureb.Air supply vapor pressurec.Air supply temperature8.2.2S PARK I GNITION E NGINE F UEL—L IQUIDa.Fuel type and/or blendb.Research and motor octane numbersc.Lower heating value8.2.3S PARK I GNITION E NGINE F UEL—G ASEOUSa.Fuel type or gradepositionc.Density at 15 °C and 101 kPad.Lower heating value8.2.4D IESEL F UELSa.ASTM or other fuel gradeb.Density at 15 °Cc.Viscosity at 40 °Cd.Lower heating value (optional)8.2.5L UBRICATING O ILa.API engine service classificationb.SAE-viscosity gradec.Manufacturer and brand name8.3Recorded Test Data—Record the following minimum information at each data test point:a.Brake torqueb.Friction torque (if measured)c.Engine speedd.Fuel flow ratee.Fuel supply pressure and temperaturef.Ignition and/or injection timingg.Oil pressure and temperatureh.Coolant temperaturei.Inlet manifold air temperature and pressurej.Total pressure drop across the auxiliary cooler (if applicable)k.Smoke (optional—CI engines only)8.4Engine Equipment—Record all engine equipment listed per 6.2. Additionally, record engine manufacturer,displacement, bore and stroke, number and configuration of cylinders, carburetion or injection system type, plus type of pressure charging system, if applicable. If a laboratory charge air cooler is used, record the test method per 6.1.4.For SI engines equipped with knock sensors, the engine should be designated as a "regular" or "premium" fuel engine. For those SI engines without knock sensors, the minimum octane number for which knock does not occur shall be recorded as stated by the engine manufacturer.8.5Additional Recorded Information—Record any other pertinent test data as determined by the manufacturer.This may include, but is not limited to: test date, engine serial number, test number, test location, etc.9.Correction Formulas—This section includes all formulas necessary to correct observed engine powerperformance for deviations in inlet air and fuel supply conditions.9.1Spark Ignition Correction Formulas—These spark ignition engine correction formulas are only applicable atfull (WOT) throttle positions.(Eq. 1) Calculation of atmospheric correction factor, CA. If 85% mechanical efficiency is assumed:(Eq. 2) If friction power is measured:(Eq. 3) where:(Eq. 4) and:(Eq. 5)NOTE—If a lab auxiliary charge air cooler is used in conjunction with the standard test method per 6.1.4,no inlet air temperature corrections shall be made. In this case, the temperature correction exponent becomes zero. Otherwise use the previous equation.9.2Compression Ignition Engine Correction Formulas—These CI engine correction formulas are applicable at all speed and load levels.(Eq. 6)9.2.1C ALCULATION O F A TMOSPHERIC C ORRECTION F ACTOR , CA(Eq. 7)where:(Eq. 8)and values for α and β, are summarized in Table 6:Where "standard" and "optional" refer to the lab auxiliary cooler test method described in 6.1.4.The value of fm is given as:(Eq. 9)where:q = 120 000 F/Dn for four stroke engines q = 60 000 F/Dn for two stroke enginesr = P o /B o for all engines (r=1 if naturally aspirated)TABLE 6—ATMOSPHERIC CORRECTION FACTOR EXPONENTSPressure Charging SystemCharge Air Cooling System αβNaturally Aspirated None1.00.7Mechanically Supercharged All 1.00.7Turbocharged None 0.7 1.2Turbocharged Air-to-Air 0.7 1.2Turbocharged Jacket Water0.70.7Turbocharged Lab Auxiliary (Standard)0.70.4TurbochargedLab Auxiliary (Optional) ALCULATION O F F UEL C ORRECTION F ACTOR, CF(Eq. 10) where:(Eq. 11) and:(Eq. 12) NOTE—The previous equations correct observed power to reference fuel density and viscosity levels. A correction coefficient of 0.70 in the previous density factor equation is added to account fortypical changes in lower heating value at differing density levels, based on an empirical LHV-SGrelationship.Values of S shall be determined by the engine manufacturer. If no values are available, the followingshall be used:a.Pump/Line/Nozzle Systems—0.15b.Unit Injectors—0.0NOTE—If used for the purpose of determining specific fuel consumption, the corrected fuel flow is given by the following:(Eq. 13) PREPARED BY THE SAE POWER TEST CODE STANDARDS COMMITTEERationale—Not applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This SAE Standard has been adopted by SAE to specify:a. A basis for gross engine power ratingb.Reference inlet air and fuel supply test conditionsc. A method for correcting observed power to reference conditionsd. A method for determining gross full load engine power with a dynamometerReference SectionSAE J1312—Procedure for Mapping Engine Performance—Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition Engines SAE J1349—Engine Power Test Code—Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition—Net Power RatingISO 1585—Road vehicles—Engine test code—Net powerISO 2534—Road vehicles—Engine Test code—Gross powerISO 3046—Reciprocating internal combustion engines—PerformanceCFR 40 Part 86.1313-87Developed by the SAE Power Test Code Standards Committee。



W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 1 - 版本E64M位与串行闪存双路和四路SPIW25Q64BV- 2 -目录1,一般DESCRIPTION (5)2。

FEATURES (5)3引脚配置SOIC208-MIL.......................................... .. (6)4,焊垫配置WSON8X6-MM.......................................... . (6)5,焊垫配置PDIP300-MIL.......................................... . (7)6引脚说明SOIC208密耳,PDIP300密耳和WSON8X6-MM................................ 7......7引脚配置SOIC300mil的.......................................... .. (8)8引脚SOIC封装说明300-MIL (8)8.1包装Types (9)8.2片选(/CS) (9)8.3串行数据输入,输出和IO(DI,DO和IO0,IO1,IO2,IO3)............................. 9.......8.4写保护(/WP) (9)8.5控股(/HOLD) (9)8.6串行时钟(CLK) (9)9座DIAGRAM (10)10功能DESCRIPTION (11)10.1 SPI OPERATIONS (11)10.1.1标准SPI Instructions (11)10.1.2双SPI Instructions (11)10.1.3四路SPI Instructions (11)10.1.4保持功能 (11)10.2写保护 (12)10.2.1写保护Features (12)11,控制和状态寄存器............................................ .. (13)11.1状态REGISTER (13)11.1.1 BUSY (13)11.1.2写使能锁存(WEL) (13)11.1.3块保护位(BP2,BP1,BP0)..................................... .. (13)11.1.4顶/底块保护(TB)....................................... .................................................. ..1311.1.5部门/块保护(SEC) (13)11.1.6状态寄存器保护(SRP,SRP0)....................................... . (14)11.1.7四路启用(QE) (14)11.1.8状态寄存器内存保护........................................... .. (16)11.2 INSTRUCTIONS (17)11.2.1制造商和设备标识........................................... .. (17)11.2.2指令集表1 (18)W25Q64BV11.2.3指令表2(阅读说明书)....................................... (19)出版日期:2010年7月8日- 3 - 修订版E11.2.4写使能(06h) (20)11.2.5写禁止(04h) (20)11.2.6读状态寄存器1(05H)和读状态寄存器2(35H).............................. (21)11.2.7写状态寄存器(01H)......................................... .................................................. .. (22)11.2.8读取数据(03h) (23)11.2.9快速阅读(0Bh) (24)11.2.10快速读双输出(3BH)........................................ .................................................. 0.25 11.2.11快速读四路输出(6BH)........................................ .. (26)11.2.12快速读双I / O (BBh) (27)11.2.13快速读取四I/ O (EBh) (29)11.2.14八进制字读取四I/ O(E3H)..................................... (31)11.2.15页编程(02h) (33)11.2.16四路输入页编程(32H)........................................ . (34)11.2.17扇区擦除(20H) (35)11.2.1832KB的块擦除(52H) (36)11.2.1964KB的块擦除(D8h) (37)20年2月11日芯片擦除(C7H/ 60h) (38)21年2月11日擦除挂起(75h) (39)22年2月11日擦除恢复(7Ah) (40)23年11月2日掉电(B9h) (41)24年2月11日高性能模式(A3H)......................................... (42)25年2月11日发布掉电或高性能模式/设备ID(ABH) (42)26年2月11日读制造商/设备ID(90H)....................................... . (44)27年2月11日阅读唯一的ID号(4BH)........................................ . (45)28年2月11日读JEDEC的ID (9Fh) (46)29年2月11日连续读取模式复位(FFH或FFFFH)...................................... .. (47)12,电气特性.............................................. (48)12.1绝对最大Ratings (48)12.2操作范围 (48)12.3上电时序和写抑制阈值......................................... (49)12.4直流电气Characteristics (50)12.5 AC测量条件.............................................. .. (51)12.6 AC电气Characteristics (52)12.7 AC电气特性(续)......................................... . (53)12.8串行输出Timing (54)12.9输入Timing (54)12.10持有Timing (54)13包装SPECIFICATION (55)W25Q64BV13.18引脚SOIC208密耳(包装代号SS)..................................... .. (55)- 4 -13.28引脚PDIP300密耳(封装代码DA)..................................... (56)13.38触点WSON8x6毫米(封装代码ZE)....................................... (57)13.416引脚SOIC300密耳(封装代码SF)..................................... . (58)14订货INFORMA TION (59)14.1有效的部件号和顶端标记.......................................... (60)15版本HISTORY (61)W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 5 - 修订版E1概述该W25Q64BV(64M位)串行Flash存储器提供了有限的系统存储解决方案空间,引脚和电源。



四川省资阳市2024年七年级生物上册第一单元《生物和生物圈》部编版质量检测过关卷学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:60分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题:本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。


1.含羞草在受到碰触时,叶片会合拢,这说明生物能( )A.生长繁殖B.进行呼吸C.排出体内废物D.对刺激作出反应2.下列生命现象与所体现的生物特征,对应错误的是()A.两只白羊生出一只黑羊——生物具有变异现象B.含羞草的叶片受到触动会合拢——生物具有应激性C.小象长成大象——生物能繁殖后代D.鲸浮出水面呼吸——生物能进行呼吸3.收获季节,有的农民在田里焚烧农作物的秸秆,造成大气污染,针对这一现象,兴趣小组的同学建议建造沼气池,利用微生物分解秸秆产生沼气,这些微生物属于生态系统中的()A.生产者B.消费者C.分解者D.非生物成分4.“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”的诗句中,影响生物生活的非生物因素主要是( )A.空气B.温度C.阳光D.土壤5.蚯蚓改良土壤,这个现象说明()A.生物适应环境B.环境影响生物C.环境适应生物D.生物影响环境6.词是我国传统文化的瑰宝,以下对诗词中所蕴含的生物学知识的解释,错误的是()A.“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”——生物对环境的影响B.“种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀”——生物因素对生物的影响C.“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花”——微生物促进物质循环D.“劝君莫打三更鸟,子在巢中盼母归”——生物的繁殖行为7.2018年4月22日是第49个“世界地球日”,今年的活动主题是“珍惜自然资源,呵护美丽国土﹣﹣讲好我们的地球故事”。

下列不符合这一理念的是( )A.为节约时间尽可能开私家车出行B.生活垃圾分类处理C.避免长明灯和长流水D.退耕还林8.下列关于生物圈和栖息的说法正确的是( )A.威胁生物生存的关键因素是滥砍滥伐、滥捕滥杀B.绝大多数生物生存的范围是海平面以上100米和海平面以下100米C.生物圈是最大的生态系统,它包括地球上的全部生物及其生存环境D.生物圈包括大气圈的下层、水圈的大部分、岩石圈的上层9.下列是分解者的是()A.草和树B.牛和羊C.鱼和虾D.蘑菇和蚯蚓10.白居易用“最爱湖东行不足,绿杨阴里白沙堤”的诗句表达对西湖美景的喜爱之情,以下对这幅美景的描绘中,哪一项属于生命现象()A.波光粼粼B.和风习习C.绿树如茵D.沙堤松软11.下列关于生物的生存环境的描述中,错误的是()A.帝企鹅生活在以南极大陆为中心的冰冷地区B.亚洲象生活在亚洲的热带丛林C.雪莲花生活在高寒山区D.珊瑚虫生活在湖泊里12.(2009山东菏泽学业)一个草原生态系统中,如果有四种生物(甲、乙、丙、丁)构成了一条食物链,在某一时间内分别测得这四种生物所含有机物的总量(如图5所示),这条食物链可表示为A.丙→甲→乙→丁B.丁→乙→甲→丙C.甲→乙→丙→丁D.乙→甲→丙→丁13.下列属于生物的是( )A.会长大的钟乳石B.会弹钢琴的机器人C.珊瑚D.能使人类患病的病毒14.地球上最大的生态系统,是所有生物共同的家园,且是迄今为止唯一的家园,我们要保护好他,该生态系统是()A.森林生态系统B.海洋生态系统C.生物圈D.城市生态系统15.下列不属于城市生态系统特点的是( )A.对其他生态系统具有很大的依赖性B.植被覆盖率相对较高C.人类是消费者的主体D.植物种类和数量都很少16.下面所列科学家与其成就或经典实验搭配有误的一项是A.爱德华兹和斯特普托——试管婴儿B.林奈——双名法C.施莱登和施旺——鹅颈瓶实验D.孟德尔——豌豆杂交实验17.下列现象与生物特征无关的是()A.晾晒鱼干时会引来苍蝇B.“黑白配”的大熊猫也会出现棕色个体C.夏天稍一运动就满头大汗D.杭州亚运数字人点燃亚运火炬18.蝙蝠常生活在黑暗的洞中,但它们仍可“看”到各种障碍物,因为它们是利用超声波来探测目标的,人类模仿蝙蝠的这一特点,发明了()A.雷达B.手电筒C.望远镜D.电视19.草原上的狮子发现斑马后立即追赶,斑马发现狮子后立即拼命奔逃。



A[注] 嗌aai3 ai ai kuwl 嗌交(吵架)呃aak7[厄] e e kdbn 畀佢呃咗(讓他騙了)鈪aak8-2[軛] 未知ngag qdbn 鐲子:金鈪啱am1 yan ngam kmdg 對:啱晒(全對)奀an1 en en gidu 類似讀銀;奀瘦(瘦弱)晏aan3[鷃] yan yan jpvf 晏晝(下午);食晏(吃午飯)餲aat8[壓] ai ai wyvn 廁所好餲(廁所很臊臭)拗aau2/aau3 ao ao rxln 拗勁(頂嘴);拗斷(折斷)翳ai3 yi yi atdn 翳焗(悶熱),閉翳(犯愁)詏aau3[坳] yao yao yxln 詏撬(爭執),也可寫成拗扼ak7[厄] e e rdbn 扼手(握手);手扼(手鐲)揞am2[黯] an an rujg 揞實個荷包(捂住錢包)哽ang2 geng geng kgj 畀硬物頂住罯ap7[噏] an an lujf 生草藥——罯得就罯(噏)悒ap7[噏] yi yi nkcn 心悒(內心憂鬱)噏ap7 xi xi kwgn 咪亂噏廿四(別胡說八道)扤at7 wu wu rgqn 近讀[兀];將棉胎扤實啲(把棉被壓緊點)罨ap7[醃] yan yan ldjn 個身濕曬,罨住好唔舒服(捂著身體不舒服) 沤(漚) au3 ou ou iaqy (iakk) 漚肥,漚氣(憋氣)B湴baan6[辦] ban ban iuo 泥湴(爛泥)镚(鏰) bang1[崩] beng beng qmee(qmee) 一個鏰都冇(一分錢都沒有) 畀bei2[比] bi bi lgjj 畀(給),不是寫[俾]髀bei2[比] bi bi exxn 通[肶],即(大腿)潷bei3[痹] bi bi ittn 潷咗啲菜汁去(將菜汁濾去)咇bit7[必] bi bi kntt 噴:水管壞咗,咇水出嚟飆biu1[標] biao biao dddq(dddj) 佢飆得好快(他跑得很好)噃bo3[播] bo bo ktol 好叻噃(很了不起)菢bou6[哺] bao bao arqn 菢鷄仔(孵小鷄)伏buk9[僕] fu fu wdy 趴,俯伏:伏伊人\伏匿匿(捉迷藏)埲bung6 bang bang fdwh 推冧呢埲牆(推倒這堵牆)唪bung6[埲] feng beng/feng kdwh 一唪臭味(一般臭味兒)C搽caa4[茶] cha cha raws 搽脂蕩粉(塗脂抹粉)垃圾篸caam2[慘] can can fufe tcce 簸箕之一,非寫為(垃圾鏟)岩巉caam4 chan chan mqky 近讀[慘];岩巉——指難看罉caang1[撐] cang cang rmir 砂煲罌罉(瓦鍋瓶罐)觘caau2 chao chao qeit 畀只牛觘起(給牛挑起了)侵cam1 qin qin wvpc 讓…參加、加入:侵埋我玩啦(讓我參加一塊兒玩吧);侵啲水入去(加點水進去)谮(譖) cam3[唚] zen zen yaqj(yaqj) 你好譖呀!(你眞囉嗦!)搊cau1[抽] chou chou 手搊(有挽手的袋子);一搊鎖匙;搊後腳唓(嗟) ce1[車] che(jie) che(jie) klh (kuda) 唓,你估我唔知咩?(呸,你認為我不知道?)黐ci1[癡] chi chi twic 即[粘];黐線(神經病),非寫為[癡線]嗤ci1[癡] chi chi kbhj 打乞嗤(打噴嚏)撍cim4[潛] qian qian raqj 撍烏龜(一種撲克遊戲)千祈cin1 kei4 qian qi qian qi tfk pyrh 千祈要記住(一定要記住)掅cing3[稱] qing qing rgeg 掅起個袋(把袋子提起來);抽掅(挑剔) 酒埕cing4[情] cheng cheng fkgg 酒埕(盛酒陶器)啋coi1 cai cai kesy 啋,咪講唔吉利嘅嘢(呸,別說些不吉利的話) 焯coek8[桌] zhuo zhuo ohj 同[灼];焯(灼)生菜噱coek8[桌] jue jue khae 搞新噱頭(搞搞新意思)暢coeng3 chang chang jhnr 暢散紙D 覘(覘) daam1[擔] chan chan(ji) hkmq (hkhq) 頭覘天,眼望地啖daam6[氮] dan dan kooy 食啖飯啦(吃口飯吧)踭dzaang[爭] zheng zheng khqh 高踭鞋(高跟鞋);腳踭(腳跟)嗒daap7 ta ta kawk 嗒糖(咂糖果)沓daap9[踏] ta ta ijf 一大沓(一大疊),沓水(有錢)笪daat8[韃] da da tjgf 呢笪地方(這塊地方)嗲de2 dia dia kwqq 眼淚嗲嗲渧(淚汪汪);嗲聲嗲氣(嬌聲嬌氣)揼dam1 未知dem rdiy 揼時間(拖時間)沊dam2[抌] dan dan pqii 水聲,沊一聲跳落水抌dam2[沊] dan dan rpqn 抌石仔(扔小石子)髧dam3 dan dan depq 頭髮長到髧(垂)落膊頭趸(躉) dan2 dun dun dnkh 擁躉(捧場者);躉低行李(放下行李)扽dan3 den den rgbn 路唔平,開車好扽(路不平,開車很顛簸)炖(燉) dan6 dun dun ogbn 燉冬姑戥dang6[鄧] deng deng jtga 匹配,戥你唔抵(替你可惜)頭耷耷dap7 da da dbf 頭耷耷(垂頭喪氣的樣子)腯dat7/dyt7 dun dun erfh 肥腯腯(肥嘟嘟)窦(竇) dau6[豆] dou dou pwfd (pwfm) 雀竇(鳥窩);老竇(爸爸),不要寫為[老豆]嗲de2/de4 dia dia kwqq 嗲聲嗲氣(嬌聲嬌氣)哋dei2/dei6[地] dei di/dei kfbn 佢哋(他們)趯dek8 ti ti fhny 跑:?br>趯西趯(?br>奔西跑)掟deng3 ding ding rpgh 掟石仔(擲小石塊)埞deng6[訂] di di fpgh 冇埞企(沒地方站)啲di1/dit7 di di krqy 有啲人(有些人);啲啲多(一點兒)扚dik7 di di rqyy 引,拉;扚起佢(拉起佢)掂dim3[店] dian dian ryhk 掂下都唔得(摸一下都不行)屌diu2 diao diao nkmh 男性生殖器;男子性交動作啄doeng1 zhuo zhuo keyy 鷄啄唔斷(沒完沒了)厾duk7[督] du du nfci 讀[篤],厾穿個窿(捅個窿)戙dung6[洞] dong dong mgka 一戙都冇(什麼也沒有)F瞓fan3[訓] fen fen hykh 瞓覺(睡覺)窟fat7[忽] ku ku pwnm 屎窟(屁股)戽fu3[富] hu hu ynuf 戽水(舀水);戽被(睡覺踢被子)G鎅gaai3[介] gai gai qlwj 鋸;割;切;裁:鎅玻璃,鎅紙刀胳肋底gaak8[格]laak7 ge lei di ge lei di etkg eln yqa 即胳肢窩曱甴gaat9 dzaat9-2 yue you yue you jhk jhk 即蟑螂鉸(鉸) gaau3[較] jiao jiao quqy (quqy) 鉸剪(剪刀);門鉸(門合葉)偈gai2 jie jie wjqn 傾偈(聊天),非寫為[傾計]髻gai3[計] ji ji defk 盤在頭頂或腦後的發結;丫角髻噉gam2[敢] dan dan knbt 這樣:噉都得!(這樣都可以!)咁gam3[禁] gan gan kafg 這麼:咁好人(這麼好人)黃黚黚gam4 jian jian amwu lfof lfof 黚——淺黃黑色撳(撳) gam6 qin qin rqqw (rqqw) 近讀[甘];撳釘(圖釘);撳電掣(按電鈴)枧(梘) gaan2[簡] jian jian smqn (shqn) 番梘(肥皂)蛤乸gap8[鴿]naa2 ha na ha na jwgk bxgu 蛤蟆,青蛙或蟾蜍佮gap8[蛤] e/ge e/ge wwgk 佮份(合份);拮gat1[吉] jie jie rfkg 佢拮咗我一下(他刺了我一下)趌跛跛gat9 bai1 bai1 ji ji fhfk khhc 近讀[吉];趌跛跛(單腳跳);趌路(滾蛋) 同[趷]嚿gau6[舊] huo huo kawv 一嚿石頭(一塊石頭)嘅ge3 ge ge/kai kvcq 我嘅書(我的書)擏geng6 jing jing raqt 近讀[鏡]:擏住擏住(好小心的樣子)喼gip7[篋] 未知gib kqvn 喼汁(調味醬汁);是英語catsup 的音譯詞篋(篋) gip7 qie qie tagw (tadw) [皮喼]的本字;皮篋嗰go2 gao go kwld 嗰個人(那個人);嗰日(那天)弶gong6 jiang jiang xyiy 類似讀[鋼];蟹弶(蟹螯)蛊(蠱) gu2[古] gu gu jlf 使人心意迷惑攰gui6 gui gui fclv 即(累);返工好攰焗guk9[局] ju ju (kao) onnk (otfk) 焗飯(燜飯) 同「焅」啩gwaa3[卦] gua gua kffh 你會應承啩?(你會答應吧?)不是寫為[呱]或[掛]掴(摑) gwaak8 guo guo rlgy (rlag) 摑佢一巴(抽他一個耳光)躀gwaan3[慣] guan guan khxm 躀低(摔倒)刮gwaat3[劀] gua gua tdjh 找人:刮佢出嚟。



Win字库里边所有粤语方言字的打法(拼音,五笔)及解释F瞓 fan3[訓] | fen | fen | hykh 瞓觉(睡觉)窟 fat7[忽] | ku | ku | pwnm 有读[忽]音;屎窟(屁股)戽 fu3[富] | hu | hu | ynuf 戽水(舀水);戽被(睡觉踢被子)G鎅 gaai3[介] | gai | gai | qlwj 锯;割;切;裁:鎅玻璃,鎅纸刀胳肋底 gaak8[格]laak7 | ge lei di | ge lei di | etkg eln yqa 即胳肢窝曱甴 gaat9 dzaat9-2 | yue you | yue you | jhk jhk 即「蟑螂」铰(鉸) gaau3[較] | jiao | jian | quqy (quqy) 铰剪(剪刀);门铰(门合叶)偈 gai2 | jie | jie | wjqn 倾偈(聊天),非写为「倾计」髻 gai3[計] | ji | ji | defk 盘在头顶或脑后的发结;丫角髻噉 gam2[敢] | dan | dan | knbt 苦瓜噉面(像苦瓜似的脸)咁 gam3[禁] | gan | gan | kafg 天气鬼咁热(天气多热)黃黚黚 gam4 | jian | jian | amwu lfof lfof 黚——浅黄黑色揿(撳) gam6 | qin | qin | rqqw (rqqw) 近读[甘];揿钉(图钉);揿电掣(按电铃)枧(梘) gaan2[簡] | jian | jian | smqn (shqn) 番枧(肥皂)蛤乸 gap8[鴿]naa2 | ha na | ha na | jwgk bxgu 大青蛙趌跛跛 gat9 bai1 bai1 | ji | ji | fhfk khhc 近读[吉];趌跛跛(单脚跳);趌路(滚蛋) 同「趷」嚿 gau6[舊] | huo | huo | kawv 一嚿石头(一块石头)嘅 ge3 | ge | ge/kai | kvcq 我嘅书(我的书)擏 geng6 | jing | jing | raqt 近读[镜];擏惜吓啲嘢啦(爱护一下东西吧)喼 gip7[篋] | 未知 | gib | kqvn 喼汁(调味酱汁);是英语 catcnup 或 catsup 的音译词箧(篋) gip7 | qie | qie | tagw (tadw) 「皮喼」的本字;皮箧嗰 go2 | 未知 | go | kwld 嗰个人(那个人);嗰日(那天)弶 gong6 | jiang | jiang | xyiy 类似读[钢];蟹弶(蟹螯)蛊(蠱)惑 gu2[古] | gu | gu (ye) | jlf (jjjl) akg 使人心意迷惑攰 gui6 | gui | gui | fclv 即「累」;返工好攰焗 guk9[局] | ju | ju (kao) | onnk (otfk) 焗饭(焖饭) 同「焅」啩 gwaa3[卦] | gua | gua | kffh 你会应承啩?(你会答应吧?) 不是写为「呱」掴(摑) gwaak8 | guo | guo | rlgy (rlag) 掴几巴(抽几个耳光)躀 gwaan3[慣] | guan | guan | khxm 躀低(摔倒)九大簋 gwai2[免] | gui | gui | vtdd tvel 非写为「九大鬼」;「簋」古代盛食物的器具H揩 haai1 | kai | kai | rxxr 揩油(占小便宜)嚡 haai4[鞋] | hai | hai | kaff 涩,粗糙:条脷嚡(舌头很涩)喊 haam3 | han | han | kdgt 广州话不是指大声叫,指哭。



植物界分类检索表姓名:班级:学院:植物界分类检索表及种子植物分科检索表一、植物界分类检索表1. 植物体无根、茎、叶的分化;雌性生殖器官由单细胞构成。

2. 无叶绿素3. 细胞中无细胞核的分化...............................................1)细菌3. 细胞中有细胞核的分化...............................................2) 真菌2. 有叶绿素...........................................................3)藻类植物1. 植物体有根、茎、叶分化(苔藓除外);雌性生殖器官由多细胞构成。

4. 无维管束...........................................................4)苔藓植物4. 有维管束5. 无种子.............................................................5)蕨类植物5. 有种子6. 种子外面无子房包被.................................................6)裸子植物6. 种子外面有子房包被.................................................7)被子植物二、种子植物分科检索表1. 胚珠裸露,不包于子房内;种子裸露,不包于果实内...........裸子植物Gymnospermae2. 花无假花被,胚珠无细长的珠被管。

3. 叶羽状深裂,集生于常不分枝的树干顶部或块状茎上...............苏铁科Cycadaceae3. 叶不为羽状深裂,树干多分枝。

4. 叶扇形,具多数2叉状细脉,叶柄长............................银杏科Ginkgoaceae4. 叶不为扇形,无柄或有短柄。




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时序和流水线结构 ............................................................................................................... 18 程序计数器 ........................................................................................................................... 19 堆栈 ....................................................................................................................................... 20 算术逻辑单元 – ALU ........................................................................................................... 20 结构 ...................................................................................................................................... 21 特殊向量 ............................................................................................................................... 21 查表 ....................................................................................................................................... 22 查表范例 ............................................................................................................................... 23 在线烧录 ............................................................................................................................... 24 片上调试 – OCDS................................................................................................................. 25 结构 ....................................................................................................................................... 25 间接寻址寄存器 – IAR0,IAR1 ......................................................................................... 26 间接寻址指针 – MP0,MP1................................................................................................ 27 存储区指针 – BP .................................................................................................................. 28 累加器 – ACC ....................................................................................................................... 28 程序计数器低字节寄存器 – PCL ....................................................................................... 29 表格寄存器 – TBLP,TBHP,TBLH ................................................................................. 29 状态寄存器 – STATUS ......................................................................................................... 29 EEPROM 数据寄存器结构 .................................................................................................. 31 EEPROM 寄存器 .................................................................................................................. 31 从 EEPROM 中读取数据 ..................................................................................................... 33



第5页,共6页 第6页,共6页密学校 班级姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题五年级下册五、六单元检测一、 看拼音,写词语。

(8分)y ǔn nu ò l óng zh òng d ǎn qi è tu ī ch í ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) y án ch í shu ǐ zh ài zh ī yu án sh āng y ì( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、辨字组词。

(5分)妒( ) 寨( ) 援( ) 壁( ) 荆( )护( ) 塞( ) 缓( ) 璧( ) 刑( )三、画龙点睛。

(把下列词语补充完整)(9分)无( )之宝 心( )如焚 理( )气( ) 攻( )( )克同心( )力 故( )重演 喜( )自( ) 天( )地( ) 自有( )用 神机( )算 ( )头( )颈 理( )词( )四、选词填空。

( 6分)因为……所以…… 虽然……但是…… 之所以……是因为…… 不但……而且…… 如果……就……1、秦王( )不敢进攻赵国,( )赵国武有廉颇,文有蔺相如。

2、( )网络的作用很大,( )我们必须正确使用它,才不会误入岐途。

3、( )你长期坚持体育锻炼,体质( )能增强。

4诸葛亮( )借来了箭,有了水上交战的兵器,( )挫败了周瑜的暗算。


(7分)1、夏天的天气真是______________________________ ,(填一歇后语)上午还是艳阳高照,下午就乌云密布呼呼啦啦下起大雨来。


























CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4程序调试套件指南文档说明书

CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4程序调试套件指南文档说明书

CY8CKIT-005Kit Guide Doc. # 002-19782 Rev. *BCypress Semiconductor198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709CopyrightsCopyrights© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2018-2019. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries ("Cypress"). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document ("Software"), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this para-graph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to subli-cense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress's patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited.TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING HARDWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR-POSE. No computing device can be absolutely secure. Therefore, despite security measures implemented in Cypress hard-ware or software products, Cypress shall have no liability arising out of any security breach, such as unauthorized access to or use of a Cypress product. CYPRESS DOES NOT REPRESENT, WARRANT, OR GUARANTEE THAT CYPRESS PROD-UCTS, OR SYSTEMS CREATED USING CYPRESS PRODUCTS, WILL BE FREE FROM CORRUPTION, ATTACK, VIRUSES, INTERFERENCE, HACKING, DATA LOSS OR THEFT, OR OTHER SECURITY INTRUSION (collectively, "Secu-rity Breach"). Cypress disclaims any liability relating to any Security Breach, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any Security Breach. In addition, the products described in these mate-rials may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifica-tions. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is pro-vided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. "High-Risk Device" means any device or system whose failure could cause personal injury, death, or property damage. Examples of High-Risk Devices are weapons, nuclear installations, surgical implants, and other medical devices. "Critical Component" means any component of a High-Risk Device whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause, directly or indirectly, the failure of the High-Risk Device, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Component in a High-Risk Device. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress, its directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, distributors, and assigns harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of any claim, including claims for product liability, personal injury or death, or property damage arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Com-ponent in a High-Risk Device. Cypress products are not intended or authorized for use as a Critical Component in any High-Risk Device except to the limited extent that (i) Cypress's published data sheet for the product explicitly states Cypress has qualified the product for use in a specific High-Risk Device, or (ii) Cypress has given you advance written authorization to use the product as a Critical Component in the specific High-Risk Device and you have signed a separate indemnification agree-ment.Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit . Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respec-tive owners.Safety Information 41.Introduction51.1Kit Contents (5)1.2Programming and Debugging (5)1.3Bridging (5)1.4Documentation Conventions (6)2.Installing MiniProg472.1MiniProg4 (7)2.2MiniProg4 Installation (8)2.3MiniProg4 LEDs (10)2.4MiniProg4 Buttons (11)3.Technical Description123.1Interfaces (13)3.1.1SWD (13)3.1.2I2C (13)3.1.3SPI (13)3.1.4UART with and without Flow Control (13)3.1.5Reference (13)3.2Connectors (14)3.2.15-Pin Connector (14)3.2.210-Pin Connector (14)3.2.36x2 Connector (15)3.3Power (16)A.Appendix17A.1Regulatory Compliance Information (17)Revision History 18Safety InformationThe CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit is intended for use as a development platform for hardware or software in a laboratory environment. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference. In such cases, you may be required to take adequate preventive measures. In addition, this board should not be used near any medical equipment or RF devices.Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the product operation from the factory default may affect its performance and cause interference with other apparatus in the immediate vicinity. If such interference is detected, suitable mitigating measures should be taken.The CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit, as shipped from the factory, has been verified to meet with the requirements of CE as a Class A product.General Safety InstructionsESD ProtectionESD can damage boards and associated components. Cypress recommends that you work on the board at an ESD workstation, if available. Otherwise, use appropriate ESD protection, such as anantistatic wrist strap attached to a ground, when handling parts.The CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kits are sensitive toelectrostatic discharge (ESD). Electrostatic charges accumulate on thehuman body and on other equipment. Devices that are subjected to high-energy discharges can suffer permanent damage. Proper ESDprecautions are recommended to prevent loss of functionality. Storeunused CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kits in theprotective shipping package.End-of-Life/Product RecyclingThe end-of life for this kit is five years from the date of manufacture mentioned as barcode on the back of the box. Contact your nearest recycler for discarding the kit.1IntroductionThe MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit is an all-in-one programmer and debugger for PSoC 4,PSoC5LP, and PSoC 6 MCU devices. MiniProg4 also provides USB-I2C, USB-SPI and USB-UARTbridging functionality. The MiniProg4 provides a special feature enabling users to write their owncustom firmware through the custom application mode.Figure 1-1. MiniProg41.1Kit ContentsThe CY8CKIT-005 PSoC® MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit includes:■MiniProg4 programmer/debugger■10-pin ribbon cable■USB Type-A to Type-C Cable■Quick Start Guide1.2Programming and DebuggingThe MiniProg4 programmer/debugger provides the flexibility to work with SWD programming anddebugging interfaces. MiniProg4 supports 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0/M0+/M3/M4 PSoC devices.The MiniProg4 debugger is supported by the software tools PSoC Creator, ModusToolbox™,Cypress Programmer, and PSoC Programmer.1.3BridgingMiniProg4 supports USB-I2C, USB-UART and USB-SPI as standard bridging protocols for anydevice. The MiniProg4 bridging capabilities are used by PSoC Creator, ModusToolbox, CypressProgrammer, PSoC Programmer, Bridge Control Panel, and other applications. Tuning softwaretools such as the CapSense Tuner provided by Cypress also use these capabilities.Introduction1.4Documentation ConventionsTable 1-1. Document Conventions for User GuidesConvention UsageCourier New Displays file locations, user-entered text, and source code: C:\...cd\icc\Italics Displays file names and reference documentation:Read about the sourcefile.hex file in the PSoC Designer User Guide.[Bracketed, Bold]Displays keyboard commands in procedures: [Enter] or [Ctrl] [C]File > Open Represents menu paths: File > Open > New ProjectBold Displays commands, menu paths, and icon names in procedures: Click the File menu, and then click Open.Times New Roman Displays an equation: 2 + 2 = 4Text in gray boxes Describes cautions or unique functionality of the product.2.Installing MiniProg4This chapter shows how to install MiniProg4 and its associated PC software.2.1MiniProg4Figure 2-1. Top ViewFigure 2-2. Bottom View2.2MiniProg4 InstallationThe MiniProg4 programmer/debugger is supported by PSoC Programmer, ModusToolbox, CypressProgrammer, and PSoC Creator. Other software, such as Bridge Control Panel, use the PSoCProgrammer COM layer to support MiniProg4 functionality.Note: PSoC Programmer is compatible only with the Windows Operating System however, CypressProgrammer is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. To understand the differencesbetween PSoC Programmer and Cypress Programmer, please see the Cypress ProgrammingSolutions page at /products/psoc-programming-solutions.1.Download and install PSoC Programmer or Cypress Programmer. Follow the on-screeninstructions to install the software.Each programming tool supports a subset of Cypress devices. See respective tooldocumentation for which device each supports.unch PSoC Programmer or Cypress Programmer and connect the MiniProg4 to yourcomputer’s USB port using the provided USB cable. When properly connected, and drivers havebeen installed, the Mode LED either turns ON or will be ramping (slowly increasing anddecreasing brightness) depending on the mode.Note that the MiniProg4 drivers are automatically installed.3.In PSoC Programmer, to connect to the port, in the Port Selection pane, click the MiniProg4device. You can also click Connect/Disconnect button as shown in Figure2-3.If the connection is successful, a status indicator in the lower-right corner of the PSoCProgrammer window turns green and shows “Connected”.You can now use MiniProg4 to program the target device by clicking the Program button.Figure 2-3. PSoC Programmer: MiniProg4 Connect/Disconnect and ProgramFor more information on how to use PSoC Programmer, see Help Topics under the Help menuin PSoC Programmer or press [F1].In Cypress Programmer, to connect to the MiniProg4 probe, click Connect/Disconnect button as shown in Figure2-4.If the connection is successful, a status indicator in the lower-right corner of the CypressProgrammer window turns green and shows “Connected”.You can now use MiniProg4 to program the target device by clicking the Program button. Figure 2-4. Cypress Programmer: MiniProg4 Connect/Disconnect and ProgramFor more information on how to use Cypress Programmer, see View Help under the Help menu in Cypress Programmer or press [F1].2.3MiniProg4 LEDsMiniProg4 has three indicator LEDs - Mode (Amber), Status (Green), and Error (Red) as shown in Figure 2-5. Table 2-1 indicates the behavior of these LEDs for various operations.Figure 2-5. MiniProg4 LEDsTable 2-1. LED representation for various operations of MiniProg4Programming ModeProgramming Status Three LEDsMode Indicator (Amber LED)Status Indicator 1 (Green LED)Status Indicator 2 (Red LED)CMSIS-DAP HID ProgrammingRamping (1 Hz)8 Hz OFF SuccessON OFF ErrorOFF ON IdleOFF OFF CMSIS-DAP Bulk ProgrammingON 8 Hz OFF SuccessON OFF ErrorOFF ON IdleOFF OFF BootloaderN/A 1 Hz OFF OFF Custom Application N/A 8 Hz ON ONInstalling MiniProg42.4MiniProg4 ButtonsMiniProg4 has two buttons that enable switching between various operating modes. Figure2-6shows the location of the buttons. In order to understand switching MiniProg4 modes, refer toFigure2-7.On power-up, MiniProg4 is in CMSIS-DAP/BULK Mode by default. If the Mode Select button ispressed, MiniProg4 enters CMSIS-DAP/HID mode. If the Custom App button is pressed, MiniProg4enters custom application mode where a user can run their own custom applications on the MCUcontained in the MiniProg4. See Figure2-7 for details.For details of LED indications of various modes of MiniProg4, refer to Table2-1.Figure 2-6. MiniProg4 ButtonsFigure 2-7. Various MiniProg4 Button Modes3.T echnical DescriptionMiniProg4 is a protocol translation device. With MiniProg4, the PC host software can communicate through a USB port to the target device to be programmed or debugged, as shown in Figure 3-1.Table 3-1 lists the protocols that are supported by each connector. MiniProg4 enables communication with the target devices using I/O voltage levels from 1.5 V to 5 V. Figure 3-1. System Block DiagramTable 3-1. Connectors / Communication Protocol SupportConnector SWD I 2CSPIUART (With and Without Flow Control)5-pin Supported N/A N/A N/A 10-pin Supported N/A N/A N/A 6x2 headerN/ASupportedSupportedSupported3.1Interfaces3.1.1SWDARM-based devices support the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) protocol. The PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, andPSoC 6 MCU device families implement this standard, which offers programming and debuggingfunctions. MiniProg4 supports programming and debugging of PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, and PSoC6devices using SWD through the 5-pin or 10-pin connector.Before programming a PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, or PSoC 6 MCU device, make sure you review theelectrical connection requirements in the respective device datasheet or in the PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP,and PSoC 6 MCU device programming specifications. You can find the datasheets andprogramming specifications here:/PSoC4/PSoC5LP/PSoC63.1.2I2CI2C is a common serial interface standard. It is mainly used for communication betweenmicrocontrollers and other ICs on the same board but can also be used for intersystemcommunications. MiniProg4 uses an I2C multimaster host controller that allows the tool to exchangedata with I2C-enabled devices on the target board. For example, this feature may be used to tuneCapSense® designs.MiniProg4 serves as a USB-I2C bridge (acts as I2C Master) that can be used to communicate with aI2C slave devices through the Bridge Control Panel software. For I2C connections use the 6×2connector. MiniProg4 has internal pull-up resistors and supports I2C speed up to 1 MHz.3.1.3SPIThe Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial communication interface specificationused for short distance communication, primarily in embedded systems. SPI devices communicatein full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture with a single master.MiniProg4 serves as a USB-SPI bridge (acts as SPI Master) that can be used to communicate with aSPI slave devices through the Bridge Control Panel software. For SPI connections use the 6x2connector. MiniProg4 supports SPI speed up to 6 MHz.3.1.4UART with and without Flow ControlUART is another common serial interface standard. MiniProg4 supports UART, which allows the toolto receive data from UART enabled devices on the target board. MiniProg4 provides UARTcommunication both with and without hardware flow control. In order to enable flow control, RTS andCTS pins are provided in the 6x2 I/O header. If flow control is not required, CTS and RTS pins canbe left floating. Terminal emulators such as Tera Term or PuTTY can be used to communicate withthe target PSoC device. MiniProg4 supports UART speed up to 115200 Baud Rate.3.1.5ReferenceFor more information on the PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, and PSoC 6 MCU's JTAG, SWD, and I2Cinterfaces, see the PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, and PSoC 6 Technical Reference Manuals.For more details on how to use MiniProg4 with Bridge Control Panel, refer to the Bridge ControlPanel Help document.3.2Connectors3.2.15-Pin ConnectorThe 5-pin connector is configured as a single row with a 100-mil pitch. Suggested mating connectorpart number is Molex Connector Corporation 22-23-2051.Figure 3-2. 5-Pin Connector with Pin AssignmentsNote: If the design requires MiniProg4 to be directly plugged to the target board with a 5-pin header,adequate mechanical clearance shall be provided near the 5-pin header on the target board. Thewidth & height of MiniProg4 (5-pin header area) is 25mm x 13mm. If the design cannot meet therequired mechanical clearance, use a stackable header (such as Proto-PIC 20690).3.2.210-Pin ConnectorThe 10-pin connector is configured as a dual row with 50-mil pitch. It is used with a ribbon cable(provided) to mate to a similar connector on the target board. The signal assignment is shown inFigure3-3. Suggested mating connector part number is CNC Tech 3220-10-0300-00 or Samtec Inc.FTSH-105-01-F-DV-K-TR.Figure 3-3. 10-Pin Connector with Pin AssignmentsHere is a summary of the protocols and related pin assignments. The pin mapping is also shown on the back of the MiniProg4 case.3.2.36x2 ConnectorThis connector supports all the communication protocols like I 2C, SPI, UART (with or without flow control supported by MiniProg4). Figure 3-4 shows the pin assignments. They are also shown on the back of the MiniProg4 case.Figure 3-4. 6x2 Connector Pin AssignmentsTable 3-2. Communication Protocol Pin AssignmentsProtocolSignal 5-Pin 10-Pin SWDSDIO52SCK 44XRES3103.3PowerMiniProg4 can be powered using the USB interface.On kits/boards where there is a single power supply for the entire board, MiniProg4 can supplypower to the board. However, this supply is limited to approximately 200 mA, and is protectedagainst excess current draw. You can select 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V, or 5 V from PSoC Programmer orCypress Programmer. The 5 V supply may vary between 4.25 V–5.5 V, because it is supplieddirectly from the USB port. The maximum deviation for other voltages is +5%.Note:Some PSoC device families do not support 5 V operation. Refer to the respective devicedatasheet for supported voltage selection.Voltage stress beyond acceptable limits can permanently damageMiniProg4. Programming signals can withstand over-voltage up tomaximum 12 V and minimum up to –5 V. Communication bridge signals(I2C, UART & SPI) can withstand over-voltage only up to maximum 6 Vand minimum up to –1 V.A.AppendixA.1Regulatory Compliance InformationThe CY8KCIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit complies with the CE-Low Voltage Directive2006/95/EC (Europe) safety requirement. It has been tested and verified to comply with the followingelectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations.■CISPR 22 - Emissions■EN 55022 Class A - Immunity (Europe)■CE - EMC Directive 2004/108/EC■CE Declaration of ConformityDocument Revision HistoryDocument Title: CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit Guide Document Number: 002-19782Revision ECN#Issue Date Origin ofChangeDescription of Change**628449410/31/2018NMIT New kit guide.*A637876211/08/2018SRDS Updated Installing MiniProg4chapter on page7:Updated “MiniProg4 Installation” on page8:Updated description.Updated Figure2-3.*B658102405/24/2019SRDS Updated Copyright information.。



W25Q64中文资料出版日期:2022年7月8日-1-版本E64M位与串行闪存双路和四路SPIW25Q64BV-2-目录1,一般DESCRIPTION.................................................... ...........................................................52。

FEATURES....................................................... ............................................................... .................53引脚配置SOIC208-MIL............................................................ ................................64,焊垫配置WSON8某6-MM............................................................. ...........................65,焊垫配置PDIP300-MIL............................................................ ...............................76引脚说明SOIC208密耳,PDIP300密耳和WSON8某6-MM................................7......7引脚配置SOIC300mil 的............................................................. . (8)8引脚SOIC封装说明300-MIL............................................................ ......................................88.1包装Type........................................................... ..........................................................98.2片选(/CS).......................................................... .. (9)8.3串行数据输入,输出和IO(DI,DO和IO0,IO1,IO2,IO3).............................9.......8.4写保护(/WP)...............................................................................................................98.5控股(/HOLD)........................................................ . (98).6串行时钟(CLK).......................................................... ......................................................99座DIAGRAM........................................................ ............................................................... ...1010功能DESCRIPTION.................................................... ...................................................1110.1SPIOPE RATIONS........................................................ .....................................................1110.1.1标准SPIIntruction.................................................. .................................................1110.1.2双SPIIntruction.................................................. ........................................................1110.1. 3四路SPIIntruction.................................................. .......................................................1110.1.4保持功能............................................................. ........................................................1110.2写保护............................................................. (12)10.2.1写保护Feature........................................................ ................................................1211,控制和状态寄存器............................................................. (13)11.1状态REGISTER....................................................... ...................................................1311.1.1BUSY ............................................................... ............................................................... ....1311.1.2写使能锁存(WEL).......................................................... ........................................1311.1.3块保护位(BP2,BP1,BP0).......................................................... ..........................1311.1.4顶/底块保护(TB)......................................................... ..................................1311.1.5部门/块保护(SEC).......................................................... ......................................1311.1.6状态寄存器保护(SRP,SRP0)......................................................... ......................1411.1.7四路启用(QE)........................................................... ...................................................1411.1.8状态寄存器内存保护............................................................. .. (16)11.2INSTRUCTIONS............................................... ............................................................... (17)11.2.1制造商和设备标识............................................................. .. (17)11.2.2指令集表1............................................................... .........................................18W25Q64BV11.2.3指令表2(阅读说明书)............................................................ ............19出版日期:2022年7月8日-3-修订版E11.2.4写使能(06h).......................................................... ....................................................2011.2.5写禁止(04h).......................................................... ...................................................2011.2.6读状态寄存器1(05H)和读状态寄存器2(35H) (21)11.2.7写状态寄存器(01H)........................................................ ........................................2211.2.8读取数据(03h).......................................................... .......................................................2311.2.9快速阅读(0Bh).......................................................... .......................................................2411.2.1 0快速读双输出(3BH)........................................................ ..................................0.2511.2.11快速读四路输出(6BH)........................................................ ..................................2611.2.12快速读双I/O(BBh)....................................................... ..........................................2711.2.13快速读取四I/O(EBh)...............................................................................................2911.2.14八进制字读取四I/O(E3H)........................................................ .............................3111.2.15页编程(02h).......................................................... ...............................................3311.2.16四路输入页编程(32H)........................................................ (34)11.2.17扇区擦除(20H)......................................................... ..................................................3511.2.1832KB 的块擦除(52H)......................................................... ..........................................3611.2.1964KB的块擦除(D8h)........................................................... ........................................3720年2月11日芯片擦除(C7H/60h)...................................................... ...............................................3821年2月11日擦除挂起(75h)........................................................... .............................................3922年2月11日擦除恢复(7Ah)........................................................... (40)23年11月2日掉电(B9h)............................................................................................................4124年2月11日高性能模式(A3H)........................................................ .................................4225年2月11日发布掉电或高性能模式/设备ID(ABH). (42)26年2月11日读制造商/设备ID(90H)........................................................ .......................4427年2月11日阅读唯一的ID号(4BH)........................................................ .................................4528年2月11日读JEDEC的ID(9Fh)........................................................ ..............................................4629年2月11日连续读取模式复位(FFH或FFFFH)........................................................ ........4712,电气特性............................................................. (48)12.1绝对最大Rating......................................................... .......................................4812.2操作范围............................................................. .................................................4812.3上电时序和写抑制阈值............................................................. . (49)12.4直流电气Characteritic.................................................. ............................................5012.5AC测量条件............................................................. .. (51)12.6AC电气Characteritic.................................................. .. (52)12.7AC电气特性(续)......................................................... (53)12.8串行输出Timing.......................................................... .................................................5412.9输入Timing.......................................................... .. (54)12.10持有Timing.......................................................... . (541)3包装SPECIFICATION................................................... .......................................................55W25Q64B V13.18引脚SOIC208密耳(包装代号SS)............................................................ ...............55-4-13.28引脚PDIP300密耳(封装代码DA)............................................................ ................5613.38触点WSON8某6毫米(封装代码ZE)..................................................................5713.416引脚SOIC300密耳(封装代码SF)............................................................ ..............5814订货INFORMATION..................................................... .....................................................5914.1有效的部件号和顶端标记.............................................................. . (60)15版本HISTORY......................................................... .............................................................61W 25Q64BV出版日期:2022年7月8日-5-修订版E1概述该W25Q64BV(64M位)串行Flah存储器提供了有限的系统存储解决方案空间,引脚和电源。







性质:1. 外观:三氯化氮是无色至淡黄色挥发性液体,具有刺激性气味。

2. 熔点和沸点:它的熔点为-40°C,沸点为71°C。

3. 密度:其密度为1.64 g/cm³。

4. 溶解性:它能够溶解在有机溶剂中,如乙醇和醚。

5. 稳定性:三氯化氮是相对不稳定的化合物,容易分解产生氯气和亚氯酸。

6. 反应性:它是一种强氧化剂,在与其他物质接触时能够引起剧烈的反应,如与有机物接触时会发生爆炸。

危害:1. 刺激性:三氯化氮具有刺激性气味,接触皮肤和眼睛会引起疼痛、发红和发炎。

2. 腐蚀性:它可以腐蚀皮肤和黏膜组织,并引起严重的化学灼伤。

3. 毒性:三氯化氮是一种有毒化合物,吸入其蒸汽或露出于高浓度的气体可能导致呼吸困难、咳嗽、胸闷、头痛等症状,严重时可致命。

4. 爆炸性:三氯化氮与有机物接触时会产生剧烈的爆炸,一旦发生爆炸会造成严重的伤害甚至死亡。

预防:1. 储存和处理:三氯化氮应储存在密闭的容器中,远离可燃物和易燃物。


2. 使用个人防护装备:使用任何有可能接触三氯化氮的设备或物品时,必须佩戴适当的个人防护装备,如防护服、手套、眼镜和面罩。

3. 避免混合:三氯化氮绝对不能与有机物和可燃物混合,以免发生爆炸事故。


4. 安全处理废物:正确处理三氯化氮的废物很重要。


5. 紧急应对措施:如果不慎暴露于三氯化氮,应立即远离源头,并寻求医疗帮助。






广东省潮州市七年级生物上册第一单元人教版基础知识过关卷学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:60分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题:本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。


1.地球上最大的生态系统是()A.农田B.河流C.生物圈D.城市2.下列描述中,属于生物对环境的适应的是()A.种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀B.儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入菜花无处寻C.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后D.人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开3.下列事例体现生物对环境影响的是( )A.蚯蚓可以改良土壤B.干旱使作物减产C.蜥蜴可以改变体色D.枯叶蝶形似枯叶4.俗语简练而形象,其中蕴含着丰富多彩的生物学知识,以下根据俗语写成的食物链中,正确的是( )A.鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利:阳光→蚌→鹬→渔翁B.草尽狐兔愁:草→兔→狐C.大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米,虾米吃烂泥:土壤→虾→小鱼→大鱼D.螳螂捕蝉;黄雀在后:蝉→螳螂→黄雀5.下列农谚能体现生物因素对生物影响的是( )A.花生缺雨不扎针,玉米遇旱穗难伸B.追肥在雨前,一夜长一拳C.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后D.麦怕清明霜,谷要秋来旱6.下列选项中能表示一条食物链的是()A.草→兔←狐B.草→兔→狐C.草←兔←狐D.阳光→草→兔→狐7.在草原生态系统中,各种生物构成了食物链,下列食物链正确的是( )A.草→蚱蜢→食虫鸟→蛇→鹰B.蚱蜢→草→食虫鸟→蛇→鹰C.阳光→草→蚱蜢→食虫鸟→蛇→鹰→细菌D.草←蚱蜢←食虫鸟←蛇←鹰8.郑州市龙湖湿地公园遍布芦苇、菖蒲等植物,有天鹅鸳鸯等多种野生禽鸟在此栖息。

下列说法不正确的是( )A.湿地生态系统具有净化水质、蓄洪抗旱的作用,故有“地球之肺”之称B.芦苇、菖蒲等绿色植物是湿地生态系统中的生产者C.天鹅、鸳鸯在湖中捕食,是湿地生态系统中的消费者D.湿地生态系统的生物种类越多,该生态系统的稳定性就越强9.骆驼刺植株矮小,根系发达,推测该植株生存的环境是()A.干旱地区B.湿润地区C.寒冷地区10.下图是某生态农业的结构示意图,下列说法正确的是( )A.该生态系统中的生产者有小麦、玉米、蔬菜和蘑菇B.该生态系统中的能量最终来源于太阳能C.在该生态系统中存在这条食物链:小麦→蘑菇→人D.该生态系统的自动调节能力是无限的11.下列说法与“生物圈是生物的共同家园,人是生物圈中的普通一员”这一理念不相符的是( )A.大面积围垦和开发湿地可以促进经济发展,更能改善环境B.人类社会应该高质量发展,不能以减少湿地为代价C.生物圈是人类的繁荣家园,也是所有生物的共同家园D.强调环境与经济的协调发展,追求人与自然的和谐相处12.过度砍伐树木会破坏森林生态系统的稳定,这说明( )A.生态系统能进行物质循环B.生态系统的自我调节能力是有一定限度的C.生态系统能进行能量流动D.生态系统具有自我调节能力13.“冬吃萝卜,夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方”。



The NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)36 844 63 80Fax: +31 (0)36 844 81 76BS 381c Colours101 Sky Blue 102 Turquoise Blue103 Peacock Blue 104 Azure Blue105 Oxford Blue 106 Royal Blue107 Strong Blue 108 Aircraft Blue109 Middle Blue 110 Roundel Blue111 Pale Blue 112 Arctic Blue113 Deep Saxe Blue 114 Rail Blue115 Cobalt Blue 166 French Blue172 Pale Roundel Blue 174 Oriental Blue175 Light French Blue 210 Sky216 Eau-De-Nil 217 Sea Green218 Grass Green 220 Olive Green221 Brilliant Green 222 Light Bronze Green223 Middle Bronze Green 224 Deep Bronze Green225 Light Brunswick Green 226 Middle Brunswick GreenThe NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)36 844 63 80Fax: +31 (0)36 844 81 76 227 Deep Brunswick Green 228 Emerald Green241 Dark Green 262 Bold Green267 Deep Chrome Green 275 Opaline Green278 Light Olive Green 280 Verdigris Green283 Forest Green 283 Aircraft Grey Green284 Spruce Green 285 NATO Green298 Olive Drab 309 Canary Yellow310 Primrose 315 Grapefruit320 Light Brown 337 Very Dark Drab350 Dark Earth 352 Pale Cream353 Deep Cream 355 Lemon356 Golden Yellow 358 Light Buff359 Middle Buff 361 Light Stone363 Bold Yellow 365 Vellum366 Light Beige 367 Manilla369 Biscuit 380 Camouflage Desert SandThe NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)36 844 63 80Fax: +31 (0)36 844 81 76 384 Light Straw 388 Beige389 Camouflage Beige 411 Middle Brown412 Dark Brown 414 Golden Brown420 Dark Camouflage Desert Sand 435 Camouflage Red436 Dark Camouflage Brown 444 Terracotta445 Venetian Red 446 Red Oxide447 Salmon Pink 448 Deep Indian Red449 Light Purple Brown 452 Dark Crimson453 Shell Pink 454 Pale Roundel Red460 Deep Buff 473 Gulf Red489 Leaf Brown 499 Service Brown537 Signal Red 538 Cherry539 Currant Red 540 Crimson541 Maroon 542 Ruby557 Light Orange 564 Bold Red568 Apricot 592 International OrangeThe NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)36 844 63 80Fax: +31 (0)36 844 81 76 593 Rail Red 626 Camouflage Grey627 Light Aircraft Grey 629 Dark Camouflage Grey630 French Grey 631 Light Grey632 Dark Admiralty Grey 633 RAF Blue/Grey634 Slate 635 Lead636 PRU Blue 637 Medium Sea Blue638 Dark Sea Grey 639 Light Slate Grey640 Extra Dark Sea Grey 642 Night671 Middle Graphite 676 Light Weatherwork Grey677 Dark Weatherwork Grey 692 Smoke Grey693 Aircraft Grey 694 Dove Grey697 Light Admiralty Grey 796 Dark Violet797 Light VioletIMPORTANT NOTEThis colour chart serves pure as an indication for the wide range of BS colours. The colours visualized in the pages above can differ due to the capabilities of your computer monitor, setup of your software and accuracy of your colour printer. For more accurate colour imaging we refer to the websites below. Furthermore we refer to the disclaimer of the UnitedComposites website.The NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)36 844 63 80Fax: +31 (0)36 844 81 76 LINK to websitesGo toBritish Standard Institute for more accurate colours charts/index.xalterSoftware to get more accurate colour match on computer/downloads.php?type=supplier&filter=RAL。



yīn囙5因6阴6阥6侌8茵9骃9姻9洇9垔9音9栶10氤10殷10陰10隂11陻11凐11秵11铟11裀11絪12筃12堙12愔12喑12婣12溵13蔭13蒑13禋13慇14瘖14銦14鞇15磤15緸15諲16霒16駰16霠17闉17噾17濦17齗19韾20yín冘4乑6吟7犾7圻7烎8斦8泿9垠9圁10狺10峾10荶10珢10訚10訔10訡11银11淫11寅11婬11崟11崯11鈝12龂12滛13碒13鄞13蔩14夤14銀14龈14誾15璌15殥15噖15嚚18蟫18檭18霪19齦21鷣23 yǐn廴2引4尹4饮7吲7蚓10隐11赺11鈏12飲12淾12隠13飮13靷13輑14朄14趛15瘾16檃16隱16嶾17濥17螾17檼18蘟19櫽20癮21讔23yìn印5饮7茚8荫9洕9胤9垽10堷12湚12猌12廕1313窨14酳14癊15慭15憖16憗16鮣16懚17未分类岃6粌10yīng应7応7英8莺10珱10偀10渶11绬11婴11媖11瑛12煐12朠12锳13碤13嫈13嘤14缨14撄14甇14緓14蝧14罂14賏14樱15璎15鹦16噟16霙16罃16褮16鴬16韺17嬰17膺17應17鹰18甖18鶑19鶧19罌20譍20孆20嚶20攖20蘡20孾20瀴20櫻21瓔21礯21譻21鶯21鑍22鷪23蠳23纓23鷹24鸎25鸚28yíng迎7盁7茔8荥9荧9盈9莹10萤11营11萦11蛍11営11萾12溁12溋12滢13蓥13塋13楹13僌13颖13熒14蝇14潆14蝿15禜15瑩15螢16營16嬴16縈16覮17謍17赢17濙17濚17濴17藀17瀅18蠅18鎣18巆19攍19瀛19瀯19瀠19贏20櫿20灐21籝22灜23籯26yǐng郢9矨9浧10梬11颍12颕13摬14影15潁15穎16瘿16頴16鐛20廮20巊20癭22yìng应7映9暎12硬12媵13膡15鱦23未分类栍9桜10愥11闏17zěn怎9zèn谮14譖19zēng曽11曾12増14鄫14缯15增15憎15橧16璔16磳17矰17罾17繒18譄19zèng综11锃12鋥15缯15赠16熷16甑16鬵18贈19囎22拼音汉字nèn(3)恁10嫩14嫰14拼音汉字néng(1)能10zhēn贞6针7侦8帧9浈9胗9珍9珎9貞9針10祯10桢10真10眞10砧10帪10偵11酙11葴12幀12寊12湞12遉12斟13溱13嫃13獉13搸13蓁13蒖13甄13椹13楨13禎13鉁13禛14瑧14榛14碪14殝14潧15箴15臻16樼16澵16薽16錱16轃17鍼17籈19鱵26zhěn诊7枕8抮8轸9昣9胗9弫9姫9屒10眕10疹10畛10袗10聄11紾11裖12軫12覙12診12缜13駗15稹15縝16縥16辴19鬒20黰22zhèn阵6圳6纼7甽8鸩9陣9侲9挋9振10栚10朕10紖10眹11赈11塦12揕12絼13賑14誫14镇15震15鴆15鎭18鎮18未分类鋴15zhēng丁2正5争6佂7诤8征8姃8怔8爭8糽8埩9炡9政9挣9狰9峥9烝10脀10钲10眐10症10聇11睁11铮11掙11崝11崢11猙11揁12媜12筝12踭13鉦13睜13徰13蒸13錚14箏14篜16鲭16鬇16癥20鏳20zhěng氶5抍7拯9掟11晸13愸14撜15整16zhèng正5争6证7诤8郑8怔8政9挣99症10铮11証12幁12塣13諍13靕13鄭1414鴊16證19xīn忄3心4邤66辛7芯7妡7忻7炘8杺8欣8昕8盺9莘10俽10惞11訢11鈊12锌12歆13新13廞15鋅15噷16嬜16薪16馨20鑫24馫27 xín枔8镡17襑17鐔20xǐn伈6xìn阠5伩6囟6孞7芯7信9軐10訫11脪11衅11焮12馸14顖19舋20釁26xīng兴6狌8星9垶10骍10猩12惺12煋13瑆13腥13觪14篂15箵15鮏16興16觲17騂17曐17皨18鯹20xíng刑6邢6饧6行6陉7形7侀8郉8陘9荥9洐9型9钘9娙10铏11硎11鈃12蛵13滎14銒14鉶14鋞15餳17xǐng省9睲14醒16擤17xìng兴6杏7性8幸8姓8荇9莕10倖10婞11悻11涬11葕12緈14﨨16嬹19臖20未分类哘9謃16wēn昷9温12溫13辒13殟13榅13瑥13瘟14榲14緼15蕰15豱16輼16轀17鳁17鞰18鰛20鰮21wén文4芠7彣7纹7炆8闻9蚊10蚉10紋10阌11珳11雯12駇14馼14聞14瘒14鳼15鴍15魰15螡16閿16閺16闅17蟁17鼤17繧18闦21 wěn刎6伆6吻7呅7抆7呡8肳8紊10桽11脗11稳14穏17穩19wèn问6妏7免7汶7莬10問11渂11揾12搵13絻13顐18璺20未分类塭12鎾17饂17拼音汉字wēng翁10嗡13滃13鹟15螉16聬16鎓18鶲21wěng勜12奣12嵡13蓊13滃13塕13暡14瞈15攚19wèng瓮8蕹16甕17罋19齆24tēng膯16鼟25téng疼10痋11幐13腾13誊13漛14滕15邆15駦16螣16縢16謄1718儯18藤18騰20鰧21籐21籘22虅23驣26tèng霯20拼音汉字tīng厅4庁5汀5町7听7耓8烃9厛9烴11桯11綎12鞓16聴17聼19廰20聽22廳25tíng邒4廷6莛9庭9亭9停11葶12婷12嵉12渟12蜓12筳12楟13榳13閮14霆14蝏15聤15諪16鼮19tǐng圢5甼7侹8娗9挺9涏9烶10梃10珽10脡10铤11艇12颋12誔13鋌14頲15tìng梃10sēn森12椮12槮15襂16拼音汉字sēng 僧14鬙22拼音汉字shēn申5扟6屾6伸7身7籶8侁8参8诜8冞8罙8呻8妽8绅8柛9氠9穼9珅9姺9籸9娠10峷10莘10眒10甡10砷10深11紳11敒11兟12訷12棯12裑12葠12蓡13罧13詵13糁14甧14蔘14糂15鲹16駪16薓16燊16曑17鵢18鯓18鯵19鰺22shén什4神9甚9鉮13鰰20shěn邥6弞7沈7矤8审8哂9矧9谂10谉10婶11訠11渖11諗15審15頣15魫15曋16瞫17瀋18嬸18讅22覾22shèn肾8胂9甚9侺9昚9涁10眘10脤11渗11祳11葚12腎12瘆13慎13愼13椹13蜃13蜄13滲14鋠15瘮16未分类堔11榊13籡22shēng升4生5阩6呏7声7斘7枡8昇8泩8狌8苼8陞9珄9牲9殅9陹10笙11湦12焺12甥12鉎13鍟17聲17鼪18鵿19shéng渑11绳11憴15縄15繉17繩18譝19shěng省9眚10偗11渻12shèng圣5胜9晟10晠10乘10剰11盛11貹12剩12勝12嵊13琞13聖13墭14榺14蕂15賸17未分类竔9曻10﨡11橳16rén人2亻2仁4壬4朲6忈6任6芢7忎7秂7魜13銋14鵀17rěn忍7荏9荵10栠10栣10秹11稔13躵14rèn刃3刄3认4讱5仞5仭5任6纫6屻6饪7牣7纴7轫7杒7妊7韧7肕7祍8姙9衽9紉9紝10軔10訒10袵11梕11葚12腍12絍12鈓12飪12靭12靱12韌12餁14認14拼音汉字rēng扔5réng仍4辸5礽6芿7陾11rèng艿5qīn侵9亲9钦9衾10骎10媇12嵚12欽12綅13嵰13誛14嶔15親16顉17駸17鮼18寴19qín芹7芩7庈7肣8矜9秦10蚙10菦10埐10珡10耹10捦11菳11禽12覃12鈙12鈫12雂12琴12琹12溱13勤13靲13嫀13嗪13廑14慬14嶜15擒15噙15鳹15斳15澿16檎16懄16螓16瘽16懃17蠄18鵭19qǐn坅7昑8笉10赾11梫11寑12锓12寝13寢14鋟15螼17qìn吣7吢7抋7沁7唚10菣11揿12搇13撳15藽19瀙19qīng4靑8青8轻9氢9郬10卿10倾10寈11清11淸11埥11圊11氫11軽12傾13蜻14輕14錆16鲭16鯖19鑋22qíng夝8甠9剠10勍10啨11情11殑11棾12葝1212氰12晴12暒1315擏15樈15檠16擎16黥20qǐng苘8顷8请10頃11庼11廎14漀15請15謦18檾18qìng庆6亲9凊10倩10掅11殸11碃13綮14箐14靘14慶15磬16罄17濪17儬17未分类硘11櫦19pēn喷12噴15濆15歕16pén瓫8盆9葐12湓12pěn呠8翸18pèn喯11喷12拼音汉字pēng匉7抨8泙8怦8恲9砰10硑11烹11梈11軯12閛13剻13漰14嘭15駍15磞16péng芃6朋8竼9莑10倗10捀10堋11弸11袶11彭12棚12椖12搒13塜13塳13傰13蓬13稝13鹏13硼13樥14熢14澎15憉15輣15錋16篷16篣16膨16韸16髼17鬅18蟛18蟚18纄19蘕19韼19鵬19鬔20騯20鑝21 pěng捧11淎11皏11pèng掽11椪12碰13槰14踫15未分类輧15pīn拚8拼9姘9砏9礗19穦19馪23驞24pín贫8玭8娦10貧11琕12嫔13频13嬪17薲17蘋19嚬19矉19颦21顰24 pǐn品9榀13pìn牝6汖7娉10聘13未分类朩4拼音汉字pīng乒6甹7俜9娉10涄10砯10聠12艵12頩15píng冯5平5评7苹8郱8凭8呯8坪8枰9玶9胓9屏9洴9帡9荓9瓶10蚲11萍11帲11淜11幈12蓱12蛢12缾12甁12塀12焩12評12鲆13軿13竮14凴14箳15慿15憑16鮃16檘17簈17pǐng屛11未分类岼8nín(2)囜5您11nǐn(1)拰9未分类脌10拼音汉字níng(26)宁5苧8咛8狞8拧8柠9聍11甯12寍12寕12寗13寜13寧14凝16儜16橣16擰17獰17嚀17薴17嬣17檸18聹20鑏22鬡24鸋25nǐng(2)拧8矃19nìng(8)宁5佞7侫8拧8泞8倿10澝15濘17mēn闷7mén门3们5扪6汶7玧8钔8門8閅10們10菛11捫11璊15穈16鍆16亹22虋29mèn闷7焖11悶12暪15燜16懑17懣18未分类椚12拼音汉字mēng掹11蒙13擝16méng尨7甿8氓8虻9莔10萌11蒙13溕13盟13鄳14甍14蝱15鄸15儚15蕄15瞢15橗15幪16濛16懞16檬17曚17氋17朦17鹲18礞18鯍18矇18艨19矒20饛21霿21靀21顭22鸏24měng黾8勐10冡10猛11蒙13锰13蜢14艋14錳16獴16懵18蠓19鯭19鼆22mèng孟8梦11夢13夣14懜16霥18mín民5玟8苠8姄8岷8怋8旻8旼8盿9砇9珉9罠10崏11捪11缗12琘12琝12瑉13碈13痻13鈱13緍14緡15錉16鴖16鍲17mǐn皿5冺7刡7忟7闵7黾8抿8泯8忞8敃9勄9闽9悯10敏11笢11閔12黽12惽12湣12敯13暋13愍13閩14僶14潣15憫15慜15簢18鳘19蠠21鰵22未分类垊8笽11拼音汉字míng名6明8鸣8眀9洺9茗9冥10眳11朙11铭11鄍12蓂13溟13嫇13猽13詺13銘14鳴14榠14暝14瞑15螟16覭17mǐng佲8姳9凕12慏13酩13mìng命8未分类掵11lēng棱12léng唥10塄12楞13稜13碐13薐16 lěng冷7lèng倰10堎11愣12楞13睖13踜15līn拎8lín厸4邻7阾7林8临9冧10啉11崊11淋11晽12粦12琳12碄13粼14箖14鄰14隣14隣14遴15潾15嶙15獜15暽16辚16燐16斴16璘16霖16瞵17磷17疄17臨17繗18翷18麐18轔19鏻20鳞20瀶20壣20驎22麟23鱗23lǐn菻11亃13僯14凛15凜15撛15澟16懔16懍16廪16廩16檩17檁17癛18癝18lìn吝7临9恡9悋10赁10啉11淋11焛12賃13蔺14橉16甐16膦16閵16蹸19藺19躏21躙23躪26轥26líng令5伶7刢7灵7坽8囹8夌8苓8彾8呤8姈8狑8泠8柃9朎9昤9瓴9玲9皊10秢10铃10竛10鸰10砱10陵10羐10凌10菱11淩11崚11掕11婈11棂11琌11蛉11聆11紷11衑11翎11舲11笭11绫11羚11詅12軨12跉12祾12棱12裬13蓤13龄13鈴13閝13零13綾14蔆14輘15霊15駖15鹷16鴒16魿16霗16鲮16錂16蕶16澪16燯17霛17霝17齢17鯪19酃19孁20齡20櫺21醽24麢28欞28爧28龗34lǐng令5岭8岺8袊10领11領14嶺17lìng另5令5呤8炩9蘦20靈24kěn肎6肯8肻8垦9恳10啃11豤13貇13錹16墾16懇17kèn掯11硍11裉11褃13拼音汉字kēng阬6劥6吭7妔7坑7挳10硁10牼11铿12硜12硻13誙14摼14銵15鍞17鏗19jīn(25)巾3今4仐4斤4钅5金8釒8觔9矜9衿9荕9津9珒10紟10矝10琎11惍11釿12堻12筋12禁13璡15黅15鹶15襟18jǐn(24)仅4尽6卺8侭8巹9紧10堇11菫11厪13谨13僅13锦13嫤14馑14漌14蓳14廑14緊14槿15瑾15儘16錦16謹18饉19jìn(48)仅4伒6劤6尽6妗7劲7进7近7枃8浕9勁9荩9浸10赆10烬10晋10晉10祲11進11唫11煡12缙13溍13寖13搢13禁13靳13盡14墐14瑨14歏15殣15凚15僸15觐15縉16賮16噤16濅16濜17嚍17藎17嬧17燼18璶18覲18贐21齽28未分类兓8砛9琻12壗17jīng(40)巠7坕7坙7泾8茎8京8径8经8亰9荆9荊9秔9涇10婛11猄11惊11旌11旍11菁11経11稉12葏12晶12腈12睛13經13粳1313精14綡14聙14兢14鲸16麖19鶄19鶁19鯨19鼱21驚22麠24jǐng(26)井4丼5阱6刭7宑7汫7坓7汬8肼8穽9剄9殌11景12儆14頚14幜15澋15憬15璄15璟16璥16憼16暻16頸16蟼18警19jìng(46)劲7妌7迳8弪8净8径8经8浄9俓9婙9胫9莖10弳10逕10倞10徑10凈10竞10痉10竟11竫11淨11桱11梷11婧11脛11靓12敬12竧12痙12傹13靖13静14獍14誩14踁14境14靚15靜16镜16曔16瀞17鵛18鏡19競20竸22未分类橸16拼音汉字hén(3)拫9痕11鞎15hěn(5)佷8很9哏9狠9詪13hèn(1)恨9拼音汉字hēng(5)亨7哼10涥10悙10脝11héng(16)行6恒9恆9姮9珩10胻10烆10桁10鸻11撗14横15橫16衡16鴴17蘅19鑅22héng(1)鵆17hèng(2)啈11横15gēn根10跟13gén哏9gěn艮6gèn亘6亙6艮6茛9揯12搄12拼音汉字hēng亨7哼10涥10悙10脝11héng行6恒9恆9姮9珩10胻10烆10桁10鸻11撗14横15橫16衡16鴴17蘅19鑅22héng鵆17hèng啈11横15fēn(22)分4芬7帉7吩7纷7氛8昐8玢8衯9紛10翂10躮11訜11酚11棻11梤11鈖12雰12馚13餴16朆16饙20fén(32)妢7岎7汾7坟7炃8朌8枌8羒10蚠10蚡10焚12棼12蒶13隫14魵15蕡15幩15獖15墳15濆15燌16燓16橨16豮16鼢17羵18鼖18豶19轒19鐼20馩21黂23fěn(2)粉10黺16fèn(18)分4份6弅7坋7忿8奋8秎9偾11粪12愤12僨14憤15膹16奮16糞17鲼17瀵20鱝23未分类竕9瞓15拼音汉字ēng鞥18未分类椧12fēng(46)丰4风4凨6仹6凬7妦7沣7凮8枫8盽9疯9砜9封9風9峰10峯10偑11桻11烽11堼12葑12崶12渢12猦12锋12犎13楓13蜂13碸14瘋14篈15僼15鄷15鋒15檒17豐18鎽18鏠18酆20蘴21寷21灃21蠭22靊26飌26麷29féng(14)冯5夆7沨7浲10逢10溄12堸12馮12艂13漨13缝13摓13綘13縫16fěng(5)风4讽6覂10唪11諷16fèng(14)风4凤4奉8俸10葑12湗12焨12煈13缝13赗13鳯13鳳14鴌15賵16未分类琒11拼音汉字ēn奀7恩10蒽13煾14ěn峎9Èn摁13dèn扥6扽7拼音汉字dēng灯6登12豋13僜14噔15嬁15燈16璒16竳17簦18蹬19děng等12戥13dèng邓4鄧14隥14凳14嶝15澄15墱15镫17瞪17磴17櫈18覴19蹬19鐙20未分类艠18拼音汉字dīng丁2仃4帄5叮5玎6钉7盯7疔7町7虰8耵8酊9釘10靪11dǐng艼5奵5顶8酊9頂11鼎12鼑14嵿14濎15薡15鐤20dìng订4饤5忊5钉7矴7定8訂9飣10铤11萣11啶11椗12腚12锭13碇13碠14錠16顁17磸17cēn参8嵾14cén岑7涔10埁10笒10梣11拼音汉字cēng噌15céng层7曾12層15嶒15竲17驓22 cèng蹭19chēn抻8郴10捵11棽12琛12嗔13綝14賝15諃15瞋15謓17chén尘6臣6辰7忱7沉7陈7迧8茞9莀10莐10宸10陳10栕10桭11谌11訦11軙11敐11晨11鈂12愖12煁13蔯13樄14塵14敶14瘎14霃15諶16螴16薼17麎18曟19鷐22chěn趻11硶12碜13墋14夦15踸16磣16鍖17贂18chèn衬8疢9称10龀10趁12趂12榇13齓16齔17儭18谶19嚫19櫬20襯21讖24未分类烥10chēng阷7泟8爯9柽9棦10称10秤10浾10琤10偁11铛11碀11蛏11晿12牚12赪13靗14憆14稱14摚14撑15撐15噌15樘15緽15頳16赬16瞠16橕16檉17竀17罉18蟶19穪19鏿20鐣20饓20chéng丞6成6朾6呈7郕8诚8枨8承8荿9宬9娍9峸9洆9城9乗9乘10埕10挰10珹10珵11窚11掁11脭11铖11盛11程12揨12堘12裎12絾12筬12惩12椉12棖12誠13塍13塖13溗13酲14鋮14畻14澄15澂15憕15橙16檙16瀓18懲19騬20chěng侱9徎10逞10骋10悜10庱11睈12裎12騁17chèng称10秤10牚12未分类鯎17bīn,邠6玢8宾10彬11梹11椕12傧12斌12滨13缤13賓14賔14豩14槟14瑸14镔15儐16濒16頻16豳17濱17濵17虨17璸18檳18瀕19霦19繽20蠙20鑌22顮23bìn,摈13殡14膑14髩14鬂17擯17殯18臏18髌19鬓20髕23鬢24拼音汉字bīng,冫2仌4氷5并6冰6兵7屏9栟10掤11槟14bǐng,丙5邴7陃7苪8怲8抦8秉8昞9昺9炳9柄9屏9饼9绠10眪10蛃11偋11寎12棅12鈵13禀13稟13鉼14餅14餠16鞞17bìng,并6幷8並8併8庰9倂10栤10竝10病10窉10傡12摒12誁13鮩17靐39未分类垪9鞆14。



管道穿越相关规范侯振海整理2016年8月《由田油气集输设计规范》503505.1.2埋地管线的敷设深度(自然地面至管顶)应根据岩线地形、地面荷载情况、保湿及稳定性要求等综合考虑确定,但不应小于下列数值:埋地管线的敕设深度(白然地面至管顶)应槻据沿线地形、地面荷戟情况、保温及稳定性藍我等综育考虑确定,但不应小于下列数值二---- 水田.CL 8m ; 1i-早地* 0.7m;---- 荒地,0.5nio5 1-3 油气集输管线穿跨越铁跆应符合下列變求’1 穿跨越地点应位于火车站进站倩号机UX外纹2 穿趣铁跆应设匿保护套骨*奁管顶距轨枕底应不小于1套傳应伸出路基护坡基脚2m以外.管线与铁路尽诞成正交,其夹角不应小于60S3 跨越钱蹄时*净空拓度不应小f- 5*跨越电气化铁路时. 审空肓度不应小于11叫5.1.4 管纯穿越商速公路和-至二级公路应设聞保护套管■套借顶距路囱不应小J- 0,7m.fi管两端伸岀路基坡脚不咸小于2g 管线与公路之间的夹角不宜小于60\>5.1.5 管线跨越公略时.净空高度不应小于5 5m.当跨越矿区公路时,净空高度不应小尸5m, '5.1.6 油气集檢管线穿跨越爹年平均水位水面宽度大于或静于20m的河流时•应执行国家现行标准《原油和天然气输送特道穿跨越工稈设计规范>SY/T 0015. 1 - SY/T 0015.2的有关规定©暂线穿肾越麦年耶均水位水面宽度小于20m的河獺时.可按以下要求设计。

1 蹄越通陋河渠时”管丿氏标髙应不低干同•河渠桥涵的浄2穿越河渠吋应设保护套管,管线埋入河床深度,对稳定河床面咸不小并应采取适晋的億管播施;对不稱定的河球面应按水文资料确走管线埋深和稳管及护岸措施“油气输送管道穿越工程设计规范GB 50423-20073,5.5在穿越铁略(公路》的管段上*不应设程水平或竖向曲线及弯管. 3,5.6穿越铁路或二级及二级以上公路时.应采用在套管或涵洞之内敷设穿越管gL穿越三级及三级以下公路时,管段町采用挖沟克接埠设r当套管或涵嗣内充填细七将穿越管段埠人时•町不设排气管及两端的严密封堵。


















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本金收益 8.9% 8.5%
套作一倍收益 8.9%-3%=5.9% 5.5%
套作两倍收益 5.9%+5.9%=11.8% 11%
避税损失 0.4%,实际上,每年年底债市都不好。



这样套作2倍年收益 11%+8.5%=19.5%。












目前,ytm是8.36% 同样可以计算得套作两倍,收益率为 8.36+(8.36-0.4-3)*2= 18.28% 建好仓后,每天点点鼠标,放放正回购,然后每年避下税。









1 套作两倍后,还有资金出来,fl,打新股,打新债,套利。



2 如果什么都不管,无论债市涨跌,一年20%,如果再接合趋势,作作大波段,比如,行情好时,7%的债券可能涨到105附近,差的时候跌




