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绩效考核是公司绩效管理活动的重要内容,也是绩效管理成功与否的关键。而KPI(关键绩效考核)是对传统绩效考核的创新与改进,KPI考核强调员工的工作行为与企业的目标、战略能够有效结合,将企业战略能够通过员工的具体工作行为体现出现,最终促进企业战略目标的实现。但是在实际过程中,很多企业都会出现对考核体系构建不合理、考核结果与反馈不注重的情况出现,因此,必须加强改进。在这种背景下,本文以西安xx物业公司管理人员为例,首先对xx 物业管理公司管理人员绩效考核的现状进行分析,在此基础上阐述其存在的问题及形成的原因,接着根据存在的问题,提出基于KPI绩效考核构建xx物业公司管理人员的绩效考核方案,并且提出其切实可行的实施措施,以促进KPI绩效考核方法在xx物业公司的实施,从而提升员工的满意度,进一步提升公司的竞争实力。


Title:Design on KPI performance appraisal program of management staff in xx property company

Performance appraisal is an important part of corporate performance management activities conducive to team and individual goals to reach ruled in favor of behavior. The KPI (Key performance appraisal) is the innovation and improvement of traditional performance appraisal, KPI assessment emphasizes work of the staff and corporate objectives, strategies can be effectively combined with the corporate strategy through specific work of the staff reflects the emergence and ultimately promote enterprise achieve strategic objectives. But in the actual process, many companies will appear on Measurement System unreasonable, examination results and feedback of the situation do not pay attention, therefore, must be strengthened to improve. In this paper, Xi'an, open property management staff KPI performance management assessment, for example, first the status quo through the open property management companies to analyze performance appraisal explain their problems and formed on the basis of reason, then depending on the presence of issue, KPI-based performance appraisal performance appraisal program to build through the open property company executives, and to present their practical implementation of measures to promote KPI performance evaluation method implemented by the open property companies, so as to enhance employee satisfaction, further enhance the company's competitiveness.

Management personnel; KPI; performance appraisal


前言 (1)

1 相关理论综述 (1)

1.1 KPI绩效考核的含义 (1)

1.2 KPI指标选取应遵循的原则 (1)

2 xx物业公司管理人员绩效考核现状分析 (2)

2.1 公司基本情况概述 (2)

2.1.1 公司背景 (2)

2.1.2 公司人力资源概况 (2)

2.2 管理人员绩效考核的现状分析 (3)

3 xx物业公司管理人员绩效考核存在问题及形成原因 (4)

3.1 存在的问题 (4)

3.1.1公司领导者对中层管理人员绩效意识淡薄 (4)

3.1.2 缺少定量的绩效管理指标 (5)

3.1.3 绩效考核的定位不清晰 (5)

3.2 形成原因 (5)

3.2.1 绩效考核体系不健全 (5)

3.2.2 绩效考核方法不科学 (5)

3.2.3 考核目标不清晰,绩效指标不具体 (6)

4 基于KPI的xx物业公司管理人员绩效考核方案构建 (6)

4.1 确定工作产出 (6)

4.2 建立评估指标 (6)

4.3 设定评估标准 (7)

4.3.1 工作业绩考核指标的标准设计 (8)

4.3.2工作态度考核指标的标准设计 (9)

4.3.3 工作能力考核指标的标准设计 (10)

4.3.4职业道德考核指标的标准设计 (10)

5 基于KPI的xx物业公司管理人员绩效考核方案实施 (11)

5.1 绩效考核的范围 (11)

5.2 绩效考核的频率和时间 (12)

5.3 绩效考核的方式 (12)

5.4 绩效考核结果的反馈与管理 (13)

结论 (14)
